New Swingers Podcast

35- Our Response To The HATERS & CRITICS Of The New Swingers Podcast! 🔥

April 24, 2023 John & June
35- Our Response To The HATERS & CRITICS Of The New Swingers Podcast! 🔥
New Swingers Podcast
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New Swingers Podcast
35- Our Response To The HATERS & CRITICS Of The New Swingers Podcast! 🔥
Apr 24, 2023
John & June

You can't please everybody and no matter how much good you do, someone is going to be angry and offended. Today, we respond to some of the very few negative reviews the New Swingers Podcast has received. We discuss them openly, fairly, we clarify potential confusion when able, and remind people that this podcast isn't for everyone. To our haters, we truly wish you the best in your swinging journey and we hope you took something positive away from this swinger lifestyle podcast.




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Show Notes Transcript

You can't please everybody and no matter how much good you do, someone is going to be angry and offended. Today, we respond to some of the very few negative reviews the New Swingers Podcast has received. We discuss them openly, fairly, we clarify potential confusion when able, and remind people that this podcast isn't for everyone. To our haters, we truly wish you the best in your swinging journey and we hope you took something positive away from this swinger lifestyle podcast.




**NEW SWINGER COACHING! Overcome Insecurities Faster & Get Your Questions Answered With Personal Swinger Coaching From John & June. CLICK HERE To Learn More...

*MEET LOCAL SWINGERS, GET THE FREE "SWING-EASY" 2-PG PDF GUIDE! We Show You The 3 Easiest Ways To Find & Connect With Other Like-Minded Swinger Couples In Your Area In The Next 24 Hours (or less, GUARANTEED)! CLICK HERE!

GUYS, Are You Having a HARD Time Staying HARD? CLICK HERE & Use The Code "NEW" At Checkout To Get $30 OFF Your Order of FDA-Approved ED Medication So You Can Stay Harder Longer And Drive Your Sex Partners Wild!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome back to the New Swingers podcast. I'm John,

Speaker 2 (00:02):
And I'm June.

Speaker 1 (00:04):
And today we are addressing our podcast haters,

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Haters. Haters going to hate

Speaker 1 (00:12):
Sipping on that. It's like no matter what you do in life, there are people who are going to hate you, trash talk you. I mean, there are even people out there who hated Mother Teresa, which is fucking wild. Yeah, that's a little crazy. Yeah. Oh yeah. The shit people said about some of the things with her being a nun who gave her life to the poor in Calcutta. And yeah, it doesn't matter what you do. And it's funny because back when we were growing up, if you're going to talk trash about somebody, you had to actually answer for it. And nowadays, it's like Mike Tyson says, like he said, something to the effect of that people on social media, it's made people way too comfortable talking trash without getting punched in the face for it. And we live in this time now where you can be faceless and nameless and leave comments or reviews and not have to attach yourself to it or be accountable to it

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Or answer. Yeah, answer for it. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Yeah. I mean, I have so much respect for anyone who comes up to me and disagrees with me to my face. Must not be challenging anybody. It's just, it's like, oh, that person has well, integrity, number one and number two, it's like, oh, they actually have some guts because yeah, they're attached to their opinion. It's just kind of funny with some of these hateful reviews on our podcast. We're going to read you today and share and we're going to address. But yeah, we're going to find, it's interesting. We're not here to try to defend ourselves or anything like that. We're just going to look at 'em and go, well, is that real or is that not real?

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Or is there any truth to that? Is there not?

Speaker 1 (01:59):
Or did this person maybe misinterpret something? Yeah. So yeah, today's about the haters. And by the way, out of all the reviews we have, this is the very small number that are bad ones. And I think there's maybe some legitimate, maybe criticism in the sense of, Hey, we could do this better, something like that. But it was delivered in a really negative way. Yeah. I'm not under any illusion. We're not perfect. Oh, yeah. We're still figuring out this podcast and the lifestyle together. This is our journey. We don't know what the hell it's going to. I

Speaker 2 (02:37):
Mean, we've never done, done a podcast before together. Never. I know John has, he's done podcasts, other podcasts he's done, or interviews he's done and stuff like that. But me, I've really not done a lot. So sometimes I just don't have a lot to say.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
So what we want to do today is we want to premise it with this premise, it preface it, start with this premise, this preface. We're not perfect people. We don't know everything about relationships, lifestyle, whatever. But we do know quite a bit. We've experienced quite a bit, especially in our relationship, we're often drinking vodka while we're on here. So if it gets a little wild or something of that nature, or there's something off about it, well, there's a good possibility vodka may have been involved.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
So then of course, now I'm a rum girl.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Yeah. It was weird just a couple months ago, we've always loved the a hundred proof vodka we were drinking, and a couple months ago, it just started turning us into the devil against each other. We would just, my gosh, argue over the dumbest shit

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Over dumb stuff. For sure. And so we stopped drinking that shit. We're taking a break for a little

