Grow Your Local Business

How To Be More Confident On Social Media

August 01, 2023 Leslie Presnall Episode 43
How To Be More Confident On Social Media
Grow Your Local Business
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Grow Your Local Business
How To Be More Confident On Social Media
Aug 01, 2023 Episode 43
Leslie Presnall

We're taught confidence backwards. We're taught to do something enough times, and then we'll feel confident in our ability to do it. But what if you could feel confident BEFORE you took action?

What if you could feel confident on social media NOW... before you hit publish, before you get the engagement, before you get all the followers and all the new clients? What if you could feel confident despite all that?

In this episode, I'm teaching you how to generate confidence on demand so you can show up fully confident now.

Mentioned in this episode:

If you’re ready to grow your local business and bring in a steady stream of clients, you need to check out The Localpreneur Academy. Click here to join me inside.

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“I LOVE listening to the episodes, especially since they’re focused on local businesses and it’s not just generic marketing advice.” If you love the show too, please leave a rating and review. This helps me reach more people just like you who want to reach more local people and create a business they love.


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We're taught confidence backwards. We're taught to do something enough times, and then we'll feel confident in our ability to do it. But what if you could feel confident BEFORE you took action?

What if you could feel confident on social media NOW... before you hit publish, before you get the engagement, before you get all the followers and all the new clients? What if you could feel confident despite all that?

In this episode, I'm teaching you how to generate confidence on demand so you can show up fully confident now.

Mentioned in this episode:

If you’re ready to grow your local business and bring in a steady stream of clients, you need to check out The Localpreneur Academy. Click here to join me inside.

Rate, Review & Follow:

“I LOVE listening to the episodes, especially since they’re focused on local businesses and it’s not just generic marketing advice.” If you love the show too, please leave a rating and review. This helps me reach more people just like you who want to reach more local people and create a business they love.


Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Grow your Local Business podcast, where local marketing expert and life coach Leslie Pressnell shares the strategies and the mindset to help you reach more people in your city and bring in a steady stream of clients. All right, let's dive in.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to episode 43. Today we're going to talk about how to be more confident on social media. I think this is one of the most important things we can talk about and really, if you can learn how to be more confident on social media the way I'm going to teach you today, this will translate in all areas of your business and even your life. I love when we can use these skills in so many ways, and that's what I'm going to teach you today how to have confidence, like how to have this skill, because it is a skill, it is something you practice and it is something within your control, which is not really how we're taught about confidence and it's not how a lot of people teach it. But before we dive in, I want to ask you a favor. I would love it if you would leave me a review on Apple Podcast and tell me what you've been learning from the podcast. Where has your confidence increased in certain areas? What have you tried and implemented? What has changed for you since you've started listening to the podcast? I would love to know. Someone recently left a review saying that they've only been listening to the podcast for a week and they could already recognize the small changes that are going to make a big difference in their business. So I want to hear from you all Like I want to hear what has changed for you, what have you learned, what have you tried and just how's it all going for you? I would really appreciate that. I read all the reviews and I just cannot thank you enough.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so let's dive in to confidence and how to be more confident on social media. I actually did some research before I started recording the podcast. I googled how to be more confident on social media. I was like, let me just see what the internet says about this, and in my research I found that everyone was sharing actions to go take to build your confidence, like things to go do that will help you feel more confident. Things like set up a profile on social media that you're really proud of, connect with other people with similar interests and be active so you can build a larger following, unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself and curate your social media to show your best work and then be relatable. And then my favorite piece of advice was that practice makes perfect. The more you show up on social media, the more confident you'll feel. That was basically the message there.

Speaker 2:

Now, all of that sounds great in theory and we all hear that the more you do something, the better you're going to get, so then you'll be more confident. But I want to help you be more confident before you get good at something, before you have the audience, before you know exactly what you're doing, before you feel like you're nailing it, before you connect with people, before you feel like you're showing your best work, because it's the lack of self-confidence that actually stops us from getting there and doing those things in the first place. We're always taught to just do the stuff. Then you'll be more confident afterwards because you'll know then that you could do it. But I know so many of my clients and I've even done this myself we don't do the thing or take those actions in the first place to even get confident because we lack the confidence. So confidence cannot come later, after doing something. It has to come first to get you to go do something to begin with, even if you don't know how to really do it.

