Getting Better With Age

Unleashing Your Body's Natural Healing Power

July 19, 2023 Joe & Natalie Amoia Episode 42
Unleashing Your Body's Natural Healing Power
Getting Better With Age
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Getting Better With Age
Unleashing Your Body's Natural Healing Power
Jul 19, 2023 Episode 42
Joe & Natalie Amoia

Do you trust your intuition? How much do you know about the natural healing power of your body? Embark on a captivating journey with us as we converse with Martha Blessing, a visionary healer, author, and energy medicine expert. Through her story of overcoming a decade-long battle with chronic pain and defeating a rare cancer, Martha unpacks the untapped potential of our body's intelligence and the vital role energy plays  in the healing process. She enlightens us on how our illnesses can point towards the root cause of our problems and how to leverage this understanding for transformative healing.

Martha Blessing's insights extend beyond her personal experiences. She takes us on a deep dive into the realm of energy as a fundamental part of our universe and its overlooked significance in allopathic medicine. Engrossed in the power of belief in healing, Martha shares how aligning with the universal laws can aid in your body's inborn ability to heal. We discuss embodying change and the significance it holds in personal growth.

In this enlightening conversation, Martha Blessing unravels how energy medicine empowers us to take control of our lives, our fate, and our health. She stresses the importance of readiness for change, the self-disempowering notion of relying on others to fix us, and the internal power to facilitate our healing. Brace yourselves for a transformative ride through midlife trials and an invitation to grow and heal under the wisdom of Martha Blessing.

If you resonate with Martha and would like to connect with her and schedule a free consultation, you can reach out on her website here >>>

Feel free to contact us with any questions/comments you may have about this episode via email at or

You can also send us a DM and follow us on Instagram @the.lovementors or reach out in our Facebook Group - Manifesting Love in Midlife. We can also be found on YouTube - @JoeandNat.

We always love to hear from you! Be Blessed!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Do you trust your intuition? How much do you know about the natural healing power of your body? Embark on a captivating journey with us as we converse with Martha Blessing, a visionary healer, author, and energy medicine expert. Through her story of overcoming a decade-long battle with chronic pain and defeating a rare cancer, Martha unpacks the untapped potential of our body's intelligence and the vital role energy plays  in the healing process. She enlightens us on how our illnesses can point towards the root cause of our problems and how to leverage this understanding for transformative healing.

Martha Blessing's insights extend beyond her personal experiences. She takes us on a deep dive into the realm of energy as a fundamental part of our universe and its overlooked significance in allopathic medicine. Engrossed in the power of belief in healing, Martha shares how aligning with the universal laws can aid in your body's inborn ability to heal. We discuss embodying change and the significance it holds in personal growth.

In this enlightening conversation, Martha Blessing unravels how energy medicine empowers us to take control of our lives, our fate, and our health. She stresses the importance of readiness for change, the self-disempowering notion of relying on others to fix us, and the internal power to facilitate our healing. Brace yourselves for a transformative ride through midlife trials and an invitation to grow and heal under the wisdom of Martha Blessing.

If you resonate with Martha and would like to connect with her and schedule a free consultation, you can reach out on her website here >>>

Feel free to contact us with any questions/comments you may have about this episode via email at or

You can also send us a DM and follow us on Instagram @the.lovementors or reach out in our Facebook Group - Manifesting Love in Midlife. We can also be found on YouTube - @JoeandNat.

We always love to hear from you! Be Blessed!

Speaker 1:

This is Joe.

Speaker 2:

And this is Nat and you're listening to the Getting Better With Age podcast to show that helps you navigate midlife challenges and turn them into opportunities to grow and evolve into a happier, healthier and more empowered you.

Speaker 1:

And remember, getting older doesn't mean that the best years have to be behind you. We believe, like a fine wine, you and your life can get better with age, and we're here to show you exactly how to do that.

