MLK would NOT approve today's protests
Tea With George
Tea With George
MLK would NOT approve today's protests
May 04, 2024 Season 3 Episode 98
George Caylor

Last night as I watched the news I was struck by the difference of protests. Back in 1964, sixty years ago, I marched with Martin Luther King, and the rules were pretty strict. You weren’t allowed to say anything bad. You couldn’t carry a poster that had something foul on it. If somebody struck you, you weren’t allowed to strike them back. It was a peaceful protest, enforced by rules for peace. How much different are the protests today. For instance, Columbia University and other places, students and outside provocateurs are protesting Israel and America. And promoting Hamas, even after Hamas made a horrific terror attack on the civilians of Israel.  Black Lives Matter protests burned entire city blocks! How sad would Martin Luther King be with today’s warfare protests. 
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