The Lost Books

Episode 10 - The Story of the Three

Rajiv Narang Season 1 Episode 10

James leaves the Library to help Ready and a battle for control begins.

Written and Narrated by Rajiv Narang

Musical Score Composed by Rajiv Narang

Thank you for listening.

Keywords: fantasy, fiction, adventure, science fiction, friendship, story, action, mental health, mystery, Toronto, psychological exploration, self-discovery, fantasy fiction, supernatural

The Lost Books

Angel of Aphelion

Episode Ten - The Story of the Three

In the Children's Wing of King James Hospital…

Ready props himself up at the row of windows in his hospital room. The boy looks out to the yard three stories below.

He tries to look straight down to the ground below and bumps his head on the window's glass as he does.

He looks around the window frame and sees a handle.

He turns the handle, and the casement window opens four inches. He studies the gap and then tries to squeeze through.

It's too tight. Ready pushes hard against the window with his back, and it gives two more inches. It is just enough. He slides through to the ledge outside.

He sees a terrace ten yards ahead and begins to make his way there when he slips.

He falls.

In the main room of the Library... 

Carissa leads James and the others down the stairs to the main room. Rowle emerges from the hallway. In his hands are two books. "Have any of you ever heard The Story of the Three?" he asks them, but none have heard this story.

"The Old Watch was looking for some means by which The Big Forget could be overcome, allowing anyone from a Lost Book to live their lives in the outside world -- never forgetting who they truly are. From everything he knew, from all the wise and powerful beings he met, from all the information he could gather... he put together a plan. As you know, he was uniquely gifted at putting together a plan," says Rowle.

"He made a plan to undo the Big Forget?" asks K.

"He made three," says Rowle. "Drawing from three lost books. Or, more precisely, from three powerful entities within them."

"The first attempt — I don't even know its name — all I know is that it didn't work. The second…" Rowle holds up the book with no cover. "Led Astra also failed. The Old Watch's third and final attempt to bring an end to the Big Forget… was this," Rowle places a blue, leather-bound book with silver lettering down on the table.

Eli reads the title. "The Angel of…" he struggles with pronouncing "Ap-hel-ion." 

"Aphelion," says Rowle. 

"A way to end the Big Forget," says Nether.

Shen signs as Carissa translates: "End the Big Forget for everyone?"

"Yes," says Rowle. 

"We could leave… and remember?" asks Eli.

"We would never forget one another?" asks Nether.

"That's right," says Rowle.

Dee leans in toward the books on the table.

Rowle senses he has everyone's attention. He's right.

"It's the story of a boy who becomes an Angel with the power to help those who have drifted so far from themselves, so far into the darkness, turmoil, and trauma of their lives that they're in danger of never finding their way back," says Rowle.

"When someone reaches the darkest point of their lives, the Angel of Aphelion guides them back," says K in wonder.

"A light to help us remember who we truly are," says Carissa.

The allure of Rowle's story draws everyone toward him.

"The Old Watch thought the Angel, that he called "a single bright star in the night of our forgetfulness," could be the light to bring us back from the dark...

"Why didn't anyone tell us about this before?" asks K.

"Because it couldn't work," says Rowle.

"The Old Watch couldn't bring the Angel out?" asks Nether.

"There was no Angel to try to bring out," says Rowle. "In the story, the boy grasped the light of aphelion to give it life, but the very essence of who that boy was… was traded… and left in the darkness…."

"Lost," says James.

"Yes," says Rowle.

"The story was interrupted when the boy meant to become the Angel of Aphelion… was taken. A boy named Ready," says Rowle.

James hears his words echoing: "If you can't save the boy, I won't let him become the Angel of Aphelion. I won't let him be lost. I won't let the darkness take him."

James is stunned. "Ready? My son?" he asks.

"I think, James, that your Ready is the boy from this story. You took him before the Old Watch could figure out how to free the Angel," says Rowle.

"You took the boy?" says K.

"He saved him," says Asha.

Nether looks up at the second floor.

"He's not my son?" asks James.

"He must have been so afraid," says Carissa.

Nether walks upstairs.

Eli climbs onto the bench next to James and gently pats his shoulder. "It must have been scary for you both," he says.

Nether walks down the hallway.

"The old man was going to let a little boy die to get what he wanted," says Dee.

James takes the book, The Angel of Aphelion, in his hands.

In Nether's room...

Nether's great hand reaches into a dark hiding place in a wall and pulls something out. In his hand is "The Wanderer" -- James's book, which they've been looking for since James arrived.

In the main room of the Library…

"I took him... out. And I left him at a hospital," says James. "Alone." In the long silence that follows, everyone there can feel that word echo through them — "Alone."

"He's all alone at a hospital?" asks Asha.

"I told myself I didn't have a choice," says James.