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Bit. Yeah. Now we're like, Jack Sparrow. Exactly. Where's the ru? Exactly. So we also want to say that, I don't know who said this, but it's true. A lot of people don't see the world as it is. They see it as they are. So people see things through their own lens of perspective and perception. Absolutely. And we understand that. So some people are just toxic or easily offended and triggered, or they're overly sensitive. If that's you, this probably isn't the podcast for you. And episode, what, 35? Now you probably aren't around anymore if you've listened to all the others and haven't realized that yet. We're not for everybody. So again, if you don't like our podcast, we literally mean this. Feel free to go listen to another podcast if you don't like ours. Yeah. Aren't, we're not offended. We're not for everybody. If we can do something better, we want to encourage you. Don't be selfish by just leaving a bad review and dropping it. Simply email us, I mean, be a mature adult and email us, make a suggestion on how we might improve or do something better. We're open to that feedback.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
Absolutely. I had mentioned that to John as we're talking about this podcast. I was like, I wish they would just email us and let us know if there is something that we could do better at. We're new at doing podcasts and new to the lifestyle, so it's, I wish that some of these people would've just written us an email like, Hey, I think you could have done this better.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Or, Hey, we kept hearing this noise. And then one thing we realized is that we have a couple of very expensive microphones, and they're super sensitive. So for a long time we didn't realize it was picking up on us taking a drink or eating something, and that would be very annoying on a podcast, but we didn't realize it was picking up on it. And so little things like that, little quirks, we document our journey, but also we want it to be helpful for you.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
And we're definitely open for feedback.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
For sure. For sure. Most people in lifestyle, we're evolving in it as well as in our relationship as a couple. And so, you know, might hear some things about, well, you only do this or you only do, or you'll see as we go into the episode. But I think if you talk to any couple who's been in the lifestyle for any amount of time, at least probably a year or more pro, they would probably tell you they've evolved as a couple and as people in the lifestyle and their desires and what they like. And so we're literally just on that evolution ourselves. Definitely. What we thought we didn't like six, seven months ago, we come to find out we actually, her or me, we're finding things that maybe we do now that that's changed. So for Go ahead. I

Speaker 2 (06:34):
Was just going to say too, just whatever works for us that may, and it's helpful for us, it not necessarily would work for you or be helpful for you. This is just what we've found that works for us.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
And if you hear something right now and it's not helpful or relevant, well, it might have to do with your phase of where you are in the lifestyle or your exploring of the lifestyle, but in six or nine months or a year or two, you might be in a place where you go, oh, you know what? I thought that was kind of dumb, but now I get what they meant by that. Or who knows? I mean, yeah. But bottom line, if you don't like our podcast, don't listen to it. Yeah. It's that easy. We don't care if you listen to it or not. We mainly did this for us, but we thought, Hey, we might as well try to help people if we can. Yeah. Because like we've said in other episodes, yes, we're newer to the lifestyle ourselves, but we've also been happily, very happily married for almost 20 years. And so most of the issues in the lifestyle, they aren't issues we would've faced otherwise outside of the lifestyle. But the root cause of a lot of the problems you'll face in the lifestyle have to do with a lot of the same insecurities and root causes of problems that people have in the relationships, whether it's lifestyle or not. Fear, fear,

Speaker 2 (07:54):
Fear, things

Speaker 1 (07:54):
Like that. Jealousy and the thoughts, the whole thought battle. So today we are going to kick it off and June's going to kick it off, and she's going to read the title of the Nasty review and then what they said. And by the way, if you would like to leave for review, you can leave whatever kind you obviously, but if we've actually been helpful for you, we ask that you take literally the next three seconds, just scroll to the bottom, click those stars, help us reach more people just like you. And if this podcast has been of any value, leave review. It takes five or 10 seconds to write and just say how it's been helpful for you, because that helps other people financeers that they're trying to look for that maybe they can't. Yeah. So,

Speaker 2 (08:51):

Speaker 1 (08:51):
This number one,

Speaker 2 (08:52):
First one says a bit of a load, a bit of a

Speaker 1 (08:57):
Load. In other words, like a load of shit,

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Probably. Maybe.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
I don't know. This thing's full

Speaker 2 (09:02):
Of shit. Let's see. Too much drawn. He's full of himself and seems to control June. She seems like a good person and will probably move on one day. Okay.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Fuck you in June. Answer these. Honestly, I literally have nothing in this. If you answer anything, we haven't discussed this previously. You answer these completely. Honestly, there's no manipulation here.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
I call bullshit on the whole thing because you're not full of yourself and you're not a controlling person. You never have been, unless I've been wanting you to be more dominant in the bedroom mainly. But that's just something I'm evolving in. I am a good person. Thank you for that part. But I will not move on one day because I love John and I still love him. He's still my best friend. He's still the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. So no, I will not be moving on.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
Oh, let's see. Was that, that's for okay, next.

