Reinventing the in-store check-out experience with SoftPOS technology 
Voice of MPE
Voice of MPE
Reinventing the in-store check-out experience with SoftPOS technology 
Jul 18, 2023 Season 2023 Episode 7
Merchant Payments Ecosystem

In 2023 SoftPOS is revolutionizing the Merchant Payments  Game. 
Will it keep fast-growing in 2024?

MPE 2023' conference speakers: Houssem Assadi, CEO, dejamobile & Jeremy King, Regional Head for Europe, PCI Security Standards Council were in conversation with Mark McMurtrie from Payments Consultancy Limited and shared their take on:

  • Where is SoftPOS being used today, and who are the early adopters? 
  • How will it improve the in-store experience for customers and merchants?
  • How will the new PCI MPoC standard accelerate the adoption, and what are the key differences to earlier standards?
  • What will be the impact of Apple entering this space?  

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