SasquatchNHL: Seattle Kraken NHL Podcast

2023 NHL Trade Deadline Recap

Seattle Kraken & NHL Commentary Season 2 Episode 15

The Seattle Kraken were mostly quiet for this year's trade deadline, but teams across the NHL were busy positioning for a run at the #StanleyCup. Special guests Ty Jacobs and Striatic join the show for this jam-packed episode full of #NHL trade deadline analysis. In this episode, the guys try to provide a league wide recap and dissect the whirlwind of trade transactions that took place, and sort out what this all means for the Seattle Kraken moving forward.

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Ty Jacobs -
Striatic -

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hey what's up everybody how's it going gotta get my camera turned on here welcome to the live stream little impromptu get together this afternoon hockey games going in the league trade recap uh the whole deadline ended yesterday I thought it'd be great to have a little conversation with a couple friends here on the show and uh just talk about the Kraken talk about all the trades we saw got the Nintendo fired up today the scoreboard uh and a couple of friends here already with us let's switch over here we got Etsy at Sea Kraken do tie and our our buddy striatic joining us striatic how are you today let's start with you what's going on over near neck of the woods oh like personally um I felt a little sick yesterday which was strange I got like really cold feeling just like strange for me I never feel cold and then I just like fell asleep really early but then I woke up and now I'm feeling fine so I don't know what happened usually just takes a little coffee to kind of get get things all dialed in right oh I don't drink coffee I don't drink caffeine or anything like that but I'm not a Mormon or anything so I'm not sure why I'll drink the coffee for you then no as like as risky as it gets for me as those second intermission hot chocolates from madera's that's that's it that's about as spicy as it gets from me in the beverage Department I usually steer clear of a lot of sugar just because uh but I'm always super jealous when I read that I'm like oh I need to make hot chocolate right now but I usually stick to just coffee black coffee nothing in it usually maybe a little cream every now and then but what's going on your way Taya here it's a little bit stormy oh yeah down in Vancouver we have the full-on precipitation mode going on right now so it started with some pretty crazy hail and then we had some Thunder which I thought you guys would be able to hear but you can't uh and now it's just pouring rain so I tried to open up the window so people could see but you can't really see rain uh yeah on a webcam so your mic is too good that's the problem you're sounding perfect but it's not getting the ambient noise Let Me Take It Outside yeah so uh yeah Whirlwind of Trades concluded yesterday at the deadline it was 3 P.M Eastern Time noon here on the West Coast uh we're gonna do our best to kind of work through it we're going to keep our eye on the NHL scoreboard like I talked about I do have the blades of Steel game it's kind of a little System test let's call it that got some plans here on the channel to keep working on some of the Retro hockey games uh to add to the channel it's just a new little thing I'm trying over here but uh great to have you guys along you're gonna chat for a little bit we might have a couple other people jump in I have a couple of DMS out there we'll see uh who's busy and who's not but I didn't have a whole lot going on today so what's that Paul's in uh chat oh yeah I gotta flip over to the chat the Paul there he is what's up Paul Paul says I was busy at work all week and could barely keep up with Kraken highlights pretty satisfied that we stayed put at the deadline and I think that's going to be kind of the general tone people are kind of feeling that same way I didn't think that they should have done a whole lot based on how they were playing right now we'll see if we can continue on with that but yeah let's talk about the Kraken to start things off a little bit guys uh and time maybe we'll start on your side just I don't know your feelings initially coming out of the trade deadline season here now uh Francis didn't do a whole lot added Magna other than that Stood Still what are your initial thoughts there uh I mean I think boring actually is a great place to be in for a second year franchise we have a lot of good pieces we have some great chemistry developing I don't know if everybody watched during like the All-Star break and all that on Instagram and the other social media but all the boys are out together the team chemistry is building like crazy and honestly if you start bringing in you know some of them big names like Taves or something like that you run a huge risk of completely destroying that locker room and stuff like that or introducing something negative so the lack of moves the success the team is is had compared to year one like I think this is well aligned for what we're doing this year and then long-term dividends as well smart moves added a little bit of depth big man out back and just kept it simple and sometimes that that simpleness uh sends all of the message you need to send to that locker room that hey you know I'm confident in you guys we can go post season and then we'll just see what happens from there yeah yeah maybe striatic on your side of things just uh your thoughts like like we've said already it was a little bit boring but uh definitely some stepping stones being built for the future I think for the Kraken as far as they're concerned right yeah so I mean I'm glad that they didn't um go for any super big high priced rentals uh definitely I don't think it's the time for that I do think there's more that that probably could have been done um even though the team right now you know isn't exactly a Stanley Cup Contender I think there's a lot of value in winning around um yeah and giving a player a player or other players like Maddie veneers that extra playoff experience I think that that is worth a late round pick um but I think it seemed like so I I was sort of more of an advocate of trying to take a gamble on on a player just make sure you don't pay more than a than a late round pick use your um use what cap space was was left which was probably a little under 4 million if you trade the Don's koi contract out um but it sounds like that wasn't available um and so it probably should have been available I think Chuck Fletcher probably should have taken a late round pick for jvr instead of getting absolutely but uh I'm I'm happier that for example we didn't get a player like James then reinstate uh at all then I would have been if we paid a little bit too much um but I am a little bit surprised that they're they're um they weren't able to leverage a late round pick and their cap space to collect someone but all in all I'm happy it's um it's not a perfect deadline perfect deadline would probably be again leveraging the cap space and the late round pick to try to get a role player to try to get the team through that first round but um better to not make any mistakes at this point than yeah to not have an absolutely perfectly finely adjusted wholly optimized roster not like you got to push everything on the table and make a huge run for it this year uh did feel like Ron Francis kind of put his his stop limit at a certain level and said you know if you're going to meet me here great otherwise I'm gonna go take a nap and read the paper we know that's how he operates at the expansion crafty set of prints you know he set up prices you stuck to it right so this deadline's the same I mean I it seems like he probably sets some prices and just stuck to them and you know sometimes you miss it on opportunities by doing that and you know there's maybe some criticism that could be levied but on the other hand it's a great way of not making really big mistakes and not talking yourself into something that you're not really sure of so I definitely respect this process even if it isn't perfect every time time he is um not making unforced errors which a lot of GMS do yeah yeah and no rush really to do anything you did hear some of the rumors Ty maybe you can respond to this a little bit as we go but uh you know chitrin was kind of rumored jvr like striatic already mentioned yep uh you heard kind of the rumors with Susie back and forth potentially Borgen none of that really came to fruition he did also see Detroit there make a push to get jvr and then that kind of happened but that didn't happen all of a sudden things change real fast but I don't know maybe maybe uh start with Susie kind of your thoughts there going into next season now um Susie gonna be back uh I don't think he'll be back I I'm kind of like I'm a day-to-day on Sushi some days I love them other days I'm just like this guy could go so uh I don't think he'll be back next season I see a higher priority in signing someone like Don or maybe even bringing borgi a little bit of a contract uh those guys are contributing more have more upside for sure uh Dunn's upside is is pretty massive I'd like to see him get locked down but right don't want to get too ahead of myself and talking through everybody yeah and maybe it'd be helpful too you guys may not be able to see it really good but um try to pop up the app friendly website here that's what I've been looking at so we have okay like straight addicts that we have four million left in available space and so I've just been looking at what we have here yeah so and and then you've got you know Morgan geeky and RFA coming up here Daniel strong also an RFA Vince Dunn uh that's the big one really I think in strategy if you want to talk to that a little bit as well um William Borgen again right there at the same cut off kale flurry who's been regularly scratched this year not a surprise but uh yeah and also Jones is going to come off the books which might work out just right if drieger's uh ready to go next year I would assume he is but I don't