Speaker 2:

Everyone, in my opinion, is kind of teaching confidence backwards. It's almost like this game that we can't win. It's like I wanna be really confident on social media, but apparently I just have to go do it a lot and get more confident, but I'm not confident enough to even show up to begin with, so it really keeps you stuck in not doing anything, not posting, not showing up. And the biggest problem I see with not being confident as a business owner on social media is this it stops you from showing up and it stops you from posting, or it also just slows you down big time, because you actually end up spending way more time indulging in the mental drama before you post, something like trying to perfect it, going and looking at what everyone else is doing, trying to come up with the right thing to say. So not having the confidence is slowing you down and it's making every post or every marketing task that you take in your business take so much longer. And this is a problem because, as business owners, I know time is already a huge obstacle and our lack of confidence is taking up so much of our time.

Speaker 2:

So here's what I'm doing. I'm gonna share today where self confidence really comes from and how you can be confident before you do something or before you get good at, so we can kind of end this vicious cycle. And then this August, all month long. We're workshopping this inside the localpreneur academy. We're gonna go deep with this and we're gonna practice this for 30 day straight. I'm teaching my members inside how to be confident on demand and then I'm challenging them to practice this skill for 30 day straight.

Speaker 2:

So 30 day straight of feeling confident, showing up on social media and feeling confident on day one, not at the end, not after 30 days, and then we'll feel confident, but how you can feel confident on day one. So what would 30 days of confidently showing up, confidently posting, do for your business? Think of how much time you would save If you didn't waste all that time every day stressing about showing up, stressing about the right way to do it, stressing what people are gonna think, and you just showed up and post it. What would it be like to post what you wanna post, to say what you really wanna say, to make those offers and talk about your services and to talk about how valuable they are, and for you to be truly grounded and confident in that from day one. So 30 day straight of being confident on social media Saves you time. It creates value for your audience. It creates more visibility for you just through your consistency. It creates more post for your audience to say, okay, I'm ready, I'm ready to hire this person or I'm ready to get started. So 30 days of being confident on social media ultimately means more clients and more money, and then you're gonna have this skill for life now. That's why confidence is so important. So I'm telling you now come join us inside the localpreneur academy this August. We're doing this work and you are going to be a different person at the end of 30 days. And if you're listening to this in the future all the recordings are there. They're in your members portal whenever you join. But if you're listening to this now or anytime during August, don't put this off.

Speaker 2:

Being self-confident is the difference of staying where you are now, feeling stuck and unsure and scared and worried, and all the self-doubt, versus creating the business you want. So much of it comes down to confidence. That's why I'm pushing this so hard and want to get as many of you in doing this work as possible. So let's talk now about where confidence really comes from, which I told you is backwards, from the way we're taught or the way everyone's teaching it, and I wanna teach you like how you can generate it on demand, and it's very simple, but it's not easy, and that's why I want you to come in and do this work with me, so we can get you truly feeling self-confident and you have all that accountability, okay.

Speaker 2:

So self-confidence or confidence is just a feeling, and if you've been listening to the podcast for a while or you're a client in the localpreneur academy, then you know where feelings come from. They come from our thoughts. We think something, and it makes us feel a certain way, so confidence does not actually come from taking a whole lot of action and getting to the other side or getting to that result. The reason we think that confidence works like this, though, is because we do something enough, or we finally get a result we want. Then we have a thought about that. We think, oh, I can do this, or oh, that was easy, or I know how to do this now, and that creates a confidence of feelings, but it was really. We just had thoughts about something after we took action. So the question is how can you flip that? And that's gonna be the magic of you being confident before you actually take the action. So did you even know that you could flip that? Did you know you can actually think anything you want to, to generate any emotion you want. This will change everything in your business. This changed everything for me, realizing that I could think anything I wanted, to generate any emotion I needed in the moment. So what thoughts can you have about yourself or showing up on social media? That's going to create confidence in the moment. Maybe you think I know my audience needs this. I know my audience will benefit from this. I know I can help my people, or even I'm willing to do this and learn, even if I don't get the results I want at first. I know I can figure this out. I was made for this. I can do hard, uncomfortable things.

Speaker 2:

At the Life Coach School, we're taught that true self-confidence is being able to feel any emotion, any negative emotion, and trust that you can handle it. And this is so important when it comes to being confident on social media, because you are going to fail a lot. You're going to post a lot of things that fall flat or don't work. You're going to lose followers. You're going to post and not get the engagement that you want or not get the likes that you want. You're going to see other people on social media who appear to be doing better than you and who all have it together. You're going to mess up when you're out there doing this. It is your willingness to do this and to know that you can handle whatever negative emotions come up in the process, that you can do something and feel embarrassed or disappointed or frustrated and you can still keep going. You can do it again the next day. You can get right back up and do another rep.