Speaker 2:

So grab a glass of vino, kick off your shoes and join us in discovering how to make the next chapter of your life the best one yet. Hey everyone, it's Joe and it's Nat. Welcome to another episode of Getting Better With Age, and this one you're going to love, because we have a special guest today, and this person is somebody. When we started this podcast, I always had her in the back of my mind to come on as a guest, because she is truly still getting better with age and helps people do that Now. Martha is a visionary healer and she's here to provide the relief everyone has been looking for, with many satisfied clients across the world.

Speaker 2:

Martha G Blessing has been a trusted and professional healer since 1988. Driven by her passion to help people heal the core cause of their symptoms, she was able to reverse 10 years of daily chronic pain and a rare and curable cancer with energy medicine. Just when people have tried everything and failed, martha is here to remind them that the human body knows how to be healthy. Healing doesn't have to be hard and it doesn't have to take long. With Martha's expertise on energy and spiritual healing, she is able to liberate her clients from deeply rooted blocks of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy so they can get back to living a great life. Martha has also shared her story and her client stories in her book titled Healing and Unlimited the Secret to Breaking Free from Chronic Disease and Igniting your Personal Power. Wow, thank you so much, martha, for being here.

Speaker 1:

Welcome Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

This podcast is called Getting Better with Age. You know when you're going to hear Martha's story and for those of you who watched the video of this podcast, you're going to go wow, this woman looks amazing. And I think that's really the goal is for all of us to say that you know what. You don't have to believe the BS that's out there. You don't have to put faith in what your doctor says. There are other ways of you taking back control, tapping to urinate power, to heal and be a happier, healthier, better version of you, and Martha is living proof of that. So we're, so we're stoked about having you here today.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, thank you. So tell us a little bit about it. It's not, joe, what you said. It's not just about looking great, it's about feeling great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's the package. And, from my experience, when you look good, you tend to feel good, and when you feel good, you tend to look good. So there's a symbiotic relationship between the two. And this isn't just about the external, superficial way, but this is about tapping into that eight hour so you can be the best version of you on the inside and on the outside.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah Cool. So why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and your story and how you, how you, live your life?

Speaker 3:

Sure, yeah, this story, the healing story, started many, many years ago 30, some years ago, 10 years of daily chronic pain. But I was working as a nurse, so I knew all these medications and things that I was taking were, if I kept taking them, I wasn't going to have a kidney, I wasn't going to have a liver, I wasn't going to have a stomach Like the side effects were just going to create more and more problems. But I really had to go through the journey. I was born sort of gifted as far as being an energy intuitive and a healer. I'm third generation of that so I sort of look at and I still look at illness.

Speaker 3:

I didn't so much then, but I look at illness as a guide. It's literally our mind and our body and our soul and all of our being communicating with us. What direction to kind of turn and look right, are there emotions or circumstances or events that we've buried into our body and our being? And that was what I had done. So that's why it took me 10 years the first time to get out of it, because I didn't know.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know what I didn't know, and then what I knew now, what I know now, and so it was a journey out and in that process I became certified as a healing touch practitioner and instructor. That led me to getting certified as a clinical Ayurvedic practitioner. But at the core of the work that I do now and everything that I learned is the energy aspect and our ability to use our mind to heal our body and to do sort of things that there's some people teaching now but it hasn't been in the mainstream and that's what helped me reverse the cancer that I had. It was a rare cancer One in one million people get the cancer that I had and so rare that there was no protocol, there was no really treatment for it and within two months I had reversed it, doing the things that I do and teach now.

Speaker 1:

So I absolutely love that, because it's so important for people to understand that you are on this journey and you are living proof that, if you understand and I agree 100% that we talk about this all the time is life is about energy. Everything has an energetic vibrational frequency to it, including health and including sickness, including cancer. And so what you did on your journey is ultimately figured out that I'm not in a state of emotional wellness and, being a nurse, from what I understand is that I can pump my body full of these drugs, but that's not going to make me healthier. And so on your journey, you found your truth that you know what there isn't innate healing power within me, and if I can tap into that, my body is going to heal, which it did. So could you just give a little explanation of exactly what you were going through, the physical symptoms of what you were experiencing in your body as you were going through that part of your journey?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, something you said. I just want to back up one second, and that is someone can have the surgery, but the core cause is still in you. They haven't gotten to the core cause. No-transcript, my journey. You mean the cancer part of the journey or the- Whatever you were experiencing, said you had the chronic pain.