know the obviously Priority One is Vince Dunn I talked about this a little bit the other night stratic I don't know if you were on that stream but um initially my projections just for fun were six mil plus and I said that about a year ago I got made fun of a little bit on Twitter um whatever but I feel like that's where it's going to end up at this point for events done to get an extension done uh regardless of where he goes I think I think what Francis is probably looking to do with uh Vince Dunn and it's probably what or may have been what he was thinking when the team took him at the expansion draft over you know Tarasenko is probably he probably wants to find his Jacob slaven now I don't mean that in that you know they're they have exactly the same play style or anything like that but the opportunity to lock up a young Defender for an extended period of time um which is something that he did in Carolina was slaven and was I mean that you look at that contract now and it's just like absolutely fantastic the the size of it very digestible in the term great so I think he might try to do that with done um the trick was done is it maybe harder to keep his costs down because he's a little bit more productive or I think he's a little bit more conspicuous in his um Point scoring then slavin was at the time that contract was signed um so yeah 6 million seems like like it's understandable um it's definitely possible I would just like to see it you don't want to get in a situation like the Oilers did with Darnell nurse where they bridged them and then they ended up having to buy a bunch of Ufa years at like nine million dollars um so the the uh I think the the play Francis will go with is maybe something that seems a little high maybe to some fans um but really long term like like six million plus maybe even seven but is gonna avoid the big um big misstep of getting having to sign him at eight or nine or who knows what happens with the salary cap if it goes up any higher or if this level of play and proves you might even be getting to higher than that um potentially uh we would also hope that his play accelerates to the point where he could get a 10 million dollar contract elsewhere but we're paying him something like you know six or seven that would be fantastic well in the the Cap's gonna stay flat relatively flat we anticipate next year and maybe your following depends a lot of things up in the air with uh League revenues now with the regional Sports networks everything's going kind of down the tubes as far as uh you know Valley Sports and some of those other things are concerned so it could be really really interesting on where uh salary cap goes over the next few years a lot of factors at play but yeah I I I'm I'm really loving Vince Dunn I feel like he's kind of coming into his own and it's uh definitely he's got that great chemistry it feels like with Larson so we'll see what happens I guess and that's going to happen in the off season I've heard a few times now do I think that they're pushing the extension talks out which is probably wise it's tough to talk business when you're in the middle of a stretch run but uh Tai also you know a big element to that is special teams in this in the stretch run we've talked about this on you know the post game recaps quite a bit if you want to maybe go into this a little bit how that kind of dovetails with some of these players the Kraken are trying to keep around next year but you know it'll be kills look pretty good lately last almost 10 games or so power play 21 21 in a row before they yeah the other night yeah Power Play maybe not so much but getting a little bit better uh chance wise I think uh maybe just kind of your thoughts on how important special teams are going to be as we go through this push towards the playoffs uh I mean very important uh in the playoffs special teams are an absolute like they can be a deal breaker or maker for sure maybe look at a team like Edmonton where they have that automatic check in the box that you're going to score uh that's a great thing to have uh for special teams going in now Seattle we don't have anything like that at all we have a shaky PK that either can be zero or hero and then the power play man you got all kinds of animations going on this is no I'm distracted I clicked the wrong button and I clicked it again I'll just leave it on the screen first sorry ultimately uh I think it's more more of a negative for us heading towards the postseason I think that's going to be a factor that that hurts us more than it helps us but I also like the writing's been kind of on the wall I could see you know some coaching changes uh from the assistants as far as special teams and things like that go uh going into next season I don't know I'm not I'm also like I should Define my position I don't expect to go anywhere in the playoffs I'm just we made it let's see what happens maybe a little tenacious play Beat on some guys and then make our graceful exit like it's likely what's gonna happen so I'm not about you know selling everything sell the farm like some of these teams are and I'm not like oh our special teams is gonna you know make or break us like I'm just trying to stay neutral kind of sit around watch and enjoy the team what they're what they're giving us because I think it's a it's a great product compared to last year and I'm just content it's a weird feeling it's like yeah there's always kind of that desire to change things maybe you feel a little bit too much you know you you uh break it until it's fixed I guess the I forget the cliche term there but yeah we'll see what happens here but uh definitely excited for this stretch run I think the crack in are positioned they kind of have you know their own destiny in their hands in their own hands at this point going forward they're right there in the race Edmonton La Vegas you know Calgary's in there as well a little bit further back but let's let's talk about around the league here just kind of the highlights of Trades and we'll go through the list maybe in a little bit finer grain detail but I just kind of wanted to start out east because obviously that's where it feels like the power is right now the Rangers the Rangers moves oh my gosh yeah and maybe tile I'll let you go first on this one because I I promised him striatic and then we'll come back okay maybe we'll talk Bruins with you a little bit but Ty really wanted to talk Rangers in and definitely uh chime in static but uh you know Tarasenko added earlier you've got team now that came over uh ahead of the deadline but basically in into the deadline that's added to uh you know Narin Savannah Jad uh Adam Fox uh and oh igorisha sturkin no big deal um yeah is this this roster is is super fun to look at I mean there's there's some salty vents on there and then you the what excites me the most is you put together this much Firepower and then you have someone like Igor sturkin in that yeah that's the formula for success and very deep run so um I'm excited to see what this Rangers team can do they were really fun to watch uh last playoffs with the kid line and stuff like that we still have the kid line plus like I'm so excited to watch this team go through and it's just a bunch of good guys too it's not like there's nobody on there that I I don't like which is wonderful so yeah West Coast fan my whole life as fan and then Kraken obviously because I live here and man I'm excited to watch the Rangers uh in the postseason yeah and they kind of hit that wall with the lightning last year right the uh oh yeah Juggernaut team oh like they had that Series in control I don't know maybe you could kind of reminisce on that for a second but yeah I mean that was that was a fantastic series that just turned into Tampa Bay hockey where those bigger bodies kind of wear you down and slow you up and then you when you you're kind of relying on that kid line to produce a little bit too much uh once you shut that down it kind of falls apart so uh that's not gonna be the case this year you can you got these lines out here that can go crazy all different directions I mean Patrick Kane on there and stuff like that like some salty vets that have multiple cups that know what to do that know how to Rally the boys some previous you know chemistry there with Panera and like I don't know buckle up here we go that's my own fault for bad time this is pretty pretty stacked uh stratic I just quickly looking here you know going we could go into the Bruins and leafs Devils you know they all make pretty big moves maybe let's start with the Bruins just because they're on a roll again it feels like they've been on a Roll All Season 10 wins in a row they won today you can see on the scoreboard there if I flip it over see they won four to two beat the Rangers who we were just talking about but man dramatic is this a team that is potentially peaked or not peaked but like run high octane for so long now are they at any risk even though they've loaded up a little bit with some players are they at risk it maybe having a oopsie in the playoffs um Okay so you know I'm not one to believe in in curses or anything too much except for when it comes to the Toronto Maple Leafs who are yep undoubtedly actually supernaturally cursed yeah but you know people worry about the uh president's trophy curve sometimes and you look at this team and you think oh they're so good they must be beyond that they're so far ahead of the field but there are some concerns I mean they are I I believe that they have a really high PDO which means that they're they're getting really good shooting and really good goaltending and sometimes when you have really good shooting and really high goaltending it can be unsustainable but they've sustained it an awful long time haven't they and then you set a new record and you play against them you you know when we watch both games with the crack and play against them this team is amazingly skilled but also no quit like they just keep playing you talk about you know teams saying oh we need to you know put in a full 60 Minutes you