The Calm Entrepreneur with Corinne O'Flynn: Manifest a Life of Joy and Abundance

#29: The Inner Universe of Manifesting Generators in Human Design

Corinne O'Flynn Season 1 Episode 29

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In this episode, we're exploring Manifesting Generators in Human Design. Join me as we pull back the curtain on what makes the MG's tick, by taking a dive into the Manifesting Generator's Type, Strategy, and Authority.

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In this episode: Human Design, Quantum Human Design, Karen Curry Parker, Manifesting Generator, Generator, Manifestor, Body Graph, Gene Keys

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, my name is Corinne Oflin and you're listening to the Calm Entrepreneur podcast. I am a USA Today bestselling author, non-profit executive and organizing nerd with over 20 years' experience running my own small businesses. I teach entrepreneurs, solarpreneurs and small business owners like you how to organize your business, find more time and deepen your alignment practice to experience more calm and confidence every single day. If you're looking for that intersection between practical business advice and spiritual goodness, then you're in the right place. So sit back, relax and let's dive into this week's episode of the Calm Entrepreneur podcast. Welcome, welcome to the Calm Entrepreneur podcast. I'm your host, corinne Oflin, and this is episode 29.

Speaker 1:

Before I drop into this week's energy type, i wanted to do a little bit of a review about human design in general, just in case you haven't picked up any of the other earlier episodes in this series. If you have been listening, then this will be review, but I encourage you to listen anyway, because repetition is a huge part of learning And eventually, if you hear things repeated, they get locked into your knowledge base and that's where, like you know, true understanding happens. So if you'll bear with me for another minute or two, i would like to review some tenets of human design. So human design is this comprehensive self-discovery tool. It's the most profound thing I have found for this contemplative journey, i think ever. It exists to help us navigate our energy and find our way through our lives by understanding how to be our authentic selves and how to make decisions that are in alignment for us and our purpose. It is incredibly personal, and what I mean by that is that it shows us how we are truly, truly unique, and this couldn't be more valuable to us as entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

I think that one of the risks that we have as entrepreneurs is trying to figure out the key by following what everybody else is doing. And when you understand that, through human design, we must follow our own path and must not follow the crowd, that we must empower ourselves, when you peel back the layers of your design, it's inevitable that you're going to begin to peel yourself away from the pack, and that is something that I think has really drawn me to share this with all of you, because I feel like it is the key to that confidence. It is the key to that value of my own initiatives, my own ideas, my own push to do the things. It kind of helps you drop away from that self-consciousness and that worry that you're doing it wrong or that you're going to fail because we're not meant to be doing the things like everybody else. I mean, i think that enough of us have chased the things that everybody else is doing long enough to know that a lot of the times it doesn't work. And when we really do, sit with that need to trust and that yearning to trust and then just take that leap. That's where we find the power in what we're doing. So I think that that's why I want so much to share this with everyone in the world.

Speaker 1:

But I do think that entrepreneurs need this so well, so deeply, because when we go online, we're served all these ads about. Here's the thing that all business owners must know and here's the seven steps to doing this thing, and here's the three keys to unlocking world domination. And I think it's going to work for some people, but it's not going to work for most people. And I think that there's this line that we have to walk before we figure out what's going to work for us. And I really do believe that human design can be the key to trusting ourselves in making those kinds of decisions. So there are five types in human design, and the type is your energy signature, it's your aura, it's one of the ways in which we're unique And even though there's only five types, there's so much else going on in the human design system that one of the easiest way to drop into human design is by.

Speaker 1:

The first thing you will learn is your type, and when you learn your type, you learn your strategy. So there is the type, there is strategy, there is our definition, there's our profile, there's our inner authority, there's our self and not self themes and there's something called the incarnation cross, which speaks to our purpose. So those are the main elements. There are seven main elements that are present in everyone's chart, which, in human design, is called the body graph, and each of those seven things are informed by the 64 gates which are lit up. They're defined or open, based on all the planets and celestial bodies and where they were at the moment of your birth and a little bit before you were born.

