Live Life Unapologetically

75 Manifesting Truths: Breaking Free from Toxic Myths

Shannon Kline Episode 75

Do you really need to stay positive all the time to manifest your dreams? Think again. Join me, Shannon K, as I debunk the myth that relentless positivity is the key to abundance. We'll explore the importance of embracing and processing all your emotions for true growth and transformation. 

Discover why believing you can manifest anything instantly is not only misleading but also overlooks the deep-seated work required for lasting change. This episode is packed with insights to help you cut through the noise of quick-fix solutions and focus on what truly matters.

Ready to embrace your true manifesting power? I’ll show you how to shed limiting myths and step into your potential to create a life of abundance with ease and joy. By changing your beliefs and taking proactive steps, you can achieve remarkable things. Don't forget to check out the Live Life Unapologetically premium podcast for even more manifestation secrets and monthly Q&A sessions. 

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Hey beautiful souls, welcome to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I'm Shannon Kay and today we are diving into manifesting myths that can seriously derail your manifesting journey. This topic is close to my heart because I've seen firsthand how these misconceptions can create roadblocks and frustrations for so many women on their path to abundance. These misconceptions and myths held me back at the beginning of my manifestation journey. So get cozy, stay with me and let's bust some myths. We are about to set the record straight and help you clear the clutter that's been holding you back from living a life of true abundance.


Digital age has brought a flood of methods, tips and tricks for manifesting your dreams. With all this information swirling around, it's no surprise that some myths have snuck in that we need to just bust wide open. These myths can be incredibly toxic and misleading, creating unnecessary hurdles on your journey to abundance. Today, we're going to cut through the noise and get to the heart of what really works when it comes to manifesting your desires. One of the biggest issues with the manifesting myths is that they often oversimplify solutions to complex, deeply personal processes. The idea that you can just follow a one, two, three and instantly achieve your dreams sounds so appealing, but it's far from the truth. Manifesting is a unique journey. There is no final destination, and a lot of these myths say if you just do this one thing, then your whole life is going to transform forever in the blink of an eye. That's just not true. We need to move past the one size fits all mentality and embrace a more holistic understanding of manifestation. I've seen way too many toxic myths about manifesting that people cling to. They think they're doing it right, only to end up feeling frustrated and defeated. The myths not only create false expectations, but they divert your attention and energy from what truly matters. Because, let's face it, guys, living a life of true abundance requires breaking away from the misconceptions and focusing on practical, effective strategies that resonate with your personal experience. It's important to recognize that manifestation is a process that involves growth, learning and patience. Yes, patience, guys. I used to be the most impatient person, but learning patience was the biggest thing I was able to do for myself so that I can manifest the life that I love.


Buckle up, because we're about to set the record straight, going into manifesting myth number one, and that is that you need to stay positive all the time. This is not true. In fact, it burns me up every time I hear it y'all, it gets on my nerves. I have been working with women on their manifestation journeys for years and I've seen firsthand that constant positivity is not just unrealistic, it's counterproductive. The notion that you must always stay positive stems from a misunderstanding of how manifestation truly works and how our minds and emotions interact. People often believe this myth because it's simple, it's appealing Just think positive and everything will work out. As we all know, life is not always sunshine and rainbows, and that's okay.


Authenticity is the true key to manifestation. You want to believe that if you can just manage your thoughts perfectly, you can control the outcome of your life. However, this oversimplification ignores the complexity of the human emotions, the human mind and the necessity to process all your feelings, not just the positive ones. Let's break it down like this Imagine you're trying to grow a beautiful garden. You plant your favorite flowers and you water them diligently every day, expecting them to flourish. You notice some weeds are starting to sprout up among your flowers. Instead of pulling out the weeds, you just ignore them and keep watering the garden, hoping they'll go away on their own. As time goes on, the weeds grow stronger and begin to overtake your flowers, drawing more of your attention and effort away from nurturing the plants you want to grow. In the same way, simply trying to focus on positive thoughts without addressing negative feelings is like ignoring the weeds in your garden. Suppressing your true emotions don't make them disappear. It often makes them stronger and more persistent. By acknowledging and addressing your negative feelings, you can truly shift your focus to developing new, positive beliefs. It's about creating a healthy balance where you allow yourself to feel and process all emotions, leading to genuine growth and transformation. If you want to dive deeper into manifesting emotional awareness, I created the complimentary Field of Flourish Masterclass just for you. You can grab it in the show description or you can find it in the link on any of my socials.


The second myth in manifesting is that you can manifest anything instantly. I get why some would believe this, especially if you read stories of overnight success or instant transformations. Stories of overnight success or instant transformations. I've been there myself.


While some things may manifest quickly, true, lasting change takes time. Manifestation is a journey, not a one-off event. It involves changing deep-seated beliefs and patterns which require patience and persistence. If you have a long-standing belief that's limiting you and it's been programmed into your subconscious mind. You're not going to change it overnight or instantly. We live in a fast-paced world where waiting for results can be incredibly frustrating. The allure of overnight success stories can make us believe that manifesting should just be instantaneous. Stories can make us believe that manifesting should just be instantaneous.


These stories often gloss over the years of internal growth that preceded the sudden success. The internal growth part is very important as you go through and you're reprogramming your subconscious mind as a crucial aspect of manifesting. That doesn't happen overnight. Your subconscious mind is like a sponge right. It's absorbing beliefs and patterns from your experiences, your upbringing, your environment. These beliefs are deeply ingrained and influence your thoughts, emotions and behaviors without you even realizing it. So to manifest your desire, you need to rewire these subconscious patterns to support your goals, which takes consistency and time. So that's when I say that internal growth part is often glossed over.


