Everything But Niche

My Story & How I Knew I Had Spiritual Gifts

Sarah Anton Season 4 Episode 1

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In this episode, for the first time ever, I talk openly about my entire life story and how I knew I had spiritual abilities. Growing up in a chaotic household, it wasn't always easy for my soul to find peace within, and although I didn't understand consciously how to find it, my soul knew where to go and what to do or ask for in order to find peace. Through different life experiences, I was guided into spirituality more and more, and connected to people to that allowed me to step fully into my power and recognize the power that I had within me. Although it did take some time, and a lot of healing, I eventually fully gave in and allowed the world to know about my abilities, because I understood that people's perception of me no longer mattered -- my purpose was much bigger than what the 3D deemed as "cringe" or "weird". Spirituality was calling me too strongly for me to ignore it any longer, or not allow the world to know more about it.

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