know even when they were even in that shutout that we had against them which was fantastic they were dangerous the whole game like they did not play poorly in that game um so I don't know you do you do like look at that style of play them be like you know can you play with that intensity for a whole season and still have gas left in the tank but it they've come this far they still have the energy now I mean yeah but is this something you worry about is something that you immediately think about with this team whether they they're kind of burning the candle at both ends at some point they um it's it it falls apart could happen in the first round but I don't know I think that they did it I think that they had a really good deadline um I think green and bertuzzi like normally I'm not I mean he he's a player I mean he can explore that I think that there are a lot of um players that could do his production um but he does seem like he fits their identity so that's that's probably important for them yeah and um or love if you're going to rent a Defender right I mean I don't I don't think you can do much better than that um they have a bunch of players that are on expiring con uh contracts and I'm not sure Bergeron's going to be there after this year so you know rent get the best possible rental you can and make the best possible team you can make even better it seems like they're doing everything they're doing everything right right now great goaltending too right yeah oh yes of course and their tandem's good they don't just have one good goalie they've got they've got a good goalie relationship going on there yes it's a great Tindy celebrations exactly I love that stuff and um I don't know they seem like they have just a really they seem Unstoppable I don't know what to say other than you know there are some signs that maybe it is unsustainable but you know there's there were signs that it was unsustainable months ago everyone you know saying oh they're gonna fall off and it hasn't happened yet so it'd be super um ironic if this was the year the Maple Leafs actually knocked the Bruins out but we'll see even just saying that it feels like I'm already jinxing they're pretty much locked into first round against uh um Tampa so oh yeah the second round for that matchup to happen probably I haven't looked at the playoff odds in a while but I think last month it was like 90 chance that they're going up against Tampa first round so yeah maybe let's look at the um the wild card here real quick I'll just flip over uh before we get a little bit further into some of the the trade chatter but uh let me load that just a second okay so right now Boston obviously at the top of the Atlantic there I'm using Sportsnet I like how they split up the Wild Card Standings and now they also have these nice little dots over here that shows you the last five in their uh streak and who they played pretty cool I liked this website okay so yeah Boston Toronto there top of the Atlantic Tampa Bay I mean these teams are just unreal Carolina in the metropolitan uh New Jersey and the Rangers so pretty stacked across the board right now the Wild Card race between the Islanders the Penguins uh even down to the Senators and Panthers there Sabers the Caps are still in it the Red Wings still in it but getting a little bit further out of the picture so it's gonna be wild down the stretch I don't think Philly's going to make it in uh but yeah Senators also kind of putting their chips on the table making uh that acquisition for chitrin which we can talk about here as we as we break it down but yeah the the um the behemoths Atop The East tie uh it's it's gonna be a wild race and I would anticipate some of these teams are going to beat each other up pretty good in the divisional rounds right we hope so because there's yeah there's some absolute like like if you look at Toronto's roster is like a freaking All-Star team dude yeah everybody in the west is hoping these teams kind of uh beat each other up through the through the playoffs because these teams are stacked I mean we haven't even talked about the Hurricanes yet I will say that there is kind of an opportunity to compare and contrast the the Rangers and Bruins deadline a little bit like I do wonder if maybe maybe the the Rangers would have been better suited to instead of you know really loading up on offense if they did if they had gone after and been able to secure orlov instead if that would have been the better move um but yeah it is interesting because the the uh just to see the Bruins like really put a focus on on improving their defense although or love does you know contribute offensively as well if maybe the the Rangers had adopted that instead of really really learned that it's gonna be interesting to see who's more successful which uh which approaches is more successful yeah you got a comment asking about the cane trade specifically oh here let's flip over here Daisy what's up Daisy thoughts on the Patrick Kane trade uh you know and I'll hand off to you guys if you want to speak to that we kind of touched on that as we came into the stream but um yeah personally uh I've I've made it known I'm not a huge Patrick Kane uh fan uh just on the personal side of things he's an amazing hockey player Stanley Cup winner you know over and over in Chicago uh highly skilled I think he's gonna add another just offensive factor for the Rangers that just Stacks it on even more uh to that group they're just loaded with Talent now I'm they're scary to me and I if I'm Boston like and we've just talked about this like you're running at high octane uh but that Rangers team I thought they were super close to breaking through last year and they just kind of let things slip away but I don't know Ty maybe if you want to respond on that a little bit as well I'm I'm All Aboard I mean you have some all automatic Chemistry Between right off the get-go you already see in a bunch of videos and stuff on their Instagram about them joking around and it's just like the Bros are back you got like old Mark goalie 10 going on kind of Broach going on but I mean conditional 2023 second round and a 2023 fourth round what for a three-time Stanley Cup champion like not only are you adding the Patrick Kane skill which as a hockey player myself like spent many years trying to emulate this guy on the ice and do some of the things that he does so effortlessly but the experience of those three cups and being through you know the entire series however many times like I think it's going to be not only a massive Edition on the ice but also a massive Edition in the locker room and he he genuinely just looks happy and happy hockey players that are playing for the boys in the room those are scary guys to have so I I like it for if you're a Rangers Fan this is great and I think it was sort of neat where he you know he's been struggling through the year and I think Elliot Friedman put out like you know teams just want to see a burst they just want to see a spark and then he immediately out went out and had a hat trick game and so I I think you have a player here who's older who can't put together a full season anymore but that's not what the Rangers need the Rangers just need need a guy who at you know now the through all the retention and stuff he's at like a 2.5 million cap hit they just need a guy that can win him a series and it does seem like Kane might have that still left in him and if that's the case then that's all they need to do and I the assets that they give up for him I think the the for it can be a conditional first yeah they win they win so if it's uh see already you've got it written down here so Kane uh Rangers research sorry yeah Rangers receive Patrick Kane Chicago retains 50 salary and Arizona was involved in this too Arizona retains 25 Rangers also received Cooper Zeck I'm saying that right a Blackhawk Scott sorry jarvi uh wolinsky a conditional second round a 2023 fourth round um and the coyotes also received a 2025 third round so just a lot of pieces involved in that one and this is a team too that has a lot of young players they have those great high draft picks uh like uh kakko and yeah LaFreniere and they had a good playoff run last season but just again similar to many veneers just the more playoff experience you can get for those that you know often with teams it can take a while to become a great playoff team like Tampa there were a lot of years where they were not Colorado too right right it takes a while your your players I think need to get that playoff experience and so just another good luck so even if they you know don't necessarily win the cup with this if um if Patrick Kane can help someone around then that that second rounder is already paid for itself and you can go further than that than even the first rounder can be beneficial so that you're um I guess the younger part of that core can um uh can get extra extra experience in the playoffs and that can benefit you down the line yeah every minute you're on the ice during the Stanley Cup Playoffs is a huge you know added benefit uh as a younger guy you've seen it over and over with teams you know like I just said Colorado and New York now uh gonna have that extra experience Toronto seems to keep finding the exits in game seven but maybe this is the year we'll see I'm really curious let's let's oh it's 400 four years in a row isn't it three three or four years in a row it's at least four I was thinking maybe even no it's I think you're right it's four I could go look maybe I don't know if somebody's watching let us know in the gym by the way Daisy thanks for joining in uh the stream and leaving a comment if you want to leave more go ahead I'll try to read them out as we go through the stream here but yeah it's it's definitely um it's not a great streak for the Maple Leafs fans but it does create great Steve dangle content so we we all appreciate that uh let's switch gears just a little bit guys let's talk Western Conference West Coast um it felt like the Oilers were pretty active here at the trade deadline maybe a case of uh feeling the pressure a little bit up there as well trying to keep Pace with Seattle which is a surprise this year and you know bouncing back and forth in the standings um stratic maybe your thoughts on the Western Conference Seattle in the mix Edmonton right there obviously La in Vegas uh gonna battle right out you know right up to the end of the season but it's kind of at the top of your mind on the western side of things well Edmonton because you know they are my other team but um we do you know I do watch every Oilers game just like I watch every cracking game um definitely more on team Kraken than team Oilers now but I I uh but I I will say you know for the amount that they paid for Medias Echo and it may have been an overpay that guy fills the need on that team almost perfectly and just watching the last two games like he flew in on like he didn't practice with the team they did you know he just went out on the ice uh for his you know first post deadline game with the Oilers and it was like they were a completely different team defensively um just for the you know 20 or so minutes that he was out there it makes such a huge difference I they played Toronto they gave up one goal and I went on natural static and they have like 13 players that didn't have a high danger chance against like you you took a Toronto they took a Toronto team that was you know uh coming off the deadline and feeling pretty good about themselves and having some success I just absolutely shut them down um and then similar in uh the game against the Jets they did give up three goals kind of late in the game but completely dominant and um the the reduction in danger from having a really solid like Matisse second ones are really good Defender um and uh also able to move the pot pretty well too he you know anyway I was I was just very impressed with him I wasn't sure what to think it was a pretty big spend to get him and um uh with the first round pick the Oilers have been really stingy about not giving up the first round picks like use your first round pick already so the terms on that one just to jump in real quick it was Euler's uh received at home in a 2024 sixth round pick Predators got Tyson Berry uh Reed Shafer that first round pick in 2023 that you're alluding to in the fourth rounder in 2024 stratic so yeah that's that's expensive yeah it's a first round pick and Reed Shafer also a first-run selection although he was like 32. so it was late first round selection but he was just drafted last season so it was kind of sort of like giving up two firsts in a way although 30 second we can talk about like how much of a first round pick that is but um yeah kind of a sort of if you squinted it two first round picks um for a Defender that doesn't have a lot of points right now um in this season and he's better you know whose best days I think in his entrance interview with the Oilers he said yeah you know my best days are behind me but I mean um he provides what they need which is a lot of additional stability on defense and and just they've got a lot easier I think they got a lot scarier to face in the playoff by uh by bringing him in and they also brought in uh Butte stat who's also bit like they've really changed since the beginning of the Season they've like called up this day or night like they've gotten a lot bigger they've like uh they're and their Bouchard's getting more minutes he's a bigger guy because he's going to be paired with at home at home's a bigger guy and they've got like CC and nurse on their first pairing and they've you know Vander Keane's Gonna Be Kind back in they lost Jesse peculiarity but like the team is starting to feel uh a little bit more balance and it's kind of surprised me actually I didn't think that adding one player would change the complexion of the team's defense as much as it has in two in just two games but like it is very noticeable difference yeah like instantly I kind of noticed it too I was watching you know a little bit uh more condensed game not the not the full game but like you're saying I definitely had a different feel to it right out of the gate He also mentioned uh pool dude your RV that's always a tough one for me to say so hurricanes fully RV that's easier if we just kind of roll it all together but I wanted to get to the user comment here Hunter Williams thanks for being on the stream says I wish the Kraken uh jumped in on that chitrin trade it would have been great he would have been a great fit uh for the present and the future and you know kind of like we talked about I think towards the beginning here maybe it just wasn't you know at Ron francis's buy limit uh and Senators made a bigger push for it and that's where he ended up it was their conditional first and a second right yeah yeah so well it just wasn't it wasn't in the budget right I also think like that for for the crack on that so it seems like it would be pretty easy to match that but we we need to understand that there is the potential of that Ottawa first being a top 10 pick so they are getting chittering but they also have I think the second hardest strength of schedule down the stretch so it's very possible for them to get knocked down into and it is a watery protected bag but it's uh that pick is going to be a lot better than Seattle's first so we can't just substitute or most teams can't just substitute their first for that for that Ottawa first and then the other aspect of it is apparently I don't know you've heard this but um Arizona seems to be having like money problems what seem to be having financial difficulties so they were saying Jeremy ronick we're saying that they they basically couldn't take any salary back it was just funny because then they went and made a a trade with the Oilers where they traded Duke stat and they did routine salary but he's making so little it's like five hundred thousand dollars it's nothing but on chitron would have been taking back the player that would be needed to replace the salary would have been difficult for them so in order to get the 10 the retention done right so you know I think like RJ on Emerald City hockey made a good point right that like you do you would hope that that um that Francis would have been able to be creative enough to assemble that value but it's definitely not a situation where you can just take the deal that Ottawa gave Arizona and to say oh like Seattle could have easily done that like there would have had to have been some more moving Parts there would have been a little bit difficult to execute I do kind of feel like I wanted it to happen when I saw that trade go down just how little it was it's like oh my gosh Ron how could you not have done this but after sitting down and thinking about it for a little bit I can sort of see how it would have been it would have required a lot more moving parts for Seattle to um to give that's team value to Arizona meanwhile the Oilers and jets tied right now looks like in the first period uh so keep an eye on that the Jets another team they added kind of quietly need a rider came over uh so Ty that you know we're kind of the Jets the wild also made a couple of moves uh Marcus Johansson uh and klingberg comes over from the Ducks I I don't know I'm not a huge klingberg I'm sure he's a great guy but as far as playing defense it hasn't looked great in the last couple of years I I was happy that the Kraken didn't it involved in that uh maybe chitrin that would have been a little bit more interesting but like striatic mentioned just kind of tough on Ron Francis and what his budget was but uh and then also you guys can both chime in on this one Ty you can kick it off but you know the the Jonathan Quick move out to Columbus right and then right back to Vegas and we're all hoping for a Vegas Los Angeles first round matchup I would love oh let's see that go down but yeah talk through the jet it's wild in the Jonathan Quick situation for us if you could so quick uh chicken is from Ottawa so he's going home his family lives there he's got a home there and everything so probably would have been pretty hard to compete with that also and then also Chuck is kind of one of those captains it's a big kind of old school hockey player with mad skill uh that players want to play with so a pretty good sell I've heard all kinds of good stuff about you know that scenario for him so I I'm indifferent cool if he was to Kraken cool if he's not like have at it Bud uh the Wild and stuff like that I didn't uh so so I'll jump in just a little bit the wild I drink the wild Kool-Aid Every Spring yeah last year I was like oh man they got Mark Andre Fleury yeah I was feeling good and then they you hear about all the craziness going on with the goalies the background like that wasn't a great situation and um they had the blues out of on the ropes they started that series off uh and then the blues came back and just smashed them and it's just like why do I fall for this every year with the Minnesota Wild uh I don't know what just right off the top of your head Minnesota Wild what comes to mind when you hear their name I mean same thing you just said Mark Andre Fleury I mean obviously being kind of a long-term sports fan Marc Andre Fleury is a pretty special character in the NHL uh I I respect the hell out of him and I love what he's done I think he's a fantastic goalie anybody would be excited to have him but uh yeah I mean maybe some pressure mounting there a little bit to oh they're in the playoffs they've they've been close but they're missing pieces and stuff like that I think they have some exciting players also that could that could really make it you know a little bit better let's see like I think I want to look at their cap friendly little real quick maybe maybe I'm in the same boat as you Squatch like I really I really bought their their their their their potential last season and I thought that they had a great deadline and yeah and you didn't have a great playoff so uh yeah I mean it's a series 3-1 weren't they up 3-1 in that or anyway sorry it was a battle Series yeah it feels like a million years