"That I needed my memory back to help him. I didn't want him to be afraid… and to do what I needed to do… I turned my back on him. How could I have turned my back on him?"

James feels a sense of urgency course through him. He stands up. "I have to go get him," he says. "I should never have left him at that hospital."

"You're leaving?" asks Eli.

"Ready needs me," says James.

"I'll go with you," says Asha.

The two of them go to the door.

James as he opens the door. He and Asha walk through it, closing it — on the dumbfounded faces of their friends. Waves of concern wash over the group. Jealousy washes over Dee. 

"James," says Nether as he reaches the second-floor balcony. "I have it," he says, striding down the stairs. "James… don't go," says Nether. He holds The Wanderer in his outstretched fingers for all to see. 

"You've had it this whole time?" asks K. "You hid it?" asks Eli. "Why?" signs Shen.

Carissa steps out to get a better view of Nether. "You were afraid he'd leave again," she says. 

"I'm sorry," says Nether. He puts the book on the counter with profound gentleness. "What have I done?"

"You said he was your friend," says Dee accusatorily as she strides toward him.

Rowle places himself between Nether and Dee, facing her.

"He was afraid of being in pain and thought he saw a way to stop it," says Rowle.

"He betrayed James's trust," says Dee.

"He's doing his best to make it right," says Rowle.

"He's too late," says Dee.

"I don't believe that's true," says Rowle.

"I just wanted... a moment more... of his time," says Nether. He climbs the stairs. "Nether!" says K. "Where are you going?" "Back to my old story," says Nether. "I don't belong here."

"None of us belong here," says Dee. "We're all just misfits."

"Nether…" calls Rowle.

The purple behemoth plods his way down an aisle. Eli and K stare after him in disbelief. And as the sound of his giant footsteps recede.

Dee, unseen, reaches her hand to Shen's back. A dark power emanates from her fingers, and Shen feels a rush of pain shoot through him, and he falls to the ground.

Rowle and Carissa rush to his side and help him up. "What's wrong?" asks Carissa? Shen stumbles. "Let's take him to the healers," says Carissa. And she and Rowle help Shen into the Study.

Dee follows. "I'd like to come with you," she says.

"No, I don't think so," says Rowle as he escorts Dee out of the Study. Maybe next time, alright?"

Rowle leaves Dee in the hallway. She hears the CLICK of the Study door lock.

In the Alley of the Lost Books Library...

Bales cuts a diagonal across a street and rounds a corner. He ambles up to two other thugs watching the Library. "Anything going on?" asks Bale.

"Those two just left the Library," says the more slender of the two thugs. "Which two?" says Bale.

The slender thug points down the street. Two blocks away, Bale sees James and Asha run around a corner.

Bale gives chase. He moves incredibly quickly for a man of his stature. Bale looks even more dangerous at full sprint, as though it would take ten men to stop him.

He reaches the corner, but they're gone. Bale glares down the empty side street.

In the Library...

Dee stands in the shadows of the Study Hallway... listening...

"What do we do?" asks Eli. "Rowle will know," says K.

Dee steps, with a sombre gait, out of the hallway.

"Dee!" says Eli.

"What's wrong?" asks K.

"It's Shen… he's dead."

K and Eli are stunned and stand like statues.

"I guess his injuries were more severe than they thought," says Dee.

Eli falls to his seat on the floor. K helps him up. Eli backs away. "Eli," says K.

Eli climbs the stairs.

"Eli," calls K. But Eli continues his sad march up the stairs.

K hastens towards The Study. "I'm getting Rowle," he says. Dee follows him down the study hallway.

K arrives at the door to The Study. But it's locked.

He cusses and then turns to find himself face-to-face with Dee. 

Dee knocks the cane out of K's hand. K wobbles. Dee knocks him into the door frame, and K slumps against the study door, unconscious.

Eli climbs a lonely bookshelf like it's a ladder. He reaches the top, pulls himself over, and crawls along the top of the bookshelf through a thin layer of dust toward a closed book a few yards away. It is Eli's book: Pogmon's Press.

He brushes off the dust. Deeply saddened by the prospect of returning to his book, he lies in front of it.

Dee surveys the now-empty Library... and opens the front door.

James and Asha stand at the side entrance to the hospital. "Shouldn't you tell them you're here for your son?" asks Asha. "I'm not sure that's…" but James is interrupted. "James," says a familiar voice. James turns to see the security guard. "Let's… go in together," says the Guard.

James, Asha, and the Security Guard approach the nurse at the front desk. "Oh!" she leaps out of her seat. "Mr. Sunday," she grabs the phone in front of her. "Mr. Sunday is here. Yes, Ma'am," she says. "Mr. Sunday, can I get you anything, sir? A coffee or a green tea, maybe?" The panting hospital administrator runs out: "Mr. Sunday," she says.

