Midweek Insights

20. Revolutionizing Coaching with AI

June 28, 2023 Dezzy Charalambous Season 1 Episode 20
20. Revolutionizing Coaching with AI
Midweek Insights
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Midweek Insights
20. Revolutionizing Coaching with AI
Jun 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 20
Dezzy Charalambous

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Have you ever wondered how AI can revolutionize coaching? This is exactly what I explore with my guest, brilliant thinker and coach for coaches, Danny Den Hartog. We begin our insightful journey delving into Danny's transition from a career in sales and business development to finding his passion in coaching. His tale of identifying the ideal audience strikes a cord, as he shares how this journey led him into the world of virtual summits, digital products, and online courses.

In our conversation, we uncovered the astonishing potential of using generative AI in coaching. Danny gives us a vibrant picture of how AI can mimic your tone and style and help in crafting emails, even building a personal system to serve your clients better. What's intriguing is Danny's perspective on how AI with context can know you better than your own self! It's a fascinating exploration of integrating AI into coaching, pushing the boundaries and redefining the traditional methods.

As we discuss the ethical considerations of AI in coaching, Danny shares his insights on using past experiences as strength triggers. He gives us a glimpse of how he overcame personal struggles, encouraging us to embrace our past as an essential part of our growth. Our conversation is a treasure trove of practical insights and thought-provoking ideas on coupling AI and coaching for enhanced personal development. Join us!

Danny's Starter Kit

You can find Danny at:


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The information provided in Midweek Insights is for general informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. Listeners should seek professional advice relevant to their specific circumstances before making any decisions.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the dynamic nature of certain topics may result in changes or updates. Midweek Insights does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of information discussed in the episodes.

Guests on Midweek Insights express their own opinions, which may not necessarily align with the views of the host. We encourage listeners to form their own opinions based on additional research and diverse perspectives.

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Have you ever wondered how AI can revolutionize coaching? This is exactly what I explore with my guest, brilliant thinker and coach for coaches, Danny Den Hartog. We begin our insightful journey delving into Danny's transition from a career in sales and business development to finding his passion in coaching. His tale of identifying the ideal audience strikes a cord, as he shares how this journey led him into the world of virtual summits, digital products, and online courses.

In our conversation, we uncovered the astonishing potential of using generative AI in coaching. Danny gives us a vibrant picture of how AI can mimic your tone and style and help in crafting emails, even building a personal system to serve your clients better. What's intriguing is Danny's perspective on how AI with context can know you better than your own self! It's a fascinating exploration of integrating AI into coaching, pushing the boundaries and redefining the traditional methods.

As we discuss the ethical considerations of AI in coaching, Danny shares his insights on using past experiences as strength triggers. He gives us a glimpse of how he overcame personal struggles, encouraging us to embrace our past as an essential part of our growth. Our conversation is a treasure trove of practical insights and thought-provoking ideas on coupling AI and coaching for enhanced personal development. Join us!

Danny's Starter Kit

You can find Danny at:


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The information provided in Midweek Insights is for general informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. Listeners should seek professional advice relevant to their specific circumstances before making any decisions.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the dynamic nature of certain topics may result in changes or updates. Midweek Insights does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of information discussed in the episodes.

Guests on Midweek Insights express their own opinions, which may not necessarily align with the views of the host. We encourage listeners to form their own opinions based on additional research and diverse perspectives.

Speaker 2:

So you're an hour behind. I had to double and triple check just to make sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're in Cyprus, right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, not too far.

Speaker 1:

It's a beautiful such a beautiful place.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever been to Cyprus?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, quite a while ago, I think, when I was in my early 20s or something. There's these salt fields, right? Yes, yes in.

Speaker 2:

Lannica. you probably went to where the airport was, Lannica, And then there's a mini salt lake in Limousole.

Speaker 1:

I'm in Limousole. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. So it's really great to meet you this way And I'm really thankful for the time you've given to do this and just to get to know about your work and more about you. So it's Danny Den Hartog, welcome. Just to introduce Danny, i'm so grateful he's here with me today. He's the married father of two. He's done a whole lot of roles and he's done many studies, and his ultimate love is marketing. He's a podcast host, a creator, a virtual summit host, and he's a coach for coaches, and his passion is helping them build businesses, which they love. He's also invested in top masterminds and accumulated wealth of knowledge in these areas, and what's great about Danny is that one of his core values is getting real results without crazy major hassle. So now he's one of his areas that he's focused on is teaching coaches how to harness their AI skills and work bringing AI into their work. So welcome, danny, and thank you for giving your time and being here with me and our audience on this virtual setting.

