Unf*ck Yourself

A deeper look into the dark force world, the science behind it, and how it’s affecting you daily (from module 2 of F*ck Dark Forces Course)

June 24, 2024 Allie
A deeper look into the dark force world, the science behind it, and how it’s affecting you daily (from module 2 of F*ck Dark Forces Course)
Unf*ck Yourself
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Unf*ck Yourself
A deeper look into the dark force world, the science behind it, and how it’s affecting you daily (from module 2 of F*ck Dark Forces Course)
Jun 24, 2024

Today’s episode is a SNEAK PEEK 👀 of my completely revamped F*ck Dark Forces course. In this [almost] full module, we’re jumping right into it…

From learning how to clear your creator field to mastering how to listen and utilize your intuition, raising your consciousness is a journey. And, the higher you go, the more you contribute to the world AND the more you’re a target for dark forces. But with the right tools and practices, you can protect yourself from these energies and live even more in alignment with your soul’s desires, without the negative influence. 

Peep the course for the full thing (and the other 10+ weeks of content)

F*ck Dark Forces Course –https://allieninfo.com/dark-forces
^^^ presale ends June 28th and the course drops the same day

Wanna Know How To Get Unf*cked?

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You Can Also Listen to Un*ck Yourself Podcast on:
Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unf-ck-yourself/id1647393740
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4OfhtVIbV73xuSrZ2MnXKZ?si=f3fabaa47ca4482e

Show Notes Transcript

Today’s episode is a SNEAK PEEK 👀 of my completely revamped F*ck Dark Forces course. In this [almost] full module, we’re jumping right into it…

From learning how to clear your creator field to mastering how to listen and utilize your intuition, raising your consciousness is a journey. And, the higher you go, the more you contribute to the world AND the more you’re a target for dark forces. But with the right tools and practices, you can protect yourself from these energies and live even more in alignment with your soul’s desires, without the negative influence. 

Peep the course for the full thing (and the other 10+ weeks of content)

F*ck Dark Forces Course –https://allieninfo.com/dark-forces
^^^ presale ends June 28th and the course drops the same day

Wanna Know How To Get Unf*cked?

Follow me on:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/allie.ninfo
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TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@allie_ninfo

You Can Also Listen to Un*ck Yourself Podcast on:
Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unf-ck-yourself/id1647393740
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4OfhtVIbV73xuSrZ2MnXKZ?si=f3fabaa47ca4482e

Okay. Hi.


Today I have for you module two.

Of fuck dark forces course that I'm literally giving you on the podcast today for free. You got module one, the last episode. If you missed that, go listen to that episode before this one. It's gonna be the episode right before this one. You're gonna see it. It's fuck dark forces. And today I am giving you the audio from module two of, um, inside my fuck dark forces program on here again, for free.


I gave you the whole module, whole module one, minus the energy work, and you're getting now whole module two again, minus the energy work. If you want the actual energy work, if you want the actual energy clearance, you've got to get inside the program. However, today we are diving into all things, the science behind dark forces, so no one can fight you on them anymore. Or, if you're a little skeptical, I've got science for you behind this stuff. We're getting a deeper look into the dark forest world and how it's affecting you daily. And you don't even fucking realize, like, whether you realize it or not, these, uh, energy pollutions are affecting you daily. And I'm going to kind of get into. In here, we're going to dive into what that looks like and what the symptoms of that are. Now, as you know, this course, it's a brand new course, and we have just officially launched it on June 28, the price goes up right now. You get a presale price. And on June 28, the price goes up over about $450. So the price goes up, I believe $478 to be exact, on June 28. So get in there now with the presale price.


Uh, let's get into it, but real quick before we do that. This whole course is about reclaiming mastery over your energy and getting your vitality back. So here's a fun fact for you. 97% of your thoughts aren't even yours. Uh, you're under massive energetic influence on a daily basis. So are you feeling stuck, unmotivated, or lost in confusion even when you're trying to do the work? That's not even you.

That's not even you.

These, ah, disruptive energies can throw us insanely off balance, robbing us of over 50% of our daily vitality. Robbing us of 97% of our daily vitality, to be exact. So, uh, I want you to right now visualize the incredible fucking potential waiting to be unleashed when you consistently operate at your peak self, unaffected by these negative influences. Once you reclaim mastery over your energy, you're going to experience profound shifts that's going to empower you to excel in every single aspect of your life. So if you don't know, I teach, uh, some dark force clearings in my intuition programs. And I have a screenshot here from, uh, one of the queens in intuition and an intuition level two. And I taught them one of the clearings the other day. And, uh, she wrote in our group, uh, chat, she wrote, uh, I cleared them yesterday.


Exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point. I had been feeling so disassociated and down all day. It felt completely shiny and new afterwards. And so it's wild with these things. It's like you don't realize they're there. But then when you clear them off, you're like, holy mother of fuck. I feel so much better. So, uh, I am so excited for us to get into today. And if you want to get in the fuck dark forces course now, doors are now open. Every link you need is in the show notes. And let's get into it.

