Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.

47. Your Magic Year: Unleashing Profitable Potential in Photography

October 23, 2023 Karinda K. Season 2 Episode 47
47. Your Magic Year: Unleashing Profitable Potential in Photography
Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.
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Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.
47. Your Magic Year: Unleashing Profitable Potential in Photography
Oct 23, 2023 Season 2 Episode 47
Karinda K.

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If you've ever felt isolated in your business journey, this is for you. 'Your Magic Year' is a year-long commitment designed to connect you with like-minded entrepreneurs who understand your challenges. Say goodbye to lonely business ownership.

Join Your Magic Year here.
Use the code PODCAST to receive special pricing when you enroll. 

Each month, you'll receive 'Monthly Magic,' exclusive training sessions that transform your portrait business, helping you step into your role as a confident business owner. Curated quests will inspire your growth.

This is your chance to join a supportive community and unlock your business's true potential. Don't miss out on the magic!

Connect with Karinda!

Thanks for listening!

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Send us a Text Message.

If you've ever felt isolated in your business journey, this is for you. 'Your Magic Year' is a year-long commitment designed to connect you with like-minded entrepreneurs who understand your challenges. Say goodbye to lonely business ownership.

Join Your Magic Year here.
Use the code PODCAST to receive special pricing when you enroll. 

Each month, you'll receive 'Monthly Magic,' exclusive training sessions that transform your portrait business, helping you step into your role as a confident business owner. Curated quests will inspire your growth.

This is your chance to join a supportive community and unlock your business's true potential. Don't miss out on the magic!

Connect with Karinda!

Thanks for listening!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Mindset and Money Mastery for Photographers the podcast. We help overwhelmed photographers make more money while simplifying their business by mastering their you guessed it mindset and money. Tune in each week for practical and actionable tips to take your photography business up a notch.

Speaker 2:

Let's dive right in, hey guys, I am incredibly excited today to bring to you a big announcement, those of you that have been looking for a while. You've been looking at the full coaching program and you're like that sounds amazing, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that. This is for you and I don't want you to miss out on this. So make sure you listen to this whole thing so you understand what is happening and where this is coming from. So the first thing that I've been noticing is that I talk to so many business owners who they feel lonely in their businesses. They feel like they don't have anybody to talk to. They feel like they don't have the support when they need it. They just feel like nobody in their life quite understands what they're going through, what they're trying to build. There's only so many times you can call your best friend, your significant other or your mom and be like, hey, I have this business idea and they're going to look at you and say you're crazy. No one's ever going to pay that or there's no way that can't possibly work, because that's typically what non-business owners do to us when we come to them with ideas. I get it. I've been through the same thing. In my case, it was my family members that were like you're crazy, there's no way. So if you're feeling like that, you're not alone. But what I really realized through that experience is that I needed a group of people around me that were going through the same thing, that were running their businesses, that had the same goals in mind and really wanted to build an incredibly successful photography brand where they're making money, having that business that also feels magical and good to them because they understand it, and having those group of people around me that were also working to be confident business owners. So the first part of what I want to announce is make your magic year. So your magic year is going to be a year long container or program, and we are going to work together in a community and a group of people who are all doing the things, who all get it, who either they're a step behind you, they're stepping right beside you, or maybe they're a step ahead of you, but a group of people who all get it and we're going to work together for an entire year because, honestly, being in something for a day or two it's cool, but being in something long term and really having that constant push in the same direction is really when magic happens, and that's really in my own business. Where I've seen the most magic happen is when I've been in a group doing things together, having that inspiration, having the guidance for a full year.

Speaker 2:

So this is going to be a full year, your magic year, and the first piece of it is the secret squad. So in there we're going to have a private community, a private community for you to do life and do business with, because business ownership is lonely and I talk to people so often that they're like I just feel so alone, like you can only talk to your friends and family so much. Or you can go to the free, public Facebook groups and ask questions and get a million different answers that are from a million different people who are doing a million different things, and you feel more confused. Or you're getting advice from people that have never done the thing and they have no business giving you any guidance at all. So that is the problem. When you're going to those free Facebook groups or to just friends and family who don't get it is that you're going to get a lot of really bad advice before you get good advice. So this group is created so that you can have that secret squad, so you don't have to feel lonely. There is truly something cosmic that happens when you're supported by a community, but it doesn't stop there, because we can have the community, but we need direction.

