Catalysing industry, community, and government to achieve Zero Net Emissions with Richard Health - Zero Net Emissions from Agriculture CRC

Ash Sweeting Season 1 Episode 43

The Zero Net Emissions from Agriculture Cooperative Research Council (ZNE-Ag CRC) is a key component of achieving the commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2040. The CRC comprises of 73 partenrs who have committed $AU87 million in cash which is matched by the Austrlain Federal Government. This becomes a $AU300 million program when in kind contributions are included.

Richard Heath is the CEO of the ZNE-Ag CRC who brings decades of experience across research policy and hands on farming. I recently caught up with Richard to hear more about the pans for the ZNE-Ag CRC. You can listen to our conversation here.

The ZNE-Ag CRC has four pillars that will foster collaborative researtch that includes industry partners and farmers to adress the key opportunities for emissions reduction across australian agriculture. Given the nature of food prodiuction across australia enteric methane reduction is the number one priority. 

1: Low-emissions plant solutions
Focused on reducing nitreous oxide and carbon diaoxide emissions across acre cropping, horticulture, and improving pasture species and grazing management to reduce enteric emissions. 

2: Towards methane-free cattle and sheep
Focused on breeding for lower emissions, imporved grazing management and delivery of feed additives to grazing animals. All of which require greatly expanded methane monitoring capitcty to be implementable. 

 3: Whole-farm and mixed enterprise systems analysis
As there will be no silver bullet this is pillar will integrate all the learnings to provide farmers with the guidelines and tools to implement lower emissions management practices and technologies

4: Delivering Value from Net Zero
This pillar will be integrating renewable energy and circvular economy solutions into autralian farming systems

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