Hello, everybody, and welcome to module two of, um, dark force mastery, or fuck dark forces, essentially, is what the program is called. But what we are doing is gaining dark force mastery. Um, uh, how are we feeling from last, uh, time? I hope good. I hope we're letting it marinate in us. So I wanted to go over some, like, quick little pros of, uh, dark force mastery while we're here. It's sometimes hard for us to, uh. Even though, like, you're all here from a soul calling. And I'm sure, uh, also a human want to learn this stuff. When it gets a little more, we get in the. In the dirt of it, right? Or in the thick of it, can get a little more like, oh, my gosh, this is, like, a lot going on. Why am I doing this? Why am I learning this? And I just want us to. I want to put some of our highest values as humans in front of you and show you why it's so important to be really diving deep, taking your time, learning, ah, dark forces. Just if you ever need a motivator as going through this course, even though, like, we make it so much fun in here, if we're in the middle of, like, learning how to clear a dark force and you're like, fuck, man, like, why am I doing this? Um, this is just a good reminder for you as to why and why it's so important. So, dark force mastery, number one, will allow us to gain the ability to be around people and not get drained. Okay. So we will be able to learn how to be around anyone. Literally anyone, literally at a concert with 40,000 people, literally with the person in your family that you can't stand the most. If this will allow you to, uh, be around anyone, anytime, anywhere, and not have your power taken away and not get drained. The thing with spiritual people is how they're so easily drained, right? Because you, uh, are, uh, finding yourself more connected to your intuition. You're finding yourself more, um. Um. I don't like the work. More conscious, but truly, you're more conscious and aware of how the world works and how things works and why. Why certain things happen and that kind of thing. So people tend to flock towards you, right? Like, has anyone ever came to you? They can just feel your little healer soul and they just word up onto you. And because you have such big heart and you're an empath, you, like, sit there and you take it all on and you listen to them for 3 hours while you're watching your watch the whole time, and then you leave feeling insanely, insanely, insanely fucking drained. Like, I get it. Your girl has been there. I've been there. I get it. Um, however, we don't have to live like that, though. We can get to train, uh, our intuition, train, uh, our consciousness keep evolving in all of these things and not have to have, like, uh, the other side of that massively affect us and drain us. Because the truth is, the more conscious we are, the more intuitive we are, the more sensitive we are, and the more susceptible and vulnerable we are to other energies weighing us down to dark forces. And we'll get into that a little later today. 

Um, but, like, even again, like I said, even if you, uh, choose to want to be around, like, 40,000 people at a concert, you'll be able to go in and out unaffected. Um, and if we don't learn how to clear these pollutions, the dark force pollutions, about 95% of our thoughts in our head on a daily basis are not ours. Are not ours. Okay? So if we don't learn to clear dark force pollutions and just like, other people's thoughts out of us, which we're going to learn today, how to clear other people's thoughts out of us, which is so much fun and emotions if we don't want to clear that 95%, you guys, of our thoughts, emotions, and even actions are not our own. Okay, so you are out here walking the streets, not even living in your fullest gifts and fullest potential, maybe 5% of it, if you're not clearing this stuff. And so whether you want to teach this stuff or be a healer or be an intuitive in your life, or you just want to have a good life, this is essential to learn. Like, obviously, uh, essential learn if you want to be an intuitive and a healer, for sure. Like, if you want to be the best and best, you've got to learn this. But if you just want to, like, go around and have a happy life and, like, be connected to your authenticity, this is just as essential to learn, uh, for that and be able to reach your specific, fullest potential, this is just as fucking important. Um, so today what's gonna be fun is we're gonna learn how to do an energy recovery from people, which is clearing other people's stuff out of us, getting our energy back from them, which literally, it's like drinking a cup of coffee. I don't drink coffee. I don't drink any caffeine, um, because I don't need it, because I literally get my energy from source and I get my own energy back from myself. We all get energy from source, but I know how to manipulate the energy so I can get other people's energy out of me, so it's not like, affecting me. And I can get my energy back very easily. So you're gonna get to learn that too. And it's gonna be like your spiritual, energetic cup of coffee in the morning or throughout the day, whenever you need it. Um, uh, this is going to clean up your thoughts and your energy and your emotions. If you are healing, uh, people or, uh, giving people advice or intuitive information, it's going to be the highest form of intuition and advice you can give. Even if you just want your intuition for yourself. The more intuitive you are, the more affected we get by these other dark, uh, pollutions, these dark force pollutions. So, really important to know how to clear those out for even just channeling and being intuitive for yourself. And again, when you're intuitive, essentially, uh, you have this one big, massive spotlight, like, waving around for everyone that wants and needs light and nourishment. They're gonna dump their shit onto you. You're gonna take it on and they're gonna take your light, essentially, is what happens. Um, and the intuitive world, it sells you that the stronger your intuition, the better your intuition will be. That is the so, um, wrong. So wrong. Um, it's actually the opposite. The stronger your intuition is, the more prone you are to dark force pollution and the pollution of other people's thoughts. And emotions, and the more it's going to throw you off. So, uh, someone who's walking around the streets like, you know, not having their intuition, not, uh, um, not to add a higher consciousness, whatever, they would probably be more intuitive than the person training their intuition without training how to clear dark force and clear other people's energy. It's that crazy how the more intuitive you are is not the better your intuition is. Unless. Unless you are learning to clear these things off, clear off the dark force pollution, clear off other people's thought, emotional broadcasts that you've taken on. Because essentially what happens is, again, you're this one big spotlight. They find you, they dump their pollution onto you, and then they take some of your light to be able to continue to survive and function in the world. Because this world, we need light to survive. 

