Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.

43.5 Coaching Series: I Don't Know If This is For Me

September 23, 2023 Karinda K. Episode 43
43.5 Coaching Series: I Don't Know If This is For Me
Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.
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Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.
43.5 Coaching Series: I Don't Know If This is For Me
Sep 23, 2023 Episode 43
Karinda K.

In this episode, we want you to know you're not alone on your journey.

Whether you're a newbie or running a pretty successful studio, you will find value in our Master Your Mind & Money coaching program.

If you're unsure about group activities or formal coaching, we're here to connect and support you. Our community has diverse expertise levels, and it's great because you can find someone at a similar stage or with valuable experiences.

Being a business owner can be isolating, and we believe in fostering a supportive community. You don't have to go through this journey solo!

Apply now to join Master Your Mind & Money, spots are limited!

Connect with Karinda!

Thanks for listening!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode, we want you to know you're not alone on your journey.

Whether you're a newbie or running a pretty successful studio, you will find value in our Master Your Mind & Money coaching program.

If you're unsure about group activities or formal coaching, we're here to connect and support you. Our community has diverse expertise levels, and it's great because you can find someone at a similar stage or with valuable experiences.

Being a business owner can be isolating, and we believe in fostering a supportive community. You don't have to go through this journey solo!

Apply now to join Master Your Mind & Money, spots are limited!

Connect with Karinda!

Thanks for listening!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Mindset and Money Mastery for Photographers the podcast. We help overwhelmed photographers make more money while simplifying their business by mastering their you guessed it Mindset and Money. Tune in each week for practical and actionable tips to take your photography business up a notch. Let's dive right in. This week on the podcast, we are sharing everything you've ever wanted to know about our coaching program Master your Mind and Money and how we help photographers build highly profitable businesses. So make sure you follow along and listen to all of the episodes in this series and learn more about how we can help you grow a highly profitable business. Also, don't forget, if you're interested in joining us, make sure you head over to masteryourmindmoneycom forward slash, apply and apply to join us over in our coaching program. Today we're going to dive into who the coaching program is good for. Now let's talk a little bit about this.

Speaker 1:

Who are you? Where are you at? Is this a good fit for you? So first of all, I want to talk to those photographers that you're running a studio. You have the clients, you're having decent sales. Maybe you're having those like $3,000 to $5,000 sales. You're doing good. If you're in that place, what I would say to you is now is the time to simplify, simplify for scalability. Simplify, get rid of the fluff, make things easier, make your client communication more seamless and really learn to connect with your clients on a deeper level in a way that feels good for you and your business. The other thing you'll be looking at doing in that stage is raising up those average sales. So, looking at your sales, your pricing, your system, your client experience, your sales process and seeing what you can do to step up your average and get that average above that $5,000 range and even unleash those giant $10,000, $15,000, $20,000 plus sales. So if you're in that phase I gotcha. That is so much fun it makes my heart go pitter-patter. You're in that phase. Our coaching program could definitely be a good fit for you. What you're really going to love the most in that coaching program is you're going to love the ability to schedule those one-on-one calls and really use those one-on-one calls for high level strategy situations in your business that are going to help unleash any level.

Speaker 1:

You're going to work through the course portal as well and you're going to look for those little golden nuggets. It might be a slight pricing tweak, it might be a slight systems tweak or change or something like that that happens as you work through the course. When you dive into those marketing courses, you're going to learn how to diversify your marketing a lot more than what you're already doing. You're going to learn how to automate some of your marketing so it doesn't feel like it takes so much of your energy out of you, like showing up on social media without having to actually do much work at all. We're going to teach you a lot of those things in our marketing as well. So if that's where you're at, don't worry, I gotcha, we're gonna have to look a little bit harder to find those little golden nuggets and to figure out what shifts and adjustments need to be made. But literally one little tiny shift could mean a difference in thousands of dollars from every client at this phase. So it's kind of like you're on a treasure hunt. It's like you're on a treasure hunt to tune up your engine, to figure out how to make it run better, more efficiently, and also to make you more money while doing less work.