Speaker 1:

So great to see you Desi.

Speaker 2:

So, danny, i know you've got a wealth of experience and a lot of personal experience in working life, but I want to go back and start a little bit with your story and what brought you to do what you do, because it's like you've had two different work lives in a lifetime. So if you don't mind sharing a bit about that before we go into your work with helping coaches with AI, Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So I appreciate the opportunity for us to have a conversation. Like you know, i think as many of your listeners, i had a moment, you know about nine years ago, where I was confronted with this voice that came out and said you know, danny, what are you really doing with your life? Is this all that there is? And that voice came actually from a very unexpected place. I was traveling in the Philippines.

Speaker 1:

At that time I had a very, you know, a great role.

Speaker 1:

I was based in Hong Kong, I traveled the Asia Pacific region, had a good job, had a beautiful apartment, had overlooking the Hong Kong harbor. But, you know, despite having a great job, i just started to feel a little bit empty inside. I started to feel like, you know, as I said, is this all there is? And when I traveled to the Philippines, i was just walking around in a business district And it was this girl, i think she was four or five years old, and she grabbed my arm and basically, with her expression, she articulated that right, like that, is this all there is? You know I was making good money and you know, selling products there in the Philippines, but what was I really doing to make the world a better place, so fast forward. It took me a bit of time to really figure out what I wanted to do, but I decided to move back to the Netherlands and to dedicate my life and my time to really helping others to make the world a better place. So yeah, that's kind of a little bit of my backstory.

Speaker 2:

Yes, amazing. So then that led you to do get into coaching. With that that, you do complete change into coaching, right? And so, yeah, what transition do you from coaching? what kind of coaching? Let's go into that and then how that's led you to AI and teaching people to use and harness AI.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I started off as a business coach, so I helped impact entrepreneurs. So these range from people that were like visionaries that we're creating, like sustainable chocolate or you know all kind of products to just make the world a better place, and initially I was really enjoying working with them. There was just one problem Like most of them, they didn't have money to pay me. So, right, like, and how many of you are listening? right, you have clients and they don't pay us our worth And it's great from an impact point of view. But what happened is I built up quite a nice pension, you know, pension had opportunity to bring that back from Hong Kong and a bit of savings And just in the pursuit of impact I've heard through all my life savings. So at some moment I just had $40 left on my bank account.

Speaker 2:

And I just lost kind of my self-respect.

Speaker 1:

I was like, because I was kind of stripped away from all that identity, right, having that successful role in Hong Kong and then just finding myself back at Square One basically saying because of that, i kind of had to, you know, to find myself again and question like, okay, am I, am I focusing on the right audience?

Speaker 1:

So my answer at that time was I really enjoy working with these entrepreneurs, but I do think that I can be of much more value to coaches because I understand the industry right And for my whole life I've been in sales and business development right Marketing, sales, business development And at that time that was about four years ago I really started to immerse myself in the world of virtual events, digital products like online courses, coaching programs, high-tech, high-impact programs and all of that And got in tons of masterminds and all of that. I was like I've been learning so much, so maybe it's time for me to help others to actually build a business that they love. And you know, i started to be more successful and fortunately, i got back into a place where I could give back more. So, yeah, that's kind of where it is.

Speaker 2:

So, you combined all what's great about it into doing, you know, bringing the income and the impact together and now ultimately still helping people with the slight shift. So what helped you make that shift, Like? I mean, was it a couple of questions you asked yourself? Was it someone who guided you to make that transition? What was that point? that switched things for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i think so often in life. We just need a little bit of pain to help us to move.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you can relate to that right, So it's 100%.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. so for me it was just like you know, this is enough, like I'm better than this. I just cannot, yeah, i cannot continue on this journey. And then it's like obviously it's. It has been leading to that point for a while.

Speaker 2:

but then there's that one moment where you're like okay, i'm done with this, right, i'm better than this and I need to ask was did that been Investing in more courses at that point, when you'd already reached your limit, or was that like now, you just had the knowledge and you just needed to start applying what you already know for yourself?

