The Hotflash inc podcast

116: Let's optimize our hormones and not get cancer with Dr Leigh Erin Connealy

Ann Marie McQueen

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Hotflash inc founder and host Ann Marie McQueen sits down with Dr Leigh Erin Connealy, a leading figure in integrative medicine, known for her unique approach in combining conventional and alternative treatments in addressing chronic illnesses and cancer. Dr Connealy is the founder of the Center for New Medicine and the Cancer Center for Healing in Irvine, California and author of two books: The Cancer Revolution and the Be Perfectly Healthy. She is also co-founder of leading hormone brand, Raena Health.

She talks about why so many people are getting cancer, how to make chemotherapy more effective and less lethal, why prevention needs to be the focus. For Dr Connealy, the question we need to be asking: what is going on with your terrain, and why is it making cancer? Everything from the food we eat to the chemicals we surround ourselves with to the emotional work we aren’t doing is causing this. And find out what she thinks our number one risk is – why and what we can do about it. (It’s probably not what you are thinking)

Dr Connealy wants us all to know that in most cases, cancer is 10 years in the making. She has really good guidance for women considering hormone therapy, explaining the differences in synthetic hormones and the importance of the “orchestra”, including progesterone and pregnanalone, and more than one kind of estrogen. She explains why there is no one solution that fits all women – even though that’s what mainstream medicine wants us to believe – and gives guidance on the particular cocktail, with tweaks, that she likes to prescribe. She also gives her take on whether hormone therapy prevents cancer – its worth listening to the end just to hear what she has to say about that – and addresses that ongoing fear women have, which is weighing our fear of breast cancer risk when considering hormone therapy. 

Dr Connealy is recognized for her personalized, holistic approach. This episode is nothing short of a masterclass on how to get our inner house in order. 


01:56 The importance of personalized medicine

02:07 The rise of chronic diseases

03:09 The need for preventive healthcare

04:44 Challenges in cancer treatment

13:08 The importance of self-care

14:40 The impact of EMFs on health

28:12 The power of essential oils

28:46 Reprogramming the mind with EVOX

29:41 Healing affirmations and subconscious reprogramming

33:37 The importance of sleep and water purification

34:14 Nourishing rour body with proper nutrition

35:01 The role of exercise and movement

35:47 Detoxification and cleasing methods

38:42 Understanding hormonal health and therapy

39:23 Personal experiences with hormonal treatments

46:10 The importance of individualized hormonal care

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Dr Connealy:

what's wrong with medicine is they one size fits all. You're on a conveyor, robotic conveyor belt and everybody gets the same thing. Well, that's impossible. There's no one thing for everybody.

I'm Anne Marie McQueen, journalist and proud 50 ish woman, and we are here looking for the true truth in perimenopause, menopause, midlife, and beyond. Opening our minds to other possibilities is not always easy. Hot flash ink. You're all woman to me. All right, Anne Marie. Anyone who listens to the hot flashing podcast will know I've had a hard time finding help with my perimenopause and menopause symptoms, whether it was trouble sleeping or extreme anxiety or vagina stuff. I've encountered roadblock after roadblock in doctors who didn't know anything about taking care of women like me. It made everything harder than it had to be. That's why I'm so happy that there are companies like MidiHealth stepping into the gap and sponsoring podcasts like this one. Their supportive, comprehensive, and holistic approach to the menopause transition will provide you with what we all need most, a personalized care plan. Their virtual care clinic is easy to use and covered by most insurance plans. You can chat with your specialists during an appointment or message 24 seven. You don't have to deal with this alone. Any longer book your visit today at join midi. com. That's J O I N M I D I. com.

Ann Marie:

I'm just really interested to talk to you about someone who's a cancer specialist to talk about prevention and some of the confusion that's going on with hormone therapy because it's very hard to find those people. So a lot of people talking about hormone therapy and cancer who don't seem to be specialists.

Dr Connealy:

