The Pagan Preacher - This Spiritual Journey

Unmasking Misconceptions: A Deep Dive into the Mysteries of Halloween and Spirituality

October 20, 2023 Richard Ravenbrook Season 4 Episode 2
Unmasking Misconceptions: A Deep Dive into the Mysteries of Halloween and Spirituality
The Pagan Preacher - This Spiritual Journey
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The Pagan Preacher - This Spiritual Journey
Unmasking Misconceptions: A Deep Dive into the Mysteries of Halloween and Spirituality
Oct 20, 2023 Season 4 Episode 2
Richard Ravenbrook

Prepare yourself to have your beliefs challenged as we dive headfirst into the misconceptions surrounding spirituality and religion. Ever wonder why Halloween is often perceived as evil? It's time to redefine the meaning behind this fun, candy-filled holiday. We're peeling back the layers on topics that have been shrouded in fear and misunderstanding, like the true nature of witches, and the power that lies within each one of us. Remember, evil is not in the action but in the intent, so it's all about understanding and respecting the core values behind practices and beliefs.

The journey doesn't stop there. We're exploring the cultural diversity that makes up our spiritual realm and how the world is slowly uniting towards a global belief system. Are we stuck in a loop of spiritual stagnation, blindly following the teachings of religious leaders? It's time to question and break free from these shackles. The power of listening, not just to those around us but to our hearts, gods, and the universe, is the key to a fulfilling life. We're encouraging you to open your mind, embrace the power of Spirit, and make the most of your life. Tune in for an enlightening experience.

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Prepare yourself to have your beliefs challenged as we dive headfirst into the misconceptions surrounding spirituality and religion. Ever wonder why Halloween is often perceived as evil? It's time to redefine the meaning behind this fun, candy-filled holiday. We're peeling back the layers on topics that have been shrouded in fear and misunderstanding, like the true nature of witches, and the power that lies within each one of us. Remember, evil is not in the action but in the intent, so it's all about understanding and respecting the core values behind practices and beliefs.

The journey doesn't stop there. We're exploring the cultural diversity that makes up our spiritual realm and how the world is slowly uniting towards a global belief system. Are we stuck in a loop of spiritual stagnation, blindly following the teachings of religious leaders? It's time to question and break free from these shackles. The power of listening, not just to those around us but to our hearts, gods, and the universe, is the key to a fulfilling life. We're encouraging you to open your mind, embrace the power of Spirit, and make the most of your life. Tune in for an enlightening experience.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Peg and Preacher podcast and another spiritual message. This week's spirit has been talking heavily addressing issues of spiritual ignorance, false teachings and, sadly, good-hearted people teaching very uneducated, harmful spiritualities. Everyday living good and evil, basically telling people that many things in their life are wrong or they're bad, but that they're evil and that we know and the truth says that they're not. We live in a world full of mask infusion. We live in a world that says it knows the truth but the evidence says it does not.

Speaker 1:

Many divisions throughout our world or our country are divided into thousands of thoughts and practices and religions. We have those that say God is in control. We have the evidence says that's not true, or at least your God's not in control. And if your God is in control, then it's a sad day. You know, as as a message was written in one of the Nazi gas camps, if I'm addressing that correctly, but on the deathbed inside the gas chamber at road. If there is a God, he'll have to beg for my forgiveness.

Speaker 1:

People teach of a God that is in control, that is in control of all things, a perfect God. A perfect God that created a flawed species and then punishes them for being flawed and all knowing, all perfect God that seems to never be there. You know, I don't think that's true. What I believe is that we have it misunderstood. We have the basis and the foundation of truth misunderstood, and you know that even the man we call Jesus, whose real name can be pronounced in many different, many different forms and fashions. But you know, the basis of truth goes way past one man and I know I'm kind of going in and out already and kind of but just kind of hang on, because spirit has this going somewhere that is vitally important. Spirit has laid so much in my heart that what I need to do is actually sit down and write it out individually to make it into different podcasts. But sometimes spirit just really gets involved in once and just comes out when something comes out, and just comes out when spirit comes out and in a way that spirit comes out. You know I spend a great deal of time on social media trying to teach and trying to, because it's a good avenue. It's a good avenue when you can't get out. It's a less expensive avenue than getting out and going into different places. But you know, I see so much, so much ignorance.