And we'll get into that. Uh, so this course is also going, uh, to allow you to own what is yours by your divine right and, uh, become the best version of yourself and the most connected to the potential version of yourself and the healthiest version of yourself too. Because what happens is if we are missing pieces of our light body, our physical body will start to fade. Our light body goes missing when the pollution gets dumped onto us. And then whoever's dumping it on takes part of our light, our light body starts to go missing. We'll get into how and why and down to a scientific level, how that's factual a little later today in our module, but we just don't be wanting that to happen. So this is going to be the easiest thing in your life. So, uh, this is going to be like a tiny bit of work for massive payoffs where like other spiritual tools and other energetic shifting, uh, is a lot of work, it's a lot of time, it's a lot of progress, and a lot of rewiring your brain, a lot of rewiring your energy system, rewiring your creator field. This is like just tools, practices, knowledge. And it's gonna be like the easiest thing you learn ever in your life. Um, I know we're making it again. Remember, very lighthearted. It is nothing to be scared of, especially when you have knowledge about it. Like when you should be scared is when you don't have knowledge and you're here to gain the knowledge. So for everyone in here, nothing to be afraid of. Let's remember that as we continue. You'll probably hear me say that every single module, just as a reminder. Um, and then this is not going to, like, throw your life off in the slightest. If anything, it's just going to be insanely empowering. So you might think, oh, my God, I was fine in life till I came to this course. And then I started getting all these dark energies on me. No, no, no. You've always had them on you. You've always had them on you for maybe years, maybe going on and off of you. You've always been like this. But just like I said in the last module, it's kind of like if you're a woman. When we first get our period, we, uh, don't know when it's coming. We don't know what ovulation feels like. We don't know what the luteal phase, the PM's phase, or before. Before we get our period feels like. We don't know all of these things and what they feel like until we start to learn about them. Until we start to get older. I don't like the word older. Ah. Until we start to, um, grow more in age on earth or spend more years on earth, I guess, is the better way to put it. Until we start to spend more years on earth. Then we start to realize, like, oh, this is what it feels like when I'm ovulating. This is what it feels like right before my period, like, and it doesn't mean that we weren't ovulating before. We just didn't realize what it felt like. When we learn what it feels like, we can pay better attention to it, and then we can feel it. And when we can feel it, it's good, because then we know what to do. We know. Okay? If I don't want to have a baby, don't let a man do the thing inside of me, what he has to do to get me pregnant. Right? So we, uh, then have better understanding, better knowledge, and better protection over ourselves. Same, ah, thing with dark forces, okay? Same thing where you're going to start to feel like more of these symptoms, of what it feels like having them on you. They've always been there. You're now just more aware and becoming more aware and feeling them more is highly beneficial. So you can feel them, get them off of you and not have to deal. Okay? So that's something also very important to remember. Now, a very common question people ask that I really want to get into is people ask, why can't I just send these things to light? And in the spiritual world, you will hear, especially at, like, uh, um, plant medicine ceremonies. I've never been to them, but, like, I've heard from people that this is what they say that, oh, anything that's dark, we're going to sage it. We're going to pell us onto it. We're just going to send it to light. We're going to send it away to light. And what happens with that is that doesn't work. And I'm going to explain why. I'm going to explain a little bit why now. And then we get into a way deeper explanation of this a little bit later today in class. Okay, so that doesn't work because, one, the sage and the Palo Santo, that's like trying to kill a person with sage and Palisanto, they're going to be like, oh, that's a lot going on in my nose, but, like, whatever. Like, you can't kill. You can't take down a human with sage and Palisanto, same thing. Dark forces are made up of matter. Uh, as well. And you can't take those down with just sage and Palisanto. Okay. Number two, you can't just send them to light because again, that would be like asking you, you know, not that you would, but, like, if you needed to murder someone or kill someone to just send them to source just with your mind, you would need a tool. You need a knife, you need a gun. You need to, like, choke them. You would need to do something right to actually get them to cross over. Right. So same thing with dark forces. You can't just, like, intend to send them to light once. Source doesn't fucking want them. Sources does not want them up where source is in realm seven. Trust me. So I was like, no, thanks. So source is like, yeah, not happening. And two, it's. That would be like trying to, uh, send a literal person to light to source with just your mind without some kind of tool. And you'll see in these processes we are using different tools, uh, from source to take these things down and get them off of us. Um, so you can't just go, I choose to send everything dark to light. That won't work. 

That's kind of like choosing to send, again, like, not to be dark. Not like we're gonna, like, not that we want to do this or we would, but that would be like somebody who wanted to go murder someone and them going, I choose to send you to light and, like, have no tool to actually do it. It wouldn't work. Okay, we're gonna get into why in the physics and science of that later. But I just wanna touch on that a little bit because I already can feel those questions coming in, which are insanely. Valid questions. Like, I would have the same questions too. Um, okay, so let's now go into. I wanna kind of give like, uh, I'm going deep in this course with you. I started out intending this to maybe be six, uh, to seven weeks. It's not, it's going to be way longer. Just because before we even go into the clearings, I just want everyone to have like such a good understanding of what the fuck's going on, what we're clearing and why it's all happening and the whole shebang. So you, uh, in this course, you are going to be in situations where you're going to get to practice this in real time. Um, what we are talking about everything in here, all the dark forces, you're going to get to practice it in here so you can master it. Um, you'll get to practice clearing each one of these things off of you in here. So that being said, consider your higher self right now opening up your protective shields and letting in the training dummy. Okay? So like when we learn how to clear demons, for example, they're going to be letting in kind of like a training dummy demon onto you so that you can learn how to clear them off. So you can learn what it feels like with them on. So you can learn what it feels like with them off. Okay? So it's like your higher self. You're in full protection during this. Your higher self's just going to be letting in like the training dummies to get to practice in real time. So you can feel what it feels like with them, without them. So you can get used to feeling what it feels like in your life. The problem is, is that you have lived most of your life probably with these things attached to you and with other people's energy attached to you. You don't know any fucking different right now. You don't know how good you're going to fucking feel when, uh, we get to all of these clearing processes. And sorry if I keep coughing again. I'm at the end of like a detox from energy recovery I did the other week. Don't mind me. Okay, so, uh, that's one thing to really keep in mind. And uh, remember, um, uh, uh, when you're also watching this at home, what I don't recommend is going halfway through a module, stopping it before you clear yourself of whatever we're learning to clear in that module. Okay? Because if we're in a module where we're learning to clear something, your higher self is going to let that thing on you. Let's say you sit down, watch a module. You stop it halfway through and you don't learn the clearing process yet, and you don't do it yet. Now you're learning about it. So it's on you, the higher self lit and the training dummy. And uh, now you're going to live with it on you until you get back to the course and learn how to clear it off. So whenever you go to watch these, make sure that you have the time to go through the full hour, whatever long the module is, so that you, um, clear it off. Because the second you start watching the module with the clearings in them, your higher self will let a training dumping in so you can practice clearing it off. So with that being said, it's very, very, very important to watch the full module and clear it off before you finish versus letting it come on you stopping before you get to the clearing process and then living two, three more days before you get back to the module to clear it. Very, very important. Um, you'll get, uh, to experience what it feels like to have your gifts shut down and then be able to open them up back right away in real time. It's really cool how we have this structured in here. So you get first hand experience, demonstration, practicing, the whole fucking shebang. This is going to be, um, the first homage is going to be more about self defense of the negative energies versus taking them down. We're gonna get to taking them down soon, but right now we've got to learn how to block before we can punch, right? We've got to learn how to block ourselves before we learn how to punch and take them down. And now, once again, it's like pollution. If we ignore the pollution, we are still gonna get polluted. 