Speaker 1:

It's an incredible and profound system, and what I want to reiterate is that it's meant for contemplation, it's meant to be something that you can use to look within, it's meant to be something that you can use to heal yourself and to learn to know yourself, and I think that's truly what it is that draws me so deeply to it, because in the short time that I've been coaching other people on their design and coaching them by their design, it's been proof that there is an awakening in store for each and every one of us. So if you're curious about yourself and you're eager to do some looking within and really tapping into who you are and what that means, and how you can master your energy by understanding and working with your conditioning, this is something that I really do urge you to explore, and you can do it for free. You can get a body graph on my website. There's lots of places online that you can get your body graph chart, your human design chart, run for free. So please do that and learn about your strategy and your type.

Speaker 1:

For a lot of people, this is a ton of information, and I even in writing out my notes for each of these episodes. There's just so much depth and it's easy to get really overwhelmed, but you don't need to have all of the information to start using the information that you have. So I really do want to invite you to listen to these episodes And, if you're curious about the people in your circle, you can start with the one that is about your type. But I think there's so much value in listening to all the different types because it helps explain how different people operate in different ways and why. So I just I love it, i love it, i love it. But human design can be like a rabbit hole and a half, so there's really a lot to explore. So if you choose to open the door to discover your human design, listen to this episode for a simple 101 kind of a guide for the first things that you can dig into without really going too far down and getting overwhelmed. But again, if you wished for more, you can reach out. If you want a chart reading session or you want to explore coaching by your design, or you want to just drop into our community and ask some questions about your chart, that's free. You're welcome to do that. I'll put a link to all of that stuff in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So over the next few episodes I'm going to be covering the different aspects of human design and we're going to talk about type strategy and authority. So, as I said earlier, there are five energy types in human design and they are called the manifester, the manifesting generator, the generator, the projector and the reflector. And the things that differentiate the types are the way that each type exchanges energy with others, as well as the way that you use your energy to move about your everyday life. And each type has their gifts. And each type has their strengths, and each one of us has our part to play in the world. We all have all of the chart, and I want to make this super duper clear, because there's no type that is more desirable or better than another type. Each has qualities that make them special and unique, and understanding your type is really what this is all about. So the more we dig into how the different types interact with each other, the more it'll be clear that we pick up on the energy of other people that we spend time with and that we have access to all the chart for that reason, because it's energy right. So the position of the planets as they transit the sky and the people that we spend time with, whether that be in a coffee shop or under the same roof where you live, it impacts the way that you feel and interact with energy, and I want to really stress that we all have all the chart And this is something that Karen Curry Parker, who is my coach in quantum human design.

Speaker 1:

She really does make sure to stress that whenever she has the chance, because it's really easy to run your chart and look at the places on your chart. Because when you look at your chart the body graph what you're going to see is a whole bunch of blank space and colored in spaces, and the colors don't mean anything. People can design the charts to be whatever There's. Usually there's two colors. One is your conscious design and one is your unconscious design. It's your personality and your design. The colors are irrelevant.

Speaker 1:

What's important is whether or not something is colored in. If it's colored in, it is defined and you experience that energy in a consistent way, and if it is not colored in, it is open or undefined. You still experience all of that energy, but you experience it in a variable way. But it's really important to understand that everybody has all of the chart. In human design It's the openness and the definition is what differentiates all of us. So when you look at your chart and you see the places that you have colored in and defined, it is not correct to say that you quote don't have this part of the chart, okay. It just means that you experience that energy in a different way than the places where you do have the definition, and I can't stress that enough because it's one of those things where it's kind of like in astrology, for example, which is part of human design.

Speaker 1:

People will look at their needle chart and they'll say I don't have anything in the seventh house or I don't have anything in Aries, and that might be true. That is not the way that you speak about your chart. In human design, you have all of the chart. So I think I've made that abundantly clear. But, as you do, if you do choose to dig into more exploration of the chart, it'll become so much more clear and you'll learn the language of the way human design works so that you can lay that foundation and make sure that you understand what it is that is being talked about. And again, this is one of those things about language In human design in particular.

