Flash Masters

Denied access to the Photography Show

Neil Redfern & Helen Williams Episode 62

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As the UK shivers under a frosty blanket, Helen Williams and Neil Redfern, warm up the mic with a chat that's sure to thaw your curiosity (can you tell this is written by AI?!). We're buzzing to unfold the latest from Flash Masters, including our brand-new leaderboards that are calling all flash photography aficionados to showcase their skills. Whether you're a wedding, environmental or studio photographer, we're rolling out the red carpet for your work (again, this is AI!)

Find out why both Neil & Helen have been denied access to the Photography and Video Show in March  - can we reverse their decision?

Plus, navigating the photography industry can be akin to catching the perfect lighting—it requires patience and a little strategy. We peel back the curtain to reveal the quieter moments of the year that photographers endure and share a global lens on these challenges (this AI is odd). But fear not, for these lulls are but intermissions, prime time to prime your business for the bustling season ahead. Plus, we delve into the joys and juggling acts of mentoring, sharing how guiding fellow shutterbugs can be as rewarding as nailing that once-in-a-lifetime shot. 

Tune in for tales of Mailchimp misadventures and wedding fair follies. We don't just stop at business talk, though. Cap off the episode with a personal journey through my 2023, immortalized in a YouTube recap and a dozen defining photos. We also shine a spotlight on Natalie Martin's flash work. And for a cheeky finish, Neil relives the humbling (and somewhat humorous) lessons learned from his speed awareness course. 

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Flash Masters is hosted by:

Helen Williams: https://www.instagram.com/helenwilliamsphotography/
Neil Redfern: https://www.instagram.com/neilredfern/


Welcome to the Flash masters podcast. Flash masters recognizes and celebrates the best flash photography in the world through education, awards and community. To find out more and to join the Flash masters community, visit flashmastersco. Here are your hosts, Helen Williams and Neil Redfern.

Helen Williams:

Hey everyone and welcome to episode 62 of the Flash masters podcast with me, Helen Williams and me, Neil Redfern. And in today's episode we're just going to have a quick catch up about what we've been doing over the last week, which we'll find out what that is very, very soon. But before we start, neil, do we have any Flash masters news?

Neil Redfern:

No, straight into it. No small talk, no, no, no, I'm not talking about how cold it is.

Helen Williams:

Oh, come on then.

Neil Redfern:

Freezing. I was going to swear then. It's very, very cold in the UK at the moment, isn't it?

Helen Williams:

It really is.

Neil Redfern:

I'm sat here in a hoodie and I still feel cold, even with the heating on.

Helen Williams:

I feel like you're actually lying, Neil. It's not a hoodie. What is it you're actually wearing?

Neil Redfern:

Oody, it's an oody, it's an oody. Yeah, either way, I wish it was warmer.

Helen Williams:

Looking very, very fetching Currently. I'll describe the situation of what I'm looking at. Neil is currently wearing red crocs.

Neil Redfern:

Oh yeah, With black socks. I mean chill mode.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, chill mode, not sport modes. The crocs, you know, the straps at the front, red crocs, black socks, some jeans I don't know what he's got underneath and then a big grey oody with the hood up and his sexy podcasting earphones on underneath.

Neil Redfern:

I think I'm looking rather fetching.

Helen Williams:

Ravishing dear.

Neil Redfern:

Ravishing, thank you.

Helen Williams:

So, yes, it's very cold here in the UK.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah it's really cold. I think, although people will listen to this will, I'm sure, laugh at when we say it's very cold, it's literally freezing. I'll say zero, but I know that the way people listen to this, you think well, that's pretty warm.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, although last night. I believe, it was down to like minus five last night, so overnight it did get very cold.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, it's freezing. Anyway, yes, there's a small talk done. Oh, there you go, smashed it. Yeah, absolutely nailed that.

Helen Williams:

Neil, Everyone's going to be so pleased. We added that little segment in. So, Neil, what's the Flashmasters news?