Okay, so there's no ignoring these? No ignoring your way out of these. The second we, um, start to expand our consciousness, we are taking in more light, but we're also taking in more pollution. If we even think about taking big breaths to purify our body when we do breath work, right, we're taking in more oxygen, but we're also taking in more contamination of just the pollution of literally the world, right, of the air in the world. So what happens is months and years down the road, we're adding a bunch of gunk and pollution to our energy that needs to clear. And it's not necessarily, um, dark forces that are messing up our lives. It's the expand of consciousness and having all these things attached to us while we do that. And we're not clearing that's the problem? Okay. Dark forces can't mess up our lives unless we let them, and we let them sit there. Okay, so now I want to go into light, how it works. So, everything needs light. Everything in this universe needs light to exist. The last light we have in our cells, the greater the risk of sickness and disease. Okay, so, uh, I want to go into talking about light and how this has to do with dark forces and the knowledge of them. Everything in this universe needs light to exist. The less light we have in our cells, the greater the risk of sickness and disease. Think of it like, um, an MRI. Whenever you get an MRI, the part that is diseased or injured or whatever, the ailment is darker. It shows up on the MRI. It's literally darker. The healthy parts of the body are lighter. The wounded or diseased or ailment part of the body is literally darker. This is because our physical body is, uh, made up from our light body. Okay? Our light body, our energetic body, is what makes up our physical body. So we are perceived to be physical, but we're technically not. If I, uh, put my hands together right now, it's gonna look like they're touching. Even if I'm, like, squeezing them together, it's gonna look like they're touching. But if you were to take a high powered microscope and you zoomed it into a subatomic level, you'd see that they actually aren't touching. The pressure that I'm feeling right now are just electrons pushing against each other. Meaning we are, like, a lot. We're just pretty much space. We're 99.999% of just space. Um, so there is no difference between us and the energetic beings running around. They just have more space than we do, and we are just more condensed energy. So that's why we can see ourselves, essentially. So the idea what people think is that we are physical and other things aren't. That's not true. We are just more slowed down matter so we can tangibly see ourselves with our physical eye. So these consciousness, these dark forces, they're just as real and tangible as us. And again, this is why we can't just send them to light, because that be like trying to send a human up to source with no knife, no gun, just with your mind. Like, it wouldn't work. So most, um, of the time, it's these dark forces are people. Sometimes it's being. Sometimes it is parasitic energies. Um, there's all different kinds, and we'll get into each kind in here. Don't you worry. But what happens is before we even go into that, I just want to explain the light on our body a little bit more. Just like in an MRI, the diseased part shows up darker than all the healthier parts. That is our light body. The subatomic particles, the protons and neutrons that are all responsible for creating our light body. That creates our physical body as well. So if we get a problem with our light body, it's only a matter of time. Months, years, decades, whatever, until our physical body also has a problem. Because we are pretty much okay. Our light body is basically what has created our physical body. So if we have these dark entities on us for a long time connected to our light body. And let's say it's connected to our heart, long term, long term, long term, long term, we keep them missing pieces of our light body. Our light body keeps getting taken. Are, uh, the pieces of our heart light body keep getting taken and sucked by these dark forces. Because they need light to exist. Because they don't have the light of source like we do. So the longer they're on you, the more they take. The more they take. 