Speaker 2 (10:15):
I cannot get past, I don't know what that says, d i,

Speaker 1 (10:20):
I think it meant, I think it said dipping. I think that's where the microphone's really sensitive, and I was either chewing something or drinking something, and the guy says, it's so distracting, awful. I do genuinely, genuinely apologize for that because that was probably me way too close to the microphone. My mouth is dry, or I was eating something and just didn't realize it. And I agree that would be really annoying. So I'm actually with that guy, and I hate that because if that guy really needed our advice or we had something helpful to say, and he couldn't stand listening because there was some sort of tech issue or noise that got so annoying, it made it hard to listen to the whole thing. That's counterproductive, and I'm actually sad to hear that. So yeah, I do apologize for that. Again, we're working progress. We're learning these things and these microphones and such.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
Yeah, definitely. Guys,

Speaker 1 (11:16):
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Speaker 2 (12:06):

Speaker 1 (12:08):

Speaker 2 (12:08):
Is a long one.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
Yeah, this one side to write a book, and it's

Speaker 2 (12:13):
Two pages. Okay.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Well, not two. Well, two screenshots. Oh, so

Speaker 2 (12:16):
It's okay.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
Yeah. And it looks like also when describing, okay, so when you flip the next one, it starts right

Speaker 2 (12:24):
There. Okay. So this one says, John, please stop.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Ooh, a one star.

Speaker 2 (12:34):

Speaker 1 (12:34):
Me what you really think of me

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Potential to be a good podcast if more education was provided versus just stories of encounters. Okay. I'm just going to address that part right now, because we've said from the get go with this podcast, we're documenting our journey. That's what we're doing. We're not like, we're not sex experts. We are not counselors. We are literally documenting our journey along the way. And we have said that from the get go from episode one, so I'm just going to say that right there, because that's, that's what we're doing is not sex experts.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Yeah, no, we do try to educate from our life experience as a very happily married couple for a very long time. But if you're talking formal such education, there's nothing even in the description of this podcast that suggests that, no, that's what we're going to be talking about or from that sort of position. And we try to be real clear about that just so that there is no misinterpretation, because that just doesn't help anybody.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
John sounds like he's constantly eating or chewing gum, which is annoying.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
Yeah, we addressed that one. Yep.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
Also, it comes across as extremely disrespectful from John with a constant interruption or trying to speak for June. No, I don't. I'm just going to address as I read. I don't see that at all. I don't feel like he interrupts me. I think at the very beginning. There may have been a couple times here and there, but again, we're newbies at doing a podcast together, and so this is all brand new to me especially, and sometimes I just don't have something to say about it, certain things, so I won't say something if I don't have anything to say about it.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
And admittedly, I do talk a lot, and so we've only gotten a couple emails of about Mandy, he cut off June or she was saying something, and when we saw that, I took very good note of M made a very conscious effort not to do that. Yeah. Because again, if you're onto a point, we don't want to cut it off for any reason. If it could help somebody, and again, we're in many of these episodes, we were drinking vodka, and when you're drinking a hundred pro vodka, you're two or three shots in recording a podcast. You don't really give a fuck if you interrupt somebody or if you get interrupted back and you just banter.

Speaker 2 (15:18):
Well, and I don't get off the podcast all pissed off because he interrupted me. It's nothing like that either at all. Oh my gosh, you interrupted me the whole fucking time. No, I don't feel that way. I don't feel like he's being disrespectful or trying to cut me off at all. Yeah, that's not at all the case. It might come off. I mean, I guess it could have come off that way, but that's not how it is at all.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
But I do take that to heart, and I do try to make sure that, oh, hey, if she's saying something, don't jump right in. I sometimes, I've even started having a pad of paper right here on the desk, and I'll just write down a thought I had and then wait till she's done. I wasn't doing that in the beginning, but I do that now. And so that does kind of help with that.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Yeah, please allow her to speak for herself. John has mentioned anger a few times. This is not appealing to other lifestyle couples. Actually, every episode there's mention of a fight screaming or a argument that is not healthy. Communication is key. Wait in the lifestyle, wait, but should have involve a constant argument. Wait,

Speaker 1 (16:24):
Okay. I want to stop right there though. The thing about the argument, well, here's the thing about the arguments we discussed on podcast. We're not arguing on the podcast. We only discuss on the podcast arguments we've had and that we've resolved, and then we discuss what they were and how we've resolved those issues. If you get into the lifestyle and you come from the background we do, it's going to probably be somewhat of a rollercoaster for a time. Yeah. There's going to be issues up and down, insecurities, questions, discoveries, things you find that you might not like or expect that you have to deal with together that creates friction and arguments. But the only arguments we've ever discussed, we don't argue on the podcast. No, we don't have live arguments. What we do is we discuss the arguments we've had about the issues we've had, and then we talk about what conclusion we came to that resolved the issue, and in hopes that if somebody else deals with that, maybe that would help them get past it. Yeah. I mean, say that we argue in, well, number one, we argue in every episode we're on 35 right now. We don't talk about arguments in every episode, but there are a number of them where we do discuss arguments.

