Barefoot Business

Ichi Telethon | Cut the Shit, Cue the Genius

January 25, 2024 Club Ichi Caregivers Season 1 Episode 13
Ichi Telethon | Cut the Shit, Cue the Genius
Barefoot Business
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Barefoot Business
Ichi Telethon | Cut the Shit, Cue the Genius
Jan 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 13
Club Ichi Caregivers

Embark on a journey to redefine success and innovation with the incomparable Dahlia Elgazar, the vanguard of Dahlia Plus Agency and the vivacious voice behind "Cut the Shit, cue the Genius." As we leave the constraints of the pandemic in the dust, we're diving headfirst into a conversation about personal creativity, the judicious spending of 'decision calories', and the art of self-celebration. Dahlia's electric insights challenge you to embrace reciprocal kindness, protect your energy fiercely, and shout your accomplishments from the rooftops, because if you don't, who will? The events industry is poised for a renaissance, and you’re invited to be part of the vanguard leading the charge.

As the calendar pages turn to 2024, it's time to close the book on outdated resolutions and embrace a year of collaboration, 'micro dosing' projects for balance, and cutting the negativity that weighs us down. With Dahlia's guidance, we uncover the power of positive 'glimmers', the strength found in co-opetition, and the infectious joy of surrounding oneself with laughter and passion. Forget the fad diets and empty promises; this is your invitation to a revolution of meaningful self-improvement and the cultivation of a community that thrives on shared success. If you're ready to laugh, live, and love your way to a happier you, this episode is your starting line.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Embark on a journey to redefine success and innovation with the incomparable Dahlia Elgazar, the vanguard of Dahlia Plus Agency and the vivacious voice behind "Cut the Shit, cue the Genius." As we leave the constraints of the pandemic in the dust, we're diving headfirst into a conversation about personal creativity, the judicious spending of 'decision calories', and the art of self-celebration. Dahlia's electric insights challenge you to embrace reciprocal kindness, protect your energy fiercely, and shout your accomplishments from the rooftops, because if you don't, who will? The events industry is poised for a renaissance, and you’re invited to be part of the vanguard leading the charge.

As the calendar pages turn to 2024, it's time to close the book on outdated resolutions and embrace a year of collaboration, 'micro dosing' projects for balance, and cutting the negativity that weighs us down. With Dahlia's guidance, we uncover the power of positive 'glimmers', the strength found in co-opetition, and the infectious joy of surrounding oneself with laughter and passion. Forget the fad diets and empty promises; this is your invitation to a revolution of meaningful self-improvement and the cultivation of a community that thrives on shared success. If you're ready to laugh, live, and love your way to a happier you, this episode is your starting line.

Speaker 1:

All right, I think you probably know her, dahlia Elgazar, well known in our industry, host of Cut the Shit, cue the Genius, and she is here to tell you that it is time to double down on stopping complaining, moving forward. I don't know, maybe she's gonna talk about EventTech, but last time I talked to her she was like come on, people, let's move on. So over to you, dahlia, what you got for us.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello, hello, liz and Nicole. Hello again to Liz and Nicole and the Ichi community and tribe and family and friends and all the beautiful people I've been in since I don't know 7 am in the morning because there is nobody that would get me up early except these two lovely ladies and you. My name is Dahlia Elgazar. I'm with Dahlia Plus Agency. I am the lead ruckus maker at Dahlia Plus Agency. I have been in the industry for such a long time. I actually had to explain it to a very young person that I've been in the industry before the Apple Nanopod and they had to Google how old that was. But there you go. So we have a great show that's been going on for a year and plus now and it is Cut the Shit, cue the Genius, and we love it. It's every Thursday at 10.30 Eastern where we have all the geniuses that are listening in. It is not only us Michelle, bruno, liz, caruso and myself that are on the show, but we feed off of everybody that's listening in and our guests, and this is where I need to share with you for 2024. There's a couple of things that we need to cut the shit and just stop. I have seven statements, comments that I wanna share with you, and I would really really love to see you in the comments in the chat, what you think as well in regards to what I'm gonna be sharing with you or if there's something else you wanna add to it. Seven is my lucky number, but I will work with you. So, number one we need to stop referring to the P and the C word, and that is the pandemic and COVID, and I think we are at a point right now. We've lived through it, the Corona Coaster, with all due respect, and, yes, it was tough on many and it is still tough on many, but I have been in so many conversations and it is always coming up, so I kind of feel that it's holding us back, it's not having us move forward, and we need to move forward in 2024.

