Sonoma County : A Community Portrait

SO CO Pod Ep. 28 Miguel Elliott of Living Earth Structures on Building Sustainably Out of Dirt, Clay, Sand, and Straw ( Cob )

Cincinnatus Hibbard Season 3 Episode 28

Miguel Elliott is a local visionary attempting to revive one our most ancient building practices cob construction ( similar to Adobe or Daub and Waddle ) to alleviate our environmental and housing crises in one beautiful and economical solution.

Although we are stuck on one conventional material process of building ( that is expensive, unsustainable, and highly toxic when burned ), cob construction is a compelling alternative, capable of producing the entire city-set of practical structures ( even six story towers ! ). And rather than be dependent on Corporate and vast dubious global supply chains, cob-construction could make Sonoma County self -dependant and sovereign by turning our subsoil, straw, and sea shells (lime) into an unlimited and cheap building resource! We can live off and in the land ! These cob structures are water-proof, fire proof, and earthquake resistant! And if properly maintained, they can last a thousand years! Amazing!

Listen and be inspired by Miguel's vision! And reach out to him, he's local and happy to sell his skills and teach what he knows!