No Sex Please - I'm religious
No Sex Please - I'm religious
Sex Shame Alive and Well in Africa
Sex Shame is alive and well in Africa. In Uganda, as in no doubt many countries mother's can't give their daughters the "sex talk" - they are too ashamed. So it is the task of the aunts. Boys don't receive "the talk" at all. Not from men in the family, not from school, and not from their religious leaders. They learn from older boys.
So when girls become pregnant outside of marriage it's shameful.
When boys father children outside of marriage it's shameful.
Same-sex attraction is particularly shameful and can result in vicious beatings, being thrown out of your home or worse - filicide, when a father kills his own son.
Onics is a good man. I have known him for a couple of years, and through Humanity-in-Need we have been supporting his safe house in Nairobi. Thankfully he is now, we hope 'safe', in America. The painful story of his life journey to now as an LGBTIQ refugee, is told in my interview on various streaming platforms. It is called "This Christmas - The Truth about Life for Queer Refugees in Kenya and Uganda."
Look for the 'No Sex Please - I'm religious' podcast or find it through my website Visit www.nosexplease.com.au
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