Speaker 1:

We're approaching Halloween and I see so many out there telling people that we cannot celebrate Halloween if you're a Christian, because Halloween is of the devil and it's an evil holiday. It's celebrating demons. And do people truly understand what evil is? Wearing plain dress up and going out and getting candy? In no way, form or fashion is evil. Evil comes from the heart. Evil is manifested through intention. These children have no evil intention.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there are those out there that are celebrating a different kind of Halloween, but we have to know the difference and even they do not celebrate something that's evil, because when we begin to understand the balance, we begin to understand that just because something is considered the darkness doesn't make it evil, because there is a duality and a balance in all things Good and evil, white, black or light and darkness, evil and female Everything we see has a balance Positive, negative, everything is. But you know this world. Even in this simplicity of truth, it's hidden because for some reason, we have this outward need to recognize some higher power than ourselves. And even though there is a higher power than ourselves, we must understand the power within ourselves, teaching people that things like Halloween and letting your kids dress up and go out and play and trick or treating and things of that nature are evil. It's completely untrue, it has no basis of evil period Because there's no intention of evil doing.

Speaker 1:

You know, I said the other day you know I have many friends that consider themselves Christian witches. And then there are those out there that say, well, there's no way you can be a Christian witch. And one of those people at one time that said that there is no way you could be a Christian witch. But then spirits sat me down and began to educate and give me wisdom into how that's possible. And most of it is in interpretation, how we define different words, how we perceive different words and terminologies.

Speaker 1:

When some people hear the word which, because of Hollywood and because of bad people, they automatically see darkness, they see evil, they see someone that is against God, they see someone that is probably serving evil in some way, that is casting evil spells and doing evil things. But you know what, in modern day society that's not, at least that's not the witch that I know. Yes, there's some people out there that take things to a dark place, but that doesn't make the term bad To most people in modern society and most of them that were, even in the past, the word which, wicca, the wise ones. They were merely people that understood the hidden mysteries behind things that most of us already want the strive for. They knew these things. They also knew how to use herbs and how to manifest that intention. They knew the power that was within themselves and it scared people. It scared people that they could do all these different things because they knew the ins and outs of the universe. They knew the things that most people were afraid to even speak about.

Speaker 1:

I hear people even today talking about you know well, you don't want to mess with the spiritual things, you don't want to mess with the spiritual world. But then, at the same time, your own Bible says that God is spirit and there's no way to even communicate with God unless you are spiritual and speaking in the spiritual world. So when you tell people that you cannot be involved in spiritual things, then you deny the very existence of God, because God is spirit and the Kingdom of God is where the Kingdom of God is, within us. You know that same phrase is also in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It's written slightly different, but it says the same thing Look within and know thyself.

Speaker 1:

Everything we need is, within us, terms and labels and preconceived ideas that are put into our minds of the way we were raised and our traditions, what our parents and our schools and preachers or whoever mentors, whatever they taught us, that we perceive certain words in certain ways and we automatically judge the situation according to how we perceive those words. You hear the word which and something comes to your mindset. You hear the word Halloween and something comes to your mind, whatever the word is, whether it's a different religion or whether it's a. You know, if we start talking about the occult, if we start talking about the word pagan, if we start talking about the word magic or miracle, certain preconceived pictures appear within our minds and those are put there by the people that have educated us. Now, whether they've educated us correctly or non-correctly, falsely, it makes no difference. What they taught is in your mind.

Speaker 1:

To understand truth, we have to get past that. We have to get past the idea of trusting whoever taught us and begin to dive into spirit, learn how to listen to spirit and learn how to trust our inner intuition, our inner feeling, our spirit. Most of the people that's on this planet have no idea or no recollection that they are a spirit and a physical body having a physical experience. What they see is they're just a person walking on this earth that wants certain things and tries to be a good person because they're told there's a God somewhere that is watching over, but they're not told that God is spirit and God isn't watching over in that kind of way. God is within you. God is in all things that are living and breathing and all things that have spirit, and the truth of all things lies within us. If we would just listen to that faint voice Sometimes it's a voice that just kind of screams sometimes. Sometimes we don't want to even hear it because it goes against kind of what we were taught. We love our parents, we love the mentors that have been in our life and we trust what they said.