Speaker 2:

Use it as a chaotic moment where you can exploit the chaos. Use it as a launchpad for something brand new. Let's cut it out of our language and just onwards, forwards, upwards, whatever word you want. Let's move on, shall we? And let's like not put the P and the C word. I have a couple of pet peeves. Those that know me know about that. So that's number one. Number two stop looking for innovation. There is no innovation. The innovation, whether it's event tech, whether it is something brand new you wanna focus on, you know what's innovative right now you are. You are the most innovation that's going to ever happen, whether it's the way you use event technology, whether it's the way you collaborate with others. This is where you have to stop or focusing on innovation and focus on yourself as the change maker, as the innovator Number three I was on a session with Scott Galloway a couple of days ago and if you don't know him, google him, get on his school section and he talks about decision calories, and I know that Liz was talking about fat money and all that good stuff.

Speaker 2:

Decision calories. If you really think of it, we are going to have to really nail down our decision calories, meaning whether you're designing an event or designing your business or designing your mind on what you're gonna be focusing on, this is the decision calories that you are going to be spending. Meaning less options will give you a faster decision. And if you think of it like a program right now with 15 concurrent sessions, 20 concurrent sessions, you are keeping people from having them, like, spend their decision calories the way you would want. Give them two or three options and see what happens. So decision calories is a new term that I want you to think of for next year.

Speaker 2:

Number four this is gonna come out like in a weird way, but think of this with me I want you to stop being too kind. So we've come to a point where you are too kind. You are spending more energy and you are spending more time trying to be too kind to everybody around you and guess what? It's depleting your energy. It's depleting your social battery at events or at work or even in your own home, and you are not protecting your energy. You're not putting a moat around you and boundaries for you to replenish, to recharge. If you're gonna be too kind to someone, guess who it's gonna be? It's gonna be you. So cut the crap and start being too kind to yourself and be.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying not be kind to others. What I'm saying is be reciprocal in the sense of be kind to those that feed your energy, that are there with you. You've heard it everybody has a story, they have a story that they're dealing with and this is where you come to them and they have to come to you and the kindness is reciprocal, that energy feed is reciprocal. This is why we go to events and we would do anything for the people that you would wanna meet up in a hallway or with bad coffee or like in a corner somewhere, because you want that kindness and you want that empathy. That exchange is what you thrive on. So be with those that you thrive with.

Speaker 2:

Number five, and I know of event profs that are very, very humble. I know event profs that don't want to talk about their achievements and their accomplishments and how kick ass and bad ass they are. You have to be louder, be louder. Hold your own megaphone, create a tribe around you that will be loud with you about who you are and what you are all about, and so I've been seeing this gift lately, or what have you, where it is? Be in the room with those that will speak about you when you're not there, and so you need to not only depend on that. You truly need to be louder on what you do. You keep focusing, or I see others that focus only on the things that they don't get done. You have to focus on the things that you have done and you have to celebrate that, but be louder about your brand be louder about, like all the skills that you kick ass on Us event profs. That's our superpower. We don't need a cape for it, but that's our superpower. So anytime you know the D plus squad is in event events or industry events. This is where we work really hard on celebrating you to be louder. So you're gonna see that more so in 2024, but I want you to also be the innovator of how you can be louder for yourself.

Speaker 2:

Number six Stop trying to do it all. Cut that shit out, and I want you to start micro dosing. So, for those that think of it from I don't know whatever angle, you want micro dosing, think of it in the sense of you can't do it all on your own. You want to do it in chunks. You want to micro dose, for example, and Anka has been giving you amazing like ways to think of AI and how you can do it. You want to be able to do AI and how you can be AI enabled, not for it to take over your job. You're going to be AI enabled so that it helps you do better, be louder, and so micro dose on that. You do not have to be a guru or an expert or a whatever on AI, for example. Micro dose on the Intel that's in the industry.

Speaker 2:

Think of it, at how you consume your content.

Speaker 2:

Look how you consume your, your projects, for example, and I would say, don't do it all on your own. It's freaking not fun. Like for me to like co collaborate or be I love the word co-op petition. Think of those that you would want to collaborate with and micro dose on the projects that you want to take on for 2024. And micro dosing is another number seven.

Speaker 2:

You got to breathe and you got to focus on not the triggers that keep you from doing you and keep you from doing what you want to do. Cut that shit out and focus on the glimmers. Focus on the little pieces of what you want to celebrate, what makes you happy inside, what brings that passion back. Who do you want to be with that you want to like belly laugh at? I was looking at Leanne's post the other day on LinkedIn. This is the type of glimmers you want to focus on, and you want to focus on that in 2020, 24 more than anything, because there's a lot of shit out there and I know that this is the time for New Year's resolution and all that crap. Forget the diets and all of this. I want you to focus on what you can do better and what you're going to cut the shit from your life and your mental state and what you're going to focus on for 2024. Those are my seven, liz.

Speaker 1:

That was awesome. I was laughing at your micro dosing. Wait, what did I miss? Something was she talking about? That was incredible.

Moving Forward in 2024
Collaboration and Growth in 2024