The Circle of Pollination
Conversations at the intersection of creativity and consciousness. Join Rachel Singleton and Clare Brown in their favourite conversation, exploring a shared love of creating art and the spiritual nature of life. They also share a love of the natural world and use this as a guide in creating the perfect spaces for cross pollination of ideas and understanding. As artists and coaches their work is underpinned by the work of the late philosopher Sydney Banks and The Three Principles.
The Circle of Pollination
Episode 11 - Quietness
In this episode, we follow on from a theme that has been present throughout all our talks, but began to come to the fore in the last episode when we explored Input versus Output (see episode 10).
There is a quality of inner quiet that can infuse our work as artists - and our life as human beings. It is a state that exists below the busyness of our mind and that is independent of any external circumstances.
When we access this, it somehow adds an extra ingredient to our work. It becomes part of the fabric of what we create.
In this episode, we muse on this subject and on how it impacts and shapes our work and our lives.
To connect with either of us, go to:
Clare Brown:
Coaching and Art:
Rachel Singleton: