Eco Mama

Podcast #9 - Artificial Food Colors

November 08, 2022 Jaime Snell Season 1 Episode 9
Podcast #9 - Artificial Food Colors
Eco Mama
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Eco Mama
Podcast #9 - Artificial Food Colors
Nov 08, 2022 Season 1 Episode 9
Jaime Snell

Artificial Colors and Your Health

There are currently 9 approved artificial colors permitted by the FDA.

Blue 1 - animal studies to be linked to cancer, as well as to affect neurons and cause allergic reactions, 
Blue 2
Citrus Red 2
Green 3
Red 3 - evidence that it caused thyroid tumors
Red 40
Yellow 5 - allergy-like hypersensitivity, as well as hyperactivity in children
Yellow 6 - linked with the adrenal gland and kidney tumors

What are the side effects of food colorings?

Cancerous tumors of the bladder, thyroid, and other organs
Genotoxicity (ability to mutate DNA)
Exacerbated hives and asthma
Irritability and trouble sleeping
Aluminum contamination (this applies to both natural and artificial colors)
Negative impact on male fertility
Contaminated with carcinogens like benzidine
Hypersensitivity reactions
Irritable bowel syndrome

What FOODS contain AFCs?

High-sugar breakfast cereals 
Gelatin desserts 
Ice pops
Hot dogs 
Hot chocolate mix 
Chocolate milkshakes 
Cracker and cheese snacks 
Chicken coating mixes 
BBQ sauce 
Peanut butter 
Microwave popcorn 
Most processed foods, canned foods, candy, and processed beverages. 
Farmed fish
Hard candy like lollipops
Gummy bears and worms
Candy like skittles, M&Ms, sour patch kids, Jolly ranchers, starburst, etc.
Sports drinks like Gatorade and Pedialyte
Boxed macaroni
Health/Energy/Meal Replacement/Granola bars
Alcohol: Campari, and chartreuse, have food coloring added.
Ice Cream
Microwave popcorn
Sandwich bread
Bottled Salad Dressing
Farmed Salmon (colored by astaxanthin in its feed)

What PRODUCTS contain AFCs?

Cough Syrup
Skin Care Products
Astringents (toners)
Facial Skin Treatments
Liquid Cleansers
Laundry Detergent
Lip Moisturizer

Here are some suggestions for making your natural food colorings:

Red: Beet powder, dehydrated beets, strawberry/raspberry/pomegranate juice,* grape skin extract
Blue: Butterfly pea flower powder
Purple: Butterfly pea flower powder plus a dash of lemon juice
Green: Moringa or matcha, grape skin extract
Yellow: Turmeric, beta-c

Thank you for listening to the Eco Mama podcast. Please note that this podcast's information is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is based on personal experiences and opinions. We are not licensed healthcare providers; the content should not be considered professional medical advice.

We encourage you to consult a healthcare provider before changing your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle. The information shared on this podcast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Furthermore, any views or opinions expressed on this podcast are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. The content is intended to be informative and enjoyable.

By listening to this podcast, you agree that the hosts, guests, or anyone associated with the Eco Mama podcast will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused by the information or opinions shared on this podcast.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to continuing to share our journey toward a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle with you.

Show Notes Transcript

Artificial Colors and Your Health

There are currently 9 approved artificial colors permitted by the FDA.

Blue 1 - animal studies to be linked to cancer, as well as to affect neurons and cause allergic reactions, 
Blue 2
Citrus Red 2
Green 3
Red 3 - evidence that it caused thyroid tumors
Red 40
Yellow 5 - allergy-like hypersensitivity, as well as hyperactivity in children
Yellow 6 - linked with the adrenal gland and kidney tumors

What are the side effects of food colorings?

Cancerous tumors of the bladder, thyroid, and other organs
Genotoxicity (ability to mutate DNA)
Exacerbated hives and asthma
Irritability and trouble sleeping
Aluminum contamination (this applies to both natural and artificial colors)
Negative impact on male fertility
Contaminated with carcinogens like benzidine
Hypersensitivity reactions
Irritable bowel syndrome

What FOODS contain AFCs?

