Bust and Beyond

E 28 Ralph de Lisle

ā€¢ Robin Hayhurst ā€¢ Season 1 ā€¢ Episode 28

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It's been 3 years, and I've failed šŸ˜°

Every entrepreneurial podcast will tell you how fashionable failure is: "Win or learn!" "Fail fast!"

A bit of advice? Don't be fooled.

Failing (once youā€™re brave enough to) will rip your stomach out and leave you for dead šŸ’€

3 years ago I launched IKO, my drinks brand and first ever business. The timing was perfect. I had unshakable optimism. And after a career in insurance, It finally felt like I was following my calling. 

I raised money quickly from Angel investors and felt that rush of confidence and responsibility that came with that first big cheque. 

I strategised, planned, and executed. I went out day after day, month after month and sampled, tested, and sold. I relentlessly chased growth. 

Every listing felt like winning the lottery. Every rejection a crushing blow šŸ’°āŒ

But for all the wins, the obstacles came thick and fast. One moment I'm investing in e-commerce subscriptions as a promising growing channel, the next I've spent thousands only to be back to square one. 

The course correction hit moral and finances HARD šŸ«£

When IKO was a pipe dream, I imagined a Ā£1m+ revenue within 3 years. I imagined seeing people on the street with my drink in their hand. I thought it would be BIG.

The reality? 3 years onā€¦

Circa Ā£1k revenue per month
Being cash positive is a triumph
Iā€™ve got crazy loyal customers but not enough of them
Very challenging to find additional funding

I honestly thought creating a cool brand and a fantastic tasting product would be enough. That with a bit of hard graft, the product would start to sell itself. But it just hasnā€™t worked out that wayā€¦

Having poured my blood, sweat, and tears into a dream I was very attached to - all that time! - it is not easy to admit failure. It is very easy to say and hear "just fail fast and keep moving!". It's much much harder to do in reality.

It took me 1 month to accept the brand wasn't where I'd dreamed it would be. It took 6 months to stop beating myself up to finally be in a place where I could move forward.

So if you're reading this as the walls are closing in around you...

1. Take a step back. Take the holidays off. You need your baseline of energy back.

2. Make a hard and honest statement about where you are now. Then accept it.

3. Make a brave and difficult decision about how you move forward. Then move.

If you're really struggling like I was, remember why you started.

You'll realise there's no such thing as wasted time. "Never give up" doesn't mean "go until you drop". It just means ā€œkeep movingā€.

Have you ever persevered for years before finally cracking something? 

PS Iā€™m currently looking for a job - so please share this post with your network?

Skillset: pitching, strategy, getting into the nitty gritty with financials and supply chain, marketing and brand šŸ’Ŗ