Supremely Full Of It Podcast

What's in a name?

December 25, 2023 N.I.M.E & DY3R
What's in a name?
Supremely Full Of It Podcast
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Supremely Full Of It Podcast
What's in a name?
Dec 25, 2023
N.I.M.E & DY3R
Ever wonder what's in a name? Strap in as we grapple with the hotly contested tradition of children inheriting their father's last name, a topic that gets our tempers flaring and sparks flying. We don't shy away from the tough questions, like whether withholding a dad's surname is fair play in the accountability game when the parents aren't hitched. While tossing around ideas about cultural norms and the weighty expectations of marriage and parenthood, we're serving up a platter of perspectives on personal responsibility, all against the backdrop of ever-evolving family dynamics. 

Now, let's calm the storm with a look at why our holiday cheer seems to be on a timer. We're calling out the odd habit of saving kindness and family reunions for the holiday season, and we're not holding back. Our rallying cry? Embrace the season's spirit of generosity every day! We spin yarns about the importance of setting boundaries, bring out the megaphone for our mantra of self-care, and take a jab or two at the relentless commercialization of our beloved traditions. So join us for a rollercoaster ride through these societal quirks, and who knows—you might just walk away with a laugh and a fresh outlook on the calendar's most festive times.
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Ever wonder what's in a name? Strap in as we grapple with the hotly contested tradition of children inheriting their father's last name, a topic that gets our tempers flaring and sparks flying. We don't shy away from the tough questions, like whether withholding a dad's surname is fair play in the accountability game when the parents aren't hitched. While tossing around ideas about cultural norms and the weighty expectations of marriage and parenthood, we're serving up a platter of perspectives on personal responsibility, all against the backdrop of ever-evolving family dynamics. 

Now, let's calm the storm with a look at why our holiday cheer seems to be on a timer. We're calling out the odd habit of saving kindness and family reunions for the holiday season, and we're not holding back. Our rallying cry? Embrace the season's spirit of generosity every day! We spin yarns about the importance of setting boundaries, bring out the megaphone for our mantra of self-care, and take a jab or two at the relentless commercialization of our beloved traditions. So join us for a rollercoaster ride through these societal quirks, and who knows—you might just walk away with a laugh and a fresh outlook on the calendar's most festive times.
Speaker 3:

hey, yo supremely full of it, ha ha sit on down, sit on down, sit on down, come on in with your funky behind. Oh, so cram me full of it podcast. Thank you, booty little girl. Back with it. Sit on down. Yeah, you too.

Speaker 2:

All the streaming Audio To the best to me and on the audio and video podcast and shite.

Speaker 3:

Let me see if I could top you Welcome to your favorite podcast. Least favorite podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we back. They call me dar and I'll be a boy now, Just a hobby yeah, we just doing this, you know saying just uh, just a chill.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we, you know.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying we really we need therapy or something.

Speaker 3:

This is how you know that this, how black men vent. It sure we make podcast. That's what we do you know?

Speaker 2:

that's what we do?

Speaker 3:

Everybody think we talk about ourselves anyway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we do.

Speaker 3:

Wait now, I bet that it took to some degree. It's a some yeah. I don't people think we put in our relationship like oh no, no man, okay it's, I don't have time.

Speaker 2:

Men is gonna be very short. Sweet to the point, man one question.

Speaker 3:

Say sweet, again Sweet. Okay, it didn't sound right now. You said sweet, I had a thick list pause. Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

I never heard somebody say a thick list.

Speaker 3:

Well, we starting strong.

Speaker 2:

Thick one. All right, man, I've never, never heard that one I'm gonna use that. Just one simple question, man. I seen some on social media man where um a Female had put a post out Okay, um her video. She says a Woman should not give her baby, her child's father, her the father's last name if they not married. How do you feel about that?

Speaker 3:

If she's gonna take that route, why get pregnant by somebody that you're not even married to?

Speaker 2:

oh, If you gonna take that route, you gonna go that direction right, because I Mean that kind of sounds stupid for you it do it sound crazy. No yeah.

Speaker 2:

My thing is this well, if, in my opinion, you should always give your baby the father's last night, right Unless it's for like Safety reasons or something, cuz you know some crazy scenarios out there, you might have to hide the baby Nah, it's, it's some crazy ones out there, bro, I'm still not doing that. I give an example it. This might be an example that you might not want to give your your child the baby last night. Say, say, the father is a Serial Grapest, grapest. Yeah, dang it, I got to do some editing. You go ahead, go ahead, but Grapest.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or you got to do some editing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know man.

Speaker 2:

Or a serial you know, unalive. Yeah, there are some cases where you might not want your child's last name to be associated with that because, say, if somebody look up that person's name you know, or look up your child's name, and then they're associated with that too to some degree. You know what I mean. Then why are you associated with them? It could be a situation that may have happened after. Well, I guess that wouldn't make sense with it.

Speaker 3:

You're right.

Speaker 2:

Motivation now is right, you're right. But yeah, I mean, but some people don't know. Now I will say this In some cases you may not know a person fully, but it's still your fault that you didn't get a chance to know that person fully before you cloned them. Right?

