The Voluntary Carbon Market: Are We At The Inflection Point?
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The Voluntary Carbon Market: Are We At The Inflection Point?
Feb 23, 2023 Episode 4

At the UN COP 26 and COP 27 negotiations, an agreement was finally reached on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement which established market rules for international trading of some carbon credits. However, Article 6 is yet to be implemented, and it is uncertain to what extent it will provide a framework for the voluntary carbon market.

With demand low and a still-evolving marketplace, will an imperfect carbon market have a significant impact on reducing global emissions by 2050? Our latest podcast discusses the evolving landscape of UN defined market rules, the role of carbon credit trading exchanges in driving growth and the challenges that need to be overcome to create a long-term solution. 
 Environmental markets expert and CEO and founder of Redshaw Advisors, Louis Redshaw, joins Tommy Ricketts, CEO and co-founder of BeZero Carbon, a global ratings agency for the voluntary carbon market, to share their expertise, explore what market participants need to achieve in 2023 to ensure continued growth, and predict what the future holds for the voluntary carbon markets.

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