Speaker 1:

You could be a devout Christian and your parents were and their parents were and their parents were, and you can't see yourself ever changing that because that's just the way it has been. But you know that doesn't mean that that's what's right, that's what's correct and that's what's the truth. Because I'm here to tell you right here and now, even though there is some truth within Christianity, a great deal of it is constructed to only control you, to limit you, to simply unite a people under an authority that truly has no authority. That God, the Spirit, is within you. You are your ultimate authority, you are the one that makes the decisions in your life and you are the one that can change things, manifest things and empower yourself through your thoughts, through your will, through your actions. Yes, we honor the Gods, we honor those that came before us, our ancestors, that taught us, but we try to make our mark on this world that it's not enough for us just to live, but that we can say that we had a life, that we did something with that life, that we spoke the truth that we knew was truth and refused to just follow the crowd. But we would burn through briars if that's what it took to blaze our own path on this world of prey or predator, ignorance, spiritual ignorance. It has to stop. The bigotry. The hate of anything outside of religious views has got to be eliminated In the year 2023, we have people still living like they lived 3,000 years before things changed, still living in olden times, and we just won't open our eyes to see the truth.

Speaker 1:

You know, we all started in our own origin, where our culture began. Some of us are from different areas of the world. We all might live in a certain country now, but we didn't start there, or at least many of us didn't. Most of us. Where we live, we are not native there. We may have been born there, but our ancestors were not. We were something and our ancestors served or honored specific gods. That is our heritage, that is our tradition. How many of us in today's world honor gods that are not our own?

Speaker 1:

As we look out all the different countries China, japan, russia, native Americans or China just say natives, natives to this land, the Scandinavian, the Nordic, the Dramatic, all different areas having different thoughts and practices and different religions. Why do you think that's the case? Why do you think the case that we all are different, that we look different, some of us were built different, we speak different, we even have different languages. Consider that for just a minute and then see that we have been all merged together in this attempt to create one race, one religion, one thought, one practice. And you know and I've even spoken in this that I've seen this coming, that I know that this is what's coming, but is it for the best? Why is it happening? Has it happened before?

Speaker 1:

You know many things that we are taught and many people understand that there's a saying that there's nothing under the earth that hasn't been done before. There's nothing new. Everything that we see has been seen before and done before. The cycle over and over and over. Maybe we need to take a step back and understand that we feel certain things, we feel certain notions and that cycle will never stop until we actually accept that notion and do the things that we know we need to do inside. But the people that we trust that are out there teaching and professing spiritual mentors and teachers and pastors and people of high ranking spiritual caliber, not teaching the truth, not teaching enlightenment and empowerment, but only teaching submission. And we go back into this cycle over and over and over Never learning, never growing, always remaining as children, always on milk, never ready for the meat. There's a time when we have to grow, grow, get past religion and understand spirituality, understand ourselves, understand that the things that people are out there saying oh, you can't celebrate Halloween, oh, we can't do this and we can't do that, you know you can't. Oh, we just.

Speaker 1:

You know there's so many rules that people want to say that you can and you cannot do, just like the Pharisees did. You know, and it's none of these things. All things can hurt you if you've abused or not done correctly. Even vitamins that are good for you can be harmful if you abuse them. Alcohol or wine, should I say, can be very beneficial for one's stomach, but it can also be very dangerous and bad for someone who doesn't control it. All things that even have good goodness within them, I guess you want to say, can do bad things, and in this world we have to understand the intent and the reason why things happen, the reason why we say we should do this or shouldn't do that. There is no evil in Halloween. There is no evil in the term which.

Speaker 1:

There is such a thing as the Christian, which I would prefer to use a different term, simply because people don't understand it. But even in this podcast called the pagan preacher, I know there's many people that don't understand what it is that I do, because the only word that they see is either the first or the second. They either hear they already see the word pagan and run the other direction, or the pagans see the word preacher and run the other direction. Only the people that listen to spirit, actually listen, those people that are earnestly trying to seek and the spirit leads them here. Those are the ones that get past those words, because so many people in this world just can't get past what's within their minds. They see that word or they hear that word and they automatically shut down like nope, I'm not even going to listen to that, I'm not even going to read that book or I'm not even going to, and we lose so much.