Speaker 1:

This is one of the first times that I've come across a system that uses language that we all use, but they assign definitions to things that might raise your hackles, and the caveat there is that, i think in 99% of the cases so far where I've come across a word that was used to define something, the definition of the word wasn't necessarily what I was assigning to it, so the meanings aren't necessarily like. The meanings are the meanings I'm trying to like. A definition means that you have something to find. It's not better than or worse than openness, it's just different, right. But we might think that our definition is our chart and we might look at the chart and think, oh my gosh, this is my chart, this is who I am. And that is also not true. You are not your chart, your chart, as Karen Curry Parker. She describes it perfectly. She says your chart is not you, you are not your chart.

Speaker 1:

Your chart should be viewed as a curriculum. This is what you're here to learn, this is what you're here to do, this is what you're here to explore And this is how you're meant to do it. And your chart shows you all of those things. You can choose to ignore the aspects of your chart. You can choose to embrace the aspects of your chart, and as you do those things, you will experience life in different ways. And so there's so much there. But it's really important that when you start to dig into human design or quantum human design. There's a difference between the two, and one of the vast differences between the two is actually the vocabulary, the language that is being used in these systems. It's vitally important that you don't take it at face value and that you do dig in, because we often jump to conclusions because of the meanings that we associate a certain words, and it's actually larger than that And it's more nuanced than that. All right, thank you for bearing with me through that very long introduction, but this episode we're going to talk about the Manifestion Generator.

Speaker 1:

So the Manifestion Generator is a combination, kind of a type. They have parts of the Manifesting type, manifestor type and the Generator type. They are like Manifestors in that they have this internal, non-verbal creative flow that makes super fast connections to inspiration, like they are channeling information and they are under pressure to create from the ideas that are coming in. But, unlike Manifestors, the Manifesting Generator cannot initiate. That is something that only the Manifestors can do. Instead, the Manifesting Generator has to wait. They get that sacral response, they get that full body, yes, and it gives them that yeah, yeah, yeah, i want to do this thing, and that's what makes them a Generator type, but they must wait for that external thing out in the world to tell them that it's time to act, and timing is what's key for the Manifesting Generator before they actually do any initiating In quantum human design. The Manifesting Generator is called the Time Bender because the way the Manifesting Generator works is done very, very quickly And they actually accelerate timelines because of the way that they work.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that Manifesting Generators do very, very well is they multitask. These are the people who have 100 tabs open on their computer browsers and they have nine projects going at one time and a thousand ideas in the hopper waiting to be chosen. And the Manifesting Generator has an energy that is considered open and enveloping, just like the Generator types, and this makes them magnetic, it makes them a receiver for everything that's going on around them And it also makes them really easy to connect with other people, which makes them just like a Generator. And the thing that makes the Manifesting Generator different from a pure Generator is that in their body graph, the Manifesting Generator has a connection from one of the four motor centers to the throat, and this gives the Manifest and Generator a unique energy about them that is lightning-fast and very impactful and very inspiring to the people around them, like the Generators the Manifest and Generators because they have that defined sacred center, they have to burn through all of their energy every single day in order to be able to rest.

Speaker 1:

They cannot start the next day. They can't wake up tomorrow fully charged and ready to go if they did not burn everything up today. And this is not burnout, this is burning up, this is expending all of that energy. And because they have the sacred definition, these are the people who are follow-throughers. The sacred is this non-stop motor. It's a self-generating motor, it doesn't need to be replenished, it's this endless supply. So the Manifest and Generators are the follow-throughers. They're the people who can not only start the projects, but they can see them through to completion.

Speaker 1:

The challenge with this energy comes from that follow-through nature, because everyone else around the Manifest and Generator can also see that in them. They can see that you're a doer, they can see that the Manifest and Generator is going to get things done. And that puts them at risk of being used by other people, because they're going to say yes, of course I can take that on, of course I can do that thing And, depending on how their conditioning presents, they might be a people pleaser That's a risk that comes with this type of energy So they can fall into the trap of being taken advantage of and getting roped into projects that they otherwise would not have had any interest in and they would have said no to, and this then drops them out of alignment And that's where we get some frustration, we might get some resentment, we might get some anger, and it makes life difficult for the Manifest and Generators. So, in the process of exploring yourself, if you are a Manifest and Generator, you would want to explore the places where you are sacrificing yourself in order to see to the needs of other people before your own. And this is not to say that you should not be serving other people. You should be serving people from a place of service, not martyrdom. You should not be sacrificing your well-being in order to serve someone else's because the energy exchange is going to be off in those cases.