Now it's going to affect your physical body. Now you're going to start to have actual physical heart problems because there's been a demon on you. When it would actually just take you two fucking seconds to clear a demon off. If you were taught how you can avoid so many fucking problems with this. Not just in health, but in career, in finances, in life. I know, obviously, we'll continue to get into all of that. We get light from the sun and from source. From food, right? Like literal food. The sun grows the food, we eat the food. We get light from that and source, obviously, what it takes. Excuse me. What it takes to, uh, get light from source is having a belief that there's something more than you in the universe. Okay? It doesn't matter if you think source is a giant purple balloon in the sky. You still get the light. Because, uh, it just means that you have to have a belief. Whatever you believe, sources doesn't matter. Like, everyone's fighting over it's God, it's this, it's that, it's whatever. And if you just have a belief there's something bigger than you, you are getting light from that thing. Okay? Even if you believe, it's like a big blue colored, uh, ladybug in the sky, like you are still getting, uh, light from source. Okay? Now, there are very few people on the planet that, um, believe that they believe they're here because of a randomness and science that they misunderstood. Like, a true atheist. Like, true, true, true atheist. Um, very few people, but a, uh, true atheist on a good day is probably getting, like, 36% of light and vitality. Um, because once again, source can't go against our free will of what we believe to be true. So if we literally have zero beliefs that there's something bigger than us, um, it makes it just harder for source to, uh, give us the light. Not that source doesn't want to. That source is punishing you. Take that out. Take that religious, um, indoctrination out. That's not true. Source isn't like, punishing you. Source just literally can't go against your free will of what you believe is possible. What you believe is true. So if the, uh, energetic body has a problem, the physical body, like I said, is going to end up, uh, with, uh, a massive problem. If the energetic body takes a hit, it will take some time, but the physical body will get massive damage done to it as well. This is why our light is so important. This also affects our creator field. If we are taking, being sucked, our manifestation and our full potential powers out of us every day, or we are getting our weaknesses amplified, our creator field is going to get directly impacted. And remember, our creator field is what's responsible for creating what we desire in life. So you can try and create what you desire in life. So the cows come home. 

But if these things are massively affecting you every day, remember, like, 97%, uh, and 95% of your own thoughts aren't yours, that is a massive issue. Uh, you're massively blocking yourself, working so hard on all these other spiritual tools. And, uh, honestly, these clearings are going to be the easiest ones you've ever had to do, the easiest things you've ever had to do. And you're missing out on just being able to quickly get these things off of you to live a way better quality of life. So anything going on in the physical, know that that was done, that damage was done years prior in the light body, years prior. If you're just getting like, a little thing, like a cold or something like that, that could have been a few weeks of an emotion being held in or a few months, and then, like the big, uh, more annoying, like, disease, ailments, illness kind of thing, that would be, uh, taking a lot of months, a lot of years to, uh, a lot of missing pieces of your life body to, uh, cause a problem in your physical body. But don't be afraid because you're in here and I'm telling you this because we have solutions. I would never tell you this if I didn't have a solution for this. So, like, don't forget to be like, ally, you're ruining my whole fucking life and day. What the fuck? No, no. I'm only telling you this because we have all of the solutions you need in here. You don't have to live like this. You can get all your energy back. You can clear this stuff. Obviously, that's why we're here. I just want you to know what's going on. Okay. Um. Okay. So next thing is, I want to talk about light and consciousness. So, David R. Hawkins, he was a really incredible scientist who talked about the frequency of consciousness. Um, he literally would measure it. So what he figured out is everything in this universe has to have light. A light content of one to a thousand to exist in this, uh, in the universe that we are in. In realm three. Okay. And, uh, a thousand is the limit of being able to maintain a collected matter. M meaning that if you are higher than a thousand frequency, you can no longer exist in realm three because your frequency is too high, it's too fast and too high frequency, your body can't stay physical because the matter is literally moving too fast. Our bodies are physical because the matter is moving slower. Once it gets over a thousand, it's moving too fast to stay in, like, a physical body in realm three on earth. Um, and I think he used kinesiology to frequency test that, amongst with a few other things. But, uh, for example, animals can have a consciousness from anywhere between 200 to 800. Fun fact, the more skittish and afraid they are, um, the higher consciousness it has. Dogs have a higher consciousness than cats. Um, we could go through a whole animal thing, but that's, like, not the point of this, this thing. But another fun fact is that ducks have a higher consciousness than dogs. Isn't that, like, funny and cool? Like a random fact. We'll get more into animals later, but just like a fun little thing to throw out there for you. Now, a human being consciousness. Um, about 6 billion people. Of the 8 billion people of the world have about a 187 consciousness right now. The planet actually desires to be at a 450 frequency right now, which is really cool. Um, and so that's kind of why you see shit hitting the fan in the world, is because the planet decided, hey, fuck this, man. I want to be vibrating at 450. How do we vibrate higher? We go through a lot of shit. We go through a lot of lessons. The more turmoil we've been in, the more we're going to grow in consciousness faster and so we'll get to more on that later. But it's probably why you've been through a lot of trauma in your life. And I'll explain that in a second. But the planet desires to be at a 450 frequency, so which is super fucking cool. Um, the higher the consciousness, essentially, the more you know. And uh, so essentially once you get to a 500 frequency consciousness, you uh, are kind of like a mini, uh. You have the understanding that source has a little bit. So you start to understand like, oh, my thoughts create my beliefs, my beliefs might create my reality. My, uh, I can have control of the matter around me based on my emotions. You get a knowledge of the creature creator field. You kind of know how to shift and move matter and create a manifest in the way that source does. And you kind of start to become aware of that level of consciousness. Now, the higher in consciousness, the more like source that person has the potential to be. And not putting a source on the pedestal or not putting the person on a pedestal by any means, it's just the more, um, source abilities that they, uh, can tap into. So, um, uh, for example, uh, Christ his soul and Buddha, the Buddha soul are, uh, constantly coming back and shaking up the whole system and trying to raise the consciousness of the planet. Like I said, their souls are both back again in our lifetimes, which is so much fun and so cool. You know, some shit's gonna fucking happen. Some consciousnesses are gonna get raised when that happens. 