ago um uh and he's just asking these questions right on the spot too it's not like oh ghost studies playoffs from last year because I'm asking about it yeah but uh I think I think with them there's always a little bit of apprehension about whether they've and and I I don't like clean I but I mean as a gamble maybe klingberg I mean there's certain there's certainly no guarantee he's going to be any good what a story though like he was the number one UFA potential and then I am right I just I just don't understand there's certain players that were you where you're like particularly if you're looking at the UFA world you just think about their agents you think like oh man the level of incompetence uh but he he put himself at the in he sort of like I think Taylor Hall did a similar Thing Once where like he uh he he signed like a one year eight million with Buffalo right and that ended up paying off well he was you know rented off to Boston and then it like it paid off well for him but with the like with the defender it's so much like your numbers are so contingent on deployment especially power play deployment and being on a team that has players that can like finish for you and I I'm just not sure what he was thinking when he's signed with with Anaheim like it was on a proven deal but Defenders it's a different situation like you need to be in a good situation in order to be able to prove it yeah so that's kind of a tough situation there anyways because they're they're trying to build something and they're all over the place defensively they've got some young Firepower but yeah yeah if you want to look good on it good if you want to get a lot of points why would you go on a team that's like ripping it like that's essentially almost trying to tank like it wasn't clear that was the case during the summer but do that since then has made it clear that you know they didn't really they don't really believe in their players quite yet so I I don't know just I just on a human level it's like oh man John Clinton cook like but I don't know maybe he'll have a good playoff run and he'll rebuild his value and he'll be valuable in free agency again like that for him this is great he's definitely yeah uh Hunter Williams also just updated us Winnipeg just scored so they got a 2-1 lead over the Oilers now looks like it's still first talking about how at home was like you know totally changing their defense and they give up too for sure right all it took was us uh jinxing them so I'm okay with that though I want the Oilers to lose tonight so um okay so let's get your thoughts real quick stratic on the Jonathan Quick potential Revenge series here and and then we'll we'll go forth maybe get it a little bit further into the weeds with these trades individually the best storyline in hockey yeah the answer to my prayers like this is this is so fantastic like I I hate to like give love to the Las Vegas golden knights because I hate them so much but I kind of like I kind of love this this is this is just too good and the thing is for them like for the golden knights this goes beyond stats because you know quick has been pretty pretty poor this season um just the way below replacement level um this is this is a pure gut move this is pure like okay well you know Jonathan Quick was bad this season but like what if he was angry you know what if he was pissed off um what what how good is a pissed off Jonathan Quick so I'm I'm curious to see whether that works because he has bounced back like last season he had a great season right like he'd been struggling for a while and he was able to turn it around you know temporarily and he was pretty you know and he was decent enough in that series against the Oilers that they took to seven games right so he has kind of demonstrated that like he's bounced back before and you know as goalies get older sometimes they do have they do kind of bounce back like Mike Smith last season bye sometimes they do kind of bounce back a little bit and then they and then they put the puck in their own net sometimes too or they score from the red line wow poking each other last last playoffs it was super fun but what I will say is that um is that you can't Bank bouncing back every time forever right but maybe he's got one more bounce back left in him and I'm really curious to see whether whether that's the case so uh it's the it's the perfect perfect like Vegas Gambler move I like it I'm I'm really excited I'm really hoping I've said it three times now but we please hockey Gods get in La Vegas golden knights match up early on that would be great um Ty let's talk a little bit more Pacific Division here team that we kind of all figured was going to take a step backward this year or talked with Selena Goldman at length in the off season the sharks um definitely going into rebuilding mode a lot of questions about what they were able to get back in return but let's talk Teemo Meyer I know he had some thoughts on Teemo uh potentially being rumored to Seattle at times I'm oh you know it's going to be expensive obviously going into uh restricted free agency if I remember right but he's headed to the devils in a huge amount of pieces exchange places there between those two teams but maybe a little bit about the Sharks Timo Meyer and the direction the sharks are headed now uh but also what are your thoughts on the Devils Back East with Teemo coming in Teemo is such a hard one because he's either killing it or I mean he's not really that streaky but he is kinda streaky I don't know he's a weird player to watch uh for a long time the dude can score in the NHL level and that's obviously an important thing will he complement Hughes and and those guys over in New Jersey that's that's kind of what's going to be interesting to watch because he didn't necessarily have like any slouches next to him in San Jose either so right uh pretty crazy trade uh the thing that scared me the most was that 10 mil qualifying offer that was in his contract for next year I didn't want to touch that at all but man kind of kind of selling I don't want to say selling the whole Farm but selling a good portion of the farm to get Teemo to come over line them up with him Young Gun Jack Hughes and then see what they can do so it could be exciting to watch could be not a whole big change at all we'll see but San Jose I think they they've acknowledged the fans know everybody knows rebuild mode get some pieces in place and yeah I'm I'm excited to kind of see what they do it seemed like the analysts in General on the big networks weren't too thrilled with the return that the Sharks got but I I don't know with with these types of Trades there's so many pieces so many conditional picks you just have to wait and see what it turns into I know Mike Greer knows what he's doing as far as having that hockey IQ he is a new GM but I I don't think guys not new to hockey yeah people don't get into these positions by accident so I think you got to give rear time uh like you said San Jose has now kind of embraced the fact that they yes are in fact rebuilding uh jumbo Joe's not going to be on the ice anymore Patrick Marlow yeah they that's true they just have the Patrick Marlo Knight which was awesome by the way um but yeah it's just a whole different vibe there it's kind of heartbreaking too because I grew up watching that team and you know those guys were Legends and still are legends yeah for many years but it's definitely really you know a new Leaf flipping over in San Jose but uh stratic maybe your thoughts as well on the team I'm I'm excited by it just because I want to see what Timo Meyer can do in the playoffs like he he um so yeah he you know he's he's like a point per game player basically and you know a very you know skilled hockey player who can finish and do all kinds of good stuff but like one of one of the my favorite moments from last season was when he uh almost single-handedly you know he put his team on his back and knocked the Las Vegas golden knights out of the playoffs yeah and just the joy that he exhibited you know an awful season for for that team and just the thrill he had in like he knew what that game was about like I think he you know was asked about it in interviews and stuff like that's the personality that it's like you want to get into the playoffs that's the yeah not not the stat sheet although that's really important extremely important but also the personality you want to see in the Stanley Cup Playoffs like it's the quotes you want to get it's the fire he's gonna you know put into his team I'm not sure how you measure that I don't like getting players that don't have the underlying numbers and then being like Oh the intangibles they're gonna like you know fix their team or getting the guy just for intangibles but here's a guy that combines both and you really you know it becomes very interesting to see what he'll do in the in the playoffs I also think it's kind of cool to have him be on the same team with he sure to kind of get that Swiss Connection going yeah um it seems like uh anyway I I the the the devils are an interesting team um I'm not sure if they're a Stanley Cup winning team but the thing with Meyer is you know they have them for at least one more year and they've got like SEMA nemec coming up he was excellent World Juniors like for them it's almost like um this is this is a trade where if they're able to negotiate that next year like he's there with his fellow Swiss um in in his shirt like they it seems the team is on an upward trajectory they have a lot of good prospects that are coming into their system I think that signing him long term won't be a problem and because they have him under contract they're the only team that's going to be able to give him the eight years so that gives them a negotiating Advantage compared to the option of him going to UFA um I think given their situation and their Prospect situation I think like it I it it's almost like a long a longer term like the next two or three years thing um where I think that that this could benefit them and who knows like we haven't