"What's going on?" asks James.

James and Asha enter a hospital room, followed by the Hospital Administrator and Nurse. Ready lies unconscious in a bed.

"What did you do to him?" asks Asha. James walks over to Ready's side.

The Administrator leans forward. "Mr. Sunday, we are doing everything in our power to help your son who was hurt through no fault of the hospital or any…."

"What happened to him?" asks James.

"He crawled out onto a third-floor window ledge... and... fell," she says.

"What were you doing on the ledge?" asks James.

At the Lost Books Library...

Dee watches as her thugs fill the alley, enter the Library, and line along the balcony railing, watching her, waiting for a word from her. In one hand, she holds her shining silver lighter. She taps it twice, flicks it open, and lights it. Then closes it with an efficient CLICK.

In the second-floor reading room of the Library...

Odette sits, mesmerized by a sun and moon painted on the ceiling. Half the painting shows the night sky, and the other half shows the day. "Beautiful," she says. At the sound of footsteps, Odette springs out of the chair. At the sight of Bale, her joyful expression drops.

"Hoping for someone else?" he asks. 

Odette returns to her seat. "I know what you want to tell her," says Bale. "But, it's a mistake." Odette scoffs: "You might think you know..." 

"You've fallen in love with her," he says. Odette is stunned. 

"I know that look," says Bale. "You've been… overcome… with a feeling. Oh... And if you can find the right way to tell her how you feel… she'll understand."

"I love her, Bale. She'll believe me," says Odette. "It's not the believing," he says. "Dee thinks every person she meets is at least half-in-love with her. The mistake is thinking she'll love you back. Foolish."

Dee enters. "What's going on? "she asks. 

"Nothing of any significance," says Bale.

"We need to go over a few items," says Dee. "Afterward... can I have a minute of your time?" asks Odette. Dee nods. 

In the flower garden of an indoor conservatory...

Rowle and Carissa help Shen finish a cup of tea. Rowle's attention... shifts. "What's the matter?" asks Carissa. "I'm not sure..." says Rowle, "but I think we should go."

In the second-floor reading room of the Library...

"Once more," says Dee. "I read this passage," says Odette," then close the book, open to the bookmark on page 296, seventh line down, read again, and wait for you to return here, ensuring the book and the... portal... stay open until you do," says Odette. "Good," says Dee. "Can we speak privately, now?" asks Odette. Dee gestures for Bale to go, and Bale goes.

"I have this aching feeling. It only goes away when you're around," says Odette. "And I thought… if you wanted… we could be together."

"I'm fond of you, Odette. You know that. But we can't be together," says Dee. "Why not?" asks Odette. "Let's leave it here," says Dee. "Why not?" repeats Odette. "Why can't we be together?" Dee walks away.

"I love you," says Odette. "You don't know what that means," says Dee. "You? You feel like you're drifting, so you want to hold onto something, something you believe will keep you from... blowing away, and you think that something is me? But I can't be lost with you," says Dee. 

Dee notices the sun and moon painting on the ceiling... "That's beautiful," she says sincerely.

"I'm in love with you, Dee. Can't you hear me when I say I love you?" says Odette.

"You're too broken to know what that means!" says Dee. "Odette… know your place. And understand this one simple fact." Dee wraps her arms around Odette. "You do not have the power to give me what I need."

"Do you understand?" asks Dee. "I understand," says Odette, using all her strength to remain standing. She watches Dee leave, then falls to the floor.

The Doctor who first examined James enters Ready's hospital room.

"Mr. Sunday," says the Doctor, catching her breath.

"Why isn't he waking up?" asks James.

"We're not sure, exactly," says the Doctor.

"It's just gotta be a matter of time, right?" says James.

"We... we were hopeful, but he's getting weaker," she says. "We haven't found anything wrong with him; we don't know why he isn't conscious. It's like... ""He's pulling away," says Asha. "Yes," says the Doctor.

"He said something, though," says the Administrator. "In his sleep, he said something." She nudges the reluctant nurse. 

"He said… well… he said… he was going to see an angel," says the nurse.

Realization washes over James.

James takes Ready's hand in his, and the space around them changes… James sees Ready walling through a twilight field... toward a light… on a hill.

"He's going back," says James.

"What?" asks Asha.

"He's going back to his old story. I have to go," says James. "Asha… Stay with him, please."

"Of course," she says.

"She's in charge of any decisions about this boy's health," says James as he passes the hospital administrator. She nods but can't bring herself to meet his eye-line. 

James runs down the hospital hall. The fear of failing Ready IMPELS EVERY STEP.

In the alley of the Lost Books Library…

James rounds the corner and sees three of Dee's men at the alley's edge. They watch James pass as they step into the alley — lining up to close off any further coming or going. James runs up to the Library entrance and reaches for the front door, but it swings open. He enters and sees another one of Dee's men holding the door.

