"If you're absolutely just done with the client and you can't work with them anymore. You need to give them a full refund, including their entire retainer. You also need to try to have them sign a cancellation agreement. This is in particular because the cancellation agreement has a couple of clauses in it that I'm going to talk about in a little bit, that will save you, hopefully from any type of like defamatory statements or reviews online."
- Paige on what to do when you are canceling the contract as the service provider.
"In your cancellation clause, you need to have a notice of provision. That the client needs to cancel within X amount of days, or they forfeit all payments and the retainer. Then we also recommend that you make your retainer non-refundable so that if there is a cancellation by the client, you at least get the retainer for your services."
- Paige's advice on what to have in your cancellation contract should the client want to cancel.
"No matter if you're the one canceling or your clients are canceling, you always want to make sure you try to get your clients to sign a cancellation agreement. I do not believe just an email is sufficient. It's a good starting point, but I want you to try to get them to sign terms related to how you both are deciding to cancel and terminate the contract. Also a cancellation agreement, always supersedes any written or oral agreements between you and the client, and it releases you of any further obligations to your client."
- Paige's advice on why sending a cancellation agreement is important.