Wild + (finally fcking) Free: Real, Raw Stories of Metamorphosis, Growth and Evolution

Walking the Labyrinth: Pathway to Peace with Elaine Glass

May 14, 2024 Kylie Patchett Season 3 Episode 16
Walking the Labyrinth: Pathway to Peace with Elaine Glass
Wild + (finally fcking) Free: Real, Raw Stories of Metamorphosis, Growth and Evolution
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Wild + (finally fcking) Free: Real, Raw Stories of Metamorphosis, Growth and Evolution
Walking the Labyrinth: Pathway to Peace with Elaine Glass
May 14, 2024 Season 3 Episode 16
Kylie Patchett

Elaine Glass, a visionary author, and Master Life Coach, specialises in transformative retreats for women navigating midlife transitions. Elaine's path has been marked by significant leaps of faith. Understanding the profound impact of connection and compassion, she realized that true transformation occurs when people feel genuinely acknowledged and understood. 

Driven by a profound sense of purpose, Elaine’s mission is to help people live their BEST lives. Her unique approach, known as "The Get Quiet Way," is a roadmap to discovering your inner treasures and bringing them fully up to the surface and out into the world. She encourages you to be who you truly want to be, feel good again in your skin, and realize your positive influence on your family and the world.

Key Takeaways:

  • How Elaine is grateful for being forced to get truly quiet and find a way back to her own inner wisdom during earlier times when she has been brought to her knees
  • And similarly, how we can embrace midlife transitions as opportunities for transformation.
  • Utilizing movement and meditation to access inner wisdom and her own journey to finding the power and peace of walking a labyrinth.
  • Recognizing the importance of self-compassion and grace on the journey and discovering the power of connection to the natural world and spiritual practices.

Find Elaine online at https://elaineglass.net/

Grab a copy of Elaine's debut book, GET QUIET: 7 Simple Paths to the Truth of Who You Are at https://www.getquiet.com/  


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and online for all your Brand, Content and Copy Storytelling needs at Kylie's brand new web home www.kpkreative.com.au

Show Notes Transcript

Elaine Glass, a visionary author, and Master Life Coach, specialises in transformative retreats for women navigating midlife transitions. Elaine's path has been marked by significant leaps of faith. Understanding the profound impact of connection and compassion, she realized that true transformation occurs when people feel genuinely acknowledged and understood. 

Driven by a profound sense of purpose, Elaine’s mission is to help people live their BEST lives. Her unique approach, known as "The Get Quiet Way," is a roadmap to discovering your inner treasures and bringing them fully up to the surface and out into the world. She encourages you to be who you truly want to be, feel good again in your skin, and realize your positive influence on your family and the world.

Key Takeaways:

  • How Elaine is grateful for being forced to get truly quiet and find a way back to her own inner wisdom during earlier times when she has been brought to her knees
  • And similarly, how we can embrace midlife transitions as opportunities for transformation.
  • Utilizing movement and meditation to access inner wisdom and her own journey to finding the power and peace of walking a labyrinth.
  • Recognizing the importance of self-compassion and grace on the journey and discovering the power of connection to the natural world and spiritual practices.

Find Elaine online at https://elaineglass.net/

Grab a copy of Elaine's debut book, GET QUIET: 7 Simple Paths to the Truth of Who You Are at https://www.getquiet.com/  


HEALERS + HELPERS!! Your Story Matters!
Download your FREE Storytelling 101 Guide here and learn the 6 Essential Stories You Should Be Sharing, because being the best kept secret on the internet is NOT helping your ideal fits-like-a-glove clients find you!

Come connect with Kylie on Insta @kyliepatchettstorytelling or Facebook @kyliepatchettonline
and online for all your Brand, Content and Copy Storytelling needs at Kylie's brand new web home www.kpkreative.com.au

 (1): [00:00:00] Hello there. And welcome to wild and finally fucking free where midlife isn't a time of crisis, but a time of metamorphosis, just like the journey through puberty and pregnancy to postpartum and midlife transition is also a powerful portal of rebirth, the wise woman inside of us is calling. Inviting us to slow down, to take stock, to speak our truth, to burn away, all that no longer serves us, ready to step forward into our next phase of life.

S3-Intro-inc-music (1): I'm your host, Kylie Patchett, storyteller and midlife self care coach. And together we'll unearth the real and raw stories of women who are right in the messy, magical middle. Or have come out the other side. And the healers who help all of us through these crossroads of change. I hope that as you listen to these tales of breaking the ties that bind, shedding skins, and courageously chasing midlife dreams, that you too will answer the wise woman's [00:01:00] invitation and set yourself wild and finally fucking free.

