Getting Better With Age

The Happy and Healthy Midlife Journey with Special Guest, Sherry Jibb

October 11, 2023 Joe & Natalie Amoia Episode 52
The Happy and Healthy Midlife Journey with Special Guest, Sherry Jibb
Getting Better With Age
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Getting Better With Age
The Happy and Healthy Midlife Journey with Special Guest, Sherry Jibb
Oct 11, 2023 Episode 52
Joe & Natalie Amoia

Have you ever felt alone as you're trying to navigate the challenges that most of us experience in midlife? Well, we're here to tell you, you're not alone!

In this episode we bring you an enlightening conversation with Sherry Jib, the passionate creator of the Happy and Healthy in Midlife Summit.

Sherry is  and a certified movement educator in Pilates, Mat and Reformer, a reiki practitioner, and a personal trainer. She shares her inspiring journey of overcoming childhood trauma and health issues to dedicate her life to helping women thrive in their midlife and beyond.

This episode also peeks behind the curtains of the Happy and Healthy Midlife Summit, highlighting the exceptional range of engaging speakers and topics.

We delve into the world of self-love and acceptance, and how vital it is in our journey to personal growth.

Join us to learn about the empowering resources available to you, such as Sherry's Facebook group 'Love the Skin You're In', and of course, the Happy and Healthy Midlife Summit.

Whether you're in midlife or beyond, this episode offers a wealth of empowering advice, real-life experiences, and practical strategies that can guide you on your path to a better you and a better life!

Register here for the Happy and Healthy in Midlife Summit >>

Join Sherry's Facebook Group Here >>

Learn more about Sherry here >>

Feel free to contact us with any questions/comments you may have about this episode via email at or

You can also send us a DM and follow us on Instagram @the.lovementors or reach out in our Facebook Group - Manifesting Love in Midlife. We can also be found on YouTube - @JoeandNat.

We always love to hear from you! Be Blessed!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever felt alone as you're trying to navigate the challenges that most of us experience in midlife? Well, we're here to tell you, you're not alone!

In this episode we bring you an enlightening conversation with Sherry Jib, the passionate creator of the Happy and Healthy in Midlife Summit.

Sherry is  and a certified movement educator in Pilates, Mat and Reformer, a reiki practitioner, and a personal trainer. She shares her inspiring journey of overcoming childhood trauma and health issues to dedicate her life to helping women thrive in their midlife and beyond.

This episode also peeks behind the curtains of the Happy and Healthy Midlife Summit, highlighting the exceptional range of engaging speakers and topics.

We delve into the world of self-love and acceptance, and how vital it is in our journey to personal growth.

Join us to learn about the empowering resources available to you, such as Sherry's Facebook group 'Love the Skin You're In', and of course, the Happy and Healthy Midlife Summit.

Whether you're in midlife or beyond, this episode offers a wealth of empowering advice, real-life experiences, and practical strategies that can guide you on your path to a better you and a better life!

Register here for the Happy and Healthy in Midlife Summit >>

Join Sherry's Facebook Group Here >>

Learn more about Sherry here >>

Feel free to contact us with any questions/comments you may have about this episode via email at or

You can also send us a DM and follow us on Instagram @the.lovementors or reach out in our Facebook Group - Manifesting Love in Midlife. We can also be found on YouTube - @JoeandNat.

We always love to hear from you! Be Blessed!

Speaker 1:

This is Joe.

Speaker 2:

And this is Nat and you're listening to the Getting Better With Age podcast to show that helps you navigate midlife challenges and turn them into opportunities to grow and evolve into a happier, healthier and more empowered you.

Speaker 1:

And remember, getting older doesn't mean that the best years have to be behind you. We believe, like a fine wine, you and your life can get better with age, and we're here to show you exactly how to do that.

Speaker 2:

So grab a glass of vino, kick off your shoes and join us in discovering how to make the next chapter of your life the best one yet. Hey everyone, it's Joe and it's Nat, and welcome back to another episode of Getting Better With Age. This is an exciting day.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we're, you know, we're excited for every episode, but this one we're really excited for mostly because it's not just Nat and I again, Right, we?

Speaker 2:

have actually have a very special guest and her name is Sherry Jib, and she is actually the creator of the Happy and Healthy and Midlife Summit, which we will get to in a minute, because that's the most exciting. But let's talk a little bit about Sherry. Sherry is passionate about teaching women in midlife and beyond how to build a strong foundation so they can thrive and flourish in midlife and beyond. Her foundational approach is built on movement to create a stronger mobile body, breath work for a calmer mind and thought work to create a positive mindset. She has been featured on many podcasts and has created five summits, including the one we will be talking about. She specializes in energy medicine and yoga. She is a certified movement educator in Pilates, matt and Reformer. She's a reiki practitioner, crystal reiki practitioner and a personal trainer with over 25 years experience. So, sherry, this is an exciting time for us. I love what you do and the way you help women in midlife. I'm in midlife, so there's so many challenges.

Speaker 1:

Yes, please help my wife, please help her.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you so much. Such a pleasure to be here and thank you for being here. You know we believe that everybody is put on this earth to share their gifts and talents and that everybody is on a journey. So tell us a little bit about your journey and how you got here.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'll give you the Coles notes version. When I was younger, I was not the healthiest and I had come from a lot of childhood trauma. And in my later 20s, after having both of my children, decided that I wanted to lead a more authentic life, but also a healthier life. I wasn't healthy at that point and so I went on a journey to become healthier. I didn't realize at that time that that also included healing Right, healthier back then I was. You know, my weight was up post pregnancy and I just wanted to get fitter so that I could play with my kids, you know. And I remember my daughter saying to me Mom, how come you don't play with us like other moms at the park? Well, you can imagine what that did. Right, just ripped me in two. So I went on that journey.

Speaker 3:

I have to say, you know, on that journey to get thinner is not a journey to get healthier. There's a big difference and I had a lot of challenges that way. But anyway, in my late 20s I decided that I would get into fitness and a girlfriend of mine called me and said let's go take the fitness instructor's course. And I'm like no, like I'm almost 200 pounds. No, she's like come on, you can do it. Well, I did it and I loved it. And what I found was, when I was teaching, my classes were very full and I couldn't. I'm honestly, you know, at that stage you can't really understand why, until one woman came up to me and said to me I relate to you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You're up there and you're teaching us to get healthier and fitter and you know, you aren't this slim little crop topped girl. Right, we get your battle, we get how you're feeling and you really, we relate to you and that kind of started it. And then in that was 96. And then I went on to get my personal trainers, my yoga certification and I went full time in 1998. And I have been full time in this business with multiple certifications after that.

Speaker 3:

And you know, in around my midlife years was when the healing really started, when I realized that tissues hold trauma and that I could work to release it. I went into menopause and that was surgically induced and I went to find support and I couldn't find any. I couldn't find communities like there are now, like it was hard to get my questions answered. And so when I had the opportunity to do my first summit, that was my goal Because I knew I wasn't alone. Right, there was no way I was alone. But I experienced anxiety, I sleeplessness, it was just so much that I was going through and I just felt all alone.

Speaker 3:

And so when I had the chance to do the summit, I thought you know what? I don't want women to feel this way. This is craziness. Let's change the conversation we're having, let's educate ourselves, let's empower ourselves. And so the first happy and healthy and midlife was born. And boy, did I ever learn a lot in that first one. And you know, I'm at number five and I'm still wow, I learn so much every single time. And so that's kind of how I got here.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that is great. I so admire and that's reason we asked you this question is because I think what makes individuals like you so successful is that you're real. You know, we talked about that before we jumped on it is people want people that they can relate to, like you say that young crop top woman who's never had to struggle with weight, that's born with great gene, could eat whatever she wants, never put on a pound. Most people can't relate to that. But so when you see individuals like, hey, you know what, I was in your shoes, I know what it was like to be where you're at. But now I know what it's like to be on the other side. I know what it's like to be healthy, I know it's like to be fit, I know it's like to heal those traumas which you know. I say it's what it's called health and healing Right if you have to heal internally and externally right, physically and emotionally and mentally. And so often we separate the two but don't realize that they're actually interrelated.

