Gender Smart

Ep 2: Why a Gender Lens is key to fighting climate change?

Circulate Capital Episode 2

Awareness of the intersection between gender and improved business and climate outcomes is growing. As research into the topic deepens our understanding, more corporations and impact investors are embarking on their journey to become gender-smart. In Episode 2, Gender Smart speaks to Suzanne Biegel, Co-Founder of GenderSmart and Founder of Catalyst at Large, a consulting firm that focuses on facilitating gender lens investing. 
Suzanne unpacks the relationship between gender diversity, improved climate resilience and business performance. She also discusses the positive mindset shift she has observed across the full spectrum of capital as well as the practical actions that can be adopted at a fund- and company-level.
“It’s not just about thinking of women as beneficiaries or those who are most affected, but to see women as agents of change.” - Suzanne Biegel