Your Book Your Story with Dr Barker

S1 E17: Entrepreneur Makeover - Andreas Ioannou

Megel Barker Season 1 Episode 16

Bio: I was a technology enthusiast from an early age.

I have a special interest in digital marketing, affiliate marketing, e-commerce platforms, and all kinds of startups as well.

My digital marketing specialties are to use creative growth hacking strategies in order to succeed in any given goal. 

I also love all things related to Real Estate because I believe in the potential of creating wealth through Real Estate.

I am the author of the digital marketing book 'Entrepreneur Makeover' and the founder of the online community 'The Entrepreneur Makeover'.

My personal interests are photography, exercise, and traveling.

I already visited many countries and I continue to grow my list of the countries I visit as the years progress. 



You can check my LinkedIn and my website for more information about me.

Amazon book link:

Follow me on Twitter @mathter.