The Calm Entrepreneur with Corinne O'Flynn: Manifest a Life of Joy and Abundance

#27: Unlocking Your Authentic Self: Exploring Manifestors in Human Design

Corinne O'Flynn Season 1 Episode 27

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Are you ready to unlock the mysteries of your authentic self? Today, we dive into the world of Human Design and its five types: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and empowering you to make decisions that align with your purpose.

Join me, on an exploration of the unique energy and spiritual purpose of Manifestors, who make up 9% of the population. We'll discuss their closed and repelling aura, which is actually a protective gift, and how their energy attracts the right people while pushing others away. As we explore the Manifestor Strategy to Inform, we'll uncover the nuances of informing and how it fosters connection and understanding, helping Manifestors navigate life with ease.

If you're curious about discovering your type and diving deeper into Human Design, don't miss this episode! Be sure to visit my website for your free Human Design chart and peel back the layers of you!



Human Design, Quantum Human Design™, Manifestor Type, I Ching, Kabbalah Tree of Life, Astrology, Hindu Chakra System, Human Design Type, Strategy, and Authority

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Corinne O'Flynn:

Hey there, my name is Corinne OFlynn and you're listening to the Calm Entrepreneur podcast. I am a USA Today bestselling author, non-profit executive and organizing nerd with over 20 years experience running my own small businesses. I teach entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small business owners like you how to organize your business, find more time and deepen your alignment practice to experience more calm and confidence every single day. If you're looking for that intersection between practical business advice and spiritual goodness, then you're in the right place. So sit back, relax and let's dive into this week's episode of the Calm Entrepreneur podcast. Welcome, welcome to the Calm Entrepreneur podcast. I'm your host, Corinne O'Flynn, and this is episode 27.

Corinne O'Flynn:

Human design is quite possibly the most comprehensive self-discovery tool that I have ever found. It's this unique system that was built to help us navigate our energy, help us find our way through our lives by understanding how to be our authentic selves and to make decisions that are in alignment with our purpose. It's incredibly personal, and what I mean by that is that it shows us how we are truly unique, and this couldn't be more valuable to us as entrepreneurs, understanding that we must follow our own path and not follow the crowd, that we must empower ourselves. That's hard to do. But when you peel back the layers of your human design, it's inevitable that you will also peel yourself away from the pack. There are five types in human design and your type is your energetic signature, it's your aura. And even though there are only five types in human design system, the rest of the system really points to all the different ways that we are unique. So we have our type, our definition, our strategy, our profile, our inner authority, our self and not self, themes and our incarnation cross. So those are seven of the elements that are present in everyone's chart, which in human design, is called the body graph, and each of those seven things are informed by the 64 gates and all the planets and celestial bodies and their placement in the sky at certain points in your existence.

Corinne O'Flynn:

It's an incredible and profound system that is meant for contemplation. It is meant to be something that you can use to unpack you, and I think that is what draws me so deeply to it, because in the time that I have been learning about human design and in the time since I've become certified as a coach, i've been coaching other people on their design and coaching them by design, and it's it's proof I have proof that there are awakenings in store for all of us. If you are curious about yourself and looking within and really tapping into who you are and what that means, and how you can master your energy by understanding your design and your conditioning, then this is something that I urge you to explore, and for a lot of people it's a lot of information and it's one of those things that's like the epitome of a rabbit hole. So, because there really is so much to explore, if you choose to open that door and discover your human design, i invite you to listen to this episode for a simple one on one, kind of guide to the first things that you can dig into without becoming overwhelmed. But if you do wish for more, reach out. If you want to get a chart reading session with me or you want to explore coaching by your design, that's something that's available to you. So over the next few episodes, i'm going to be covering the different aspects of human design, starting with type, strategy and authority. So if you haven't yet learned your type and you are curious to know what your type is, you can go to my website at currentoflenncom and click on the free human design chart in the menu. I'll also, of course, link that in the show notes. It only takes a few minutes, but you do need to have your birth information on hand in order to complete the chart.