Speaker 2 (17:47):
Well, it just says, John has mentioned anger a few times. This is not appealing to other lifestyle couples.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
I disagree

Speaker 2 (17:53):
Actually, every episode that, okay, they did say that actually every episode there's a mention of a fight screaming or an argument,

Speaker 1 (18:00):
But she says, John has mentioned anger a few times. This is not appealing to other lifestyle couples. I disagree with that because there are other lifestyle couples who go through the same issues and fights, and they know they're not alone because here we are, live on our journey, discovering it together and having that, and people relate to it because they're dealing with the same issue. Now, that's not everybody. And there, there's a place where that might not be accurate, but it's definitely a place where people empathize. And we've had people tell us email, we met people in person like, oh my gosh, you talked about that issue. And that's exactly what we were going through. And yeah, we had that argument. But what you said made so much sense. It helped us dodge that bomb.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
Well, and here's the thing. We like to be real. We like to be real. And if there was an argument where one episode that we talked about how we were screaming at each other, and he said, well, you're going to fuck this person so I can fuck this person, and I blah, blah. But you know what? I said all that, and we said all that on here because we wanted to help other people out. Like, Hey, yes, we're not perfect. Yes, we still fight and are working through the shit to overcome.

Speaker 1 (19:16):
But when I was saying those particular things in that particular fight, we were drinking vodka. Yep. Number two, I was just saying the wildest shit I could think of just to try to kind of piss you off, because I was pretty justified in that particular argument in my stance. I actually was. And we both decided and agree on that later. But we also, in that particular argument, we also discovered that you like to be told what to do. I do. Because to be dominant, I was expecting you to shout back, but instead you said, this is going to sound crazy, but I actually, I'm kind of turned on by what you just said. And I was like, what? So we discovered she's, she likes being dominated more and told what to do, and we discussed that, but we never would've discovered that if we didn't have that argument that, look, I think that's the one this person's referring to, but I think they overlook that fact because that was one of our biggest victories.

Speaker 2 (20:20):
It really was. So communication is key in the lifestyle, but shouldn't involve a constant argument. Recommend keeping the anger slash fighting comments off the podcast. And then I just, we'll not do that only because what we fought about other couples probably are going to fight about or already have fought about it and what we can learn. We are both people who love to help other people overcome their own shit, and if we've overcome the shit we have in all the arguments, we want to address those on here because what we say might help another couple not have to go through the same shit we have.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
Yeah. I mean, to keep, to not discuss the arguments we've had would almost be phony. What have we been doing? Because we would be leaving out part of our journey that's helped us grow and produce the best things we've experienced together in the lifestyle and as individuals and as a married couple.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
And so again, people see the world not as it is sometimes, but as they are, and this person's entailed their opinion, we simply disagree.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
Thanks for describing Collette Dallas so accurately, that's been a positive for listeners. Yeah,

Speaker 1 (21:35):
It's a great

Speaker 2 (21:35):
Club. Yeah. Also, when describing dp, it's slightly in parentheses, a lot misleading to hear it as you have in the latest episode, you are describing Eiffel Tower, not dp, which is one man in the pink and one in the rear. Okay. I'm sorry, I'm not, I'll just say I don't know all the fucking germs that are out

Speaker 1 (22:02):
There. You mean you're new to this stuff?

Speaker 2 (22:03):
So I'm not a swinger dictionary. Swinger. Swinger dictionary. Dictionary

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Swinger police.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
Yes. I'm not a swinger police, so I don't know all the words. Even I had to have John, I was an Eiffel Tower. What? I don't know all the terms. I just know this is what happened, and in my opinion, it's like if I'm being double penetrated, whether it's in my mouth and in my pussy or my ass and my pussy, both are double penetration in my book, in my opinion. Well,

Speaker 1 (22:38):
There's two things. There's two things which is double, and then they're penetrating, which is penetration. Now, if you go search porn and you type in dp, it's usually two guys fucking a girl in the ass and in the vagina, but at the same time. So that's more of a textbook, and so that person has a point there, but it's not slightly or a lot misleading because what we were referring to, I know the episode they're talking about, it was the first time June ever had me and a second man involved, and it was a spit roast, and it was awesome. Basically,

Speaker 2 (23:16):
She and I, see, I didn't even know what that term was. I'm like, what's that?

Speaker 1 (23:19):
Well, she was doggy style. My friend was behind her, and then she was sucking me off. So it's like, yeah, it was a spit roast. We call it dp. We threw it out there. I mean, that's just first thing that came to mind because, well, to me, that's the best. Well, it is a variation of a dp. If you look up, again, textbook porn terminology, a DP is going to be like one in the ass, one in the pussy. But I mean, in my book, it's a DP variation because you have two dicks going into one lady penetrating. Yep. Dp. So it's like, all right, potato, pat potato. If you're losing your mind over that, I mean, trying to accuse us of being misleading. I mean, come on, people grow

