Inside Beauty Inspires

Embracing the Journey Toward Wisdom: Celebrating Divine Encounters, Deciphering Revelation's Mysteries, and Cultivating Patience

February 10, 2024 Stephanie Harrison Season 2 Episode 59
Embracing the Journey Toward Wisdom: Celebrating Divine Encounters, Deciphering Revelation's Mysteries, and Cultivating Patience
Inside Beauty Inspires
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Inside Beauty Inspires
Embracing the Journey Toward Wisdom: Celebrating Divine Encounters, Deciphering Revelation's Mysteries, and Cultivating Patience
Feb 10, 2024 Season 2 Episode 59
Stephanie Harrison

Have you ever considered the infinite value of divine wisdom in your daily life? We peel back the layers of Proverbs 3:13 and reveal what it truly means to seek and cherish wisdom through an authentic relationship with God. I share a life-changing spiritual vision that has deepened my understanding of the Scriptures, while Celeste, a beacon of faith and reflection in our circle, offers insights from her own transformative encounters. Together, we celebrate the remarkable spiritual growth within our prayer group, and the power of steadfast prayer and Scripture in leading us to profound revelations about our purpose.

The mysteries of the Book of Revelation serve as our guide in this episode, where personal testimony intertwines with celestial imagery to illuminate our path. We analyze the messages bestowed upon John and the symbolism that permeates this enigmatic book, while also touching upon the profound presence of Christ in the physical and spiritual realms. Celeste's journey, shared on her birthday, serves as a testament to the undeniable impact of placing God at the center of our lives and radiating His divine light.

As we draw to a close, the conversation steers towards the virtue of patience, a theme that resonates deeply as we await the guidance of prophetess Deborah in our ministry. Our discussion underscores the truth that by surrendering to God's timeline, we embrace the journey toward ultimate fulfillment. Join us as we express heartfelt gratitude for the shared experiences and divine wisdom that continue to shape our lives, knowing that each of us is crafted to be an instrument of God's higher purpose.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever considered the infinite value of divine wisdom in your daily life? We peel back the layers of Proverbs 3:13 and reveal what it truly means to seek and cherish wisdom through an authentic relationship with God. I share a life-changing spiritual vision that has deepened my understanding of the Scriptures, while Celeste, a beacon of faith and reflection in our circle, offers insights from her own transformative encounters. Together, we celebrate the remarkable spiritual growth within our prayer group, and the power of steadfast prayer and Scripture in leading us to profound revelations about our purpose.

The mysteries of the Book of Revelation serve as our guide in this episode, where personal testimony intertwines with celestial imagery to illuminate our path. We analyze the messages bestowed upon John and the symbolism that permeates this enigmatic book, while also touching upon the profound presence of Christ in the physical and spiritual realms. Celeste's journey, shared on her birthday, serves as a testament to the undeniable impact of placing God at the center of our lives and radiating His divine light.

As we draw to a close, the conversation steers towards the virtue of patience, a theme that resonates deeply as we await the guidance of prophetess Deborah in our ministry. Our discussion underscores the truth that by surrendering to God's timeline, we embrace the journey toward ultimate fulfillment. Join us as we express heartfelt gratitude for the shared experiences and divine wisdom that continue to shape our lives, knowing that each of us is crafted to be an instrument of God's higher purpose.

Speaker 1:

New, new, new, everything new, new, new, new, new, everything new. I'm ready to go. Hello, hello, it is Stephanie you are now listening into Inside Beauty Inspires. We motivate, encourage and inspire through biblical principles. I just want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, top, thank you so much for tuning into this podcast. You know it's very informative, it's very educational.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about the Word of God, for heaven's sakes, we're talking about what we truly do need in this life to navigate. If the truth be told, what will we be without wisdom? What will we be without knowledge? What will we be without God? What will we be without Jesus? That's the truth of the matter. You know, we thank God every day for His Son, jesus Christ, and on today, there's no difference. And so I want to go ahead and jump into this Word. You know, wisdom.

Speaker 1:

Each and every show, I try to start off with the devotional, and this is the devotional for today. Let's find wisdom. Blessed is the person who finds wisdom and one who obtains understanding. Proverbs 3, 13. How blessed we are to receive God's gift and be led by His hand. We must never quit our search for His wisdom, because wisdom from God is far superior to anything this world offers. Daily, let's read God's Word and spend time listening to Him. That is how we become more like Him and that is how we gain understanding. We learn the heart and mind of God by growing in relationship with Him. His path is wisdom and truth. He wants to share His wisdom and understanding with us. We must strive to stay humble, teachable and patient while we attune to God's voice. Let's learn from Him and enjoy an incredible relationship with Him. He wants to share all things with us.

Speaker 1:

Father, I depend on you for wisdom and understanding. Without you, I can't find my way. I turn to your Word for guidance and familiarity with myself, with your ways. So, with that being said, listen y'all when I tell you God has been all over me, all over this call, all over the prayer call. He's just been all. He's alive. You know, that's one thing that I want you guys to really truly understand and take away from inside beauty and inspires. God is alive. He is real. His Son, jesus Christ, is real.

Speaker 1:

What if I told y'all I had an encounter, would you believe me? The truth of the matter is, I did and I was shocked. I thought it was Moses. I did, I thought I met Moses. Don't laugh. It's not funny. I really thought it was Moses. I'm going to tell y'all why.

Speaker 1:

So it was Sunday night and you know I've been talking to the Father and he's been talking to us about so many things. Of course, I told you, ladies and gentlemen, that we've been talking about the Book of Proverbs. We've learned a lot about wisdom, and wisdom just teaches us what not to do. Who's who? Really? That's what I want to tell the truth. Wisdom is going to tell you who's who.

