Diversity - where a nation goes to die
Tea With George
Tea With George
Diversity - where a nation goes to die
Apr 19, 2023 Season 2 Episode 64
George Caylor

In 1956, Soviet Union dictator Nikita Khrushchev said “America will be defeated without a single shot being fired” If we look at Canada, we can see how it’s gonna happen here. The Toronto Public Schools cafeterias are used by Muslims for prayer services (By the way, it’s against Canadian law to have Christian prayers in public schools.) During the prayer services Muslim boys enter by the front door, and girls by the rear door. The boys kneel in front, the girls kneel behind them And the 3rd row of girls are not praying because they’re in their menstrual periods. It’s funny how feminists don’t seem to care about that. There’s a saying, “diversity is where nations go to die.” And it’s killing Canada. And if you’ve been watching the Democrat debates, you’ll see that America has already been targeted to be destroyed in the wonderful name of “diversity.”

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