Speaker 1:

You were taking all these pills and you were concerned about how they were affecting your body.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there was an interesting you know, the first 10 years, right, it seemed like forever, like really, and I couldn't see. I understand when people come to me because I've been where they are right, 10 years in that belief system and like what am I not getting in? This can't be my life, was really what went through my mind. But I never stopped and, quite honestly, I at some point didn't realize it. But I had stepped into trusting my intuition and the guidance, right, because I talk to people every week that they're guided to me but they won't, you know, sort of pull the trigger and take the step because they don't trust that it's possible for them or they've just been in that place. So that's kind of where I was. I was really just tossing out pebbles blindly in that first 10 years. But then when the diagnosis for cancer came, surprisingly I was not scared, which even now, kind of when I say those words, I can't believe it. But knowing what I know, it doesn't matter whether somebody tells you that you have gallstones or you have cancer, it's all the same. It's just some kind of an imbalance, but we've been indoctrinated to that. The big C right that can take you out. And so the collective is focusing on that right. They're in fear of don't let me get the big C. They're literally going to draw it to them. You know thinking fearful thoughts. So that empowerment.

Speaker 3:

When I got that diagnosis, I hung up the phone because it just started as a little skin tag type thing on my head and it turned out it was a rare cancer of the blood vessels. And as an energy intuitive and a channel and a medical medium, I am connected to getting insights. And so I heard this insight that said blood river of life. Where have you cut yourself off from the river of life? And so I would take that into my morning practices and I would sit and I would, you know, just meditate or go into stillness on that, and then I would get my answers right. And so that's where I knew where I wanted to focus my internal healing, like my relationship with myself, because so many people are focused on the external right. Let me go to this person and they're going to fix it, they're going to help it. We're not taught that. We have the ability and it's already in us.

Speaker 1:

Right, oh, I love that you said that is because we are so indoctrinated into consult your physician. Your physician knows best. Not that there's not a time and place for that, but I believe 100% that the best doctor for you is you. When you truly tune into that higher intelligence, your gut, your intuition, your divine self, whatever you call it, just like you did, and learn to listen to it, it will guide you back to health. It will give you the people, the resources and maybe even the medical doctors that are going to help you. But now you're getting to the cause of it, and I see so many individuals just trying to eradicate symptoms. Right, and they'll eradicate symptoms and they'll feel better for a little while. But then the problem comes back, and it usually comes back bigger and better than the first time because I believe the universe is saying look, you're not getting it. You keep chasing symptoms and you're not getting to the cause of the real problem that's going on here.

Speaker 3:

So I love that you had that awareness and you use that, or it comes back, or it comes back in a different place and they don't correlate that. It's all the same cause.

Speaker 1:

Right, I agree 100%.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. And there was a time, you know, because Joe, being a chiropractor in his past, you know he would try to heal people and they would kept coming back with the same back pain, the same back pain, the same back pain, until he realized this isn't about back pain, this is about what's going on in their lives.

Speaker 1:

And that's one of the reasons why I left the profession, because it got very frustrating for me with like, look, I can give you a great adjustment, but you've got something else going on. And I had tools to say OK, it's. You know, it's physical, it's chemical, it's emotional and most of the time, from my experience, it was unmanifested and unresolved emotional stress that a person either was experiencing or had experienced in their life. And they're like no, I just bent down and tied my shoe wrong, I just slept, slept long last night. And I'm like no, this is much deeper than that. And it's like I felt like I was giving out a chiropractic aspirin, like I would give me an adjustment. You feel better for the while, but you come back with the same problem and I'm like you're not getting to the core.