Speaker 1:

You know the Bible talks about so many things, but one thing that we have to have is wisdom. Who talks about wisdom? Who wrote the Book of Wisdom? Solomon did. Who is Solomon? David's son. So you know, we all know who David is David and Goliath. We all know that he was the one who slayed the giant, his son. So he instilled wisdom into his son to the point where God asked him what would he like and out of everything that he could have had he asked for wisdom? I want to challenge you listeners to ask God for wisdom. It is something that we all need. The Bible talks about it. He tells us that he gives it to us freely. All right, I just had to put that in there, because wisdom is such an important piece of the puzzle.

Speaker 1:

So again, I want to tell you guys about this experience that I had. It's an encounter. I had an encounter and it was Sunday night and I felt the Holy Spirit all over me I'm talking about. He was so alive in our house. Y'all everybody in the house was excited about Jesus. My daughter came to me talking about, you know, she had a Bible and she said she was talking to God and God led her to the Bible and she started reading. She came to me and she was like Mom, I was crying. I was like, okay, that was the Holy Spirit, he's purifying my son comes down and he's talking about the Bible. He's like Mom, will you buy me a Bible?

Speaker 1:

So I just believed that God woke something up on all of us that day, which brings me to my encounter with AKA Moses. It wasn't Moses, though, so I'm sleeping. There's this man. It was standing over me. He's really tall, he had dark skin and he had white hair, but I thought it was gray. So the reason why I thought it was Moses was because I've been talking about Moses.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you guys listened to the show last week, I talked about Exodus 32. You know, when Moses went up to the mountain and was talking to God, everybody had lost their mind down on the ground. You know, they were like where's Moses? And Aaron had built this calf. You know, we talked about all of this last week, so that's why I thought it was truly Moses y'all.

Speaker 1:

Well, the next day and the reason why I'm describing it is because this figure man that had white hair and it wasn't like an afro, but it was really big right, and he kind of motioned me not to be afraid. It was like don't be afraid. So, you know, I was very calm immediately. I wasn't scared or anything. He was just standing over me and prior to that, before I went to bed, I was just thanking God. I was like man, you know, you're so real, you're so alive. I mean, the reason why this podcast means so much to me and the reason why you know I do this thing every morning is because you know, the reason why this podcast is so much more important is because encounters are real. You have an encounter with God. Your life will never be the same. I mean, well, if you have an encounter with the Son Jesus, your life will never be the same. Well, that was my encounter.

Speaker 1:

The next morning I got up, we got into the book of revelations. I started reading about this man, the description of what he looked like, and y'all, I was like stop, flag on the flag. I'm like literally on the prayer call, I'm like flag on the play. Did I just have a Jesus encounter? Was this you Jesus? Was this you? Did you come to me? And the truth of the matter is he did. He came to me. You know what I'm saying. So I go hard for God because he's very real in my life.

Speaker 1:

I don't play with the word, I don't play with the people that God has given me to lead. You know, that's why I'm always talking about the ladies of ISI. You know they mean a lot to me. These ladies get up each and every morning and they get on the prayer call. And yes, we call it a prayer call, but it's more like a system, if I can be honest with you. You know we say these affirmations. Which these affirmations change our lives really do. You know I'm a problem solver. You know I'm the head and not tail. You know I am led and fed by the Holy Spirit, just to name a few, and so then we get into the devotional.

Speaker 1:

After we get into the devotional, I go straight into the Bible studies. And when I was reading in the book of revelations, man, man, man, that's what he has his own the month of February. He has us in the book of February. He has us in the book of revelations in the month of February. So I was just blown away when I got up that morning to read a description of what I saw. So I'm going to get into the book of revelations here and I want you guys to follow along with me, and we're going to go from there.

Speaker 1:

So this is what it says and this is the prologue. It says this is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place. He sent an angel to present this revelation to his servant, john, who faithfully reported everything he saw. This is his report of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church and he blesses all who listens to his message and obey what it says. For the time is near. Did you hear what I just said? The time is near. None of us know today nor the hour of want to come back, but we definitely want to be found with our oil. We talked about that on the prayer call and that's just it. There's so many things that we've referenced on this call that the ladies of ISI would be able to speak on Boli, because we've studied the Word of God Again. It tells us God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church and he blesses all who listens to his message and obey what it says, for the time is near. He's talking about you guys who are listening.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so let's just go into the Word and see what it says. It says this letter is from John to seven churches in the province of Asia. Grace and peace to you, from the one who is, who always was and who is still to come, from the seven fold spirit before his throne and from Jesus Christ. He is the faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from the dead, the ruler of all kings of the world. We're talking about Jesus. We're talking about the Son. It came to set the captives free. We're talking about our Savior. We're talking about if it wasn't for Jesus, we wouldn't be what we are. Grace and mercy follow those who believe. And that is accompanied with his Son, jesus. It says all glory to him, who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us. He has made us a kingdom of priests for God, his Father. All glory and power to him forever. Amen. Look, he comes with the clouds of heaven and everyone will see him, even those who pierced him, and all the nations of the world were mourned for him. Yes, I am the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end says to Lord God. I am the one who is, who always was and was still to come, the Almighty One. I, john, am your brother and your partner in suffering and in God's kingdom and in the patience, endurance to which Jesus calls us.

Speaker 1:

I was exiled to the island of Pontimus for preaching the word of God and for my testimony about Jesus. It was the Lord's day and I was worshiping in the spirit. Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice, like a trumpet blast. It said write in a book everything you see and send it to seven churches, to the cities of Now. Listen, I'm not going to say these names, right, I know I'm not. I know I'm not. I'm not even going to say it, but I'm going to try. Atheists, samaritan, purge, thai, sardis, Philadelphia and Laudicea. If you want another, the perfect pronunciation, you guys can look at Revelations 1, verse 11. Okay, but I'm going to keep going.