Speaker 1:

You know, I see churches and I see different organizations attacking different pagan stores and businesses and attacking different festivals and different saying that, well, we don't want these kind of people in our towns, we don't want drag shows in our town, we don't want all these other things in our town, because we're Christian and this is our town. But you know what? It's not just your town, it's everyone's town, it's everybody's world and everybody has the right to live the life that they choose. You have no right just because your religion says something, and most of the time what you think it says it doesn't say. But we block ourselves in ignorance and we put on blinders and earmuffs so we can't hear anything else other than what we believe and we refuse to accept anything else, because our mom and dad or our grandma or somebody like that, said that it was absolute truth, so it's got to be, because they wouldn't be wrong. We don't look into it, we don't research it, we don't want to know that we are wrong.

Speaker 1:

You know it was hard for me too, being a minister in the church for many years and always feeling it with my heart. Something was wrong, something was just, it just wasn't clicking and it wasn't right, it wasn't true. But it took me years to actually accept it, to understand it, that you know what. You walked many different years doing many different things in that aspect and it seems like you wasted all those years. But you didn't waste, you learned.

Speaker 1:

I learned how the enemy works. I learned how religion can damage, destroy and create trauma, and I also learned how understanding spirituality promotes peace and understanding. I understand how people that classify themselves under the word which, or Christian, which, or Magi that there was no evil, that I began to see the similarities in all these different religions. And I began to see the similarities in different texts, in different books. You know, the other day I even posted on Facebook that you know the one on the Egyptian book of the dead and where it says you know the God is within you.

Speaker 1:

And even though that's the truth, people rebutted that and hated that. They call you names and they just blatant evil coming from people that claim to be good, that claim to be loving and honest and caring, people that there are ministry and life is love, but you can see that that is anything but the truth, that if that's love, we definitely don't need that. We don't need a creator that tells us to tell our children that they are flawed and that they could never be anything without help, that they need to suppress everything in life they've ever wanted to be and just be a slave. We need to empower people, we need to speak truth into people, teach people who they are, what they are and what they can do and what we can do together. When we begin to look deep within our hearts, deep within our spiritualities, getting past the books, getting past human understanding and the written words of flawed men, but getting into something that's much deeper, we'll get into an understanding that creates harmony and creates coexistence and creates that one spiritual connection and note, I didn't say one religion, I said one spiritual connection, because we are all connected together. All living things are connected together.

Speaker 1:

Religion has separated that, divided that, beaten that and ripped it apart. I hope today the Spirit has touched someone, opened someone's mind, opened someone's heart to say that. You know, I've only spoken of a couple of different things. You know the Christian witch and the Halloween, but it goes way, way past that, everything from having a drink oh, you can't have a drink because that's a no, it's not. Let's get past the rules, let's get past this nonsense and this bigoted hate. Let's get out of the books and into spirit. Let's understand that there is a way to peace, there is a way of coexistence.

Speaker 1:

That religion is not it, because religion has only divided, conquered and destroyed. You know what Christianity is supposed to be? A religion of, of godly love, understanding the love of thy neighbor, as themselves do unto others, as you would have them do unto you, if it all measured, being peace with all man. But we look back in history and we don't see that doing. We see cultures and nations wiped out, destroyed and murdered by religion that called them self-loving, refusing to accept anything else other than themselves, that everything else was pegging in peasants. There's a time when it has to end. Religion that suppresses must be eliminated. People that suppress must be convinced that this is not the way. No person, no religion ever has the right to suppress. The rights are the open worship or activity or practice of another.

Speaker 1:

Just take some time and think about what Spirit has said this Halloween. When children are out there, understand there's no evil going on in those children's minds. There's no intent of evil and there's a difference between what some would consider all hollows eve and Halloween, what some would consider, let's just say, other holidays. But one thing I can say is that if you don't understand, don't judge it. If you don't understand the deep spiritual aspects of these holidays, don't try to judge them, because that's what causes so much pain and anguish and so much turmoil, so much division, because people are told that, oh, that's an evil holiday. No, it's not. There's no evil involved in it.

Speaker 1:

Listen to Spirit. People Listen to your own heart, god or the gods. They don't need you to intervene. They need you to just live your life as complete as you can, serving a purpose on this earth, living a happy life, a complete life, a life of abundance. Just open yourself up to this. Listen to Spirit. We bless everybody and bless it. Be Please subscribe to the Peg and Preacher podcast. Please, if you get a chance, leave a review or a rating. This helps tremendously to help friends and family. We bless everybody and bless it be.

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