Historians At The Movies

Episode 80: The Goonies and Generation X with John Wyatt Greenlee, Leah Lagrone, and Jamie Goodall

June 05, 2024 Jason Herbert Episode 80
Episode 80: The Goonies and Generation X with John Wyatt Greenlee, Leah Lagrone, and Jamie Goodall
Historians At The Movies
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Historians At The Movies
Episode 80: The Goonies and Generation X with John Wyatt Greenlee, Leah Lagrone, and Jamie Goodall
Jun 05, 2024 Episode 80
Jason Herbert

This week Jamie Goodall joins #HATM regulars John Wyatt Greenlee and Leah Lagrone to get to the bottom of a serious question: to which generation does The Goonies belong. We are up to no good in this episode and even through in some pirate history to boot. HATM never says die.

About our guests:
Dr. John Wyatt Greenlee is  a medievalist and a cartographic historian. His academic research is primarily driven by questions of how people perceive and reproduce their spaces:  how movement through the world — both experiential and imagined — becomes codified in visual and written maps. You can find him on twitter at @greenleejw

 Dr. Leah LaGrone is an assistant professor of history and public history director. She graduated from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, with a PhD in history focused on borderlands, labor, and gender studies in early 20th century. Her research examines state legislation and the discourse on minimum wages for women, specifically the connections of sex work with low wages. Her current book project, “A Woman’s Worth: How Race and Respectability Politics Influenced Minimum Wage Policies,” demonstrates that the politics around race and the minimum wage for women drove conversations among labor, politicians, and progressive reformers about the future of white supremacy in Texas.

Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall is a historian at the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington, D.C. All views expressed on my website are my own and are not reflective of my employer, the U.S. Army, or the Department of Defense. She also teaches part-time at Southern New Hampshire University in their College of Online & Continuing Education. She is the author of Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay: From the Colonial Era to the Oyster Wars (Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2020), National Geographic’s Pirates: Shipwrecks, Conquests, and their Lasting Legacy (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2021), Pirates and Privateers from Long Island Sound to Delaware Bay (Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2022), and The Daring Exploits of Black Sam Bellamy: From Cape Cod to the Caribbean (Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2023).

Show Notes Transcript

This week Jamie Goodall joins #HATM regulars John Wyatt Greenlee and Leah Lagrone to get to the bottom of a serious question: to which generation does The Goonies belong. We are up to no good in this episode and even through in some pirate history to boot. HATM never says die.

About our guests:
Dr. John Wyatt Greenlee is  a medievalist and a cartographic historian. His academic research is primarily driven by questions of how people perceive and reproduce their spaces:  how movement through the world — both experiential and imagined — becomes codified in visual and written maps. You can find him on twitter at @greenleejw

 Dr. Leah LaGrone is an assistant professor of history and public history director. She graduated from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, with a PhD in history focused on borderlands, labor, and gender studies in early 20th century. Her research examines state legislation and the discourse on minimum wages for women, specifically the connections of sex work with low wages. Her current book project, “A Woman’s Worth: How Race and Respectability Politics Influenced Minimum Wage Policies,” demonstrates that the politics around race and the minimum wage for women drove conversations among labor, politicians, and progressive reformers about the future of white supremacy in Texas.

Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall is a historian at the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington, D.C. All views expressed on my website are my own and are not reflective of my employer, the U.S. Army, or the Department of Defense. She also teaches part-time at Southern New Hampshire University in their College of Online & Continuing Education. She is the author of Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay: From the Colonial Era to the Oyster Wars (Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2020), National Geographic’s Pirates: Shipwrecks, Conquests, and their Lasting Legacy (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2021), Pirates and Privateers from Long Island Sound to Delaware Bay (Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2022), and The Daring Exploits of Black Sam Bellamy: From Cape Cod to the Caribbean (Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2023).

Jason Herbert (02:44.5)
Anyway, I see working now Lee. Dude. my gosh. So much. All right. Okay. Your headphones are working. All right. Jamie, I'm getting a heads up from Jamie. Thumbs up everybody. All right. Fletcher you may now record. Also podcast people are like our YouTube, whatever. All right. Fuck it. Let's go. Goonies say start. I don't know. Hey guys, what's going on? Hi. Welcome to Thunderdome.

Leah (02:52.088)
Yep, they're working.

John Wyatt (02:53.286)

Leah (03:11.288)
I'm going to go to bed.

John Wyatt (03:12.101)

Jason Herbert (03:14.548)
all right, we're doing the goonies tonight. Like this is, this is a build up and this is entirely come in because I saw a meme on the interwebs. Did you guys see this one going around about the zennials? So I did. Well, of course you saw it, Lee, cause I sent it directly to you, but it was like, there's this idea that I saw this meme that said something, the effect of like the general of the screw zennial generations, 77 to 83.

Leah (03:27.864)
Mm -hmm. And Nikki, didn't you send it to me?

John Wyatt (03:29.094)

Leah (03:32.92)

Jason Herbert (03:43.156)
We should just call this the Goonie generation. I was like, holy shit. Yes, this makes sense. And I know 75 % of us are in said dynamic and the other one is a pirate historian. So I felt like, Jamie, you're honorary Goonie, I guess, like welcome.

Leah (03:45.464)

Leah (03:49.624)

Jamie LH Goodall (03:59.38)
Yeah, I am hardcore millennial.

Leah (03:59.896)

John Wyatt (04:00.838)
Hold on, hold on, you said 77?

Jason Herbert (04:04.756)
But okay. shit, are you 76, John Wyatt? you boomer motherfucker. So...

John Wyatt (04:09.124)
Yeah, yeah.

Leah (04:14.776)
Well, what part of 76? What part of 76? yeah, no.

John Wyatt (04:15.366)
Get off my lawn.


Jason Herbert (04:20.5)
Okay, so we're going with the long 77. We're gonna go long to Ray Goonies is how we're gonna...

Jamie LH Goodall (04:20.66)
Leah (04:23.896)

Yes, we'll do 76, 76 through like 83.

John Wyatt (04:29.35)
It's where my heart is.

Jason Herbert (04:31.22)
Congratulations, John. John, your brand is what you are. You know, that's...

Leah (04:34.392)

John Wyatt (04:36.838)
You're going to tie me to a chair with my own exercise equipment?

Jason Herbert (04:41.844)
guess, you know, suppose so. Okay, that's good. So all right, let's talk about this. Welcome guys, we have returning to this podcast, John Wyatt Greenlee, John Wyatt, explain your explain to everybody who you are real quick and what you're doing here.

John Wyatt (04:43.622)
Alright, sweet, as long as I know what's coming, it's fine.

John Wyatt (04:58.742)
well, I'm representing the greatest generation here. I'm John Wyatt Greenlee. I am the surprise eel historian on Twitter. I am the world's foremost eel historian, which is a lot of fun and not something I saw coming, but it's what I am. I also draw maps. It's what I do for a living is I draw maps on commission. So if you need a map, hit me up. I'll put Neil on it. It'll be great.

Jason Herbert (05:16.69)

Jason Herbert (05:25.3)
Also, announce to the crowd your drink of choice this evening.

John Wyatt (05:29.254)
sure, so I'm drinking a Canadian whisky called Pendleton, which is quite tasty.

Jason Herbert (05:34.036)
Okay, so if you're listening at home, which or in your car, if you're listening, I guess that makes sense, right? Obviously you're listening. You know what? Just whatever, go with it. I said everybody has to be drinking tonight because of this film. So that's what we're doing. Leila Grone, how are you? Welcome to the pod. Welcome to back for the third time. What are you doing here tonight? And what are you drinking?

Leah (05:47.224)
Yeah, I'm good. Thank you.

their time.

am, what am I doing here? I'm a historian of a progressive era. And I just kind of bullied my way into this particular podcast. After you sent me that meme, I was like, dude, we have to do a podcast on the Goonies. But I'm a historian of prostitution. I am a public, the public history director at Weber State in Ogden, Utah. And like,

Jason Herbert (06:01.67)
What was anyone doing here?

You kinda did.

Jason Herbert (06:25.852)
Mm -hmm.

Leah (06:27.522)
any good exenial, I was listening to Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg on my way to the gym this morning and I had gin and juice stuck in my head, so that's what I'm having.

Jason Herbert (06:38.548)
That is not a song on the soundtrack, but we will get into the soundtrack later. Jamie, good all welcome. You, you and I have been talking about having you on the pod for the longest time. I finally got you on here. We're going to have you back, later on for some other pirate theme stuff. You want to introduce yourself, what you're doing and like what your drink of choices.

Jamie LH Goodall (06:41.224)
Thanks for watching.

John Wyatt (06:41.958)

Jamie LH Goodall (06:49.108)
I know.

Jamie LH Goodall (06:58.676)
Sure, so I am a pirate expert. Technically my PhD is in history, but everyone who knows me tells all the people I meet that I have my PhD in piracy. So that's what I majored in. Yes, pirate history. which one?

Leah (07:11.576)
Yes, all right.

Jason Herbert (07:12.05)
Fuck yeah.

John Wyatt (07:14.822)
I heard history doctorate.

Jason Herbert (07:16.532)
We have the same tattoo actually, Jamie. I got the East India Trading Company right here. It's right. No, mine is on my very large bicep, but go on.

Jamie LH Goodall (07:22.514)
English, yep. English here, Dutch here.

Jamie LH Goodall (07:29.652)
very large biceps, so I just went on my wrist.

Jason Herbert (07:31.636)
I do. And if your name is Craig Bruce Smith, you talk about them all the time, but go on.

Jamie LH Goodall (07:34.74)
Love. So I have three.

Leah (07:35.288)

Jason Herbert (07:38.708)
It's kind of think with my arms. It's so weird. It's like him and Robin, but go on.

Leah (07:44.216)

Jamie LH Goodall (07:44.276)
books out on pirates. I have a Nat Geo out on pirates. I was on the History Channel talking about Captain Kidd's lost treasure. But I also write about the most random shit. I have a book chapter in Lessons from Hogwarts where my co -author, Dr. Kerry Spencer and I talked about muggle -borns as a lens for first -generation student mentorship at the college level. And we did The Good, The Bad, and The Toxic. And we did

Leah (08:10.264)

Jamie LH Goodall (08:13.596)
Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Dumbledore. So I like to say that I am eclectic in terms of my research interests. This is my variation of what I found called the one -eyed Willy. And so for you guys can see, my tiki glass has an eye patch. It has a pirate eye patch. And so I mixed it up to be more along my...

Leah (08:20.216)
Mm -hmm.

I did that.

Jason Herbert (08:24.276)
What are you drinking?

Jason Herbert (08:31.028)
yes, you said this to me.

Leah (08:36.384)

John Wyatt (08:37.19)

Jamie LH Goodall (08:43.444)
flavor profile, but it is two ounces of Buchanan's pineapple scotch. So it's got that smoky flavor as opposed to a pineapple run. And then it is one ounce of coconut rum and five ounces of orange juice with a splash of grenadine. So this is my version of a one -eyed willy.

Jason Herbert (08:50.836)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (08:56.262)

Jason Herbert (09:00.628)
okay. Well, I am so happy that you're here. We are going to get into one -eyed Willie a little bit later on. And I, of course, am your... What is the leader of the... I am Sean Astin. Am I the... I don't know who I am in the Goonies. I am HATM Overlord. I am also drinking tonight. I have an old fashioned... At least as I said, it this is a glass of bourbon with some sugar. But...

Leah (09:04.344)
I love that.

Leah (09:25.848)

Jason Herbert (09:28.344)
Inside said glass if you are watching at home on our new YouTube channel It's coming June 6th. So if you're watching it's probably after whatever it's yeah anyway bourbon with sugar and I have inside of it a two ice cubes in the shape of skulls in honor of the Goonies I do not recall who gave to me this

Leah (09:36.472)

Leah (09:50.584)

Jason Herbert (09:54.18)
Skull -shaped ice cube maker. I'm certain it was a woman for reasons that are probably obvious something along the lines of we hope you are dead so that though

Jason Herbert (10:09.396)
Alcohol makes the memories go away. So let's, all right, I want to talk about this movie because this is a movie I, we first of all, goodies never say die. All right, so I want to talk about this film because it's so ingrained in our childhood. And there is some historical aspects of this that I do want to jump into. But so much of this, when I think about this movie, it just jumps me back into 1985 when I was.

Jamie LH Goodall (10:16.786)
Goonies never say die, first of all.

Leah (10:18.552)

John Wyatt (10:18.982)

Jason Herbert (10:36.702)
You know, just a little boy, I think seven, eight years old, 1985 or so. And those memories are very fresh. I remember like, I would, you know, like go looking for treasure, just like my brother and I would do two things. Like we would pretend the Soviets were invading with red dawn.

And then we would also do the Goonies. Like, I don't know what the, and I also wanted to be Teen Wolf, but that's cause you know, I don't know. You know what? I thought Booth was hot. I'm Team Booth. I thought Booth was always the hottest in Teen Wolf. It's just not even close. Like why he would ever want to get with the, the, the other one, Pamela, like why? Cause Booth was so much hotter. Maybe I've Googled a few times, like whatever happened to her later on, and if she's single or even in the Colorado area, I don't even know.

Jamie LH Goodall (11:01.076)
It's a very different childhood than mine.

Leah (11:02.968)

Leah (11:18.552)

Jason Herbert (11:21.684)
Let's go back to the Goonies. So, okay. First question. What are your immediate memories? When I said, hey, do Goonies, like none of you paused and hesitated. You're like, fuck yeah, I've been on this. So, let's start. Leah, what's your first memory? When I say the Goonies, do you have an emotional tie to this film? What's your first memories of this film?

Leah (11:42.166)
I was trying to think of that. I didn't go see it at the theater, but I watched it over and over and over, I think, when it came out on VHS. But I, so like you, you said you pretended that the Soviets were invading. I pretended that I was a dancer. I pretend, because I was in dance, but no, not.

Jason Herbert (11:55.412)

Jason Herbert (12:07.444)
Flashdance? Got a Jennifer Beale thing going on right? Like, do you also wailed? Is that like in the... Go on, alright, alright.

Leah (12:10.456)
more like like girls you know

No, I don't. That was a little above my sexy level at that age. Yeah. Although I did, my mom did call me out on Madonna's Like a Virgin because I was singing it at the top of my lungs, I think in like first grade, second grade. My mom was like, so do you know what that means? And I was like, no. She's like, carry on.

Jason Herbert (12:19.06)
Sure, cause you were eight. Slashing yourself down.

Jason Herbert (12:34.644)

Jason Herbert (12:38.664)
wooden ship.

Leah (12:44.792)
So, but you know, I just, I always wanted to be a dancer. And so when Girls Just Wanna Have Fun came out, I don't know, that was just even to little girls that really didn't know, you know, what that fully meant. I just knew that it was about girls and you know, and everything else was about boys. And so I just, I ended up just having that kind of emotional connection.

Jason Herbert (12:53.116)

Jason Herbert (13:00.692)

Leah (13:13.464)
did not fully understand that the movie was still all about boys, but it did have the song at the beginning. And so somehow that just connected with me. Also, I was always out, I left, especially in the summer, I left home in the morning and didn't come back until the evening. My parents never knew where I was.

Jason Herbert (13:21.786)

Jason Herbert (13:27.476)

Jamie LH Goodall (13:30.588)
Thank you.

Jason Herbert (13:37.492)
Did you drink from the fire hose or from the water hose in the backyard?

Leah (13:40.984)
I did not always because I just thought that that was, you know, I was a little bougie kid and I really wasn't, we were working class, but I just, I didn't like the hot, cause I was always the one that didn't wait until the water came all the way out and I got the hot water in the face. Yeah. And so I was, I was always the one that tried to charm my way into somebody's house to get one.

Jason Herbert (13:57.364)
yeah, this knife. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta wait.