High-sugar breakfast cereals 
Gelatin desserts 
Ice pops
Hot dogs 
Hot chocolate mix 
Chocolate milkshakes 
Cracker and cheese snacks 
Chicken coating mixes 
BBQ sauce 
Peanut butter 
Microwave popcorn 
Most processed foods, canned foods, candy, and processed beverages. 
Farmed fish
Hard candy like lollipops
Gummy bears and worms
Candy like skittles, M&Ms, sour patch kids, Jolly ranchers, starburst, etc.
Sports drinks like Gatorade and Pedialyte
Boxed macaroni
Health/Energy/Meal Replacement/Granola bars
Alcohol: Campari, and chartreuse, have food coloring added.
Ice Cream
Microwave popcorn
Sandwich bread
Bottled Salad Dressing
Farmed Salmon (colored by astaxanthin in its feed)

What PRODUCTS contain AFCs?

Cough Syrup
Skin Care Products
Astringents (toners)
Facial Skin Treatments
Liquid Cleansers
Laundry Detergent
Lip Moisturizer

Here are some suggestions for making your natural food colorings:

Red: Beet powder, dehydrated beets, strawberry/raspberry/pomegranate juice,* grape skin extract
Blue: Butterfly pea flower powder
Purple: Butterfly pea flower powder plus a dash of lemon juice
Green: Moringa or matcha, grape skin extract
Yellow: Turmeric, beta-c

Thank you for listening to the Eco Mama podcast. Please note that this podcast's information is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is based on personal experiences and opinions. We are not licensed healthcare providers; the content should not be considered professional medical advice.

We encourage you to consult a healthcare provider before changing your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle. The information shared on this podcast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Furthermore, any views or opinions expressed on this podcast are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. The content is intended to be informative and enjoyable.

By listening to this podcast, you agree that the hosts, guests, or anyone associated with the Eco Mama podcast will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused by the information or opinions shared on this podcast.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to continuing to share our journey toward a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle with you.

Welcome back to the eco mama podcast. Today, I'm really excited to talk to you about artificial food colorings. I felt it needed its own episode. What I'm going to share with you today are the things that I've learned about artificial food colorings. Where you normally would find them. And why other countries no longer allow them? And why we should be avoiding them ourselves. In particularly, I'm gonna talk about how they affect adults and how they affect children. How do they affect our health? Well, let me give you a little bit of history of how artificial food colors first came about. It all began with the mass production of foods during the industrial revolution. The powers that be created a need for these colors. Because mass production of food extended the storage of food. Meaning that it kind of dulled the color. Or altered the natural colors that were in it. People didn't want to eat brown foods. So they started making some artificial colors that would liven it back up. And make it look fresher than it really was, and more palatable to those that they were trying to sell to. Initially, those food colors as artificial food colors were created from coal-based pigments. Now. They found out over time. After people started getting sick, that those coal-based pigments had heavy metals in them, such as mercury, copper, arsenic, and lead.


