Talking Shizzle

How to Coach & Sell in a Numbers-driven World with Edgar Carrasco

Taylor Shanklin Episode 12

For today's shizzle, we get the supreme sizzle with Edgar Carrasco of Regpacks, who talks about his experience in sales and how he has learned to focus on the numbers in order to grow an organization. Taylor and Edgar also talk about sales coaching and its importance and impact on new members of a team & how he helps his team embrace goal setting.

Edgar is the Director of Business Development at RegPacks, and he has some tips for sales coaching and management. He shares that one of the most important things is to make yourself available to your team and give them the time they need to learn the product, the service, and the market. This way, they will be more successful and have a positive impact on the company.

We also talk about the importance of believing in oneself and one's product in order to be successful. He also stresses the importance of having processes and many more things like:

  • Overcoming obstacles in a numbers-driven and statistical world.
  • Sales in a startup is a good way to grow personally, earn money, and help an organization build something.
  • The Dangers of Not Being Receptive to Change in Business.
  • Finding solutions for people that need them.
  •  Being outgoing and positive and using that towards growth.
  • Technology is not magic, but a tool.

You bring the popcorn, we'll bring the shizzle. Enjoy!

Learn more about RegPacks:

Regpack: Online Registration Software | Recurring Billing Software

Connect with Edgar:

Facebook: Regpack

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Taylor Shanklin

Hello hello friends and welcome back to another episode of talking shizzle where we talk about all sorts of fizzle of topics of marketing and sales and entrepreneurship and leadership. To help you grow and figure out how to focus on the right areas of your business or social impact organization I'm really excited to have Edgar Carrasco Carrasco here today to talk about sales numbers numbers numbers. That's what we often hear Edgar Carrasco isn't that the case.



Edgar Carrasco

Oh you know you need revenue to grow an organization and to manage an organization. That's always important.



Taylor Shanklin

Yeah, yeah, so let's we're gonna get into what you've learned over your career in sales. How to coach up New Salespeople how to combat that numbers driven world that we live in where you're like well I got to hit my number and my people on my team need to hit my number so that's what we are. Gonna bat around today but to kick us off tell us a little bit about who Edgar Carrasco is what is your jam.



Edgar Carrasco

Um, yeah, thanks for having me Taylor you know, um I grew up in Chicago I went inner city Chicago ah had 3 brothers in through my life right? This is something that I've learned how to. Understand people and understand what motivates people whether it was selling newspaper subscriptions when I was younger around my community or at my boarding school I'd taken out certain jobs right? to grow the environment and grow. Um. What we had as a mission at our school to college right? ah doing sales at office max after college seeing that I had a knack right for assisting others and really driving revenue to organizations right? Whether it be. Selling mortgages or personal finance loans. This is something that I always tried to figure out what was motivating people what was causing them to be in that situation that came brought them to our company and be a solution. Them right? Um, and this led me into richpack right? where we now have a software we created a software that has ah 3 main goes register charge and manage where there are organizations who have convoluted processes who have. Difficult ways of doing business and there are better ways to do that and we created an amazing product care rich packck where we engage with hundreds of organizations every single month to uncover what they do and I'm able to do what I have been doing in in in in all my life which is helping people. Right? Manage manage their office manage their space a lot more efficiently in the process right? We're growing an amazing business. We're driving revenue. We are becoming a leader. In our space and we're able to provide right? a means of life for a lot of our team members that are also driving this mission so I am you know a very outgoing person I am somebody who is always looking ah to do something positive. Very big optimist. And this is something that I drive in what I do every single day and in in my positions.



Taylor Shanklin

Well I love that you approached it from the perspective of understanding people and understanding what solution they need because that really is what good sales is I think a lot of times sales gets associated with you know? Oh you're just going to try to sell me something I don't need but that's not. Case at all and everyone walking around everywhere in life is selling at some point so you are just naturally more drawn to it probably based on your outgoing and positive personality. What is something that you think. Really like Drew you into sales aside from that bubbly personality that you have.