Speaker 2 (24:04):
Up and then it says, lastly, describing women by their race is insulting and super insensitive. I completely disagree with that because if you can't be told that you are an African American person or a white person or an Indian, because I'm Hello, 20% Indian, if that's offensive to you for me to say, Hey, we fucked this hot black girl or Asian girl, Asian girl, I'm sorry. Then that means that you are a very highly offended person, and maybe you shouldn't listen to this podcast.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
Yeah. Well, here's my question. What the fuck would you want us to call him? Yeah. If I say we went out and fucked a, a very beautiful black lady, why is that insensitive or insulting? If somebody went out and said that, if a lady went out and said she fucked a hot white guy, nobody would bitch about a thing. Nope. If somebody called me a white guy, nobody would complain about that. But if we say, oh, this hot Asian lady or this hot black lady, there's nothing slightly offensive. Well, and plus, if you're proud of your heritage and you're not racist, why would you hate being called what you are? Why would you be offended by being called what you literally are? Yeah. Again, I

Speaker 2 (25:26):
Don't see what's wrong with that.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
Yeah. I mean, we live in a time when people are super oversensitive. They're triggered easily. It's this whole bitch culture of people. If I just walk out and I call a black person the N word that's called racist. Well, yeah. And you wouldn't imagine the shit I've been called in my life and for almost doing nothing or sometimes doing nothing in do how long I bitched about it. Not very long. I moved on with my life, and I don't give a shit. But she says, describing women by their race is insulting and super insensitive. We know so many beautiful people. Oh, different colors and ethnicities with beautiful cultures they come from. And what this person's saying is that to refer them by their race, which by race, really, you're talking about skin color.

Most black people I know are very proud of their black heritage, and I don't think the people we know, they wouldn't be offended if it's like, oh, oh, who's he? Oh, you know what? Or if you describe him as a black, oh, he's a black guy. He is about six foot tall, or two 50, whatever. If you're describing a person, if you describe me, oh, he's a white guy, six foot tall, about 190 pounds brown hair, nobody would be offended if you're describing the white. I even wonder if the person who's writing this review, if it's one of those white ladies stereotypically, who just bitch about everything and don't, don't receive any discrimination, or if it's an actual person of color who's complaining about that. Because again, most people of color we know they're very proud of their heritage, and Yeah. They're not insulted when you refer to them as what they are. Yeah. So I mean, again, we're not going to please everybody. Yeah. If you don't like this podcast, don't listen to it. Yep. We're not for everybody. She has the right to her opinion. So Yep. There's that.

Speaker 2 (27:30):
This one says, lack, but don't love.

Speaker 3 (27:32):
Aw, don't like us, but don't love us. Damn it. My life's over. Oh, no.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
Go get the gun. I'm just kidding. Don't do that.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Good info. But John constantly sounds like he's chewing something or eating, and it's so irritating. Yeah, we

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Talked about that. Yeah. And I apologize. Technical stuff. Didn't realize it.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
Oh, same kind of thing. Good podcast. dot says, why does the husband sound like he's sucking on a cough drop or sucker? It drives me crazy, but it's a good podcast and informative.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
Well see that. That's not even an insulting bad review. Again, we've already addressed that. That's bad. But then he ends it with, but it's a good podcast and it's informative. We're grateful to hear that this person got something out of it. Yeah. Despite me not realizing with the microphones, whatever

Speaker 2 (28:29):
This one says, not so sure, not so sure. I would call them swingers. Most swingers have sex with other couples, not just the lady and the BJs during the show are rather annoying. I may be off base, but that's my opinion.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Okay, so let's go to the beginning. Okay. Not sure. I call them swingers because most swingers have sex with other couples, not just the lady. Well, this is where we were talking about evolving sexually and the lifestyle. Go ahead and, cause we know what they're

Speaker 2 (28:57):
Talking about. I'm sorry. Are you a swinger's podcast? P Swingers' Police, come on. No, that's how we started out.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
Now, why did we start out only playing with women?

Speaker 2 (29:09):
Because I felt that was, I felt most comfortable with that, and I wasn't ready to play with a guy. I wanted to explore my bisexuality with my husband together. And I don't see that as not being the swingers. There's so many different people in the lifestyle that are swingers that they only like to watch, or they only to parallel play, which is you're just, you're having sex with your own partner, but you're still right beside the other couple. There's so many different things. So to call us not a swinger bullshit, I call bullshit on that.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
Well, on top of that, we don't even fucking care if someone's like, Hey, you're no real swingers. We're just like, oh,

Speaker 2 (29:55):
Okay. Well, we're still having fun. We're like,

Speaker 1 (29:57):
Okay, well, we're just out having sexual fun with our friends, whatever you call that, since we're not real swingers. Yeah. If we're not real swingers, okay. I

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Guess. Okay. I don't care. We're still out there having fun.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
Yeah. Something. I don't know, this person, maybe they're not getting laid very much. Oh, and then the Okay, then about the BJs.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Okay, I'm sorry, but their name on here is Who are we kidding? That's funny. That's their name.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
I've got questions about them now too.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
Yeah. And then it says, and the BJs during the show are rather annoying. I may be off base, but that's my opinion. Well, that's their opinion. They're allowed to have that. But you don't know how many emails we've gotten. Oh my