Corinne O'Flynn:

So what is human design? Human design was channeled by a man named Ra Uru Hu in 1987, and it's a blend of four ancient modalities the Kabbalatry of Life, the Hindu Brahman Chakra System, the Chinese Yi Qing also called the Book of Changes, and Western astrology. All of these systems have been combined with genetics and also quantum mechanics, and that's really important, because the neutrino stream, which is dark matter, is the field of subatomic particles. It is created by cosmic rays, and that is how energy travels through the universe. The neutrino stream is also called prana, it is also called chi, and I don't want to get too far into the weeds on all of that here, so I'm going to just dive into the first of the five types that I wanted to cover with you.

Corinne O'Flynn:

So, as I said earlier, there are five types in human design. They are the Manifester, the Generator, the Manifesting Generator, the Projector and the Reflector. The thing that differentiates the types is the way that each type exchanges energy with others, as well as the way that they use energy to move about their everyday life. Each of the five types has a role to play in the collective and each one has their gifts to give. Each one has their strengths and each one has their part in humanity. And I want to make it clear, because there is no type that is more desirable or better than another type Each type has qualities that make them special and unique, and understanding your type is really what this is all about. So the more we dig into how the different types interact with each other, the more it will be clear that we pick up on the energy of other people that we spend time with.

Corinne O'Flynn:

That we have access to and when looking at the body graph, the human design chart we all have all of the chart And that is something that Karen Curry Parker, who is my Quantum Human Design coach. She makes sure to stress whenever she has the opportunity. We all have all of the chart in human design. The differences come from the places where we have definition versus openness. So there are 64 gates in the body graph and all of us either has them defined or open. When you look at your chart and you see the places that you have definition, those are going to show up as colored in areas of the chart, and there's lots of different companies that have different charts available to you. The colors don't matter. What you're looking for is if it's colored in or not. So again I want to say that doesn't matter. I've been at websites that have things in the traditional red and black. The one on my website will give you in gold and burgundy. There are websites that you can get it in red and blue, and whatever there is out there. The colors are irrelevant. What is most important is when you look at your chart and you see the places that are colored in, those simply mean that that's where you have definition, as opposed to the open areas that are not colored in, and we'll get more into that as the episodes continue, but today I wanted to lay the foundation so that we could dive into the different types for some common ground. Okay, so let's get to it.

Corinne O'Flynn:

So today we're going to talk about manifestors. Manifestors make up about 9% of the population, and if you are a manifestor, you are extremely independent. The aura of a manifestor is described as closed and repelling, which is like what do you mean when people hear these words? And I want to make it clear that that is not a negative thing. I want to take an aside here and talk about language, because this is something that's actually very, very important, especially when you dig into human design, because they're speaking in words that we all know, but they're using meanings that are not necessarily the top line definition of certain things, because there's so much context and nuance to be learned. There is a lot of language used in human design and in quantum human design that often makes us jump to conclusions because of the meanings that we associate to certain words, and that has to do with how we were raised and the culture and the world that we're in today.

Corinne O'Flynn:

So a manifestor has a spiritual purpose to translate divine inspiration into action. They do this by initiating people into the frequency of transformation and creativity through direct access to the quantum pulse. Now, that was a whole lot of lingo there. A manifestor is here to initiate and inspire, so they're here to bring things into action and inspire other people to bring things into action. And why that's what a manifestor is is because their definition is connected to source.

Corinne O'Flynn:

So the manifestor has what we consider a closed aura And, like I said, that's not a negative thing. A closed aura means that your energy is impenetrable. What that does is it protects you from the energies that could otherwise influence you from the outside. So, you see, being closed isn't a bad thing at all. When you run your chart and you identify your type and you start listening and learning all about your type, you will see that there are negative associations that you are going to be making with some of the vocabulary that's being used, and I want to urge you to resist assigning meaning there. Instead, anytime you have that niggle of negativity like wait, i don't know that I like this word that they're using to describe something about my body graph, i want you to delve deeper into what human design means by those words, because having a closed aura is protective And it is also something that makes it harder for others to penetrate your energy.