Speaker 1:

When I turned to see who was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lampstands and standing in the middle of the lampstands was someone like the Son of man. He was wearing a long white robe, a long robe with a gold stash across his chest. Listen to me talking about a long, long, right robe. That is not what it said. I get excited. He was wearing a long robe with a gold stash across his chest. His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like flames of fire. His feet were like polished ronds, refined in a furnace, and his voice thundered like mighty ocean waves Lag on the play.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I was given this vision the next day, I got up and I called one of my friends and I said listen, I think Moses came to me. And I have to laugh, y'all, because I did. I said, yeah, I really do think Moses came to me. I've been talking about him and there was this man and he was dark-skinned and he was very tall and his hair was gray. It was gray, but it was like an afro. But it wasn't an afro, it's just. And he kind of made me feel like it was like maybe I was about to be afraid and scared, but then he was just like he's not afraid. It was really sudden, like I was, all of a sudden, calm, peace came over me and he was right there beside me, looking over me and again, I had no idea.

Speaker 1:

So can you imagine how I felt the next day, getting up, getting into this word and reading what Jesus looks like? Yeah, let me keep going. This is what Jesus looks like. Y'all, this is so crazy to me, I just had to give it to you. Listen to this live, because I get excited about the word I do and beside me, trying to be like a perfect patty I'm not, I'm not, we're. None of us are perfect, you know. But I just wanted to tell you guys, today Jesus is real. Let me keep going.

Speaker 1:

His feet were like polished bronze, refined in furnace, and his voice thundered like a mighty ocean wave. He held seven stars in his right hand and a sharp, two-edged sword came from his mouth and his face was like the sun and it all is brilliant. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as if I were dead. But he laid his right hand on me and said don't be afraid, I am the first and the last. I am the living one. I died, but look, I am alive forever and ever and I hold the keys to death and the grave. Now, first of all, he didn't say all that to me, he was just very quiet. It was almost kind of like a sudden, like a me being surprised and him being like don't be afraid.

Speaker 1:

But the very fact that I read this the next day let me know because I'm telling you guys, the type of a moment, the type of encounter I had. I knew I got on the prayer call that morning and I was on one. When I say I was on one, I was on one, celeste, was I not on one, I was on one. So I have my friend Celeste, my sister Celeste, in here with me on today, because she's been rocking with me for the past three and a half years. She's been faithful on the prayer call, getting up every morning seeking God's face. She's watched God do some amazing things in her life as well.

Speaker 1:

And so that morning, getting into the book of revelations, getting in here and reading it, and then actually having a vision the night before, boy, I'm telling you I was on fire. It's like when you know, you know, nobody can tell me that that wasn't an encounter, nobody can tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. Nobody can tell me like they can. But when he comes and shows you how real he is, how can you combat that? How can you combat vision, signs and wonders? To those who believe, miracle signs and wonders follow those who believe. Let's keep going, he said, and I hold the keys to death, keys of death and the grave. Write down what you have seen, both the things that are happening now happening that things that are now happening and the things that will happen. This is the meaning of the mystery of the seven stars you saw in my right hand and the seven gold lampstands. And the seven gold lampstands. The seven stars are the angels of seven churches and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. Let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

But before we get into it, I want to bring Celeste Young on this call on. Well, not this, see what I'm talking about. I called her to call on this show because I'm always on the prayer call talking. But, celeste, you've been right here with me for three and a half years and now we're embarking on something totally different than we've never. All of us have never read the book of Revelation, so you know, before we just dive into it, I want you to talk to the listeners about who you are, what you do and what is this word doing for you.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I'm Celeste Young, known as Lot by Lay, a national traveling lotician specializing in lots, wicks and natural hair, and diversity hair at that. So make sure you hit me up at 864-283-5003 and Celeste Lay Young on Facebook or Instagram. But yes, the revolution is amazing. I've learned so much I have and to witness my sister here. Our testimonies are so real. They're breathtaking. Yes, they are Overflowing. We are the rainbow colors that you never dreamt of before. Like I always tell her, we are the walk in history. Yes, we are, and I'm blessed to be with ISI.

Speaker 1:

I love it, I love it and I love that you feel that way about the ladies and the group, because it makes the biggest difference. You know you coming into a place and getting fed the word of God. Does that not make a difference in your life? It does. It does Like.

Speaker 2:

I said, I know that he's faithful. I have no doubt in him. He gives me the light of hope. Yes, Thank you, Jesus. I know it's just take a time out to give Jesus some praise.

Speaker 1:

Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. And the reason why is because he is faithful. Celeste, you know he's a promise keeper and the more that we get into the word, the more that we see how real he is. You know, like I was on one the other day and I was on one because he was all over me Like I could not control. I can control myself, right, but when you know, you know there, like nobody can tell me that I did not have no encounter. You know, when I pray for people, they feel the presence of Jesus. He even said I asked him, I asked him. And that's another thing I want to point out too.

Speaker 2:

I ask questions.

Speaker 1:

Jeremiah 33, verse three, says there's nothing too big or small. Talk to your father about it, because I do, and he answers when I call. You know, when we get into this word, it's a whole new world and it opens us up to who we truly are meant to be. When God gives us those type of encounters, or you have, like the testimonies that you have, we know that nobody do that, but God. We know verbatim. Nobody did this. We know that we are meant to be. Nobody did this, but God, even here.

Speaker 1:

Today is your birthday, and I want to shut that out, because I came back in the studio on my birthday and so I asked the list. I said, celeste, you know, I want to ask you, would you be a part of the show for your birthday? I wanted her to come on the show and I wanted her to tell you. Ladies and gentlemen, listeners, in express to you how important it is to get into your work, I didn't mean to just kind of like go off subject, because we are still in the book of revelations. However, this is what truly matters to me, because, at the end of the day, people need a reason, right? They're not seeking his face, they're not looking in the word. They're not, they're looking everywhere, but the word.