seen you know um full-on fully leveled up and matured playoff team Meyer I don't have you ever made the playoffs yeah he was a part of the the runs there in San Jose before you know kind of things went downhill but um yeah him and Logan Couture they stepped up big time for the sharks in some of those series another guy that you know he he's on a Couture that is on record you know loves the Sharks wants to be there through this uh Eric Carlson maybe didn't Echo that as much but um yeah Teemo like you're saying I think he can be really effective player in the playoffs and who knows what the Devils they are young uh but these are the pieces that you've got to add if you're gonna start to compete in the East especially man it's tough It's Gonna be a rough ride out there I can't wait for the playoffs we're almost there right March 4th here we got just over what uh a month and some days until we get to the playoffs guys I was going to try to keep it right around you know an hour-ish today uh this has been a lot of fun uh We've checked in on the scores a little bit looks like the Jets still have a lead there sharks are actually losing to the Caps um and the penguins are trailing the Panthers there uh Blue Jackets trailing the Senators but maybe we can just kind of roll through the list here and I'll just you know read some of them off that we've missed or just re-highlight some of them if you guys have some thoughts as we go just chime in and then maybe kind of a wrap up and we'll call it a night from there but um things really kind of kicked off if you go I guess we could go back to the the Kraken trade they picked up Megna from the Sharks for a fourth round pick so just a depth move there yep um but really it felt like things I think the the bigger the first bigger trade was that orlov trade like you talked about striatic on that was the 23rd so the Bruins got orlov and Hathaway and the Caps received Smith uh svetlukov and a variety of picks there in the wild we're also a part of that they got a fifth round pick I'm not sure did they flip that in the other trade I can't remember uh doesn't say here but I didn't get that on my notes so so anyways um need a rider to the Jets from the Predators uh here's one we didn't talk about uh gurionov those are the Canadians and the stars get Afghani to donov um so interesting move there Knights picked up barbashev from the blues uh sent Dean the other way uh and then right after that that was the big team of Meyer trade that we've talked about here's one um that's kind of interesting to me because I don't think he's been super effective and I not really sure if you guys want to chime in uh on this but I'm not really sure where where my mind is with the Colorado Avalanche right Stanley Cup defending the Stanley Cup uh Championship they won last spring they bring over Jack Johnson from the Blackhawks uh what's up with the Avalanche I haven't kept real good track of them surprisingly and that's who the crack can play tomorrow but I I feel like they're this is one of the most under the radar Seasons that I've seen a Stanley Cup champ have uh in recent memory maybe it's just because I'm getting old and I'm having trouble keeping track but they've been super banged up all year too like Landers is still on ltir right so the captain of the team is on ltir so yeah and they did and you know losing Cadre too um yes I don't think they've really replaced that but um yeah banged up plus minus Cadre equals wild card but they're still You know despite all that they're still still a playoff team right oh yeah oh yeah I mean they they still have the shoe skin and all those guys Mikko ranting and like this this lineup is solid and then you back it up with Yale Makar I mean you heard them last year like how do you win a Stanley Cup you say you go find a kale mccar he's still there and he's there for a long time definitely a team that you feel like they can turn on the gas a little bit it's like once you have that that Mythic uh Stanley Cup knowledge you know it's like they're kind of the anti-bruins this season like yeah they've been getting a lot of bad luck as opposed to I guess you know good bounces and stuff that you could argue that the Brewers have been getting and they've been banged up I don't think the Bruins have seen a lot of injury I know Taylor Hall's injured down but I don't I think they've really been really hurting that in that same way um but yeah no they're they're definitely sneaky good and especially if they get Landis going back in the playoffs even if he's even if he's 80 you know that's um that's still gonna be pretty good for them I would I do want to say uh I do want to say that the um uh oh okay so the just the deadline for the Kraken and one of the things to measure or deadline for your team is like did any other teams make trades that that you would have liked your team to make and I think the one comment that we got about chitrin was for sort of like and then you could sort of sit back and say oh it would have been hard for us to make that the one trade that kind of I would have been interested in seeing is that um that need a rider trade that um he could have been an interesting addition to to uh the crack and playoff run and he's got a year of term so if you're gonna if you're you know in the camp that it's not really this year but like next year while Maddie's still on the zlc and and we can maximize his ELC and you know maybe rights coming into the picture um then the uh then the idea of bringing in um a guy like meteoriter uh I forget what the what Winnipeg paid for him but it was it was let's see here leader writer Predators uh a 2024 second round okay so we do have three second rounds and I think that's me you know that's one where you can kind of go back and forth on whether that's worth it because you could help on next year's play a next year playoff run as well um this is supposed to be like a legendarily deep draft as well so yes that's and that's what Francis said so I think um you know you can go two ways on that you can well not two ways on that but you can say oh we've got three seconds we've got a lot of really good prospects from from last rap we can afford to spend a second um but yeah that was one trade where I think in the late I thought maybe maybe the cracking that maybe that would have made sense for the cracking given that two-year term maximizing Maddie's ELC and uh I think highly of the player and we have a lot of second rounders that could have maybe worked but I mean you can also see it from francis's perspective he thinks the draft's that deep then he's going to hold on to all those seconds so yeah yeah like why not if that's where you're gonna strike gold hang on to those picks and be patient and wait till the draft um yeah this is great uh Toronto we did we definitely talked about their playoff fortunes but maybe not so much about the Acquisitions they made real quick here um brought in Jake McCabe uh Chicago retained 50 of salary on that deal Sam Lafferty also came over in that one uh and they got a fifth round pick 2024 a conditional 2025 fifth round pick Blackhawks got Joey Anderson uh a couple of other picks there but um I don't know maybe Ty and Stradic if you if you want to just talk Maple Leafs again real quick here I feel like they made a couple of moves I think it was McCabe I thought there was one other oh yeah Luke Shin from the Canucks came over so just a couple little Riley I was gonna say Ryan O'Reilly like sorry the shiny yes yeah that one's definitely on there I just didn't scroll roll down far enough but yeah yeah so uh Riley uh but that's the point right they've made so many moves oh they sold the farm yeah you wonder what that does like it may that the deadline for them might be a little hard to hard to judge I know that Ryan O'Reilly came in and made an immediate impact they were you know super happy and they made a bunch of other trades and they threw up an absolute dub you know against the Oilers it might take a while because of how many moves they've made for this team to kind of like congeal yeah but from their perspective if they think you know we're locked into a first round playoff match with Tampa we're basically a lock for the playoffs um we you know we can make these big we can rebuild the team right yeah maybe make it into something better than it was before um I do think they're throwing they're throwing everything at this at this playoff it's um well so in in Thai and I have talked about this like this is this is the year if things don't happen things are changing in Toronto yeah this is a GM that doesn't have any long-term Vision because it's now or never and also I mean they need to have some success if they want Matthews to stay here but to stay there but it it also seems so strange to me because it sounds like Matthew surely knows all the draft Capital they've been sending out and that this is you know a very much short-term play and they you know I'm not sure I think that may have been one of the reasons why like the Oilers for example didn't uh spend their first round of picks in in previous Seasons part of that's about making sure that you have that Prospect uh pipeline that you know makes a player like McDavid or Bryce Idol confident in signing another long-term contract with the team yeah with Matthews it almost feels like they don't think that he's going to be signing a long-term contract with them that he's going to want to go to UFA and that they have to act now and so that's why they're just shedding these first round picks over multiple years but yeah um but it but if they do have an ink link that he's not going to stay then you should probably just go for it got a hedge one way or the other right yeah Tavares isn't getting any any younger right so um and then I think you know Mitch Marner I mean he's probably lead for life right but um he's had a roller coaster relationship with that organization so yeah yeah definitely I just want to say hi real quick Gregory just like logged in saying hi guys what's up Gregory thanks for being on the stream maybe