Empowered Sleep Apnea

Season 2: STORIES FROM THE FIELD Episode 6 (SPECIAL): "WOODMENDER" (our pop single)

December 13, 2023 David E McCarty, MD FAASM & Ellen Stothard PhD Season 2 Episode 6

Season 2: Episode 6
Special Pop Song Episode: "WoodMender"

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What's a "WoodMender?"
by David E. McCarty, MD, FAASM (but you can call me Dave)
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The musical journey of the PULMONAUTS was glorious, transformative, beautiful…but not without its friction! Think about it! All of us are professionals, at the top of our game! We all think about music slightly differently!  We had to find a way to blend 10 voices, in a coordinated show, with only two practices and a dress rehearsal! 

Please keep in mind, dear reader: most of us in the group began as semi-rusty amateurs, trying to find our own voices within an art form that had long seemed dormant. Most of us play by ear. 

The fact that we all live in different states made the project seem unlikely at best, doomed at worst.

But: DOOMED we were not! Far from it!

The friendships we’ve made are bounding, beautiful things.

And the show we put on positively rocked.

I think that rocking vibe came from somewhere much deeper. The voice we made as a group was something new, something that all of us recognized was a product of our collaborative effort. 

It makes one feel like taking a deep breath.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My point here is that we all learned something along the way. 

We all learned how to evaluate our own prickles and rough spots, so we could work well with each other. We were able to do this, because we started with a foundation of friendship, bound with the strange fibers of choral harmony and 4:4 time. 

We stuck together in the name of love, and a beautiful show emerged, beyond which…lasting friendships and ongoing intellectual growth.

It was while witnessing the beauty of what happens when we sand down those edges, to see the marvelous creations we can make, that I created this little poem and piece of music. 

May it find you in a spirit of joy, bonding and love! In the name of celebrating the light in the darkness, I wish everyone a Happy Festivus! ;)

Dave McCarty
Boulder, Colorado
14 December 2023
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Written & Recorded 29 June 2023
(c) 2023 Dave McCarty 

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I am a wood-mender
I build things with wood and glue
Stuff I make is straight and true
I’m good at what I do 

I can take a fallen tree

And shape the edges just like this

Sandpaper and time, you see?

B.                              Bb
Makes it so the edges fit

And it all goes together so nicely
With the edges sanded away
Yeah, it all goes together so nicely
 With the edges sanded away


Yeah, it all goes together so nicely

With the edges sanded away

It all goes together so nicely

Bm.                          E
You can feel the quality

I am a carpenter
I can build houses too
Stuff I make is straight and true
I’m good at what I do

I can take a pile of stuff

And whatever else you mi

Our Website: https://www.empoweredsleepapnea.com
Official Blog: "Dave's Notes" : https://www.empoweredsleepapnea.com/daves-notes

To go to the BookBaby bookstore and view the BOOK, click HERE!


For my fellow PULMONAUTS
(c) 2023 Dave McCarty

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I am a wood-mender
I build things with wood and glue
Stuff I make is straight and true
I’m good at what I do

I can take a fallen tree
And shape the edges just like this
Sandpaper and time, you see?
Makes it so the edges fit

And it all goes together so nicely
With the edges sanded away
Yeah, it all goes together so nicely
With the edges sanded away

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 Yeah, it all goes together so nicely
With the edges sanded away
It all goes together so nicely
You can feel the quality

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am a carpenter
I can build houses too
Stuff I make is straight and true
I’m good at what I do

 I can take a pile of stuff
And whatever else you might have found
My hands and tools’ll be enough
To build the best bung’low around

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 With a good roof, Good floor
Good windows and a Good door
And four good walls  around

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yeah it all goes together so nicely
With the edges sanded away
It all goes together so nicely
You can feel the quality

 And it all goes together so nicely
With the edges sanded away
And it all goes together so nicely
With the edges sanded away 

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