Jason Herbert (14:07.604)
John Wyatt, what's your thoughts on this film? What's your memories of this? Were you also dancing?

John Wyatt (14:11.014)
Yeah, yeah, so like...

Jamie LH Goodall (14:16.02)

John Wyatt (14:16.294)
Always, always. It's how I put myself through college. Yeah, yeah, well. So, you know, when you asked about, you know, to the good news, I said, absolutely, yes, because it's like an iconic movie from my childhood. And I don't have specific, like, it didn't conjure up specific memories of this scene or that scene. It conjured up like a sense, right? Like a sense of being,

Jason Herbert (14:17.116)
As a child?

Leah (14:17.496)
All right.

Leah (14:21.688)
Players Club. Players Club is next.

Jason Herbert (14:21.784)
There are websites for that now.

Jason Herbert (14:42.004)
Right. A feeling, totally.

John Wyatt (14:46.982)
you know, like seven and just like the world is huge and interesting and you can go explore and it's full of possible treasures. So I grew up in, we moved to Salt Lake when I was 10, but before that I grew up in Charlottesville, Virginia. And we had this big like two acre yard that we'd up to a creek and a swamp. And then the swamp was like extended off into what had been a pond, but it had been drained by a developer who then ran out of money. So it was just this like,

endless, you know, for a kid, right? This is an endless like field of imaginative possibilities. And that's the sense that when I thought about the good news, that kind of what pulled up for me that like, that just like sense of childish, not childish, but like childlike wonder at the world. Which I think the film, watching it now as an adult, and I hadn't watched it for a really long time, but I think it captures really well in a lot of ways. So.

Leah (15:33.526)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (15:33.746)
Mm -hmm.

John Wyatt (15:44.848)
And yeah, I had some, there's some specific memories of the film that like that last shot of like the ship sort of sailing off into the ocean kind of stood out for me.

Leah (15:51.254)
Mm -hmm.

Jamie LH Goodall (15:51.668)

Jason Herbert (15:52.23)
music guys like the score of this yeah

John Wyatt (15:57.03)
But yeah, that's what it sort of pulled up for me. It pulled me back really to myself as a seven or eight year old, wandering around like Leah all summer long, just get kicked out of the house and you go wandering in the swamp for five hours and live in your own head for a while. And I really...

Leah (16:14.104)

Jason Herbert (16:18.228)

Jason Herbert (16:23.316)
I feel like we're doing a deep dive into the psyche of you guys as children and being kicked out of the home at an early age. I'm wondering, Leah and John Wyatt, if your parents never loved you and maybe, maybe that's what caused you to go into history to find someone who would. I don't know. Where's the stocking? Right. You know who will never love you with the Academy, right? Dean, kiss my ass.

Leah (16:28.888)

John Wyatt (16:37.99)
Well, that was a failed effort. Yes, academia will love me, right?

Leah (16:45.176)
We're always chasing. We're always chasing. We're always chasing that affection.

Jason Herbert (16:50.876)
my God, are we ever right? Jamie, share with us your childhood haunts and memories and how are you scarred and how have you used this film to alleviate those pains along with alcohol? What's your first impression of this film?

Leah (17:02.302)

John Wyatt (17:05.35)
What's about your childhood?

Jamie LH Goodall (17:05.78)
I mean, we don't have enough time for me to unpack my childhood, but...

Leah (17:11.256)

Jason Herbert (17:11.316)
The shit we don't, I'm paying for this website service. Let's go for it. It's fucking, it's called healing with Jason. Let's go.

Leah (17:14.68)

John Wyatt (17:16.534)
Yeah, you're on his dime, man.

Jamie LH Goodall (17:18.292)
I know, I know. I mean, I got, I got some, we should, there's a movie we should watch and we can talk childhood traumas.

Leah (17:18.968)

Jason Herbert (17:27.956)
what is that? Is it silence of the lamps? Did you grow up in a well?

Leah (17:28.568)

Jamie LH Goodall (17:31.028)
yes, awesome.

Lotion on the skin, right? No, so I was born in 87, so I was not alive when this movie came out. I know, I wasn't even a thought, right? My parents weren't even married yet when this movie came out. Like, what?

Jason Herbert (17:43.284)
How dare you!

Jason Herbert (17:52.308)

John Wyatt (17:53.286)
It's not a requirement, you know.

Jamie LH Goodall (17:54.196)
It gets worse. Well, they weren't even together, right? They weren't even together. They weren't even together yet. But what's even worse though is I did not actually see the Goonies until after my husband and I got married in 2011. I know. I know. I never, well, so what had happened was, so I have a really, yeah, that.

Leah (17:55.096)

Jason Herbert (17:55.572)
No, you can have babies out of wedlock.

John Wyatt (17:58.79)
Okay, with that, at least there's something of a requirement most of the time.

Jason Herbert (18:13.68)
I actually love this because.

Jason Herbert (18:19.092)
You got married, you found love?

You're like, ehhh, did I? Yeah, it was an interesting time.

Jamie LH Goodall (18:23.284)
whole other.

John Wyatt (18:24.358)

Leah (18:24.856)
Yeah, I mean...

Jamie LH Goodall (18:29.3)
things where we dated for a month and got married. So it's, you know, maybe not for everyone, but it, you know, 13 years and counting, it's working for us. But he was very upset that my movie repertoire, like my background was pretty awful. I mean, it was mostly horror flicks and Disney movies. There's no, it's not real in between, right? And so I had, there's a number of.

Jason Herbert (18:39.22)
It's efficient.

Jason Herbert (18:47.188)
I like this guy.

Jamie LH Goodall (18:56.21)
Classics that I still have never seen but what we did is we bought a movie poster with the scratch off So every time you see it you can scratch that maybe often it reveals like a little thing So I'm working through that and one of those was the Goonies But also it's I mean, I still have never seen the Godfather movies like it's it's bad my movie selection history, but also my parents never watched movies when I was growing up, right like it was that was just not something we did as a family like I

I think I saw Titanic. But other than that, it was like, it was like whatever Disney movies my mom could just pop the VHS in and like just let us go. But I'm that weird sort of millennial that even though I was born in 87, my parents sort of raised me and my middle brother as like, if we were Gen Xers, it's very weird. So drinking from the water hose, like my mom.

Jason Herbert (19:28.852)
I only watched Titanic for the first time like a year ago.

Jason Herbert (19:51.924)
smarking marbles from like your four.

Jamie LH Goodall (19:54.388)
You know, had no idea where I was 90 % of the time until I was in high school, in which case my mom was like, cell phone, figure it out. But, she never really had to worry about me though. Cause the wildest thing I ever did growing up was in high school. It was senior year. I was, in the AP calculus class and we tutored once a month, the math counts students in algebra at the middle school.

Leah (19:54.422)
I'm sorry.

Leah (20:01.462)

Jamie LH Goodall (20:24.66)
And the very last day of our tutoring, my two friends and I, we skipped. We decided not to go like fucking wild, right? What did we do? I know those poor eighth graders. What a horrible person. But you know what we did? We stopped by the gas station. We got sweet tea and soda and snacks. And we sat in the church parking lot on the way to the middle school.

John Wyatt (20:33.574)

Leah (20:39.96)

Jamie LH Goodall (20:53.396)
and listen to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. Fucking wild. I know, rebel.

Leah (20:57.912)
I think it's you.

John Wyatt (21:00.582)

Jason Herbert (21:02.324)
I want to take us through this film. We're going to kind of go sequentially, unless we, until we inevitably go way off fucking course, it's going to happen. Cause I've already brought in flash dance. So for those of you still here, right? all right. I just kind of wrote down a couple of things as we're watching your opening sequence.

John Wyatt (21:08.76)
Until, yeah, until.

Leah (21:10.36)
Yeah, until.


Jason Herbert (21:23.814)
absolute fucking perfection. We see the Fratellis breaking out, right? Do you guys remember that? Like, we all watched this recently. Leah's like, I watched this like four times in the last three days. So, yeah, absolutely. Like, I went back to watch this, I was like, holy God, the character introductions on this show, within the first seven minutes, you know everything you need to know about everything. And I remember, I think the first time I learned about a four -wheel drive,

Leah (21:32.184)
Yeah, I bought it again.

Jason Herbert (21:52.124)
wisdom off Fratelli is like launching into four wheel drives, they go onto the beach. In that it's, did you guys notice that that where the beach is like, is the exact same spot that they end up at the very end.

Leah (22:04.12)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (22:06.132)
Never mind. I thought that was interesting, but I guess not.

Jamie LH Goodall (22:09.588)
I didn't know that the first time I watched it, but after several rewatches, I figured that out. I'm not that smart, Jason.

Jason Herbert (22:12.436)
Like, that's the amazing thing, like, no, but like rewatching this, like every time, the amazing thing is watching this movie now for 40 years, it still continues to show me stuff. And I'm continuing just like, wait, wait, wait, that little thing, this little thing is like, it's just, it's perfect. All right, I want to talk to you guys about the cast. Is there...

Leah (22:16.6)

Jason Herbert (22:38.868)
I was noticing a couple little things in here. First of all, this film stars Samwise, Gamgee, and Thanos in its own cast. Is this movie not perfectly cast? I mean, every last role is just... Yeah.

Jamie LH Goodall (22:45.172)

Jamie LH Goodall (22:54.984)
It's brilliant.

Leah (22:55.896)
It is, it's great.

Jason Herbert (22:58.868)
Do you have a Goody that you related to more than any, like as a child or now?

Jamie LH Goodall (23:05.108)
Yes. Well, not as a child, because I didn't know, but...

Jason Herbert (23:05.94)
Okay, who you got? Well, in 2011, how old were you in 2011?

Jamie LH Goodall (23:10.996)
20 something? I can't do math right now. It's 930 at night.

Jason Herbert (23:13.906)
Yeah, that's a child. Gone.

Leah (23:15.832)

Jamie LH Goodall (23:19.38)
I was born in 87, it was 2011. You tell me the math, but it was 20 -ish. Thank you.

Jason Herbert (23:19.42)
Spoke it like a true Zen -y -o. All right. 24. Right, go on. You're welcome.

Jamie LH Goodall (23:28.98)
Two characters that I just absolutely love the most when it first came, like when I first watched it, first, Chung. I mean, truffle shuffle. Who doesn't fucking love Chung? That is my mirror image. Just me and Chung, I love it. And then also Dada. So good.

Leah (23:38.936)
He is my favorite. Hands down.

Jason Herbert (23:42.334)
God bless you, Jeff Cohen.

Jamie LH Goodall (23:53.236)
Well, and also, because I did, when I was growing up, watch Indiana Jones. And who doesn't love short rounds? So loved Data. It's such a terrible movie, but it is. It's so bad.

Jason Herbert (24:02.1)
I have been so afraid to show Temple of Doom on the Sunday night thing. Well, is it though? Like, like, I don't, how dare you guys.

Leah (24:07.99)
Air bomb. Yeah.

John Wyatt (24:09.03)
Yes. Yes.

Jamie LH Goodall (24:13.396)
So I did my undergraduate in archaeology thing very much and I feel like I am a very good Indiana Jones aficionado. I thought I was going to be Indiana Jones until I did my degree and realized like that's not how that works, which was very disappointing. But I will take Crystal Skull over Temple of Doom. And that is a hill I will die on. Because we learned about the Crystal Skulls.

Jason Herbert (24:26.1)

Jason Herbert (24:38.452)
You may die alone on that one.

Leah (24:41.656)

Jamie LH Goodall (24:42.164)
in my classes, it was very bizarre.

Jason Herbert (24:42.932)
Listen, I feel like just because you've been on History Channel, you've got a predilection to talk about aliens. Like...

Leah (24:48.216)

Jamie LH Goodall (24:48.428)
my gosh, I didn't even think about that, but now I need to meet that guy. It is destined now, but I will say, Sean Astin, yes.

Jason Herbert (24:54.964)
Was William Kidd an alien?

Leah (24:55.224)

Jason Herbert (24:59.762)
Okay, go ahead.

Leah (25:01.112)

Jamie LH Goodall (25:02.388)
So I had the very amazing fortune in the job that I'm in to meet Sean Astin. And you're probably thinking, how does a military historian who works for the Army meet Sean Astin, Samwise Gamgee? And the answer is he is a civilian aide to the Secretary of the Army for the state of California. We call them CASAs. And I was writing, it just came out this year, I was writing a brief history.

Jason Herbert (25:11.092)
In what context?

Jamie LH Goodall (25:31.38)
of the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. Save that, 10 times fast. And the OAA runs the CASA program. The Army loves their acronyms. Now, as part of this, one of the, no. Nope.

Leah (25:37.016)

Jason Herbert (25:37.074)

Jason Herbert (25:45.172)
And what about OPP?

Leah (25:47.192)
I'm down.

Jason Herbert (25:48.468)

John Wyatt (25:49.03)

Jamie LH Goodall (25:53.812)
part of this program, the CASAs have an annual like reunion or something where past and present, civilian aides will come to this reunion at the Army Symposium thing. And because I was writing the OAA history, one of the women I did an interview with an oral history interview with she was like, do you want to come to the reunion? And I was like, sure. Why not?

I had no idea that Sean Astin was gonna be there. I had no idea that he was a casa, but I'm there and everybody's talking about how Sean's gonna be there. Sean's gonna be there and I'm like, what can Sean who? Like.

Leah (26:30.104)

John Wyatt (26:30.854)

Jason Herbert (26:31.604)
small Irishman.

Jamie LH Goodall (26:32.052)
And somebody was like, Sean Astin. And I was like.

I was like, are you fucking serious? You're not just like, bullshit me. And they were like, no, no, no, I'm serious. So I got to meet him. I will show you pictures later if you want. And I was talking to him about the books that I was working on, including the Black Sam Bellamy book. And he said, he gave me his email address. And he said, I want a one pager from you. I think this sounds awesome. We should make a Black Sam Bellamy biopic. So I'm waiting to hear back. But in my...

Jason Herbert (26:42.868)
Fuck it with me.

Jason Herbert (26:51.314)
Mm -hmm.

John Wyatt (27:05.798)

Jason Herbert (27:06.962)
Jamie Goodall, you did not immediately reach out to Sean Astin when I asked you to come on the Goonies fucking podcast. You did? okay. Thank you. Okay. Thanks.

Leah (27:07.48)

Jamie LH Goodall (27:12.02)
I did, I did. I emailed him again. But also in my acknowledgement, it says, PS to my new friend, Sean, Mikey Samwise Gamgee, ready to make that black Sam Bellamy biopic. So, and then I told him today, I was like, Hey, I'm going to be on a podcast about the Goonies. You should listen to it when it comes out. We'll see.

Leah (27:26.37)
I love it.

John Wyatt (27:28.612)
Nicely done.

Jason Herbert (27:34.837)
It's like no one's asking how Goonies ever. Leah, who you got? If he does, we're re -recording all of this, by the way. Save your drugs and get drunk again.

John Wyatt (27:35.11)
Stop by.

Jamie LH Goodall (27:38.036)
He hasn't emailed me back yet, but.

Leah (27:40.184)
Yeah, all of this.

I'm sorry.

Jamie LH Goodall (27:46.836)

Jason Herbert (27:49.172)
It's just like every other night. So when I go out, I was like, Hey, you guys want to hear a real banger? All right. So there were two cows. All right, Leah.

Leah (27:49.654)
There we are.

Leah (27:55.736)
So I did have that Teen Bob crush on Sean Astin, you know, so had to go to the store and get my little magazine with the center and put it on my wall. But my...

Jason Herbert (28:11.092)
Who else was on your wall alongside Sean Astin? Kirk Cameron, you were a Kirk Cameron person. You were, yes you were. You were all, what was the show he was on?

Leah (28:15.192)
No. hell no. Absolutely not.

Leah (28:24.984)
I was a Corey Haim person.

Jason Herbert (28:28.436)
half the core is wrong core in this one, all right.