Edgar Carrasco

Um, you know it's a a really good way to to make money to to save plainly right? Um, when you can find something that you love to do and it helps you create livelihood and also drive an organization. For not just yourself. But for others. Um it it. It really is the result right of of your actions. Um, you know I've definitely been in positions where I've been asked to sell something that I don't like and you can make money off it. But.. It's not natural, right? doesn't feel natural to me but being able to do what you just said right? which is finding solutions selling yourself and then selling your company and your product is something that you see it on the spreadsheet right? You see it on the balance sheet when you. Have a team right? who share the same mission shares the same values right? and it allows us to do as a bootstrap company write a lot more things right? when you are successful at it.



Taylor Shanklin

And okay so you you guys have been growing. You said you've been there about 10 years right at red back. Okay, you're the director of business development so you oversee a growing sales organization. Ah you do it sounds like a lot of coaching of new sales professionals and people.



Edgar Carrasco

That's correct.



Taylor Shanklin

Let's get into some of your tips for sales coaching or sales management. Do you have like 3 things that you're like okay these are the things every sales manager needs to know or do.



Edgar Carrasco




Taylor Shanklin

To grow a successful sales organization and.



Edgar Carrasco

Yeah, one of the first things I like to do and I tell my new hires is that I want to make myself available to to them right? They are here to succeed and I want them to succeed right? and this includes giving them the time. To learn the product learn the service learn the market because I'm not always going to be there right? and the quicker I can do that. Ah, the faster they would be on their feet to make a positive impact in the organization in the prospects that they do, um. Second part I would say is to make sure that these things are documented. There are processes in place to make sure that you have a scalable way of of growing right? The business.. There's so much information that gets passed on every single day. And there needs to be reference points for this information. So Let's make sure that those things are are documented. Those things are are communicated right in that way. It's not isolated right to to a few people and the third thing I would I would have to say is Believe. Believing yourself and your product right? You can't be successful at anything if you don't believe in what you do right? and this is something that I'm always coaching what are the outcomes of what we're doing what are the outcomes of what our clients are seeing with our technology right? and. They are catalyst right to move us to the next conversation to impact the next conversation. So given the time to make sure that you know they can be on the right path success making sure that there are processes in place right? that they can lean on when you're not there. And then ensuring that there is a drive ride for for what we do and you'll see Results. He'll see results from these 3 things. Um, no matter what it is that you're offering that your business is selling right? or that you're trying to accomplish.



Taylor Shanklin

Tell us about a time where you had a difficult time selling something and what you did like think about you know, was there something that you had to sell it could be in a past live prior to reg packs but something you had to sell that was difficult to sell. How did you kind of overcome that. You know, challenging Sales scenario.



Edgar Carrasco

Oh Wow Um I remember I was in a rut ah during college and I took on this job to sell life insurance. Um, and I needed to. Get certified and insured right to do all that There's a lot of work and at None I was like why am I doing this people aren't people aren't receptive to this people are not um, open to having this conversation about Death. And and and why they should have this protection. Um, you know I talked to one of the coaches that I was working with and they they they told me not to look at it that way right? like don't don't look at it as you're trying to just sell somebody life insurance sell it as as a way of how right our our park service. Can be beneficial in that time of distress in the time of need right? and it really changes your perspective right on what it is right that you're offering to somebody and how they should ah look at it right?? Um, in in in my whole presentation. Started or changed right from from from how I started that conversation and I saw a difference in my numbers right? because it wasn't me pushing a product. It was me starting to realize it's not about the product. It's about the the benefit right of of that. Outcome that would not be positive but would leave them in a much better position in that time of Distress. Um, and we see that as well with our software right? where there aren't you know or there are sometimes things that we can't do that people would wish that we can do um. Sometimes I can't I can't give it to them but I want to focus right on the other things that we can do and the other things that they have realized that we will positively impact so that we can then you know find a immediate way to to be able to work together. Right? So it's It's being focused on the solution more or more on the problem ride so that you can then talk about the solution.



Taylor Shanklin

I Love that example, you're like how do I So go up to someone and sell them. You're gonna die you should have this insurance like ah.



Edgar Carrasco

Everyone even die right.