Speaker 1:

And what my job is? To give you every reason why you should look into the word. You know she stated it earlier it's a revelation for all of us to understand and to see things from his perspective. Again, he said, stephanie, I want you to give insight to my site. So what does that look like? Well, in order for me to give insight is to get into the word. Celeste, since you have been right here and in the different experiences, you don't have to tell all of them, but have you experienced this hand like in shock and awe? Have you been in shock and awe of who he is and what he does?

Speaker 2:

Yes, he never amazes me and I never put any doubt in him because, look, he can give you the biggest, yes, the biggest. So all you do is have hope, dedication and loyalty to him.

Speaker 1:

Amen. I want you to teach him how to teach you. That's it. That is it, because when you dedicate, see, the Bible talks about it. It says he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. And so can you tell me this? Before you were seeking his face, were things different. I want you to tell, I want to come out of your mouth, because I don't want it to be like you say. I want them to know verbatim it did make a difference.

Speaker 2:

Yes, jesus Christ, with God in my life, I have no worries because his children, he do not want you to worry. So when I let that big fear out of me, I believe in everything. When I say everything, I follow those 10 commandments. You remember earlier he said you know, god bless who read his word. Yes, and I faithfully read his word. I love his words. And look, you can read that book five, six or one time. It's always a different route in mind. You're like oh, I didn't see it this way. Oh, I see it this way. So the story is so fulfilling every time.

Speaker 1:

Yes yes.

Speaker 1:

And then it really is. You know, when you let go and you let God, and you let him guide you and you let him lead you, he will lead you, he will guide you, he will show you. This is what I want you to do, this is what I want you to be, this is what I want you to go. Same way here. You know, on this broadcast, on this platform, I'm led and fed by the Holy Spirit. He leads me, he guides me, he tells me what to say, he shows me. Now, sometimes we can get in the way of God, you know, and what I mean by that is, like you know, I'm not on here to tell people that they don't know God, because you're a new God when you came to the prayer call, but something shifted when you started seeking Him. Something happened internally, you know. Talk about that change, because a lot of people don't think that reading this word will do anything. Talk about what that word has done for you. It does.

Speaker 2:

The word has done a lot of things for me. It taught me patience, amen. I didn't have that. I had it in me, but now I shine bright with it and I love it. So, with me having patience, I was like it's not about my time, man, it's God time. Come on, Celeste you place you in the right place at the right time. Just be patient.

Speaker 1:

Amen, that's what's up. So you gained more patience, that's what's up. So me as well. So I think for me, when I started reading the word, I gained more understanding. More understanding because you know, when you're in a world that tells you to do things the world's way, you, that's all. You see, typically that's what you do, right? You know you try to go by the blueprints of the world. But I'm here to tell everybody, tell everybody, like tell everybody, say, tell everybody, go by the blueprint that's written in the word. Because, like you said, patience that's timing. Because, I mean, this is something that we all can attend to. All of us have been impatient at some point in our life. You know we want things like that.

Speaker 1:

What does love say? Love is what Love is patience, okay, come on now and it is. But guess what? That isn't the definition that the world gives us. The world doesn't give us love as patience or love as kind. When we start to get into the word, the word breaks it down what true love is. That's why I have, like, this beautiful relationship with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit. You know, and I admire your relationship because you know, for the last month, not what two months, you know, I've had you doing the devotional at the end of the call. How has that impacted your life?

Speaker 2:

I actually love doing the devotions and, again, you know, when I was doing devotions it opened up my eyes to visualize what's really going on meaning. When I read that devotion, I broke it down, I knew the scripture, I knew the breakdown of it and I was able to explain and we all could relate. Maybe we couldn't relate it because it didn't happen to us, but we was able to relate it to someone.

Speaker 1:

I love it, celeste. You know that's what makes the difference and that's what I want my listeners to understand that the more that you do get into this word, the more that you do start to seek His face, the more that you start to read, you know it does give you an enlightenment. You're enlightened, you know, when you were doing that. And one thing I love about Celeste is she has like this childlike faith. Okay, so like she reminds me of myself and we're not that far apart in age. But you know she has a very childlike faith and so do I. I'm one of those people that you know all right, dad, I want to call them Dad, yeah, and I can't help it, but I'll be like all right, dad, what do you want me to do? Or where do you want me to go?

Speaker 1:

And guess what the Bible speaks about childlike faith. He says you can't even get into the heaven unless you humble yourself as a child. And I really do feel like that, celeste. I feel like it has to do with a lot of youthfulness. You know how people look at you and say you don't look your age right, you drink your water right, okay, and you read your word right. So what does God do? Keep us young, get hard. He really does. And you know, and it to me, to me, it's like I see you, I've watched you grow. I've watched you grow like a caterpillar, you know, and spreading your wings and flying, you know. You don't know what the word is going to do. But here's one of my sisters that's faithful to getting up, and I'm not telling her to say these things. She's giving you her own experience, right? I mean, is he not real?

Speaker 2:

He is real, he's genuine, he's real, and when I say he's real, y'all. He is real as leather.

Speaker 1:

Well, listen, I wanted to. I wanted to, you know, you know, bring Celeste on because, again, she's one of my sisters, she's someone that I look up to. You know she has her company, she does locks. You know she's very artistic and you know she's, she's just very in tune. She's very in tune. Naturally, she's a nurturer, and these are some of the attributes that God has given her, and so it's amazing for you to be here.