Leah (28:30.776)
Yeah, wrong query in this one. Sean Astin. I had a big poster of new edition and a big poster of new kids on the blog. So.

Jason Herbert (28:45.044)
Okay, got her. I wish Fletcher were like layering in music right now like for like new it every little is it every little step I take is that new addition? We will be there every Great like my god, you guys are so white. I guess so you don't know the words like No, we didn't you have like

John Wyatt (28:45.99)

Leah (28:48.664)

John Wyatt (28:49.734)
Ha ha.

Leah (28:54.232)
We'll be there ever this time. Yeah.

Leah (29:02.84)
I mean, we didn't know any better.

John Wyatt (29:05.35)
I'm too old for all this, so I don't know what your kids are talking about.

Leah (29:07.608)
I did have a Bobby Brown poster to you, but.

Jamie LH Goodall (29:08.98)
I was too young for this, so.

Jason Herbert (29:11.124)
Do you have a favorite Bobby Brown song?

Leah (29:14.36)
Tenderoni and prerogative. I mean if we're going, you know from from when I had the poster

Jason Herbert (29:20.052)
All right. All right. All right. Here we're going to go wild left. Like we're going to do an interjection, historical interjection intervention here. Favorite Bobby Brown song, John Wyatt. What's your favorite? What's your favorite?

John Wyatt (29:30.596)
man, I have absolutely no idea.

Leah (29:32.344)

Jason Herbert (29:32.37)
Alright, Jamie, what you got?

Jamie LH Goodall (29:34.484)
I don't have one because I don't, I never listen to Bobby Brown.

Jason Herbert (29:38.388)
That's fine, because Dr. Herbert's got one that's all I was trying to get to, and it's the song from Ghostbusters Part 2, right? You guys know the song? Ghostbusters, I don't know what the name of it is. It's good. So, all right. John Wyatt, who did you relate to when you were a kid on this film?

Leah (29:50.968)

John Wyatt (29:56.55)
Who did I relate to?

Jason Herbert (29:58.1)
Yeah, because I think the secret of these is like, when you watch these shows, especially these, these, you know, these, you know, ensemble cast where everyone's got a big role, I think people tend to gravitate, find someone in here. You know, for the longest time, people have always said, my God, Jason, you remind me of every role Harrison Ford has ever been in. And I'm like, I know, right. It happens. So, I know I'm like Rick Deckard in my Blade Runner. I'm just like, yeah. Am I a replicant? I don't know.

Leah (30:18.776)
yeah, that's what they say, Jason.

John Wyatt (30:26.15)
Alright. Alright. Shut up. I wanna talk. Alright.

Jason Herbert (30:29.108)
My ass is driving. Wow, he's so mean.

Leah (30:31.576)
He skipped over my favorite character. I just said that I had a crush. My favorite character was Chunk because he was just hilarious. I mean, the car scene with the blender is perfection. And I will never not laugh at that.

Jason Herbert (30:33.62)
go, I'm sorry Leah, go ahead, let's go back, Leah.

John Wyatt (30:36.132)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead.

Jason Herbert (30:57.556)
John Wyatt.

Leah (30:57.578)

John Wyatt (30:58.726)
All right, so I like the Sean Austin character, right? Because there's something about the exploring and the sort of enthusiasm, which is great. My favorite character in that movie, and it stayed true all of these years later when I watched it last night, is Jake Fratelli.

Leah (31:17.272)

John Wyatt (31:17.574)
who is like, he's such, he has such fun with that role. Like he sings and he laughs and he's like, he's not, he's, so part of it is like, I get, I don't like, one of the things I didn't like about this movie is like, it's manic in a lot of ways. And that always kind of gets under my skin. And he's not manic most of the time. He's a little calmer than like everybody else in that film, which I like, I thought it kind of balanced nicely. But yeah, like I liked that, I liked him, it was good.

Jason Herbert (31:22.324)
Robert Davy, man.

Leah (31:22.392)
Mm -hmm.

Jamie LH Goodall (31:22.74)
Ha ha.

Jason Herbert (31:36.69)

Jason Herbert (31:47.316)
Yeah, and he can sing like, like, you know, it's just like,

John Wyatt (31:49.318)
He can actually sing. He has a, that guy has a singing career, like a professional singing career.

Leah (31:50.838)


Jason Herbert (31:53.396)
Yeah, and he's placed a great film. One of things I love about this is like the tone of the, you know, this is a film that is directed at children, right? It's a children's film. And the bad guys are appropriately evil for a children's film. They're not too weak, they're not too hokey. It's like there's just, you know, Moffatelli's, you know, there's danger, but we know, you know, they're perfect. The squabbling brothers, you know, it's just, God, they're perfect.

John Wyatt (32:20.39)
I think my favorite bit with Jake's character though is when he's listening to Chunk spin out all of the terrible things he's done, he's getting more and more into it. They're sitting there like, come on, come on kid, this is great.

Jason Herbert (32:30.644)
He's totally buying in.

Leah (32:30.712)
Yeah, he's like dedicated. He's like, I really like this kid, Ma. But I think with the characters, the bad guys, it is appropriately evil or appropriately bad or appropriate villains for the time, but it's also...

Jason Herbert (32:35.044)
it's -

John Wyatt (32:37.51)

Leah (32:54.776)
It has like this little edge, I guess, that we thought that we had, that, you know, that we were, we had this kind of dark side, but we really didn't know what dark side was. And, you know, we thought we were being bad by staying out all day or, or sneaking into, you know, an abandoned house or, or, you know, going down to the creek and the creek bed and, you know, throwing rocks at fish or something.

Jason Herbert (33:11.751)
Mm -hmm.

Leah (33:24.088)
And, you know, our evil was pretty much like on par with that. And you kind of felt that watching the movie again. You felt like you could be, you know, be a little edgy, be a little bad, you know, sneak down, lie your way down into the basement of a rundown hotel, a rundown restaurant.

Jason Herbert (33:46.868)
Yeah, we're gonna get into that in a second.

John Wyatt (33:48.198)
Now, I think it's worth pointing out here, though, that the Fratellis are not actually the prime villains of the film. It's the rich bastards. Yeah, it's the developers with their country club, man.

Leah (33:56.95)
Nah, yeah. It's the rich guys. Yeah, yeah.

Jason Herbert (33:58.004)
No, it's the Troy's parents.

That's right.

Leah (34:05.272)
Yeah, I was going to get into Reaganomics in a little bit. I wrote it down.

Jason Herbert (34:05.46)
That's right, guys. we're going to in a second, right? Because come to talk about childhood memories, but stay for the critiques on 80s capitalism with Jason Lee and Jamie and John Wyatt. You dad no idea where you're going to go deep. Like, yeah, it's just going to, can I, can I ask a choppy? Like I was always a mouth guy. Like I of the Cory's, I was a Cory. We didn't even see that. Damn, Leo is like, hi, let's come in your pockets and throw stones at your face the whole time.

Jamie LH Goodall (34:08.274)

Leah (34:14.488)

John Wyatt (34:15.398)
Thank you.

Leah (34:26.072)
I can see that.

John Wyatt (34:30.118)

Jamie LH Goodall (34:31.604)
I mean, I am.

Jason Herbert (34:35.412)
Awesome. Yay, friendship. I thought I always love mouth. I did not until much later in the advent of subtitles really catch all the shit he was saying to the housekeeper. He just demented as fuck. I mean, just...

Leah (34:51.128)

John Wyatt (34:54.31)
That was really funny. My kids, I watched this with my kids last night with my two boys. They're age nine, almost 10, just about 10 and 13. And they both cracked up about that.

Jason Herbert (34:58.524)

Leah (35:04.032)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (35:04.468)
I mean just initially. Yeah.

Jamie LH Goodall (35:04.724)
Well, what I love is that the woman who plays Rosalita is actually, she's from the US. She speaks perfectly fluent English. She's the one who wrote those lines for Corey to say. And she coached him through how to pronounce a lot of those words because he'd never really like spoke in Spanish before. And so she did all of that, which I thought was hilarious that she's like writing these lines as if a teenage, like a young.

Leah (35:16.216)

Jason Herbert (35:18.46)
my god.

Leah (35:30.806)
Mm -hmm.

Jamie LH Goodall (35:33.876)
like preteen boy is gonna be saying this stuff to her. Yeah.

Leah (35:35.928)
Yeah, always separate the drugs, always separate the drugs.

Jason Herbert (35:39.668)
Always something right. Right. There's an aspect here because all of these characters, even though they're children in this film, are just a little bit older than we were. Right. So as a child, I remember kind of even looking up to like Mikey in mouth and everybody's like, they were just slip in like brand, right? Josh Brolin was like 16. It was like, he was like old, you know, it's so weird to see him now. You know, I follow him. He actually has a really terrific Instagram comes across as a really cool guy.

John Wyatt (35:41.35)
Super important.

Jason Herbert (36:09.33)
but to see him as a child now, as we are well on, as we're, as we're well older, it's like, it's, it's just, you get to see this different aspect of them. And I don't know. I loved Mikey for a couple of different reasons. He's, or excuse me, for a mouth for a few different reasons. He's so silly and devious at first, playfully, right? But then you get the scene in the well where he's like, well, this is my wish. And I'm, you know, and I'm taking, he had this moment that where he's like, you know,

John Wyatt (36:33.254)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (36:38.74)
I'm taking this back. And I felt like, you know, we talk about brand and, you know, and we talk, we talk about brands and, and Andy, I feel like it was actually the real love story here is mouth and stuff. Like, but I want to get into that a little bit later. I think that's who makes it out of this. Okay. Okay. Can we, can we go in and ask this? I want to, I just want to think that did know it was like, all right, team Andy team, Steph, Jamie, which way are you going on this?

Leah (36:53.08)

I loved stuff too. I love just her attitude.

Jamie LH Goodall (37:08.406)
man, that's tough.

I'm gonna go to Team Steph just because she, I feel like she's more like what I would have been like if I wasn't so terrified of getting into trouble all the time as a job. That like, I wanted to be like that funny, quick -witted, you know, quirky friend.

Jason Herbert (37:35.7)
Yeah. Leah and your staff.

Leah (37:38.424)
Yeah, I'm team Steph, but I am not Steph. Like I wasn't when I was young. I was the same way. I was more of the cheerleader, the dancer, the one who wanted to be the good girl for her parents and always doing the right thing. But there was just something that I loved about Steph. And I think that that's...

That's what I wanted to be like, but I couldn't. And so there was something in me. It came out like post 40. I very much like that now.

Jason Herbert (38:22.74)
Men have that too, it's called Listen to Bruce Springsteen.

John Wyatt.

John Wyatt (38:29.272)
Yeah, so I would say stuff also, and it's because she has her own actual independent personality, which I like. So Andy's personality is largely tied to her being the rich kid's boyfriend at first and then Bran's boyfriend later. And then the middle scene where she gets to do all the girly things like squeal and freak out in the dark and then have to be rescued. She's the...

She's got this really stereotypical set of roles that she processes through. And Steph gets to be Steph, like an actual realized person. And I like that.

Leah (38:59.978)
Yeah, she's the trap.

Leah (39:07.448)

Jason Herbert (39:07.572)
She gets the best one -liners too. That scene where Andy's like, she's like, come on, you are in the clouds and we are in the basement. You know, it's like.

Leah (39:16.344)
Right? I like the, my favorite one was just because I could identify it. I feel like I'm babysitting, but not getting paid.

John Wyatt (39:24.07)
but not getting paid. Yep.

Jason Herbert (39:25.262)
my god, earth and down Jack. So she's great. All right.

Jamie LH Goodall (39:30.292)
What I love like when Andy.

John Wyatt (39:31.206)
That felt like the producers leaking out into the script there a little bit.

Leah (39:34.648)
Yeah. Right.

Jamie LH Goodall (39:36.34)
Yeah, well, like when Andy in the dark kisses Mikey instead of Fran, but she doesn't know that that's what happened. But Steph does, and she tells Steph, like, you should try it with your eyes open next time. It's a totally different experience.

Jason Herbert (39:42.26)

Leah (39:45.24)

John Wyatt (39:46.758)
Thanks for watching and have a nice day!

Leah (39:47.863)
Your eyes opened. A whole different experience.

John Wyatt (39:51.718)
a whole different experience.

Jason Herbert (39:55.22)
I thought Martha Plumpton when I was younger was actually prettier. I mean, the character was great, but I was like, Steph was like, when I was a kid, like, wow, Steph, you know? And Booth, Teen Wolf, Booth always, Booth was.

Leah (40:07.672)
Well, she was in, what's her name? Carrie, the one that played Andy. She was an 80s, I mean, she was the kind of the 80s girl in a lot of the movies. She was in Lucas.

Jason Herbert (40:13.202)
Mm -hmm.

Jamie LH Goodall (40:13.396)
Cari -Gre -N -Ya.

Jason Herbert (40:18.256)
yeah, with Corey Feldman, right? And thank Corey's, yeah, both of them, right?

Leah (40:22.392)
Yeah, with Corey Feldman and Corey Haim. Corey Haim. Yeah, the Corey's. So, but we need to talk about the screams too, because John White brought up the screaming and I think that this like with the girls, young women and some of the other things going on, I think they had the, you know, they had to, you have to incorporate the screams.

Jason Herbert (40:49.212)
Mm -hmm.

Leah (40:49.624)
The 1980s movies screams. You can't have women in the film or girls in the film without them screaming.

Jason Herbert (40:58.194)
Nah, she does go with that.

Jamie LH Goodall (40:58.446)
Especially if there's things that are like stereotypically like gross like the dead fish or you know, I don't know a dead body but

Leah (41:03.03)
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Jason Herbert (41:04.436)
The bats.

John Wyatt (41:06.65)
That's the skeleton, right, yeah.

Jason Herbert (41:08.5)
about right yeah yeah all right I want to jump into this we were talking a little bit earlier about what pushes all of this I think Leah said this earlier like our prime villains are not actually the Fratellis the Fratelli she's a crush it turns out our villains are like the rig rigonomics

John Wyatt (41:23.59)
Yeah, the villains aren't the people who killed folks. They're the real evil bastards.

Leah (41:26.25)

Jason Herbert (41:26.996)
Yeah, okay, so I'm wondering, all right, so I'm wondering, first of all, in this movie, like for the longest time, is the driver behind why I've always wanted to live in the Pacific Northwest? Like as a child, I was like, this place looks amazing. How do all of these people lose their houses at once? I'm still baffled by like all of the people are going, and they all seem to be upstanding folks. So I'm wondering, unless, you know, like, like,

Leah (41:37.304)
It's really pretty.

Jason Herbert (41:55.56)
You know, Mikey's dad's got a coke habit or something like that on the side. I mean, what's the eighties, but, how is this working? I did do some math here.

Jamie LH Goodall (41:57.844)
Thanks for watching!

Leah (42:03.16)
So eminent domain, when did eminent domain laws come into? I didn't look that up, but yeah, I was just kind of thinking about that, you know, because, go ahead.

Jason Herbert (42:08.052)
I don't -

John Wyatt (42:13.638)
But so, go ahead, I'm sorry. I was just gonna say, like, maybe, but like, that doesn't seem to be the case with at least the brand and Mikey's house, right? Like, because they're just clearly behind on their mortgage. It's like, well, we can get this taken care of if our dad gets his next 400 paychecks or whatever, right? It's like, it's a money issue, not an imminent domain issue.

Jason Herbert (42:15.7)
Go ahead.

Jason Herbert (42:32.134)

Leah (42:34.398)
I didn't even think about that. I thought that they were just trying to like buy out that I didn't I didn't think about that there. I've always

Jason Herbert (42:39.604)
No, they're gonna bite.

John Wyatt (42:41.286)
I don't think it's...

Jamie LH Goodall (42:41.972)
I mean the thing about...