Neil Redfern:

Quickly. I think we've got. Let me just have a check. First of all, we've mentioned this in the group, but what I'm very excited about is we have now got three new leaderboards live on the website in readiness for the 2024 award. So we now have, along with the overall leaderboard, we have individual leaderboards now for three categories weddings, environmental and studio. So if you're a specialist in any of those areas, you're no longer competing, as it were, against the other areas. You've got your own little specialist leaderboard. So that'll be really good. I'm excited to see how they populate. And then, obviously, we have the overall leaderboard, and we did have a couple of questions in the group about this. So the overall leaderboard is basically a big mashup of the other three leaderboards. So if someone, for example, has three goals in studio and somebody else has three goals in environmental, they will be on the overall leaderboard next to each other in equal place.

Helen Williams:

Yes, yes, so we have previously been judging our rounds separately, but for the first time, each of the winners will be put into their subcategories and they will feature in their own leaderboards. So there's not just one big race for the end of 2024, there's going to be four.

Neil Redfern:

And it's good for us as well, because we worry sometimes that flash masses is seen as being just for wedding photographers, and we don't want it to be. We want to welcome all genres of photography and this will really help us do that. So I'm going to be reaching out, I think, to studio photographers in particular and encouraging them to join, because I'd love to see that side grow, because you can learn loads. We can learn loads for each other.

Helen Williams:

Yes, I would really be excited to do like a live stream with, you know, with an amazing studio photographer, and I'm sure that all of us who are those of us who shoot weddings could still learn an insane amount. Oh, without a doubt, Certainly on on.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, I mean for lighting. Studio photographers know their stuff. It's like when we had I don't know I apologies, I can't remember who posted in the group, but one of our members posted a really beautiful, well lit shot of a horse and I would think, oh, please enter that in the awards, because that's the sort of image I'd also like to see winning alongside. Obviously, you know our wedding images, but I'm just really keen for flash masses to not just be seen as being wedding photography.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, we haven't had any entries yet as far as I'm aware Well, I would be aware because I look at them all but we haven't had any entries yet for sort of like new bump, newborn portraits. I don't have any members who do that.

Neil Redfern:

No, again, it's our challenge to try and grow that. Also, if you'll listen to this and you know photographers who maybe do specialize in those different areas, then please do let them know about flash masses. We'd be very, very keen to have them join us and let them know that they've got their own individual leaderboard now, so it's not just to say one huge leaderboard made up of lots of different genres. It was specialized in now. So that's really important. So that's, that's cool. Also, you very kindly presented an amazing live stream yes, I loved it with our ambassador, ralph Cigarlich. That was brilliant, that live stream.

Helen Williams:

Thank you. Thank you for my extra thoughts, the words actually thoughts.

Neil Redfern:

That's not going to mean anybody to tell you this, either in the group. You'll know what this means, yes, but it was a fantastic live stream. Ralph was amazing. He shared so much invaluable advice on that and told us how he edited his images, how he created them, because his work is stunning, isn't it? We both long loved his work.

Neil Redfern:

Yes, he's so colorful, vibrant and creative. So, yeah, we're big fans of Ralph and it was great to have him on. We'll say as well, that was our most viewed live stream ever. She's Testament to Ralph and I think also, I'd love to think, shows how well flashmasses is growing.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, it was absolutely incredible. The amount of things that that guy can do with literally one flash, one light, stand, a grid in the sphere is incredible.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, his work is phenomenal. Like you say, it just proves that you don't need lots of different speed lights to create these epic images.

Helen Williams:

No, we looked at eight images and all of them only used one light and very minimal modifiers, no big soft boxes. He literally brings the bare minimum and absolutely smashes it. So, yeah, it was like bang or after bang it.

Neil Redfern:

So, yeah, thank you so much, ralf. And, as always, that stream is available to rewatch now in the member zone of the website. And the last little bit of news we have other streams now lined up which we can very, very quickly go through. Let's not dwell on these, but, coming up, we have a editing masterclass live stream with Ben Connolly Good day mate. We then have on the 8th of February, a how I Shot it stream with our brand new ambassador.