Speaker 1:

I'm thankful that you did come in and share your birthday in the studio. You know what I'm saying and to me, it was a gift for God for you to open up your mouth and let the people know that this is not a joke. I mean, I get a little emotional, get choked up. That is really not. You know, when we get into this word, it changes everything about us from the inside out, and a lot of times people want to put up a facade and think that you know, I can change this and I can change that or I can put something over this, but that's not it. You're not getting the root of it out.

Speaker 1:

And in the way that we get those things out is through the word. The word is the antidote, you know. I just read the book of revelations. Well, not the book of revelations, but chapter one in the book of revelations, and you know, jesus is distraught, with a sword in his mouth. John 1 says in the beginning what's the word? He is the living word. So you know, I know that we've had countless of talks about what God has done based off of your faith and belief in him. Has he, will he not? I want you to give the listeners a reason. Tell them if you had one reason to give them why they should start seeking God. What would that reason be?

Speaker 2:

Well, I would say this when you have no one, when you feel like you have no one, let me rephrase that when you feel like you have no one, when you need someone to talk to, when you need to be led and fed with the Holy Spirit, or you just need someone to listen, he's always there. You don't have to worry about a busy phone line. You don't have to worry about what he ate or what, any of that. It is the matter of get on your knees, close your eyes, blank your eyes. He don't care how you pray to him. Just give him your word and just follow those 10 commandments and read about him. He's telling you everything we got. We got the blueprint in front of us, the Bible.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. Thank you, celeste, for giving that heartfelt, you know no say just. You know just no say please, but just like word, that encouraging word to the listeners for them to seek him, to put him first, you know, because a lot of people do feel alone. A lot of people feel like they don't have anyone, not understanding that he stands at the door and knock. What do you think he's knocking on? He's knocking at your heart. Will you let him in? Will you allow him to come in and change you from the inside out? When you get into the Word of God? That's what it does. That's why it's such a powerful thing.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people, you know they don't. They think that it's like just words in a book. I'm here to tell y'all no, and I say it like that, but more than just words in a book. But let's get back into the book as a matter of fact, because we are talking about revelations here and I just had to tell y'all I had that vision of Jesus this weekend. I mean this, uh, uh, this Sunday. Well, sunday night, monday morning, I ain't gonna ever be the same. I really ain't. I know that I will never be the same. I knew him, but to know him, to, to for him to show you that I am who I say I am yo. That hit totally different.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the book of revelations. You know a lot of people are afraid of the book of revelations because it looks like it's a lot of stuff going on and they're me and my crew. We're like we're fun to get in. We want to know what's in the book of revelations, so let's go in here and break down the scripture. It says revelation is one of the most difficult biblical books to interpret. The subject matter and widespread symbolism can make it hard to determine what to take literal and what to take figuratively. But even though it's a challenging book, it can't be ignored. The warning near the end of the book makes it clear that God expects us to take it seriously. Flag on the plate Listen. Last week I told you guys about the book of Malachi. Malachi is the book before you get to. The New Testament Talks about taking him serious. I talked about that on the show previously of this one. We have got to stop playing church. Like it's time to stop playing church. It's not a joke and it's not a game.

Speaker 1:

The word of God is sharpening two-edged sword. You just heard me read about. A two-edged sword is in his mouth. Okay, it is written, let's keep going. I'm going to go to verse one.

Speaker 1:

It says this revelation from Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place. He sent an angel to present this revelation to his servant, john. Now, john who has faithfully reported everything, who faithfully reported everything he saw. This is his report of the word of God in a testimony of Jesus Christ, it says. The theme and title of the book are displayed in his opening phrase. The revelation of Jesus Christ refers to Christ unveiling or disclosure of matters related to his second coming to earth. The recipient of this disclosure is his servant, john. The apostles regularly refer to themselves as servants of God, because being dependent upon and yielding to God is the best way to hear his voice. Indeed, as the Lord's servant, john received the word of God in the testimony of Jesus Christ and I feel like, in essence, I did too.

Speaker 1:

I did when he came to me to let me know. Yeah, it is me. I meant Moses, I'm going forever. Listen, I think God laughs every time I say that. I mean even though, if we can keep it a G. I'm just giving a G. The spirit that was almost was God's right. Okay, guess what? The spirit that was on all the prophets was God's spirit, and the reason why it's called a Holy Spirit is because Jesus was the Holy man. You know, he was a blameless lamb. So in essence it's the same spirit and but it was. It was daddy, it was Jesus. He described what he looked like in the word. You know, he let me know the next day. I was. I'm still okay. I'm sorry y'all, but I'm still in shock. I still. This is such a real testimony and I'm listening, listening to me, listeners, I know y'all can physically feel what I'm talking about. You will get you. I'm telling you, I am letting you know I'm all the way here in the studio, but your body will respond to what I'm saying because it's anointed, because he's all over me, okay, so let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

It says here blessings come from the hearing and reading this book and then hitting the commands written in it. Knowing it will bring God's word and revelation is particularly important because the time is near, that is, the return of Christ. It could happen at any time. It can. We really don't know the day nor the hour Now me, I know he here right now. Okay, what I mean by that is his spirit. He left his Holy Spirit. They help her to help us to navigate. Guess what the Holy Spirit had with us? Oh, yes, he did.

Speaker 1:

When we read about wisdom. If you go to Proverbs eight, it talks about wisdom. We don't have to go there today, but when you go to Proverbs eight you will. Some speaks and she talks about being right there with the father when he began everything, everything. Look, I'm one of those people that when I say a scripture or say a book, I usually go to that book to read it. So did you guys know that? It's literally written. But let's keep going. Versus three, verse three let's see here, I'm sorry. First four.