Um, but they have been known to attain a thousand frequency consciousness in the world. Over and over again. Each lifetime they come back into, um. So the higher up you go, the more your role in the world is to change the world. And this makes sense with dark forces. In a second, I'm going to tie this all in. This is really important to know for this, um, our souls choose these physical forms for a very specific reason. We chose to be here because this like a school for us, okay? And it's the closest school of, uh, what we can experience to learn to be like source. So, uh, if you are back on Earth, which you are, because you're watching this, it is no coincidence at all. It's very intentional. Your soul knew exactly what it was doing coming back here to learn lessons, to go through turmoil, to become more and more like source in, uh, the sense of, again, not putting source or anyone on a pedestal, but just in the way of thinking, creating, manifesting, just knowing how the world works and how to move matter and understand and understand this stuff. So don't ever think that you need to run away from the Matrix, because if you are running away from the Matrix, you're still trapped in the Matrix and the Matrix still has control over you, meaning the dark forces, the mkultra, all those things of the world. We'll get into what mkultra means later. But if you're trying to live a life where you are trying to escape, and I got to run away and I got to go live in the forest or wherever, in the mountains, the jungle, and like get away from these people, you are out running. So many lessons that your soul is like literally back in our school to learn, and they'll find you. 

Don't think you're actually outrunning them. They will find you all the way in the jungle, all the way in your cabin. They will find you there. So that's also very important to, uh, understand. Um, our souls are so incredible. They pick the life and everything about the life so that they can best grow. They pick the parents, they pick the turmoil experiences they go through as a child so that they can best grow and raise in frequency. The soul's goal is to just constantly raise in frequency points. And this earth school, the school that we're in now, can be measured in this thousand frequency scale. So like kind of how we have elementary school, middle school and high school. The majority of the planet is in level one school. Like how we have elementary school, middle school, high school. Majority of planet is in level one school, which the main focus there is self love. Now, important. Self love is not the definition of self love that you have heard in, uh, other places. Okay? Self love is not like taking the bath or like, you know, uh, um, doing your nails, like, yes, that is like a thing of treating yourself. But self love is so much more deeper than that. And, uh, the definition you also normally hear of self love is self, uh, is actually a very selfish version of self love. So, for example, um, a source channeled self love is, uh, someone asking you to take them to the airport, like a friend that's been staying with you, right. 

That, you know, obviously. And, uh, like they have no other way of getting to the airport. And, uh, self real self love is saying, yes, I'm going to take you to the airport and you're going to make sure you fill up your gas tank so you don't lose gas on the way. Meaning that's kind of like a metaphor. It can't be. And it can't also not be. But meaning the metaphor is, yes, let me help you. Let me just make sure I'm filled up first. So self love is just making sure that you're putting yourself first in your life. What happens though is people don't put themselves first and then they deem self love as just like not helping anyone because like, they're tired and they have their own thing going on. Self love is just always making sure constantly you're putting yourself first. The source channel version of self love is always making sure constantly you're putting yourself first so that then you have the gas to take the person there for. So then you have the energy to, uh, give and provide and help, uh, others. Okay, so the selfish would be, I don't have energy to take you, you're on your own. And this person's like, fuck, man, I have no, no one else to take me to the airport. What am I supposed to do? And, uh, uh, so essentially, self love is just always making sure you are your first priority all the time. 

So that when it is time to show up for other people, you have the bandwidth, you have the energy, versus what people think is self love, um, is just not showing up for people because you're tired, you can't do it, you're whatever. When in reality you're not prioritizing yourself at all in the slightest. So you'll never be able to show up for people in the way that you have a potential to. So the first level one of school is to fill up, learn, uh, on a soul level, to fill up the tank first, then give to others. It's learning the art of source version of self love. It's the art of filling yourself up first to then be a source service to other people. When you fully take care of yourself, that translates to a bigger career, that translates to better relationships, that translates to people, uh, seeing your value more, that translates to people paying you more. It just translates to, ah, so many things going the way you desire to go them. If I had to guess, that's what you desired for them to go in your life. I doubt anyone desires for their life to not go that way. Um, it also doing that also puts you, when you've mastered that or not, maybe master, like about to master. That puts you in the 300 frequency range. Now, in order to reach a 400 plus consciousness, you have to understand that you are putting yourself first and filling yourself up first. Then you go and be of service to other people. So, uh, 187 frequency, to 380 frequency, I'd say is like learning self love era. 

Okay? That's your learning self love. Era as a soul. When you master this, it becomes a soul memory and it makes its way to the soul brain. So whatever you finish your consciousness at in one life, you're going to come back in the next life at that same level of consciousness. Okay? So, uh, this is how wild and how slow perceivingly slow as humans this can be. But there's hacks for to not be this slow in life. We learned that in here and we learned that in these, in these courses. So a jump, even four points. Four points. So from like 190 to 194 in soul frequency, that could take about one to four lifetimes. Um, a jump from a one to 187 frequency would probably take about like 100 something lifetimes. So when you master the level one, you get to jump into level two. And don't worry, I'll get to the hacks of how to jump faster soon. People approaching a 400 consciousness have had a motherfuck ton of lives. A fuck ton of lives. Now that is, uh, just to clarify, the soul frequency that is your potential. So even if that's your soul potential frequency of 400, if in that lifetime, your human self blocks you and is so stubborn and like, you won't heal through the turmoil and learn the lessons that will stop you from reaching your soul frequency, and you as a human, the human version of yourself, can be vibrating lower than that on a soul basis. So a soul potential could be 400, but your human self could be vibrating at a 200 daily because of your thoughts, beliefs, the stubbornness and unwillingness to learn the lessons, etcetera. So that's something important to remember. You don't just like, pop out. Well, you do pop out of 400 frequency and then you get, you know, programmed and then you. Your human frequency starts to lower until you then un program yourself and find back who you are and the whole situation. So there are, um, there are shortcuts to this, though. So anytime we have massive turmoil, lots of trauma, lots of limiting stuff going in our lives, um, our consciousness will raise much quicker. So I wouldn't be shocked. If you're in here and you have been through a good amount of shit in your life, it's because your soul chose that for you. Because your soul in this lifetime wanted to raise massive points in consciousness much quicker, um, than maybe you have in past, in other lives or whatever it may be. 