S3-Intro-inc-music (1): Let's dive in.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the podcast. We have another beautiful woman in the studio today. Hello, Elaine Glass. How are you? Kylie, I'm super great to be here and can't wait to start this conversation. Oh, so good. I mean, I said to you when I first connected with you this morning before we were recording that I've been reading through your website going, this is going to be a good juicy conversation.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: So we are very grateful to have you here. Could you introduce your beautiful self to our listeners if they don't already know you? Yes, thank you. Um, I am a mother. I'm a mother first. And, uh, I have done a lot of things. So I've changed a lot of identities in my life. I would say right now, [00:02:00] I am an author.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so I'm super excited to call myself author now. Um, in the past, I've called myself a lot of things, but right now I'm an author to a new book called Get Quiet, and it's going to be released in a week. So that's what I'm up to right now. Yeah. Congratulations. I know how much work a book takes to write and bring into the world.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And when I asked you how long you've been working on her, you said. A decade and I'm like, yep, that sounds about right to me because when we're delivering our life's work, that's what happens, isn't it? All right. That's right. That's right. It's been, um, it's been, uh, quite a, quite a decade of personal transformation of, um, awakening of really tuning in to see what is it that I want for the second half of my life.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And that takes a lot of, um, focus. And a lot of curiosity and [00:03:00] a lot of grace and a lot of self compassion. Yep. So that's what I've been doing for the last decade. I am like right in the middle of doing the same thing. And I would say I would add to your list and say a lot of courage because a lot of the time we are called to let go of things that we have.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Always had or always done or in years where identity before, and I love, I love the concept that we can change our identity because I do think sometimes we can get stuck in there. Like I've always done it this way. And I've always been this one. And the roles that we play. What have been some of the biggest shifts that you've had?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: identity and I always like to think of like identity morphing, you know, it's like you don't lose one part of yourself, but you evolve into something different. For me, it was having to change the conversation in my head that, well, I really want to write. I've always written. Um, that's how I [00:04:00] process things.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I've kept 16. Yeah. All of these insights, all of these things I've written for my, you know, last decade, like, what if they actually were valuable enough to become a book? So how do I get past the thinking mind that says, no, what? No, you're just, no, no, you're just a mom or no, no, no, no. Remember, remember you failed high school English, Elaine.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: No, no, no, no. Writing a book is not for you. And, and it's this like having to go over and over all the ways that no, this is for you. This actually could be for you. And to listen to the voices that are positive and love because if you get quiet enough, you will hear them really clearly. And that's what I did to change, to change my thinking.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Oh, I love that concept. The quiet and loving voice. I've been [00:05:00] Thinking about, and also reading more about internal family systems. I don't know if you're familiar with that, but it's, it's a way of kind of understanding different aspects of ourselves. And when you say the quiet voice straight away, I think that's the authentic self, like the deepest, truest part of us that also knows all the magic and the power and all this magnificence that's there.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: inside of us. And then as you say, the thinking mind or what I would say, the lizard brain, the prehistoric, try to keep me safe brain is kind of sitting over the top of it going, Oh, what do you reckon the brain? And what do you reckon that voice of fear or doubt was trying to keep you safe from like, what was that about really when you get underneath it?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Oh gosh, that's such a great question. Kylie, everybody has. It's a story and everybody has a generational pattern that they have to get over. And the only way to get over it is to go through it. And so to me, it was, I'm not smart [00:06:00] enough, or, you know, you can't be seen. You have to stay hidden to stay safe.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so it was all of these, um, things that I had to get through and had to literally tell myself, improve to myself. No, that is not who you are. That is not the truth of who you are. So get quiet and figure out what it is that you really are here to do. And That's what I did. I went on a journey for a decade to really know who I was.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And there's so many things that are blocking us from knowing that everything from our mental emotional state to our health, to the environmental health. I mean, there's so many things in our way to knowing and being able to hear that still wise voice. And so I literally for 10 years, just, I. [00:07:00] Blasted through those obstacles, like one by one as, as you're talking, I'm thinking quiet is so different to most people's average life.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Isn't it? There's, you know, there's lots of us. You consume a lot of TV, a lot of social media, a lot of like, there's all this external competing noise that would have. Us think the world is a particular way, and then there's this still quiet voice that actually doesn't buy into that environment at all. At least that's been my experience.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And I wonder, especially actually for the generation of kids that my kids are part of, of like, they've had mobile phones, like they haven't grown up with them, but they've had them since they were, you know, teenagers. Like, are they ever going to hear the internal quiet voice when automatically it seems to be that, you know, when you've got two seconds of spare, you're on a phone looking at [00:08:00] external.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: That bothers me. That really worries me actually, as I'm verbalizing that, how did you know to get quiet though? Because as you're talking, like, I know that you you've shared a little bit with me about like leaving a marriage before leaving a career before, how did you know that you needed to actually get quiet to be able to hear the voice Because a lot of people don't even know that bit like, well, tell me about that journey.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Well, unfortunately we learn things when you're, when your world is falling apart. And so that was the case for me. I has, I had been going through a very difficult divorce. I became a single mother to two small sons and my life was so loud and so fearful. There was so much uncertainty and I had to get healthy.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: For my kids, mind, body, and spirit really, really quickly. And all I wanted was for someone to just knock on my door and say, I'm here. I'll save you. [00:09:00] And nobody came. So I had to save myself. And so I literally, um, intuitively figured out how to be the healthiest mother I could be to my kids. And that's where it all started.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And they were my inspiration for getting healthy. And, you know, kids are great imitators. And so we as parents need to give them something great to imitate. And I would get quiet with them. We would have family dinners. We would have devices down. We would have, you know, playing Frisbee in the park. Things that I did when I was a kid.