Yeah, we need to talk about prevention, you know, this is the key thing because, uh, in cancer in general, I mean, breast cancers, as you know, number one, uh, breast cancer. And so, but we just, our system is so reactive and not proactive, not preventive, not precise, not personalized. And obviously if our medical system is working, why do we see just an, you know, outrageous array of diseases in every age group? Because autism is, you know, one in 37, our children have, 60 percent have one or more chronic diseases. And the teenagers have anxiety, depression, suicide. Um, we have children starting their period very early now. And we, puberty starting at much earlier ages. We have now I have all these 30 year olds with breast cancer or some, you know, brain cancers, some kind of cancer, how, and I started ringing the alarm. I've been ringing the alarm for probably, you know, 10 plus years. And every, I said, okay, wait, how can there be this much disease and illness and cancer? Well, now it's, it's exponentially worse. So I've been saying 9 1 1 for a while. And I tell people, you know, the cure for cancer, is prevention. And I say that in all my lectures. But, In the medical field, we're not talking about prevention. We're not talking about how do we restore your health and, you know, get you on your way. And so that is the biggest problem. I would say the biggest problem is, is that. And then also we've got to create healthy mothers. And then we have to start with there. We start, have to start with the right receptacle for this miracle that you're going to be growing. And then the teach the child from birth. on emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual level, you know, how to live. Do you see what I'm saying? And, and it, you know, that's where it starts. You know, I mean, I've had children and you know, I was so conscious about how I was going to raise the children and the entire environment that I was going to create. And so, and now more than ever, because we're living in the great poisoning. You know, the mother is downloading so many toxins that, the interplay is, is, you know, Googleplex of possibilities. And so we just, we all together need to say, wait, this cannot go on. We're spending 4. 3 trillion on healthcare, soon to be 5. 1, but no one's healthy. And so how can that be? Okay, cancer rates are one in two people now. It's the number one killer, one to 85. And, and there's no progress really in cancer. And we haven't cured one chronic degenerative disease in the last hundred years. But we have all of these charities, all these fundraisers, all this and the anguish and agony people go through when they have cancer. I, you know, I hear it every day. I had a new patient yesterday from Florida and she's been diagnosed with endometrial cancer. And so she had a hysterectomy and her pathology was favorable that she didn't have any lymph nodes or anything. And she goes, I told the doctor. I'm not doing chemo and radiation. And so she said, I got a secondary consult and they said the same thing. And so I said to her, so why do you have such, you know, absolute desire of not doing chemo and radiation. She goes, well, my daughter had non Hodgkin's lymphoma and she had back pain for a very long time. No one was listening to her. She didn't get properly diagnosed, which is what I hear a lot of the time. And, uh, because they think you're young, you don't have any problems, right? Well, you can't think like that now anymore. And so you have to like get to the bottom of it within two to four weeks of a patient coming in. You need to. figure it out. If a patient doesn't get better, you need to figure it out. And so anyway, she said, my daughter got through chemo, did all the chemo. She got weaker, weaker, weaker. They had her on fentanyl. Then they did CAR T, which is the new advanced treatment of basically taking your immune system out and putting a new immune system and she died in 10 minutes. So I don't want to go through, I don't want to go through what I saw, so I said, I totally understand. I said, I, but I will tell you. I have to get some information from you, meaning blood work and special testing that I do to figure out. And I said, we will figure this out and I will decide if you need to do an alternative to chemotherapy, maybe some fractionated low dose chemo cause you're 70. Um, but I don't want you, I want you to know as much as I can figure out so you can make the best educated decision. And so because people do come to me for second opinions and they'll say, Dr. Keeling, you know, I really don't want to do chemotherapy. And I get that. I understand that. But at the same time, this is your life and I'm going to make the best educated decision. And when we give chemotherapy, we have this protective measures and we're not just doing chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is just one avenue of healing. I've got to take care of all the other aspects of healing. You can't just rely on chemotherapy because it's, it's cancer cells have chemo resistance. and chemosensitivity. So what about the guys that don't respond to chemo? So you better go after them with the natural things, maybe repurposed drugs like fenbendazole and vermectin and metformin and celebrex and diboradamil, all these other drugs that have anti cancer activity, natural things, curcumin, agaricus blase, all these other things that have anti cancer ability. So you can't put all your eggs in just the chemotherapy, but also