Web3 & Whiskey

Web3 in 2023: What to Expect | Web3 & Whiskey (Episode 13)

Gary Liu Season 1 Episode 13

Web3 & Whiskey is a podcast about how the decentralized internet will change our lives. This episode was recorded on Dec 22 and features Gary Liu, Suresh Balaji, and Malcolm Ong.  

In this episode, we look back on an eventful 2022, from the Ethereum Merge to the collapse of LUNA, Three Arrows Capital, and FTX—and the subsequent crypto deep freeze. More important, we look toward 2023 and talk about developments in web3 that truly excite us, from mass adoption driven by established consumer brands to infrastructure projects that will lay the foundation of the future of the internet. 

00:00 Intro
03:08 Whiskey
05:58 2022 in review
07:25 The Ethereum Merge
08:44 The LUNA crash, the collapse of 3AC, and SBF's downfall
10:03 Elon Musk's Twitter
11:52 Big brands and web3
15:06 2023 predictions
15:23 Accelerated adoption of web3 by mainstream brands
21:22 The year of Polygon?
24:56 The rise of native web3 brands 
33:30 A move away from speculation toward utility 
36:30 Market recovery
38:40 Regulatory clarity
48:52 "web3 ingredient companies"
51:47 VC investment in web3 projects
52:45 Industry discipline
55:12 Silver linings

Find us on other platforms:
Gary Liu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/garyliu
LinkedIn: https://hk.linkedin.com/in/garyliunyc

Suresh Balaji
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sureshbalaji
LinkedIn: https://hk.linkedin.com/in/sureshbalaji
Website: https://w3ma.xyz/

Malcolm Ong
Twitter: https://twitter.com/malcolmong
LinkedIn: https://hk.linkedin.com/in/malcolmong

You can also reach out to us at web3andwhiskey@gmail.com

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