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And that I enjoyed. And so we have to show our kids that that is normal and that is healthy and that is important [00:10:00] to maintain our natural state as a human being. So it's all about getting back to our natural state. And we have to awaken. To that natural state. And that's what I think spirituality is.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Yeah. As you're talking, I'm thinking about the very first time I experienced a, I don't even know what language I would call it, but an absence of the loudness of my mind. When I very first started doing yoga, when my kids were like quite little. Like maybe two and three. And I just got to the end of this class and it was, it was a new practice to me as well.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: So obviously there's like the beginner's mind and then the physicality of like, even just following the directions and all of those things. But I got to the end of the class and I thought that is the quietest I have felt on the inside ever in my life. And that was The [00:11:00] very first time I think that I understood consciously that all of the stuff in my head and the constant talking and like my head is very loud, um, was actually not me.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Like it was, that was separate to me. I was observing it, but there was a stiller, quieter, much more wise, um, part of me. that I could access through different things. And for me, yoga was definitely the entry point later on meditation. But, um, it's interesting as you, yeah, as you talk, I wonder, I wonder for other people, what are the things that are coming to their mind that bring that awareness that there's a deeper voice in there?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And I know, um, part of your practice has become connected to labyrinths, which I really want to go down because I only literally just walked a labyrinth. Like in January this year when I went away with my daughter, um, was that, was that also just a knowing that you needed to [00:12:00] start doing that kind of meditative kind of practice or how did that unfold?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I'm really curious. I had been a transcendental meditator for 30 years. I learned, I learned in my twenties and I loved meditation in the way that it's, it's taught just with sitting in silence. But when I got into my fifties, I felt like my body needed to move. Something needed, like I needed to shake my body awake.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so watching a labyrinth was the way that I could move. It's a moving meditation that has the same benefits, but you're outside in nature and it's not a maze. It's not to confuse you. There's one way in and one way out when you walk a labyrinth. And so it's just so supportive. It's like you're entering this portal, this, this portal of.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Your [00:13:00] spirit team that awaits you at the entrance, waiting for you to be able to hear the unseen speak to you right now in this noisy world. We are desperate to hear that wise counsel. We are absolutely desperate because that's what's going to allow us. to be our truest expression. And why else are we here?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Yeah, exactly. We're not mucking around, folks. Like we're here to deliver something to the world. Um, as you were talking, then I've just got this picture of, um, I quite, I quite often have a jukebox in my head. I think that's partly ADHD. I'm not really sure, but often when I'm having conversations, I've also got a music track that my.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I don't know, brain, whatever it is, picks that's playing, but what I got then instead is like your spirit team, as you're [00:14:00] walking towards the labyrinth going, you know, she's got like clapping, and that, and as women, you know, um, we have forgotten how to play. And so literally I felt like I would enter this, this portal of play of like lightness.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And that's the way we actually access Bull's voice is we get, we've got to leave the dense heaviness. Of everything that we hold. Think about everything we hold. We hold our kids emotions. We hold the worry of the world. We hold so much this work that I've come upon and that I teach now. Let's all of that just release out of you.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Hmm. That sounds pretty darn good to me. Elaine . How, um, can you explain what [00:15:00] elaborate is for people who are listening going? I'm not actually quite sure what you're talking about because I think it is very important for people to understand it's not a maze. It's not, you know, potentially where you find yourself in a, you know, cul-de-sac and you're like, I need to go.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I don't even know whether you use cul-de-sac as a word. I don't think you do. What's like a dead end street? You do. Sorry. Sometimes I think using cultural references here. Um, yeah. Can you explain what it is as opposed to a maze, please? Just for people. Yeah. Well, It is over 4000 years old, and it's what the ancients used, um, to go within the journey to within or the journey to God.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so this has been around for thousands of years, and it's the ancient way. To connect to God or connect to the power within you or connecting universe and it can be made out of stones. It can be made out [00:16:00] of bricks. It can be made out of, uh, grass hedging, whatever the, whatever the maze, the, the maze and the, it's not a maze, but the, the design would, would be, um, It can also be found in churches, hospitals, schoolyards.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Many people have them on private properties. I do believe that they energetically are very, very healthy to the earth and to the neighborhoods in which they're placed. And so people don't know about them. They're usually hidden, but you can go on labyrinth locator. com and there's, yes, there's a worldwide labyrinth locator.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: com and you will find a labyrinth near you. If you don't have access to one, you can print one out. Yeah. And do a finger walking diagram and I have one in [00:17:00] the book. So, and it's, it's so good for your brain health to be able to walk this path because what it does is we're left brain, right brain. And what it does is it kind of co mingles and the two sides of your brain actually work together.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And that's what helps you actually be able to tune in and get to the state that you, you get to tune in and be able to contact like, you know, your, your inner wisdom. So it's just super, super cool. And I would really, really. Um, suggest everybody at least once go out and walk a labyrinth. Yes. And hopefully not with the interrupting children cutting in front of you that I had my experience with the first time I actually waited until all the people with the children.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I love little kids, don't get [00:18:00] me wrong, but I'm like, I am having an intentional. experience here. And then there's a kid in front of me and then another one jumping in. I'm like, anyway, maybe that's, that's part of the, um, part of the call, isn't it? To, to stay focused to be, um, yeah, that's a great, that's a great point, Kylie, because it's all about focus because yeah.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And every path in get quiet is a particular focus because we are so distracted that when we do have a quiet moment. In between raising kids or working full time or taking care of elderly parents or trying to take care of yourself when we do have a quiet moment, this is a roadmap to, okay, this is what I need to focus on.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: That's why it's, that's why it's so important and energetically, if things don't move, then things don't change. Yep. Yes. That's what I actually thought when you said in your [00:19:00] fifties, you found that you needed to start moving because I. have never been more aware of that, that my body, like I feel my most well and most grounded and most settled when I've gone for a really good long walk, preferably outside, not on a treadmill.