Speaker 3:

Well, so true.

Speaker 2:

So, and and you know that that's why you're doing this so, yeah, and you know, midlife is such Before, such a crazy time for women, and I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy just as much. But no, it's crazy for men too. We we had physical challenges. I was just at the orthopedist yesterday for shoulders. So with yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And it's great that you're creating this community for women. You know too, as we say, get better with age, and that's one of the reasons why we created this podcast to have you know. So women in midlife have somewhere to go to find answers and. You know, I think this summit that you're doing is just Fabulous, and so tell us a little bit about that. Um, you know how it works, what are some of the guests? What are some of the subjects are going to be covered? Well, the good stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yes for sure. Okay, so it is an email summit. What happens is everything is pre-recorded, and so we started this back in April and and we reach out to the speakers and Then we start to set up interviews with them, and so we pre-recorded also, starting on October the 19th, thursday, october the 19th. If you're registered for the summit, it drops into your inbox. You get a email every morning with all the links to the speakers and you can pick what you want, pick the topic you want. I would love you to listen to them all. I interviewed all of them. Just absolutely incredible. But I get, the time is a thing, right. So it gives you the opportunity to just pick and choose what you want, what you want to learn, who do you want to learn from? And that goes until Monday, the 23rd.

Speaker 3:

And I'm also going to be live in the Facebook group, and that's optional. I have lots of people reaching out to me and saying you know, do I have to be in the Facebook group? No, you don't, not at all. Right, as long as you're registered, you're gonna get the emails. If you want to be in the Facebook group, that's totally optional. We're gonna have a lot of fun in there, but I get it. Not everybody's on Facebook, but I will also be sending in the email the link to the zoom. So we're gonna go live in Facebook. So Facebook is not your thing. Then you can join us actually on the zoom and ask the speakers questions. So it's, you know, just a little added. You know you watch their interview and now you have a couple questions, and what a better opportunity than to ask them yourself. That's beautiful, right.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. Now, what about some of the speakers that you're gonna have on, and what will they be talking about?

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, I have Dr Susan Brown and she is talking about staying stronger longer. Natural alternative for healthy bones that is, her life's work is bone health. We have Jodi Silverman. She's gonna talk to us about decluttering our relationships For a happy and healthy midlife. Chavon Sarnia is gonna talk to us about understanding SIBO, which is very interesting, and also the aging parent crisis in America. So originally she sent me something about aging parent crisis, but I knew she was an expert in SIBO so I'm like, no, we need to do both. We've got 15 minutes of we. Of course have you both doing the good, the bad and the honest truth About online dating in midlife, and I have to say, when I interviewed you guys, I learned so much.

Speaker 3:

I'm married, happily married second time through, but I would love to have this back when I was going from first, of course. Um, we have Robin Salz is gonna talk to us about embracing Ageless beauty. Carol Covino is gonna talk to us about aging powerfully as a 50-plus woman and Vanessa Torrey is gonna talk to us about Navigating midlife body issues and self acceptance such a big topic at this time. We've got we're chatting about sleep. We are chatting about Decluttering how to declutter your room to make room for your future. Interesting concept that was. It was really interesting, and we have a lovely lady.

Speaker 3:

Her name is Catherine SD, she is in her mid 80s and Wow and she is talking to us about aging and she is on her second or third book and it's just so, so interesting, you know, if you think aging is all downhill. No, you know, it's just a really great conversation. So that's just a snippet of who's joining us, you know.

Speaker 1:

I love the way you're setting this up because you know I've done a lot of summits in the past and you know, usually it's like look on, day one, you get this person, day two, you get this person, day three, this person and it just gets where you're like, hey, here's everybody, and pick the ones that resonate with you.

Speaker 1:

And I think, if you're listening when you sign up for this, like, don't go with it. It'd be great if you can really and if you have the time to listen to everybody. That's wonderful. But there are going to be certain topics, certain speakers that really resonate with you. And I know, sherry, you're a big energy person and so it's like you know, I believe that's your soul saying, hey, this is who you need to listen to. You're going to get something from this that's going to help you on your journey and if you can take that approach, it's going to make this summit so much more enjoyable and valuable for you. And so I just want to acknowledge you for the way you're laying that out, and I know people, if they want to, can still get access to it afterwards.