Speaker 2:

Everyone who is self-confident doesn't see all these little failures in the learning and figuring out the process. They don't see all those failures as a problem. They don't make the failures mean anything about them and what's possible for them. A self-confident person knows ultimately that they're going to get the result they want. That it's inevitable. Self-confident people don't let today's failures, all the mess-ups about today, mean anything about the future. They trust themselves to just get back up and go again. Self-confident people actually fail a lot more because people who aren't self-confident don't do the thing to begin with. They don't let themselves fail. But someone who's confident is like yeah, let's go, let's fail a hundred times until we get it. They're confident in their ultimate ability to get there, to figure it out, to get the result that they want. They're confident now in the result that they don't even have yet. They don't wait until they have the result to be confident. It's just this knowing that they're going to get there that makes them confident now. Confident people live in the future.

Speaker 2:

I think about when I was in grade school maybe you can relate to this. When I was in elementary school I didn't know exactly how to graduate high school. I didn't know how to go from kindergarten to 12th grade and get a diploma. I didn't know how to do chemistry. I didn't know how to do algebra, I didn't know how to go take the ACTs yet. But from a very young age in elementary school, I always just knew and had the confidence that I would graduate high school one day. I was confident my whole life that I would achieve that. And there was a lot of failure along the way Literal failures right, literal of some paper sometimes and having hard days, embarrassment, rejection, lots of doing things over. But I was always confident that I would graduate. There was no question, no doubt about that. So I didn't let those failures, the hard days, the embarrassing moments or times that I got rejected mean that I couldn't do it. I never had thoughts that I can't do this or I'm never gonna graduate. I always knew I was gonna graduate. It was just the thought. That's just who I am. This is what I do. I go through elementary school, middle school, high school and eventually I graduate. I wasn't more confident after I graduated. I didn't wake up the first day of summer after 12th grade saying I've arrived, I'm finally confident that I can graduate high school, because I was confident that I would graduate the entire time, the whole time, through every grade.

Speaker 2:

So how can you be confident now in yourself, in the ultimate result you're trying to create, even if you don't know how to do everything?

Speaker 2:

You don't have all the answers, you don't know all the steps, you don't know everything about social media, but how can you be confident anyway? What can you be thinking about you and your ability every single day to show up on social media and do the next post? Confidence is just a feeling and you can generate that at any moment just by your thinking. So what do you need to be thinking and saying to yourself in these moments? Confidence just means that you trust your ability. It's your opinion of yourself and your belief in yourself. We're not born confident or not confident.

Speaker 2:

I know, it seems that way that some people are just naturally confident, but the only thing is they're just thinking certain things about themselves that you aren't thinking yet. They're believing certain things that you aren't believing yet. They're allowing themselves to trust themselves and, more than anything, they believe that they can handle the failure, the rejection, the embarrassment, disappointment, whatever comes up. So what would change for your business if you were willing to feel all those feelings too? So here's the last thing I want to say we aren't just automatically confident. That's not really our default emotion, especially when it comes to social media. Your brain doesn't just naturally produce confidence. Usually, it's naturally producing doubt, worry, comparison, fear, anxiety. So confidence is something that you have to practice daily, because it doesn't come naturally for anyone.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I want you to come join us inside the local premier academy so we can work on your self-confidence and practice it every single day, so you can build this skill set. We're doing this for 30 days straight in August. You will get over so many of your fears. You'll figure out first what your real fears are and then you're going to work to get over those fears. You're going to get really good at whatever you think is scary about social media right now, and you're going to have this skill for life so you can use it at every level or for anything in your life and business when you need confidence.

Speaker 2:

So head to the show notes. You're going to see the link for the local premier academy. This is going to bring you to the sales page. When you enroll, you're going to get instant access to the entire program. You're going to get information on how to show up on our weekly coaching calls. You're going to be invited into our private Facebook group and you're going to be sent out all the information on this August self-confidence challenge. You will be taken care of. Okay, my friends, have a great week. I will see you inside for the August challenge. Hey, if you enjoyed today's episode, I want to invite you to check out my program, the local Pernumer Bootcamp. This is my coaching program for business owners who are ready to become the local go-to in their industry, with a steady stream of clients. You can find more information at LesliePersonalcom and I'll see you inside.

Building Confidence on Social Media
Practicing Self-Confidence on Social Media
August Self-Confidence Challenge and Coaching Program