Taylor Shanklin

And well, ah exactly I think a lot of it is like how do you and you mentioned this the beginning like how do you understand people and what they need. Well Yes, everyone is going to. Die We all know that but you don't want to go door to door selling that but you sell your family is gonna be here afterwards. How do you protect them? How do you take care of that investment all of that. So I think that's a really great story of taking a situation where you felt challenged. And you know, really thinking differently about you know, solutioning the problem. Yeah yeah, Well some What are some of the big problems that you guys are solving these days at Rich packs tell us a little bit more about that. Um, so you you kind of.



Edgar Carrasco

Totally I agree.



Taylor Shanklin

Briefly mentioned it at the start of the conversation but let's go a little bit deeper on what you guys are doing and how you're solving problems.



Edgar Carrasco

Yeah, so we work with ah mostly businesses right? Who manage onboarding processes registration processes in payments right? Payment management. Ah. Man people do not like to collect payments. They don't like to build collect that is a very difficult time thing to do ah especially when you have None of people to do it with and and that's something that we're really good at here at richpack which is.



Taylor Shanklin

And now it's not easy.



Edgar Carrasco

Getting people through your door right? which is registration being able to customize our process and being able to manage the the bill collection whether it's a None ne-time payment whether it's setting people in an auto bill plan where they can spread their payments over time. And then of course having ah the management aspect of that right? There's finance people who need this information you got to make decisions based on this data right? So those are things that we tried to understand with our prospects with our clients right. Ah, what are some of the processes that need improvement in their organization where is the time being spent. What would you be doing if you didn't have to you know, spend so much time sending invoices to people once a month right. And then we can break it down how there are better ways to do this. They're definitely in the right place right? to find some of those answers which is rich mac and then how write our product write our services can lead them to create efficiencies in their organization so they can focus. On what they love to do best right? Not on the bill collecting aspect of it and this is really where I see how we change right? How organizations work where you know I hear it all the time. Wow I'm able to have my lunch breakback. Wow I can't believe that we just collected $800000 today and I didn't have to do anything the system did it for me and I got my money in the bank two days later right you know I will never say that we save lives here at rich pack but we impact how people live right? We impact. How ah they manage their their organizations. And that's what I'm trying to find out right from these businesses that I talked to and some that can help more than others right? Some are coming from paper where it's a lot more difficult some are coming from other technologies where there's holes in what they're doing um and if there's not ah you know a way that I can help them I'll let them know. But if there is right at the minimum I'll share my subject matter expertise on how things can be done better and how they can get a better return on their investment and than things in the way they're doing things right now.



Taylor Shanklin

That cool cool. You're selling me on making it easier to collect money that doesn't seem too hard.



Edgar Carrasco

Yeah, we do a lot of subscription billing for organizations Podcast software. Not just you know people who manage camps or events because everybody's got to have a process right to get people in the door and everybody. When it comes to business and they got to collect money so Webuilt regback to be a very diverse product right? that helps very or many different verticals.



Taylor Shanklin

I okay, cool. So let's talk about a couple of things let kind of go back into the sales coaching realm I want to get into 2 topics next one is identifying red flag customers. You.



Edgar Carrasco




Taylor Shanklin

Sold a lot of different things in your career. How do you spot? a bad fit customer because I think that it's really important for businesses to be successful to identify, not just the right things for the business.



Edgar Carrasco




Taylor Shanklin

But also the wrong things for the business and sometimes the wrong things are a not ideal client.