Neil Redfern:

We're not going to announce who that is on the podcast, although by the time you listen to this, chances are it's already out there. I'm so excited. Yeah, we'll talk about this person on the next podcast a little bit more, but yeah, that's on the 8th of February. On the 20th of February, we have Chris Garbat coming on from pseudo-ninja. We then have, on the 12th of March, a let's Talk Light stream with Hyram from Geekoto. That's the 12th of March. On the 21st of March, we have a how I Shot it live stream with the incredible Amber Henry, and then on the 3rd of April, we've got a web design live stream with Melissa Love of the Design Space. So it's cool that we've got there some not just photography or hardcore photography related streams. We've got Chris from pseudo-ninja, hyram from Geekoto and Melissa from the Design Space, who design amazing websites. So, yeah, I'm excited we're branching out a little bit with the subjects.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, very, very excited for all of those. So it's fantastic to see the calendar coming together. It's just crazy how quickly it's filling up and I can't wait to carry on and show you from April and beyond. So, yeah, I believe that we've got at least six live streams in the first three months, which I think is yeah, the diary is busy, lots of learning to be done.

Neil Redfern:

It is so. That's our Flashbusters News. So, helen, how has your week been?

Helen Williams:

It's been very busy, neil. I'm hoping that at some point I can say I'm all caught up, but I'm not. But I'm getting very close.

Neil Redfern:

You must be very close because you've been working really hard this week.

Helen Williams:

Thank you. How close are we talking now? We've got three weddings left in the editing pile.

Neil Redfern:

Wow, you'll get there.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, it just feels like the closer I am, the further away it is.

Neil Redfern:

It's not, I think for any photographer, and certainly wedding photographers. It always feels like and the way I always think about it is you're a donkey with a carrot stretched out attached to your head and you're always chasing it, and that carrot is being up to date and you're so close and just as you're about to try and chomp on it, it moves further away.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, guaranteed. By the time I start or go, I'm done and updated on all my deliveries and all my images are where they need to be. By the time I do that, I'll be back shooting weddings.

Neil Redfern:

You have done really well recently. You've just been glued to your laptop, so well done for getting through it.

Helen Williams:

Thank you. And then, in addition to that, over the last week I have started my mentoring which we mentioned Very, very excited. Honestly, I'm buzzing.

Neil Redfern:

It's good to see you. So I was going to say very quickly, when you come off those calls. You've been just on such a high almost went like chill, chill.

Helen Williams:

I was going to say I-.

Neil Redfern:

Chill mode. You're very much in sport mode if we go back to the Crocs analogy.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, I've left both streams. Popper is sports mode really loud and I've come to the end and I'll be like bleh and verbal diarrhea. And I can see his face. He wants to not be rude but, like Helen, calm the beep down.

Neil Redfern:

Sometimes you try to recount the whole of the session to me, but no, it's been really nice and I was really excited you'd be. How has it gone? I've, like you, did one today and I was out for the whole of it, but how did it go?

Helen Williams:

Both of them have been absolutely incredible. I still have another tutor to book in, so I wanted, or I was hoping I've got space for five mentalities. At the moment I've got four, which is fantastic.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, I think on the last podcast you were about to launch this. So to a fill up. Four out of the five is brilliant.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, I'm over the moon, you know. I don't think we need to discuss or go into detail of how difficult the industry is at the moment and how tough it is for all of us, whether it's getting wedding bookings, it's just tough.

Neil Redfern:

So, in the same way that we're finding it hard to get bookings, no, we will say as well, that's a very serious or a very good point, rather that we will be talking about, I would say, the state of the industry in a podcast, maybe next week or the week after, because we do know we speak to a lot of photographers myself in the Patreon, and Flashmasters obviously the same for you and your. So we feel like we've got a good grasp of what's going on and we can say that across the board almost. There are one or two exceptions and those people are doing so well to book the trend, but in general, everybody seems to be having of going into a very quiet year, which is worrying. It is worrying and we don't have all the answers, but I think what we could do is have a podcast episode where we certainly give our thoughts on it and maybe come up with suggestions about what people could be doing in this time, because there are many things you could still do, I think, to try and book the trend.

Helen Williams:

Oh, 100%. And I think it's yeah to being able to sit down and discuss that, not just on like how we can save money or be making money, but how we can really use this time effectively to prepare for next year. And you know, it's almost like a little opportunity, as scary as it is, to really take some time to work on our business and step back from it and look at it, because many of us haven't had a chance to do that since COVID. So how we can really start to use this time effectively to move things on as we go into the next year.