So they learned to make the petroleum based pigments, prompting the first official list of approved colors in 1906. Now they'd already been used for a while, so it's not like they said, okay, what's safe? Let's make a list. And then we'll let people eat them, to the general public. No. They started feeding them to the general public and then they decided what, based on who survived and who didn't get sick. Companies continue to mass produce food. And I mean, you've seen how it's evolved in the past hundred years. So most everything comes in a package now, unless it's straight from the farm. Even things from the farm get wrapped in plastic. So sad. Well, changes occurred on that list again and the 1960's. It took a while, but when they did the USA updated it with some additional restrictions. Against colors that they learned were causing cancers. Today, many artificial colors are made with 20 or more chemicals to achieve the color that they desire. The brighter, the color. You guessed it, the more likely it is to be concentrated and therefore more hazardous. There's currently Approved artificial colors that are permitted by the FDA. While they do require some forms of regulation. These, this regulation is more like they batch test random colors periodically. And not all ingredients are listed on labels. You're probably wondering, well, how do I know what color is your safe? If it's not from nature, good chance, it's not good for you and I will share with you soon on why. But these artificial colors that are being put into foods, they're done, mainly just to dupe us. Its own form of greenwashing, but it's a visual greenwashing as opposed to the verbal marketing of greenwashing. They're making the foods look more appealing to us. In particularly children. I mean, what adult goes down the cereal aisle and says, oh, this has the brightest colors ever. I want it, I want it, I want it. I don't know many that do. When we become adults, we're more looking for a bran and looking for the fiber content and lower sugar, but with children, it's all about the visuals. So a lot of the marketing, that is done on the visual side for how the colors that are produced are done for children. And mind you, artificial food colors do not change the food at all. They do not change the flavor one bit. It's just the color of it. They're nine approved artificial colors that are permitted. And those nine are: blue one. Blue to citrus red two. Green three. Red three. Yellow five and yellow six. So think of these as our primary colors, and then they blend these different colors to achieve the color they want maybe a little bit more blue. Or a little bit more green depending on the hue they're looking for. Blue one: there's been animal studies done that are linked to cancer. Red three: which is very, very common. Now this has got strong evidence that is linked to thyroid tumors. Yellow five: creates an allergy like hypersensitivity in both children and adults. But it is more prominently seen in children. And yellow number six is linked to adrenal gland and kidney tumors. So we're looking Cancer. Neurological disorders. Allergies hyperactivity, hypersensitivity. Adrenal gland tumors and kidney tumors. I'm just getting started. Y'all. Other side effects from food colorings, and this is more of a general, they pulled these altogether and it's kind of an exhausted list. So fast forward, if you don't want to be weighed down right now, because it's heavy, it is heavy stuff, guys. But I just feel I feel called to share this information with you. So if you stick with me, You know, I promise to be real. With you and natural and. And then make it as fun as possible and just be myself, but some of the material is heavy. I can't lie. All right. Side effects of food, colorings, cancerous tumors of the bladder, thyroid and other organs. Geno toxicity. It is a mutation of our DNA. Exacerbated hives and asthma. I'd probably put that under allergies. Neuro toxicity. Irritability and trouble sleeping. This happens a lot with the children too. They're very prone to that. Aluminum contamination. So we know we're taking aluminum out of a lot of our deodorants now. But aluminum contamination can still happen With artificial food colors, just because of the chemicals that are used to create those colors. A negative impact on male fertility. And irritable bowel syndrome. This was new to me. I've heard of IBS before, and it is caused by excess stress and most people No that have had it. But I never really thought about how our food was contributing to irritable bowel syndrome. I think if a syndrome is something that's more genetic. But no, it is contributing to irritable bowel syndrome. It's creating it. And some. It's test subjects. The most concerning across the board of all the things that have been side effects for the. Artificial food colors, just the hyperactivity. Add and ADHD that they see now, this isn't children and adults. I am not saying by any means that artificial food colors. Cause ADHD. Nor am I saying that? Only those with ADHD are affected by artificials with They have found in studies that were done. And I do have a list of resources in the show notes. They have found that. It's kind of random who would hit some people have more sensitivities to these artificial food colors than others. Some it doesn't affect at all. You could have. 10 people. Okay. Standing next to each other. Size have ADHD and five do not. All right. And various ages, various races, various backgrounds. And it might hit three of the non ADHD people and two of the ADHD subjects. It's not really particular. Those that do get hit with ADHD that are sensitive are super sensitive, more, so. More often there. Reactions are more intense than those without ADHD. If that makes sense. Now, when it comes to the testing, even though. It's been going on