Speaker 1:

You know and we'll talk about all the details at the end, but this is really something like don't go in, you know. Go in with OK. What is it that I can get from this summit that's going to help make my life better. That's going to help me get better with age, whether it's hormone, your struggle, it's C-bow parents, whatever, like look now if you're in midlife and you've got no, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

I'm good, I don't know my life is perfect, I got nothing going on, you know.

Speaker 1:

then you know this isn't for you. But if you're like most of us in midlife, go. Yeah, I still got some stuff going on.

Speaker 2:

I personally will listen to everyone. Yeah, you know.

Speaker 1:

I've got some areas that I'm struggling with and I need help, and I think that's the great thing about the guests that you have on. They're all individuals that say I was once in your shoes, I struggled with this and now I'm in a better place, I've overcome it, I've conquered it, I've healed it and I know the way forward, and they just want to share their gifts with you, and I think that's one of the beautiful parts of this summit that you're putting is it's all like-minded individuals who truly are here to make a difference in people's lives.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, Absolutely, and to give their time right. Because I just want to reiterate, they are not compensated. You guys weren't compensated for doing this. You're doing this because, like me, you want to get your message out there. You want to help people through these struggles and educate. Knowledge is power and if we draw back to that relationship thing a little bit at the beginning, right where we were talking about women in men's lives, struggle and Jill you were talking about, well, you know what, If you're married to a woman, men struggle and we had that in my husband and I as well.

Speaker 3:

As I was going through this, the more I could educate myself, the more I could educate him. And just take, for instance, decreased sex drive. Libido goes down While all of a sudden I'm going through all kinds of hormone changes. My libido goes down. He has no understanding of what is happening to me and so how is he internalizing this? What's the matter? What's the matter with me? Oh, our relationship, what's going on? We were so great and now it's shifted and changed. And as I educated myself and sent him articles and chatted with him about hormones and libido and he began to understand and accept that this was part of a midlife shift and not our relationship, and it allowed him to be even more supportive during that time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. You know, we actually experienced the same thing. And when you have the understanding of what's really happening and you realize, hey, it's not me, it's not my body, it's not you, these are just the physiological changes that I'm going through. And now it's like, okay, now that we understand this, how do we work together to get past and through this? And then you go and find the right doctors and the right support and the right supplements or hormones, whatever it is, to get you through it. But now you're not at odds. And if you don't have, first of all, the understanding that, hey, this is normal, like you talk about this all the time, like right that for women you know OBGYNs, they're not taught about everything after having a baby- they don't get much training in menopause and midlife stuff.

Speaker 2:

No, it's sad. I kind of feel like we're the forgotten group, you, know, and that's why this is so great, and I'm starting to see more and more out there on social media of people working with women in midlife and what you're doing with this summit, because we need it. We need it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, and you think about it right. You know, we're taught to go up, go to school, get a degree, get a career, get a family, and now you're supposed to take care of them. And then, after that, now you're taking care of your parents, right, and dealing with them. So your focus is, you know, on the young ones and on the old ones, and it's like, well, hey, what about me?

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, and if you're in a marriage and a relationship and you're caught up with the stress and the bills that everybody's caught up with, all of a sudden you start going through these challenges. Right, life starts throwing stuff at you and if you don't have the mental acuity, you don't have the emotional intelligence, you don't have the support, you don't have the understanding, the right coaches, mentors, doctors, whatever, it just makes it so much more difficult. But when you have individuals like yourself out there going, no, I struggled with this and this person struggled with that, it's like, oh, you're not alone. Okay now what do I need to do to get through it? Like I always say, you know, information is great, but information without action doesn't lead to transformation. Oh, 100%.