Neil Redfern:

Just to go back to that slightly, I'd also just like to say and I may have mentioned this before, but if you are listening to this and you are facing a quieter year, if you're struggling for bookings and inquiries right now, please do know that you're not on your own. We're very integrated in the industry and it is virtually industry-wide that people are worried about future bookings and everything. So we hear you, but please know that you're not on your own and it doesn't also mean that you're doing anything wrong if you are struggling for inquiries because you could be doing everything right, but it's just that the industry at the moment is in such a slow way.

Neil Redfern:

So, like, don't think that everyone hates my work, I'm not good enough and all that. It almost certainly won't be that. It's just that we're going through this exceptionally quiet period. But I'm convinced everything will pick up and I say we will, in a future podcast episode, talk about this in more detail and talk with some suggestions that you could be doing which would help the situation.

Helen Williams:

I've already been doing some research on that and I've been speaking to a lot of photographers, not just in the UK but all over the world through flashmasters. I'm always chatting to someone online, so I do know that this is very much a global situation and, yeah, you're definitely not on your own, so we'll see what we can bring together on the podcast for you guys very, very soon.

Neil Redfern:

Regarding that, yeah, we'll just call back to your mentor, and though you've enjoyed the two of you so far.

Helen Williams:

I have loved it.

Helen Williams:

As you said, I've come off in sport mode absolutely buzzing and yeah, I can't remember the last time I've felt that sort of absolute thrill, Because for me it's really exciting to, especially in our first call, just go through, you know, the key points of their business, where these photographers have been, where they've come from, where they want to be, and looking through their website, their social media and just really taking stock of where they are.

Helen Williams:

And as someone who the thespian and the drama teacher and director in me I used to love doing school shows and directing those because you were never just the director, you were also the set designer, costume and there were so many different elements to that job that you had to sort of manage and then to bring them all together was just a really exciting creative process for me. And actually trying to look objectively at people's businesses, their photography, their work, how they're approaching their marketing and things like that, trying to get a handle on all of that and really try to look at where there's gaps in knowledge potentially or things that could be improved I don't know. That just sets off my I'm getting a bit excited.

Neil Redfern:

It's nice, it's good. It's good to see and hear your passion about this.

Helen Williams:

It's just yeah my brain.

Neil Redfern:

Obviously, you know I do a lot of teaching myself and you get such a buzz when you see people getting it or getting new ideas or feeling motivated. It's really exciting. So I always think it's similar to if you, when you leave a wedding hopefully you're on a bit of a high you think, oh, I've done really well there and I can't wait to get back. Look at the photographs, blah, blah, blah, and you feel like quite proud of yourself. It's the same or it's very similar, rather the buzz you get from helping somebody out and that's what you've been doing.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, such a dopamine high and to have for very different photographers at different stages of their career the two that I've done so far very different as well. But yeah, every time I've left and I've kind of gone, oh, I know that I've helped there and I know I've been able to identify sort of really strong areas that we can work on. And just know that I can sort of help them progress their business and the things that they want to work on is, yeah, I'm absolutely buzzing.

Neil Redfern:

Again, people probably aren't aware, but this is a 12 month program your talk about here, isn't it? So you've had the first call with two of them so far, but just so you can identify areas. Now you can really start to get your teeth in it. But yeah, it'd be really interesting to see where each of these photographers are at in a year's time, after the 12 months.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, I'm so excited. I think the biggest issue for me, or the biggest challenge, is going to be trying to keep to time.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, I think it will be. Just don't line somebody up, and then an hour later you'll be able to have the second call with somebody else, because it's not going to happen.

Helen Williams:

No, no, it's not. So I know, from a business perspective, I won't be making as much money as I should be, because I guaranteed each of my mentors will be having lots more time with me than they advertised in the package. But I'm just excited to get going and really make a difference.

Neil Redfern:

So if anybody is interested, I've got Helen's website up here, so there's one more slot left, and if you are interested in joining Helen on her mentoring program, then if you go to her website, helenwilliamsphotographycouk slash education, you will find a mailing list there, yes, and you'll sign up to that, and then they'll get more info.