Speaker 1:

And then I started getting. First I was like is this my purpose in life? Right, you know, just becoming a chiropractor? So people don't want to take aspirin or pills, so they come here but they're not getting to the real cause of the event. That's how I've always lived. My life is that if there's a problem, I want to get to the cause. I don't care how ugly it is, how painful. It is what I need to do, because addressing symptoms and I guess I learned that because my dad passed from cancer and realized that you know what you can't address symptoms You've got to get to what causes the symptoms and eradicate that and then you'll find true health.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, we're not given the belief, the belief is not instilled in us that our body knows how to be healthy. Right, it's not. That's not our go to thought process. And I was the same way. I had a brick and mortar and a local practice for many, many years and I kept asking the question OK, we've got chiropractors, we've got physical therapists, we've got acupuncture, we've got every kind of healing modality that could possibly be, and more and medicine.

Speaker 3:

And so it was like why aren't people getting better, why we should be getting better? And it's in its holding that energy of the issues, in the tissues, the emotions, whatever that core. Usually I say it's the core wound right, it's something that is in that area of the body that wants you to deal with it.

Speaker 1:

You know I love that you said that because as a chiropractor it always amazed me that you know there's the perfection of life. You know what it takes for a sperm and an egg to unite, to fertilize and then, nine months later, all the chemical reactions and the synapses and processes that need to happen to turn that into a live human being. And as soon as it comes out, it's like you know what that intelligence that made you no longer exists. So now we got to start injecting what you would crack, we got to start putting stuff in your eyes and that philosophy that that intelligence was there, that created it from the beginning, is now no longer. So we got to take over and you know it was something as parents that you know, I was just like no, we're going to trust that intelligence in our child to be healthy and just notice and pay attention when things aren't going right and they are at a balance and then use that. We had one of our sons who had severe digestive issues and we worked with a healer.

Speaker 1:

And ultimately it was a process, but he healed without drugs, without surgery, without medication, without anything. So we're totally on board with this and we agree 100%, and that's the message that we really want to get out there today, especially for those individuals who are just like Martha. I get it, I'm like, I'm suffering, I've been to the doctors, I've had all the tests and they're giving me these medications and it may help me function a little better, but my quality of life is not great and in fact it's diminishing. So what do you say to those individuals?

Speaker 3:

Follow me Right.

Speaker 3:

But, I think, more than anything else it's, you know, as I, as I continue to say, people don't know what they don't know, right, right, and that's probably the most frustrating part of my work is that people have been programmed and indoctrinated, especially in the United States, that your body's going to break down and turn against you, especially as you get older. Right, especially, like I have friends that boom, they hit 65 and it's like they've been programmed that once they hit 65, that's it. You know everything's going to start falling apart and I'm like no, no, no, no, no, no, don't, don't let that into your belief system. Right, but recognize, sometimes people are doubting about the whole energy aspect. Right, we have energy throughout Western Madison. When they want to know how your heart is beating and working, they hook you up to an EKG, an electrocardiogram, right, and they're measuring the waves of your energy, of your heart and what it's doing.

Speaker 3:

People don't recognize that, right, and I guess maybe from being a nurse, but it prints out a graph and it's waves of energy Like we have it everywhere. We have the laser, we have the EKG, we have all these things and they don't have to invasively go into your body to figure that out. They're putting electrodes on the outside of your body to measure the energy in your heart, like it's remarkable. That's the first piece of it right, so allow that to be the natural. The differences. They give you, the drugs they give you. If there's a wave irregularity, they give you drugs to correct it, but you don't need the drugs to correct it. Again, back to their core cause. Because my hair grows, I have to get it cut every four weeks. My nails grow like our heart beats, our breath moves we. Our body is intelligent. It really truly does know how to be healthy.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's so important is is for people to truly understand that, that there is an intelligence in you. As we're sitting here now, there are trillions and trillions of cellular responses going on with it that you don't have to think about, and if you have to think about five of them, you'd probably drop dead within five seconds.