Speaker 1 (30:38):

Speaker 2 (30:39):
Of so many people saying, oh my God, that's so fucking hot that you give your husband a blowjob in the middle of the episode.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
So many, not every episode, so many of them, June just goes down for 10 or 20 seconds. I don't even know what she's going to do. It was her idea to do. Yep. And my thing is this. What is this a guy? I can't tell if it's a guy who wrote it. Number one, what guy hates blowjob? And then, oh, what are you doing? Oh, in honor

Speaker 2 (31:12):
Of this comment I got,

Speaker 1 (31:13):
She's undoing my belt. Yes, I am. You speak. This is consensual. Obviously

Speaker 4 (31:30):

Speaker 2 (31:30):
Had to do it because after that comment, I had to,

Speaker 1 (31:33):
Well, hey, we're not real. We're not real swingers. So the BJs are during the show rather annoying. Okay. Yeah. Again, like we said, this person has the right to their opinion, but that's actually one of the biggest compliments we've gotten over and over and over that people absolutely love. So this person's actually the minority of our listeners who have engaged with us. So again, if you don't like our podcast, go listen to another podcast where they don't blow each other on the air. Yeah, that's perfectly fine.

Speaker 2 (32:05):
Because I mean, there's been a few episodes where he's been sucking on my titties, so there's that.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
Oh, and they're so nice.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
And I got new piercings in, or not, piercings in new nipple.

Speaker 1 (32:17):

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Rings. Nipple rings. Thank you. I'm like, what's the word I'm looking for? Need more coffee, new nipple rings. And they're from, and I'm going to say it. She's one of my hot Asian friends there. I said Asian, she's one of my hot Asian friends, and she got 'em for me for my birthday, and I finally put 'em, I tried 'em out. One says, fuck me. And the other one says, come C U M here.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
They look great. By the way, if you want to see 'em, go check out June's only Fann. It's the very first link in the show notes that says, go check out June's

Speaker 2 (32:52):
Boobs only fans or

Speaker 1 (32:53):
Something. Or only fans. Yeah. It's like the first link in the show notes. And if you want to see what those look like, uncensored all the way, and then some. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
This one says repetitive and boring. It started out interesting, but he talks way too much and is very full of himself. Or someone dispensing advice to newbies in the lifestyle. How many times can one hear about his getting advice from a porn star or listen to her ugly blow drops? This show may have already run its course as they're not offering anything new or useful. Okay. Well, then you can just not listen to it. You can just go your own way. Look

Speaker 1 (33:34):
At the one right below it says, awesome podcast, five stars. Oh,

Speaker 2 (33:37):

Speaker 1 (33:38):
Like opinions. All right. So let's unpack this a bit just to look, and again, we're not offended by any of these. We're just kind of like, oh, that's interesting. Yeah. So it started out, interestingly say, but he talks way too much. Yeah, I probably do. He's very full of himself. No,

Speaker 2 (33:55):
I mean, I don't think so.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
I don't, and here's the thing about the porn star advice. I've only mentioned that. I mentioned it one time after receiving that coaching from that porn star, because it was relevant to the topic of the podcast. I don't remember which episode it was, and the only other, I think I, you have No, no, I think it, I've only mentioned it maybe two other times because we got an email from somebody asking specifically about that. And so I addressed it as a listener question email. And so I'm not on here every episode. Yeah, man, I got silly SCO from a porn star bra. I'm a badass man. I figured out how to do something that you really liked that I didn't know how to do. It was this porn star who taught it to me. And so people were wondering, and a few times people have written in, and so I've addressed it. Yeah. It's not like I do it all the time. No. And ugly blow jobs. How could an blowjob be ugly? Again, I'm not insulting this person, but how is a blowjob ugly? They're fucking awesome.

Speaker 2 (35:10):
Why? Because you can hear me sucking on it and you're wishing it was you. Sorry. Probably.

Speaker 1 (35:15):
Probably. Could be. Could be.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
I'm just saying,

Speaker 1 (35:18):
If you weren't such an asshole, you know, might get to have June do that. But teach theone. June's gotten good at it too.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
Thank you. Thank you very

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Much. No, thank you for your service.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
Talkative interrupting guy. Okay.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
Yeah, we kind of addressed that already, but go ahead and read it.

Speaker 2 (35:36):
The guy does most of the talking problem is he says the same thing over and over. The lady is more focused and entertaining, but gets interrupted by him all the time. Nah, like I said, I disagree with that. And if there's alcohol involved, that happens. So there's that young,

Speaker 1 (35:54):
And also, I don't know if you said it before the podcast or after we hit record, but you did say something about there's a only a couple of episodes where,

Speaker 2 (36:03):

Speaker 1 (36:04):
Yeah, you really didn't have much to say about a topic, or you didn't know much about it, and so you just went ahead and you didn't just make stuff for the sake of saying it. So I probably was talking more in a few of the episodes. There's very few, but there's somewhere you just didn't have a lot to say.