Speaker 2:

So each and every month you're going to get monthly magic. You're going to get access to exclusive trainings that help you discover the magic in your portrait business. You're going to learn the art of orchestrating your business with the grace of a CEO. You're going to take off your just a photographer hat and you're going to become the business owner in a way that you've never dreamt of. But as you go through that, you're also going to have curated quests. You're going to get inspired by quests that I send you on that are going to push you to grow beyond your status quo and ignite a fire in your soul. These things are so important.

Speaker 2:

My coaching clients, who join our full coaching program they come to me for all of these things, but they come for them in a really high touch, intensive program, and I understand that there might be some of you that aren't quite ready for that, or you want to just test the waters and see what it's like being in one of my coaching programs and being around me and learning from me. And for those of you that are in that place, this is for you. The trainings are going to be intended to help you move forward in your business, to help you grow, to help you look at things in a new way, to really find that magic. And if you are sitting here and you are saying I want to build a profitable business, I want to be able to sustain my life, I want to be able to pay for my kids to go do stuff, I want to be able to buy myself the dang horse, whatever it is, if you are sitting here listening to this and you're thinking I want to be able to build a life for my business, I want to make this a real, legitimate thing and I want to make lots of money and I want to do it in a way that feels good, then this is for you. I am so excited about this.

Speaker 2:

I've had this in the back of my head for quite some time and I think I kept trying to be like no, no, current, it's fine, you don't need to do it. But there's just been this nagging pool that I can no longer ignore and I think sometimes in business. You have to realize that when there's something that just keeps coming back into your head over and over and over again, you just need to do it. And this is one of those things, and I sat down to start journaling about what this would look like and how it would feel and what it would include in all of these things, and everything just fell into place. Everything just seems so like everything just downloaded into my brain, exactly what it needed to be and exactly what y'all needed, and I'm incredibly excited about it. You know, I think part of it was that we got to spend a few days with our coaching clients a couple weeks ago and I rented a house. I invited my coaching clients to come and it was just so cool getting to see them in person, to get to meet them, to take those relationships that we had online and really deepen them, and I also really, really enjoyed hearing that community is so important to them and hearing them say like I'm so glad we were able to get together and do this in person together.

Speaker 2:

But sometimes it's not easy to go do these in person events. Sometimes it's not easy to do these high touch point coaching programs where you really get to build those relationships, and so my hope and dream for this is that this provides you with a safe space, this provides you with somewhere to go, this provides you with people to understand you, that you're gonna meet your future business bestie in here. And I say that because, honestly, some of my best friends over the years as a photographer have been people that I've met in coaching programs. They've been people who just get me and who are going through it too. We've become so close. I have friends all over the country, actually all over the world. I have friends in other countries that I've met in coaching programs over the years, just showing up, being involved, engaging, interacting with people and, my goodness, those people have been my rock in building my business. But I would have never found those people that resonated and really fit me and understood me if I wouldn't have joined the programs that really just felt good and sounded like something I need. And a lot of times, to be honest with you, I've joined a lot of things on a whim like this.

Speaker 2:

If you haven't been around long, you might not have heard my story, but I used to be a courseaholic. I used to be a workshopaholic. If there was a course or workshop. I was on it, I was there. I was gonna be the A-plus student in the front row doing everything I could, and I learned a lot. And I learned a lot about what I appreciated in those settings and what worked for me, what didn't work for me, and that's why I'm able to sit here and create something that I know is going to be so good for each and every one of you. And you know, like the cool part is is at the end of this year, like hopefully we'll all know each other and will be able to like meet up or like I'll go to imaging and have a get together and actually like put faces and people and hugs and handshakes or whatever your thing is, to all these names, in these relationships we built over the year. So I'm incredibly excited about this.

