Remembering Them Podcast

Ep 24 My Dad, Mom, and Brother - Page Park

Mark Season 1 Episode 24

Page's Dad had been diagnosed with Parkinson's when he retired a few years prior to her Mother's death.  After multiple falls, a slow decline, loss of speech, and struggling to swallow, he passed quietly in the night a little over 2 years after her mother. 
Page's Mother was seemingly ok but having issues with her vision and memory.  After forgetting where the group was meeting at her church on a women's event, forgetting ingredients while she was baking, a friend encouraged her to go to the doctor.  She got an immediate appointment and the doctor had her go for an MRI.  The doctors identified a brain tumour.  4 days later, she had resection surgery and 9 months later she died.  
After years of drinking, Page's brother had an ulcer rupture.  They tried to repair it, but he never recovered.  He was 58. 
Page joins the podcast to share memories and some of her favourite stories of her loved ones. 

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