Speaker 1:

This letter is from John to the seven churches in Providence of Asia. Grace and peace to you, from the one who is, who always was and was still to come, from the seven fold spirit before his throne and from Jesus Christ. He is the faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from the dead and the ruler of all kings of the world. All glory to him, who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us. It says here look he made, he has made us a kingdom, a priest for God, his father. All glory and power to him, forever and ever, Amen. Then it says look, he comes with the clouds of heaven and everyone will see him, even those who pierced him, and all the nations of the world were mourned for him. Yes, amen. Let's look at this and let's look at, let's look at what the commentary says here. It's the speaking of the seven churches in Asia is a way of speaking of all the churches, because the number seven represents completion or fullness. Flag on the play.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell y'all something, and this is to the belief. This is two people who say oh, god doesn't speak to you in numbers? And yes, he does. He has a whole book in the Bible called numbers. He's telling us the number, the meaning of the number seven. It's just that we're we're misinformed because we're not reading our word. We're misinformed.

Speaker 1:

Let's keep going I just had to say it. Okay, it says these churches are representatives of all the believers, churches throughout history. Though written by John, the content of revelation is from the one who is, who was and who is to come from the seven spirits, that is, from the completeness or fullness of the Holy Spirit the number seven is the number of completeness and from Jesus Christ. The Trinity Okay, the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Right, it says Jesus. John says it's the first born of the dead, the first of a whole company of people one day rise from the grave because they are set free from their sins by his blood. Jesus also is the ruler of the kings of the earth, though his first through his personal earthly Kingdom rule is not yet visible in history. It will become so at his Second coming.

Speaker 1:

As priests of God's kingdom, believe is that to represent men to God and God to men. The long-term goal of this plan is to bring God's glory into establish his kingdom, rule and agenda forever. And Christ returns. It is going to be Spectacle because every eye will see him as he rotates around the son at his return. Do you believe he coming back to list? Well, I don't believe he ever left. Come on, I'm just saying, I mean yeah, I mean he's still here, I ain't, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Um, you know, that's why it's always good for us follow those 10 command commandments, cuz he's watching us. Yeah, man, amen.

Speaker 1:

And you know you, you do reference the 10 commandments a lot. I don't reference the 10 commandments a lot and I'm gonna tell you why. The reason why I don't reference the 10 commandments a lot it's because you know, in the New Testament, when one of the men asked him you know which of all of the commandments are is the best one to follow? He said to love your, your love, your love your guide with all your heart and love yourself, love your neighbor as you love yourself. He said if you love your neighbor as you love yourself, you're fulfilling the law. So for me, I simplify everything I do. So, in essence, the 10 commandments is a part of it because it follows it. If you love your neighbor as you love yourself, you are. He says, you're fulfilling the law. You're fulfilling the law. You really are, because it is automatic. The same way that if you have the Holy Spirit, you have listen when people talk about things that, like that they're going through, like with depression. I'm here to tell everyone depression can the Holy Spirit. Depression can't, can't be on you. If you have the Holy Spirit, it is just cannot. You know, when you have the Holy Spirit, there's a peace that comes over you. He said in the last days he's gonna pour his spirit out on everyone, but that's not a bad thing. So that's because that's like you said. This is what I do. I follow the 10 commandments. If I do, if I can get the 10 commandments, I'm all right me.

Speaker 1:

I've said if I can love myself, if I love my neighbor, love my neighbor the same way I love myself, I'm fulfilling the law. But in essence, we're saying the same thing, right? You see how tomato, tomato. But people will argue about stuff like that. They will go back and forth and then the Bible tells us in Proverbs do not go back and forth over words. Here, listen, god is telling me to say this to y'all and I'm saying it and I'm keeping it a G Stop going back and forth with people about words. They're just words. Now, here's life and death and the power is on, okay, but they're words, okay. He doesn't want us quarreling with one another over words. We all have different walks. We all came from different paths, okay.

Speaker 1:

Not one of us is without sin. The Bible says he without sin cast the first stone. Can we throw stones at people? No, not at all. Do we not all fall short of the glory of God. We all do, you all do. I just wanted to interest that right there. So let's go to verse 8. It says here, verse 8 I am the alpha in the Omega, beginning, and the end says the Lord God, I am the one who is, who always was and who is still to come. Almighty one, do you believe that's the last? I do too. I believe he's after the Omega. I say it all the time, but did I know that it was in the book of revelations? Nope, but I do. I say that all the time, or have you? Let me ask you this question have you noticed that some of the things that you say are written?

Speaker 2:

it is. It never amaze me, because Let me we on the right journey, on the right track, come on now.

Speaker 1:

Hey, it means something's inside of us, this is alive and it resonates Amen, amen. So in the commentary it says here I think Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, signifying that God is the beginning and the end. He's the creator of all things and he'll bring history to its conclusion. He is the one who is, who was and who is to come. God is yesterday, today and tomorrow because he exists Eternally. But later in the letter is Jesus, who calls himself the alpha in the Omega, and clearly he is the coming one. This is not surprising, though, because Jesus is the second person of the Trinity and co-equal with the father. You do know. That's why everybody had a problem. Pharisees like blasphemy, blasphemy, you're not dude, you're claiming to be God, you're me man. He had got him. Okay, he wasn't blasphemy, he was who we got called him to be. But it was surprising to the people. They weren't used and they weren't ready to see somebody like Jesus come on the scene.

Speaker 1:

Go to join one real quick, go to join one. Getting excited as y'all can see, I'm getting excited Says. In the beginning, the word already existed. The word was with God and the word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him and nothing was created except through him. The word gave life to everything that was created and his life brought light To everyone. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. The darkness can never extinguish it. Man, listen, we be lit. Do we not be lit on the car? We really do. And when it comes down to the light of God, is it not evident? It's very evident. If you can tell by the wall, you can tell by what God has been doing in your life, the doors that God has been opening in my life, amen. And so, again, I wanted to go to John one, because in the beginning was the word, and that's what we're talking about. He is who he says he is. He is who he says he is. You, let's keep going. So we're going to go back over here to revelations, y'all. I like to skip around because I like to, if I can be honest, I'm just keeping energy. I like to make my point. I really do. I do Because it's not just in one scripture. You can read one scripture, you can go to another scriptures and it'll kind of give you, it'll let you know that you're on the right track. You know that. You know what you're talking about. All right, so let's go to Colossians, real quick. Colossians 1. Colossians, chapter 1. Again, we have been talking about Paul, but y'all know Paul is I like Paul. Paul was about that life. He used that guy.