Helen Williams:

Yes, and check me out. I'm learning so much through all our different phases. I'm now learning on Mailchimp how to set up email, like customer journeys and things like that.

Neil Redfern:

All the different things that you learn. We're just speaking to MailChimp tomorrow, aren't you?

Helen Williams:

I am flashmasters. Yeah, I've upgraded our plan so I can make the flashmasters emails even more sexy.

Neil Redfern:

That's cost us eight pounds a month. Well, eight big ones.

Helen Williams:

Well, it might be a little.

Neil Redfern:

It better be worth it.

Helen Williams:

It might be a little bit more. It's eight pounds this month because we've already paid towards the other plan, so that's kind of like a pro not, so it's nine pounds next month. I don't know, you do know.

Neil Redfern:

And I can't remember Either way I did. I made that decision while Neil was still snoring in bed, I was like I can spend some money. I love that you're trying to learn new things and it's not gonna help.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, I don't know why. I just I really enjoy doing the flashmasters emails, but I love writing, so yeah, for everyone who just sees a flashmasters email and deletes it, shame on you.

Neil Redfern:

I've spent ages on those People. Wouldn't do that.

Helen Williams:

How dare you? I spent ages on those flashmasters emails and they bring me so much joy. So yeah, I don't know, randomly I thought I would just tell you that because I had to set up a little customer journey for my mailing list. I'm now learning more on MailChimp. That's a random bit of news, nobody needed, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Neil Redfern:

You've also done a wedding fair this week as well.

Helen Williams:

Oh, yes, I have. I took you as well, which was obviously the highlight of your week.

Neil Redfern:

I loved it. I mean, it's very realistic. I'm basically there to just carry a big TV in and out. That's my role.

Helen Williams:

Oh, dear.

Neil Redfern:

And then I sat down for most of it.

Helen Williams:

You're there and your eye candy, baby.

Neil Redfern:

Well, it's good to see a flashmasters member, nick Bryant, there.

Helen Williams:

Oh, yes, we did, we did run into Nick.

Neil Redfern:

So we're good to see you again, Nick. And how did you feel your wedding fair went?

Helen Williams:

I really enjoyed it. I am just one of those weirdos, aren't I? I love wedding fairs. I used to enjoy parents' evenings when I was a teacher too. I just like talking to people. So I get to stand in front of a stall and talk to loads of couples, and I thoroughly enjoy it. You'd never guess.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, it is always interesting to eat wedding fairs because I can tell how much you enjoy it. I find those. I said this to you on the day. I find it strange when I'm there with you because I don't know what my role is.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, there was eye candy, I've told you. Just sit there and look gorgeous.

Neil Redfern:

Next I should wear my crocs. That would bring in the bookings. Yeah, I'm always confused because obviously I'm there to help you. But if somebody comes over and says and my opening line is I'm not Helen, as you may have guessed, because I only ever need to do this if you're speaking to somebody else.

Neil Redfern:

And then I try and say oh, you know, I ask some questions and get them chatting, but I always feel like if they say to me, oh, we're getting married at, say, this venue, and I know it, I go oh, that's an amazing venue. Oh, oh, if you worked there before, yeah, I'm a photographer. We don't always work together. Oh, do you want me to say? I find it weird, very strange. But what I did say to you is I'm keen for us and this isn't somebody we even said we're going to talk about on the podcast but I think I'd love to do a conference trade show, yeah, to push flashmasters. So we've spoken about going to the photography show, which is the big UK show held once a year, maybe next year and having a stand there. I think that'd be cool.

Helen Williams:

Let's have the photo and video show.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, exactly, although we're going this year.

Helen Williams:

I didn't think this was definitely not in the notes. We've both been denied access.

Neil Redfern:

So what the photography show is? Years ago this is how long I've been going Do you remember it ever been called Focus? No, so yeah, there's a big trade center in the UK, in Birmingham, called the NEC, and the photo and video show, as it's now called, is held there and they must have thousands of people going every single year. It's across four days and in the past, because we're members of the trade, we've been able to just fill in a form on the website and they send you a free pass and that's what they do. But we've always gotten to this sort of like jokey thing where it says job title you do put something silly on there. You can virtually put anything. So this year I had to put in head T-boy and I would well, I'm guessing. That's why I've refused. They said that I'm not a member of the trade.