Speaker 1:

For me it was was was literally that moment where I had my back against all honestly, like You know, when I told you about that moment where I had like like $40 left, right And then had a little bit of an up, but I over-invested in all these things that I thought would bring me to to great places. But here's, here's, a secret Sometimes in your mind, you can already be at at an amazing place, but some of us, we have our head in the sand and we, we just don't want to see where we actually really are at. So that was kind of. I am always very Opportunistic and at least I see the opportunity and everything, but doesn't mean that that opportunity has already arrived right over. I've already been doing it So. So for me it was.

Speaker 1:

It just took me that realization. Like Danny, you know, now you have two credit cards. You're not in a place where you need to be, so you need to get your act together and you can have all these, these grand Plans that you work on. But what are you doing today to make sure that you can survive this month?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and what did you do like? I'm really curious as to how it went from that like rock bottom to Making like real solid changes, because that's where the impact comes as well.

Speaker 1:

First of all, yeah, absolutely so. You know, as a sales marketing coach, like and I've I've just felt that with myself if you're not doing the right things In your business, you're going to to get in trouble. With the right things, i mean, like reaching out to enough people, right, like just doing All these things that a lot of us, we don't want to do, like creating social media posts or or sending emails sufficient emails, just letting people know we exist, right, and it's, it's, it's the same for if you're an Entrepreneur, or if you're, you're a nine to five, but you're like also, you need to let people in an organization though What that? that you are there, right, so there's, there's that VR for yourself.

Speaker 1:

So what I did is I just started to To make a list. I started to make a list of people that I I knew had expressed early interest in my services, went to my events previously and when I started doing that, and I really started back, going back to What really moves the needle from me business-wide, and I Just started to do the things that I needed to do rather than the things I like to do. So it's so much around self-discipline right and getting structures in our, in our life and our businesses. So that's kind of like that turn things around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you've actually answered one of my next questions, which was what do you do when? how do you keep going when you don't feel like it? But you've said it's discipline, right, it's putting in the structures that on the days When you really just don't feel like showing up, you've got, you know, the the structures that you have to follow that have become almost automated. Is that fair to say?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wish it was like completely like that It's. it's still Work in progress. Okay it's still work in progress And I think I'm speaking to a lot of your listeners. That, like structure to a lot of us, doesn't happen Miraculously. It's not what we were born with, right like for me.

Speaker 1:

I prefer, like in conversations like this, where you know we are in flow and and create things, and I I think it really starts with changing our mindset around, like what structure we means. Is it, is it help, is it capturing us or you know, or is it actually going to set us free? Yeah, and I really think that self discipline and structure can be our biggest friends if we let it to be and it can Actually set us free. So, if we change our perceptions from okay, now I have to, kind of, it's really like going to the gym right now I'm going to, to have these kind of processes and then it's going to help me. But for me it's a continuous Journey to to appreciate that and to see it for what it is, because it's very tempting to Want to do things that you feel like Yeah, but yeah, i found that it's not leading you to where you want to go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and of course some days are easier than others, right? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

absolutely. And that's okay, that's also about accepting that right like it's your best. Every day is not the same.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Yeah, that's really useful to remember, especially in the days when you don't want to show up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I also want to ask then so now you've really enhanced AI first of all, it's it feels like this thing has come out of nowhere. Within the last few months, it's blasted us all and all of a sudden We're seeing it everywhere. So let's just break it down and see, like, what is AI first of all, and then to see how you're using it and how it's helping you and impacting coaches that you impact. So what is it? Stop at the basics.

Speaker 1:

It's a great question, right? A lot of us we woke up someday and then we're like, oh wow, what is this? right? But it's, it's. It's actually been like behind the scenes since the 1950s. You know that it has been working in progress. But what it really is and I just want to really simplify it It's just this, this thing, right, let's think about as a computer program that basically learns. That it's, it can learn and it can Improve based on what it's learning, and that is what AI is right.

Speaker 1:

But when you look at what is most interesting, that is called generative AI, so it doesn't only learn, but it can also Write something new or, you know, create something new, and that's really the difference between what AI is and generative AI. Now, when you think of AI Just a practical example when you are on Netflix, right? or on social media, you, you start to see like, hey, it's giving me these things that I like. Like how come right? So that's because that algorithm in on the back There's AI at work. There It's it's learning your style right.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you talk about generative AI, if, for example, the AI could be your email spam filter, where it's learning you when you're, you know, flagging things at spam, like you will suddenly notice that you will not be getting a lot of these messages again because you have flagged it and you trained And model to not show you these kind of things anymore. Now, if you look at generative AI, it's going to be able to write emails in your complete tone and style That you haven't written before. Right, so you can actually train it, and it's going to generate new things. So that's why I think there's so many people that are blown away, and rightly so, because it's absolutely incredible what it can do these days. But I personally find it fascinating, like my My first impression of what AI was, because I literally started this journey about seven months ago And I was complete newbie and I actually I thought it was sort of like I thought chat you BT, for example, was like like Google, that you could just, you know, type something in and it would just search all over and just give you like sort of a summary.