Speaker 1:

It says this letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy. We are writing to God's holy people in the city of Coloss who are faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. May God, our Father, give you grace and peace. We always pray for you and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all of God's people, which comes from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven. You have had this expectation ever since you first heard the truth of the good news. The same good news that came to you is going out all over the world and it's being brought to you by Stephanie S S Right now, the ladies of ISI, right.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love it. I love it. It says it is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your life from the day you were first heard and understood the truth about God's wonderful grace. You learned about the good news from our beloved co-worker, and he is Christ's faithful servant. He is helping us on your behalf. He has told us about the love for others that the Holy Spirit has given you. So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit, all the while you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. Listen to what I'm saying here. It is written, do you not see it in the scripture.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to read Colossians in its fullness, but I wanted to make the point. Definitely, when you get a chance to go to the book of Colossians, he'll set you free. He will set you free, he will set you free. Well, I'm going to continue to read it. I am because I'm getting excited about it. Okay, and I'm going to tell you all why. Because there's a scripture he showed me, you know, before I came doing the prayer call.

Speaker 1:

I used to talk to God all the time and I used to ask him questions because you know, when you notice you have a gift. You know you can't really go up to people and ask them if you're anything like me. I talk to God about everything. So I'm like I need you to bring somebody into my life that has this gift, that can teach me, that can lead me. He brought prophetess Deborah into my life. Shout out to prophetess Deborah. You know light of God is our ministry. You know this Sunday we will be in the house. You know we will be there and we're going to be given a word as she's coming down, and so I'm super excited about her coming into town.

Speaker 1:

I will leave you guys with the address in just a moment, but I'm going to continue going with the word because it's such an important piece of the puzzle. It says we also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power, so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thinking of the Father. He has enabled you to share in inheritance that belongs to his people who live in the light. Who live in the light, for he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his dear son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sin.

Speaker 1:

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. Do y'all know what that's saying in essence? Who visited me there? I mean because he's the visible image. Okay, I saw a visible image standing over me. Let me tell y'all this when I told prophetess Deborah about the dream she's a dream interpreter, she interprets dreams she said oh, that was daddy. Daddy came to see. I'm like what? Yeah, that was daddy. Now she told me that that night Sunday night, I mean not Sunday night, this was Monday, it's Monday. It might have been Monday. So, no, no, no, no, no, it was Sunday. I can't remember the day, so I'm going to mix up, but anyway, I know, when I got on the prayer call, that was Tuesday. When I got on the prayer call and I started reading about revelations and seeing the destruction of Jesus Christ, I was like, uh, you know? So again, I was still in shock, because I'm reading about a destruction that I'm seeing, or telling people that I've had in my head here in Colossians. Christ is the visible. It was visible y'all.

Speaker 1:

Image of an invisible God, what would you do if you knew he was real? Some of us don't even believe he's real. What would you do if you really knew that he was real and he was really, he was watching? Would you change your behaviors? Would you change the way you see things? Would you want to know more about who he is? Because here this word is giving it to us. It says he existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him, god created everything in heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things that we can't see.

Speaker 1:

The reason why I wanted to say that is because I remember I used to talk to the guy in the newspaper. Hey, what I mean, I used to. I still talked to him, but back in the day I talked to him, I was like what is this? Why do I always feel a presence? I feel a presence around me all the time. God, what is this? What is this? Do you not know? The guy gave me Colossians and I will never forget it because this was the scripture that he gave me and he said that I made the things that are visible and that are invisible. So this me. Clearly, you know what this is. Talk to me. It wasn't until years later that I realized it was him walking with you, talking with you. Some people just have to give to feel this presence, and you know, celeste, I want to ask you this have you felt his presence?

Speaker 2:

I have.

Speaker 1:

You have. What does it feel like?

Speaker 2:

Well, when I feel his presence is basically, let's say, if I was worried or cautious about something, I pray about it and then the relaxation of my mind to take over and I let him leave me. Because, you know why? Because I have God with me all the time.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. Listen, that's what happened today. It took a deep breath. We relaxed and said Daddy, leave. And what did God do? He let us.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and you know, when I feel his presence, I can feel like sometimes, when I'm praying for people, there's like a little wind or breeze. Sometimes, when I'm praying with people, they'll get chills, their body will be heat up, he'll there are certain parts of whatever I'm praying about will heat up. But it's not me. I can't take any credit because I know that it's greater, as he did it to me. So it's the Father that's actually doing what he said he would do. Let's keep going. He made the things we can see and the things that we can't see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him, through him and for him. So you know, daddy, daddy speaks, daddy speaks.

Speaker 1:

Let's get back to revelations here, and revelations one, verse nine I, john, am your brother and your partner in suffering in God's kingdom and in the patience and endurance to which Jesus calls us. I was exiled to the island of Pautmas for preaching the word of God and for my testimony about Jesus. So Lord's day and I was worshiping in spirit. Suddenly I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast. It said right in the book everything you see and send it to seven churches in the cities of Euthyus, samarina, pergamon, titeria, sardis, philadelphia and Lodicia.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about the churches. Let's talk about what he was supposed to write. It said John had been exiled to the island in the agency because of his belief in his Christian faith and his refusal to compromise the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. John was in spirit, that is, he was thinking and functioning spiritually and golfed it in a spiritual framework on the Lord's day, the first day of the week, when he heard a loud voice like a trumpet. The voice told him to write down what he saw and send it to seven churches, a group representative of all churches. Let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

When I turned to see what was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lampstands and standing in the middle of the lampstands was someone like the Son of man. He was wearing a long robe with a gold sash across his chest. His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like flaming a fire. His feet were like polished ronds refined in a furnace and his voice thundered like a mighty ocean wave. He held seven stars in his right hand and a sharp, two-edged sword came from his mouth, and his face was like the sun in all brilliant man, oh man.