Helen Williams:

I know, and then, so you had a rejection. I had an acceptance and then a rejection a minute later.


But yeah, I did put the dirty flasher.

Neil Redfern:

But you actually wanted to use that as the brand.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, I want to, yeah.

Neil Redfern:


Helen Williams:

Part of my brand now, if there's ever going to be a YouTube channel, or I'd like to like, build the dirty flasher up as a brand, but, yeah, no, not for the photo show. Apparently, I too am denied.

Neil Redfern:

So I have to write an email, and I hated doing this because they what was it In fact? In fact, everyone yeah.

Neil Redfern:

I'm going to get their rejection email up. Okay, so I've just opened up my emails and their word into me was we have reviewed your application for a trade pass to this year's show and, with the information you have provided, we feel that in this instance you do not qualify as a member of the trade. But the worst thing is I then have to write an email to them, which I've done where you then have to try and explain why you feel you are a member of the trade, and I had to use things I hate doing, like Don't you know who I am, not that, but you have to say well, I've been full time for 15 years.

Neil Redfern:

I run a Patreon of nearly 300 photographers, I run flashmasters, I've got a huge and it sounds like such a excuse, my French thing to have to do.

Helen Williams:

Ah, I haven't written mine yet. Yeah, I might just go there. Don't you know who I am?

Neil Redfern:

It's horrible, but I've not heard back yet, so maybe on next week's podcast we can. We can give updates.

Helen Williams:

If we're still banned from the photo show.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, if you listen to photo show, we do want to ask the exhibit at your show next year.

Helen Williams:

So we're blacklisted.

Neil Redfern:

I wonder if we could exhibit at the show whilst not being allowed access to the show.

Helen Williams:

Because we're not in the trade. After sending proxies yeah, I did have to have a giggle because we told a few friends about this and flashmasters member drew Dodd, I think I said I'll put you down as my carer.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, I need to be somebody's plus one.

Helen Williams:

How did we get to that? From whatever we were discussing Wedding fairs, I think I'm not even sure, oh yes, that's what it was. You don't really enjoy doing my wedding fairs because you don't know who you are in regards to what to say, but you feel like you could sell flashmasters.

Neil Redfern:

That's it. That's it Exactly. Yeah, I feel a bit awkward at your wedding fairs, because am I a photographer? Am I just your partner? Do I know about photography, do I not? It's a weird one.

Helen Williams:

Just like Andy baby.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah Well.

Helen Williams:

So that was my week, I think, wrapped up. How about you, Neil? What have you been up to?

Neil Redfern:

I spent a lot of this week making a YouTube video that I knew would not perform well, and it hasn't performed well.

Neil Redfern:

Oh, congratulations, but thank you, but, yeah, I did enjoy making it. So I made a nearly half an hour long video where I look back on 2023. So I gave a bit of a recap about the year, but also spoke about my favourite 12 photographs from the year as well, and I love doing stuff like this because it's more for me than anything else. So I always think, you know, in 10 years, in 20 years, I'll look back at that video and remember what I got up to in 2023.

Neil Redfern:

So, yeah, I enjoyed that one. It's also the first video I've made in the new setup and we're in the same room now.

Helen Williams:

Yes, we're no longer at the dining table with the cat's clawing at us.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, so I feel as though like it looks decent, much better than the green screen having a real background. So, yeah, I enjoyed making that video, but that took a long time because it's 26 minutes. Also did a live stream on my Patreon with Flashmatter's member Natalie Martin, and my God, she is brilliant.

Helen Williams:

I know what a week for live streams. We've actually smashed them. That was brilliant.

Neil Redfern:

So that wasn't part of Flashmatter's, but it was me chatting to a Flashmatter's member, let's say in my Patreon. And Natalie is incredible I mean, even if we take away the photography side because she's so good, yeah, and she's only been using Flash two or three years and some of the images that she's making you would be proud of if you've been using Flash for 10 years.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, absolutely incredible she showed her first Flash group composite and it was like as good as you can get. Yeah, she's the number one fail as photographer in Scotland as well, and it's not actually why we look at her work, but I just enjoy speaking to her because she does things in such a different way. I think we might try and persuade her to go on to her Flashmatter's live stream as well.