if you want to share your thoughts in the chat real quick on the trade deadline for the cracking or for other teams I'll read those out here on the broadcast before we log out kind of towards the end of the stream here Gregory but thanks again for dropping by uh and also thanks striatic and Ty for all of your inputs today um but yeah I'm kind of with you on this one I I feel like the writing's on the wall a little bit in Toronto Austin Matthews and man they looked so good uh when they came through Seattle I made you just realize like Toronto hockey versus Kraken hockey right now and you know Seattle didn't have their A-game that day but even if they did it just felt like a whole different uh League maybe I guess you would say but yeah I feel like Toronto's got to get it done this year Ty I don't know maybe if you want to tail end on that yeah I I just look at this Toronto roster man they are stacked I mean you got Austin Matthews John Tavares Mitch Marner Willie nylander that guy like talk about Really Gonna Change like he stepped it up big time this year he's actually becoming that they run that that 3-2 uh offensive zone set up and he kind of sits high slot and he's just been making him pay like I like I like what they have going on uh the fan base obviously some people maybe don't like them so much I I love it I think the more emotional and more like invested you can get in the team man the more power to you uh fly off the handle if you're gonna fly off the handle Steve dangle it lose your voice like that kind of stuff is really entertaining and that's what makes like hockey so powerful as a fan and stuff like that so yeah these guys are stacked uh sell the farm go for the gold gotta you know break that little first round bump and then I think that whole that Whole Town's gonna go insane so but yeah I could I could continue like you got Cali yarn crook on there which we we kind of like that guy yeah he's all right now Ryan O'Reilly like it's it's it's a stacked team and I like it man let's let's go let's see like this is what but Geo went over there for to do is to play at home and potentially go to the playoffs and I mean if you look down the UFA list you got it a pretty good like this season obviously is good but the next season you have you know kerfoot going Ryan O'Reilly going conf going a whole bunch of these guys going Austin Matthews is still around next year he's 24-25 uh nylanders 24-25 where you got Tavares and Mariners 25-26 so I mean there's going to be some some guys around and man for that fan base they would be obnoxious and just disgusting to deal with and if they do it man I'm all about it let's go I'm excited to see it they're due I'm kind of hoping for in the East to see another Toronto Boston matchup as well Gregory says uh you're not teams yeah right so it's like my wish list for the playoffs is Vegas and LA in the west at some point in Toronto and Boston in the east at some point we'll see if that happens but Gregory says I'm happy the Kraken stayed Pat Boston and Toronto at the best trades and also saying caps getting sanded was a great move too a little bit more under the radar in that you know that slew of guys there that that were transacted I think that was the was that the Orla oh hold on a minute I gotta scroll back up now I scrolled all the way down to the Ryan O'Reilly trade because I've somehow didn't get that at the top of the list it's because it happened a while ago right one of the main big ones I know I'm just like what am I doing here I gotta sort by priority not by by time but yeah yeah thanks for chiming in Gregory uh Cap's gonna be an interesting team to watch too see if they can sneak in there in the wild card it's gonna be tough in the East but uh yeah guys maybe any any final thoughts here stratix start with you uh just as we go here into March it's March 4th um maybe your thoughts as we go into the stretch run Kraken or just League wide so uh let's talk tracking because we've talked a lot about the rest of the league but um I'm thinking it's okay um so the Kraken have uh so I don't know I think the way that the rest of the western conference is shaking out the uh they're pretty safe so long as they don't completely fall apart and it doesn't look like there's any signs that they will they've you know been a little up and down throughout the season but never too down you know like they've never lost more than three games so they're um they're they're in good shape to make the playoffs and then it's just a question of um whether they can win around or not and so if we get our Dream right of uh the the Kings and the golden knights facing off against each other in the first round and grudge match versus Jonathan Quick yeah um then there's every possibility that um you know we're in an Oilers Kraken first round situation and wouldn't that be something if the Oilers were able to knock this if the Kraken were able to knock off the Oilers in the first round like that would that that would be uh you know we're here kind of statement for the Kraken uh to the rest of the league and so uh that's that's sort of the situation that I would like to to see develop with the Kraken and I think they have it in them to win a series I I think once they start tangling with some of the other teams I don't think they match up very well against Vegas the Metro bouquet versus the the Kings but the kings are getting some better goaltending now I love those Central Division teams we do not match up well against so in terms of a long a long run um but first round against some of these you know against maybe the Kings or the Oilers I think there is a potential for a first round upset which would be kind of neat the exciting kind of build you know into the future a little bit get the fans excited about it they haven't been amazing at home but that could be another stepping stone and giving Seattle that taste of you know an NHL playoff series with you know high intensity and usually all the theater that comes with it but and that'd be cool strategic because I know you are uh prior fan or you know continuing fan of the Oilers but leaning more towards the Kraken these days so that would be very cool to see I'm kind of hoping uh obviously we are all hoping that they're gonna sneak into the playoff well maybe not sneaking is the right word I think they like I've said I think they're in the driver's seat they just got to maintain play 500 hockey and not go in the any of these like four game even three-game losing streaks at this point is tough so let's just keep them yeah it's interesting to see Nashville sold so that they're kind of they could still maybe sneak in and maybe grab one of those wild cards but they sold so hard that it's hard to to look at them as a threat and so that leaves Calgary and you have to think that you know they've they've been struggling recently to like we have a nice nice Gap from them so if there's just one team we need to we just need to stay ahead of Calgary that's the scoreboard watch for me is just the cow just Calgary at this point pretty much yeah anything else kind of gravy really I mean it's nice to watch the Edmonton Oilers uh maybe stumble a little bit here and there but the Kings Vegas those teams might be tough down the stretch to keep up up uh Pace wise with but yeah we'll see what happens Ty you want to chime in here wrap things up for us get the last word uh and then I think I'm gonna play some Blades of Steel here I don't think I'll I'll get the last word based off what I was was contemplating saying is uh so playoffs is very coach heavy uh you need a coach that's going to be quick to make changes quick to adapt this is kind of one of the things we were worried about Bednar with last year with Colorado but he proved us a lot of us wrong that he could do it he made changes and he won series handily uh hackstol is very very unproven to me I I'm still not bought into he's this God's given thing that some people think he is I really want to see what he does in the playoffs I have enjoyed that he's shown more emotion this year he's actually has a personality uh but I mean he's got really nothing to fall back on as far as like uh like hey look what I did with the flyers or something like that like or even or even you know in his uh College days I don't think he was very long tendered but I don't think he ever won a national championship and there's a lot that can go into that from you know roster but you would think you know with um the amount of success he had in college that he would be able to take at least one of those teams to National Championship did not happen so and we all know for hack like he is very reluctant to make those those quick changes yep be adaptable I agree with you there Tyler and this is the lines and he'll just you got to be you've got to be fast to adapt in the playoff you know we've seen it a lot over just the recent past like you've got to be flexible I think this is one of the downfalls of Todd McClellan unfortunately he he's gotten maybe better at it but in some of his years San Jose even in Edmonton he just didn't adapt and change and uh adjust fast enough it felt like uh just you know a little more familiar for me with the West Coast but yeah hackstall I don't know well I guess we'll have to see and you know just kind of um you know coming into the season I I said that you know hackstall is going to have to keep up with the young guys on this team he's gonna have to adapt and develop as a coach just like Maddie veneers is going to have to adapt and adjust as a player so on and so forth uh so we'll see if he can do it I don't know I'm not sold either I'm not saying that I'm I'm upset I'm anti-hack let's fire him right now like no no no no no no I'm just saying like maybe my my perspective is we made the playoffs man that exceeds my expectations from when we started out this season like that's going to be exciting do I look at this team after watching hockey for 20 some years and say man they have what it takes to you know go second third round no I'm sorry I they don't they don't have the