James enters and finds the Library full of Outsiders. They close the door behind him and circle around. The group shuffles aside to reveal… "Dee," says James. "What's going on?"

She glances at one of her men, and he exits. James sees a bruised and exhausted K sitting helplessly in a chair.

"K!" says James. Two Outsiders place their hands on James's shoulders. "Are you alright?" asks James.

The Study door opens. Rowle, Carissa, and Shen step into the hallway. Shen sees a reflection of light in the corner. He looks closer. It's K's cane. Shen turns to warn Rowle and Carissa, but they're already walking into the main room.

"What are you doing, Dee?" asks Carissa. "Have a look," says Dee as her man opens the front door. James, Rowle and Carissa peer out. They see a fire burning in a metal trash bin at the far end of the alley. Around the darting flames stand three Outsiders, each holding lost books.

"How many worlds will burn before you reach them?" asks Dee. The man closes the door.

"Ready is returning to his old story. Please… let me help him before it's too late!"

Dee sees the book The Angel of Aphelion on the front counter. She picks it up, still playing with the silver lighter in her other hand.

"I'm only going to warn you once," says Rowle. 

"I recognized the smell of this place right away," she says. "Though I couldn't quite place it. I knew I was in my home. Before any of you even knew this place existed, it was my home," says Dee.

Shen peers out from the darkness of the hallway at them. Roused from his sleep, Eli walks along the top of a bookshelf and looks over the edge to the room below.

"Now…" says Dee. "I am the master of this house. This is my domain… my kingdom. I am the sole master of everything you see here — and everything you don't. No one comes in or goes out unless I say. No one communicates with anyone inside a book or outside this Library unless I say. Your rights are forfeit. Your belongings are all mine. Your day is over. I am the master of this house."

"You have no idea what you're doing," says Rowle.

"You have no idea how much power I have," says Dee.

"Oh!" says Dee as an epiphany washes over her. "That's what that feeling is!" She looks the group over, one then another. "I can feel exactly how long each of you can last out there before the Big Forget!"

Dee sets her attention on Carissa. "You only have 14 seconds."

Odette looks over the balcony railing and sees Carissa. "She's so pretty!" says Odette to herself.

"I want you to go," says Dee to Carissa. "No!" says Rowle. Dee raises her hand, and down the alley, one of her men holds a book out over the fire. "Wait," says Carissa. "It's all right." Carissa walks to the door. She looks out at the burning bin in the distance, then back to her friends. "I love you all," she says as she steps outside. "A part of me will always remember that. I promise," she walks into the alley. She looks up at the sky and is dazzled. She looks back at her friends, "It's beautiful," she says. She collapses to her knees. Dee closes the door.

In a distant and dark back room of the Library…

A small table lamp turns on. Eli pulls himself onto a chair. He leans over a book illuminated by the small light and reads. The dancing lights take him from where he was to where he is. The letters on the page morph into thick green grass.

A forest thick with trees, a single path winds through them. Eli appears amid the dancing portal lights under a sky where a few stars of early evening struggle to be seen amid scattered clouds. 

Nether sits on a hillside staring at the sky, his massive back hunched over.

At the sound of Eli's small footsteps approaching, Nether turns.

In the Main Room of the Library...

"Dee. You're not well. I don't believe you want to hurt anyone," says James.

A THUMP rumbles through the main room from some distant room upstairs.

On the second floor…

An Outsider steps from the hallway's light through a massive doorway into a pitch-black room.

He strikes a match. He holds his tiny torch up, trying to see around the room.

As he wanders in the darkness, he fails to see the only discernible shape — a few inches above the match.

It is the brow ridge and the lips of Nether Stowey.

Nether brings his head forward a few inches, his ominous, match-lit face inches toward the light. 

He pauses. Then -- POOF -- Nether blows out the match.

The Outsider is knocked through the doorway, slides down the aisle, and stops at the balcony. He moans.

The sound of Nether's approaching footsteps can be heard.

Silence. Nether leaps off the second floor and lands with an imposing BOOM on the main floor in front of his friends.

"Oh yeah!" shouts Eli from the balcony.

"Nether, wait!" shouts Rowle.

"Two worlds colliding," says a semi-coherent K. 

Dee looks to James. "Is there any part of you that wants to stay with any part of me?" she asks. He points to the book, The Angel of Aphelion, in her hands. "I need that."

"Strange how it all works out," says Dee. Then another voice sounds out… 

"Strange how it all works out." They turn toward the woman's voice coming from somewhere on the balcony.

Out of sight… Odette reads obediently from a book.

"Strange the season that found its way back here to the aftermath that always seems to precipitate change..."

The portal lights appear and carry them all from where they were to where they are.