Side Street Stories

The Witness of Kitab al-Azif: Chapter 1. Inquiry and Summoning

drummis Season 1 Episode 1

Side Street Stories presents:

The Witness of Kitab al-Azif
Chapter 1. Inquiry and Summoning
"I found the cipher manuscript in an old New England library, tucked away in a corner behind a few other dusty manuscripts and tomes. It bore an imprint of a glyph on the cover, but its contents intrigued me, so (in contradiction of the library's rules), I snuck some photographs of the first few pages. After spending several days delving into their secrets, I sat down and wrote this electronic piece, which vaguely describes my inquiry into those dire marks and the attendant summoning of a great evil that commenced. Thankfully the "spell," or whatever it was my music did to open some sort of gate, was incomplete and the horrid thing collapsed back into its nether dimension. It's hard to even believe, but it truly happened.

"I can only imagine, with great hesitation, what might come from an investigation into the original book in its entirety."

Jon - drummis
The Witness - Aron

Music and Sound by drummis
Written by Aron Efimenko

Based on the original album Incunabulum by drummis (

For more music by drummis, see:

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