Speaker 3:

My thinking is this the only way that you shouldn't give the baby the father's last name is if you don't know who the father is.

Speaker 2:

That's messed up too, bro, that's messed up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you don't know who the father is, give the baby your last name until you find out who the father is, and then you switch to the last name, right.

Speaker 2:

Right. But my thing is this too, though If you didn't have a daughter, it don't matter. Why don't it? Her last name won't change anyway. Huh, her last name is going to change anyway. How? When she gets married. Oh you talking 20, but, the reason why I say that is okay, say she had a girl. I'm not giving him the last name. Okay, that's going to change anyway. The whole point of the last name is the lineage goes through the guy anyway and only boys pass that anyway.

Speaker 2:

But, at the end of the day, I still think that they should have a father's last name, because that's what carries the lineage, bro, the lineage, I think.

Speaker 3:

I mean, that's like when you get married you take on the man's last name. You don't keep your name.

Speaker 2:

Hyphenate that joint. That's what some women want to do.

Speaker 3:

I don't agree with that. I don't either, but I know some people who do it though. But I don't agree with it. I can't do it. But if, why would you even be with a man if you didn't want? Like I don't? That just goes back to what we've been saying for a few pys ago Having kids these days isn't important, it just happens. I agree with you. Like if she says that, then that means that they did it just hooking up. So she sounds like she's trying to eliminate accountability by saying, if they, if you are not married, then don't give him your last, then don't give him what? Your child, his last name. That kind of sounds like okay, you want the kid to have your last name, marry me there. Why are you going to force this man to marry you when he'd have to marry you to have sex or anything? So why? So why are you forcing anything?

Speaker 2:

And then it could be some better stuff going on too. True, you know, he bounced on you because you was a little different, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Making that video. You sound different, A little different.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I just wanted to know how you felt about that.

Speaker 3:

I think it's. I think it's retarded.

Speaker 2:

I agree, I agree.

Speaker 3:

I agree. If saying that, then you shouldn't be having sex until you're married. If that's the angle you're going to go at it, then you should not be having sex until you're married.

Speaker 2:

I might shoot about something else I saw too and, like I said, this is going to be short and sweet for real. I just you know what I'm saying Just want to get your opinion on something else. I saw another video, bro, this still dealing with kids. I saw another video where they had something called a safe haven for babies, right?

Speaker 3:

You seen that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Where you can walk up to a building, a fire department.

Speaker 3:

Open the door. Yeah, that's great.

Speaker 2:

They'll take your baby in there and leave, and then they'll take your baby to the yard, whatever, blah, blah, blah, x, y, z. You get to walk away, scott, for no consequences. Do you believe that's a fair deal or fair period for women to be able to drop their baby off anywhere with zero consequence, with a man who says I'm not ready to be your father to have to pay child support for the rest of the child's life? 18 years?

Speaker 3:

First I just want to say you said that this is going to be short and sweet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Maybe short, but ain't nothing sweet about this episode. Ain't nothing sweet about this episode? Yeah. I just want to know man Like is it fair, bro? No, because when you be watching all of these top shows and divorce TV shows, or whatever, they always say how the man needs to step up and do X, y and Z you made the kids, so you know, blah, blah, blah Then that same logic should be applied to women. But it don't it be? Well, she did what was best for her and the child.

Speaker 2:

She's strong for making that decision Right? Yeah, I've heard all that.

Speaker 3:

Right, which is not fair, because I mean some just not ready to be a mother, so they go down to where they could drop it off at.

Speaker 2:

In this same video, dude was like I should be able to go down there and drop my child before I pay myself to him. You feel me? Take that off my hands, because that's that's only fair, though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah but the the court laws are they're? They're not in favor of I'm of men. Yeah you know I'm saying like they're, they're just not they. If you make the kid okay, you will be responsible for it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But if she makes it and doesn't want to be a mother, it's perfect. And they're not talked about how men will be talked about, right, say, if a man signed away his rights, he was still get talked about. By being weak, he's a deadbeat. Xyz ABC, blah, blah, blah. But the woman was, she was strong, she did what was best. Mm-hmm you know she didn't want to be a mother. She still showed motherly traits by giving up her child because she knew that she wasn't ready. Mm-hmm, how come it's never? The men aren't ready.

Speaker 2:

I'm man in my opinion, man on both sides. I believe it's unnatural to want to take care of your child.

Speaker 3:

You say it's a nest to not want to okay.

Speaker 2:

I think that's unnatural, bro. I mean this. I Personally don't see, I can't see a Situation where I didn't have my kids or I gave them up. Now I'm not saying that there aren't cases where somebody would have to Make that decision. You know, I'm saying, and it may be in the best interest of the child, I don't know. But just for me is, you know, I would do anything I can to keep mine and protect them. But I Do know that the law is just unfair when it comes to men, because they make money Off of making you pay money.