Edgar Carrasco

You're right? Um there's a lot of time wasted especially the new rep ride chasing rabbit holes chasing opportunities that are not actually there and if somebody's not receptive right to sharing their current. Either ah problems right? where they're in pain or what they're trying to accomplish right? Rather they're trying to gain by a new ah relationship with the new with the product or a service right? that that's automatically a red flag right? Um. Of my most difficult conversations are like hey I'm just ah calling. Ah, what do you guys? Do can you tell me what you do so I can see how you guys can help me like like I'm not just going to give you you know a blanket elevator pitch speech right? Can you tell me a little bit bolt more about what you do and what you're currently doing right? So I can learn a little bit about you. So if somebody's not even open to having ah even a couple none conversation couple men conversation right? about what their situation then what's what's the problem to fix right on there. Um, and then a commitment right? a commitment ah from both sides one. Um. That you're not going to waste your time and then two that if they really have a desire right to change what they're doing right now then there are certain things that they need to do right? Whether it's you know that next meeting or showing up to the demonstration or. Providing ah their current registration process right? Their current maybe financial statements to help me understand right? their current situation so that we can then lead them down the path to to succeed right? and this happens. Ah, lot in business right? Where hey I'll get ah somebody telling me hey we had had an amazing call with this person. We spoke for an hour. Okay so what are the next steps right? What is the next step right to be able to help this person the commitment that you need right to advance to sale because. This person can be ghosting. You. This person can walk away right at any time you just gave them an hour of your time and you have an address right? What that next step should be to help them accomplish what they're looking to accomplish right? So definitely? Um. You'll find people will just want to talk to you and waste your time. So let's make sure it's it's mutual right? and then then there are action steps right? that will need to be laid out right to continue that conversation and again it's on. It's not going to be on both sides.



Taylor Shanklin

I No I like that like you're going into some sort of a partnership. So I agree like looking for people who are showing up as a partner as opposed to will you just do all the work for me. You know I think that's a good. Good way to look at it or the time wasters or the ghosters. Avoid all of those people as much as possible.



Edgar Carrasco

I'm very transparent person I don't like to waste people's time and and I'll tell them that right? and and they'll learn that from me and if if some reason right? We're not a good fit I'm going to let you know at the same time right? If we are good fit on and make sure you understand the steps that it will take. For you to accomplish that mission right? because there are steps that need to be taken right? Technology is awesome, but it is not magic right? people think it's Magic. You got to configure you got to restructure you sometimes have to change the way that you're doing things now to accomplish the things that you want to do not just in business but in life. Right? And if you're not receptive to making some changes and putting in the time right? Then you're you're already setting yourself up for for Failures. So These are things I teach you know my account executives and my team members right to make sure that they understand that yeah you're right? It is a partnership and we can accomplish. But you're looking for and here's our process to do that one that's been tested proven but let's make sure right that we're engaged right because ultimately it's your business right? and I want to see your business succeed but it is your business.



Taylor Shanklin

I yeah, yeah, absolutely and I'm just gonna say None thing because I'll go in a soapbox about this. Don't ghost salespeople if you don't want to buy something just say not interested moving on. I don't know about you Edgar Carrasco but like I think one of the most unprofessional things is to go someone that you've had ah an app an actual real conversation with and then you just ignore them. It's like come on just say no, it's so much kinder to just say I don't want it I don't want to buy this from you.



Edgar Carrasco

Ah, you know if people ask me that all the time. What is the? Ah, what is the least thing you like about sales and I actually were asking the interviews too and they asked me back like my Z is being ghosted right? The not knowing right because.



Taylor Shanklin




Edgar Carrasco

It's it's you can't let go of something right? It's like it's like somebody's just falling off the face of your life when you really love them and then you just don't know what happened right? So It's that closure. Um I can move on to something else I can stop emailing I can stop calling you um in. It it it it happens right? So you learn to accept it on there because you can't control what other people do um, but yeah, you try to minimize that as much as you can.



Taylor Shanklin

I Yeah yeah, yeah, Oh yeah, I'm past it like I just accept it now. But I'm just I think it's rude, you know I I Just think it's rude and I think people are too afraid to go back to the salesperson to say I'm just not gonna buy and really. It's a better strategy. Otherwise what it does is it does have people good people working on Edgar Carrasco's team chasing down rabbit holes sometimes and like that's not very Nice. So been there had to chase a lot of rabbit holes in my career as well and not a fan. Not a fan.



Edgar Carrasco

Must have a lot of cool tunnels over there.



Taylor Shanklin

Lots of tunnels exactly now now I just identify things and if it doesn't feel like a fit at the stop I stop chasing it I Just don't spend my time on those red flag situations like you mentioned, um.