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I used to do that all the time. And now I'm like, what the heck was I thinking? But just getting out in nature. And I do feel like it's that, um, cause now we know somatically like bilateral movement is very soothing, right? Well, walking is a bilateral movement. So yeah, you getting. Yeah, but, um, as you're talking, I'm also, I feel like in midlife, we are shedding a lot of identity and shedding skins of what we're no longer available for and all of those things.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And I do think that, um, Um, movement needs, I'm not going to tell people they need to, but in my, for me, that shedding skins has also meant that I need to move myself so that the energy can just be [00:20:00] released rather than kind of, I don't know, I felt for quite a while, like I was kind of like, there's a buildup of this tension.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Because I was aware of things, but I wasn't letting anything actually go. And even going through the grieving process of letting things go. Um, I feel like that's really important at all stages of life. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. You're very intuitive because really it's stuck energy that we're feeling. And I remember, especially through, um, you know, anytime we're grieving, the loss for me was a divorce, the loss of friends, the loss of, um, my dad dying, like any type of loss that hits us and hits our bodies.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It's like we get frozen. We get so stuck. And it really, for women hits us around our heart, around our heart energy.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so in Get [00:21:00] Quiet, the, the second path is actually all about the heart energy and the walls that are built up around us. And the way to unstick that stagnant stuck energy around our heart is to clean and clear out everything weighing heavy in our environment. Mm. Speak to me more about this, because I am on a mad declutter at the moment.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: If you are standing still in my house, you're going to be thrown in the bin, like literally I'm on a crazy. And usually that happens in spring for me, but we're going into winter and I'm just like, man, this has got to go. This has got to go. This has got to go. I'm giving that away. Yes. Please tell us. Isn't it funny how we just know what needs to move intuitively?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: If we just listen to that, and we, we don't think we're crazy, or if people around us are like, no, don't throw that out, mom, or, you know, I used to hear that all the time. Like, no, no, it's got to go. [00:22:00] And then you sneak it into the bin when they're not at home.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It's just this, um, because we really need to clean and clear our environments because we are a direct reflection of our environment. And so cleaning and clearing our home, cleaning and clearing our office space, our desks, our refrigerator, our cabinets, anything that's old, that's been sitting there stagnant.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It's a direct reflection upon this human body that we have and our energy. And so it's all about cleaning and caring, clearing that heart. It also can be the people in your life too. And even the people sleeping in your bed. I mean, it's everything. Yeah. So it's this cleaning and clearing of all that no longer feels light.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: So this is about lightening your load, because [00:23:00] remember to get to your soul's voice. To hear that quiet, subtle, wise voice. We have to be the lightness of being. So cleaning and clearing it out in your environment, um, will open up that heart space. And that's how I actually fell in love. Again, after my divorce, eight years after my divorce, I remember doing a huge cleaning and clearing of my home and my heart just opened.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Like if I moved my couch just a little bit over to the left, I could see the tree in my backyard. Like just creating beauty in your home again, because beauty is the antidote. To suffering. That's what I believe. Elaine, you've got to stop these quotes coming. I've got like three different quotes for you.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: No, say that again. Beauty is the antidote. To suffering. To suffering. Oh, that's so beautiful. I love the language that you're using. [00:24:00] And you're reminding me, something that I've been aware of lately is, so I went through this big journey when I, I think when I first hit the biggest shifts of perimenopause, where I was like, Where am I abandoning myself?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It was like really strong, big stuff. And now I feel like I'm on a bit of a different, um, awareness of I've cleaned out all of the big things. Like I've realigned myself to all of the things that are important to me. And now it's things like my comfort is really important. So I used to do weird things.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Like, I don't know, like if I had a podcast booked, I hadn't gone to the toilet. I would just not go to the toilet for another hour, like little things like that. And I'm like, No, your comfort is important. And I've also begun really paying attention to beautifying my space. And I think it's the same sort of energy.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It's like, do you agree that you get like all the big painful stuff or the out of alignment stuff? That's one level, but then it's [00:25:00] like, well, what can I bring to my environment? That's even more pleasant than it already is. Or what can I, you know, what color do I really want this wall to be? Or, you know, how do I want to, like even It's so silly.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It's cold here today. So I've got knee high boots on and bed socks because that's how I'm comfortable. Like just, do you reckon that that's a thing or is that just me? I feel like, I feel like I've shed a lot. So I'm like, Oh, now we're tweaking. It is. And that is the tweaking. And you do shed You know, it reminds me just like nature, like eucalyptus trees, how they shed that bark.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And at the end of all that shedding is that beautiful, beautiful, soft, smooth trunk of a tree. It's a great analogy. It's really what we are doing right now, especially around midlife. We are shedding in ways that feel so good, but it is change and change It is a little bit scary. But when you go [00:26:00] through this get quiet way that I've created, it's not so scary and you just go bit by bit and you do release the heavy stuff like you were saying, you release the heavy stuff.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And then. You have this open space to then fill it with what you want or not fill it. Yes. Yeah. That's actually me as well. And that is very freeing. Yeah, that is very freeing. It's very liberating. It's how we live in a, in freedom. Freedom. I'm loving what you're saying. Freedom is my highest value. I actually would like to go back to something you said before.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: So when you're saying about, we're talking about environment and being connected to the heart space, when you were talking about like the stuckness that can happen in the heart space, can you tell us a little bit more about, um, what you see [00:27:00] most commonly and it doesn't necessarily have to be the midlife transition, but just, you know, What can kind of get stuck in our heart space and the things that are, you know, popping into my head are relationship based, but I don't think that's all that you're talking about.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: So do you want to tell us a little bit more about that? Well, what comes to mind for me was self betrayal