Goonies, right, being in the Goon Docs was that they're in what was considered, at least in this part of the Pacific Northwest, the poor part of town, right, or like the less economically privileged. And so like with Mikey and Brand's dad, them being behind on their mortgage, or it could be anything like maybe some of the families were renting the properties and therefore the people who owned them were selling them. And so I'm

Leah (42:53.976)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (42:58.836)
He is a historian.

Jamie LH Goodall (43:12.212)
I always imagined after watching it that all these people losing their homes at the same time had more to do with the developers scooping stuff up, taking advantage of people who were in vulnerable positions. And it made me think, I was not out of wanting to, but trying to sleep and my spouse watching Better Call Saul, trying to...

Jason Herbert (43:23.442)

Jamie LH Goodall (43:42.132)
there was a whole period where like, they're trying to like, take this one developer is trying to take this one person's property and they're the only holdout. And there's all this weird legal maneuvering and wrangling that this developer, this company is using to basically like force this person's hand. So even if they weren't behind on their mortgage or even if they weren't, in a position of like, they were saying, I don't want to sell, I don't want to sell.

Companies just have, tend to have more capital for things like lawyers and for finding these weird ass little laws and loopholes and stuff. So.

Jason Herbert (44:22.484)
So I did some research actually on this for the very first, I put forth effort on the podcast.

John Wyatt (44:29.926)
you knew what the questions were gonna be.

Jamie LH Goodall (44:31.86)
I mean, I did on the Pirates.

Jason Herbert (44:34.42)
I mean, you have a degree in piracy. Like, really? I mean, I have a degree in cows. Like, we're not bringing that up on this show. All right, okay.

Leah (44:37.016)
I'm sorry.

Jamie LH Goodall (44:37.972)
I put forth effort.

John Wyatt (44:41.158)
I thought about the maps.

Jamie LH Goodall (44:42.836)
But I don't have a degree in Pacific Northwest Pirates.

Leah (44:43.96)
There was no prostitution. Well, I guess there was, you know, capitalism.

Jason Herbert (44:46.1)
Okay, here we go. So I went back and looked at average home prices in Astoria, Oregon in the 1970s and 80s. So this film was set in 1985 or at least in 85. So we'll go from there. Average home price in Astoria, Oregon and say 1975, 10 years earlier, $32 ,900. 10 years later, it's $70 ,600. It's doubled in 10 years.

Leah (45:12.44)
So property values.

Jason Herbert (45:16.02)
property values, taxes, like the idea that maybe these shady guys who want to build this golf course is what they're saying, right? There's something going on here with property values and these, like you guys were saying, people are clearly trying to use every last little thing they can do to leverage these poor folks in the goondocks out of their homes, right? It's clearly about money because towards the end, when they do get the...

Leah (45:18.488)
Thank you.

Jason Herbert (45:42.292)
they're like, we're never doing this. We're going to set, you know, whatever. Like we've got enough. I don't know the driving aspect. I don't know that we were ever expected to do a deep dive on the, on the economics of the Goonies. I don't know that's what Spielberg had in mind, but we got you Steve. so, you know, okay.

Leah (45:52.056)
the reason.

Leah (45:57.144)

John Wyatt (45:58.374)
So two small things that kind of occurred to me with regard to this. The one, thinking about the relationship with the people in the Gundocks to like the rest of the town, right? Like I love the fact that the mailboxes in front of the house are labeled us and them. Yeah. Yeah. Us is the one mailbox and the rest of them are just them, which is fun. The other thing is like, that's a crappy like geography for a golf course. It really is. It's like,

Leah (46:12.376)
them. I didn't even notice that. Okay, yeah.

Jason Herbert (46:12.946)
Mmm. I didn't see that.

Leah (46:25.56)
Yeah. Right.

John Wyatt (46:27.11)
that's steep the whole thing.

Jason Herbert (46:27.508)
They're bad guys. They make bad decisions. Maybe they're going to knock them like the entire coastline because like, I have to tell you.

Leah (46:32.502)

John Wyatt (46:33.734)
Alright, so they're just gonna like do like a West Virginia style, like cut the top of the mountain and go.

Jason Herbert (46:37.46)
If I could eliminate cancer or I could eliminate golf, like we would still have cancer. I hate golf so much. What? Like I just.

Jamie LH Goodall (46:46.228)
I mean, maybe there was oil in them, their hills.

Leah (46:48.952)
Yeah, right. Swimming pools, movie stars.

Jason Herbert (46:48.98)
It's like, I guess. So, okay. I want to ask you this. I want to fast forward just a little bit to the attic scene. Because there are a couple of things going on here in the attic. And I'm wondering, first of all, if this movie is what the movie that actually made us all historians. Most of us saw this as children. Like if you put this nugget in our head, like this idea they get upstairs and it's like this attic of hidden treasures, right? And the music is playing. Dude.

Leah (47:15.32)
I mean, that's the dream, right? To get into an attic and find all the archives.

Jason Herbert (47:19.188)
How many of us did that, right? When we were kids, right? Or 23. Where we were hoping to like find the secret. I got, I remember looking for Chester for the story about Chester Copperpot or five trying to find the map or anything like that. And the music, the music is just, it's got this perfect music. We're just like, there's always this sense in this film that anything is possible. And it's like, Mikey goes from trying to protect everything to handing off the map to Chunk almost immediately.

Leah (47:46.232)

Jason Herbert (47:46.928)
Mikey like completely switches once they get the act. He's like, fuck it, we're all dead, right? I love baths. I love baths so much. Like I.

John Wyatt (47:50.214)
because maps are great and he wanted it.

Leah (47:51.832)
Yeah, he wanted it. Well, and I think that there's just something mystical about, you know, about an attic, the way they were always portrayed. If you remember, if you ever saw the movie Flowers in the Attic, you know, that attic was just so huge and had... Yeah, sorry.

Jason Herbert (48:07.996)
stole my thunder here. I'm going to ask you, is this the best addict in film history?

Jamie LH Goodall (48:10.708)

Leah (48:15.446)
Flowers in the Attic is the best.

Jason Herbert (48:16.916)
There's some weirder shit going on than maps in Flowers in the Attic, I'm just saying. People are finding their way around other things in Flowers in the Attics. So...

John Wyatt (48:21.126)

Leah (48:23.896)
Yeah, but it just kind of put into your brain that addicts stored, you know, like all the cool stuff when, you know, my addict just had, you know, crappy, you know, leftover decor from the 70s that my mom didn't want anymore or Christmas ornaments.

Jason Herbert (48:29.684)
land better.

John Wyatt (48:52.742)
That was my attic too, but my grandmother's attic was amazing. It was like this old three story house and you went all the way up to the attic and they'd been shoving stuff in there since, I don't know, since the 20s. Everything felt like an excavation into the possible.

Leah (48:56.248)

Jason Herbert (48:57.426)

Jason Herbert (49:04.564)
Christmas paper.

Leah (49:07.255)

Leah (49:15.224)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Jamie LH Goodall (49:17.044)
I would watch these movies like father of the bride or like any of these random movies that had addicts and I was like I Don't know what that's like because I grew up in a single -ed trailer. So no addicts there

Leah (49:28.214)
Yeah, right. Right.

John Wyatt (49:29.722)
What's on the roof?

Jason Herbert (49:31.9)

Jamie LH Goodall (49:32.948)
What's on the roof? Absolutely nothing. Maybe an antenna, maybe an antenna. But like even my grandparents' house, there wasn't an attic. So for like, for me growing up, it was always like storage sheds or like the, my grandparents' house had a, like the crawl space under the house, which was always like really exciting for us as kids. And so I realized, you know, as I got older that there were far scarier things than, you know.

John Wyatt (49:36.29)

Leah (49:40.566)
I'm sorry.

Leah (49:48.726)
Yeah, we have a storage shed in one of our houses. Yeah.

Leah (50:01.624)

Jamie LH Goodall (50:02.036)
spiders down there, things that might actually kill you, copperheads. So I always thought, oof.

Jason Herbert (50:10.068)
Ooh, I have a copperhead interjection.

Are you ready? Do you guys know what copperheads smell like? If you're listening, we're talking about the venomous snake, the copperhead. Do you guys know what copperheads smell like?

Leah (50:22.264)
I've never gotten it close.

Jason Herbert (50:23.604)
Copperheads smell like cucumbers. And I can tell you this because I was in the backyard in my great grandma's garden when I was a kid. And Memaw, Lola Ray Chadwick, Memaw, says to me, she's like, Jason, smell these cucumbers. She's like, if you're out in the woods and you smell these cucumbers, there's a copperhead nearby. I was like, okay. And I'm like a kid, still a kid later on.

And I'm out in the woods many years later and I smell cucumbers. So I'm like, look down, there's copperhead, copperheads. And then I like fact check this. I'm like, do copperhead smell like copperhead snakes smell like cucumbers? Now you've learned some science on this podcast. Huh? Copperheads are fun. Copperheads are fun. Why? Why do you, are you anti cucumber?

Jamie LH Goodall (50:59.028)
That's terrifying.

That's terrifying. I wish that I... Well, I wish I had known that. Well, I mean, no, but I... It's very like...

Leah (51:03.768)

John Wyatt (51:08.326)
even know that I know what a cucumber smells like. Like I don't, I don't, I don't, I can't, I, I've eaten lots of cucumbers. I don't think I've ever paid attention to the smell.

Leah (51:10.872)

Jason Herbert (51:10.964)
John, might I suggest a salad sometime, sir? And it was me that just said this.

Jamie LH Goodall (51:19.892)
Yeah, it will. I was at my grandparents one time and we were gonna walk and go pick blackberries and my dad and my uncle and my middle brother were ahead of us and it was me and my grandma, my mom and my youngest sibling kind of held back and all of a sudden like we just see my dad pick my middle brother up by like the shirt and just fling him just like fucking shot put that kid backwards and we're like, what the hell? Right? And

Jason Herbert (51:20.212)
You need to slow down your life a little bit. Just smell your salad.

Leah (51:24.828)
Sorry about that.

Leah (51:44.502)

Jason Herbert (51:44.596)

Jamie LH Goodall (51:48.276)
They come running back and apparently my brother almost stepped on a baby copperhead. And so it was like my dad was like picking him up before the copperhead could like strike him. And after that I was like, nope, absolutely not. Nope, no thank you. I'm done.

Jason Herbert (51:57.076)
Okay. Okay. Jamie, I have a pirate question. We're going to get into some actual history now into this history podcast for those listening who are still like 52 minutes and five seconds in. Okay. Here's the thing that bothered me then and bothered me now. One -eyed Willie. He's a Spanish pirate.

Leah (52:01.4)
Ha ha ha.

Jamie LH Goodall (52:03.924)
gosh, okay.

Jamie LH Goodall (52:15.54)
Yes. Allegedly.

Jason Herbert (52:20.805)
Okay, what's he doing in Oregon?

Jamie LH Goodall (52:23.604)
All right, so here's the thing, if there were going to be pirates in the Pacific Northwest, they probably would have been Spanish pirates just because the Spanish, at least in say the 16th, 17th century, they pretty much run the Pacific coastline. They have all the establishments, the outposts and all of that stuff. I mean, they're spending a lot of money fighting off, I didn't know this until...

I got into grad school, but they're fighting up the fucking Russians in the 17th century. What? And so if, because, what?

Jason Herbert (52:58.74)
That makes sense.

we have a red dog connection now. If they're fighting with the Russians, I'm just saying what if, right. Go ahead.

Leah (53:05.656)

Jamie LH Goodall (53:05.884)
Yep, yep, right. Maybe he was Russian. So when I first started, when I first watched it and I was thinking like, when I first did like a deep dive back then into Pacific Northwest pirates, there's not a whole lot because a lot of it would have been like the Spanish pirates. And unfortunately, I'm not well versed enough in Spanish to have done that much of a deep dive. But I do know that in...

Leah (53:11.608)

Jason Herbert (53:11.828)
All right.

Jamie LH Goodall (53:34.804)
1579 or 1589, I think it was 1579, Drake, Sir Francis Drake made allegedly this like stop up along the Pacific Northwest just south of an Oregon town. And so I think this sort of like spawns a lot of the legends of like pirates in that region.

In addition, the Spanish are also dealing with the incursions of native peoples who are using their canoes along the coastlines to try to do various attacks. And so, of course, the Spanish consider those people pirates, even if the native peoples did not consider themselves that way. They're just defending their homeland. But one of the other, there's a legend, and I don't know enough about him, Iron Jim Sallow.

Jason Herbert (54:30.836)
Good day.

Jamie LH Goodall (54:30.988)
It was allegedly like a 16th, 17th century pirate who buried, may have buried treasure in an area near Seattle. And just given the descriptions of this legendary iron gem, he sounds a lot like the one -eyed Willy character, right? This idea of this guy who is evading capture, people are

desperately trying to hunt him down and so he makes this pit stop in the Pacific Northwest area and offloads and then disappears, right? So if you read any, I mean, and there's not a lot because I don't think there's any historical records of this iron gym, but that's, I think, where One -Eyed Willy comes from. But it's, I mean, pirates may have been predominantly in the Atlantic and then the

Indian Ocean and South China seas and that sort of region. But there's nothing to say that like pirates didn't make their way along the Pacific coastlines. I think it's just there wasn't a lot there at the time that pirates are in their golden age, right?

John Wyatt (55:40.326)
this was a

John Wyatt (55:45.798)
And this was a question I had for you actually, Jimmy, because this is one of the things that annoyed me or I don't know if annoyed is right. One of the questions I had about, I get annoyed at everything. Don't worry about it.

Jason Herbert (55:51.668)
You got annoyed at the Goonies, John Wyatt? Really? You got annoyed at the Goonies? Alright. C'mon, Mudgeon.

Leah (55:53.376)

Leah (55:58.168)

John Wyatt (55:59.142)
Yeah, yeah. So it was a question I had, right? Because this question was like, what is this pirate ship doing there? Because this is not an area with heavy trade traffic. So that's the point of piracy, right? Is you have to have other ships to rob and plunder. So I get maybe he's escaping, but the idea that I was curious about this idea, would there in fact have been pirates in this part of the world at that time? Because I couldn't see a like.

Jason Herbert (56:11.412)
You're fucking ruining our childhood right now.

John Wyatt (56:28.038)
I couldn't see the trade traffic to feed that kind of piratical activity.

Jason Herbert (56:33.46)
Maybe in furs, you're opening up the fur trade in the era.

Jamie LH Goodall (56:33.684)

Jamie LH Goodall (56:37.236)
Yeah, I was going to say they're not using the trade routes the way that like you would in the Atlantic because that's a major hub. It's not like the Indian Ocean where there's a lot of traffic going on. And so any piratical activity that would have been happening in that region are people who are fleeing the Caribbean or fleeing the South American.

coastlines and trying to get away from whatever authorities are in the area. And one of the things about, especially the Pacific Northwest is even though the Spanish have a pretty strong hold over the Pacific coastlines, they don't have as strong a hold the further North you go, right? Which is why you have groups like the Russians who are trying to infiltrate into areas like modern day Alaska and stuff.

There's all these random things. I mean the Spanish have to deal with the Russians all the way up through the American Revolution. It's so weird. So it's more a hideaway, I would say, than it would have been an area for activity itself. And whatever activity is happening is just going from one outpost to another using the coastline. And so maybe there's some piracy happening in that way. But by and large, no, it's not.

Leah (57:39.446)
Mm -hmm.

Jamie LH Goodall (58:02.644)
It's not your first choice, right? As a pirate haunt.

Leah (58:05.784)

Jason Herbert (58:06.74)
I have another question here. So Willie, you know, beaches the ship inside this cave, right? Supposedly on purpose. He has one eye. Is this really not a question? He has no death perception. Maybe he's just a really bad captain. And this whole English Armada thing.