Speaker 1:

And I think, ultimately, we all want transformation, and that's difficult, let's be honest. Right, there's a lot of individuals they want to take the magic pill. Right, they want to make it go away yesterday, and it's like that's just not the way it works. It's tough, it's messy, but if you do the work and you have the support, you just get through it quicker and you get to the other side, and that's really, I think, what the journey is about, and you know, individuals like yourself and all these guests that you have on your summit really need to be acknowledged for doing this work to make the world a different place, cause there's so many individuals out there just basically not being honest. Like, let's be honest, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and they're selling people this bill of goods, like if you just do this and you're going to see the, you know, see sunshine and rainbows and be dropped 30 pounds overnight and your relationship is completely transformed, or any man is going to fall in love with you, and it's like, it's so inauthentic. So to me it's so icky, like, and that's, you know, I think, great. One another great thing about you and your summit is you're bringing individuals who are just real and they just have big hearts and they're saying you know what? I've been through this journey, I've learned some stuff and I just want to share and help as many people as I can.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I like that. You know, as Joseph said, there's no magic, no magic bullet. You know there's a lot of pieces to the puzzle and I feel like a lot of the pieces required are in this summit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I mean you did every. I think every possible topic that someone struggling in midlife will be experiencing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and I, you know, you're just so right, it's. I call it a recipe, a puzzle, a recipe, right, and everybody's recipe is just a little bit different, and you learn about these different monalities, you learn about hormone, sleep, all this kind of stuff, and then you start to bring in those ingredients for your recipe, for a happier and healthier you right, and not every speaker is gonna speak to you, but those that do and you're gonna get what it is you need. It's a huge aha moment. I can remember watching summits or listening and it's like whoa, there's a pivot point right there.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know that, and so now I can act differently, I can think differently because it's in my awareness. Now I think that's the biggest piece of this is bringing all these things into your awareness. You cannot change what you are not aware of right, yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I always say realization is the first step towards rehabilitation. Right, you've gotta realize that there's an issue before you can fix it. And I think in our society, a lot of us have been brought up. Oh, I can admit that I struggle, right, I love that we can be as grown adults, saying you know what? Hey, you know what? We've had issues in our relationships with intimacy because of the physiological changes that our partners experience. Like that's just real, it's just honest. Like I think we need more people who can be out there and be genuine, saying, yes, we struggled with this and it did affect us, but you know what? Now we overcame it and now we're better as a result, because I think that's what people want and I think that's the relatability that you spoke about earlier is people wanna go? Oh, you're just like me.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, good and.

Speaker 1:

I think it's so important to have speakers where people go oh, you're just like me. You went through the same thing that I'm dealing with and now you're. I call it heaven. Now you're in heaven. Well, show me how to get there.

Speaker 2:

I wanna get there, yep.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, absolutely. And I mean this journey through the middle years is it's an awakening, but it is a journey. And when you try to ignore or resist the journey you know and that awakening, you just increase your suffering. Right, because you don't know what you don't know, right. But once you know it, it's freedom, it's a path right To shift, to change, to action. Like you said, joe, right, action, action, action Can't change anything if you're not willing to. You know, move forward in it and apply some action.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I also love that you're doing the Facebook group live stream during the summit, because you know, sometimes you watch these videos, you watch these recordings and then it's like wait, but I still have questions. So, I love that they can. Anybody could come on and ask those questions. So just quick, what's the name of your Facebook group for anybody that's listening?

Speaker 3:

It's called Love the Skin You're In.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, that's a great title because you know, in the world we live in, there's people being indoctrinated with you need to look a certain way or have a certain dress size or a certain cup size or whatever it may be, and if you don't look that way, there's something wrong with you, where it's really just loving yourself in the skin you're in Because you can do that literally today if you wanted to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, but you're gonna have to deal with some stuff, feel some stuff that has been in there which makes you believe differently. But it's all just an illusion. It's stuff that you've bought into, that you've accepted as being true. So I love that title. You know, Love the Skin You're In, because it's really loving where you want. Now that doesn't mean that you can say you know what I love where I'm at, but I wanna lose weight, or I want to be more fit, or I wanna have more energy, or I want to say that doesn't mean that you can't want to improve yourself. It just means accepting where you're at and being at peace and not fighting it. Because what I've learned in my own journey is that when you fight the skin you're in or the place you're in, you're giving all your energy to what you don't want and what you resist persists.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. I love that what you resist persists. How true is that? You know, and loving the skin you're in is also about respect and compassion for yourself. So, for instance, you gain some weight through menopause or perimenopause and you know it's fluctuating and maybe now your cholesterol levels are elevated or your blood pressure has come up a little bit. Instead of being mad at yourself, but just treating yourself with the love and compassion that you deserve, understanding you know how this came about and then just looking for you know, a way that speaks to you and that will require time and energy. Right, because if it's a magic pill, it's not working. Right, and just starting one small step at a time to create that change, but still holding yourself with love and compassion. Because we don't if we don't love, and if we're, if we love ourselves and treat ourselves with compassion, we are not punishing ourselves, we are not starving ourselves, we are not doing any of those things, because when you're treating something with respect, this is not how you treat them right.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely no, that's great.