for obviously since 1906, they've been monitoring it. Now not a lot of changes have been made or laws have been written around it, but someone out there is paying attention because where else would this information come from with these tests and studies? A lot of the tests that are done and published in the medical industry give us limited results and the reasons for As, because most of these cases only test one color at a time with one food at a time. So when we talk about our products that we use every day, And if we Isolating those products and maybe one ingredient in that product. We only know what that one ingredient does. We don't know what it does when interacted with the other ingredients of that product. Okay, so yellow number five, mixed with something else. Could have a different response to the body. They're not testing that. They're just extracting the yellow number five and testing it on the subject. In addition to that. It doesn't share what it looks like when these are all compounded. So if you're using 10 products with yellow, number five, two with red 40, and then three with blue one, it doesn't show the reactions of your body with these different artificial food colorings commingling in our system each and every single day. So the results of how these affects us are still very, very limited, even though it's been, you know what, 120 years, 115 years they've been doing these tests. It's not, they just haven't expanded it. They haven't, I don't think they've really put a lot of energy into it. And a lot of these tests, it needs to be said. I said they were in the medical industry. They are not done by third parties. The majority of them. There's very few that have been done by third parties that are impartial to the results. These tests are usually performed and Reported by the chemical industry itself. I also need to note that, remember I mentioned that artificial food colors. Did not change the food in any way. It didn't change the flavor. It also doesn't change the nutritional value they have had zero evidence that it increased the health of the food that you're eating. So there are zero health benefits to adding it. Again, they are only adding these colors to make it look prettier and more enticing for us to spend our money on. It is surely less expensive for these companies that are mass producing foods to use the artificial colors than it is to use real food and invest their money into real food that would create these different colors, such as real fruit or other healthy ingredients that could lend to the natural food colorings. Another reason our results are limited in testing is that most early studies on humans are only monitored for up to two years. In contrast, testing that has been done on lab rats. They need up to three years to see the prominent signs of cancers. Only some studies are managed by third rather than the chemical industry who does the majority of them. Alright, what foods contain artificial food coloring. That's that's a really good question. I think it would be easier to say what doesn't have it. So, let me start there because that's a shorter list. Things that do not have artificial food coloring. Fresh food. Real fresh food where you know, where it comes from the source. Fresh food that you picked off the vine. That you got from the field. Or that you got from the farmer, Joe, that you know, down at the farmer's market. That you can pretty much guarantee those vegetables and fruits are safe. When it comes to meats, it needs to not be processed. So your sausages that are processed, even the casings on those sausages. They get artificial food coloring quite often. So, if you don't know, who's processing your meat for you, chances are it might still have it in there. Artificial food coloring is not going to kill you in one day. As with other chemicals and harmful ingredients, it takes a compound of them into your body, into your system. But years and years and years of using products and eating foods with artificial food colorings. Can have. Negative effects on your body, especially, if you are prone to be sensitive to them. And that would be about 8% of the population in our children. I was not able to find the statistics on what population of the adults have the hypersensitivity or hyper-reactivity to artificial food colorings, but it is 8% in children right now that they have found. And the reason that it's more concentrated with children and it's easier to track is because children are the ones that are getting all of these artificials of color and we are letting our children eat these ingredients and use these products with these artificial food colors that are having this negative adverse effects on them. Now it says that for children, about 90% of the food industry and the personal care product industry. That is geared towards children. 90% of that has artificial food colorings in and the only way to really know that it's got artificial food coloring is to turn over and look at the labels friends. That is the only way to know. And I say that because we were literally just at target this past week, it was my daughter's 10th birthday. And she got, I bless all our friends and family. She got so many gift cards, my goodness. And I've never take them shopping because I'm just, I, besides being frugal, I also try to minimize big box shopping and a target can be that. Not that you can't find good value there. It's just not where I tend to spend a lot of time. She also got a Starbucks card, so we spent the day in target and with Starbucks walking around and granted it could have been the mall. So it's not like it was the end of the world. I, I survived. It was fine. But she get these targets gift cards and we go and we're walking and they, her and her sister, they tried on some clothes and they found a couple of things they