Speaker 1:

But all these things are happening simultaneously without you thinking, and I think we take that intelligence for granted and we don't think about it, and we're sure not being told about it from the allopathic side, which is why I think individuals like us are now on this planet to shine the light of truth, to go. Hey, wake up people.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I think that's the biggest thing, and one of the reasons of starting this podcast is to put that information out there and to have people like you on that. Can you know, share that information Because, like you said, people don't know what they don't know.

Speaker 1:

And I think it's for those individuals who want this and who are ready for it, because there's some people who, just like you, know what. No, my doctor said this. I believe my doctor, he knows all, and so you know what, I don't care. You take your energy and go fly a kite where it's like those individuals like no, I am ready for this. You know, we can get on the spiritual journey. They are at that part of their journey. You know, when the student is ready, the teacher appears, and so they are now saying, ok, wait, this resonates.

Speaker 1:

I do believe in energy. I do see how. I've tried all that. It hasn't worked. I want to know a different way. I don't know where to go, what to do, but now this person is in my path and I need to speak to this person because I believe they may be able to help me. And I think that's really why we're doing this is to shine the light because, as you're saying, it's not about OK, well, just accept. This is your role in life. You're going to degenerate, you're going to deteriorate and you just have to accept it and we're like hell no, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And there I mean I know people at 50 who give up. I mean when I get out of bed and I have to limp to the bathroom like, no, I'm not accepting this, I don't want this, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I was 29, 30 years old when they I was in a wheelchair, right, and they told me I wouldn't walk again. And there was something really I call it gift of God or whatever higher power, you know what name you want to give it but that was what just literally came through me and said no, this is not. Don't accept this. And I think that we're programmed now especially to believe that everything is chaos. People don't really understand the natural laws and the universal spiritual laws that govern everything. We don't know how electricity works, but we still put the light switch on, right, and we know that gravity applies to everyone, right? If all three of us go up on the roof of our house and jump, we are going to hit the ground because we are all subject to that law of gravity, right? And people don't understand, they're not taught these other universal laws that govern energy and govern our body. And that's the truth of how simple it is.

Speaker 1:

Right, you know I love that you said that because I'm a student of this thing called life and I believe that the powers that be create the chaos as a distraction for people to see the truth. And just look at what happened with the whole pandemic.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we haven't been in a more chaotic time in you know my 57 years on this and everybody was running around in fear and panicking and listening to the news and nobody was going to go. Wait a minute, what's really going on here? You're telling me that this whole thing started because some bat pooped in some guy's soup, like, come on, people, let's get real. And that you know you listen to people. Masks don't really work, but yet everybody is having to wear their mask and nobody was talking about you know what? When your body is healthy and strong and your immune system is where it needs to be, it can fight off any virus.

Speaker 1:

And the people who were getting sick and who were dying were immunocompromised, many of them who were elderly, because they didn't had to take care of their health and their bodies weren't really strong. So, again, the truth wasn't being told. There was all this chaos, which I believe was done on purpose, because I think people like you and I now become the minority. We become the quacks and the doctors. The doctor felt she's of the world. They're out there saying, oh no, no, stay home, stay home. And it's like well, he's the surgeon general or whatever he is. He's like you know, you got to believe him and I was like no.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, here's what. I think it's really interesting, Joe, because again this is back to universal laws and why we're on the same page and other people might doubt what we're saying is because you, you will find your love of. You know cause and effect. If your belief is that your body is going to break down and turn against you and you need to be fearful you are going to attract everything to support that belief and your belief system. It can't happen any other way, Absolutely. So part of my work with people is let's look at what your belief system is that got you here, so that we can cause that's, correcting the core cause so that you can be open to receiving what actually is going to heal the body.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Yeah, you know, it's like literally the glass half empty, half full. If I see it one way, you see it. No matter what I say, no matter what I do, you're going to choose to see it the way you choose to see it and in life, because it's energy, what you're going to experience in your reality is whatever's in vibration with that energy of what you think, what you say, what you do and how you feel and what you believe. So it's all you know. That's why we talk about and that's why I love this, because there are a lot of people have no understand oh, that's that woo, woo law of attraction, stuff, like they really don't understand how this universe works and there's this divine intelligence. But when you do and you align with individuals like you, literally miracles can happen, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. And and you know, there's that saying about miracles. I won't get it right, I won't quote it, but I don't want to think of what I did as a miracle, I want to think of it as common every day.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah.