Speaker 2 (36:21):
And Yeah, that's what I had told him. We were talking about the podcast before we started it, and I just had mentioned, I know there are a few episodes out there that I don't have a lot to say, and I'm one of those people. If I don't have a lot to say about something, I'm just not going to say stuff, just to say stuff if I don't have an opinion about it. I know John has an opinion and things to say about a lot more things because he's been around porn and just different things more than I have, and I'm older than him, but still I, I'm a newbie in, so I feel like more than he is because he was already watching porn and stuff, but I wasn't. So I feel like there are things that maybe I don't know a lot about. So if I don't know a lot about something, I'm not going to talk, because why

Speaker 1 (37:16):
Mean you were a lot more sheltered than me for most of

Speaker 2 (37:20):
Your life.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
Very, very much. And she said the F word for the first time last year. Last

Speaker 2 (37:23):
Year at 38 years old. Just saying.

Speaker 1 (37:25):
So that's, that's the F word. So it's kind of like, yeah. I mean, yeah. Anyway, but hey, whatever. It's all good.

Speaker 2 (37:36):
This one says young,

Speaker 1 (37:38):
Young. Oh, wait, that, no, that that's a five star one.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
Oh, well then

Speaker 1 (37:41):
That's reading only the bad ones. Oh, that's fine. By the way, if you want to hear all the good ones and there's way more of those, go ahead and just go to the reviews and ratings and check 'em out.

Speaker 2 (37:51):

Speaker 1 (37:52):

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Just, I'm just reading. It says train. Read it out loud. Train wreck.

Speaker 1 (37:58):

Speaker 2 (37:58):
Wreck with one star.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
One star. Oh, my little ego was crushed. I have no confidence. I have something to tell my therapist when I'm 93.

Speaker 2 (38:07):
Gosh, I'm only here to watch the train derail. That was kind of why I was like, whoa, okay.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
This person sounds like a joy to be in a relationship with, by the way.

Speaker 2 (38:17):
Yeah. New swingers do not need to be giving out advice to other new swingers. Well, fuck you, and you can just not listen to this. Thanks.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
Well, here's the thing about that.

Speaker 2 (38:28):
I'm like, the

Speaker 1 (38:28):
Fuck, if there was a skillset we were teaching, if we were teaching how to do brain to new surgeons, or how to do a certain particular trained skillset, and we were not competent or qualified in it, that's different. But again, we're not just documenting our journey to say, we don't need to be giving out advice. Mostly advice for we're giving out is relationship advice, which we know a shit ton about. I mean, so that's the root of any advice we do give. It's usually more relationship advice, but it's as it pertains to swinging, because that's the topic of the podcast. And if we didn't make it pertaining to that, people would just say, oh, then they'd bitch that, oh, it says it's a swinger podcast. But it's just a relationship advice one. So you can't win with some people.

Speaker 2 (39:22):
Yeah. But again, you just don't need to listen to it then and waiting for it to derail. Okay,

Speaker 1 (39:29):

Speaker 2 (39:29):
Along, fuckers. Cause it's not going anywhere. We're going to stay on here. And if you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
Well, the thing is, we had no idea somebody was thinking it was going to derail. No kidding. Because it's going so well and we've never been better. No. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (39:43):
And we're going to keep giving advice along the way of what we've learned because you know what? There's somebody out there that this has helped, and we've gotten several emails of things that we've addressed and said, and it's helped them with their lifestyle.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
Well, and the thing is, yeah,

Speaker 2 (39:57):
It's not true.

Speaker 1 (39:58):
Well, and also, if we don't know the answer to something, we go ask somebody more experience than us and say, Hey, how did you deal with this? We had a question. Definitely. Then we come back in, we report on it. And so everything you hear from us isn't just our highly credible and solid relationship advice, but it's also advice that we get from other people who are more credible in the lifestyle than us, and we're just relaying the information. I know sometimes we don't tell you that we don't name names on here, so we can't really give credit where it's due all the time because we don't want to expose somebody's identity.

Speaker 2 (40:29):
Well, and a lot of it, even that, a lot of it is just like, Hey, this is what we've learned and this is what's helped us. And then we just let you know what that is, and maybe it might be helpful for you, and maybe it might not be. Yeah. But it says their advice is terrible. This relationship is doomed. Wow.

Speaker 1 (40:50):
Damn. For a relationship. This lasted this long, and it went from great to kicked into high gear, and it's even better than it's Ben.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
Yeah. It's not doomed.

Speaker 1 (41:01):
That's the opposite of doomed.

Speaker 2 (41:02):
Yeah. Yeah. John is a gas ladder and has June under his control. Ooh,

Speaker 1 (41:06):
Get you into my control. I

Speaker 2 (41:10):
Like it.

Speaker 1 (41:12):
If you're in the bedroom, she fucking loves it.