Jamie LH Goodall (58:21.94)
I mean.

It's a little a colon a little. The thing is, if you only have one eye, how long have you only had the one eye? Because eventually, right.

Jason Herbert (58:28.372)

Jason Herbert (58:32.052)
Long enough to have a moniker.

John Wyatt (58:33.638)
I said long enough to have a bespoke iPad.

Jason Herbert (58:36.628)
Right. And a publicist.

Jamie LH Goodall (58:36.724)
Right, and so eventually your eyesight will adjust its depth perception based on the fact, yeah. So, you know, obviously the first like, I don't know how, I couldn't give you a time period, but you know, at first, if you've lost an eye, you're going to have issues. But eventually your body will start to adjust to accommodate.

Jason Herbert (58:43.644)
for real?

Jamie LH Goodall (59:06.484)
for that last.

Jason Herbert (59:06.804)
Sorry, I'm doing the rest of the pod the rest of the way like this.

Jamie LH Goodall (59:09.172)
Yes, you should have should have told me I would have sent you I would have sent you an eyepatch.

Leah (59:09.976)

Jason Herbert (59:15.796)
yeah, all right. All right, so go ahead.

John Wyatt (59:17.83)
So there is pretty rampant evidence in the film, the latter part of the film, of his success as a pirate. So that sort of argues against your thesis that he just sucks at this.

Jason Herbert (59:25.556)
Yeah. All the gold, the booty.

Jason Herbert (59:31.892)
I think sucks being a pirate. It sucks at navigating. Like, you know, he did kill everybody on this ship. I mean, there's except for like one person, apparently. I want to move on for a second. We talked a little bit about the music. Cindy Lauper is good enough. Impossible to hear this song. You cannot dissociate this song and this movie and the scene of them taking off with their bicycles. Cindy Lauper better or worse. We are we team Cindy Lauper's team with Donna.

Leah (59:32.024)
I'm gonna go.

Leah (59:38.136)

Jason Herbert (01:00:01.716)
1985, who we got?

Leah (01:00:02.232)
I don't know, I'm totally Cyndi Lauper.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:00:04.564)

Jason Herbert (01:00:06.216)
Do you what?

John Wyatt (01:00:07.366)

Jason Herbert (01:00:08.916)
I'm going to go with Cindy as well. I remember Cindy Loprigne, Captain Lou Albano. Like, remember he played like her dad? Right? I remember.

Leah (01:00:13.144)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:00:19.956)
did. I loved Madonna and I grew up my grandfather used to work for a local dump or like trash facility. And one of the areas was like people would just donate stuff and he randomly found somebody had donated a VHS, which was just all of the music videos for Madonna's Immaculate collection. I didn't know that they made she and so I would watch that all the time.

Leah (01:00:41.784)
I'll rock on.

John Wyatt (01:00:42.886)

Jason Herbert (01:00:44.116)
Okay, that's actually cool.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:00:48.084)
but I still, there was something about Cyndi Lauper about just being different in terms of like, I don't know, like funky hair and.

Leah (01:00:51.254)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:00:53.234)

John Wyatt (01:00:55.782)
Is the city of Lauper video in this movie the only time we see color television? Like television shows up a bunch of other places, but I think it's all black and white other than.

Leah (01:00:56.344)
the bracelet.

Jason Herbert (01:01:04.372)
Yeah, it's all it's I think it's the arrow. It's and it's the arrow fit arrow flint stuff, right? put in the pirates.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:01:08.852)
Well, yeah, so Slough is watching Captain Blood, which is a 1935 film, so it's in black and white.

John Wyatt (01:01:09.51)
And the -

John Wyatt (01:01:13.99)
Right. But at the start of the movie, Mouth is watching, I don't know what it is, but it's a black and white car chase kind of crime thing that fits with the escape from jail.

Jason Herbert (01:01:22.964)
That's right.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:01:23.122)

Jason Herbert (01:01:26.196)
Yeah, yeah. And it kind of hits into the working class. Cause I remember growing up at that time period, a lot of us still like Mike Cajun babysitter, mom, da did not have, she did not have command of the English language, but she also did not have a color TV. We only can watch black and white TV sometimes when she did not make us outside, go outside and kill chickens, which is a story I can actually tell, at a later point in time, but I'm not haunted by that. All right. Moving on Troy, worst human being ever. what do we think about Troy?

Leah (01:01:46.552)


Jason Herbert (01:01:57.236)
Discomfited dish rack and what is Troy?

Jamie LH Goodall (01:01:58.516)
Stereotypical douchey.

Leah (01:02:01.464)
Yeah, white dude, bro.

Jason Herbert (01:02:01.684)
I want to come back to Troy at the very end of this. I want to come back because I want to I want you guys to start thinking now about what our what our characters are doing today in 2024. Like what they're doing. That was the only only the. I think Troy, I think Troy's a new Fox News host.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:02:04.692)
Dude, bro. Yep.

Leah (01:02:15.512)
Troy was part of their insurrection.

Leah (01:02:21.624)
Yeah, I think he stormed the ca - I - I - it's stormed the castle. Like, it's like it's - Storm the - storm the capital, but yeah. yeah, he's definitely, you know, an OAN. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Jason Herbert (01:02:24.468)
I love that. Troy - Troy - Troy Soaring to Capital. I love this.

John Wyatt (01:02:28.294)
Mm -hmm.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:02:34.484)
Hey, Ms. Holden, Tiki Torchers in Charlottesville, for sure.

Jason Herbert (01:02:36.948)
yeah, absolutely. We're going to come back to the rest of the cast. Keep this in mind.

John Wyatt (01:02:39.814)
I think... I think... So, the thing I thought was interesting about Troy, right, is he has this sort of like, karmic arc in the bit, right? Like, so he tries to kill Brand, essentially, by driving off the road. Yeah, like, it's a little bit of murder. So, but, but, he, by all rights, should be fucking dead from having, like, had his toilet explode under him and, like, bramming his head into the ceiling. He should be dead.

Jason Herbert (01:02:50.484)
a little bit. I mean...

Leah (01:02:52.248)
It's a murder. Yeah, a little bit of murder. Yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:02:53.94)
It's a slight murder. It's a soft murder. It's a soft murder.

Leah (01:03:05.912)
All right.

Jason Herbert (01:03:07.858)
First of all, it's just a super bidet, but go on.

John Wyatt (01:03:10.982)
Right, okay. All right, that's fantastic. So he has this like, he tries to kill and they try to kill him and then like, he evens out a little bit. I think that he probably like, manages like rent to own center somewhere. I think he probably doesn't succeed in life the way that he would like to and the way that he expects to. In part because... huh?

Jason Herbert (01:03:14.932)

Leah (01:03:28.472)

Jason Herbert (01:03:35.284)
Do any of us John Wyatt? Nothing. It's like, yeah.

Leah (01:03:37.112)
So he lost the family money somewhere.

John Wyatt (01:03:39.366)
Well, yeah, so in part because I think that this deal doesn't go through and things go bad for his family. And I think he winds up angry and an alcoholic and, yeah, managing a rent -to -own center in Tacoma or something.

Leah (01:03:59.99)

Jason Herbert (01:04:03.09)
Alright, I wanna...

John Wyatt (01:04:03.43)
And he looks back to his glory days when he like, that time I almost killed that kid. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But this also suggests to me why he would be the kind of person that would get down in the way of the rabbit hole and go storm the Capitol, right? Because he's mad and he doesn't have anywhere to put it. So he puts it on liberals and immigrants and all the rest of it. Yeah.

Leah (01:04:07.)
But they all do. Yeah, when they peak in high school, they always look back.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:04:11.124)

Leah (01:04:28.28)
Yeah, those commie liberals. Yeah, and academics and the working class. Yeah. Yeah.

John Wyatt (01:04:31.82)
Academics and this damn academics fuck those guys

Jason Herbert (01:04:36.5)
As we're watching this film and the kids are going deeper and deeper first into the restaurant and then down into the caverns and stuff like that, I keep thinking, you guys pointed this out earlier, how entirely plausible this was because you went outside, you had 12 hours solid, you could do whatever you want. That was totally yours. And as a kid, when we'd go to my dad's house, me and my brother, my two stepsisters would constantly go into old abandoned houses looking for shit.

Leah (01:05:02.648)
We did too. Yeah.

John Wyatt (01:05:04.384)

Jason Herbert (01:05:04.404)
always like, how did we survive? Meanwhile, me as a parent, I'm like, texting my kids like every force of like, I'm the parent that I've come was like, are you okay? Well, thank you so much. Be careful. You know, whatever. So

Leah (01:05:11.608)

Leah (01:05:18.626)
when I when I watched it with Connor, I think one of the first times he was like so they were just able to like go out and Nobody asked him, you know, hey, where are you going? Like that he goes like that doesn't make any sense like how does how does nobody know where they are? He just couldn't wrap his head around and being able to leave the house and and

Jason Herbert (01:05:26.996)

Jason Herbert (01:05:31.25)
Why don't you always do that, mom? Right.

Jason Herbert (01:05:41.62)
Still phone? No, right? Because growing up...

Leah (01:05:48.19)
Well, being able to leave the house and, you know, ride your bike to another part of the town or down a down a road.

Jason Herbert (01:05:55.988)
Well, wasn't that like a part of our growing up was like, you would get on your bike and you would know where the other kids were at certain points of the day. Like I would, we'd meet my brother and I would ride two miles to where my grandparents lived. And like, that's where they all the neighborhood kids were. And you would just kind of know there'd be like five or six spots where the kids were.

Leah (01:05:59.574)

Leah (01:06:14.904)
Well, you would see bicycles in the yard, right? You knew where everybody was going to be, or at least a handful, like you said, a handful of places, and then you would just ride your bike for miles and checking those places and yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:06:16.628)
You would know, right? Yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:06:21.332)

John Wyatt (01:06:30.406)
And that's really hard to do at this point. When I lived in New York, we had a forest behind the property on our house. And I used to let my kids go and wander and get lost because it was relatively bounded. I could have found them if I needed to. And I thought that was important. But other people don't work that way. And a couple of years ago,

my younger son was walking up to the house from the library, which was like a block and a half away. Okay. And somebody followed him to our house, then called the police to come like knock on the door and check on him because he had been walking up the street by himself. Like this is like a small upstate New York village. Like, like what the fuck is wrong with you? Like, and I wanted to talk, I wanted to ask the policeman that like, yes, I wanted to ask the policeman like,

Jason Herbert (01:07:13.35)

Jason Herbert (01:07:22.324)
should be able to do that, right.

John Wyatt (01:07:25.382)
What's more problematic here, right? Like the fact that my kid was walking home from the library or that some rando followed him into my house. Which of us are you talking to here and why? So, yeah.

Leah (01:07:32.6)
Right? Right.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:07:37.46)

Leah (01:07:39.256)
Yeah, and I mean, I lived, you know, when this movie came out, I lived in Longview, Texas. So East Texas. Yeah, so I, you know, it's a pretty part of Texas. You know, and we lived by a lake. It was called, you know, Hidden Forest Lake in this little neighborhood. We had the woods behind us where, you know, my dad actually illegally hunted one time.

John Wyatt (01:07:47.084)
nice. It's a pretty part of Texas.

Leah (01:08:05.112)
And I only say that because I was traumatized because he strung the deer up on my swing set. But yeah, I guess so. But it was a little traumatizing. But we stayed in those woods all the time. We went out to the dam. We stole flat bottom boats from.

Jason Herbert (01:08:06.964)
Now we have to have your been arrested.

Jason Herbert (01:08:17.14)
But you got to eat the deer.

Okay, just a sec. Delicious. A little bit, okay, fine.

Leah (01:08:34.232)
that were pulled up onto the side of the and got in on and rode out. Yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:08:39.156)
That's actually the plot of Southern Comfort, a film in which a bunch of National Guard guys get like hunted down by Cajuns in Louisiana in 1982. You were in Texas. I'm sure this was fine. Go on.

Leah (01:08:49.752)
And so, yeah, it is very close Louisiana. And so, yeah, Shreveport was our go -to spot. But, you know, it was, we just, we did all of that, you know, and never came home. And, you know, and there was a couple of times, well, I had trouble letting Connor walk to, you know,

John Wyatt (01:08:50.79)
It's pretty close to Louisiana, honestly.

Jason Herbert (01:08:52.948)
Little bit, yeah.

We've seen maps, John Wyatt.

Jason Herbert (01:09:03.828)
Sorry about that.

Leah (01:09:19.032)
because he really wanted to walk to middle school. And he was like, I can do this, mom. I mean, there was a couple of times that he almost got hit in the little circle trying to walk across it to go to school. But that was tough for me. Yeah, he learned. But it was really, really tough for me because, I mean, we did live in Fort Worth at the time. And so it was the city and, you know, and...

John Wyatt (01:09:35.846)
And he learned, didn't he? He learned.

Leah (01:09:49.24)
And any other time that I had said, hey, you want to go ride bikes or let's go do this. He's like, no, I'm good. You know, cause video games and, and so there was, it was just a, I mean, we still had kids come over to the house and play video games, but it wasn't, you know, it wasn't kids coming over and ringing the doorbell and, you know, and then everybody just getting on their bikes and going like we did.

Jason Herbert (01:10:19.444)
Yeah, I wonder, it's not some watching through here. I'm like, would you have gone like once they figure out where the water goes, would you have gone down into the cave?

Leah (01:10:32.408)
The water slides? Absolutely!

Jason Herbert (01:10:32.532)
As a child. No, no, no, like when they're in the restaurant, from the basement of the restaurant, would you make that a personal? Yeah. Jamie.

John Wyatt (01:10:34.982)
No, no, no, from like the basement of the hotel, right? Or the restaurant, yeah.

Leah (01:10:38.52)
as a kid? Yeah, I absolutely would have.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:10:44.564)
Yeah, I can see that. Yeah, probably. I mean, we...

Jason Herbert (01:10:45.812)
Yeah, without question. Yeah, absolutely. my god, yes, absolutely.

Leah (01:10:46.296)
I played in culverts. We thought that was fun.

John Wyatt (01:10:50.054)
So with the caveat that I would have checked to make sure I thought I could have gotten back out first, but like, yeah, 100%.

Leah (01:10:57.24)
think out yeah I don't think I would have even checked I think I would have just been like cool a hole I'm going in.

Jason Herbert (01:10:58.772)

Jason Herbert (01:11:04.148)
Is this the...

Jamie LH Goodall (01:11:04.628)
No, I would have needed an escape route. Like I would have had to know that I could get out in some form or fashion.

Leah (01:11:07.288)
Ha ha.

Jason Herbert (01:11:13.204)
Yeah, you know, there are those guys that go out like they go cave, they go cave exploring. I read about one guy recently who like got stuck and then he just died, like stuck in the position and they sealed him in the cave.

John Wyatt (01:11:22.822)
Yeah, that's right across the Salt Lake Valley for me. That's Nuddy Putty Cave. Yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:11:28.67)
you know this, right? You don't need to go in there. It's not a cave anymore. So you just get stopped up with a human body. it's like.

Leah (01:11:35.042)
Nutty putty cave. See, I'm still new to Utah and I don't know any of the other... I don't go up there.

Jason Herbert (01:11:39.836)
It's... It's a fun place.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:11:40.564)
Well, it makes me think too. I saw this meme recently as a millennial. We were taught, don't talk to strangers, don't do this, that, and the other. We were taught it so well that we don't answer the door and we don't answer the phone.

Leah (01:11:55.96)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:11:56.276)
Absolutely not. I am not answering that. If I don't know you're coming...

Jamie LH Goodall (01:12:00.244)
So it's one of those things where like, had I see been like in a situation where the Fratellis, where they're like, I saw them and they like grabbed us and then they were like, are you going, you know, and I escaped. I'm not going back. Right? Like I would have kept going back. Like I would have just been like, I'm going home now because that is stranger danger. You will die.