Speaker 3:

All I did was learn principles that were already here, that were already ready for me to receive, so to speak. It's it's just that, and take what we have out in the mainstream, in the media and the you know programming. We know that it works because people are adhering to it. Right, it's just, if you want to be healthy, change the programming.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Change the story, change. You know what you're putting into here, that controls. They're not separate. There's a lot of people who want to say, oh, mind, body medicine, but they're not really truly in that arena. That connection of the mind influencing the body.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that you said that, because you know there's so many there and there's a big movement today about change your mindset. Yeah, and yes, that's important. But you can say a bunch of affirmations, you can think a bunch of positive thoughts, you can read a book, but if you're not embodying that and you're not living that, then it just becomes a band-aid, it becomes a placebo. It may work for a little while, but you're going to wind up back at the same place. So it's taking that and really tapping into that energy and literally living it, embodying it, and going out into the world from that space. And I think that's a big problem for a lot of people and I think that's where a lot of people are frustrated, because there are a lot of people out there.

Speaker 1:

So just change your mindset, you know just put up a vision board and your life will be wondering. Your cancer will go away. No, that's not how it really works. You're not. If you're not getting to the energetic core and changing that vibration, nothing's going to change.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a really good point. Really good point because, you know, a lot of people do come to me and that's part of what they say when they're like I tried everything or I did the meditations and I did this and I did that Most meditation. I don't teach meditation. I teach a stillness practice that actually helps people go in here to actually find that healer inside themselves, right To access that alignment and the subconscious and their programming. But there are a tremendous amount of people, because there's a lot of that mainstream, you know, I don't know what you call it jargon, that's oh, I did the meditation.

Speaker 3:

Now what you did was you allowed your brain to follow a recording. That's all that it did. It shifted your attention right, Because people are sitting there and they're listening to the you know, trickling river and the temple bells chiming and things, and their brain is engaged in following and listening to that piece that they're listening to. Yes, it will lower their megahertz right, their energy of their brain, and they'll feel a little bit calmer, but that is completely different than excavating the bullshit that's stuck inside, If I can swear, to be honest, right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's more than welcome.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, like that's, that's, that's what has to get at. It's not that I did the meditation, because that's just training your brain to follow something. It's not about going inward to deal with things that were probably programmed into your subconscious when you were, you know, seven, eight, nine years old, that you don't even, aren't even aware that are there.

Speaker 1:

Right. You know, we talk about it all the time because it's the difference between doing and being. And a lot of people are doing things and it's like, oh, I did the meditation, but they're sitting there and they're thinking about this and they're overthinking and they're stressing out about their meditation. So they may be doing it, but they're not in that energy of being where they can be relaxed, they can be calm, they can be connected, they could be open to receiving. So that's why they'll go and do and go. I don't understand. I am meditated. I'm like, well, yes, you sat there, like you said, and you listened to me, thought some things from the, but you weren't being still right, you weren't quiet, you weren't connecting to that divine intelligence in you. So it's really, I think. I think that hurts people more, because I know I was one of those people.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, we've done the meditations. You've done the meditation any?

Speaker 1:

program process. I've tried them all, but ultimately it was when I learned that, you know, none of that is helping me be at that level where I can just relax, I can trust, I can listen, I can ask for guidance and be open to receive it.