Speaker 1:

Manifest and Generators are here to break the mold. They are here to push the limits. They are here to explore that line, that leading edge of what we think is possible, and their creativity is expressed in a way that pushes humanity forward. The Manifest and Generators make up the largest portion of the population in human design, with over 33% of the world being this type. And this makes sense when you think about it, because the world needs to continue to push and expand and to grow and to build, and the Manifest and Generators are the builders. They're the ones who move quickly enough to have that as part of their purpose. But, again, the Manifest and Generator cannot initiate anything. And this is not to say that if you are a Manifest and Generator, that you can't start something. You can do that, but you do so against your energy type, you do so against your strategy, and so it would be actually easier and you would actually have more flow if you followed your strategy. So you should not initiate as a Manifest and Generator.

Speaker 1:

When acting according to strategy, the Manifest and Generator would wait to respond, and I touched on this when I spoke about the Generator types, because this is something that these two types share, and the first time that I heard about the strategy of responding, it didn't make any sense to me Like this is one of those words. It's like to respond, like what does that mean? And I am a Manifest and Generator type, so I was really confused about what it meant to respond because I don't have the weight for anybody to do things Like. I have control over my schedule and my decisions to do things right. That's not what it's about. But now that I understand what it means to respond, it makes perfect sense And it kind of drops into this magical place where it feels like something fantastical is happening around me.

Speaker 1:

So the way that the strategy works for the Manifest and Generator is they're thinking about doing something right. They come across something in the world and it lights them up and you get this full body, sacral response and this fire is lit And you get this full body, yes, to do something, to learn something, to do whatever, but remember that the Manifest and Generator cannot initiate. Their strategy is to respond. So once that thing has lit me up and I know that I want to do this thing, i have to wait for something in my external reality to reflect that back to me, so that I know that the timing is right and then I can act And I trust me.

Speaker 1:

I know that this sounds bananas to somebody who, if you are, someone who is not familiar at all with human design and you know, i'm new to human design and I know a lot of my listeners would then possibly have been coming along with me to this, because a lot of the clients that I've worked with like, okay, so tell me about this thing, karen, and, like you know, make it, make it not sound bananas. And oh my God, i don't know how to make it not sound bananas, because it's one of those things that you really just have to experience, but it is. It is really something else. So if you are a Generator type and that means that you're a Generator or a Manifest and Generator and you allow yourself to live by your strategy and follow the yes, but wait to respond, you'll see what I mean.

Speaker 1:

This is synchronicity, this is serendipity, this is those strange coincidences that pop up when you find yourself saying, oh my God, that is so strange. I was just talking about this, i was just thinking about this. You know, i was just journaling about this this morning and here it is showing up in this random place. Right, it can show up in any way And it doesn't need to be specific at all. Like, the way that it comes is not specific. It could be totally random, it could be something very small, it could be a commercial on the radio, it could be a billboard on the road, it could be somebody around you saying something to you that clicks.

Speaker 1:

The only requirement is that it's external. It cannot come from within. And this is really kind of frustrating for the generatotypes because when trying to figure out how to solve a problem or how to make a decision about something, the manufacturing generator can't ask themselves should I do this thing, yes or no? Because the yes or no has to come from outside. So one of the strategies for a manufacturing generator or a pure generator because they also have the defined sacral is to have somebody ask them yes and no questions. And this can actually be done deliberately. There's something called the sacral sessions that we can do, and it's something that I can do as a coach for you. But you could also write your questions down and hand them to someone else and have them ask the questions And, as the manufacturing generator, you would then have that impulse, that instinctive initial response. That's the sacral giving you the yes, no, and that is something that is unique to the generatotypes.

Speaker 1:

In manufacturing generators and in generators, the initial hit, the sacral response, is almost always a uh-uh or uh-huh. It's quick and it's a body sound. It's not in your head. The exception to this is manufacturing generators would potentially some people do, some people don't have a certain channel defined in their charts, which then would change that sound to something else. Again, i'm not going into the weeds on this one. So the yes no can be manufactured by making other people ask you yes, no questions that you could actually write down and say hey, here's a list. Please ask me these questions so that I can solve this dilemma that I'm having.