Speaker 1:

If you're at that phase Now those of you that are in that like $2,000 to $3,000 per client range you might be doing IPS. You might be doing like an all-inclusive higher price point. Oh man, that is a frustrating phase of business to be in. It's like you're starting to make money. You feel like you're doing something good, but at the same time, you're not really making a whole lot of money and you're like I just need more money. This is hard to sustain and I need more clients. It's probably what you're seeing as well.

Speaker 1:

If you're at the phase with that $2,000 to $3,000 average and you're feeling like you need more clients, my challenge to you right now is that you don't need more clients. What you actually need is to raise your average sale. I wanna see you up there with those $4,000 to $5,000 sales before we've switched your focus on the marketing, because right now you could be making more money from the clients you have. Instead, you're just leaving thousands of dollars on the table. And now, when you're in that place, there's gonna be some shifts that happen. It could be the order you're doing things in. It could be your pricing. It could be your offerings. It could be your client experience. It could be educating your clients.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to say. There's a lot of things that I see and people that are at that phase that could potentially be causing them to not get those bigger sales more consistently. But we're gonna have to go through your system at that phase. We're gonna have to really look through the system and break it down to see what we need to fix and optimize in order to get you there. Those 101 calls are gonna be spent probably looking at your systems a little bit, looking at ways to optimize it, picking through some stuff with me and also working through the course and then coming to me and saying, okay, I think I have a hole here. Maybe I do, maybe I don't, I don't know. Can we work through this together? So that's how I typically find those coaching clients using the program when they're at that phase.

Speaker 1:

Now my newbies maybe you're sitting there and you have a shoot and burn type business. You're all inclusive, you're delivering your digital files to be an online gallery, or maybe you're doing some sales, but through an online gallery. Those of you, I will call you my babies, because I love you, I love working with you and I love helping you. The reason being is that oftentimes, people who are in that phase feel like I can't do this yet. I'm not good enough, I don't know that I'm ready. That seems crazy and scary, and I'm here to tell you that it's not crazy and scary and we've got you.

Speaker 1:

For those of you that are at that phase, we actually just created a new course to get you started. So what I call it is the high level business course. Those other people that are already having sales and doing the thing, they need the more nitty gritty, go through all the little details. But right now, to get you started without overwhelming you, you need the high level flyover. You need to figure out and understand pricing, client experience, but like from a 30,000 foot view.

Speaker 1:

So first of all for you, what we do is we get you through our basic course. In our introduction to selling wall art, you're gonna understand how to set your pricing up on a basic level. You're going to understand the client process on a basic level and you're gonna know how to do an ordering appointment on a basic level. And I say on a basic level because what we cover there and what we teach you there is like we teach you something in 10 minutes In the full course. What we teach in 10 minutes in that basic course probably takes about two hours for me to explain, because in the full course I'm giving you the native, gritty background, the history, the story, the psychology, all of that good stuff. But in the beginning you don't need that because you will be overwhelmed, and I understand that, and that's okay. You're gonna go through that basic flyover first and then you're gonna have a grasp on everything. You can start to make some subtle shifts and adjustments while you dive into the full course, because then you can start making money right away in your business.

Speaker 1:

So there is a place for everybody and I'm there for you. I got you, those of you that are like higher level in business. I do kind of want to address you a little bit differently too, because I understand that there's a time when you are like I don't need another course, I don't need another coaching program, and I completely understand that. If you're in that boat and you feel like that, reach out to me and let's connect. The thing is is that I do still offer a very limited number of 101 coaching with people who are on that higher level and just need some support, like working through a few sticky spots or optimizing their systems. But oftentimes what happens is we dive into it and then I realize there's quite a few other holes or quite a few other things that you need the more in-depth hours of content to learn there. So it really just depends on your situation and where you're at.

