Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

255 | Creating Rhythms of Strategic Pauses with Jenni Catron

Art of Leadership Network

In this episode, host Jenni Catron discusses the importance of taking strategic pauses as a leader. She shares her personal experience of pausing the podcast and reflects on the power of intentional disruptions to reset and think differently. Catron emphasizes the need for leaders to create strategic pauses daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to gain perspective and lead better. She provides examples of different rhythms and suggests hiring a coach to facilitate the process. Catron encourages listeners to schedule a strategic pause and shares resources available through 4Sight.


  • Strategic pauses are essential for leaders to gain perspective and lead better.
  • Creating daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual rhythms of strategic pauses helps leaders think differently and plan ahead.
  • Hiring a coach can provide valuable outside perspective and help leaders generate big ideas.
  • Taking intentional disruptions and strategic pauses can reset and energize leaders.
  • Strategic pauses should be a part of a leader's routine and discipline.

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