Speaker 2:

Well, this has been great. Sherry, we wanna thank you so much for being here. So the happy and healthy in midlife summit, october 19th through the 23rd, you can join Sherry's Facebook group. Love the Skin You're In. We will have all the information in our show notes. The Facebook group, the link to register for the summit, will also include Sherry's, a link to Sherry's website so you can learn more about her And-.

Speaker 1:

So for somebody who's listening to this, sherry, and it's like you know, but I'm so busy, I'm so caught up. I'm taking care of my husband, so take a break, but you know they need to be on this summit. What's your message to them?

Speaker 3:

You know, if you watch one and learn something, you're ahead of the game, right? If you know you're going to be really busy, the 19th to the 23rd is just not a time for you. For $44, you can purchase the VIP pass, get access to the audios, the videos, plus extra savings from the speakers, and you can just take it in your own pace. One a day, one every two days. Listen to the same one for eight days, whatever works in your world. We made the audio so you could throw the earbuds in and, on your walk, listen, right.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's a steal. I mean, if you get one thing out say there's one speaker out of this and you get one thing that helps improve your life, isn't that worth $44? And again, you can listen to it for free for the first four days if your schedule allows you to. But you know, I always believe that. You know, if you look at the law of attraction everybody talks about the law of attraction. Well, the last six letters of attraction are action.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Like six seven letters, right.

Speaker 1:

So it's like you have to take action, like get off your butt, register for the summit and, like we said, go through the list and just put a little check mark next to hey, you know what this resonates, this or, and you're gonna see, there are gonna be two or three, maybe one, that's like hey, I need to listen to that and just focus on listening to that and we promise you, if you do that, you're gonna get what you need to get.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna receive, you're gonna get some information. There's gonna be an aha, the light bulb's gonna go off. There's gonna be something like okay, I didn't know that, but I really want to know more about that, and this is your opportunity to get better with age. But it's not gonna happen if you don't do anything and if you do the things that you've always done oh well, I can't, I'm too busy, I gotta take care of the kids, I'm working overtime. My husband will be mad. My boyfriend wants to go out to dinner. If you do those same things that you always do, nothing's gonna change and it really comes down to you.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, exactly. Plus the summit goes over like a weekend. So you'll have time to carve I think you'll be able to carve some time out for this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's specifically why I do that over the weekend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it'll be absolutely worth it. So, sherry, thank you so much for coming on today. Thank you for allowing us to participate in your summit. It's a lot of fun. And we look forward to a long-term relationship with working with others who are truly making a difference in this world.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much for having me and, again, thank you so much for being speakers and sharing your gifts with all of the participants. I can't wait for the interview to go out, because I know we had such a great conversation and I can't wait to share that. Thank you so so much. Thank you, sherry.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and for those of you listening, if you have a friend, family member, co-worker who's in midlife struggling with some stuff, forward this to them?

Speaker 3:

Oh, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Tell them about the summit, invite them to join or, once you join you pass along the information to them, because this might be exactly what they need to make the changes to overcome what they're struggling with. So go, make a difference in the world. All right, we love and appreciate you all. We'll see you next week.

Navigating Midlife Challenges for Personal Growth
Midlife Summit
Journey to Self-Acceptance and Personal Growth