Speaker 1:

I want to still give you all a place to go, because I do know that it can feel lonely at that place and that sometimes you feel like, where do I go for help now? So if that's you, if you're like I'm not sure I'm into the group thing, I'm not sure I'm into the coaching program or the course right now, just reach out and let's connect and see if maybe there's some way I can help you, because I do not want you to feel alone and I do not want you to feel like you do not have a place to go. The other thing I want to address here is that because there are lots of people with different levels in our coaching program, it's nice because there could be someone one step above you, one step behind you, one person right where you're at, and there's always somebody there to help or to guide. And in our coaching program I encourage our coaching clients to be a community to share, to help each other, to support each other, because being a business owner is lonely and as much as I can say like, yes, I'm the only person. They're helping you. You need other people to support you and cheer you on. You need other people there in community and you need to feel like you're not doing this by yourself. So please know that there are other people there. They might be a step ahead of you, they might be a step behind you, they might be really good at something you're really bad at, and vice versa. But that's the cool part. That happens in community and you're going to be going through the program to at your own pace, your own pace, your own way, depending on where you're at. I might give you a different plane of attack of what to do, but do know that it is self-paced for yourself in a timeframe. Okay, so we're going to talk about this timeframe and kind of the different options there in another episode, but I wanted to leave you with that today. So that way you know, depending on where you're at, kind of what I think your focus will probably be as you go through the program and what types of things you'll be using there.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for joining us. Make sure you head on over and apply to join us at Master your Mind Money dot com. Forward slash. Apply If you're not sure. If you're ready to join a coaching program or if it's a good fit for you, just go ahead and apply. Try to share as much information about your business as you can and we'll get in touch with you and let you know if we think you're in a good place to join our coaching program. At the moment we have limited spots available, so keep that in mind. You'll also have the opportunity to grab a one-on-one diagnostic call with me where we'll talk through your business, see where you're at and help identify where you might need to improve in your business going forward to build a profitable photography business.

Speaker 1:

So if you have the opportunity to grab one of those diagnostic calls, make sure you grab one. They're incredibly valuable and I know that you will love all of the great information you'll get out of that call. That call will also be great if you're really interested and you're like you know what I know I want to join the coaching program. I've been listening to this podcast. I've been following Corinne Dey. I know this is the route I want to go. That call is going to be super valuable for you because we're going to help you figure out which one of our options inside our coaching program might be a good fit for you or where you belong there. So make sure you grab one of those calls if you can get on our schedule.

Speaker 1:

Availability in our coaching program is really, really limited, so make sure. If you're like Corinne Dey, I need to do this Apply, grab the diagnostic call, send me a message, reach out and let's connect ASAP so that way we can get you started on the path to build a highly profitable business. I know you're going to love it and I've helped hundreds of photographers build profitable businesses without the overwhelm and just really do amazing things. And this is why I'm here today Sharing all of these great things with you is because I want to see each and every one of you move forward in your business, make money, make this a real career and really step into the role of a CEO and become that confident business owner that you really are deep down inside. My coaching clients tell me time and time again like I'm so much more confident after going through this program.

Speaker 1:

Like little things, like picking up the phone and talking to somebody don't feel scary anymore or talking about my pricing, or going into sessions knowing that my clients are going to spend thousands of dollars. It's just normal everyday life now and I thought that those things were never going to be possible for me. So if you want to have that be your reality, if you want to have your clients spending thousands of dollars with you on sessions, or maybe even just thousands of dollars on one single piece of art I know sounds crazy, right, make sure you head on over and apply to join us, because that's what we do best and you're going to love it and you're going to learn so much and, honestly, the things that it's going to allow you to do in your business and your life are just going to create ripples, not only for you, your family, your community, because that is the power in building a profitable business. You can pay it forward in ways that you never imagined and I cannot wait to be there and celebrate and cheer you on on that journey. So if you want to apply, the link is masteryourminemoneycom forward slash apply. I cannot wait to read your applications.

Speaker 1:

And if you are just like ready to fight for one of those spots that's open right now, send me a DM, reach out, do whatever you have to do after you apply and be like Corinne I'm in. I need this now. I cannot wait for a call for days. I need to talk to you right this minute and let's connect. I hope you have an amazing day, I hope you have an amazing week and I hope you're enjoying the podcast series about our coaching program, masteryourmineandmoney. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to support the podcast, please make sure you share it on social media or leave a rating and review. As always, you can check out the links and resources in the show notes over at masteryourminemoneycom. To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me on Instagram at masteryourminemoney, and don't forget to join our free Facebook group photography business tune up with Corinne Decay. Thanks again and I'll see you next time.

Coaching Program for Photographers
Selling Wall Art and Coaching Intro