Helen Williams:

I think so. Yeah, there was so many.

Neil Redfern:

She shared too much to not give her a bigger audience.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, proper eye opening moments and things that she said actually properly makes you question what you're doing in your business.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, there's so many things where it's like I do it this way because that's how photographers do it, but when you stop and you think about it Natalie's way which should oftentimes be quite different he thinks well, that makes much more sense. Why do I not do that? Just because that's not what we do. Yeah, so yeah, thank you, natalie, if you listen to this and I'll tag you when we post about this podcast. You were brilliant, absolutely amazing, and yeah, we'd love to speak to you more and try and get you in front of the Flashmatter community as well, because there's so much that you can help them with, I think, and new ideas and all that stuff. So, yeah, thanks, natalie.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, it was a really amazing live stream. Thinking about it, though, neil, I don't think that was your only live stream, was it this week?

Neil Redfern:

No, I spoke to Ralph. Well, a little bit.

Helen Williams:

Ralph, no there was something else as well that you're going to be like shh, we're going to cut this from the podcast. What else have we been on Zoom for?

Neil Redfern:

Oh, that was your fault in a way.

Helen Williams:

I should be fair. I'll take some of the blame for this. But go on, neil, I think we need to put it out there. What was your other livestream?

Neil Redfern:

I spoke, I was on a livestream with 10 other people. You were lovely people and and that was it. It was just a great chat. A great chat. I can't work with an auction plan at the end.

Helen Williams:

Neil is a naughty lawbreaker. That's all I'm going to say.

Neil Redfern:

I have to do a speed awareness course.

Helen Williams:

This is the second time.

Neil Redfern:

I've done this. So if if everybody's listening not in the UK if you get caught speeding, naughty boy, then you Well actually, no, it's not that naughty, is it? It's just a little tiny naughty boy thing. Because, well, if you're speeding too fast you can't go on a speed awareness course, you just get hit with a fine on points on your license. If you're just a little bit over, just like a little teeny bit, like I was, then it's just. It's just a. Don't worry, we're not going to take points off you, nothing that that serious. But I'm going to find you. We just want three hours of your time to travel, a nice zoom.

Helen Williams:

But I'm sure you had to pay for that, ronnie catch me, isn't it?

Neil Redfern:

I had to go on a zoom for zooming.

Helen Williams:

Oh, you are just a comedy genius. So yeah, how was that live stream then, compared to all your others, it?

Neil Redfern:

was interesting in parts. I come up with an action plan about why I won't speed in the future. Brilliant, I haven't been to that yet, but my next journey, I'm sure, to implement that new action plan.

Helen Williams:

What was some of the key things you're going to work on?

Neil Redfern:

Oh, before each journey, I'm going to plan out my route in advance on a route planner or like a sat nav. You know, I'm going to go into Google Maps, tell on the journey takes and leave 50 minutes before.

Helen Williams:

I will. Yes, you will.

Neil Redfern:

I must say I'm sorry. If I've got an hour journey, I will leave on and say you need to be there at four o'clock. I'm going to leave at three o'clock and the moment I hit any bad traffic it really frustrated. So I'm going to leave a quarter to three, ok that's going to change a whole different life.

Helen Williams:

You know whole lifetime of.

Neil Redfern:

Anyway, I had to go on this course because I was going to see you at nine dots and I was rushing. Well so it's your fault in a way.

Helen Williams:

I'll take some of the blame.

Neil Redfern:

But yeah, thank you to Staffordshire Police and all the other people on the live stream. It was a live stream. It was weird being on the Zoom where I wasn't hosting it, saying hi everyone, hope you well. He actually said when you started I would you want to introduce yourself and say something interesting? I said, oh, hi everyone, I'm Neil, I live in Nantwich and that's it. They were my words. I didn't know what else to say it was a very yeah.