S3E16 Elaine Glass: and yeah, we could just kind of take a breath on that because I think everyone can relate to the self betrayal and that really is what I think most people are addicted to and that is looking away at the truth of our lives.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I would like you to repeat that for the people that have just been hit over the head with a bat.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: No, honestly, these podcasts are like chiropractic adjustments of the soul when people say things like that. And then everyone's like, Oh, [00:28:00] it's when you do that, like rewind for 15 seconds things so you can hear it again. Could you say it again, please? I was betraying myself, especially in my marriage. I was lying to myself.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And I feel like people are addicted to one thing and it doesn't have to be drugs or alcohol or food or anything like that. It could be a personality addiction to looking away at the truth of our lives. Yeah.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I heard a Glennon Doyle episode. I talk about this all the time. I'm sure our listeners are very sick of me saying this, but I was listening to a Glennon Doyle episode and I can't remember who she was interviewing, but the question was, where am I abandoning myself? And similar to the language that you just used, I was like, literally abandoning myself.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Everywhere, everywhere in my life, the way that I'm parenting, the way that I'm working back in corporate, the way that I'm partnering my husband, the way that I'm treating my [00:29:00] physical body, the everything, like I just literally, and it was like literally being hit over the head by a bat. I was like, Oh my goodness, I am at choice and I'm choosing not to listen to the internal voice that saying you are so off track, like so out of alignment to how you're meant to be living and what your natural way of being is.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Um, but I don't know. I just, maybe it was that I was addicted to it. It's like, and I almost feel like for me, it was tied to an energy of, I can't have what I really want. So I'm going to pretend that this is enough. And then I'm like, Says who? Like, what, where did that crap come from? And I think you said before, like, everyone has a story.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Everyone has a, as a generational pattern. I think that's probably one of my big ones is like, oh no, that's not for us. It's like, who said it's not for us? Why can't I have a magical, amazing, freedom filled, beauty filled life? And, you know, have great conversations like [00:30:00] this. Like, who said that's not for me?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Um, and I quite often will say, particularly to one person in my family that does repeat those things to me all the time. I'm like, Oh, that's not my story. That might be your story, but I ain't mine because, um, and, and when we go and be the detective of our lives, because that's the way I looked at it, like, let's have fun.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Let's just be a detective of my life. And you can be the same thing. You can be a detective in your life. Start with your body. That's the first path in get quiet is to nurture the body. And it's not about, you know, racing marathons or. Getting in the pool and doing laps vigorously. Like this is nurturing your body, getting back to the truth of who we are, which are feminine, beautiful women and connecting back to that femininity again, because [00:31:00] in so many, you know, so many years we've had to make really difficult choices.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: We've had to be more in our masculine than ever before. And the second half of life is going into the pool and gracefully just playing and swimming. It's a different type of movement. Yeah. Yeah. And this is how you reconnect with your femininity. This is how you reconnect with your creativity. This is how you reconnect to what your soul's calling is.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Because I believe. When we get quiet enough, we will hear our soul's voice and know what our soul's calling is. Yep. And based upon the hundreds of clients and coaching clients I have sat with, whenever they come to me with any physical ailment, any mental, emotional ailment, it is all because they have not said yes to their soul's [00:32:00] calling.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I will a hundred percent agree with you. A hundred percent. Because it's like resisting nature. You're trying to stop the tree from shedding its leaves. It's like you're, you are made with this calling inside of you because it's meant to be delivered to the world and trying to resist that is like trying to push against nature, the universe.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And that's why you feel so blink and stuck and uncomfortable, right? Um, it is uncomfortable. Yeah, it is deeply uncomfortable because it's Yeah. It's holding yourself away from where you're meant to be. Um, why do you think it is so much harder for us to do that these days? And I think like you touched on more in our masculine, I think, I don't know, like we were definitely the generation that got sold that you could do it all.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And then we did, and then we realized that we maybe that was not for our best highest good in terms of [00:33:00] health, at least. Um, Why is it so hard for us to let go and let ourselves play and flow and just answer the call fear, fear of letting ourselves down, other people, letting other people down, the fear of not being loved.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Um, and it's also, it's also easier. It's like easier to be distracted. It's easier to eat cookies and Cheetos than it is, you know, a healthy meal. Like there's so much fear being piped into our lives, whether it's through the media, whether it's unhealthy, um, food, whether it's just, we've gotten away from being our natural human beings.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so it's like, Getting quiet in the way that I describe and get quiet [00:34:00] the book, it's, it's the pathway to going, getting back to this natural state of being. And when you connect and reconnect with your natural state, after all the noise that you filled your energy field with, like it feels like a homecoming.