Speaker 1:

The only caveat is that the clarity cannot come from within. You can't ask yourself yes, no questions. I've tried it. I've asked other manufacturing generators and other generatotypes And it's this conundrum that we have. It's like I don't understand, but the reason is because when you do that, the answer is coming from your head, not from your body, so it's really just something else.

Speaker 1:

So, as a manufacturing generator, when you're listening to your body and responding according to your strategy, there's going to be this yes, no to everything, and it's important to know that if the answer is no, it doesn't always mean no forever. It might just be no for now, and this can change at some point in the future. It could be like in an hour, it could be in a month, it could be in a year, but because the manufacturing generator is now paying attention to the input from the external world, they will be ready for that thing when it comes back and confirms yeah, okay, i told you no back then, but now it's a yes, and the reason for this has to do with divine timing. It's divine timing is in play And when the energetics are right and the universe is signal to you is now it is time, it's. There's really no other way to know that unless you've experienced it. So if you are a generator or a manufacturing generator out there who has experienced this, i would love to hear from you. You can email me or drop into our community.

Speaker 1:

I am enthralled with these stories because it's magnificent to see it, because once you understand that it actually is a thing and it's not just this weird coincidence, then you start to chase it and you start to wait for it and you start to like, really try to. You know manufacturing the opportunities, but you're really aware how many of these opportunities there are to get that alignment, confirmation in real time, and I have several clients who are manufacturing generators who have experienced this as well, and the conversations we have when it happens like we can't help, but like pick up the phone and call each other because we have to hear it to those voices, and it's like, oh my God, you won't believe what just happened. I was, and we're marveling at how spectacular it is when you truly surrender and trust And then the universe proves it right back to you. The universe has got your back And this is the universe has all of our backs, regardless of your strategy and regardless of your type. But for the manufacturing generator and the generator, the, the sacral kickback and that response, confirmation happens right there. It's visible. It's visible. You could see it and you feel it, and it feels like magic.

Speaker 1:

So for anyone out there who is not sure what to make of this, i urge you to run your chart and you could do it for free again on my website. There's other websites out there. You could do it on. Learn your type, read about your strategy and play with it, test it, give it a week, force yourself to live by your strategy for seven days and then report back to me, because it doesn't take seven days. You're going to have that. You're going to have instances where your type is speaking to you, your strategy is speaking to you and your energy is going to respond because you're paying attention to it and you're learning how to read your body for it all. That is something that so far, for me and my clients and my friends and my family, that is the thing that has cemented the truth of human design for a lot of people that have been newly initiated into the power of this system.

Speaker 1:

Many of the people who I have interacted with come into human design with curiosity, because they've heard me talk about it and I'm so lit up about it My excitement is contagious. Maybe they just check it out because they're unsure of what to think, and maybe they're like me and they're born skeptical. But I'll tell you that simply learning strategy and type is enough. It's enough to break open that window. It's enough to rip off the door because as soon as you start paying attention to it, you see it. If you are human design curious, i really do urge you to dip a toe in and see what you think of it.

Speaker 1:

It's not a divination tool, it's not a fortune telling device. It's a contemplation tool. It's an inner work tool. It's shining a light on you to help you understand you. It's just powerful If you're able to look within, you are automatically on a growth path. There's no way to look within and not grow. I don't know of another path to growth. You have to look within and human design really does give you a roadmap. Right, it's a blueprint, it's an energy blueprint. Karen Curry Parker talks about it as a template. You know it's our curriculum, it's a way forward and it's just, it's profound.

Speaker 1:

So when you are not operating according to your strategy, the emotional theme shows up. Right, and for a manufacturing generator, the emotional theme is two parts. They have the manifesting part and the generating part. They have frustration and anger And if you recall the manifestors, emotional theme was anger and the generator type was frustration. And in this way they are truly the manifesting. The manifesting generator is truly the hybrid, like in this one way in their emotional themes, because the manifesting generator has that internal, nonverbal creative flow That is a direct line, that is a channel for inspiration. Right, you're connected to source and there's this pressure to channel all this energy and to create. And so the manifesting generator is moving so quickly that when they are interrupted, when that energy flow is cut, they stop channeling. But it's still coming, it explodes out of them and it looks like anger. And it's not actually anger, it just presents as anger. It's not directed at a person, it's just the way that that energy looks when it breaks, when that flow is broken.