Speaker 2:

And another thing that I kind of wanted to share here is that, with the announcement of this your magic year program, I have decided that we're not going to do my typical plan, your workshop this year. We're not going to do it in the traditional format that it used to be, and it's going to be a little bit different this year. So if you loved our plan, your workshop in the past and you really liked the way we did that and the things we covered and like how you felt when you left that workshop. I'm going to encourage you and say that this is really going to be a good fit for you because with the plan, your workshop, we were only Together one or two days and you know it was a lot of information that might have left you feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the end, but you also felt really extremely motivated. So this program is going to be the same feeling and the same experience you got out of that, but it's going to be different content and it's going to be broken up throughout the year.

Speaker 2:

So instead of me just showing up in January and December and January is typically when I used to do plan your year and just showing up and just giving you all of this content and being like here you go, let's get ready for the year, I really felt like it was important for me to find a way to walk alongside you throughout the entire year, to give you the things from month to month, the strategies from month to month Just start to grow, to start to expand, to find your magic in your business and to always make sure that you felt like you had somewhere to go or something to be doing in your business, as opposed to just like Floating through the year like willy nilly. And then you get to the Navy year and you join our plan or your workshop and you're like, oh my gosh, that's amazing, I'm so motivated. And then the rest of here you're sitting there waiting for it again to get that motivation back. So if you've been on that, you kind of understand how I teach a little bit, what my viewpoint is on things, and so just imagine getting a smaller piece of something like that, not exactly the same, not the same content necessarily, but different content throughout the year as we go to keep you moving forward. So if you've been waiting for the plan your workshop, this is your sign that this is where you need to be. Don't wait for the plan your workshop because, as of right now, plan your workshop is not happening this year because of this new program that I decided to launch. And, as you know, in business we have to choose the things that Fit and the things that we think will best serve our business and our clients, and for me, this is really it.

Speaker 2:

I'm just so excited about this, like I am so excited about getting to have a group of you together in a group, learning and doing something each and every month that I know is helping you and having like that direction and that guidance and that leisure focused quest to go on and Really just discovering your business from a new perspective over the next year. So if this sounds like something you're ready to join in on, make sure you hop on over and Grab the link in the show notes or the description there and you hit join. If you are one of the first few people to join, there might be a special banner at the top for you To join us. And also the price point. Honestly, it's less than dinner for a family. It's less than I spend going out to dinner with my family a month and you can pay in full. I mean, if you pay in full you get to free month. Essentially, you're saving two months worth of your payments, or you can pay monthly if you prefer to pay monthly and have it in those smaller payments each month.

Speaker 2:

I am so excited about this guys. Actually, to be honest with you, I've probably spent more on coffee in like a week Me and my husband and the cost of this program. So we also really like to drink coffee. Sometimes we go get coffee twice a day, so but I just Really wanted to make this something that all of you who've been here, who've been lurking, been wanting to do something with me like.

Speaker 2:

This is your chance. This is your chance to join. This is your chance to get in on something. This is your chance to have access to my brain and to work with me in a setting that is a much lower investment than our full coaching program. I cannot wait for this. Guys, make sure you head over to the link, make sure you grab your spot there. I already know, like from the response from the few people I've talked to, the people that are going to be joining this are Going to be amazing and it's gonna be a really fun group, and I feel incredibly confident about that. So make sure you grab your spot and if you have questions about it, just let me know. Honestly, though it's a no-brainer, it should be a no-brainer. It is Literally like such a great deal. This is something that is purely Me feeling like. I want to give everybody a place to come and to learn and to grow. This is not some really expensive program or anything like it is very, very affordable, because I want Everybody to be able to join this, who wants to be a part of it, everyone who's been. Like Karinda, I want you, I need you. I can't do this right now, like this is for you and the price will be going up over time. This is just the introductory price and also, like I said, check for a banner at the top of the page, and if there's a banner at the top of the page, there might be a special code for you to use too. So keep that in mind. But I cannot wait to see all of y'all inside of your magic year and help you find that magic in your business and in yourself as you build your business.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to support the podcast, please make sure you share it on social media or leave a rating, a review. As always, you can check out the links and resources in the show notes over at masteryourmindmoneycom. To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me on Instagram at masteryourmindmoney, and don't forget to join our free Facebook group, photography Business. Tune Up with Corinna Kay. Thanks again and I'll see you next time.

Introducing "Your Magic Year" Coaching Program
Introducing Your Magic Year Program