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It feels like a rebirth and in the labyrinth. is where I found this rebirth. It is where I was able to hear my soul's voice. And believe me, I thought sometimes it was crazy talk, Kylie, but every time I go in there, I'd hear a clear message. From my spirit team. They have to be open to this. Yeah, but I feel like this is what's causing a lot of suffering is that we've disconnected to the unseen.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: We've disconnected and stopped our conversations with God. Yeah, this is real. This [00:35:00] is available to all of you and it's an important part of being a human being is to be able to connect our bodies with our souls and have them working together to create the best life we possibly can and it's available to everybody, but right now we are fighting this modern world.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: But this is how you get healthy in a sick world. As you're talking, I'm feeling back into The last corporate job I had, which was in this super brightly fluorescently lit office, I was in a corner, so I had my back to my entire team, was constantly interrupted, didn't take lunch breaks, didn't, like, I just look at how sick I was.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And that all culminated in a huge, um, yeah, mental health crisis really. And I now [00:36:00] understand that part of that was the shifting sense of perimenopause and hormones, but I think that is also nature by design. That was like, if you haven't listened to the wise woman yet, you are being called really loudly and possibly quite uncomfortably is certainly my experience, um, to align yourself to.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: All the things that you know are not and I just look at the way that we're living and I'm like, I know people that drive in an air conditioned car, go to an air conditioned office, never go outside. are always in fluorescently lit environments. And I think, what, why are we wondering why we're not satisfied?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Like, I'm not going to use the word happy because I think happy has been, um, so convoluted with all the marketing, you know, like, you know, have this and you'll be happy type of stuff, but deeply satisfied, content. Fulfilled, like whatever word that you want to use, like, it's not a surprise that we're not feeling like that [00:37:00] when we're so disconnected from, you know, like we're living in a 24 hour society and we're meant to be asleep at, you know, 8 30 or whatever, like whatever it would naturally be without.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: a massive light above your head. Um, and I don't know, like, I don't know, my kids would be like, oh, mom's always been a bit of a hippie, but I'm like, if a hippie means I want to live as close to how we were designed to live, then yes, I'm hippie. You can use that label. Because yeah, I, I believe that you being a hippie, um, is really, uh, what the world needs right now, because.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: We've gotten so off course from our natural state. And it's like, okay, we've got the fluorescent lights, but then we don't sleep well. Well, guess what? There's a medication for that. And so, you know, it's, there's, there's always something for the thing that we're not supposed to be doing. And then this is the.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: The what's in, this is who's in power. The big pharma, the big food [00:38:00] has taken over. Yeah. And literally we are fighting for our very existence right now. Like we are in a dis, like extinction period. And if we don't wake up and people like you. And people like me who are, who have found ways to maintain this beautiful being a human being.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: You know, it's like we need to, um, we need to appreciate life. Like it's almost like we we've lost the appreciation of just life itself. Yeah. I listened to an interview the other day and they were talking about or, and it was someone who was talking about a book called or that was written, not the author, but someone else.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And I just thought that is actually, cause I live in the country town. We have. Unconsciously and consciously very much simplified our life. And I've just spent time away in a beautiful place in New [00:39:00] Zealand, um, and walked like, you know, a hundred Ks in a week by myself, like solo walking time and just natural beauty.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Just, Oh, Astoundingly gorgeous. And I felt so well, and it could come off the back of a really busy period of business, but also study. And again, totally disconnected from myself, having a lot of trouble sleeping. Well, of course you are because you're living on cortisol and you're not giving yourself any rest time and you're not connected to nature and you're not, whatever.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: So now that I'm back, Um, one of the things that I've been really conscious of keeping is all the ritual of like, we have a really big veggie garden going out and looking at that. Like we've got the tree outside my window. I don't know if you have, if you're familiar with them, but there's, it's a fruit called a locut, which is L O Q U A T.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: They're really odd kind of sour fruit, but anyway, um, but our tree is covered in these white blossoms at the moment. And there is so many, we've got beehives and there's so many of our [00:40:00] bees. They may not be my, our bees, but anyway, someone's bees, um, pollinating at the moment, the whole tree is buzzing. And I'm just like that light energy that you talked about before and the playfulness and the remembering, it's like, if you actually stop and look around you, there's so much to appreciate.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so much. That is. Or inspiring. Like you look at a tree, sometimes my brain, but you look at a tree and there's like hundreds of bees around it. And just like, we are part of this magic. That is so cool. But, and, and you're talking about the path. Um, call it on the labyrinth is the path of presence is