Speaker 3:

Being one of you know. I mentioned the universal laws, right, being is first cause. Being is first cause. So if somebody's doing the meditations and they're doing all you know you have to know the laws of cause and effect, right, and so you can do the meditations, but you're still being a person who believes in illness or how it's fearful. I got to hurry up and get this right so the cancer will go away, but that's that isn't actually how it works. And, yeah, it is challenging. It is challenging. That's a lot of what is in the mainstream.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's, you know, the more people, and I think there is a shift in the consciousness where now more people are having it. You know, we can have forums like this where we can have conversations, and it is becoming more common, and I think that's what we just need to focus on is reaching those people. That's, that's how I kind of put myself at pieces. You know, what we're just here? To share and shine the light of truth to reach those who are ready for it and then go forward, and I think the more it's like that old Faber J commercial you tell to friends and they tell to friends and they tell to friends and I think the more we do that and spread the light, the more common and more mainstream until hopefully probably not going to happen in our lifetime.

Speaker 2:

But this becomes the common way.

Speaker 1:

And so our children and their children can live in a world where they understand our bodies are healthy. We have an intelligence. There is a divine energy in the world that, when we tap into it and listen to it and allow it to guide us, that's when we can live a truly wonderful, happy and fulfilling and healthy life.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and that's why we're doing this.

Speaker 1:

So, before we wrap it up, there are those individuals who are out there who are now saying you know, I've got this chronic pain. I've tried everything. I resonate with this. I resonate. Can you help me? What would you say to them?

Speaker 3:

Again, call me, book a free consultation truthfully, because and I have a video on my website that talks about this right I want to know in my work and my practice that I don't want just a 50% chance, like I won't take your money and I won't lead you on, because people have gotten to this point Like they've tried everything, they've been to the chiropractor, they've been to everything and they're in doubt and they're in worry and they're in fear and I don't want to continue to proliferate that kind of energy and mindset. So I know I've been doing this long enough, for 30 years. I know, when I talk to somebody whether or not I can help them, I want an 80, 90% certainty of success. And then you know, I know that if I can get you 20 or 30 or 40% better in four weeks, that it can continue to be an improvement. That's how I want to work and I want to know with somebody. So I'll tell people right at the get go if I don't think that I can help them.

Speaker 1:

I absolutely love that, because that's exactly how we roll.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

When you do this long enough, you know who's ready for the work that you do, and I think you serve them more by telling them look, you're not ready, that's OK, but we're not going to start because I don't want to be another one of those people who waste your time, waste your money and so go do your work when you are ready. If you're ready, come back and then we'll go forward and then I'm confident that I can help you. So I absolutely love that. So we know we have a link on your website.

Speaker 2:

So yes, I will put all the links to get in touch with Martha in our show description, so you'll have all that.

Speaker 1:

Right, and you can book your call with it.

Speaker 2:

You can book your call that way.

Speaker 1:

Sure, absolutely. So before I wrap it up, is there anything else you'd like to share or say to our listeners?

Speaker 3:

You know, I think it's just really important what you said that last point People have to be ready, like you really have to, and there are people who they've created a dynamic might be in there with their, with their spouse, might be with their parents or their siblings or whomever, where there is a dynamic in an agreement to stay in a victim state.

Speaker 3:

Oh I do I do, I do, you know, I do Natalie's Lamping, but it's like I see that, right, and those are the people that sometimes come in there. They're going. How long is this going to take? I don't know. I don't know that If I knew that I would probably not even be on this earth plane. I would be, you know, they'd call me God or God or something, but it wouldn't be Martha, and that is still a mentality of someone else is going to fix me and I want to know the exact time, right, like that's still being in that medical model, that Western medical model of you know, the doctor tells me how everything is going to go Right, and it's a disempowerment, right. And so I think the work that we're doing is about true empowerment to people, absolutely Taking back control of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, like the whole package and even financial sometimes you know Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that and that's how I feel, and we feel we want to be in control of our lives, our destiny, our health, everything. And thanks to you and people like you that help people know that you don't have to settle at NEA.

Growing and Healing Through Midlife Challenges
Mind's Healing Power
Understanding Energy and the Body's Intelligence
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