Speaker 1:

But when I really realized that it could create new things, i was like, wow, that that kind of changes everything.

Speaker 2:

When you say create new things, like based on how you've prompted it, right. So can you just take me a little bit further into that creating of new things?

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah. So what? what are you specifically looking at?

Speaker 2:

it's creating your yeah, so I'm a coach. Okay, let's say and how? yeah, that helps me. So let's say the benefits of how to use it as a coach. Let's go down to make it, Yeah yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So what I do? literally I use it every. I use chat you BT in specific every single day, and I have tons of other AI tools and everything, and we could talk about this for probably five hours, but maybe we should start with with what most coaches are familiar with, or most of your listeners, is chat you BT is It's kind of a great place to start, right. I always compare like maybe, if you want to travel to Asia, maybe the first country you can go to is maybe Thailand. It's, it's, it's beautiful, it's friendly. It's not too, you know, too difficult to navigate, right? so so for us, if we want to learn about what what AI can do for for as a coach, i think judging is going to be great starting point.

Speaker 1:

So when we are, when we're in, we think of it as a new personal system that you have. If you have a new assistant, you have to tell him or her something about what you do, because how can that person actually assist you with anything and do anything meaningful without actually getting to know you? So you want to actually prompt, and prompt is basically what you type into the bar, right, like it's, it's. It can be like a question, it can be just information, but you basically start telling something about yourself, about you know, if, if you wanted to, to advise, for example, on what programs you should be creating. Tell it about who you serve.

Speaker 1:

So, what is? who's your ideal client, what is the problem that you solve? And then, once you, once you educate uh Chajapiti on that, it's like okay, so what could be like five online course ideas that I could be working on or what? give me a 12 week outline for a coaching program that solves that problem. So there's, there's really that context that is needed before you can expect it to to share something meaningful. Otherwise, what happens And I see that most people make that mistake If they don't provide context? it provides a very general information And there's a lot of people that say, yeah, i've tried it right. I I kind of got in and I got this very general kind of uh social media posts, or like that email that I, i, i wanted to have, but it wasn't really good.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't my voice, but if you don't train it on your voice, how, how can it know?

Speaker 2:

It's keeping record of everything you've asked. it. Is that correct? Uh, from your account, right? So it's. it's got a record of previous questions too, and new ones, And then it's it could almost getting to know you better than you know yourself eventually. Is that right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, So it's it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's partly right, So it's you. You have to make sure that you use the same chat So in the same.

Speaker 1:

Okay Yeah, If you don't use the same chat, it's not going to recognize any of that. uh, that that proves in history. So sometimes you, um, so so this is what was really important. I can I hear you when you say it's a little bit scary because, um, i did that this the other day. I put in everything about myself. So I put like prior podcast interviews, transcripts. I put in like my detailed bio. I gave basically everything of myself And then I I thought you know, let's do something fun because you know how so many of us we are doing so many different things which sometimes feel they're unrelated, so we have so many passions and we feel that we're all over the place.

Speaker 2:

And then it's like you know what right. So what's, what's our through line, what is kind of like our bigger purpose or what is our through line?

Speaker 1:

Interesting. I actually asked that question And instead of like asking me, and that's what a coach would ask you, right, like it would ask you a hundred more questions, to kind of like, and then you're like, before you know it, you're 12 sessions down the road, true.

Speaker 2:

So and I'm not you know like it's I love coaching right, so it's.

Speaker 1:

I'm not. I'm not going to bash on coaching, but what Judge if he was able to do is based on everything that I gave it. It was Danny, i think it's this.

Speaker 2:

What was it? I read through Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I read through it and it's like you know, this is so spot on And you know what it was, and I really had a hard time, kind of like narrowing down to that myself. For me, it's very much around like like promoting equality and just making sure that every one of us has access to the same kind of opportunities, regardless where we're from or you know, ethnicity, nationality or you know from. that's something that upsets me a lot And it just gave me gave me a lot of these, these further, so that I'm just trying to just create it in one. for me It's like. it's like kind of like that, if you want, we want to use just one hashtag. it would be like hashtag equality for me, right, that's kind of what drives me as a large and you know. so, yeah, that was actually pretty powerful.