John Wyatt (01:12:14.854)
would have kept escaping.

Leah (01:12:25.144)
So I'm kind of coming up with this off the top of my head, but we lived in kind of this contradiction. Just saying that, you know, our parents told us to be safe and, you know, like, don't talk to strangers, don't accept, you know, candy or anything from strangers, watch out for the white van. But this is like right kind of in this early stages of the...

of the satanic panic or any other kind of moral panic at the time. But you still had like with me, you know, two parents that that worked. And so I was a latchkey kid. And so there's there's these like two, two things that you're dealing with. You are seven and eight years old with a key hanging around your neck and you have to walk from.

your elementary school to your house and let yourself in and then go make yourself a peanut butter sandwich and sit down and watch cartoons or something. And you're there until your parents get home at 6, 37, 8 o 'clock. And so there was this kind of trust in us, but not fear and fear in our parents that stopped them from doing that.

but they trusted us to make those decisions.

Jason Herbert (01:13:53.46)
Why, Leah, is it that one of the things we talk about though is like how we all as either baby ex or elder millennials have this real fear of raising our children in the same way that we were raised, right? It's like we talk about this stuff, it's like we'd never let our kids go, right? We did, but we survived. Like, and I remember when Jack was born, my older son, who loves this movie, by the way, I was like convinced, like, how does any child make it to adulthood? I was like, like, I was...

Leah (01:14:07.192)
because I think we saw all of that.

Jason Herbert (01:14:23.572)
like, I kept having kids are to two kids but I was like, because I was like, I need to make sure one was surprised.

Leah (01:14:31.224)
I think we were also raised though with the idea, because our parents came from supposedly the greatest generation and then boomers. And they were always raised with that idea that your kids have to do better than you did, right? That they have to have a better life than you had. And so we had that, I think that we kind of had that ingrained in us as well.

And then we started questioning, wait a minute, why did our parents just like let us go out and do whatever we wanted? We also knew everything that we did and we didn't want our children doing those same things. And so.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:15:18.58)
But my parents, my parents are Gen Xers, technically, right? So when does Gen X start? When is 65, right? Gen X. My mom was, yeah, my mom was born in 65 and my dad was born in 67. So my parents are Gen Xers.

Jason Herbert (01:15:25.716)
Sorry for those who couldn't pay attention.

Leah (01:15:27.672)
65, yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:15:29.14)
Jax? Yeah, 65 right.

Jason Herbert (01:15:35.476)
Mom sold us to your dad? You go boy.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:15:37.778)

They got married four days after his 18th birthday and they made it 26 years until...stuff. Childhood trouble! Which happened when I was an adult. man, are we getting refills? I need a refill.

Leah (01:15:50.422)

Jason Herbert (01:15:50.868)
Okay, speaking of Shah -Hur -Rah -Muh, this is brought to you by Buffalo Trace.

Leah (01:15:57.556)
very nice.

John Wyatt (01:15:57.67)
Nice. Nice.

Jason Herbert (01:16:00.36)
Get a refill. my gosh.

Leah (01:16:00.632)
upstairs, I can't do a refilm.

John Wyatt (01:16:01.702)
I do too. I'm downstairs. I have the same problem. Are you, you're not in my upstairs, are you, Leah? Cause we could just...

Jason Herbert (01:16:05.62)
See, I -

Leah (01:16:07.96)
Yes, yes, you're in my basement. I'm in your upstairs.

Jason Herbert (01:16:09.588)
You guys, we were actually, John White and I were talking, it was like, wait a second. You guys should like, you guys are 24 miles apart. You guys should be.

Leah (01:16:15.512)
I don't even know why we, yeah, we should totally have coffee.

John Wyatt (01:16:19.942)
That's the Utah thing to do. Have coffee.

Jason Herbert (01:16:20.34)
Yes Hey, hey, it's okay. Hey, hey, hey, I have alcohol. It'll be okay Okay, I got a question for good

Leah (01:16:22.326)
Yeah, so this is the anti -Utah thing to do.

John Wyatt (01:16:26.886)
Yeah. No, no, no, hold on, hold on. Because I wanted to go back to something. Yeah, I want to go back to something Leah said, right? This idea that you're coming out of a generation, your parents want better for you than they had, right? And I think it's an interesting moment, right, that part of that becomes constraint rather than freedom, right? Like the better than we had means safer and less able to do stuff, right?

Jason Herbert (01:16:32.412)
Have fun!

Jason Herbert (01:16:36.412)

Leah (01:16:46.776)
Yeah, yeah.

Leah (01:16:51.384)
Safer, yeah. Absolutely.

John Wyatt (01:16:53.702)
I hadn't thought about that before, but it's an interesting pathway to take, right? Rather than being like, you know, better is more freedom and more sort of self -reliance. I've tried really hard with my kids to let them, to be kind of hands -off in that respect, to push them even, to go out and do things and not let me know where they are sometimes. But also, you know, like...

Leah (01:16:59.096)

John Wyatt (01:17:22.342)
My 13 year old has a cell phone and he's supposed to call me when he's going from like point eight, but like, you know, and, and he does, which is, which is good. Like I did different cell phones when I was a kid, my parents never knew where I was and I turned out, me, I don't know about fine, but I turned out me. so it's.

Leah (01:17:39.512)
I think we were also inundated with all of the moral panic, the satanic panic stuff too, because we only had the three channels. My parents couldn't afford HBO or any of that kind of stuff. And so every night, it was the PSA, it's 10 o 'clock, do you know where your children are? And the PSA and then...

John Wyatt (01:17:51.526)
Mm -hmm.

John Wyatt (01:18:02.342)
Your children are, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Leah (01:18:07.384)
And then, you know, before that, it was all the news of, you know, the fear of kids being snatched up by people in white vans with no windows. And, you know, yeah, and kids being, I think that was, was it in Minnesota, like, or somewhere around that, that kid, there was this group of boys that were out on their bicycles, you know, and they disappeared and, you know, they never found their bodies until, I don't know, a few years ago.

Jason Herbert (01:18:17.748)
very much so the panel van.

John Wyatt (01:18:19.526)
Yep. Yep.

Jason Herbert (01:18:35.156)
I wonder if Lost Boys was a response to that, right? Remember in the movie Lost Boys, like there's like all of like these kids that are going lost. I mean, it's obviously a vampire film. We know what happens to them. But like, I'm wondering if part of that panic is like encouraging films like that about missing children to get made.

Leah (01:18:38.808)

Leah (01:18:50.808)
Mm -hmm.

John Wyatt (01:18:52.838)
And of course, like that's part of the lesson of this movie too, right? Like everything turns out okay and it's fun when you're a kid to watch it. But like also like, you know, what happens to these kids when they go out by themselves all the time? Like Brandon gets run off the road. All of them get...

Leah (01:19:06.296)

Jason Herbert (01:19:08.274)
Brand is totally getting laid at the end of this. I'm just saying it works out fine for him and Andy.

Leah (01:19:10.52)
Okay, I am gonna bring that point. I'm gonna put a pin in that because I'm coming back to that.

John Wyatt (01:19:12.774)
Sure, but that's another parent problem.

Jason Herbert (01:19:18.58)
Okay, okay. Somehow I know, it leaves like, I'm gonna bust your ass, Jay. Go on.

John Wyatt (01:19:18.79)
Yeah, so like, right, like they get almost kidnapped by a gang of murdering counterfeiters. Multiple times they get...

Jason Herbert (01:19:29.202)
The call of the Italians, John Wyatt.

Leah (01:19:31.384)
Chuck almost gets his hand blended.

John Wyatt (01:19:34.278)
Yeah, all this gets hand blended, they get shot at, they get stuck down a well, like they're playing with dynamite. Like there are a ton of like really problematic things that happen when you stop paying attention to your kids and just let them wander in the world. Like, you know, okay, sure. They found a treasure and got fabulously wealthy this time. But next time.

Leah (01:19:39.832)

Leah (01:19:48.344)
Stop paying attention to your kids!

Leah (01:19:58.584)
but they can't tell the difference between dynamite and a candle. Yeah, absolutely.

John Wyatt (01:20:02.278)
No, they cannot. And next time, they might not be so lucky. Next time, they might be, I don't know, stolen away by bank robbers or something. You never know.

Leah (01:20:13.208)
Mm -hmm.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:20:13.924)
I mean, data all of his, like, gadgets, like, those could go wrong so easily!

Jason Herbert (01:20:18.484)
Pinterest apparel.

John Wyatt (01:20:19.75)
as his dad's does at the end, right? Yeah.

Leah (01:20:19.992)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:20:23.604)
Alright, is this the greatest booby trap film of all time?

Jason Herbert (01:20:30.612)
Think about the contestants here. We've got this movie, Ra's the Last Dark, Home Alone.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:20:32.068)

John Wyatt (01:20:32.134)
Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:20:36.164)
Home Alone is hands down my vote.

John Wyatt (01:20:36.71)

Leah (01:20:37.048)
Yeah. Writers of the Lost Ark is good though too, but yeah, Home Alone. Yeah, I don't think it's the greatest, no.

Jason Herbert (01:20:38.772)

Jason Herbert (01:20:43.092)
You, how dare you? Like I was noticing as I was rewatching it yesterday, the early scene when they go to, after Chunk does the truffle shuffle, sets up the movie trap stuff where they follow, you know, it's, they set all of this up really. It's like, there's a little, there's a, this movie is very smartly made. There's a lot of callbacks. There's a lot of completing the circle in this film that really comes back. It's a, it's a really smart film.

John Wyatt (01:21:09.19)
No, it is like the fact that the first thing that Trump says when he shows up is, hey, you guys, I love that.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:21:09.252)
Yes, it is.

Leah (01:21:16.952)

Jason Herbert (01:21:17.586)
my god! shit!

John Wyatt (01:21:20.774)
Like when he's at the gate, he's like, Hey, you guys, let me in. Right.

Leah (01:21:23.084)

Yeah, it yeah comes full circle. Yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:21:26.31)
my God. And that's easily the most well -known. And that's amazing. Okay. I want to talk about that for a second because the other thing that I love so much about this filming and children's film is the acceptance of sloth. It was, this was a film that absolutely teaches young kids to accept people for who they are, for being different, for being disabled. There is never a question that not a single one of those kids ever once makes fun of the sloth.

John Wyatt (01:21:29.956)
Mm -hmm.

Leah (01:21:39.672)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:21:40.164)

John Wyatt (01:21:40.206)

Jason Herbert (01:21:55.06)
Not one time.

Leah (01:21:55.384)
No, and someone who looks different or who could seem scary in the beginning actually comes to our rescue, actually is our hero, where it's the others that are actually the bad ones, the ones who dress well, the ones who sing opera. Those are, yeah. And...

Jason Herbert (01:22:04.092)
Yeah. Yeah.

John Wyatt (01:22:14.534)
Sing opera. Yep.

Jason Herbert (01:22:18.132)
Again, they're called Italian. So.

Leah (01:22:21.656)
And those are, you know, and the way that this was portrayed, you know, I always loved that. I always loved that sloth. And then of course, chunk at the end, you know, where he's just like, you're gonna come live with us now. I'm just like, I love that so much.

Jason Herbert (01:22:36.052)
you're going to come live with us now? Yeah. my God. God bless John Matusak for portraying Sloth in this role. I mean, maybe somebody else could have done it, but he just every about of is Sloth the most human person in this movie? It is such. my God. I every single one of us, you say Sloth.

Leah (01:22:50.072)
Baby Ruth.

Absolutely, just the joy. Yeah, just to be abused and chained and still just be joyous. Yeah, kept his humanity and really came to the rescue, really was the hero of the movie, I think.

John Wyatt (01:22:56.324)

Jason Herbert (01:23:04.34)

John Wyatt (01:23:13.318)
Kept us humanity. Yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:23:15.538)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:23:23.876)
Anybody who can appreciate 1930s pirate films really is like a treasure because they are something else.

Leah (01:23:27.256)

John Wyatt (01:23:28.518)
Fair point. Fair point.

Jason Herbert (01:23:34.772)
Did you guys ever try making your movie traps as kids? Did you ever try like, okay, good.

John Wyatt (01:23:37.126)
So I wanted to actually, I wanted to come back to your booby trap question, Jason. You're asking about the, it's just the greatest booby trap movie of all time. And I've been thinking about it while I've been talking and I'm going to say no. I think out of the three we listed, I would put it as third. We thought we talked about Raiders of the Lost Ark and Home Alone and Goonies, right? Okay. So it has the least effective booby traps out of all three movies, right? So Raiders of the Lost Ark has multiple that.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:23:38.016)

Jason Herbert (01:23:55.124)
Right. Yeah.

Leah (01:23:59.928)
Very chast.

Jason Herbert (01:24:01.716)
Okay, that's fair.

John Wyatt (01:24:05.702)
That set of booby traps at the beginning causes multiple deaths, including the guy who comes with it. Home Alone, eventually they get in, but the booby traps in Home Alone thwart the intruders again and again and again and again. But everybody gets through other than Chester Copperpot, everybody gets through the booby traps in The Goonies without really too much trouble. So I would put it as third in that list.

Jason Herbert (01:24:10.324)
Yeah. Alfred Molina.

Leah (01:24:25.336)
Just just, bye bye.

Thank you.

John Wyatt (01:24:34.726)
simply based on lethality.

Leah (01:24:37.624)

Jason Herbert (01:24:38.804)
Alright, fair enough. we get through... What? No, I don't, it's fair, like, I hate Home Alone. I don't like it. It's not a movie that I like. I don't like...

Leah (01:24:40.152)
for now.

John Wyatt (01:24:42.438)
I thought somebody would push back on that, but...

Leah (01:24:45.08)
No. I think it's fair.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:24:50.34)
but it did spawn like what eight variations thereafter and all of them have very elaborate and epic booby scene.

Jason Herbert (01:25:00.308)
Does this movie make Home Alone possible because of its children? No, think about it, right? Because the gadgets are such a part of the Home Alone story. I'm just trying to make connections. I fucking hate that movie. I do not want to watch it. I will if I have to, but I watched The Christmas Story for the first time a couple of years ago. It's so bad. It's just awful, just terrible.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:25:21.508)
I did too. It was again one of those classics I never saw until recently.

John Wyatt (01:25:23.302)
You're a 47 year old man, you do not have to watch anything you don't want to, man.

Jason Herbert (01:25:32.21)

John Wyatt (01:25:32.9)
Look at confusion on your face.

Jason Herbert (01:25:35.348)
What are you gonna say? you know, here's one of the hidden things that I love about this film. Did anyone else catch the callback to Gremlins in this film?

John Wyatt (01:25:42.982)
Yes, yes, like the things you feed after, multiply them and you feed them after midnight or whatever it was, right?

Jamie LH Goodall (01:25:43.044)

Jason Herbert (01:25:48.084)
Yeah, I was like, that's a movie. My great friend, Drew Harrell, I was on the phone with him yesterday. He's like, you have to do that this year for Christmas. It's like, it's an absolutely a Christmas film. You know, Christmas is driving it. He's like, you have to do Grimms. I'm like, I'm so fucking lutely. Right.

Leah (01:25:48.31)

Leah (01:26:02.2)
Yeah, that sequence between Chunk and the cop was like, it was great.

Jason Herbert (01:26:07.054)
so good. You know, complete just good liar. all right. I want to talk about when we finally see the ship because they come down the slide, they turn around the music hits and I'm shit. You're not, I'm getting shit. I'm getting shivers up and down my arms and my back right now. Can we talk about that moment when we finally see the ship, Jamie, what's your thoughts on that ship? Is it?

Leah (01:26:27.16)
Shiver me timbers.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:26:36.164)
It is pretty amazing. I love so I when I first watched the movie, obviously I looked into like the inspiration for the ship and stuff like that. And so it's it's not really a frigate. I want to say it's probably more I'm not very good at boat styles, by the way. But it.