Speaker 2:

And that's what it's more so about than anything else they will and I see this a lot of times to where They'll put a man on child support. Enforced child support, like you up. If you don't pay child support, suspend your licenses All of that mm-hmm. But I've seen cases where women have been ordered to pay child support. I've seen where they are forced to pay the very minimum and then it's also not enforced.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm just trying to lighten the mood up. Mm-hmm but you ever seen the fire hard beats. You remember that scene where Eddie King was talking to his dad. Mm-hmm and his dad was like you ain't gonna be mm-hmm cuz. I ain't. I think that's a prime example of when you should get and they say I love that boy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I think that's. That's a prime example of man. It's a. It's okay, you're not capable of raising a child.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So if you know you ain't ish, put your kid in a better situation or we can do like what you said before man, let's uh plan and Take precautions so that we don't accidentally make one.

Speaker 3:

Yep cuz will you make one. That's when the real fun begins, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

That smile a little different on your face, brother. Why are you smiling so hard?

Speaker 3:

Cause this is a short episode.

Speaker 2:

It sure is, it really is I got stuff to do.

Speaker 3:

You know what I got stuff to do, you know what I'm saying, but yeah, I mean, that's all.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted them. A couple of little questions, man. See what you thought about it. Man, I came to the studio for that. Yeah, man, that's it bro.

Speaker 3:

What's happened as far as like the episode go?

Speaker 2:

15, bro 15 minutes.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna start using thick.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a hard downpour 15 minutes.

Speaker 3:

All right, 15 thick ones. Okay, let me ask you this Nah, we done. Nah, go ahead, go ahead. I don't forget that quick.

Speaker 2:

You are old, how you forgetting to split second. I do a lot.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying? All right, how would you think a woman would be viewed if she gave up custody to the father?

Speaker 2:

I still don't think that they would be viewed negatively.

Speaker 3:

And she paid child support but she never like saw her child.

Speaker 2:

Still would never be viewed negatively to anyone else other than the child's father and family.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that's. It Is paying child support is just paying child support, raising your child.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, no, not at all, man. Your child need FaceTime.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Need FaceTime man, and it's a lot more important things than just paying money.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was just talking to somebody that I know, man, and they was just saying how important it would have been if they father was in their life, more so than made sure that they had Christmas and shoes and stuff. Life lessons is what they missed out on.

Speaker 3:

You know what, man, since you brought up Christmas and this episode comes out after Christmas you know, what I'm saying? Why do you think we've got an ugly point of view of holidays Like? I'm gonna tell you why I said that when my grandmother was alive she said this thing that stuck with me as long as I'm around my family, I don't need nothing else.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm no.

Speaker 3:

Why do we have to actually do something or get something to say we had a good holiday. And then I'm going to let you go, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Uh yeah, it's greed to me, bro, it's commercialization, Commercialization. We see stuff, we want stuff, we got to have stuff. People are greedy. They want what everybody else got. They want what everybody else want, they just want. They just want, bro, and that's why I say how is it better to give than to receive.

Speaker 3:

I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that.

Speaker 2:

Nah, you got to answer the question now.

Speaker 3:

When you are blessed, you share your blessings Facts, so more blessings could be blessed onto you, but that's another reason why I hate the holiday, though. Why.

Speaker 2:

Because it should be Christmas more than just one day a year, though. It should be Thanksgiving more than just one day a year. Yeah, I do hate the fact that around Thanksgiving and Christmas, everybody we had to make sure everybody have a meal. We had to make sure everybody eat, but ain't nobody thinking about the other 364 days.

Speaker 3:

You know what I hate, since you said that the only time most families get together is when somebody dies, or Thanksgiving, or Christmas. We got to stop doing that. Yeah, man, yeah, because me personally, if I don't see you during the year like that, if we ain't kicking it during the year like that, what makes you think I'm going to slide you a few dollars for Christmas?

Speaker 2:

I mean that makes sense. And see we only talking about Christmas. I can't wait to talk about Valentine's Day.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm not going to talk about Valentine's Day.

Speaker 2:

We talking about Valentine's Day, bro. Let's see if we do a show that day. You got a motivational quote. Yeah, okay, because you know I don't.

Speaker 3:

I was writing one down on my way here. Here we go. Let's see if it makes sense. All right, so learn how to tell people no. If you don't, you won't have a yes to give to yourself.

Speaker 1:

I like that.

Speaker 2:

I like that.

Speaker 3:

That's all I got on this rapid fire episode of StrimmeFold, the Podcast.

Speaker 2:

Speaking to the point. Quickie show pause.

Speaker 3:

You love the quickies over here.

Speaker 2:

I would have a motivational quote, but I ain't got one.

Speaker 3:

That was a piece of roll show.

Speaker 2:

A piece of roll show. What Wrong music Wrong music.

Speaker 3:

You can't wait to get up out of here, hey, man.

Speaker 2:

I'm tired.

Speaker 3:

All right, now, be a boy now. And we about it here. It's a PimiFold. The Podcast, hey brother.

Speaker 1:

Oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, I can't make the music out no faster bro. Oh yeah, had to eat none. All that preparation I did Real quick and we're gone no more no more, no more, no more. I'm not done.

Speaker 3:

No more, all right, I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done, or I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done.

Father's Last Name and Baby Safe Haven
Frustrations About Holiday Celebrations