Speaker 2:

So how you? so you help coaches use it. What are the biggest pain points that they have and how can this help them?

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of us we start with the blank page when we create new things and create your new program, or if we are new to coaching A lot of my clients also are new to coaching They're like, yeah, but first off, i don't have the experience, i don't have this, i don't have that. So there's so many things that we tell ourselves that are BS. You know, frankly, and part of the, the overwhelming lack of clarity is just that we, we don't have any structure. So we have this blank page and like, okay, suddenly we have to, we want to start a coaching business. But where do we start? And, yes, you can. You can go to an online course to say you know how do I get started? And I've done all of that as well. But if you ask Jege Ptibi's questions, you're going to really get a good starting point And that at least creates you momentum. Creates momentum because you actually get started.

Speaker 1:

I think most people they just stop in their tracks and they just get super frustrated with their own procrastination or just not being as far ahead as they want to. So in my view, it's a great kind of it's almost like an accountability partner where you just, yeah, you could ask it for your next step in that sense, and that's very powerful And it's not, i really think that it will never like if you talk about coaching. It's so powerful and it's that human connection which is really important. So Jege now maybe love your listening will think like, yeah, but you know, am I like? this is not going to replace a lot of jobs, right? There's a lot of people that are very scared, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And you say what do you say to that about if people come to you and say it's scary, it's going to replace jobs? How do you, what's your take on that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I honestly think it's going to replace quite a few jobs. I honestly think so because if you look at copywriting now, like I think that a copyright should be very nervous right now, right, And looking for other ways to be valuable and to build on, like using AI themselves, but and build on top of that. So. But there's a lot of people that will before they say like, okay, let me hire a copyright. And now they're like, okay, let me just put in a prompt right.

Speaker 1:

But the same also, if also, if you look at images, creating images and all of that, like AI can create new, new, a lot of new images and it's it's going to shake up a lot of people in the future. I do think that there's, if you look at the new career, a new profession which came up, is sometimes I call I refer to myself as the prompt engineer for coaches right, like we are engineering new questions to ask, because the quality of our questions it really is, it determines the quality of the answers. So the better quality of our questions, the better answers will be. So if you, if you make it like there's now a new profession, especially started in the US, which is, you know, it's called a prompt engineer. So it's these people that continuously are are working the system to see, like, how can they ask better quality questions so that that there's more outputs that are more relevant outputs?

Speaker 1:

So I, long story short, i do think that there will be significant jobs lost and it's up to us to say, okay, what new? I do think humans are super resourceful. So I've had my back against the wall in a couple of occasions and that made me super resourceful. So my, yeah, i'm an optimist, so I believe that people will find another avenue, but it's much better to anticipate that now and really familiarize yourself. Okay, and am I in this space that is actually going to get like really into trouble with, with a, i mean what do you mean, sorry, when you say yeah so?

Speaker 1:

I'm like, for example, if you are in the copywriting right, like you can, yeah, you should you should absolutely like obsess now about okay, how am I going to to benefit from that and set myself apart? Otherwise you will just end and and the questions that your clients have in the back of their mind. you should be able to answer that, and the question is why should I hire you and not just? go to the chat you BD right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, correct. Yeah, you're right. So someone's a copywriter. They should, you say, be using it to enhance what they're really doing and maybe looking at other additional ways, because they can't just rely on what they were doing before, right, this?

Speaker 1:

is here to stay.

Speaker 2:

It's not like we can ignore it and it'll go away, right? No?

Speaker 1:

no, and I hear, i hear it all around me because I've witnessed myself, especially since the change from GPT 3, gpt 3.5 and now it's GPT 4.

Speaker 2:

I missed all of those.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to. I don't even know that existed. I know there's a lot of people like wow, they were but there's.

Speaker 1:

There's like, basically, if you use the free version, it's using the older model, right. But if you talk about creative writing GPT 4, which you have to currently pay and probably by the time that, like, there's probably a new version, right, So it's moving so fast, but there's so much more creative writing. And especially if you talk about your own personal story, I love to help clients with clarifying their own story, because I've just been blown away myself by. If you use the right, right questions, you absolutely can get it to write you an amazing bio that you could have never crafted yourself, or at least have taken you like ages to craft it.