Jason Herbert (01:26:44.148)
Mm -hmm. Is it a frigate? What is it?

Jason Herbert (01:26:54.868)
Looks too big to be a sloop.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:27:01.952)
I'm some variation of a schooner -ish type thing. But it's based on, so the directors, they modeled it after Errol Flynn's ship in a 1940s pirate film called The Seahawk. And what I love, so I did a little look into it. They built this ship. It took them two and a half months to construct it. It's 105 feet long.

Jason Herbert (01:27:05.268)
Okay, maybe a break. All right.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:27:31.492)
7 ,000 square feet of material to make the sails. And some of the ship's rigging was actually recycled for the Pirates of the Caribbean ship at Disneyland, which at the time in 1985 was being renovated. After the film, and I wish I'd been born because, you know, after the filming ended, they offered the ship to anyone who would take it. You didn't even have to...

Leah (01:27:42.456)

Jason Herbert (01:27:43.412)
my god.

John Wyatt (01:27:59.302)
It was right there, just sailing away.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:28:01.508)
You didn't have to buy it. They just were gonna offer it to anybody who wanted it. Nobody wanted it, so they scrapped it.

Jason Herbert (01:28:08.756)
heart -breaking. That would go, see, I have actually, we'll get into Willie in a second, I've actually met one on Willie. He sits, he's in St. Augustine, he's in the Pirate Museum in St. Augustine, Florida. I've seen him multiple times, brought my kids to see him. It was like, Jamie, have you seen him as well? Have you been over there to it as well? He's the former GM of the like Philadelphia 76ers, he's like a big pirate fan.

John Wyatt (01:28:09.156)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:28:09.892)
I know, I know.

Jason Herbert (01:28:37.434)
He used to have this museum in Key West now it's in St. Augustine and all I can imagine is God it would be so amazing to be able to walk in and see That ship somewhere. So it's like the ship for Master Commander. Like there are only so many ships, you know that you could do so It's just it's perfect This movie,

Leah (01:28:46.552)
So, yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:28:59.528)
Let's go back to the beach. Go ahead, try it. Give it a thought.

John Wyatt (01:29:03.43)
Well, I mean, it's not related to the beach. I was going to ask if it bothered anybody else that like the key that went to the map for finding the location was reliant among other things on a lighthouse.

Jason Herbert (01:29:06.036)

Leah (01:29:14.936)
Yeah. Yeah.

John Wyatt (01:29:17.126)
keys are like there's no fucking light has 1632 or whatever it was.

Jason Herbert (01:29:17.244)

Jason Herbert (01:29:21.35)
Perhaps, John Wyatt, there was another feature that the Lighthouse was built upon.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:29:28.644)
Well, okay, so, depends on, yeah, depends on how you're defining a lighthouse too, because I actually, there's a student, or a restaurant, there's a student who's working on a paper who actually emailed me recently asking for my assistance, they're trying to do this research into the effectiveness or the effects lighthouses may have had on deterring piracy. And I was like, okay, well,

Jason Herbert (01:29:28.724)
is we can't know for certain.

Jason Herbert (01:29:37.394)
or a restaurant.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:29:56.708)
This is a very complicated question because it depends on when you're talking about and how you're defining lighthouse because the earliest lighthouse in what is the modern day United States is like 1689 ish. But there were light boats and like light things prior. There are lighthouses way back. Way back.

But if we're talking about modern lighthouses, like, you know, what you envision and how they portray a lighthouse, I mean, that's very 19th century construction.

John Wyatt (01:30:28.838)
Right, but -

John Wyatt (01:30:32.518)
But also what's getting built on the east coast of the US in the 1630s is not the same thing as what's getting built in the story of Washington in 1630. That sort of annoyed me. See, I told you I'd get annoyed with it.

Jason Herbert (01:30:47.444)
being annoyed at the childhood classic. You're angry there's no eels in this film. Like where, when they jump down to the water, are there eels in Oregon? Are you serious? Not warm enough? yeah.

Leah (01:30:49.278)

John Wyatt (01:30:55.27)
There are no eels on the west coast of the US, so I didn't expect that. Yeah, there are lampreys. There's lots of lampreys, but there are no native eels.

Jason Herbert (01:31:09.076)
Why not?

John Wyatt (01:31:10.534)
it, I think it has to do with the way that they travel when they're, when they're babies. So like they're mostly carried by the Gulf by, by, major ocean currents, right? So in the Atlantic, they're carried by the Gulf stream. so which is why they hit the East coast of the U S and then Europe and in the Pacific, they're, the breeding grounds take them to like the different kinds of eels, right? They're take them to New Zealand and Australia and Southeast Asia and Japan and China, but like not all the way around back again. So.

Jason Herbert (01:31:22.388)

John Wyatt (01:31:39.596)
It's just kind of too far. They find other places to live before they get there.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:31:44.868)
Also, quick caveat here. I just double checked myself on the type of ship that the Inferno, which is one I'd really ship, it is a galleon, which is why it's so large, which makes sense because they're, those galleons were originally developed by the Portuguese and the Spanish, right? So being on the Pacific Northwest, like it makes sense that that's the style of ship that was out there.

Jason Herbert (01:31:45.14)
Is this? Go ahead.

Jason Herbert (01:31:55.38)
Okay, really? Okay, it's designed to hold gold.

Jason Herbert (01:32:13.236)
Right, and it would have had the ability to hold that much because they were designed entirely like the treasure fleets, the Spanish, Portuguese treasure fleets were galleons. Okay.

John Wyatt (01:32:19.366)
Right. And there's a real significant Spanish trade between Mexico and the Philippines. Is that happening at this point, Jamie? I thought so, right?

Jamie LH Goodall (01:32:27.588)
yeah. I mean, all of that, I mean, the Spanish have pretty much developed a pretty strong trade with their Spanish, or with their silver deposits and stuff from South America well into like by the mid 1500s. And so, I mean, the English had a very late start when it comes to like the whole colonization and piracy and all that stuff, like the golden age being, you know,

John Wyatt (01:32:49.222)
Okay, yeah.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:32:58.06)
1650 -ish, I mean this is over 100 years after the Spanish and the Portuguese have already colonized the so -called, you know, new world, right? So.

John Wyatt (01:32:58.182)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:33:08.564)
Here's a question I have for you, which is when we finally see Willy, he's sitting there at his table looking up. How does Willy die? He's killed everyone else around him. Does he go sepuku? Does he just sit in his chair until he dies? Does he kill himself? I mean, we know one person gets out. I hadn't thought that he might have just shot himself.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:33:28.516)
Single bullet. Right.

Marooned, he marooned himself essentially, right? Like he's killed everyone around him. He's marooned himself. No.

Jason Herbert (01:33:36.388)
Thank you.

Not a cool guy, by the way. Trapped him in a cave and shot him and killed everybody. But go on.

John Wyatt (01:33:42.214)
Now, this is the thing I didn't understand about the ending is that, so the final booby trap that presumably Willie devises is the one that like springs the ship to freedom.

Leah (01:33:56.248)
So why not just go? Yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:33:57.236)

John Wyatt (01:33:58.416)
Why didn't you do that, man? Like you spent years digging all these tunnels.

Jason Herbert (01:34:00.564)
Well, no, because they were being chased by the English. The English were waiting for them to get out immediately. They come out, they're dead men.

John Wyatt (01:34:07.974)
Right. But like, okay, in the first week, sure. Like, I mean, they were there for years, right? Cause they dig all these tunnels in their soul story. Anyway, it doesn't have to make sense, but it, it was one of those points of, points of things that kind of made me curious.

Jason Herbert (01:34:22.344)
It's a children's film.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:34:25.956)
maybe he wasn't sure that that last booby trap was actually gonna work, right? Maybe he died before he could test his theory, right? And so my thinking is either he shot himself because he went stir crazy because he killed everybody else or lead poisoning.

Jason Herbert (01:34:26.044)

John Wyatt (01:34:31.782)

So could.

John Wyatt (01:34:43.27)
That's good. Maybe I was wondering about a combination of like, of like vitamin D deficiency and scurvy.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:34:44.428)
drink himself to death with his lead tinkered. Yep, scurvy drinking out of a lead tinkered, gave himself lead poisoning.

Jason Herbert (01:34:57.172)
Here's my question we get to the beach. Everyone's happy What happens to our characters? I asked you to think about this a little bit earlier on what happens to the Goonies? Years later, who did the Goonies become in 2024? They'd be a Yeah, okay. So so we're we're all in our mid we're all in our mid 40s to late 30s Jamie was just birthday the other day I noticed well that right?

John Wyatt (01:35:09.606)
So we're doing like a Sandlot ending. Sweet.

Leah (01:35:12.152)
I'm sorry.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:35:20.932)

Jason Herbert (01:35:25.396)
there all the goodies now would have been mid 50s to like 60 I think is like what Josh Brolin is now. So here's our question I'm going to throw some names at you and you tell me what they're doing these days all right I'm going to start kind of backwards here brand Josh Brolin what's he doing what happens to brand?

Leah (01:35:48.184)
He's, I don't know, he's working in a mill somewhere. Yeah.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:35:51.62)
I was gonna say high school PE teacher.

Jason Herbert (01:35:54.312)
I get the sense that he's like working class. Right? He's a electrician, carpenter, some what that just whatever, just working kind of guy. All right. chunk. What's chunk doing and what happens to chunk? All right. And, and our brand, I'm sorry, we're going to have to read our brand and, Andy still together. Absolutely not. No, no, absolutely not. Okay.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:36:11.172)

John Wyatt (01:36:18.982)
No, no. So I would say, like, I have a different take on Brand. I feel like he goes into, I feel like this sort of experience, like pushes him into like majoring in business and trying to get a job in investment banking.

Jason Herbert (01:36:25.78)

Jason Herbert (01:36:36.67)
You know what, he has some of the best parts of the film when he's like, is your mommy home? He's like, no, she went to the market to get Pampers for those kids. He does go back at those. He's got a pretty good distrust of those guys. So, all right. Chunk, what's Chunk doing? You said stand up, Jamie?

Jamie LH Goodall (01:36:54.052)
Yeah, I think he's a comedian. I think he reminds me of like on it, you know, the movie It, Richie. Richie becomes a standup comedian. Chunk reminds me of that. And he brings Sloth with him. Like they're just best buds.

Jason Herbert (01:37:01.812)

Jason Herbert (01:37:09.138)
I like this. Leah, what's Chuck doing?

John Wyatt (01:37:10.758)
Good to.

Leah (01:37:12.76)
I don't know, I just saw him like being a bartender and sloth is the bar back. Like he owns a bar.

Jason Herbert (01:37:18.292)
Well, you know what Jeff, do you know what Jeff Jeff Cohen, the actor it does now, right? He is, he's an entertainment lawyer. He's literally Keihei Kwan's attorney, the guy who plays data. He's his attorney. So when he won the best supporting actor last year, he specifically thanked, yeah, he specifically thanked Jeff Cohen on stage at the Academy Awards. I

Jamie LH Goodall (01:37:18.34)
I love that, too.

Leah (01:37:23.)
He was a lawyer, he's a lawyer.

John Wyatt (01:37:23.846)
He's a lawyer, right? He's an entertainment lawyer.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:37:38.98)
Yeah, for everything everywhere all at once, yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:37:47.58)
love this more than any other part that those two guys have stayed together. and then of course the whole part where like he got to see Harrison Ford for like the first time since and like both him and Harrison Ford who is a notable curmudgeon were like in tears and seeing each other. It just it made me reclaimed. go ahead. No I don't. Okay.

Leah (01:38:02.2)
Mm -hmm.

John Wyatt (01:38:06.598)
Hold on, I haven't, you keep skipping me, man. So, yeah, you do. It's okay, I forgive you, I forgive you. I think Chunk is like a mid -level civic bureaucrat.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:38:09.028)

Leah (01:38:09.312)

Jason Herbert (01:38:14.58)
Thank you.

John Wyatt (01:38:22.022)
And then he goes home and makes like TikTok videos and drinks.

Jason Herbert (01:38:28.808)
You think he's like a city planner?

Leah (01:38:29.528)
I don't really have high hopes for anybody.

Jason Herbert (01:38:32.562)
no, I have thoughts.

John Wyatt (01:38:34.438)
No, yeah. I think he's like a mid -level clerk in the water department or something in Astoria. I don't think he goes anywhere.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:38:34.5)
Yeah, I was gonna say, no, I have some, I have some good.

Leah (01:38:45.56)
Yeah, no, I don't think it goes anywhere.

Jason Herbert (01:38:48.052)
Can I give you my hot take? I think that Mouth and Steph are married. And they've been married twice. They've gotten married, divorced, and remarried.

John Wyatt (01:38:50.758)
See you soon, man.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:38:58.564)

John Wyatt (01:38:59.622)
I like that.

Leah (01:39:00.236)
Is he a plumber like his dad? Does he go into the family business?

Jason Herbert (01:39:03.604)
I think he's a local attorney. He's a mouth. He likes to talk.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:39:07.396)
I just say mouth becomes the mayor, like the local mayor or whatever.

Jason Herbert (01:39:11.028)
The local, yeah, he's got a good heart. I think there's something deeper to him out than what we see.

Leah (01:39:11.288)
yeah, he's very politician -ish. Yeah.

John Wyatt (01:39:18.15)
Yeah, and I got the sense from him that he was trying to escape his family's, like the family business, right? Like the way that he carries himself, the way that he's like become weirdly fluent in like, know, 17th century Spanish. And the bit with the coin, right? Like the wishes, right? Like.

Leah (01:39:23.51)

Jason Herbert (01:39:24.398)
Yeah, yeah, try to be bigger.

Jason Herbert (01:39:35.41)

Leah (01:39:40.664)
Well, I guess, you know, childhood traumas were in its ugly head because I've seen a lot of this, you know, coming from these little tiny towns in East Texas. And a lot of people have big dreams, but you know, 30 years later, 40 years later, they're living in their parents' house. You know, their parents have passed and now they're living in that house. And, you know, their grandkids are coming over to that. So they never really...

Jamie LH Goodall (01:39:40.676)

Leah (01:40:06.934)
Especially like a lot of my classmates, they never really escaped that area and even.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:40:11.588)
I mean, the same is true for me being like after my dad got out of the Navy, grew up in like, Nowheresville, North Carolina. Like, it was so weird, like after high school, so many people just stayed. Even if they went off to college, they came back. But then it was like the people who dated in high school didn't get married, but they married other people from high school. It was a very weird dynamic. But yeah, so like looking at like all the people I went to high school with, especially, it's like. Not most everybody's still there.

Leah (01:40:30.296)
other people from high school, yeah.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:40:41.092)
Honestly, so small towns, man.

Jason Herbert (01:40:45.044)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:40:46.436)
for a Boris.

He became Ouroboros! Do you know how much the Loki TV series? my god!

Jason Herbert (01:40:49.524)

Leah (01:40:53.72)

Jason Herbert (01:40:53.78)
How much time do you think I have? Everybody assumes it because I've got H8CM like you must watch everything and I'm like, my god You guys have no idea how much I don't want to watch TV sometimes

Leah (01:41:01.912)
I could ask my son about Loki.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:41:02.436)
You guys are breaking my heart. So Loki the TV series, I mean...

Jason Herbert (01:41:06.452)
I'm sorry I'm not nerdy enough for you, Jamie.

Leah (01:41:08.952)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:41:11.3)
Data becomes Ouroboros who creates the entire like multiverse. So Loki ends up at the place where like they keep track of all the different tracks of the multiverse, right? And Data is Ouroboros who is like, who is the architect of this. He's like this.

science time lord wizard genius. That is who data becomes. He becomes Ouroboros. It is like it is Goonies in the future. So that is that is my and and Ouroboros is played by K. Wee Kwan. Like it is the same person.