wanted. My son found a little toy Nerf gun he wanted. So they were using their money. They got to buy these things. No problem. I however decided to walk down near the food. Cause I wanted to see if they had any good sales and that was a mistake because, you know, I wasn't thinking having the kids with me that they're going to just start grabbing things and mom, can I have this mom? Can I have that? My rule with shopping is, you must read the labels and if it has artificial food coloring or artificial guys or artificial flavors, which will be a whole, another episode on its own. Then I say, no, I won't buy it for Now they did get candy from trick or treating. They do go to friends houses. They get artificial food coloring in their diet. But it's not worth tempting fate to see what might happen to them. We just try to minimize it in our food. So anything that's pre-packaged, which is like 98% of what children want most of the time. I have them checked. Now, my daughter brings me this box of cereal and on the very front of it, it says made with natural flavors and colors. She's like, look, mom, Natural flavors and This is good. This is safe. She drops it in the car and I'm like, whoa, not Honey. It didn't say it. Wasn't made. With artificial colors. Is that it's made with natural. So let's flip it over and look at the full ingredients list. We'll share enough. It had artificial flavors and artificial colors, narrative backed It three different artificial colors in there. So we put So just because it may look. Like it's safe on the front. We'll need to turn over that And read for yourself. What is actually in it? These food dyes. These artificial food colors, they will tell you to my knowledge, it is just. Just the straight color And there's only nine to look for. So just try to avoid foods that are in those nine. So a full roundabout way to get back to what it is actually in. So foods that contain Fishel food coloring. Anything packaged. That's the easy way to say. If you want to avoid it, just avoid anything that is pre-packaged. And by that, I mean the process food, you think of anything that's The mass produced. But as you have quite an exhausted list, so I will rattle it off. But again, this will be included in the show notes or in the transcripts transcription. Hi, sugar breakfast. Well, yeah. Yeah. That's going to have it, especially the brighter, the brighter, the deeper, I think it's probably going to be in there. Gelatin desserts, ice pops. Really. Ketchup. Mustard. You think we'll catch up is from tomatoes that's already read. Yes, it is. However, once you put those preservatives in and you leave it tomato sitting long enough the preservatives will keep the flavor. Over there, but that color. This is going to change because nature's going to kind of deteriorated, right? So they add red back to the catch-up. To make it read again. Now you can get organic ingredients. And organic products should not have any artificial for coloring in there. That being said, there are options on all of these things I'm mentioning that can come without artificial food colorings. But you have to pay attention to it. More often than not the generic version, unless it's like a trader Joe's possibly a whole foods, but still no guarantee. You're going to get artificial colors in there. So it's learning a brand, knowing a brand or learning how to make these things yourself. People may catch up at home on their own. People make their own ice pops. They make their own gelatin desserts. We make our own granola. So the cereals for Hot chocolate mix. Pasta. Yogurt waffles. Chocolate milkshakes. Cracker and she stacks. Chicken coding mixes. Barbecue sauce. Butter really. It is already brown. I don't see why you would need to preserve. Color to make important. Microwave popcorn. Huh? I wonder if that's the butter color they put on And those process foods. Yeah, bam. They're just, you know, right there in one word, processed foods, two words actually. Canned foods, candy processed beverages. Here's one for you. And I avoid this just because I've learned what they're being fed. Farmed fish actually. Color the fish, my friends. So when I said, if you don't know, who's processing your meat for you or cutting up the animal, if you're not a vegetarian. Or filling Fish yeah, you need to pay a little closer attention to that. So, I've learned that most farm fish corn diet and most of that corn is from GMO fields. So I stopped eating farm. Farmed fish. I stopped eating farm fish. More than 10 years ago. And I believe. That's a shame because I really didn't enjoy. I always thought I was doing good, but I there's no such thing as fresh to laugh at anymore. It's all farms. Anyway, so that, that beautiful farm salmon that you've been buying that bright pink. There's a good chance if it's farms that it's not a natural, right. I do that so that it looks fresher so that you'll buy Jello. Candy like lollipops, Cirrus. Okay. Syrups are huge. Syrup's I don't like anything but pure maple syrup. And I've met some people who have family and friends that actually have. Farms, they have maple syrup farms up in the Northeast and that's we order our syrup every year from there and I love it. And if I run out, then I definitely go the extra mile and spend the extra money on pure maple syrup because all the other syrups really are just If you ask me. Here maple syrup is the way to go. Gummy bears and gummy worms. Should have written that out, right. Like Skittles. Sour patch kids jolly. Starburst. Okay. Here's an interesting fact for you. Starburst. They have these fruit shoes, right. And they make, they make them for internationally to other countries. European union has so many bands on their personal care products. They also have a ton of bands on what can be used in the food products. And one of those is the food colorings