Corinne O'Flynn:

It makes it harder for others to read you. It also means that your energy is pushing outward from you. Your energy is the kind that others feel before they see you And that can sometimes strike a nerve in people. Right, the other word that they use to describe a manifester's energy is repelling, but again, the repelling nature of the manifester's energy is the thing that attracts the right people and pushes the wrong people away. So again we hear the word repellent and it's like wait a minute, i don't want to be repellent, but in the context of human design, yeah, you do.

Corinne O'Flynn:

It's actually a gift to be able to attract the right people and turn the others away just with your energy body, because they aren't meant for you. That's a good thing. That's about alignment, and it's an alignment that is happening without you having to actively do anything. We project our energy into every space that we step into, and everybody else is reading everybody else's energy all the time, whether they know it or not. And so when we have the gift of being able to attract those who will be inspired by what we're sharing, who will be excited and drawn into all the things that we're working on doing, that's actually saving you energy. Right, that's less work for you. So it's important to remember that manifesters are the initiators. They are the ones that, simply by speaking and sharing with others, they're going to make things start to happen. That makes manifesters super powerful.

Corinne O'Flynn:

But one of the features of the manifesters body graph is that they do not have a defined sacral center, and the sacral center is the only energy motor in the body graph that is self-sustaining. Any of the other energy types that do not have a defined sacral, it means that they're meant to work in bursts. They have inconsistent energy flows And there are going to be cycles where there are highs and there are lows. So think of a sine wave moving up and down over a timeline, for how that might look And that actually manifests in real time in the pattern for how a manifester works, how they tap into their own energy. So they might have this window of time where they are working nonstop pedals of the metal and grinding out a project, followed by a rest period, and that's normal for a manifester. It's required for a manifester because their energy is not something that can be sustained indefinitely And that can look different for different people And it can look different within the same person from time to time. It could be a month of dedicated, focused working nonstop on a specific project, followed by a month off. Or it could be a week of intensity followed by a week off, and it doesn't necessarily have to be equal on, equal off. I'm using that just for simplicity in this explanation, but it could be anything in a different project to project.

Corinne O'Flynn:

You have to find a way, as a manifester, to map out your own energy, to see how you work. The duration of each thing is not as important as understanding that it's vital that you have these rest periods built into your work schedule, and this is for the manifester types. So, as I said, the manifester is here to initiate. They are the ones that are here to do whatever it is that lights them up, like you are literally here to do whatever it is that you want to do. And that's kind of amazing, because when you follow your energy and you find something that lights you up and you follow that thing and you let that thing, that spark, be the thing that drives you forward, that would be living your life in alignment If you were able to make every decision and do only the things that served here. Imagine that, imagine a way to put that into your everyday. And as an entrepreneur, that's especially valuable, because freedom is the key to unlocking the things that drive a manifester And as entrepreneurs, you have freedom built into your life.

Corinne O'Flynn:

So every one of the five types in human design has a strategy, and the manifester's strategy is to inform. Now, that's not very intuitive when you first hear it, but what it means is that, before you take action on whatever it is that you've chosen to take action on, you are designed to let the stakeholders know what's going on. Literally, you are meant to inform other people before you do the thing, and that's really important for several reasons. Number one because freedom is such a huge theme for you as a manifester. When you feel like you might be deprived of freedom or when you fear that you're going to be controlled or that your power will be called into question, that's when a manifester neglects to inform, and for many manifesters, that's their default setting Right. They choose not to inform for fear of being controlled, for fear of being deprived of freedom, for fear of having their power being called into question And, as a result, they play small and they become people pleasers or they become raging rebels. And all of this is to maintain control, to prevent other people from taking control from you. So when you don't understand that you are simply meant to inform other people and you're spending all your time trying to navigate how to get the things that you want to get done done, it shows up as all of these things as different at different points in your life. The value in understanding your design is that you will recognize those behaviors for what they are And then you can course correct by leaning into your strategy first, and taking the remedy for this, which is informing.