Speaker 1:

Again, every time I read it I'm like just he came and saw me. I know he came to see about me. He didn't come to see about me and take me on with him, but let me know that he was real. Amen. It says.

Speaker 1:

The seven churches are represented by the seven gold lampstands stands to signify the expression of divine life that should radiate through all churches. Indeed, churches are to eliminate their communities. These verses present a picture of Jesus that contrasts with much of what we see in the four Gospels. He is no longer a baby in a manger with nowhere to lay his head. Instead, he is a mighty majestic, as he will certainly be at his second coming as judge and king of the earth. His eyes are like fiery flame, his feet like fine bronze and his voice is like the sound of cascading waters. There is a sword coming from his mouth and his face is shining like the sun at full strength. This image assures us that when Christ returns to rulership, he has always possessed, a virtue of his position as God's Son will be realized in practice. Alternatively, jesus, in his might and power, is situated among the lampstands to signify his visible rulership of church as judge and king, even before his second coming to the, personally and directly rule their entire earth. In other words, before he returns to rule the world, he wants to rule the church.

Speaker 1:

The church cannot view Jesus merely as a gentle figure with long hair and a loving gaze. You know, that's what they got out there. They got it out there too, but at least that was not what I saw. Okay, I didn't see that. It says believers must view him as a ruler, for there is a judgment side of Jesus, along with the blessing side we love to talk about. I'm gonna say that again for the people in the back, because I need us to understand what I just said. Okay, believers must view him as a ruler, for there is a judgment side of Jesus, along with the blessing side we love to talk about. He is the might and strength at the center of the church. He is the might and strength at the center of the church. In other words, he is who he says he is. He is who he says he is. Let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

So it says here in verse 17, revelation 117,. When I saw him I felt as his feet, as if I were dead, but he laid his right hand on me and said Don't be afraid, I am the first and the last. I am the living one. I died, but look, I am alive forever and ever and I hold the keys of death and the grave. Write down what you have seen, both the things that are happening and the things that will happen. This is the meaning of the mystery of the seven stars you saw in my right hand and the seven gold lampstands. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. Again, this is what the commentary says. When John saw Jesus as the church's judge and ruler, he fell at his feet like a dead man and the Lord had to raise him up with the admonish Don't be afraid. The keys Jesus spoke of represented access to the death in Hades and, by extension, access to heaven.

Speaker 1:

Verse 19,. This verse represents an outline of the book of Revelation. John was commanded to write what you have seen, what is and what will take place after this. After writing the vision he had just seen John was to share about the present state of the seven churches and then the future tribulation in eternal state. Verse 20,.

Speaker 1:

The chapter closes with the next one Nation of the vision symbolize symbolism. The seven stars represents the seven angels of the seven churches. The Greek word translated, angels, means messengers, and that's the intended sense here. The pastors who declared God's word then are God's messengers to the church. The seven lampstands represents the churches themselves, specifically the spiritual light they are to admit. Listen to me, we are the light of God. We're His messengers. We were sent to give His word, to speak forth His word.

Speaker 1:

I said it last week and I'll say it again. I didn't choose me, I just have a yearning. There's something on the inside of me that keeps drawing me to the word and I am drawn to it and I can't help it and I love it and I love eating the scroll, I love digesting it, because there are results that happen that come when you do put first. When you put, when you forgot first, things happen. Things happen in your life. Things are broken off. Things happen. God shifts the atmosphere. He changes your life.

Speaker 1:

Celeste, I want to say thank you for coming in today, on your birth day. I want to say thank you for sharing this moment with us, with the listeners, letting them know how real this is. Here's my point of view. It ain't just me. This is something that I want to incorporate with Inside Beauty Inspires, because I know that I'm not by myself. I know that, of course, you didn't go into full detail of what God has done in your life, but I know what you said enough to let them know. Hey, this is real. Is there any words of encouragement that you want to leave the listeners with before you leave today?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. This is my message for you. If you can ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you. I came to live out loud.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Y'all you know what I'm going to say and I am coming into a closing, but I just want to elaborate on what you just said. You know, god gave me a word last week and he said we are the instruments. He said he wants to use us as instruments. He wants our lives to be the notes to his instruments, of his instrument. I wrote it down. I can't remember exactly how he said it to me, but I wrote it down. But, in other words, what you just said made me. It triggered what he said to me, because he want our lives to reflect our faith and I'm going to tell you all right now my life, my marriage, my home, my father, my friends, my siblings, you know it's a reflection of my faith in God. I'll never take credit for nothing that God did, even this broadcast inside Beauty and Spires. I wrote about it years ago but it wasn't time.

Speaker 1:

If any takeaways from Celeste that I got today was patience. Have patience. Everything's not going to always happen when you want to. I want them to happen. But if you trust God, truly trust God, and trust God's timing, you will not be disappointed. This has been a beautiful show against Celeste. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, I am inside. Beauty Inspires Stephanie L Harrison. You guys have an amazing day on purpose.

Encountering Jesus and Seeking Wisdom
Encountering a Powerful Presence
Power of Faith and Seeking God
Interpretation of Revelations and Personal Testimony
Faith and Revelation in Colossians
The Majestic Ruler
God's Instruments With Patience