Speaker 1:

It could get down to the core of the essence of who you are And you know, don't let it tell you who you are right So we need to really be in a privacy of our own life, but it's, it's, yeah, it's almost freaking like how How great it is And yeah, you can tell I'm kind of a convert. I was really skeptical at first. Honestly, i was skeptical. I was a bit like. You know, i love human connection, i love this kind of conversation, so I was like, yeah, but AI is, yeah, it feels technical for me, Yeah, so what?

Speaker 2:

changed that for you, then What was experiencing it yourself, seeing the results in your own work?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just lose it, let's just use it, let's try, let's try it because then we get to understand and experience it.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us are like we have our judgment so easy to judge quickly based on something we hear, or maybe a very quick experience. But give yourself half an hour to and allow yourself to be a little bit creative with it. Just don't buy, and I tell this all the time. I say if you buy, for example, there's a lot of courses out there on chat You can see, and all of that, and content bibles where they say, like you hear is the 10,000 prompts that you can use, and already these documents are overwhelming. Right, like it's. The idea is that it helps us to get started. But I always say that if you copy someone else's prompts, you live someone else's life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but this is the thing that. How is this not copy? I know this is the teacher side of me, because I still teach, and I know that if I still was in the high school settings the kids would just be handing in all these chat GPTSAs.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I have me nuts. So, from that point of view, how can they still become creative and still harness their learning and becoming creative in their own writing and still live alongside this? This is my big dilemma. Like I want to embrace it, i want to learn about it, but at the same time, there's a hesitancy in me to fully say for everyone, children not included, just the adults that are working out there. You know what I mean. So yeah, that's my little you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i totally get it And this is what I would say to that. I think the number one most valuable skill in this century is actually being curious, like really genuine curiosity and interest in other people. So if you bring that curiosity to the table and use that curiosity to come up with questions, i think, like coaches, are great at asking questions. So if you, you know a lot of us, we can harness the superpower of actually asking questions And we live to make a difference in other people's lives. So if we can save time and be more impactful for other people using technology, why shouldn't we use technology? And I get the idea about the essay and all of that, but it's still around like that essay won't be good if there's not genuine curiosity on the topic and the right prompting at the beginning. And honestly, there's a lot of value in that process as well. So maybe the education system should also move a little bit away about OK, are we really helping people to become great writers? Because that's kind of the writing is almost taken out of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not, it's not really value. Yeah, that's not.

Speaker 1:

Like, and I hate. I know there's a lot of people that spend decades you know and learning this, and that's hard, right. Like if there's suddenly a tool and a tech that actually can do all of that, but unfortunately that is all part of the world that we're living in. Like if you're in business and next day there is a competitor that can come and just wipe out your entire business. That's also possible. So we need to be ahead of things and we need to just use these things instead of fight it.

Speaker 1:

It's too late to stop this revolution. It should be regulated more, because there's also a lot that can go wrong. Like this is probably also the greatest danger that the world currently faces. Right, because it's not AI, but it's the people behind it that could create like so much. But yeah, to come back to your question, i think if we generally want to make the world a better place and using it, it's incredible. Maybe we can get extinct species back. Right, we could or we can prevent. Like, if there's 10 animals left of a certain species, we could at least make sure that they don't go extinct, or there's tons of things that we can do If it's used for good.

Speaker 2:

Like you said with the right people in the power behind it which is always scary. So what would you want people to know based on your experience? now that we haven't addressed on using AI, what else is there that could be harnessed?

Speaker 1:

I would say, like, don't be afraid of it And maybe I sound repetitive, but I think it starts there Like let's see this as an opportunity, let's also see it as a reality that this is here And if we don't use it and I typically don't believe in these doom and gloom scenarios right, but in this case I do think it's real that if we don't actually start, you know, making Making like headwinds here and just making progress, that We are ending up as, as that, that entrepreneur, that person that is, you know, living in the last century and you know and there's a lot, of, a lot of us that have been there before When we suddenly realized, hey, how come everybody else is further ahead and how come did I get I get stuck somewhere.