Corinne O'Flynn:

When you were in your power, when you let other people know what you're doing, you're not asking for permission, and that is really important to understand. Informing is not asking anybody for the okay. Instead, you're saying Hey, you are in my circle, you are going to be impacted by this thing And I love you. And here's what I'm doing. Informing mitigates any need for you to chomp at the bit and feel like you have to escape beyond some constraints, because you're not actually constrained at all. You've made it clear that there's this boundary. Here You're saying look, i'm not asking for you anything permission wise, i'm just letting you know that this is what's about to happen. So that is what is meant by the manifesto strategy to inform, and that's why it's important.

Corinne O'Flynn:

And what's interesting about this is that for a manifesto, like I said, it doesn't come naturally because you're the initiator, you just want to start, whatever it is, because you've got this pressure, you have these ideas that are coming in and they're activating you and you need to get things going, and this is one of the most eyeopening things for me And I'm not a manifesto, but in coaching people who are manifestos, when they start to really sink in and let this information percolate for a little while, it starts this kind of reminiscent musing where they're thinking through the past and remembering times when this revealed itself and they're like, oh, wow, okay, yeah, so that kind of makes sense to me now. So if you are a manifesto and you do nothing more than understand your strategy as a manifesto and then start to really lean into what it looks like to live like that, i think that you're going to find so much more ease and so much more connection with the people around you and perhaps discover why things didn't flow so easily for you in the past, because you hadn't been following your strategy to inform And this is not a place to bring in any guilt, it's just about understanding, because you didn't know, and now you know right. So the shorthand for learning how to really embrace your strategy as a manifesto is to finding three things Who needs to be informed, when do they need to be informed And what do they need to be informed about? So the who is easy It's anyone. Period, it's anyone. It's anyone who could be impacted by what you're doing, and it's not just the people in your family or in your, your team or in the immediate vicinity. It could be the world. It really just depends on what's going on.

Corinne O'Flynn:

You are literally meant to share your ideas on social media, for example, or send out an email newsletter to everyone on your list to inform them of what you're doing before you do it. So when you have that impulse to do so, you know, experiment, see how it feels, see what happens when you do that. The next piece is when? When should you be informing people? A manifesto should inform once they know what they're doing, but before they start. So as soon as you've made the decision, that's when the informing happens, and it's important that it happens before you do the thing. And the next piece is what should you be informing people about? The answer is everything. And again, this is not about asking for permission. This is letting people know what you're doing, because often the manifestor is so caught up in their head and their thinking about what they're doing and why That they forget that they have to communicate these things with the people around them.

Corinne O'Flynn:

Karen Curry Parker, who I shared with you earlier is my quantum human design coach. She has a really great example, for the manifestors need to inform And I wonder if any manifestors out there have had something similar happen. If you have, i would love to hear from you. So she talks about a married couple who decides that they're going to watch a movie after dinner. So one partner goes up to the bedroom to get out of their work clothes and into something more comfortable for watching a movie, and then the manifestor partner goes into the kitchen to make some popcorn for them to share for the movie.

Corinne O'Flynn:

While the manifestor is in the fridge getting out the butter, the manifestor sees oh, we're out of milk. So they grab their keys and they hop in the car and they go down the street to the deli to get some milk real quick, because they know that their partner really likes milk and their coffee in the morning And they love their partner and they want their partner to be happy. So while they're gone, the partner comes downstairs. They're in their sweats, they got their blanket, they're ready to watch the movie And the manifestor is nowhere to be found. So then the manifestor gets back from the deli with a gallon of milk, thinking that they just did their partner a salad and they're floating on the happiness of all the good deeds because they don't want their partner to get caught in the morning without the milk for their coffee. Meanwhile, their partner is sitting in the kitchen tapping their finger on the table, furious because they had no idea where the manifestor went. They feel like they got dumped for their movie date and they would like to know why. So that is a typical scenario.