more importantly, When you take care of a cancer patient, you know, if they have to have chemotherapy, what's happening to their immune system? That's how you fight the cancer. So you've got to take care of their immune system while they're doing chemotherapy. And this is not addressed in any cancer patient with a doctor. Okay. And so you're, you're not only killing cancer cells, you're killing the normal cells and you're destroying. every physiological system in the human body because that is what chemo does. So our job is to protect and preserve the patient while they get chemotherapy. And so that's what we do differently. Um, and not all of our patients need chemotherapy. Um, and, but it, when they do, and when they have, I buy a very, very serious patients. I may recommend the conventional, but I have them do a hundred other things to protect themselves so that they don't get destroyed in the process. And they have the highest cancer killing, um, possibilities with what they're doing. Plus all the preserving of the human, you know, brain, correct. And so, um, so, you know, our medical system is, is, is. is unfortunately very broken. And that's why we're in an upheaval of patients really wanting a different way. You know, 100 years ago, doctors didn't have any drugs. And so they had to do natural things. They had to do mortar and pestle and make compounding and stuff. And so there's a lot of old things that we need to be using, you know, today, right? We got all that was replaced by the patented pharmaceutical. And so, um, we, we have to go back to our roots and then we've got to go back to what is going on with the garden or the terrain of the cell. And why is your body making cancer? Okay. What is your stress? Like the patient I was just telling you about yesterday, she has endometrial cancer and had a successful surgery. And so I said, you know, I went through her life from zero to 10, 10 et cetera. And she says, she told me that when she. Uh, many years, several years ago, she was in a, uh, her, she was being kidnapped and she and her daughter were kidnapped because her husband was a banker and they came to basically rob them and they put her in the trunk, uh, for, and her daughter for four hours. And so she recounts this Incredible experience. Okay. And, uh, she recounted it as a near death experience. And so anyway, it was very fascinating. And she goes, you know, I've been holding onto this. And I have done hypnotherapy. I wrote a book about it. I processed it, but I don't think that I am, I have reframed this unfortunate, you know, experience into a favorable experience in my body. Because I don't know if you've read your body keeps score or the emotion code. These books talk about how we keep, our body keeps track of everything. And we just have to all learn how we're all going to have. Detours and, you know, curveballs in our life and life is not always going to present itself with perfection. And so we have to be prepared. How do we emotionally mentally physically handle these very unfavorable experiences that we have in our life? We have to reframe them into a favorable experience. Okay, and uh, and that's That's not easy to do, you know, and, and, you know, that's why we always recommend that patients, you know, do the emotional work that we recommend, you know, like I tell him there's no shortcut to healing. It is a 24 seven, it's a marathon, and I always tell people today we're living in 2024. It's not you're so bad, but what's around us isn't so good. So everybody thinks they're living in their own, you know, Oh, I do this, this and this. And I'm telling them, yes, you do, but you're also living in and of this world and, you know, air pollution, water pollution, food, pollution, stress, pollution, all these things. You know, have to be taken into consideration. And so we've got, and then EMF pollution. So we've got to take all this into consideration and try to create the best self care program that you can. And so, and that's what I do because I tell people self care is the new healthcare, you know, going to an emergency room, they're going to just make sure you're not going to die. Okay. If you go to the hospital, they're just going to treat you to get you out, but you got to still go home and do the self care that you need to do to get out of them. And so you really want to try to avoid ERs and hospitals. Those aren't a place of healing. Okay. Now that's probably going to change in the future because there are, uh, uh, there are intentions out there now to make integrative hospitals. Okay. That are going to have healing and Reiki and lymphatic drainage and all the things that we know work. Um, but that doesn't exist right this second, but I know that I hear that that is going to happen. So, so we just have to take, um, uh, we all, all of us have to take a proactive, and we got to work together. We got to work cooperatively and collaboratively, you know, and, and that's what doctors, they get, they get, they want to work in this box. Well. We can't work in the little box. We've got to work in the world box, you know? And so, and that's what I try to do. And every individual is an original, no two people are the same. And so we know that from identical twin studies of identical twin studies. If you look at the retrospective analysis of identical twins, what they eat and their lifestyle, which lifestyle is many things, as you know, is what would predispose them to having a disease or not having a disease.