Speaker 1:

So I hope that is, you know, if you're listening right now, you're seeing this as an opportunity, and just go for it and don't make it, don't beat yourself up if you don't learn it into in in 15 minutes. Just start playing with the different tools out there And you will see that you will feel actually very proud of yourself. I always feel proud of myself and I get myself to do things that I thought I couldn't do or that I Thought would be more difficult, and I think that's what you will find in with this, like maybe now it sounds like, oh wow, it's. It sounds tacky, or it's complicated, or it's a lot, or it's overwhelming, whatever it is for you. These are the thoughts that you have in your mind when you actually start opening an account, or if you already have an account, which, at GPT, just Get the upgrades for $20 and start giving it information about yourself and asking it that question like what, what? what do you think is my through line? What is?

Speaker 1:

Would, you use that.

Speaker 2:

Would you use the word through.

Speaker 1:

I think I Asked the question like I asked a couple of questions around this. I said like so, based on everything that I shared with you, what do you think is my purpose in life?

Speaker 2:

You tell me yeah, yeah, so so.

Speaker 1:

I personally love like Because this is, these are the things like we could like literally Think about this and my wife used it, she tells me that all the time She is then then you're thinking about exactly the same thing. We've gone over this thing like four, five, five times. You already know this right. But then when you see something like literally written out and you realize, yeah, i see That's true and I knew it already, but it gives you that kind of something to show people now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, exactly right document, that is, i don't have to think about it by myself document.

Speaker 1:

But it's for us and That's so poor. Like most of us, we need too many words to Tell people what we do and what we believe in, and all that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and sometimes we don't even know ourselves, so this helps to clarify, why not use it as a tool?

Speaker 2:

So you help, just to round off a little bit, so you help coaches. So if a coach is coming to you now and they're like I need AI Support, what are some of the things you can help me with? what are what? what are the things you would list for them? So I know you help them with this story how to craft and you know, get down to the T, what they do and how they serve their clients. Is there anything else you help them with when it comes to AI tools?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So AI by itself is not going to give you more clients or it's not going to To Lend you an amazing program. You actually have to make it work right. So what I'm seeing with my clients I have coaching programs where I take people through the initial steps of of you know, finding out, you know what are there, their skill set right, what are is their intellectual property and Who are the ideal client, the problem that they serve all the way to to launching a successful program. So I used to have these programs and they people were getting results. But I'm finding, using AI now I can get results, you know, two or three times faster.

Speaker 1:

Wow because I, in every step I use AI and I just see that, like I had this the other day, i had a 30-minute conversation with the clients and literally in In five and I kid you not like literally in five, five minutes We've got this. Like she was so clear on What she was doing and that I could. I could just see that confidence. And it's it's mostly about and we all know that right, it's about how, how do we feel about ourselves, how do we feel about the impact that we're making others? and I do Fundamentally believe and that's why where I help my clients with is we can be so much more valuable to other people using AI, and I love Opening people's eyes to that, to say, hey, look at this and look at what this can do, and this is kind of hard to find it out by yourself.

Speaker 1:

So so that's kind of my added value is that I combine these, these decades in sales and marketing. I'm adding AI on it and now it's like, wow, you have, you can go so much faster. But Not and there's a lot of people teaching that and I'm super allergic to that. I'm really, i'm really allergic to, i'm really allergic to, to people that are saying you know what, like you can create like five, fifty online courses right, i'm glad you said that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but about topics that you have no interest in, or or, but, but it's, it's just these general things. And, yes, we can do all of that, we, we can write 500 posts a day, but then how does it make the world a better place? We put all this general knowledge out there and How? what if you would just deepen your transformation with your clients? What if you would say, you know what? I don't need a thousand clients next week, i don't need a six or seven figure out business overnight. What if I really Look more in, see what am I really like, like best at what?

Speaker 1:

what is my life journey like? What are some of the epiphanies I've had? and, and you, you, you make sense of that process first, and then it's like, okay, based on that, what, how can I serve my clients even better? What stories can I tell them that help them to see themselves in my story and help them to actually make the, the transformation, and do it, you know, and go deeper. And I think that is where the opportunity is is Yes, it can do tons of things, and I have, i have a lot of tools, toys that's almost a toys right that you can use to where people say, ah, cool, and this and this. But I've just, i'm most blown away, not necessarily by all these tools out there, because you can wait like hundred dollars easily buying all kinds of subscriptions. But let's sell and go deep.

Speaker 1:

Start with your clients, go deep and then you will be able to Realize way faster.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, i like that you said that you made that distinction, because then it becomes this whole just Process of just output, output and giving out nonsense, not no, i guess, like you said, generic, general and it's it talks to nobody at the end of the day, right, so that's real useful.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you're doing this ethically?

Speaker 2:

How do you think?