Neil Redfern:

I didn't feel comfortable doing that intro I also had to take down. If you're watching my streams then I have like this background, quite light now with sound panels and lots of neon things. I took them all down because I'm like a right YouTube if I go into a police live stream with all this stuff in the background live on air sign and all the stupid neon.

Helen Williams:

I think it would have been great.

Neil Redfern:

But yeah, all done and dusted now and I'm free to drive. So, yeah, that's been my week. We've actually just been waffling. We didn't really have a plan to this podcast, but we've been waffling now for half an hour. But we do need to finish sooner, don't we?

Helen Williams:

Because you're off somewhere I'm off to throw around some weights and I had. There was huge trauma before Christmas and my PT who I've been working with for over four years. His gym got closed, not for him being a bad boy, and he was subletting from another like business. And then that other business move anyway.

Neil Redfern:

The point being, you've not got a gym to go to.

Helen Williams:

No, I don't have a gym to go to, so I've had to sign up to like a ladies boot camp and, if I'm honest, it's it's very different. So tonight I'm going to lift some weights with some ladies and someone who is always basically just trained with men and I lift really quite heavy weights will wait and see what what weights I can lift today.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, I know that you prefer to go to your old gym, which you can't do at the moment, but good for you for going.

Helen Williams:

Thank you, and we're here on Thursday and I haven't had a drop of alcohol all week.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, sort of dry January, although I'll dry. Dry January for you, isn't it?

Helen Williams:

Yeah, I'm trying not to have as much alcohol. I think you know nine dots, I think started like the fun of the festive season and I don't think I really stopped. So, yeah, it's time to be good now. So if there's anyone else doing dry January or trying to exercise a little bit more, eat less, I am with you. I feel your pain.

Neil Redfern:

I've gone to the gym a couple of times in the past week or so as well, and I feel much better for it. I also as well you don't know this when I went to the shop before, got vegan food in because I think it's we watched a documentary, didn't we? On Netflix. Oh, we got thrown under the best which really makes you think about what it is that we eat. We do like eating meat, don't we? But I love meat. We have to be hypocrites to do that.

Neil Redfern:

Can we both know. If we knew more about the process that goes into how that meat ends up on our plates, we would hate it and probably want to go vegan overnight. So we've started to eat more vegan food and eat less meat. And, yeah, I bought some burgers vegan burgers, which are oh, is that for tea tonight. Yes.

Helen Williams:

Oh see, I'm a lucky lady. I go out and I go to the gym. I come back and my man's got my tea ready. Well it's less calories.

Neil Redfern:

I would hope it would be healthier for you, especially processed meat that's not good. So it's healthier for you. The only downside is it's a bit more expensive, but the one that we've tasted so far been decent.

Helen Williams:

Yeah, we've had some vegan sausages recently. They were really nice too.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, and meatballs, oh yeah. Anyway, this is very much going off a tangent. You used to go to the gym, so shall we finish the podcast there?


Yeah, that'll do so.

Neil Redfern:

yeah, as always if you'd like to join us in the Flashmasters community, you can do so at flashmastersco. And remember, as I said we spoke about at the beginning of the podcast, we have so many live streams coming up that are not just the talk for related, but also related to business and growing your business. Plus, there has never been a better time to join Flashmasters, if you're interested in joining our awards and entering the awards, because we are just about to close the deadline on the first collection of 2024. So if you join now and get your submissions in, then you can enter every single collection of the year and give yourself the best chance possible of being high up on those leaderboards that we spoke about at the beginning of the podcast.

Helen Williams:

It's exciting to think that our 2024 for talk for the year could be listening right now and don't know that they're going to win. I know Will it be Tim again, I don't know who knows.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, it's going to be really exciting, as always. And remember next week's podcast. We will give more. Well, we won't give details. We will be announcing our new ambassador.

Helen Williams:

I'm honestly so excited for that and I can't actually believe that we've got them.

Neil Redfern:

Yeah, I know it's going to be very, very exciting. I can't wait to announce that. So yeah, thank you so much for listening everyone. We hope you've enjoyed the podcast and we will speak to you next time, and don't forget to keep flashing. Time for you to go to the gym. Yes, see you soon, everyone. Bye.

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