Ann Marie:

I'm curious what you do about EMFs, because that's like tinfoil hat conspiracy theory stuff. But you're seeing more and more companies coming out with clothing like Faraday clothing and, pendants and devices by your computer and plants, like, how much of a concern is that for you? And what do you do?

Dr Connealy:

I would say it's the number one concern.

Ann Marie:


Dr Connealy:

Yeah. And the reason why I say that, okay, so, you know, I didn't grow up in EMFs, right? Yeah. Okay. And I, I mean, I'm, you know, older. And so, um, we didn't have EMFs and EMFs started about really heavy duty. It started, you know, 30 years ago, but about 15 years ago, it's exponential. And now it's, It's we're living in electrical field. Okay. And if you look at a kg of your heart. It's an electrical rhythm, right? If you look at an EEG of your head, it's an electrical rhythm. If you look at your nervous system, it's electrical. Everything, your acupuncture meridians are electrical points. And so we are a bioenergetic, we're a biophysical, and biochemical, and bioemotional being. And so we have to make sure all of that is working to serve you every day. And so EMFs are abnormal electrical, you know, it's like you, how do you think your phone you send, you call someone, there's a signal, okay, there's a frequency, just like music is frequency. Okay. And so we are now between. You know, all the EMFs in, you know, everybody's computer, iPad, cell phone, tower, satellite, et cetera, you know, we're all in electrical field. And yes, you know, you can wear EMF protective clothing. Uh, I know a lot of people do. I personally in my house, turn off the electricity to my bedroom and I sleep in a Faraday cage because your sleep is your most restorative time. So I have a. I have like, it's a canopy that sits over my bed. And then I do, I do something called the bio modulator. Uh, the bio modulator is a device that basically gets you an electrical rhythm. Um, it was designed by a physician called Jerry Tennant. Jerry Tennant wrote the book, energy is voltage. And so, um, it is a way of basically charging your body to have the correct frequencies and to balance your body because we all have the potential to be lacking voltage. Voltage is the energy of your cell. Every cell has voltage. So you should be about minus 25. And, um, so we measure that in the patients. And then if you've had what, what takes away your voltage is surgery, Tattoos, toxins, bugs, teeth, all these things, teeth, all these things take away your voltage. Okay. What do you mean teeth? What do you mean teeth? Getting teeth like root canals and injections and fillings and all of that are, you know, can take away your voltage. And so anyway, um, so you've got to remove all those interruptions, you know, in your brain. And what's going on. And so that is for me, you know, a good way because I've had surgeries and I've had all my scars fixed because so once you have a scar, it blocks all the acupuncture meridians going back and forth. So you need to reestablish those connections. So that's called neural therapy. And so, um, so we do that on every single patient. So, uh, but then you've got to go about removing all the things that are blocking you. So, parasites, viruses, bacteria. One of the biggest things in cancer patients is fungus. You know, the connection of fungus and cancer because why? It's an inflammatory process. Okay. And um, so you've got to remove all the things that are causing you problems. That's why grounding grounding on the earth's magnetic field is the best thing you can do every day. That's the thing that doesn't cost any money. And you can do it, you got to do it on, you know, grass or sand or dirt, you know, sitting under a tree, something like that. Getting sunshine every day is also very important. So the, doing these things is, is, is vitally important to your existence today. And because, and so I always think every day, I'm always thinking, okay, like, and I always do such a very deep exam Meaning when I say exam, not just physical exam, but I go through a person's life and I, and I always like, okay, what is going on here? Like, what is the perfect storm that created this? And so, you know, if you really, really analyze people's lives, like just like asking them how many times in their life they've taken antibiotics. Okay, because what what do antibiotics do? They destroy your microbiome, okay? They interfere with mitochondrial function, but, and, and you have the chance of growing yeast in candida, okay? So candida flourishes, in your system. All right. And it's, it's, it, it creates this abnormal inflammatory environment, you know, cutting down the oxygen to your tissues because your body, because there's so much inflammation and invasion that your body can't get oxygen. Well, your body needs the oxygen, right. To properly metabolize through the Krebs cycle of energy. And so, uh, so once you do. You know, an analysis of a person's existence since birth, um, or even, you know, in utero, because now we see that people who in utero to seven years, Gabor Mate, the more adverse life experiences you have, the higher risk of your diseases. So, that's why we have to assess the trauma and drama in someone's life, because people have or, you know, they have adverse childhood experiences. They have the trauma and drama, just like I was telling you about the lady who came in with endometrial cancer. And so, so we have to unravel a person's life and existence to, know where we need to focus on and things start revealing as you know as when you start doing it and then all the practitioners do their little magic on all the different facets you you know you you see and then the patient sees because like I had a nurse come in last week and she's telling me her story and she goes she starts crying she goes wow that's a lot she didn't even what she's been through until she's seeing in front of me and I'm unraveling to her her life and she's crying. She's only 30 something years old and she realizes Wow, she says out loud. Wow, that's a lot. So she's just realizing now. Okay. Yeah. So, and because we live, we live unconsciously. A lot of times we're not conscious of what, what's going on. Right. And so, and we all do it. We've all done it because we, you know, until something, you know, crises happens and we kind of go, Oh, Oh, what's going on here. And then you start. You reveal to yourself what's going on. Yeah. And so, and other people can help you reveal, you know, but we also have to be open to the process too, because sometimes it's painful. And the reality sometimes is so like, like I just said, a wow, you know, but we can turn that all into good. We can. And I always tell every patient that I always say, you