The Coaching Lab: Health, Wellness & Performance! (Brad Cooper, PhD)
Welcome to The Coaching Lab podcast, your trusted source for engaging, evidence-based, thought-provoking health, wellness & high-performance insights for those looking to improve their lives (or coaches/clinicians looking to enhance client outcomes). The Coaching Lab is the evidence-based journey toward better! If you've been looking for a health & wellness podcast that avoids the fluff and the headline-chasing fads while providing practical, real-world guidance, you just found it. We bring together the world's foremost experts, from world-class researchers and best-selling authors to elite athletes and coaches, sharing their insights about how to make the most of your personal and professional life. If you're looking for an entertaining format to help optimize your own health, wellness and performance through such evidence-based practices, this is the place for you!
The Coaching Lab podcast is hosted by Dr. Brad Cooper, who brings a uniquely expansive background to the table. He has a PhD in performance psychology along with Masters degrees in both physical therapy (MSPT) and business (MBA) and a Bachelors degree in biology. He is CEO/Co-founder of Catalyst Coaching, an internationally recognized speaker, and elite masters endurance athlete (11 time Ironman, including 4 times at the Hawaii Ironman World Championship, winner of the 2-person 3,000 cycling Race Across America and 2:47 marathoner). Most importantly, he's husband to Suzanna (celebrating 30 years of marriage) and Dad to three amazing kids, now ages 30, 28 and 25. You can tap into Dr. Cooper's "NOT DONE YET!" (Fitness & Life After 50) publication free of charge at https://betterpath.substack.com/
The Coaching Lab: Health, Wellness & Performance! (Brad Cooper, PhD)
Intriguing Science of Endurance: Dr. Alex Hutchinson
Years ago, a hot new book by one of my favorite columnists came out. I was leaving to speak at a conference taking place on a cruise ship (still my fav speaking engagement to date) but I couldn’t wait to dig in. So I contacted the author to see if it was possible to have an advanced copy shipped to the hotel and he made me a deal: he’d send me a PDF if I promised to buy a copy once it was available to the public. Done. I still have that PDF, covered with notes, underlines, asterisks and underlines. It didn’t hurt that his subject aligned closely w/ my PhD work, but the way he so effectively merged research grabbed my attention and wouldn’t let go, even when that resulted in reading it on the beach during one of the cruise ship stops. Today we’ll dig into the curiously elastic limits of human performance with the writer whose work continues to shape the course of how we’re applying science here in the real world of endurance pursuits.
Welcome to latest episode of the Catalyst 360 Podcast. Today’s guest is Dr. Alex Hutchinson, THE sweat scientist & author of one of my all-time favorite books Endure: Mind, Body, & the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance. He also has a PhD in physics & was a 2-time finalist in the 1500 at the Canadian Olympic Trials. He makes his home in Toronto and writes for Outside Magazine, Runners World, Wall Street Journal, NY Times and many others! You can follow him on Twitter @sweatscience (and he's definitely worth the follow!). Here’s the article about Foucault he mentions: https://www.outsideonline.com/health/training-performance/foucault-endurance-coaching-study/
Here is direct lint to podcast episode on gut microbiome w/ Dr. Chris Lowry mentioned - https://www.buzzsprout.com/204059/10748462 (episode #226 of Catalyst 360 podcast)
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