Leah (01:42:02.582)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:42:06.356)
You really, you just went meta on us. Leah, are you buying in on this Ouroboros thing?

Jamie LH Goodall (01:42:08.644)

Leah (01:42:11.96)
Me? No, I mean, my son, my son could probably tell you all about it, but no, because he talks about, you know, all of that all the time, but no, I don't watch it. But I do know, I do know that Data's character went on to the series.

Jason Herbert (01:42:13.042)

Jason Herbert (01:42:23.412)
John White.

John Wyatt (01:42:32.23)
So I haven't watched it either, so I can't weigh in on this one way or the other. Sorry, Jamie, I'm old. We established that the very, like, this was the first thing we established is that I'm old.

Jason Herbert (01:42:39.54)
He is, John White is the oldest here. Listen, at 37, you were not the baby of anything anymore. You, yeah. You're questioning life at this point in time.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:42:40.772)
I don't get that I am the baby of this group, but I am by far not young.

Leah (01:42:43.032)
I'm sorry.


John Wyatt (01:42:49.542)
So the question I have about... Well done. Have you figured it out yet? Because I'd like to know. It's in the bottle of buffalotry. So the question I have about Dedet is how much his last line and last scene influences where he goes in life.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:42:52.9)
I've been questioning life since I was five.

Sorry. No.

Jason Herbert (01:43:00.722)
You know where the answer is? It's in the bottom of Buffalo Trace Bourbon. Yes.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:43:06.722)

John Wyatt (01:43:17.638)
So like, I believe he winds up as a software engineer working for like Google or something like that. But is he like, has he decided that humanity matters in the system or like, does that, you know, like, you know, cause that last bit where his dad's camera doesn't work and he's like, it's okay dad, like hugs are better than technology. Like, does that carry on or like, does he wind up as a 50 year old who's like, the great thing about AI is that we can get rid of all of the people who do things.

Leah (01:43:35.704)

Leah (01:43:46.122)

Jason Herbert (01:43:46.26)
Yeah, someone has to break bad initiative. Someone's going to have to have a villain turn in this. One of the Goonies is going to have to make a villain turn. Someone's got to go heel turn. And we've only got one person left, so it could be data.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:43:47.301)
Now you guys gotta watch Loki.

Leah (01:43:49.31)

Jason Herbert (01:44:00.884)
What if data is corrupted by the system later on? What if he gets heartbroken?

Jamie LH Goodall (01:44:06.852)
Do you know who's corrupted by the system? Andy.

Jason Herbert (01:44:08.596)
Don't say Mikey. Andy becomes a crack addict.

Leah (01:44:10.944)
Andy, I was gonna say Andy. Andy's... Andy's gonna be... yeah, because she's...

John Wyatt (01:44:12.902)

John Wyatt (01:44:18.214)
Well that went in the direction I wasn't expecting, but sure.

Leah (01:44:21.048)
What did you say, Jason?

Jason Herbert (01:44:22.324)
I said Andy becomes a crack addict. It's Andy who moves. Did she move? my. my. No, what happens if Andy actually marries Troy after all?

Jamie LH Goodall (01:44:24.516)
She's Lauren Boebert.

Leah (01:44:26.04)
Yeah, she's Lauren Poverts. Yeah, absolutely. She's...

John Wyatt (01:44:26.342)
There's your prostitution, Leah.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:44:33.452)
Lauren Boebert, man.

Leah (01:44:33.752)
she's gonna marry Troy. I think she sees Troy's flaws and she's trying to get she's trying to get out of her situation. She sees Troy's flaws. Troy's family just lost. She's not going for Troy. There's other people in that in that region.

Jason Herbert (01:44:46.964)

Jason Herbert (01:44:50.494)
Well you think she gets sick, she succumbs and goes full MAGA.

Leah (01:44:54.328)
I think she goes for Maga. She's the so

Jason Herbert (01:44:56.34)
man, that is, that's just sad.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:44:57.188)
It's one of two things. She either goes full MAGA and she's like Lauren Bober MTG like 2 .0 or or she marries Mikey.

Jason Herbert (01:45:03.346)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:45:08.244)
That's what I was gonna say. I think this is what happens. I think she marries Mikey. Mikey is a high school history teacher.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:45:10.372)
One of two!

Leah (01:45:16.094)
That makes sense. Makes sense.

Jason Herbert (01:45:17.78)
It's the only thing for Mikey to be. Go ahead. Yeah.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:45:18.116)
I was going to say local archivist, but high school history teacher, sure. But I was going to say like the local county archives or whatever.

Jason Herbert (01:45:29.396)
And they've got multiple kids and brand has to be the uncle to them. And it's a little weird sometimes. It's like this. It's like the Christmas scene and and the bear.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:45:33.348)
Yep. That is a little weird.

Leah (01:45:35.32)
That is slower.

Leah (01:45:41.52)
That's it.

John Wyatt (01:45:45.766)
So I can see this because the Andi character, and I said this earlier, right, the thing I didn't like about her is that she doesn't so much have her own personality, she just sort of attaches onto other people, right? And so like, it would make sense in the context of all of the different characters in the movie that she would like find herself attracted to the, like the primary, like driving personality in the group, which is absolutely Mikey.

Leah (01:46:03.704)

Jason Herbert (01:46:06.932)
And it was Mikey.

Leah (01:46:08.056)
Mikey. Well, I mean, I'm putting my film theory cap on at the moment, but to me, she represents the pirate's booty in the film because she's the prize that these two men are fighting over. And so her character is just that, is the pretty girl who's the cheerleader who becomes the treasure, who is the treasure to be won.

Jason Herbert (01:46:21.588)
Mm -hmm.

Leah (01:46:37.24)
And so she's the pirate's booty in the end.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:46:41.028)
And Mikey is the only one of the group who doesn't view her that way. In my opinion.

Leah (01:46:45.174)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:46:45.972)
Hence worthy of the booty.

Leah (01:46:49.112)
Who's worthy of the booty?

John Wyatt (01:46:49.318)
He's also the best treasure secret of the lot.

Leah (01:46:52.6)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:46:53.124)
He is, it's true.

Jason Herbert (01:46:53.779)
Jesus, we got way deeper on this show than I ever thought I did. All right. All right. Final question. We have we have we have two final questions tonight. Your penultimate question. What is your pirate name?

Leah (01:46:55.64)

John Wyatt (01:46:56.87)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:47:09.604)
I mean, I already have one. That's not fair. Torian. So it is a combination of my social media monikers, which is La Historienne, which is French for the historian, and Tyrion Lannister because I drink and I know things. So Torian, I am the ship scholar for the Mari Nostrum, which is a group based out of Southern Maryland. We go to the Maryland Renaissance Festival.

Jason Herbert (01:47:11.208)
What is it? Go for it. What is it?

Jason Herbert (01:47:20.882)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:47:37.748)
I love it.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:47:38.084)
So that is my Pirate Alter Eko and that's if you should happen to be at the Maryland Renaissance, you know, fly out to the Maryland Renaissance Festival this September for Pirate Weekend that Saturday, I will be there yet again signing books for Author Weekend.

Leah (01:47:53.944)
Thank you.

Jason Herbert (01:47:54.164)
Sorry, I'm trying to get HATM equal. I'm literally trying to get us into Telluride this year. Like, I'm going for it because we're here. Leah, what's your private name?

Leah (01:48:05.592)
be so eloquent. I would probably be called big booty something and I'm the harlot or the or the wench. I'm the wench like big booty Leah, the wench that like passes out the beers to the

Jason Herbert (01:48:11.924)
Big booty something sounds good.

Jason Herbert (01:48:22.164)
I feel like you could play off something like off the best little whorehouse in Texas, which we still have to do on this pod. Something like, couldn't you be booty partin? Or something like that?

Leah (01:48:26.112)

Leah (01:48:30.358)
Yeah, I could be like, yeah, yeah, booty treasure, something.

Jason Herbert (01:48:33.716)
Booty pardon.

Dad. John White?

John Wyatt (01:48:39.078)
It's gotta be something with eels, right?

Leah (01:48:40.876)

Jason Herbert (01:48:41.78)
Does it? Does it have to be? You could be a lamp right now. Okay, go for it.

Leah (01:48:43.992)
It absolutely does.

John Wyatt (01:48:45.51)
I mean, well, I mean, it could be. I mean, that's the only tattoo I've got is an eel. So like that sort of points me in the right direction. Hmm. I don't know. Yeah. I get called the eel guy a lot. That's not a really very pirate kind of name though.

Jason Herbert (01:48:55.412)
change ups.

Jason Herbert (01:49:02.836)
I guess maybe we could title you... Actually that would be awesome if your name, if your pirate name was just the eel guy. Hey, who's flag is that? It's the eel guy. Okay.

John Wyatt (01:49:09.99)
Okay. But then I could call my ship the Eel Wind, right?

Leah (01:49:10.176)

Leah (01:49:19.768)

Jason Herbert (01:49:20.596)
Yeah, yeah, you do whatever. All right. this is to give you.

John Wyatt (01:49:21.262)
It blows no good.

Leah (01:49:24.952)
I'm seeing more of a cart like your snake oil salesman. Like the ill guy. Yeah, selling your wares, your magical potions.

John Wyatt (01:49:28.71)
Real guy. Yeah, a guy.

Jason Herbert (01:49:33.748)
I would -

John Wyatt (01:49:36.422)
They want me yields.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:49:37.092)
You could be Black John Eel, right? Like.

John Wyatt (01:49:41.478)
There we go. I'm pretty white, but still in a lot of ways.

Jason Herbert (01:49:41.844)
So bad. Yeah. Purple. Purple's regal.

Leah (01:49:42.584)
There we go.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:49:45.742)
It's the black legend. Black Sam Bellamy, very white. Blackbeard, very white. Like...

John Wyatt (01:49:49.126)
Very white, that's a good point. All right, all right. So I just have to be evil. I can do that, I can be evil.

Jason Herbert (01:49:50.42)
That's fair.

Can I give you mine? Go ahead.

Leah (01:49:56.248)

Jason Herbert (01:49:57.588)
When, when my -

Jamie LH Goodall (01:49:57.7)
or mysterious because black San Bellamy, not evil, just very mysterious.

Jason Herbert (01:50:06.004)
something for you to think about the future. What's the name of your? All right. Mine was a.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:50:09.636)
No, Black Sam, but let me not evil. He was known as the Prince of pirates. He.

Jason Herbert (01:50:14.196)
Well, when my when my son was little, we used to like in the bath and play pirates and stuff like that. He has pirate name and I had mine and I've kept mine. I'm dirty Blake Wallace. That's my that's that's that's my pirate name. Dirty Blake Wallace. All right. Final question. Is the Goonies a history movie? Jamie Goodall to first episode. That was fast.

Leah (01:50:25.138)

Jamie LH Goodall (01:50:35.46)
Yes. Absolutely.

Jason Herbert (01:50:40.276)
Leah? I'll listen to you. That's good.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:50:40.516)
Because what is history but legend?

Leah (01:50:42.776)
Yeah. I think it is. Absolutely.

John Wyatt (01:50:49.542)
I'd say no, I don't think it's a history movie. It's a fun movie, but I don't think it's a history movie. You can make the Thomas Huckock argument that it's a history movie and that it speaks to a specific moment in like of 80s history, a moment in time where you can look at it as kind of like an encapsulated little time, an encapsulated time capsule. That's the Pendleton talking. But.

Jason Herbert (01:51:06.716)
Mm -hmm.

Jason Herbert (01:51:16.146)
I just feel like if you're gonna pull a Thomas LeCocque reference, you've gotta say it angrily. You've really gotta have some pent -up rage there. Something along the lines and just be like, just let us have it. Yeah, please, just one more time for the Thomas LeCocque. Okay, go ahead. Okay.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:51:18.756)

John Wyatt (01:51:20.966)
Okay, all right. Okay, do you want me to try it again?

Okay. yeah, sure. Sure. Okay, so if it's, if it's gonna be a history movie, right? Like if you could talk about it as like this fucking thing from the 1980s, where it's like, yes, this is how we were at this time. And like, we can look back at it and be like, okay, yeah, like it's, it's, it's a time capsule telling us about this pre, like, you know, this Reagan era economics bullshit period. But

Jason Herbert (01:51:56.34)

John Wyatt (01:51:58.438)
Yeah, as an actual movie talking about history in the past and what fucking pirate ships actually look like? No, not at all!

Is that better?

Leah (01:52:09.528)
needed a few more fucks in there but it was good. You are.

John Wyatt (01:52:12.964)
I'm just, it's a work in progress.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:52:17.7)
I will say it's pretty accurate shit, by the way.

Leah (01:52:19.16)
Yeah, that was like...

Jamie LH Goodall (01:52:21.924)
So if your problem is with the ship, that is not.

John Wyatt (01:52:26.214)
No, no, actually I had problems with the map, but not the ship. I don't know enough about ships.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:52:30.116)
Okay, the map is fine. That is...

Leah (01:52:30.358)

John Wyatt (01:52:36.838)
You all right there, Jason?

Jason Herbert (01:52:37.044)
Well, it turns out my chest was hurting like from the insides because all I could say, because I talked to Thomas on the phone earlier and he was so happy because he's in New England right now. And he's like, I just love the archives. Did you know there are trees in Vermont, Jason, when Thomas is happy, he's so fucking happy. I had a Snickers today. Had you ever considered the interplay between chocolate and peanuts and caramel? This just delightful. You know, someone.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:52:43.652)

Leah (01:52:52.12)
I'm sorry.

Jason Herbert (01:53:06.324)
thought of that somewhere along the way. And you know what they thought? I shouldn't keep this to myself. Jason, I should share it. And I feel like I can call you. This is our Snickers. Look, there's a butter. It's springtime in Vermont. He called me. I think he called us on the same drive. So.

John Wyatt (01:53:23.206)
I had a very similar conversation with him today because he was driving across the state.

Leah (01:53:32.888)
I love that.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:53:33.444)
I love it.

Jason Herbert (01:53:34.58)
I think I prefer angry Thomas actually, cause like happy Thomas is like...

Thank you so much. We love him. I know. All right. Jamie Goodall, Leah LeGrone, John Wyatt Greenlee. Guys, thank you so very much for being here. I was so excited to share this and talk about this movie that's, I don't know, I don't know if it's a history movie or not, but it's part of our history, right? It really is. It really did form. The thing that I really love is that three of us here have kids and the three of us have all shared this film with our kids.

Leah (01:53:41.72)
That's so funny.

Leah (01:53:49.24)
Yeah, thank you.

John Wyatt (01:53:55.43)
It's fun. Yeah, absolutely.

Leah (01:53:56.6)
It's part of our history, yeah.

Jason Herbert (01:54:08.82)
And that's a cool part. Like when you can legitimately share a part, something like this that really informed your childhood and you think fondly on it. And then like our kids do this and you know, maybe they share, share with their kids. I mean, I can only imagine that they might it's this movie is held up extraordinarily well. It really does. This is there are films from the eighties that do this, this the original back to the future. A few others. It's such a fun movie and sitting back and getting to watch it and share this thing.

And to share it with you guys has been such a lot of fun. So guys, thank you so very much. I don't know how to end this except for to say one last. Is it, I was trying to goonies that givers the ever say die, right? I was trying to work a, Hey, you guys in there, but we'll do that in the intro guys. This is a blast. Thank you so much.

John Wyatt (01:54:42.726)
Thank you.

Jamie LH Goodall (01:54:45.316)
This ship is a treasure. This whole ship is a treasure.

Leah (01:54:47.08)
Yeah, Goonies never die. Goonies never die.

John Wyatt (01:54:48.998)
Goonies never die!

Leah (01:54:55.768)
Yeah, yeah, greenies never say die.

Thank you.

John Wyatt (01:55:01.254)
Thank you.