know, look, this is a time for you to really get intimate with yourself and to know yourself and understand yourself and master the miracle that you get to live in every day. Help someone else with everything that you've learned, because you really can't help somebody if you haven't been through it. And, and, and I'm not saying you have to go through everything in life because that would not be good either. But, you know, let's face it, you know, if we pad and live the problem we tend to. be good at helping others, right? Because we've been through it, you know, like it's trying to explain to someone what it's like to have a child. Well, you can spend hours upon hours and, but until you have it, that child, you don't know the miracle that's come into your life. So, well, when someone's listening though, And they're just going, Oh my gosh, where do you start? Like if, if someone's listening now and thinking I need to prevent, and I, you know, you've got a whole book that's very worth reading, but what's your top line? Like, because you can't do it all at once. Like, you know, I, I, I've gone through a lot in the last, it's been like six years since I had sort of the hit the wall life explosion. Based myself and it's been six years and I, I just went through menopause and I feel like, you know, so that I don't want, I don't want to scare people. It's like, you know, it's like you change slowly and all at once. Um, you change every, you know, you're even to hear people talk about, even to hear you talk about EMS, it's like, whoa. You know, that's a huge thing to change. So anyway, that's a long winded asking you where to start. If you're like trauma, trauma, uh, EMFs, toxins, et cetera, et cetera. Right. Well, first of all, you need to educate yourself. Okay. And unfortunately the education, it's not front and center. Okay. They don't put on the news. Oh, here, you know, you need to get sunlight every day. Oh, you need to ground every day. Oh, EMFs are terrible. Not good. No one tells you that. Okay, no one tells you the phone insert says that your phone is carcinogenic. No one tells you that a Tesla, if you drive it, look at the warnings on Tesla that These are could be cancer causing. Okay. They don't, no one tells you that you don't pay attention. Let's face it. Okay. Uh, luckily at the gas station, they say if you're pregnant, you know, this could be toxic, right? Thank goodness. Okay. But, but there, no one's alerting us to telling us because it's, it's, probably too scary, okay? But, um, people need to become educated and aware of what's going on with their life and what they need to do. And there are books, lots of books, my books, there's lots of books written on toxicity, there's books written on all kinds of things, but you've got to take charge of your own life, okay? And you've got to learn. There's so many health podcasts now. There's so much out there to learn. So I would tell people to just start. I mean, there's lots of, my book has kind of an overview of a lot of things, you know, right away and then get another book and they all kind of say similar things. Right. And so, and I always tell people, this is not something you're going to fix in a day. Okay. And, and take your time. And I tell people give yourself a year. to kind of start getting yourself organized. Now, when patients with cancer, they, everything's an emergency. Why? Because you can't negotiate with cancer. And because cancer is like, it's already 10 years in the making. And so you're trying to get your body in order as quickly as possible, correct? And then you're getting biopsies and then you're getting surgery and then you may need chemo and then You know, may need radiation. And so you have all this to deal with. Okay, you've got to counterbalance all of those facets. And, um, and then you've got to change your life. And then I always tell people, you know, you're going to be drinking out of a fire hose. That is for sure. It is what it is. And I, we're going to help you. We're going to guide you through that process, but don't make the, you know, make it like it's okay. I got to do everything today, little by little. And I make it simple for patients. Maybe it starts with a detoxification and doing Epsom salt, baking soda, and clay baths, and then, you know, I add the next thing and get rid of plastics out of your house, get an air purifier, make sure you have some kind of water purifier. These basic things. EMF is a whole nother thing. The best thing you could do like is ground every day. That's the simplest non, you know, inexpensive thing to do. Um, do they have grounding mats? You know, I didn't personally notice that much difference when I had a grounding sheet, but you know, there, there, it may help some. Okay. Uh, probably the best thing you can do though is connect with the earth. And do that. And, um, uh, essential oils are very helpful for nurturing the body. So, cause essential oils have like a very, very high vibration. And so, um, I think those can be very, very helpful with patients because they do have such a high vibrational frequency, uh, and different combos depending on what we're trying to treat and everything. Uh, but little by little, you know, you got it, you have to get your sleep. Well, first of all, I tell people you got to get your mental emotional countenance in order. So we do something called EVOX, that is rapid box is the Latin word for voice. And it reprograms. So when you start talking and your brain is programmed on the computer to say, you know, it gives the, the, the person, uh, to look at that and say, okay, you know, it sounds like you have, have had abandonment issues. And so they work through the different things that they see that are displayed on the brain and the beauty of it, it's very quick. Okay. We don't have to do years of therapy. We do five to 10 sessions and patients are dramatically better and we want the patient better, faster, and so, um, you know, and I have used all kinds of techniques for the emotional countenance of someone. So we have found that to be the best and quickest and people want to get better, faster, right. Um, and then, um, so I would say, and then we give all of our patients healing affirmations. Okay. Just to begin with, to start with, so they learn how to start talking to themselves because we face it, we live in our subconscious, which started, you know, in utero, and so we have all these subconscious recordings playing all the time, and they maybe are not serving us, so if we have conscious https: otter. ai our life, then we're reprobing, reprogramming ourselves because ourselves are listening to our thoughts 24 seven. So if we do programmed intentions several times a day, we are reprogramming the thoughts that we had, right?