pieces they don't have the like you either have to have some insane goaltending like you think about like otter last year like that dude carried that Dallas team deep yeah they use impressive I don't know like you got to have something going right for you you got to have that Euler's power play that scores every single time they also have Jay Woodcroft like that dude not only can he do like amazing video review but now he takes he's taken that skill and he's applied it to his head coach gig and he makes some great changes mid games mid-series things like that they kind of trip teams up for a little while I I don't I don't see those tools in our toolbox right now uh player wise or I think we're in a great spot The Season's been super fun we'll get a little taste of playoffs I can't wait for these fans to see how intense uh NHL playoffs are especially when you are emotionally invested in a team oh my gosh it's going to be so much fun but do I expect waves absolutely not like I'm I'm pretty happy with what we've done I'm happy with where we're going it's a it's a marathon not a Sprint so and I think hackstall's got you know he's obviously bought himself another year here with a performance that they've uh they've put on the table Gregory asking who would you think would be a better coach for this team um you know maybe not now but maybe in the future if you guys want to chime in on that real quick and then that'll be last question last comment for today's stream and uh by the way gonna put this out on the podcast Channel as well um so following rate and subscribe great stuff over there as well but uh yeah maybe uh who would be better it would be a better coach for this team um I mean like it depends on who's available right yeah I mean it doesn't depends on what you're looking for right and dirty trots is off the table I'm gonna say trots but man does he coach some seriously boring hockey to watch so like trots would probably you know discipline this team up and clean us up but he he has a boring scheme isn't he going to get back involved with Nashville did I see that or was that uh I haven't seen anything about trotsy yeah I guess we'll see I think uh wasn't he coils leaving his GM right yeah and I thought that they were going to bring trots back into the full organization yeah I just thought I don't think he's really interested in coaching anymore really I mean he had some opportunity I think in Winnipeg we thought about bringing him in I don't think yeah see yeah he is set to become the second general manager of fruit Breads in uh July 2023 but before that he'll be an advisor to poil who's retiring I guess so I don't think he's available I I think that it's like it's like every Every Spring you get that Carousel though right so there's going to be new names on the table as you go in the off season but then you're gonna have to wait again until next year right well the crazy thing is too is it's not always people that you would think of like all of a sudden Martin St Louis comes in and he's turned Montreal around completely and I'll throw I'll throw an option because we're already firing hat can we stop firing back yeah yeah no I'm okay so much fun to fire half I don't want to fire I don't want a fire hack that means we're doing bad honestly advocating but I'm going to fire hack for fun just for the banter of it hashtag fire hack for fun I I'm actually I I've actually always been a really big fan of um Dan bosma and I think what he's been doing with Firebirds this year has been fantastic I think he kind of got a raw deal in some ways um in his NHL tenure but he you know still is a Stanley Cup winner and um I would be really interested to see uh what he would do with this team different than did Axel would and I think he has some familiarity with uh some of the the um it's kind of like when Woodcroft came in um uh for the Oilers then suddenly all of his former Protege um from Bakersfield started he had more confidence in them and and they were able to perform there uh sometimes when you bring in the AHL coach it can provide an opening for uh for some of the junior players so I would I would say um Dan bosma but I'm I'm not here to fire hack right now yeah um I'm going after PK and PP challenge yep special teams coach although the PK has been a lot better but I think they had that streak of like 16 PKS but I have been noticing that's more than them understanding their personnel a little bit better and playing a little bit conservative as opposed to having alexiak putting himself out of position by Alexia Alexis Jack in particular I think has really improved on the PK just by being himself and just staying more controlled and not over chasing the puck and um I guess that's not like the ideal way to run a power play you want a more energetic P sorry a BK you want a more energetic PK that can occupy more space to make up for the lack of numbers Alexia can't really do that but he is big guy I have been noticing that he's been making some improvements to his BK plan I think it's and knowing himself and what he's capable of and not going outside that envelope has has helped the BK a little bit so I will give them some some credit for turning up awful PK into an average PK but yeah we want better than average right we've got we've got Brandon especially with the playoffs coming you've got to be better than against when you're on the PK and you get the same goal against scored on you over and over and over and over and over that's what bothers me more than anything like how many times have we seen someone just sitting at the front of the net like holy cow and then all Twitter the entire game all you see is guys the president guys in front of that guys in front of like well you know the old adage is that your goaltender is your best penalty killer but I don't completely buy that completely sure interesting like so um group hour is a really good numbers he has all year round here but except for on the pka yeah like that's that's really where he's been struggling the most and so you wonder if that's a little bit of systems play and or if that's something with just how he's approaching how he's approaching uh being a goaltender in the PK but yeah we've been doing our average lately so I'm not I mean I'm not as definitely is the one that drives me nuts like it's a monkey still like I'm sorry like the power like I literally I'm much like hey we should we should you know we should go like they're gonna have to get all more creative I think on the power play they've tried a few different looks throughout the season but it I do feel like they lean on that one time or off the wall a lot uh I just entering the Zone yeah yeah just establishing your presence and we do need to dispel the notion that there are fewer uh there are fewer power plays in the postseason that is not true anymore yeah there's a lot of things that go uncalled in the postseason yeah it would normally be but on the whole you end up with just as much special teams play in the playoffs as you do and I think last um last postseason there's actually more penalties um more power plays on average than in the regular season last year so um yeah like Ty was saying earlier it's it's not like the what Russ put the whistle away they they they they they they don't whistle as many things sorry they don't whistle they have a higher bar but they still end up whistling just as much whistles will get as much action as it does normally even though there's more physical things happening so yeah no that that's an interesting point and and maybe just kind of a misconception that has held I didn't even realize that number numbers wise uh but yeah kind of the old school mentality is like you know there's a lot of stuff that like happens and infractions that you see in the playoffs that just don't get whistled so you think oh maybe there's less fewer penalties called but no like the physical play elevates and you do need to have players that are capable of enduring that punishment and stuff and it is a different style of play certainly for the regular season but you still need to go pay PK and you still need a good Power Play Because those are your best opportunities to score sometimes in the playoffs Gregory chimed in here real quick too says once we get our special teams corrected watch out league so hopefully that's the case and hopefully it happens as we go down the stretch here guys it has been a lot of fun today it looks like the Oilers uh and jets are tied now three to three in the second keep focusing on that one I probably don't need to as much but in some of the other games have kicked off here Canucks and leafs predators and Blackhawks uh but thank you everybody for listening watching today thank you guys for being a part of this stream and wrapping up the trade deadline transactions and all the action that happened on The Wire yesterday it was exciting uh I felt like it was it was great because there was a good lead up to it as well and maybe not as many transactions on uh the deadline day but still pretty eventful overall uh guys thanks again if you want to stick around for a few minutes after the stream and chit chat that'd be great but I'm gonna wrap things up for today and thanks for all the listeners Watchers over on YouTube uh listeners on your podcast do appreciate all the support here on the channel great things coming for you guys here you're in the near future like I said I'm working on that retro video game series and as you can see down here I've got the uh it's a little bit of a system test here with the Nintendo down down there yeah down down here I'm kind of trying to figure it's really hard to figure out which direction to point backwards all the time but yeah Ty answer addict hopefully you guys be a part of that as we go and listeners viewers out there as well I'm excited about it and I put a lot of hard work in it so far and I can't wait to launch it here in the near future but thanks again guys uh have a great night we're gonna end the stream for now and I'll talk to you after the break all right we'll see you again