Speaker 1:

So part of the manifesting generator strategy to be proactive against that flow being disrupted is to inform. And if you recall the manifester, the manifester's strategy is to inform. And this is informing people who will be impacted by the actions that you're going to take. And ironically, the manifester and the manifesting generator doesn't want to inform. It goes against their nature to inform and that comes out of fear of being controlled and having their autonomy taken away. But informing is not asking for permission, it's straight up letting people know what's about to happen so they can leave you alone and let it happen.

Speaker 1:

But the manifesting generator also has the theme of frustration And the frustration theme comes from the generator types. Like generators, manifesting generators have to learn how to read frustration when they feel it, because they have a pattern where there's this. The learning curve for a manifesting generator is a stair step pattern. You can picture a stair step like a graph paper or whatever you want to look at, like there's a plateau and a level up and a plateau and a level up and a plateau and a level up. And when a manifesting generator is about to level up, when their skill set or their project or their business or whatever they're working on is about to experience growth, right before that happens there's a plateau. The feeling when you're on the plateau feels like you're not moving And that's going to be frustrating for somebody like a manifesting generator who is used to operating on a really really high speed.

Speaker 1:

For many generators and manifesting generators, the impulse when you get to that plateau is to quit, because it is just so frustrating to stop that forward momentum. So the trick here for the manifesting generator is to really understand what flavor of frustration they're experiencing, because sometimes it actually means it's time to quit. But you can't just quit because if you're making the decision to quit, you get that full body. Yes, it's time to quit, whatever this thing is, you still have to wait for something external to respond to, to give you the okay to quit. But the other side of that frustration is don't quit too soon, because this isn't actually time to quit. What you're feeling is it's time to level up.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting because when a manifesting generator or a generator quits too soon, and this is a pattern. This is something that they need to heal. They need to understand that this is something that will happen for them. It's the unbalanced expression of the generator types, because what's happening is they're missing opportunities and they are not growing. And, as you can probably understand, that's going to make things worse, because it just causes more frustration, because now it's a different type of frustration, because not only are they out of their creative channel, but now they're looping through this poor decision of quitting and starting something new. And then this pattern is going to continue of quitting when you get frustrated because nothing is going to feel right, because you're not seeing it through. So for the manifesting generator, who has a thousand tabs open and a hundred projects going, who was doing so many different things at the speed of light when things plateau and slow down, they really just need to understand that that is their energy building ahead of steam so that they can push through to that next step on their growth path.

Speaker 1:

And another thing that's important to outline when it comes to manifesting generators is this whole idea of multitasking. The manifesting generator is meant to experiment and to try and to do all the things that they want to, because they are lit up by these things, because they are seeking proficiency in any number of avenues. But not all of these things are meant to come to fruition. Not all of these things are meant to become like mastery. They're not meant to be monetized. Not all of these things are meant to provide value in any way to anyone, except for the manifesting generator themselves. And all of this goes back to the fact that they are a sacral person, which means that they have to burn off all of this energy every single day. And that's why they're doing all the things that they do, because it is in their nature not to burn out but to burn up all of their energy and to go to bed spent, so that they can start the next day completely recharged. That's why they are the perennial multitasker. You know, forever and always right. They have such an intense amount of energy that they are actually working to deplete themselves so that they can rest. And it's really important for the manifesting generators to have those pathways, those outlets, in order to be able to operate according to their energy type.

Speaker 1:

One of the most important lessons for myself after learning that I am a manifestation generator is truly understanding and deeply accepting the fact that this multi-passionate, multi-hyphenate thousands of projects going at once person is not flaky. I am meant to move from thing to thing as it lets my fire And then once the fire is out, it's out no more. The book is closed and we're gonna put that book in the donation bin because we're not going back to it. We're done. And I'll tell ya, there is a lot of guilt and a lot of shame associated to this facet of being a manifest generator, because society tells us that we should complete everything, that we should see things through And if we don't, we're flaky. And I think that that is something that needs to be addressed more fully and can be spoken about when we understand more about our design. Because when you discover that you are meant to dabble, you are meant to bring some things to fruition and you are meant to just try some things and then move on, the relief that comes with that is profound. And it's part of that deconditioning process to really understand that it's in your nature as a manifest generator to try things and to abandon things, because it isn't always about completion, it's about spending your energy.