S3E16 Elaine Glass: being stolen and when we are not present and we add up all those moments that we haven't been present a lifetime can pass [00:41:00] by. And what I believe is that people say, I'm missing something. I don't know what. And I believe that what we're missing is ourselves. And so in the presence and in the looking at the bees and in the looking at those white flowers, you finding it's a mirror of, of yourself because you are nature.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: We are nature. Well, that's sort of like, that's so cool though. Yes. Yeah. And that's the magic. And those are the moments. And, you know, we're always looking for this big, you know, experience to happen and you don't have to go to the Himalayas to, you know, uh, find this big aha. You just have to sit on your porch and your rocking chair and quiet or walk a labyrinth and just be present and your life will become magical and you will be able to tune in to that [00:42:00] still small voice.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Um, guiding you in the right direction and you don't ever have to feel lost again. Yeah. And you, and you never have to wonder what, because I do, I feel like you've hit the nail on the head. There's often, it's like, I'm missing something. I need to fix something. I need to look for something. I need to, it's like that strive, you drive the energy, which I definitely.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And I'm like, what would feeling like there was no rush and it was just about enjoying the present moment and then the next one, and then the next one, and do you know, 80 percent of what would be normally in my head just disappears when I changed that lens. And I'm like, so that this is going to quiet down all the to do lists.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: But that's, that is what you're talking about is like accessing that small, quiet [00:43:00] voice. Um, I always choose a word each year. I've done that for years. And sometimes I choose a word and then it delivers itself in ways that I did not want. And I'm like, anyway, this year. An archetype more so came to me and it's the Empress and I've got this beautiful picture of an Empress as far as far as like a tarot kind of archetype.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Um, and yeah, when I was reading back through, cause when I first got that kind of download, I was like, uh, no, that is not my energy because she is like, she's just sitting back on her throne and there's nature all around her, all this magic. And she's just simply. resting there as part of the magic, but there's no strive and there's no, you know, it's all receptive.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And, um, anyway, she wouldn't go away. So I was like, okay, fair enough. This is, this is what I'm meant to be trying on for size. And, um, when I look at that picture, what you're talking about, that stillness and the receptivity and the [00:44:00] connection to that cyclical. nature. Um, that's what I feel. It's the same.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: It's the same as the picture. I've got it right next to me. Um, same as the picture of her, how you're describing that. So thank you for the gift of that. Cause you were just connected to different. Yeah. Two different things. Um, I'm wondering what is the most. Um, scary or most, no, not scary. What is the thing that your still quiet voice has told you to do that you've had the most fear resistance around?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: That I'm a healer