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Ann Marie:

Because people don't even know they're walking around with those thoughts. I mean, I, I didn't know that that wasn't not. normal. Like I thought everyone had just this horrible voice that was saying horrible things. Yeah, and everybody. That can lead to cancer. Like that can actually, years of that can actually contribute with other factors.

Dr Connealy:

Well, your body becomes what you think about most of the time, okay? So if you, and if you, you know, happy people, you know, do very, you know, you can see the happiness factor or the person who learns how to, uh, uh, handle the curve balls. And the book, Viktor Frankl book, uh, the famous book,

Ann Marie:

man's search for meaning?

Dr Connealy:

Yeah. Man's search for meaning. If you read that book, I mean, it's probably one of the most well read books, but it talks about between stimulus and response. There is a space. And in that space, there's time for growth and of you and how to, how your body's going, how you're, how you are going to respond to it. So, um, and we all have that plight every day. It's a 24 seven thing, right? It's not, but the more you practice it, the more you become right. And so I never stopped practicing it. I, before I even get out of bed, the first thing I think about is affirmations because I've been doing it so long. And when I'm driving, I don't listen to anything and I'm doing affirmations. And when I'm now with, I'm with patients, I don't do affirmations, you know, necessarily because unless I have this outrageous case and I say, God guide me in this case, because I get very difficult cases and you want to, you, you know, you've got to use the universe and its potential. I don't know if you know the book, the field written by Lynn McTaggart. Um, but Lynn McTaggart wrote the book, The Field and Utilizing the Quantum Field to Help You. And so we have to all use that. And she wrote a book on intention experiments and how intention, you know, really helped healing. And now she has, she wrote the book, The Power of Eight. She's the editor of, um, What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You. And she and her husband are author of that book. But anyway, um, but if you read that we can all use the universe for healing. And so, um, so then, but getting back to what you can do. So we have to sleep because sleep is when the magic happens. And 50 percent of the population doesn't sleep, right? And then water, you have to have some kind of purification water system. Because like in the state of California, now they're just taking sewage water and recycling it, and that's our water. So you must have purification. Like good water because there's pharma in the water, there's chemicals in the water, there's insecticides in the water. I mean hundreds of chemicals, there's heavy metals in the water. So you have to have a water purification, some kind of water purification. You need to eat foods that nourish and strengthen your body. So if you eat dead food and, and processed food and fast food, which a lot of people do. And they are not cognizant of the, what they're putting in their mouth, you know, you have to have energy, you have to eat energy. Okay. And so you've got to eat foods that are going to nourish and strengthen and heal your body, which is really an ancestral way of eating, basically eat how people ate. you know, thousands of years ago, which they off the land, they hunted their animals and that good stuff. And they didn't eat things that are fake and chemical. And You know, there's just too much chemicals in all these things and crazy fats and all kind of things. And then you got to move the 800 muscles in your body. So exercise is powerful to, to, to increase your oxygenation, increase your brain function, increase circulation and increase the lymphatic system and all these great things. And people sit all day. You know, Sid, they say sitting's the new smoking, right? Because people sit on a computer all day. And then, um, and then, uh, there is, so people need to move and they do need to incorporate movement as much as possible. And then there is, um, you know, the, uh, You've got to get outside, you've got to get outside and get sunshine and you've got to get out in nature on a regular basis. And I would incorporate, um, that you've got to cleanse on a, some kind of cleansing on a regular basis, okay? So, that could be, um, a bath detox, the easiest way to detox is probably Epsom salts, baking soda, clay. Not everybody has access to an infrared sauna. So, um, I would say, that if you can't do that, the other things I like Orally to take a zeolite. Zeolite has been around for a long time used in industry to detox major spills, etc. So zeolite's very easy to do. It comes in powders and pills and sprays. But that and then there's another Um thing that I use called carbon 60, which is nano sized charcoal and olive oil. So those two things obviously food Can be also purifying but you've got to have you've got to do some kind of detoxification because What I see in the practice is people have lots of toxins and they have heavy metal and one of the biggest toxins that people have Is phthalates and which are plastic and you know you're seeing it a lot in the news these days about plastics And we're you know, we're breathing them in drink that's in the food. It's in the water It's they say we eat a credit card of plastic a day so So those are big so we do something called An environmental pollutant panel, and it tells you mold and metals and plastics and chemicals and insecticides pesticides glyphosate. So we do that because we know that glyphosate is cancer causing. We know plastics, you know predispose people to problems. The bottom line to cellular function is what is your production of ATP and your production of ATP is produced by the mitochondria and the mitochondria are, everyone knows is the powerhouse of the cell. So we have something in our body that happens called the cell danger response. And so the more things that we have our body being, you know, invaded with. The more that cell danger response paralyzes and interferes with the function of the mitochondria. And so, so we have to get rid of the things that are interfering with the normal function of our body. Okay? And so, and that's what we're living in today. We're living in, we've been, we're disconnected humans, we're disconnected from nature. Um, and we can't live, uh, and we're living in the great poisoning. So we don't have a life that is, is creating the beautiful miracle that we need to be creating. And we can do that, but we all have to change. We all have to look at life differently.

Ann Marie:

I'm listening to you. And you know, we talk a lot about menopause and perimenopause here. And women seem to be having a harder time. And there's, you know, People who talk about this sort of like evolutionary mismatch, like we're going through this while we're going through menopause and perimenopause, but the conversation is reduced to hormones a lot. And so I just wondered what you thought about that because the conversation is obviously blown open. And I know you're a fan of, of taking hormones too, in a way. So I just kind of wanted to know what you think about this explosion of it's hormones, it's estrogen. It's, you know, cause we're hitting it in our forties and late thirties when we've been living like this for a long time.

Dr Connealy:

Right. Well, I would say, okay, first of all, you have to understand that I have had a harm. I've lived a hormonal conundrum. And so the few things I've experienced, just so the listeners know that I come from, not just the medical scientific aspect, but the actual living experience. Okay. So, my mother took DES, and so we found out when I was a teenager, and so I started going to cancer institutions when I was 16, etc. And I never had two periods in a row in my life, okay? So the answer to all of that, well, one, you're young, then two, let's go on birth control, which changed me. Forever, which is terrible. I literally I had a permanent change when I went on birth control. Okay in my whole system anyway But back then that's what they thought was the answer and you know If you read the pill problem and the bitter pill and all these, you know, there's a lot to birth control pills Okay a lot that they don't tell you and then anytime I mention it People OBGYNs freak out and everything, but I do believe that you have a duty. If you're going to give a patient a birth control, you have a duty to let them know. So they make the educated decision, not the. Ignorant decision.

Ann Marie:

Just on that point, it does seem strange to me. I'm non medical person. And I've talked to some people behind the scenes that it's perfectly fine to go on the pill and remove all your natural hormones and your natural ovulation process. But then all of a sudden when you hit menopause, you have to replace the natural hormones that you're losing. That seems very confusing to me.