Corinne O'Flynn:

For the reason the manifestor needs to inform, and this situation would have been completely never would have happened had the manifestor just said hey, i run into the store, ride a milk. It's just an interesting thing, because when you hear that the strategy is to inform, it's like that doesn't. I don't really understand. And again, that goes back to the value of really learning that the language that is used inside of the human design system is. It's words that we all know, but it isn't necessarily the meanings that we associate to those words initially. So I don't know that that can be overstated.

Corinne O'Flynn:

Human design has themes for each type that are the signs for each type to know whether or not they are acting in alignment, and those themes are called the self theme and the not self theme in traditional human design and the balanced and unbalanced expression in quantum human design. Now, i've been trained in quantum human design and traditional human design And I prefer the language of quantum human design because it feels more accessible to me, because we move through these themes all the time, and it's not rigid at all And I feel that the balanced and unbalanced expression is gentler And I feel like it's just easier to connect to because it talks about a state of being in a way that lets you know that the correction is actually there for you, and I just prefer to talk about it that way. So a manifestor has a direct nonverbal connection to divine inspiration And this is important because when a manifestor is acting according to their strategy, they know it, because what they feel is their self theme, they feel that they're in their balanced expression, because they feel peace. Manifestors are here to initiate ideas. You are here to bring ideas into the world, to inspire other people to take action with their lives, and for you to take action, you are constantly experiencing that pressure to create and that creation requires freedom and that freedom is allowed the most space when you inform. The other side of that is the unbalanced expression And this is the not self, This is the name for the experience of what it feels like when you're acting out of alignment. And so, for the manifestor, the sign that you are in the not self, that you are in your unbalanced expression, is anger. And what's interesting about the anger here is it is not anger directed at a single individual or a situation, it's energy.

Corinne O'Flynn:

The manifestor is an initiator. The initiator has a direct, nonverbal connection to divine inspiration. The amount of energy coming through that channel is so powerful They have it built into them to do and it's coming from source. They are channeling all the ideas, they are bringing all of this energy in and they are literally manifesting things into the physical realm through their actions. And when that action is disrupted, that energy flow gets cut off and that channel has nowhere to go and it explodes out of the manifestor in a flesh. And that looks like rage, that looks like anger, because the intensity of that response can cause so much friction in the people that are affected by it. And one of the ways to prevent that from happening is preventing the disruption, preventing somebody from knocking on your door when you're doing your work because you told them, you informed them ahead of time. Hey, i need to shut my door for a little while to get some work done. I'll be back. So that is the balanced and unbalanced expressions and how they are actually triggered by following strategy.

Corinne O'Flynn:

And the last piece that I wanted to talk about for understanding your type in human design has to do with authority. Now, authority is not specific to a specific type or a specific strategy. When you understand how to use your strategy with your authority, you will find yourself living a life where things are easeful and they literally fall into place and it starts to feel magical. And what this rules is the way in which we make decisions. So each of us is ruled by one authority type, and understanding your authority is vital to being able to follow your strategy and your type. So there are three different authorities that are available to manifestors, and they are emotional authority, splenic authority and ego manifested authority, and these have to do with which centers in the chart each person has to find, and then there's a hierarchy to which ones override the others, because you might have all three of these defined, but then only one of them takes the precedence and then that is the one that defines your authority. So, for manifestors with an emotional authority. Once they follow their strategy and inform they are meant to ride their emotional wave while holding this decision in their minds. If they are able to hold and maintain the yes answer or the no answer to this decision over the course of their cycle of their emotional wave, then, and only then, can they be sure it is time to act.

