The SIXCOMMS Podcast
The Six Cs in SIXCOMMS stand for: Connection, Curiosity, Compassion, Clarity, Customization and Consistency.
I'm Lisa, your host, and I believe these are the key ingredients to effective communication.
Now more than ever, we need to put human connection first when communicating across all channels and platforms. This podcast explores all things to do with communicating in a work environment now.
You will be able to pick up tips and techniques that will help you improve the way you communicate with yourself and others.
Website: https://www.sixcomms.org/
Email me at: lisa@sixcomms.org
The SIXCOMMS Podcast
Special Series Episode 51: The Importance of Human Connection with Simone Heng
Welcome to the ninth episode of our special series, co-hosted by Melanie Staunton of Communicate! In this episode, we welcome the brilliant Simone Heng to the SIXCOMMS Podcast. We'll be exploring the topic of: The Importance of Human Connection.
About Our Guest
Simone Heng is based and was born in Singapore with over 15 years of experience as a communicator. She is a human connection specialist and former international broadcaster for, among others, Virgin Radio Dubai, HBO Asia, and CNBC. She is one of the youngest female Certified Speaking Professionals in the world.
As a speaker, Simone inspires people to connect in a world thirsty for connection. She has spoken to thousands, and often for Fortune 500 organizations. Her clients include Google, Meta, Amazon, ByteDance, KPMG, Spotify.
Her latest book “Let’s Talk About Loneliness” is published by Hay House and available globally.
In this episode we will ask:
- What does human connection mean to you?
- What to be mindful of with technology and loneliness?
- What can we do if we are feeling lonely or isolated?
- How can we use communication to support someone who we think is struggling with loneliness?
- How to ask for consent before offering advice?
- What are micro connections and why are they important?
Listen to the end as Simone invites us to take up the "friendship audit" challenge!
We would love to hear what resonates with you. Thank you for tuning in to this special episode, and let’s get ready to explore the importance of human connection, with Simone!
[00:02:44] Exploring the meaning & importance of human connection.
[00:04:21] When are we in danger of oversharing?
[00:08:23] Using vulnerability to authentically connect.
[00:12:54] Simone's top tips for setting digital boundaries.
[00:19:50] How do we know if we are feeling lonely?
[00:24:20] The lonely brain & social connection.
[00:28:26] How to reach out to someone, we think might be struggling with loneliness.
[00:31:00] How to ask for consent before giving advice.
[00:32:45] Simone suggests we “listen for the wish behind the complaint.”
[00:38:34] What to be mindful of when using voice notes.
[00:43:09] Micro-connections in communities.
[00:46:11] The friendship audit challenge is set!
“Let’s Talk About Loneliness” – Simone Heng - https://www.amazon.com/Lets-Talk-About-Loneliness-Connection/dp/1401974880
Connect with Simone:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-heng-speaker/
Website: https://simoneheng.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simoneheng/
Connect with Lisa:
Email: lisa@sixcomms.org
Website: https://www.sixcomms.org/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisasing/
Instagram: @sixcommslisa
Connect with Melanie:
Email: melanie@communicatetraining.com
Website: http://www.communicatetraining.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melaniestaunton/
Instagram: @communicat