S3E16 Elaine Glass: and, uh, you know, again, who am I to be a healer? What is a healer and what would that even look like? And. [00:45:00] Why did that come to me? Why can't I just be like a normal person working a corporate, you know? Right. Um, that, that, that struck me and I had to figure out what that meant for me, what that would look like.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And now I know that, um, because I did accept it and I did, uh, accept the challenge and I accepted the voice that, and I trusted it because I would see synchronicities all around me when I said, okay, yes, I'm ready. And, um, and so now that's what I do. I facilitate healing. Yeah. So cool. How early was that sense of knowing about that in your journey?

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I would say that I, when I started walking the labyrinth and really quieting my life, I heard that almost, um, the second or third time in the, [00:46:00] inside the labyrinth. Yeah, it was a clear voice that said, you are a healer. And, uh, it was just like, as if somebody was standing next to me telling me that. And that's what will happen when you enter this portal of, of, of yumminess, of love.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: You will hear your soul's voice. guiding you. And all you have to do is trust it and say yes. And the moment you do, your whole entire life will change and you will have the direction. Um, like I said, you will have probably felt very lost, but when you walk that labyrinth, you will be found. Very cool. I am.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I imagine because what I want everyone to hear is We wouldn't be having this conversation. If you said no, you wouldn't have written a book. If you'd said no, you wouldn't have helped coach [00:47:00] hundreds of people. If you'd said no, you wouldn't have catalyzed the ripple effect through all of those people and then into their lives and their families and the way that they live and the way that they choose to listen to themselves.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: If you'd said no. And so I think sometimes where the, well, not sometimes all the time, when the fear voice is being the loudest. It's trying to protect you, but it's actually not showing you the impact that saying yes can have not just on your life, but everybody that you interact with. So I just, yeah, I, I work a lot with.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: People in the copywriting side of my business who are healers and helpers. And quite often I will hear similar sort of thing. Like I knew at this stage, but often unlike you, there's a lot of resistance across the years. And then finally, and generally, like you said, unfortunately, it's often the very challenging things that bring us to our knees that then [00:48:00] allow us to say yes to, to bigger or different ways of doing not bigger, different ways of doing things.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Right. But yeah, my, my plan was not working clearly. Yeah. Well, yeah, that's the other thing. And so I, I had to find a different plan and really for me, it was God's plan that came in clearly that I said yes to, and I surrendered to, and it's the best thing that I've ever done in my whole entire life is to surrender to that plan, to trust it, to create a state of being so that I'm always.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Um, it's always available to me to hear and know that I'm here to, um, help people expand in consciousness and to bring love to, um, to this world. Okay. Now the jukebox is playing the [00:49:00] power of love.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Well, it's funny because today I, it brought me to tears. This is just another like present moment. I'm in my car and I'm thinking about you and I can't wait to be here with you because I love your title of your podcast. Thank you. It's like the best title for, and I think it was the Commodore's like Lionel Richie suite.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Love. Yeah. And I just started bawling. I was like, oh my god, like it just moved, like it moved me and when we're present to just these little things. It's like, Oh, I feel alive again. Like I feel human again. Yes. And those are the moments that matter. Those are the moments that are become our life. And so anyway, I just thought I'd share that with you, your, your power of love song.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And I had a. You'd love, uh, come on today. Now I'm going to [00:50:00] have, I bet you that Sprinkling all this love. The jukebox will now be playing just love soundtrack all day, which is fine. That's a good way of getting through the day. Ah, this has been such a joy. I want to, um, give you a chance to tell us, um, about the book.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: The book, by the time this is out, will actually be available. Right now you've got one more week. When we're recording, um, for it to be. So I'm so excited for you to be able to release this into the world. Now you have said about a couple of the different, um, paths in the labyrinth, but in the book, you've got seven total paths, which allow, sorry, not paths, focuses.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Is that right? Tell us a little bit more about the book. Yeah, so it's based off of the things that I learned walking a seven circuit labyrinth that we talked about before. Yeah, perfect. And each path, uh, every, uh, each circuit, which I call a path is around a certain focus. So that when we're distracted in life, we just come back to these paths and we know what to focus on in [00:51:00] order to change our lives for the best.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: So I'll go over each path in the book and it's super cool too because what's unique is that you don't even have to go and walk a labyrinth if you don't want to because just reading the book, you will, you will read the book because it is, Designed and written in the order that the labyrinth would be if you were walking it so you get the same healing benefits.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And then on top of that. Uh, what came to me in the labyrinth when I got really quiet were these eight energy points. So each path as an energy point, because I believe energy medicine is really the way of the future. And so this is my muse, God, call it whatever you want, grabbed ahold of me and said, you got to bring down these eight energy points in the, in the way and in the pattern in which They [00:52:00] were, they were brought to me.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: And so it's really at the end of the book, you're left with a body scan because so many times we've lost being able to be in tune with our bodies. And so this energy medicine body scan will help you tune back into your body and see what needs to be adjusted to create harmony and good health. And so it's, it's fun and it's playful and it's imaginative and it feels good.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, because I can't, you know, get back to sleep in midlife. Four o'clock I'm wide awake. I just do the body scan and I fall, I fall right back to sleep. Oh, I'm going to get me a copy as soon as this baby gets out in the world. Thank you so much. You've been such a joy.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: I knew you would be. Um, but yes, you have just brought such a beautiful lightness to my day. And thank you for sharing everything that you've shared. [00:53:00] So many different good quotes. Like I said, you're just going to have to calm down on this because I'm going to have three different quotes for this episode.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Um, thank you. Thank you so much. Um, please tell everybody where they can find the book and also your online home and we'll put them in the show notes as well. But just so if someone's driving and they want to hear. Yes. Yes. Very simple. It's elaineglass. com is where they can find me and they can find the book at getquiet.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: com or anywhere they buy their books. And it's also on, on Audible because, um, I read the Audible and what's really delicious is that each chapter, I told you about the energy point in the Audible, when you listen to it, they've created like a, a meditation visualization to music in each, in each chapter.

S3E16 Elaine Glass: Yeah. You've got such a beautiful voice. So the Audible book would be, ah. So lovely. So cool. Thank you so [00:54:00] much. What a beautiful way to continue my day of interviewing. Um, and may you have a beautiful evening and thank you for sharing. It's been a pleasure. Bye bye.

S3-outro-inc-music (1): Thank you so much for tuning in, my friend. And if you enjoyed this app, please share it with another midlife friend, or take the opportunity to go and rate and review the show on your favorite listening platform. All of these things really help us to reach more women in midlife. Now, I don't know if you know, but I am both a storyteller who helps women.

S3-outro-inc-music (1): Healers and helpers capture and communicate their work through the magic of storytelling. And I'm a midlife self care coach who is super passionate about helping other women reframe perimenopause and midlife as a powerful and purposeful time of transformation. To find out more about me and my work, you can head to Instagram at Kylie Patchett.

S3-outro-inc-music (1): Or my website [00:55:00] kpcreative. com. au and that is k p k r e a t i v e. com. au. And you will find all of those links in the show notes. Have a spectacular day and may you be setting yourself wild and finally fucking [00:56:00] [00:57:00] [00:58:00] [00:59:00] [01:00:00] free.