that America does not ban. So Starburst makes all natural color colored fruit chew that they sell in Europe. Do they sell that here? No. Why would they spend more money on their products when they can get away with salmon it down with artificial food colors, they still use artificial colors here. But the Starburst in Europe. It's much safer for our children, even though it's still a high sugar content. But the Starburst in Europe. Much safer because it doesn't have the artificial food colors. That just goes to show you that regulations really do matter. And when you vote and actually today, is voting day. So if you haven't already gone out there, hit pause or get in your car and take this with Guns though guys. I'm not telling you who to vote for how to vote. But if you don't like the way things are, and you're not someone to get up and make the change yourself for this country, then find someone who believes in what you believe in support them so that those changes can be made. I know a lot of people are very unhappy with the way politics have. Become, and I don't even like to discuss politics, but I do think it is important to vote. I'm not going to run for governor. I'm not going to run for office. I'm not going to do any Stuff. It's just not my thing. But I would like to see things improve. So I try to do my research and find people who going for things that I think are important and I support them and I vote for them. Frostings. We make our own frosting at home and they do have a all natural food coloring that you can buy a little bit more expensive. I did find it on Amazon. If I remember I'll put a link in the show notes, but it's possible to make. Fun stuff. You just got to do it at home instead of buying it, all the process stuff at the stores. Sports drinks like Gatorade and PDL lights. Boxed macaroni. Gum. Gummy. It has plastic in it. If you didn't know that, sorry, sorry to spoil you there. Health energy and meal replacement bars. Granola bars. Shoot me a message because I have a great granola recipe. From a hundred days of real food and I've been making it for 15 years now and we can make granola bars out of it too. It's actually Alcohol. There's some alcohol that has artificial food colors in it. He imagined. You've seen the fire. Red and the Let's see compari and chartreuse, like the bright purple drinks. Old fashioned, bitters and liquors like Aperol. They all have food coloring added to them. This one really shocked me. But it absolutely makes sense. Apples. Oranges. Oranges. Some oranges have actually been dipped in artificial food coloring. To make them more uniform. It is ever heard of misfits produce. It's an online place where you can order food. And it's misfits of produce that they didn't meet the industry standard of beautiful. So maybe a pepper grew sideways or Strawberry had three butts on it or yeah, the plumb came out kind of greenish, but it still tasted delicious. And they didn't want to treat it with anything or they couldn't treat it with anything to make it more uniform. So then they sold it at a discount to the people who put together misfits it's ingenious outfit, for sure. So the food is still natural. It just looks more like nature intended it to not the picture of things that. Society has told us to, and. Think about teeth. I'm cheap. Not everyone is born with white teeth, friends. Okay. So Archie had a national yellow tent. To them. It's just a matter of How much of a tense. But society has white So now when we see someone with yellow teeth, we think, Ooh, gross, dirty. Or yeah. Can I tell you how much I love seeing an actor in a movie with just real color teeth, not all glammed out glow in the dark white teeth. How cool is that like that's okay. Just be you just So orange is sometimes are not allowed to be themselves. They have to be dipped in these artificial food colorings. So they look like what we expect them to look like bright orange. Matters to me. What it tastes like on the inside. And if I do have an orange and I do care about I want it to smell like a real orange and to be a real orange. If you need fresh fruit for any zesting. And it doesn't, it never mentioned limes or lemons, but I'm going to go the extra mile and say, get organic. If you're going to be zesting fruit for a recipe or a dressing or garnish. Go organic. Okay? That's the only way to really really know. You're getting safe staff. All right. A few more products here listed. List is cheese, butter, ice cream. Sandwich bread. There is this it's, it's in the resources as well. It is a TedTalk that this doctor did. And she talked about how her son had been affected. But it's such a great episode to watch just to understand it more. It's only like 10 or 12 minutes, they thought they had cleared their son's diet of all food and like nine months into a artificial food coloring, free diet. His behavior started to like get wonky again and What it was. She noticed that he'd been eating a lot of bagels lately and she buys all the food. He doesn't sneak food. He knows how important it is for him because of all the struggles that he had with his reactions to artificial food colorings. She checked the bagels and it didn't say anything on it, but it was an egg bagel. And she's like, what? Why is this egg bagel kind of yellow? The bakery where they make it and sure enough, they added one of the yellow food dyes and to those. And that's where the culprit was. So it's not always listed Guys. It's so sad. It's not always. He's listed. But we do our due diligence and try to eliminate what we can. Alright pickles, your pickles are not always bright green friends. Hey, has Coloring to those jars, you can make your own pickles at home. You can either buy a fresh cucumber that you know, was organic and then make your pickles, or you can grow them in your own garden. And Jerry are pickles