Dr Connealy:

Right. Well, it is. And I know if you're 21 years of age and you're worried about getting pregnant, the pill is the easy fix, right? Okay. But if you give a patient a pill, you need to give them, okay, here's all the things you need to do if you take the birth control pill, but, and also you need to, uh, No, all you have to give patients informed information, right? um, but people need to understand, and because your doctors don't tell you, okay, they just give it out. Okay. But their synthetic estrogen progesterone, they're turning off your system. Okay. So you don't take, you don't, you basically don't have good hormones. Okay. So then when I needed to get pregnant, I didn't ovulate. Right. So. I had to go through and I was one day all of a sudden wake up. I'm dying to have a baby. Like literally it was the craziest possession. Uh, you know, one of the craziest ones I had in my life. I never thought about kids going through, I think, you know, going to college, going to medical school, now you got to do this and so forth. And then one day I just like have to have a baby. And so I, Talked to my girlfriend who was an OBGYN and she goes, Oh, you need to take Clomid because Clomid is going to help you get pregnant and I go, Okay, I took that. Well, unfortunately taking Clomid didn't, I didn't ovulate. I'm doing those ovulation kit tests every day. Anyway, to make a long story short, I go to infertility doctors and, and I do successfully. I'm giving you the Reader's Digest version, but I successfully, you know, had three kids with Clomid. you know, medical intervention. Okay. And I'm shortcutting it because there was a lot to it. Okay. And then when I delivered twins 29 years ago, I had emergency C section without anesthesia. So that shut down my pituitary and your pituitary if anyone knows is your master gland that controls all your hormones. And I ended up getting a pituitary transplant, not in the United States, somewhere else that pituitary transplant saved my life. and turn my endocrine system back on. So I not only had menopause, I've also had complete, you know, malfunctioning of my pituitary. And so I will tell everyone out there that Hormones are the most important chemical messengers in your body. They are what keeps you alive. All right. And no one should ever underestimate and tell you that hormones are no big deal because they are your biggest deal. They, They help you make the decisions every single minute of your life, your thoughts, your energy, your stamina, your wellbeing. I mean, your every single thing, how your heart works, your liver works, everything works. Okay. How your memory worked like every single thing. And no one should ever underestimate and, and simplify the hormonal orchestra that takes place in your body each and every day. Okay. I am now 66 and I do take hormones every day. If I didn't take hormones, I wouldn't be able to work and function. And women need to understand because there's always like all this information about hormones predispose you to cancer and so forth. But that is, that has been disproven, but hormones enhance your living each and every day, enhance your longevity, period, end of story. And so, uh, they, you know, they had the, Women's Health Institute in 2002, because they were using a conjugated Premarin, uh, hormone, which is made from horse urine. And they were using that alone. And those women did very well. And the women who took progesterone, the synthetic progesterone, medroxyprogesterone, those patients got increased risk of cancer because they were using a synthetic progesterone. And so, that's all been debunked. And now, now we know that women's Life and longevity is much better with or without cancer. Now there's a whole other thing of estrogens and cancer, meaning women who've had breast cancer, you know, that's a whole nother conundrum. And I always tell patients, we've got to, you know, we've got to look at everybody individually. So if you're 30 years old and you have ER positive breast cancer, We just got to do everything to save your life. Okay. And, and so I may temporarily shut down your hormones, because that is just one of the hundred things that are contributing. But if you take an older woman, you know, I mean you trade one problem for another problem, because estrogen helps your hippocampus. Your brain, your memory, your heart, your bones, your skin, your mental emotional outlook. But you can't just look at estrogen. You've got to look at all the hormones. So women have four different hormonal systems. They have the thyroid, which is the battery to your body and the central part of the hormonal orchestra. Then you have your pancreas, which makes insulin glucagon, which is also influenced by your hormones. Then you have your ovaries that make estrogens. and progesterone and testosterone. Then you have your adrenal glands that make DHEA and cortisol and 98 other hormones that we haven't even discovered yet. And so this is an entire hormonal orchestra. And then you have pregnenolone, which is the grandmother of all the hormones. And so you need some concoction cocktail of all that. And again, everyone is different. And again, if you have a history of breast cancer, you're in. A category. And then if you haven't had a history of breast cancer or then I do another program. Okay. And, but my job is to protect the patient and, but also make them feel good and have a great life. And then like if a patient has had breast cancer, I'll make sure that everything is perfect. Like if I have a 70 year old, that woman wants some, a little bit of estrogen. But a lot of times you can give a woman DHEA and pregnenolone and fix their adrenals and help them make, you know, make them a good, you know, hormonal chemistry. And so, but again, you've got to take each individual patient. That's what's wrong with medicine is they one size fits all. You're on a conveyor, robotic conveyor belt and everybody gets the same thing. Well, that's impossible. There's no one thing for everybody. Okay. And so you've got to, You know, you've got to figure out what works for each patient and every person scenario and so forth and so on. And so, but hormones are, are the most vital chemical messengers that your body needs to work every single day. And there's, there's not just hormones for the breast or the uterus. They affect the brain. They affect every single side. So you have a cell and every cell has over 30, 000 receptor sites for all of these things I'm talking about. All right. And so that's why you have to have a good membrane, which gets gummed up with phthalates and all other kind of chemicals they interfere with they they get on that membrane, and they interfere with your normal biochemistry. Okay. That's why it's very important for us to have the proper oils in our body so we have a good magical membrane so those receptor sites are working. Okay.

Ann Marie:

Oils, you mean, uh, eating good fats?

Dr Connealy:

Yes, exactly.

Ann Marie:

And so, I've heard you speak about, okay, so you're not concerned about hormones. People are always like, will I get cancer if I take hormone therapy? And what I'm hearing you say is, like, it Has such a small factor. If it was a factor, it's one of so many, many things.