So if you've been through a lot of shit, it's great because your soul's gaining massive soul points. Like, it could jump 100 or 200 or 300. It could go from a 400 to a 600, right? And like, in a lifetime with, or even in a matter of years, if you are going through this turmoil and you're coming out of it and learning the lesson really, really quick, you're having a quick turnaround, right? Most people, they let the trauma eat them alive their whole life, and then maybe they only gain one little soul point from it for the next life because they're refusing to learn, uh, the lessons. If you've, uh, been through some shit in this lifetime, your soul is here to massively jump in consciousness in this lifetime. So we love that for you. So, uh, just like on a. On a planet level right now, okay, right now, the people, the planet are stuck as fuck. They're so stuck. And, um, that's why the planet wants to up level. Because right now the planet desires. If you talk to the planet and you channel the planet, it desires to operate at 450 frequency across the board. Collectively, okay, not just one person, not just ten, not just 100. Collectively, the collective frequency of the planet, it desires to be a 450. So that could mean, like, some people are 300, some people are vibrating 800, then collectively, it evens itself out, right? So because it's not operating at that, because it desires to operate at that, um, the level of obstacles going on right now on the planet are massive and huge. Because the planet wants to massively uplevel in consciousness. 

And because of that, it has to send everyone through extreme obstacles and extreme turmoil to do so. And the funniest part is if the more people who just learn the lessons, the less we'd have to go through collectively on the planet. So that's why that's going on in a planetary level. Some fun information on that. Now, what happens is, once we cross the level one school, we get into the level two school. Once we get into level two school, that is between a 400 and a 690 consciousness, okay? And this is the consciousness that is, ah, the need to be of service to the world, okay? So you're responsible for the first level, right, of, ah, the self love, prioritizing yourself so you can effectively then be helping human beings live better lives. All of us, no matter what consciousness we're at, it has been proven by psychology that we have the need to contribute to the world, whether it's big or small. This need in this consciousness level is a little bit bigger, has a little bit bigger of, like, the sole pull to contribute to the world in some way, shape or form. Okay? Um, so the one to 300 range, it's, uh, too, uh, strong. And we end up wanting to help people before filling ourselves up. So the lesson there is to master filling ourselves up first. Okay? 

Then once we master filling ourselves up first, the soul then reaches a 400 to 690 in the consciousness scale in level two of, uh, earth school. Okay? Filling yourself up first gives you the right to then be, um, on some kind of, uh, stage or platform. But, like, in some kind of way of helping people, as many people as possible. Now, don't freak out, okay? If you have had in your life, if you've been like, oh, my God, it's been so hard for me to put myself first, blah, blah. It's just about mastering that, right? It's about remembering that. And it doesn't mean that your souls may be down to 400. It just means that your human self has been programmed, right, because soul frequency is very different than human frequency. So your soul could be at a 400. You could have been programmed to not put yourself first by your mom, who put herself last and gave all the needs to your dad first or whatever it was. But if you work through that, you can then get yourself to be in alignment with your soul frequency. And, uh, it's your beliefs right now. And how you act right now does not determine your soul frequency. It determines how close you are to it and how much you act along with it. But soul frequency is very different than, like, the beliefs you got put onto you. Uh, so you're here 400 690 frequency. You're here to learn to become the most effective version of yourself when it comes to helping people. Most effective healer, essentially, in some way, shape, or form in the world. Excuse me. Um, when there's no longer anything to learn there, you then step into the 700 to 1000 frequency range, which is essentially called the ascended master range. So, like Jesus, Buddha and other people have reached those a thousand frequency consciousnesses. Now, you just existing in a high frequency emotional state between 700 to 1000 frequency, massively helping whether those people know you or not. 1 million people, minimum. And don't mistake this for famous people, okay? 

Famous people, especially in Hollywood, especially in media, especially in, like, places like that, have gotten there through dark forces, which we will, trust me, we will get into. So don't mistake that fact with, oh, then all famous people are in that frequency, and then everyone who's not famous isn't. No, no. It's not about if you have a million followers or a million people listening what you're saying. It's just your presence at, uh, existing at a high frequency emotional state too. Like, you have to put in work to exist at a high frequency, emotional state, too, to match your soul frequency. It is you just doing that. Even if people don't know you, it is just massively helping just raise the consciousness of minimum 1 million people of the planet. Whether you're saying anything online to people or you're saying anything or you wrote a book or not, just, you could just be existing and that could happen. So again, don't, don't mistake that for famous people. That is not how that works. Because they got there through a completely different outlet, through a dark force outlet way, which, again, trust me, we're going into. Um, so what this means dark force wise, is, uh, that, uh, the more you are, the brighter you are, the higher you are in consciousness. The more turmoil you've been through, the more lessons that you've gotten through that turmoil, the more, um, food that you are for them. It means that dark force wise, the dark forces know you're going to be the highest grade quality of energy to sustain their life force. People who, uh, are very disconnected from light or people who are very much stuck in their own emotional turmoil are going to sense that I can get my food and my light from them. That's just going to sense it. This is why we need this course. The more you're more in danger. Uh, not really, not actual danger, but like, quote, danger of dark forces. The higher you go in consciousness and frequency, because you're the brightest light, you get more and more and more bright. So that's more and more food and energy source to sustain their life. Okay. Versus having to, like, suck on someone else is light at, ah, like a 187 for like 5 hours to get it. They could go suck on someone at like a 600 for like two minutes and get way more or an 800 and suck on it for 10 seconds and get way more light. And so they're like, oh, yum yums. Food, sustainability, life source. 