Speaker 1:

like people can learn these, these, these content bundles already from packages like, honestly, you can ask, just to be a question, like right me, right me, a thousand prompts, which is suitable for this kind of client, and then I could package it and I could sell it to people And is that is that going to? help me to to feel better about my own business, about making world a better place. Let's it's putting some money in in a bank, but I yeah, i personally.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but a lot of people don't really care about impact. Well, they're not aware of it. I guess they just want to make money. You said that drives them. I guess in that way Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And if that's you, that's that, that's fine. You know it's. Let's start with ourselves. But don't, let's not get distracted and And don't get into this AI thing, because this is an x shiny object and you think like, oh it's, it's something that everybody's doing. So let me also do that, like do it because you actually want you to learn about this and.

Speaker 1:

Think about how it will change your business, how will change your life. I will change your family's Future and and the people that you serve, and I think, if you take that as a starting point, you and have genuine curiosity to it, it's going to be amazing. And for those of you that would like to get on chadjibbt, i have an amazing starter guide, which, yes, there's a couple of prompts, but I'm going giving more context about. Okay, why is he already stings important? and I give you specific examples and I always would love you to think by yourself before you just copy paste things that either that I'm saying or that other people are saying, because Let's have that critical Thinking please.

Speaker 2:

Let's keep that For now, for now. So where can people find? and we're gonna add that in the show notes. I know you said you would leave a link for us. Yeah, they could get access to that. So where can someone find you? I know you're all over social media, but just to state it again, and we'll add links again to the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely So. So my main website is wwwdennydenhartoffcom. That's. That's easy place to to start And yeah, i'm all on all channels. There's quite a few people with my name. So Look for people where, look for an image of me with my, with my kids, or something that That is not talking about eight, nine or ten figure businesses. Really if it's talking about these kind of businesses, not me, that's not you, that's not you know hundred percent.

Speaker 2:

So one other thing that you wanted to add to the listeners something that motivates you, that keeps you going, or some advice someone gave you to keep you going in the difficult time, so we can end the episode with that. What would that be?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's such a great question I would. I would start with just acknowledge yourself for everything that you that you can be grateful for and that has gone well in your life and that you actually made happen. Because in times where we are, when we have our back against the wall, it's so tempting to just focus on that obstacle and just be so, either sad, frustrated or have so much pain that the pain comes a lot from. What I've found is beating ourselves up. I Just felt so deflated and and just completely down When I said any, how, how can you have made it happen like you had Get things going for you, all that and and now you're like, completely, you lost everything and that's not true.

Speaker 1:

Because that's not, that's this but we tell ourselves these things, so don't tell yourself tons of crap. Give my language It's. Just look at okay, what, what do you actually have? What have you made happen? How have you grown through the process? and the last thing that I want to say on that and I know it sounds cliche and we are hearing that all over the place, but if we are at our lowest point, this is an opportunity for us to journal and to To actually, in the future, help others Come out of that low point, because that low point, it too shall pass. Right, this too shall pass. And if you just Stop beating yourself up and focus on okay, instead of like, yeah, getting depressed, you say you know what is one thing that I cannot do that gets me out of this mess?

Speaker 1:

And when you as I said when I, you know, when you started making lists and I actually started to do the work that was needed, then you get the momentum and before you know it, and literally this can happen overnight. And the last, the last mess that I was in and it was a big mess, but I got myself out in a matter of a couple of months, right, and I think it could for you. It could be weak, could be a day, right, it can be it. You don't know how fast it can, can go. But I'm convinced of one thing If you put your mind to something, you have proven it before That you can make this work for yourself, for the people around you. So what would be different this time? Why would this Mess that you're in less forever?

Speaker 2:

That's beautiful, thank you, and also I like. I like what you said. You, you brought with you. You don't start from nowhere. You bring with you that wealth of learning in your previous role Failures or no failures It all comes with you now. So, even if you're starting from that, you're starting from a place of knowledge and strength, even though you don't know it. Then thank you for that and thank you for being so honest and open and sharing your work and Coming to this podcast, and lovely to get to know you in this way.

Speaker 1:

Great, you have an amazing podcast.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. I appreciate that and looking forward to seeing more of your work and what you do online. Absolutely Thank you You.

Danny's Coaching and AI Journey
Generative AI for Coaches
Harnessing AI for Creativity and Learning
Using AI Ethically in Coaching
Overcoming Messes and Leveraging Past Experiences