Corinne O'Flynn:

Now. I'm gonna talk further about the emotional wave in a future episode because it's much more nuanced than I can really go into here, because it's another one of those things that is specific to the individual. But it's just such an interesting thing. The emotional wave has nothing to do with like if somebody made you angry and then you're all bummed out. That's not your emotional wave, your emotional wave. If you spent the entire day floating in a pool and doing nothing but experiencing peace and calm over the course of your day, you will experience the high and the low of your wave as a result of nothing but the fact of your simply being. When you're able to identify your wave, you know how long it takes, and it's a consistent thing for people. I know people who have a wave that's only a few hours long, and then I have people that need to sleep on it. They have an overnight like a 24 hour or 12 hour wave. So it's really interesting, if you have emotional authority, to learn how to identify your wave so that you can hold on to that when applying your strategy.

Corinne O'Flynn:

The next kind of authority that a manifestor could have is called splenic authority And again, once they follow their strategy and inform the splenic authority, manifestor needs to go within. They have to access their intuition and have their, their body tell them whether or not they're making the right move. It's a physical thing because it's from the spleen, and we can't make that decision until we know what feels good in the body. It has to feel good. And then the last one for manifestors is called ego manifested authority, and these are the ones who can oftentimes be heard talking to themselves. So once a manifestor with ego manifested authority has followed their strategy and informed, they need to verbalize it, whether they verbalize it to another person or they just talk to themselves. They need to verbalize what it is that they're thinking about And it has to happen right in the moment of the idea or the decision. You need to hear yourself speaking it in order to get clarity so that you can make the choice that will be most in alignment for you. And that is so funny to me, because I have manifestors in my house and they are the ones and I am a manifesting generator and I have some of this, and it is a thing Like it is. Well, maybe it's funny that I'm doing a podcast, like I need to verbalize a lot of the things that I do, so to review.

Corinne O'Flynn:

In this episode we did a deep dive into the main points of what it means to be a manifestor. We talked about having a closed aura and a repellent aura and what that means. We talked about having the strategy to inform. We talked about hoodwin form, when to inform and what to inform about. We talked about the balanced and unbalanced expressions, the self and the not self, theme of peace and anger And the fact that you're here to initiate and to inspire others and that pressure to do so requires freedom. We also talked about the three different types of authority that manifestors might have, which are the emotional authority, splenic authority and ego authority.

Corinne O'Flynn:

If you are a manifestor, the lesson for you is to learn to use your energy sustainably, and to do this, you must step into your power and understand your value as a human being and stop playing small and don't let other people make you dim your light, because you're here to inspire and you need to learn how to work, to follow your strategy, to inform. Okay, so I hope, after listening to this episode, you understand a little bit more about how valuable it is to understand your strategy and your type and your authority. If you're interested in learning more about yourself and your human design, i urge you to go to my website and get a free human design chart. You do need your birth details, and so, once you have that information, you can begin to experiment with all the different ways in which your design can be tapped into to make a whole new life for you. It's incredible because it doesn't mean that you're going to change everything in your world and you're going to quit your job and move out of town. You're going to keep doing all the things that you're doing, but you're going to do it with an awareness that you didn't have before, and it's just mind blowing. It's mind blowing, so I hope that you're able to lean into that, and if you are a manifestor in anything that I shared here today resonated with you, i really would love to hear from you And I hope that you tune in next week for my episode on generator types. So have a great week.

Corinne O'Flynn:

Remember, part of being a calm entrepreneur is developing the systems, habits and know how. That lets you know that you are the one in the driver's seat. You get to choose how you run your business and you get to choose how you work. So you got this. I hope you enjoyed listening to this episode of the calm entrepreneur podcast. I'm Corinne O'Flynn and if this episode was valuable to you, please head on over and rate and review. Wherever you consume your podcasts, please subscribe so you'll never miss an episode. New episodes go out each week on Tuesdays and I look forward to hanging with you again. This is Corinne signing off. Have an excellent day.

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