Let me flock to you. So, um, exactly why we need this course, another reason of why we need it. So Christ was actually really cool because Christ, uh, talked about all of the time the need to fight and clear off these dark energies. If you really dive in and really intuitively lower the veil and really dive into his actual story of when that soul was Christ, it, uh, it's cool because you can see that he, uh, really had this, like, passion to teach people how to fight off these, these dark energies. So even Christ was, was talking about this. And again, Christ is back in this life. And again, I think that he's a male again in this life. I think it's it's a m guy. Um, and Christ would never. Even if Christ remembered that he was Christ, he would never be like, oh, I was Jesus. So if anyone's telling you they were Jesus, like, they weren't, because. Don't listen to that. But the actual Jesus is back in his life. And even if he went through a past life and remembered it and went through a regression of a past life and saw it and, like, knew it to be true, and he. If it was actually Christ, like, he would not be telling you. So if anyone's out there telling you they're Jesus, they're definitely not. So don't listen to that. Let's ask questions. Okay. How do I differentiate symptoms of a demon on me versus just being in my luteal phase? That's a great question. It's, like, funny because we were talking about luteal phases. We will get to that. When we do, uh, the demon module, we have these dark forces. We're really putting them on a pedestal. Like, we're. We got a whole module for each of them. There. There are gonna be three thriving with how much we're learning about them. Actually, they'll be hating it because they don't want you to learn about them. But we're going to have a special module for each dark force. It'll be great, and we'll learn that in there, for sure. If, uh, someone struggles with anxiety, is the root cause usually a dark force? The root cause, uh, may not be a dark force, but they could have had maybe 15% out of 100 extreme anxiety. That then makes them vulnerable. That then makes their energy a match for a dark force to get in and amplify it. So the dark force could amplify the anxiety to 60% to 70% to 80%, when originally the anxiety was just at 15%. And if we don't know how to clear the dark forces, now we're having anxiety problems when we might have just had barely any anxiety problems before. Maybe we got, uh, anxiousness about one little thing. Well, now the dark force came on, and it just fucking blew it up, and now you're anxious about everything. I just want to hear you talk about filling your tank, because something I've learned is that it feels hard to figure out what that means for yourself. I used to think doing an at home spawn night every Sunday, cross it off the list. But you've taught me that doesn't cut it. I think how, uh, you explain actions, uh, is helpful for other people, too. Can you dive into that? 

Because a lot of people listening might think doing one thing a week might be enough. Uh, but it's so much more than that. Yes, yes. Good question. So, reminder that coo Sarah queen is in here asking questions, common questions that everyone will probably have watching this. And one time for her, she does this, like, awesome spa night every week for herself, uh, on Sundays. And, uh, and every, uh, she does it every week for herself. And then when, uh, she, uh, started, like, uh, working, uh, with me, we had a lot of tasks on our plate. We had a lot more things. She had a lot more things than going on in her life because she was in between being a coo somewhere else and then being a coo here. She was, like, in just a between state where she was just training other coos, excuse me, on her own time. Anyway, why I'm explaining this to you is because when then she came on the team and we started working together, she, uh, started having more on her plate, right, than she was used to for a few months. So, that being said, you then have to amp up, uh, your self love practices. So just the spa night every Sunday won't be enough self love looks like making yourself a priority every single morning. So it's like first thing when I wake up, I'm not looking at my phone, I'm not answering to anyone. I am doing my, uh, current practices, and those change based on the season I'm in, but I'm doing right now my current manifesting practices for a certain amount of money, uh, I desire to bring in, into my business, uh, this next year. So I'm doing my practices, my things. My. It's not. It doesn't even have to be like, um, a physical thing you go do. It can just be you do your energetic practices in the morning, in bed, you kind of give yourself what you need first, then you show up for others. I always go sit in the sun and I do these practices, and I, like, um, do something for myself first before I show up, uh, and give to others. It helps me better give to other people. Is there a way we can see dark forces on other people? 

Yes, absolutely. And, uh, we will get to that when we start learning each, uh, kind what they are and what's going on. We can see them through our, uh, third eye and with our intuition. Is there any risk with the training dummy, dark forces? Good question. No, uh, no risk at all. Our higher self knows we're watching this and learning this. So our higher self's gonna be like, hey, come on in. You might already have one, though. Like, you're probably gonna already have some of these. So if you do, you won't need a training dummy because you just have them on you. So you're gonna clear them off. Um, the risk it would be to not clear them off. The risk would be to not learn this and to not go through with clearing it. And here you so much lower any kind of risk you would have of these things hurting you because you're learning about it. If there is a case where we learn a certain kind of dark force and, uh, um, you don't have that kind on you, higher self will open up your field, call one in as a training dummy. Um, uh, that won't do anything other than just allow you to, like, practice what it feels like with it on you. Clear it off, see what it feels like with it off of you. Amazing. Good questions. Thank you, Queen Sarah. Okay, incredible. Incredible job, everybody. I will see you in the next module. Bye.