These overnight success stories don't just happen overnight. I talk about this in my book, action Before Affirmations. Whoever you're seeing and you're like, wow, they had overnight success, I want to do that too. They were overcoming limiting beliefs, overcoming limiting beliefs, overcoming limiting beliefs, and then the reprogram happens in the subconscious. Your subconscious finally gets it, and that's the transformation, which seems like it happens overnight, but it's just your subconscious finally clicking into place after all that time of rewiring it. You haven't been programmed into limiting beliefs overnight. You're not going to be unprogrammed from limiting beliefs overnight. I want you to think of it like this. So if you're working on overcoming negative self-talk, one day you shower yourself with love, you have an amazing day and you don't have a single negative thought about yourself. That is a quick win. Okay, those are quick wins. You don't stop there, though, because you're still being aware of your internal dialogue. Just because you had one extraordinary day doesn't mean you just stop right there and it's all done. No, you keep working at it. Then one day may turn into two, then seven. Then it becomes a natural part of your life.


Each positive thought, affirmation and action slowly reprograms your subconscious, creating new neural pathways that support your desire. There are techniques you can use for the reprogramming process affirmations, visualization, meditation and journaling. They're all tools that help you to consistently reinforce positive beliefs and shift your mindset. The journey may have quick wins along the way, but lasting change is built on a foundation of sustained effort and patience. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. I promise you that it is going to feel like work in the beginning. I always go back to if you're trying to go to the gym for the very first time, you're probably not going to do that great. The more you do it, the more you're going to be able to do and the easier things are going to become. It's the same thing with reprogramming your mind. Have you ever heard the saying your mind is a muscle? Yeah, it is. You have to work it out. As your new beliefs take root, you're going to find that manifesting becomes more effortless and natural. You'll start to see changes not only in your external circumstances, but also in your internal state of being. You'll feel more aligned, confident and empowered to create the life you desire.


The third and last myth I want to talk about today is that you have to know exactly how and when your desires will manifest. This one is the one that makes you feel absolutely safe. You're so used to setting specific, measurable goals and trying to control every detail. Here's where the magic of manifesting lies in the unknown. Trying to control every aspect of how and when your desires will manifest only leads to frustration and blocks in the flow of abundance. Manifesting is co-creating with the universe and allowing it to work its magic in unexpected ways. I'm going to say that one more time Co-creating, so you're not doing all the work on your own, you're doing it with the universe, you're doing it hand in hand together. We're conditioned to believe that having a detailed plan and timeline is the only way to achieve success.


Setting intentions and taking action are essential parts of manifesting. Insisting on controlling every detail can hinder the process. This is the contrast between forced effort and aligned action or inspired action. This is where it comes into play. You see, forced effort is driven by the need to control outcomes. It's pushing and striving, often from a place of fear or scarcity. When you are in the mode of forced effort, you may find yourself working tirelessly, feeling stressed and constantly worried about whether you're doing enough. This approach can lead to burnout and disappointment because it's based on the assumption that you must single-handedly make everything happen.


Imagine you're job hunting and you believe you must land a specific position at a particular company. You're focusing all your efforts on applying to that one company, tailoring your resume to them, preparing extensively for interviews and then anxiously awaiting a response. While it's important to take proactive steps. This narrow focus limits your opportunities and it creates unnecessary stress. If the job doesn't materialize, you may feel like you failed, even though there could be better opportunities waiting for you elsewhere. In contrast, inspired action aligned action it's about tuning into your intuition and allowing yourself to be led by a sense of inner knowing. When you're in a state of aligned action, you're taking proactive steps, but you're also trusting that the universe is working with you to bring about the best possible outcome. This approach is more relaxed and joyful because it's based on collaboration. Remember, you're co-creating with the universe rather than solely on your own efforts. So, using this job hunting example, your aligned action your inspired action would involve applying to various positions that resonate with your skills and passions, networking with people in your industry and staying open to unexpected opportunities. You might discover that your dream job comes from a chance encounter at a networking event or through a recommendation from a friend. By being open and flexible, you're allowing the universe to bring you opportunities that align with your highest good, often in ways you could not have even planned or predicted.


Manifesting is a dance between intention and surrender. It's about setting clear intentions, taking aligned steps and then allowing the universe to fill the gaps. Believing in these myths can create unrealistic expectations and it leads to frustration and self-doubt. When you think you need to stay positive all the time, you're setting yourself up for failure. The myth can make you feel inadequate or guilty for experiencing normal human emotions, ultimately stifling your manifestation potential. The myth of instant manifestation can lead to impatience and disappointment. When you expect immediate results and they don't materialize, it's easy to feel like you're doing something wrong or that manifesting does not work for you. This mindset can be incredibly disheartening and may even cause you to give up on your dreams. Finally, the need to know exactly how and when your desires will manifest creates unnecessary stress and blocks the flow of abundance. Remember that manifesting is about co-creating with the universe, and when you let go of control and trust the process, you open yourself up to possibilities you could never have imagined.


You can overcome these myths. I have overcome these myths. You can manifest your desires with greater ease and joy. You are powerful beyond measure and by shedding these misconceptions, you can step into your true potential. Don't give up. Each step you take, each belief that you change, brings you closer to the life of abundance you deserve. Beautiful soul, stand tall and know you are capable of incredible things. Let go of the myths that have been holding you back and step into your power. If you're hungry for more insights, I want you to grab the all-access pass to the Live Life Unapologetically premium podcast. This is where I extend and explore the secrets of practical manifestation and abundance. Plus, there's a monthly Q&A and more. You can grab your pass by clicking the link in the show notes or you can go to livelifeunapologeticallycom forward slash access. You've got this. You are a powerful creator and the universe is your ally Together. There is nothing you cannot achieve. Keep shining, keep believing and keep manifesting your dreams. The world is waiting for your magic.