Cancer Twins

Use Your Voice! Jill’s Story

Charlotte & Greg Season 2 Episode 5

In this episode Charlotte & Greg talk to Jill, a laryngectomy patient who had cancer of the oesophagus and has had to have her larynx removed. She now speaks with the aid of an ectrolarynx.

This has been very difficult to adapt to. In a world where we often talk too much, communicating has become a challenge. It is also people’s reactions as is it is a result of her cancer journey that she can’t easily hide.

However, she may have lost her voice box but she certainly hasn’t lost her voice! 

For a long time her cancer was dismissed as just a bad sore throat. Jill wants to share with others her journey and impress that you must use your voice and speak up when you think something is wrong. .

Jill also explains the other complications and major impacts the treatment has had on her life that you can’t see, both physically and emotionally. However, something she has realised is sharing with others is the most important thing to do to help you get through this. 

Although her own journey is far from over, she has learnt most of all it really is good to talk!

Jill finds great outlet and expression in dancing. She taught Charlotte and her father their father of the bride dance for her wedding with partner Colin. 

Contact ‘Could I Have This Dance’ for fantastic dance classes in north Surrey with Jill & Colin.

Jill would also recommend the Facebook ‘UK & Europe Laryngectomy Support Group’ for others in her situation.

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