So here's what a gas lighter is. If you don't know, basically a gas lighter is somebody, let's say that I was wrong. Let's say I was wrong and I did. Let's say I cheated on you, which I have no need to. Why the fuck would I? Yeah. That's another great thing about the lifestyle. We just do it together. But an example of a gaslight might be like for anyone listening who doesn't know exactly, it would be somebody, let's say that I did, I cheated on June, and then when she complained to me, I'd tried to convince her why it was her fault that I did it and take no responsibility for my actions. That's sort of gaslighting. It's like psychological manipulation. And so, oh, this person's saying that I'm that way, and you are under my control. You seem so seduced by that

Speaker 2 (42:06):
Now. June has no ability to think for herself or stand up for herself. Well,

Speaker 1 (42:11):
Dan, that's insulting.

Speaker 2 (42:12):
That's some really bullshit because No, I totally, now, the old June, about a year and a half ago, I wouldn't talk up for myself. I wouldn't stand up for myself or nothing. She

Speaker 1 (42:24):
Argues more with me now than she ever fucking has since being in the lifestyle. But we make more progress and I'm down for it.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
Actually have an opinion. Then I actually think for myself now. Yeah. John is ridiculously self-centered and is evident that he only started the swinging lifestyle to sleep with other women.

Speaker 1 (42:44):
Okay. Number one, I can address that right now. That's just your opinion, which you don't know me. So kind of hard to credibly do that. But the starting the lifestyle only to sleep with other women going to the swinger's club, the very first, any swinger thought, action, anything was June's idea, not mine. So

Speaker 2 (43:06):
It was on your fuck list. But I was like, well, let's do that.

Speaker 1 (43:09):
Well, yeah, but I have 23 things on my fuck list. You chose seven that I watch. Shocked. You wanted to try also. Yeah. And you picked that one, and that's why we did it. Yep. So yeah, to say I did it just so I didn't try to influence you toward that at all. I didn't know you would like any of those things. It's

Speaker 2 (43:26):
Bullshit. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (43:27):
Nope. Again, this is just an example. People don't know you. They make judgments and opinions based on what they hear. They hear it through their own filter, and they interpret it in their own way, even if it's faulty.

Speaker 2 (43:40):
I'm in a long term, ethically non-monogamous relationship. And this is definitely not how it should be done. If what's not, what's how it should do, if anything, do exactly the opposite of what they advise. Wow.

Speaker 1 (43:53):
The opposite. Damn. We give so much good relationship advice. If you do the opposite, you would kill your relationship. I know from so many of the episodes.

Speaker 2 (44:00):

Speaker 1 (44:02):
Yeah. This person's a little triggered. And by the way, when people get highly emotional, beware of their advice, because emotional people don't hardly ever make good, logical decisions, don't make a lot of your decisions. If you're highly emotional, this person seems definitely to be. And they're throwing out a lot of very broad, general like accusations that really aren't founded on anything except their own perception.

Speaker 2 (44:28):
Yeah, definitely not. Oh, not at all. True.

Speaker 1 (44:31):
Last one, too much babble. Two stars. Oh, it's not one star. So it wasn't that bad.

Speaker 2 (44:37):
Cause we got two stars. Not one. They

Speaker 1 (44:38):
Give us two. I didn't. They give us one. They gave us two stars. Wow.

Speaker 2 (44:41):
This is a very boring podcast, Dave. Your ears.

Speaker 1 (44:44):
Wait, Dave, your ears. This is a very boring podcast, Dave. Your ears, I think they meant save your ears, but auto incorrect. Got their ass, or their thumbs are too big and they're typing on the phone and they

Speaker 2 (44:57):
Got Shrek fingers.

Speaker 1 (44:58):
Yeah, they got Shrek fingers probably look like Shrek too. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I wouldn't want to insult anybody by calling them an ogre if that's their nationality or their race. Oh man.

Speaker 2 (45:14):
But anyway, all that to say, we're just literally documenting our journey along the way of what's helped us. And truly our hearts are to help you in the lifestyle. And it's called New Swingers podcast for a reason, because we

Speaker 1 (45:31):

Speaker 2 (45:32):
We're also new swingers. So we're given advice for things that we've learned along the way that's helped us and our hearts truly are to help other people overcome their shit. We've overcame a lot in the lifestyle in the past nine months, and we just want to help other people maybe not have the same fights that we've had.

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Yeah. So hey, in lieu of this whole episode being about haters in the review section,

Speaker 2 (46:00):
Hater's going to hate

Speaker 1 (46:02):
Go give us a rating in review right now. Takes three seconds, scroll down, hit the stars, take another 10 seconds and leave a review. Tell people us, because we read these. Yeah. Tell us how this has been a value to you. We want to know how it's been helpful. And if you have a question or you have a comment or a suggestion, how it could be more helpful. Yeah. Send us an email at new swingers podcast because we want to improve this if we can. I mean, we're always Absolutely. We're always looking to approve. Yeah. But again, in light of the topic of this episode, go le leave us a writing review and let us know how it's been of value for you, and it'll help other people as well. And we wish you the best in your swinging journey, and we'll see you. Yes, in the next episode.