and they'll be good for years Well, I don't salad dressing. Again, I like to make my own anyway, I really don't find a bottle. I feel like money, just a little oil. Oil and vinegar, salt and pepper. Fresh garlic. You get to go. Farmed salmon. I already talked about the farm fish. All right. Products with artificial This might blow your mind. When I first learned this, when my children were a little. It truly blew my mind and I started paying. Extra for the stuff without the artificial food colorings. And it sucks that I had to do that, but then you got to think. Am I really paying extra for the safer ingredients. Or am I. Am. I like. Cheap chinsing out on myself, buying the cheap stuff, knowing that they're not spending the money for. The quality of the ingredients. That I deserve. To make it so obviously they can sell it for less. I believe that it's okay to spend a little bit more money On products that have ingredients You know, are safe. Because you're being proactive about your health, and there's a good chance that we're going to save money in the long run on our health expenses. That's my 2 cents. There. Okay. Vitamins. Yes vitamins Have artificial food colorings. Why would I add that? Make it more enticing Children's to take them. Cough syrups. Eva reducers Tylenol. Do you think Tylenol is naturally bright pink? We're not even talking about flavors I'm just talking about the colors Toothpaste. Now one shampoo conditioners. Lotions Care products. Stringent such as toners. Facial skin treatments, deodorants. Liquid cleansers. Laundry detergent. Lip moisturizer. Soaps. And guess what. Well, bass. We'd like spell bats. Well, I'm raising my hand here cause I do however it's children who like level bass guys. We're putting them in these hot pink and bright purple bubble bass. Just for fun to have. I have such a cute. That time. We're soaking them and artificial food colors, guys. Remember what I said about, or if you haven't heard this before, it's in several. All of my previous episodes, our skin is our largest Whatever you put on your body is going to get in your Just remember that. Okay. So your laundry detergent is there's artificial food coloring in your laundry detergent, and you think, well, I don't eat that. It doesn't matter. It does matter because it's getting on your clothes and it's soaking into those fibers. And then those fibers are on. On your body and whatever's on those. And then soaking into your skin cells. And into your. Okay. So it does matter. All right. So I mentioned a little bit about the European union standards. So isn't just America struggling with. With these artificial food colorings. It's not an absolute yes, but. But I would say Yeah, we're kind of causing our own problems here by letting so many companies still feed it to us. So the European union has required many companies to omit them from their ingredients. For the few that are not required. Because many, many of them really just volunteered once they saw. The education come out, consumers wanted to change. So they made the change. That's where it starts guys it starts with us as the consumer We create eight The supply By what we demand Don't ever forget that you are worth the good ingredients So these companies started changing their ingredients list for the european union Because i didn't want to lose their customers If they still had artificial colors in there the european union requires them to put a warning label on their products So it was easier and smarter It behooves these companies to spend a little bit more money on their ingredients To keep their customers So they started putting things that gave it more of a natural color or a natural ingredient that provided a color that was similar to what they needed to accomplish and i'm sure they had to spend a lot of money on You know development for those But They're still in business so something went right Maybe they're still in business Because, you know they're only market our products up three times instead of 10 times And We're paying for them to stay in business and fetus bad stuff we are we are doing that guys more prominent international brands now make dye-free products for countries that carry this requirement while still dumbing down the ingredients for the same products that they make in the american market with artificial food colorings Let's go back to the starburst example That's one of them okay Why did Because they can get away with it. it is more cost effective for them It's a bottom line thing friends Two other examples One other example is fruits. fruit leaves is a cereal that has made for the european union without artificial food colorings But in the united states it is still made with artificial All right How can you make your food look good Without artificial food colorings so if you're someone who likes to play in the kitchen at home or likes to experiment or you know someone who does share this information and maybe they'll make something for you.

Hi friends. I know you have things to get back to today. And obviously I could ramble on all day long about artificial food colors and what it does to us and our bodies and our children. But I'm going to save you that and lets you get outta here to have a good day. I will promise you though. But I'll be back on Friday. Where I'm going to continue this conversation about artificial food colors. I'm going to kind of do a recap on what I've already covered. And then I'm going to share with you the effects that it has on our animals. Did you know, they're putting artificial food colors and our pet food to. They are so chime back in on friday and find out what that's all about I hope you have a great day and thank you so much for joining me today Be sure to subscribe to this podcast channel so that you never miss a chance to connect with me Have a wonderful week.