Speaker 1:

And that brings me to the last piece that I wanted to unpack with the manifesting generators, and that is authority. There are many different types of authority in human design, but there are only two that you will find with manifesting generators, and this has to do with the fact that all manifesting generators will have a defined sacral And, because of the hierarchy of the way authority is discerned through the centers, there's only one other center that can overpower the sacral and that is the emotional soloplexus, and so either you're going to have, on your body graph, emotional authority or the sacral authority for the manifest generator. So when you have your emotional soloplexus in your body graph, to find that means that you have to identify your emotional wave, and you must allow time for writing out your emotional wave before you make the final decision on something. But you still have to wait for that external input before you can act. Emotional authority will have that lit upness, right, and that full body, yes, but they can't know if it's truly a yes unless it's a yes over the course of time of their emotional wave, and the emotional waves differ from person to person And there is a way to track it, to identify what yours is. But once you know what that is, you can then wait it out. And if you are a yes and it stays a yes over the course of your emotional wave, then when that external thing comes in and qualifies it for you, then you know you can act. But if at any point over the course of your emotional wave the answer becomes a no, then it is a no or a not now.

Speaker 1:

And the interesting thing about the emotional authority is it's not like you have to wait over the course of your emotional wave for every single decision because you can make dinner reservations without having to wait for your emotional wave And you can go grocery shopping or pick clothing off the rack without having to wait for your wave. But for the larger decisions in life, things that are going to have more impact for you, you need to ride your emotional wave through that decision. Because if you're wobbly on the yes or the no over the course of your emotional wave and you don't listen to it and you say yes anyway and you do your thing, the interactions that you're gonna have with this thing over the course of your life, with the thing, is gonna mirror that wobbly thing. It's gonna be kind of shaky in the way that you experience it. So it is really interesting to start to identify the emotional wave, because the emotional wave so this is another one of those things where the word is kind of has a meaning. That isn't necessarily the meaning.

Speaker 1:

The emotional wave is not about feeling happy or sad over the course of your day because of interactions that you have with people. Like, for example, you could be high on your emotional wave and have a fight with somebody and be totally bummed out about that, but still be high on your emotional wave. Or you could be low on your emotional wave and have the most exuberant experience and still be low on the emotional wave. The emotional wave moves on its own, regardless of what's happening around you, and being able to tap into that and understand that that's a thing for you. When you have the emotional authority, it can be super, duper powerful.

Speaker 1:

The other authority that manufacturing generators could have is the sacral authority, and this would be a manufacturing generator who has an open emotional solar plexus, so they wouldn't have that definition there. But when a manufacturing generator has the sacral authority, they are responding to things with that full body, yes, and they're operating with the awareness to prevent the interruption of their flow right By informing, and then they are waiting for that external thing to confirm, so that external thing that they can respond to, that lets them know that it's time to act on the yes right. And the trick for this, for manufacturing generators, is to trust and to truly understand what your body is telling you. Okay, so to review, in this episode we went on an exploration of what it means to be a manufacturing generator. We talked about the differences between a generator and a manufacturing generator being the connection to the throat. We talked about the strategy of the manufacturing generator being the same as the generator type, which is to respond, but because they also have the manifestor in them, they must also inform before they act and let the stakeholders know that things are gonna be happening right. And we touched on the authorities that a manufacturing generator would have, and those are the emotional authority and the sacral authority, and how those two things differ from each other, and the importance of following your authority while following your strategy by your type, and just how powerful that can be when it comes to really understanding how your energy works and then harnessing that so that you can change the world. So I hope that you enjoyed this episode And if you're interested in all, in running your human design chart.

Speaker 1:

You can do so at my website, which is free. There are other places out on the web that you can do it as well. If you're interested in having a conversation, you can hit me up in the community And again, i'm gonna link to all that stuff in the show notes. But that's all I've got for you this week And thank you for listening and I hope you for great week.

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