Edgar Carrasco

Yeah, and now by the way never never burn your bridges in those situations right? I have seen people be very negative to and in emails or in calls and you never know when situations happen right? because like I said earlier it will happen somebody changed.



Taylor Shanklin

Yeah, don't.



Edgar Carrasco

Careers somebody change you know mindset somebody else got involved there and that's one thing I've learned in business is to never learn your never burn your bridges right? because it's happened none of times where we've had people just fall off I happen to be today. Ah we had a lead from like 2019 before covid and it popped in my inbox like hey Edgar Carrasco I'm not sure if you're member us ah we had talked about using us for summer camp and I'm hoping we start the conversation. It's like boom you're not just going to meet your quotas by the people that are coming to you new every single day. You're going to meet your quotas right? by the new people by the people who you converse in the past by the people who you've done a good job right? Expressing how you can help them and ah that will that will come back right? And if' if I tell my my sales people you have an x amount of ago 20% of it if not more should be from. Opportunities that you've worked with in the past or references from your clients. So this is part of the job right? finding ways to drive revenue and even those goals of people can become opportunities in the future.



Taylor Shanklin

Absolutely I agree with you wholeheartedly don't burn bridges I agree. You just never know when a relationship is going to come back and that does happen people do go dark and then all of a sudden they're like hey I'm back and okay, cool. Let's talk. I liked you when we talked the first time. Ah yeah, exactly exactly um, all right? Let's wrap it up I Want to know from your perspective if you had ah a magic wand that you could wave to fix. Let's just call it like.



Edgar Carrasco

People buy from people so be cool.



Taylor Shanklin

Ah, common problem that you see in sales. What would it be like what's the 1 thing in sales that you see as a problem where you're like if you had a magic wand you could just fix it for salespeople across the world. What would that be.



Edgar Carrasco

Um, you know one of the things I see is ah with all this technology that we use these days is all the time wasted ride into inputting data into. Creating structures and now you need to manage right? People should be focused on selling right? That's where I want you know, eighty five eighty percent of the time ah to be so if I can make um what magic wand um I would create an ability for. All the information that we gather or that we take and calls to just be transcribed in that way. We don't have to spend the time inputting it right? or when there's a task ride that needs to happen right? to. Be able to manage that automatically and there are some solutions right? there to ex up our crm that can help with that on there. We found. Definitely a lot of efficient ways to create workflows and sequences and things like that. Um. But being able to walk yourself away ride from the manual input of data from the manual ah things that do need to happen right? because it sales is a lot about ah data and analytics right? How do you know where you are how do you know. Where you need to change if you don't have those metrics. Ah so I would find a way to get that information from people's brain and get that information from people's conversations or phone calls or emails and that way we can put it. You know in a way that's reportable. That's manageable that can help us drive drive decisions I hope that answer your question but this is something that I seen a lot of organizations right? people spending time on things that are not selling right? What ultimately impacts impacts right? The bottom line of organizations.



Taylor Shanklin

And yeah, making that whole backend operations part of it easier I agree and there are a lot of tools and there's a lot but almost sometimes it's like we're over teched. You know and you spend so much time just on the inputting information and stuff and it's like ah that this could just be a little bit more efficient that would be nice I guess it? Yeah ah well Edgar Carrasco. This has been a pleasure I really appreciate your time today if people want to get in touch with you.



Edgar Carrasco




Taylor Shanklin

Learn more about you learn more about reg packs. What is the best way to do that.



Edgar Carrasco

Yeah, so pretty exciting. We actually just launched our free trial on our website. So go to richpax dot com you can see all the wonderful ways that we help organizations manage their payment management needs. Their registration needs. You can actually click on the free trial button. Go ahead and check out right? How we can help create onboarding processes for your organization whether be Edgar Carrasco at right? I'm pretty transparent individual and I like what we do. So let's see how we can help your organization here today. Thank you very much Taylor for your time as well.



Taylor Shanklin

Yeah, thank you all right folks? Well this has been another episode. We talked sales and solutioning shisel with Edgar Carrasco Today I hope you enjoyed it and picked up on a few things and we'll see you next time.



Edgar Carrasco

See you next day.