Dr Connealy:

Well, I would say that 90 percent of patients who have breast cancer have never taken hormone. Okay. Okay. So, and the studies worldwide, like if you look at the countries like Finland, Denmark, Spain, Italy, they give it to women free. Yeah. And so, um, that is a part of their system because they know it enhances their quality of life and longevity. And they've done the study. So here there's just complete total dismiss information, unfortunately. And so I, you know, I know because we've been unfortunately fighting this for a very long time. And, uh, you know, fortunately I found progesterone very early in my life, which saved my life, um, early on in my, you know, thirties. And so it's the balance of hormones because the la, like the lady I just had endometrial cancer, she never took hormones. She has endometrial cancer, right? You know, she never took hormones. Okay. And all the, all the women The 30 year olds give or take that I take, you know, other than taking some took birth control pills, they've never taken hormones and they have breast cancer. So, and then, did God give you a body to self destruct? No. Okay, it did not give all these hormones for your body to self destruct. There are extenuating factors that are causing the increase in breast cancer. And we got to look at all the causes that women are, and we need to be on a preventive, very proactive, precise, uh, trajectory of preventing cancer and making people aware. And they've got to change their way of living. We have to, and it's for all of us.

Ann Marie:

And do you think, um, being on hormone therapy can prevent cancer? I mean, there are some studies that are showing.

Dr Connealy:

Yeah, there are lots of studies that are showing that that if you go on hormone therapy, your quality of your quality of life is better and your risk of prevention is better like for especially if you take progesterone because progesterone is anti cancer. Okay, in all of its ways, it's anti cancer. And so, and that's the perfect balancing for when you have estrogens is you have progesterone to balance it out. And then you talk about testosterone to testosterone is protective against breast cancer, and it helps you know your muscles, your contractility of your heart, and your immune testosterone is a big part of your immune system. Just like DHEA, DHEA is very protective for your immune system and longevity. I mean, these studies are profound in that way. You've also seen women will talk about mortality, breast women who've taken hormones, their mortality is less with the women who have taken hormones

Ann Marie:

if they get breast cancer.

Dr Connealy:


Ann Marie:

And then I've heard you speak about estrogen and the commercially produced, uh, patches and gels and then bioidentical, which has, you can have different kinds of estrogen. Can you just talk about that a little bit? Right. Okay. So there's biologically identical hormones, which are exact replicas of your normal physiological hormones. Okay. And so we know, um, that a combination of estradiol in and estriol, which is protective against breast cancer. And the best way to do it is topical. Okay. Because you're bypassing the liver and the studies show that it is better topical than it is taking it orally. And then you must combine it with progesterone because estrogen and progesterone are balancers. Okay. Then of course, I check people's testosterone level and I also make sure that then I check their DHEA. sulfate. I also check their pregnant alone and all the other things to fortify their system. So there is an estradiol pill that is sold, you know, commercially. Uh, there is an estradiol patch you mentioned, which is biologically identical. And, uh, which is not, but if you take The transdermal patch, you need to balance it with progesterone and check levels to make sure that they are in proper, you know, balance and opposition. And with that patch or gel, you're not getting estriol. No, exactly. So you should be getting the both. I like to use 50 percent estradiol with 50 percent estriol because you're met. What you're doing is you're mimicking the body's physiology. Right. And so, um, because your other hormone that you make is estrone. Now there are other estrogens, you know, also made, uh, but the main ones, when you look about replacement should be a little bit of E3 and a half and half three, E3 and E2, which is estriol and estradiol. But top line for Estrogen and testosterone if you need it.

Dr Connealy:

Exactly. Correct.

Ann Marie:

Progesterone is the big one because it, it seems that, it seems to me when I read studies that researchers are still not separating out synthetic and bio bio.

Dr Connealy:

That is correct. Yeah.

Ann Marie:

What's the point, point of all this research? Because we're getting findings and they're all just, to me, they're just all over the place. Is that, do you see that?

Dr Connealy:

Yes. I see that. And they're putting them all together and they shouldn't be, you know.

Ann Marie:

That's going to take some time.

Dr Connealy:

You have to, you may, you have to qualify the study and say, make sure that they are biologically identical. Yeah. It's still not happening. It's crazy. They just, there was that one about rheumatoid arthritis and it just, you look in the study. Yeah.

Ann Marie:

Okay. Well, I've taken enough of your time. You're a busy woman. You have to go. Thank you so much. That was just a really good, um, education. I really appreciate it. And you're doing great.

Dr Connealy:

Well, I appreciate your work and we've got to work together to spread the message.

Hot Flash Inc. was created and is hosted by Anne Marie McQueen, produced and edited by Sonya Mack. The information contained in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease. Before using any products referenced on the podcast, consult with your health care provider, read all labels, and heed all directions and cautions that accompany the products. Information podcast should not be used in place of a consultation or advice from a health care provider. If you suspect you have a medical problem, i. e. menopause or anything else, or any healthcare questions, please promptly see your healthcare provider. This podcast, including Anne Marie McQueen and any producers or editors, disclaim any responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of any information contained herein. Opinions of guests on this podcast are their own and the podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about a guest's qualifications or credibility. This podcast may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products or services. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. This podcast is owned by Hot Flash Inc Media.

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