The Circle of Pollination
Conversations at the intersection of creativity and consciousness. Join Rachel Singleton and Clare Brown in their favourite conversation, exploring a shared love of creating art and the spiritual nature of life. They also share a love of the natural world and use this as a guide in creating the perfect spaces for cross pollination of ideas and understanding. As artists and coaches their work is underpinned by the work of the late philosopher Sydney Banks and The Three Principles.
The Circle of Pollination
Episode 9 - Playing With Freedom and Constraints
It would seem that being an artist is about freedom of expression. Isn't this something we long for in our creativity as in our lives?
And yet, we also need the creative tension that some level of constraint brings.
Some artists will always use the same colour palette, or return to a subject over and over, or always paint on the same size and shape of canvas or paper.
Something in us needs certain things to be taken care of. It is as if, in order to launch into the unknown and explore that vibrant edge just beyond what we know we can do, we need to start from a place that feels familiar and stable.
Join us as we explore all of this and more.
Clare Brown:
Coaching and Art:
Rachel Singleton: