AVAX Ecosystem Space

How GoGoPool and VectorFi's Autocompounder are Expanding Avalanche

Steven Gates

GoGoPool, Landslide + Savvy Defi talked to Vector Finance about how their autocompounder and ggAVAX  has effected the Avalanche LSDeFi space for the better

Social Links:
GoGoPool Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoGoPool_
Savvy DeFi Twitter: https://twitter.com/SavvyDeFi
Landslide Twitter: https://twitter.com/CosmosAVAX

I would like to welcome everyone to The AVAX ecosystem space. I am one of your lovely hosts. My name is Brevi. I do growth things with GoGoPool. If you don't know what GoGoPool is, it's a permissionless liquid staking protocol with the specific vision of expanding the avalanche to subnet economy. I am joined here by my lovely co hosts. First off, we got Alex Lumley at the helm of Savvy DeFi doing non liquidated lines of credit. Say, what's up, my friend? GM, GM. GM, GM. I am also joined by my other lovely co host here. We got Nathan Windsor, founder of Landslide, and he's bringing the cosmos to avalanche. Say, what's up, my friend? Push ups push ups push ups. Let's get it I want 100 right now. I want 100 right before I finish this intro And I am also joined by our lovely guest We have vector finance. I'm going to believe we have rev at the home of vector finance. For those of you who don't know what vector fi is auto compounding pools. And we're going to be talking a lot about that today. Say what's up my friend. Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, my friend. So happy to have you here and for everyone out there, I'm just going to go over the agenda really quick. Uh, first thing I'm going to do, we're going to start off with an interview with vector finance. Of course. Go tell us a little bit. Rev's going to tell us a little bit about his crypto story. We're going to talk about, uh, VectorFi as an auto compounder and talk about what that means and why that's important. We're also going to talk about some of the programs and things that are going to be coming out on the roadmap for Vector Finance. We'll talk about the Platypus Finance program. The Z Joe program, as well as aggregating new protocols as well. What new protocols are on the horizon? And then we're going to shut this thing down maybe for some closing remarks, but I guess to start everything off rev. Can you give us a crypto story, man? How did you get started here? Yeah, man, I think, uh, like a lot of folks, I got started, um, in trading. I, I saw a chance to try and make some money or lose some money in this case, um, and started trading, looked into the tech, started thinking about what was actually going on and said, well, this is way more than just trading. This isn't, um, stocks and bonds. This is, um, something that with DeFi, with NFTs, with all this things going on, this is actually a revolutionary space. Um, so that's where my name comes from, is, is Rev, it's short for Revolutionary Spaces. I started... Um, looking into the tech, writing about it, doing, uh, community management. Uh, way back in the day I was with, not, not working with the developers, but, uh, doing community management for the Iron Finance folks. I don't remember Iron Finance and just the, uh, dramatic crash of Titan back in the day, but, um, massive failure of a stablecoin. Not something I was involved with deeply, but, uh, doing some community management, trying to wrangle stuff over there, and then... Um, just kept on going, uh, got involved with, uh, the frogs and another stablecoin crew with, uh, Mim and, and, and Spell and everybody over there. Um, really fell in love with kind of what everything was going on with DeFi, um, and then slowly but surely ended up over on Avex and, and found a really, uh, just amazing... space here of people who are builders, people who are willing to experiment, um, uh, supportive network, supportive ecosystem, and so just, uh, ended up here with Vector Finance. Rev, I had like a very similar kind of, um, kind of, uh, crypto story to you where I kind of started off with trading. Um, didn't do very well at all. Uh, and in, in my opinion, man, I was just a little bit too greedy and would hold on for too long. Um, but I, and then I also joined something that is no longer here anymore and that's Terra Luna as well. So we all know what happened with Terra Luna. Um, so like very, very similar story. I was getting my flashbacks as we were kind of talking. Um, now I, I gotta ask you like, you know, what brought you over to Vector Finance? Um, what kind of interested you and, um, you know, how did you, and what do you do for Vector Finance actually? Yeah, yeah. So, um, what interested me in the team, I, I, I got to know these guys, uh, through a project called MAG, MagnetDAO. Um, was a early AVAX investment DAO. Um, we were basically a fork of home that we're trying to do some stuff. Um, and our very first project was Vector and it kind of took off and we, we, um, moved into doing that full time. Um, closed up shop on, on Mag and have been doing Vector ever since. Um, what got me interested in these folks is, this is just an incredible team of, of builders. Smart, smart guys, um, guys with financial backgrounds, guys with, um, AI tech background. Um, uh, me in product management and community management. Um, and so that's what I do over on the vectors finance side is, uh, a lot of relationship development, BD, uh, partnerships and community management. So I'm just getting the good word about vector out there. So, yeah, I love that you said that the good word, cause it is the good word for sure. Then for, you know, for anyone out there who just like might not be privy to what vector finance is building, can you kind of just go over it? Yeah, absolutely. Um, so we've had a lot of, lot of things that we've done and we've built over the days. Um, our very first thing that we built was platypus finance and aggregating platypus. Um, the V E in vector stands for, uh, vote escrow. So if you know that model, you know that there's a lot of power in accruing V E power. Um, platypus has one of those. Um, and so that's the very first thing we, we, we built. We can talk about that in a sec, that's ongoing. Uh, we've built some stuff for Trader Joe when Trader Joe had some VE Joe stuff. Um, and now we're building, continuing to build with, with Joe and what they're doing on S Joe. Um, we're doing stuff with Platypus, we're doing stuff with Balancer, and then we'll, we'll talk about some new protocol stuff that we want to do in the future. But um, at the core of it, what we're trying to do is build a DeFi hub on Avalanche, becoming the DeFi hub, having the best strategies, the most, uh, VE power, um, having tons of ways to, to gain yield on Avax. You know what, you, you know what, since, since you mentioned VE, uh, would you mind kind of going into a little bit, I, I wouldn't say that I'm the most well versed person on VE power. Yeah, absolutely. Um, so, let's take Platypus as an example, they've got, uh, the Platypus token PTP, um, when you stake it on their platform or lock it, um, you can gain VE power. That gets you, um, boosted yield on LPs that are deposited on Platypus, so your stable coins, your AVEX, etc. And you can do that as an individual user. You can, um, stake or lock PTP and gain boosted yield from that, meaning your APR on what you're earning from Platypus is boosted. Um, but if you don't want to do that, maybe you just want to have exposure to stablecoins or exposure to SAVX. Um, you can actually use our platform to do that. We've aggregated a ton of PTP. We've locked it on the platypus platform, and that gets us a ton of V E PTP. Um, and what we get from that is again that boosted yield. We can apply it to our stakers. Um, it also gets us the power to vote on platypus vote on where their emissions are going, how that works out, and then we get bribes back from that. Um, and those bribes are, go back to our, our, our voters. Um, the, we've got our VTX that you can, is our native token, you use that to vote, you lock it up on our platform, you get a share of the fees from what we're taking, all the things that we're boosting, we're taking a small fee from, um, and sending that back to VTX, um, and, and go from there. Um, you know, there's kind of three portions that you can do on Platypus, uh, be a stablecoin depositor, be someone that, uh, has PTP and gets a VEPTP boost, or someone gets, uh, voting. We've segmented that out into three different ways that you can interact on Vector, and made that, uh, pretty easy to do. And as a person who was actually, I just, uh, I just put some balancer tokens on, uh, Vector Finance earlier, it's a, it's a pretty simple process. For anyone out there, if you've never done it, don't worry. We'll be coming out with a tutorial video as well on it. So we can walk you through step by step, but a bit pretty easy process. Um, and very, very great UI as you guys got on your, on your platform. Um, so hats off to you folks on that. Uh, but I do have to ask, cause I know you said the V token, I'm just going to give you that boosted yield. Where does that. Yeah, so platypus actually, uh, uh, allocates those emissions to you and they let you decide where, uh, emissions come from. So, um, a certain portion is just the base rate and then depending on how much VE power you have, there's more of that gets allocated to you. So there's going to be emissions that are always going out from platypus. A certain amount are just the base and a certain amount towards VE PTP holders. The more VE PTP. Power you have the more of that boosted yield you get vector has a ton of it. We've got about 33 or more at this point and so we're getting a huge amount of that So it's it's basically a section of their emissions. We're getting more of that because of the boost Gotcha. Gotcha, my friend. Thank you. So thank you so much for answering that and I'm talking a little bit about like kind of those be tokenomics because those for some reason, like, even though it's in the United, you've kind of explained. It seems extremely simple. For some reason, my mind is was not able to wrap around it when I was, you know, kind of reading up for myself. Now, I know that you talk a lot about, you know, becoming like that defy hub on avalanche. Um, and I know Nathan has some questions to about kind of like that, kind of about how like platypus kind of program is going to work and kind of timeline. So Nathan, you got it from here, my friend. Yeah. Um, can you, can you talk a little bit about how, what is a DeFi hub for Avalanche and what makes it a hub? Yeah, I think what makes it a hub, uh, for us is, is just having these multiple different strategies for engaging in DeFi. Particularly when it comes to yield boosting, we want to see that, um, really take off. Um, but things like an auto compounder for balancer is, is one of those. Um, platypus is another version. If you've got, uh, liquidity that you wanna put on platypus and stable coins or SX or W B T C and you want a pretty good yield on that, you can come to us. Um, or if you've got. S AVX and you prefer to be on Balancer. We've got our auto compounders that we can talk about, um, that basically take those rewards from Balancer that you're getting in WAVX and USDC, and it takes those and puts it into whatever pool you're in. So if you're in the S AVX pool, um, which has S AVX and AVX, um, it'll take that USDC, buy more AVX, put it back into the pool for you, um, grow your yield over time in a way that... It takes advantage of auto compounding. It's a, you know, frequent buys of that. You're kind of DCAing, growing that base, and therefore increasing how much you're earning over time. So that, that kind of, there's multiple strategies that you can engage with on Vector, and that's why we think about it as a DeFi hub. It's not like, we're not trying to get power on just Curve, like Convex, or power on this very specific yield, like Pendle or something like that. We're trying to have expansive. Um, expansive ways, a number of options so that our users can take advantage of what they're interested in, have a lot of different things they can do, um, and then at the core of it, VTX lockers benefit from that as well, because that again, that fee comes back to them from whatever we're doing. And the fee, is that, uh, illustrated in the total revenue? That total revenue is what's gone out to everyone from our boosting, from all of the rewards that's come in. Um, you can kind of take a, go look at our docs and take a look at each of the fee for, uh, the different strategies we have and kind of extrapolate from that. Um, but you can, really the best way to do it is go look at VTX. On our site, when you lock it up, how much you can earn from just locking it up. You can get a breakdown of how much actual other tokens you're getting. So you're getting a mix of tokens from other protocols because we're taking a fee on all of them. It's basically you're like, you're getting a blue chip, a number of tokens from everybody on Avalanche because of how many things that we're working on, how much we're sending back to VTX lockers. If you don't want those tokens, um, say that you're just a strong VTX bull, you can actually put VTX in our auto compounder, and we'll take those tokens, sell them for more VTX, you get more VTX accruing over time, higher APY, etc. Um, so it's, it's, it's a pretty killer way to, to earn yield on, on Avalanche. So, but, but the yield, the yield is essentially in... Um, like VE tokens and, and, um, Joe and Plat and PTP, right? Uh, it's in Joe, PTP, WAVEX, USDC, uh, KEY, I think there's some YETI in there. Uh, it's whatever a mix of those rewards tokens that we're getting from these different strategies. Um, and because we've got so many now, it's a pretty big mix. Sorry, um, how can a user get a good overview of the dashboard? Yeah, yeah. Um, so if they want to head to vectorfinance. io and then under the pools section, you can look for the VTX locking section, very top, and you can hover over the APR and take a look at that. Understood. But the APR is like, not in USD, it's paid out in the pool tokens. Right, so what you're seeing on the, on the front page, I'll just bring it up so that I'm actually talking about, like, exactly what to... So, um, you're getting, when you lock VTX, uh, particularly, VTX takes fees from everybody, is you're getting key from Banky, which is coming from our Platypus strategies. Um, you're getting voting bribes from Platypus, which has, they've got a number of tokens. You've got USDC that is coming from our, our ZJOE strategy, from Balancer, uh, et cetera, because we're taking a fee on all their award tokens from those pools. Uh, so yeah, these tokens that you're getting as a VTX locker, they're from the rewards of other pools, the strategies that we've built, we've taken a small fee and we're sending that to VTX holders. So, um, I'm gonna sort of loop in Brevi here. Brevi, there's a GG AVAX, AVAX pool. On Vector, would you describe, um, would you describe that a little bit for users and what the overlap is with GoGoPool? Yeah, yeah, gotcha my friend. So, and I just, and it's, it's, thank you for asking because I actually did this earlier. So, what, um, GG AVAX users can do, you can deposit your AVAX into GoGoPool right now. Grab some GGA VACs and then take that GGA VACs over to balancer site. We have a GGA VACs, a WA VACs pool over there that you can go ahead and deposit into. And once you do that, you'll get rewards in AVAX, USDC, as well as GGP tokens. Um, but as opposed to, cause in balancer, you have to stake their like LP token or whatever it's called. I forgot what it's called. Um, you have to stake that usually the balancer, you can instead stake that over on vector finance. Into their auto compound or pool. And as opposed to you getting all those rewards, it of course will auto compound and, um, help build your principle. Um, pretty, pretty smooth process. Um, just did it this morning while I was making the tutorial and, um, yeah, yeah, that's kind of all I got on that. But I, I do got a, I do got a question as well. Cause, um, I know that AVAX SQL system space is the space where deals get made here. So, uh, vector finance, you said that. You're, you're giving CHI tokens and a bunch of other tokens to VTX holders. How can, how can a little old project like Google Pool kind of get involved with that? Yeah, so, um, a lot of those are coming from our Platypus strategy. They basically bribe, uh, KEY and other protocols bribe to have emissions, uh, go towards those from PTP, um, go towards those pools so they're providing liquidity there. Um, so we're taking a portion of that and sending that to VTX. Um, you know, you, you can bribe VTX directly, but you need to find a reason to do so. Um, we have voting power on Platypus right now. If you guys had a, uh, Platypus, uh, pool for GG AVAX, WAVAX, as, uh, you know, another liquidity pool, we could take those GGPs. Use them as a bribe on Vector, um, and then we could up your, your power on Platypus so that you'd have more emissions from Platypus, uh, wouldn't be GGP, it'd just be, um, their PTP token, and you'd have more liquidity, uh, just come, come in because of that. You'd, you'd basically be seeing a new liquidity pool for GGAVEX AVEX. Also, I want to say, briefly, uh, GGAVX is the second biggest TVL pool on Vector outside of SAVX. Yeah, it is, buddy. And, um, yeah, thank you for shouting that out too, Nathan. Nathan does such a better job at promoting GGP than me. What up, guys? I do marketing things at GGP. I love it. We've seen, we've seen, since we've started talking to you guys, people have really taken on to our balancer pool. They've loved, they've loved to see, um, what we're doing. As far as auto compounders, it is the, the number, number two TVL. Um, a lot of people have pumped in. I haven't been tracking balancers, uh, TVL overall. But I wouldn't, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some increased exposure to ggavx through us. Um, we have a really lively community. We have a ton of folks that are in our Discord. We, they love DeFi on, on Avalanche and that exposure to Avax through ggavx is, is just a a pretty neat thing that, that is new to them entirely. So, um, I've been really happy to see the, the uptake on the, the balancer pool. Um, if I could, I'll, I'll go over the balancer pool and auto compounding real, real quick one more time, just because that's our, our most recent release, um, and super important to us. Uh, balancer is new to Avalanche. Um, balancer allows you to have various types of pools, um, with different weights for the tokens. Um, I think if I bullet, if I recall correctly, GG AVX is, is balanced with. Uh, it's 50 50. So your guys pool is ggavx and wavx. Um, and what that does is it lets people who want to enter or exit the ggavx ecosystem do so really easily. If they've got, uh, wavx and they, um, want to get ggavx, obviously they can convert it. Um, but the other thing they can do is just buy it straight up. Maybe they see an arbitrage opportunity where ggavx is underpriced compared to what it should be. Um, based off of time, et cetera, et cetera. Um, and so they can go buy that from the liquidity pool, and they make an arbitrage opportunity, and they've got ggavx at that point. They can then stake it, uh, in the pool and provide liquidity there, um, they can hold it, you know, all these sorts of great things that you can do with ggavx, and I know you guys are expanding, uh, what you're doing even more and more. Um, If they don't want to hold on ggavx for whatever reason, sad, boohoo, um, they can sell that for WavX and exit through that liquidity pool. So it's super vital in order to have a thriving liquid staking token to make it liquid. That liquidity in the balancer pool is where you're getting that. And so we've been thrilled to kind of support that through this auto compounding liquidity pool. And again, what that means is all those rewards for the pool, I believe they're If I'm looking at it right now, it's, right now it's the ggavex apr, it's swap fees, and it's the staking apr, um, and you've got the ggp, so you've got ggp token, which is your guys's, uh, gogopool's governance token, people can earn that on balancer, they can earn a 10 point 16 percent APR on that. If they say don't want to hold on to that token, they want to earn rewards instead in ggavex and app and Webex, we can take their balancer tokens, you deposit them after you make them on balance, or you don't stake them on balance, or you then deposit them on us, we'll take the rewards from that pool ggp and put them back into the principle, which is ggavex. So instead of earning You'll start earning GGAVX and WAVX over time. It's a, it's a really unique way to differentiate on what you're earning and make it really easy, um, automatic. You don't have to do anything. We're doing it for you. Um, and it's all for a small fee. It's a very, very small fee. You can compare even the APR on our sites to what Balancer is giving you. Um, and, and you can see that it's, it's negligible difference between the two. Um, and because it's auto compounding, you're actually, you end up with those slightly better sometimes. Um, so I think it's a pretty unique way to DCA into, uh, GG Avex and, and earn yield on that in a, in a really nice fashion. And, you know, from the from the global pool perspective, you know, obviously we love it. Um, you know, as liquidity starts to build, we'll be able to start handling more defy integrations as well. Um, so we're definitely trying to build as much liquidity with, you know, balance your pool with the vector finance pool as possible. Um, you know, for everyone out there, Pramada, Savvy Intern, Monty, you know, as things start, as our liquidity starts to grow, um, obviously one, We'll start, we'll be able to help more subnets launch, more validators launch at half cost, but then two, we'll be able to give you more interesting kind of strategies that you can kind of do with more defy integrations, um, with, you know, with some of the defy integration that we're kind of talking to, and I obviously, as usual, guys, I come on here and I can't actually say who we're talking to. But if you're paying attention to our Twitter, um, then I do kind of make it painfully obvious. So, uh, so check that out if you ever can. Um, so also I, I want to talk to you a little bit about, uh, we'll, about, you know, what protocols you're planning on, uh, kind of. Good. You know, what's on the roadmap for Vector Finance as far as integrations for the protocols that you will have for your, um, your auto compounder? Can you talk a little bit more about it? Yeah, not necessarily for the auto compounder. We are looking at other ones on the network and there's, anytime there's a new yield source, a new pool with rewards, that's always really something that we put our eyes on. The thing that we're really looking forward to and and I can't get into exact details We're like weeks away from being able to start putting out exact details on who and what and where but we are um starting to look into a new program for aggregating a really vital, uh, Infrastructure for avalanche. Um, that's that's how I put it for now. I don't want to go too far down the road Um, but um, we we are going to start aggregating a new protocol that should be it's a deep into the core large tvl for avalanche Um, and something we're really excited about, um, and it's something that I think will open up a lot of opportunities for us, uh, to continue being at the base layer of, of Avalanche, um, supporting that infrastructure, making sure that the, the network is, you know, like you said, the, the more people that are staking, the more subnets that can get created, the more that they can be supported, et cetera, et cetera, um, so that's, that's very much where we're going with this next protocol, and then we've always got our eyes on the, the next thing on what could be aggregated. Thank you. Um, what new strategies we could come up with, um, you know, one thing that we've seen, uh, is, is over time things change, uh, for example, Trader Joe and their VE Joe program, um, was, was a thriving thing, but they brought in a new version of Joe that didn't need token emissions, so they turned off their VE Joe program. Um, and that left us with a ton of Joe. We have 14 million Joe tokens that, uh, are, are just kind of sitting there. And we were thinking, what do we need to do with these? Um, and what we did with them is we actually made a new, a brand new program, Z Joe, uh, liquid staking to take advantage of what they're doing with S Joe. So, um, S Joe is staked Joe. When you take Joe, you can stake it on Arbitrum or Avalanche. Um, and you can earn fees from trader Joe's. trades in USDC, you'll earn rewards just for staking that Joe. Um, and so with Vector having a ton of it, we said, well, we need to get, get on this staking. We put out a whole new program, we shifted from VE Joe shifted into ZE Joe, uh, LST, a liquid staking token, so that basically if you want that sjoe yield, you don't have to bridge over to Arbitrum or bridge back to Avalanche with joe to try and find the best yield bucket for that sjoe. We're doing it for you. If Arbitrum's yield is 7. 9 percent APR and Avalanche's is 3 or vice versa, We'll, using Layer 0 technology, bridge that Joe back and forth, stake it in the Joe bucket, get the best USDC rewards that we can from all that trading, and then bring it back to the Avalanche Hub, um, and give that to our Zjoe stakers and a small fee to our VTX holders. Um, so that was one of those things that's like, you As you've been on Vector you, or as you've been on Avalanche, you see things shift, things move. You need to, in the defi world, you need to be super quick to, to move with it. And we said, okay, Zi Joe. Uh, now we're, we're looking at an L S T and, and people have loved it. People have been, um, we've seen the, the number of people kind of buying up Xi Joe going back up. And, um, I think it's been a pretty great success. And just for holding a Z Joe or a Joe Token derivative, um, you're earning U S D C yield in the real time. Can you can you re go over that process without, um, using vector finance really quickly? How does that whole process work? If I was to want as Joe without using your protocol? Yeah, yeah, so what you would have to do if you weren't using vectors, you would have to check, you'd say, oh, I have some joe, um, I want to put in an sjoe, I'm on avalanche, oh, the APR here is 3. 9%, oh, over there it's 7. 9%. And it shifts daily. They have a 24 hour window that their APR changes on that yield, so depending on if Arbitrum's having more trades or Avalanche, that yield is going to change day to day. So you would need to go bridge it over to Arbitrum, cost you some fees, you'd need to stake it in Estro, wait, get those rewards, oh wait a minute, now Avalanche is doing better. Okay, now I need to go back. back and forth, back and forth. It's this manual, you need to check in, you need to watch it, you need to see what's going on, kind of pay attention process that I don't think a lot of people want to do because Joe has split the yield between Arbitrum and Avalanche and it's not sharing that reward back across and averaging that out. What we do is basically try and average that out a little bit. We reduce the volatility by Um, we bridge once a week. We look at historically how the APRs have been. Um, and we say, okay, let's get that Joe from here to here, depending on what the APR is. Um, so a lot, if you're doing it on your own, a lot of manually checking, a lot of manually moving, making sure you're in the best spot, uh, some fees, we can just do it for you instead with ZJoe. And I assume if someone has already staked their joe onto their joe, they would not be able to use the zjoe, there's no way to migrate that, right? So, uh, actually, that's the nice thing about sjoe is you can unstake at any time, um, what you'd do is you'd go to vector and you'd actually convert it to zjoe. Um, caveat, that there is no way to get... Z Joe directly in to Joe back to Joe once you've converted it, you we do have a liquidity pool. Um, pretty good depth on liquidity pool. We've seen a lot of trading a lot of volume on that liquidity pool. In fact, right now, if you were to buy from liquidity pool, um, You get an arbitrage opportunity because the ratio between Joe and Zee Joe is a little lower than, um, what we'd really like. Um, it's similar to, uh, convex curve and the curve pool. Sometimes people see that and they take advantage of that arbitrage opportunity. So, um, yeah, you can take that Joe, convert it on our site to Z Joe, stake it there. If you want to exit, you can exit via the pool. Um, that ratio has been steadily increasing as we've been, uh, implementing this program, getting news about it. Um, so we've seen some pretty good success and, and I think it's a, it's a solid program. If you want to sit in, in kind of a Joe exposure, um, through vector, through Z Joe, you can do that on our site. I love this. Thanks. I actually really love this and so, so Rev, I gotta ask you, uh, what, uh, are there any other strategies that you're seeing out there that you, that you guys are thinking about getting into? Uh, you know, we're always got it on the horizon. I think the thing that we've seen is there's, there's been a really good expansion of Folks like Savvy and others who are doing, uh, really interesting loan programs, really interesting, you know, uh, low, low collateral stuff, uh, leveraging things. I, I'm continuing to just try and think through how we can move all of these things together and use them together. Um, and I, I'm, I'm, so we got our eyes out there, nothing in particular, our next big move is that, uh, is that new protocol aggregation that I can't speak to, unfortunately, in depth, but, um, always have our eyes open and are looking at the, the next thing. Um, one of the things that we're super excited about just for the community's sake is what's going to be happening with, with move. Um, the movement labs that are coming up with the M1, um, kind of a new subnet using move. I'm super excited about that. I'm sure you guys are too as a new subnets coming on board. Um, so we're excited about that. We're kind of considering what we can do with that as, as a, as a team. And I'm just looking forward to continue to see what SEPnets develop on, on Avalanche. If you, if you don't mind,'cause uh, I'm, I'm not too privy to move. Would you mind just giving a quick overview if you can? Yeah. So, um, move the M one is, is the first part of it. It's basically the way, uh, to take move, which I, I, I, now, I'm gonna start to get out of my depths real quick, but Move is a, is a language like Solidity, um, but it has unique features that allow it to be more securely. Um, used. So Move is, I believe it's other, like SUI or Aptos, um, some of those networks use Move instead of Solidity. And so Move is, is, uh, something that will now be supported as a subnet. on Avalanche. So now you can take that language, um, they're also going to have a, a, a compiler and transpiler that will take your Solidity code, turn it into move so that you run it on M1. Um, and what that does is it basically, from my understanding, it adds a couple of different things to Solidity that were just missing that needs to happen if you want a really secure environment. Um, and now you can do that on a subnet on Avalanche, which is pretty big. It connects the whole ecosystem, uh, of moves to avalanche. And that liquidity, all those users on Avalanche can now go back and forth, use the different things. It's, it's a, for me, it's a big bridge between two worlds that needed to happen. And I think the more and more that we see that using avalanches, um, hyper messaging, things like that, that make it. Really easy to do like we're going to see avalanche succeed more and more because those networks are coming not as You know a competitor but as a subnet on avalanche, which is pretty cool to see You know what? I've been really loving just like how much technology has been kind of being developed by avalanche. Um, within like this last, I've only been within the ecosystem for about a year and I've just seen so many different innovations. And you know, a lot of the time people like last year and this year as well, we're talking about like that multi chain future and you know, eventually, you know, all the change are going to be interconnected and everything like that. Um, so it's really cool to kind of see that, you know, that That new, uh, that new frontier start to get started with things like that move subnet, like you were, you were saying, which is, it sounds like it's going to make it really, really easy for developers to port over as well, since, um, they can essentially like put in the EBM code and then it'll, uh, it'll change it into the move language. And then there's also landslide as well, who was just up here with Nathan. Nathan is the founder of, where they're building a Cosmos SDK specifically for subnets so they can, so Cosmos projects can easily port over to Avalanche as well. Um, and this is more of an opinion question, uh, do you think that Avalanche may be the home for the new multichain? Yeah, you know, I think more and more we're starting to see it, I think. Um, I, I, I've been in Defi for a really, really, really long time, comparatively Um, and I, you know, I've seen a lot of things come up and avalanche, as, you know, as a L zero. You could talk about it in a way of like, as the base core of a number of networks, as a number of, of subnet. Um, I think it could be the thing that, that is the multi chain future. Um, I think we have to recognize that there are some big powerhouses in the room, and the more that we can connect to them, the better. Um, and so I, I always look forward to what we've seen with new bridges, um, or new things from Circle with, Native USDC. Um, so, yeah, I really do think that it can be at the core of what is going on in DeFi and, um, and in blockchain technology in general. I think it is, um, it's, it's, it's so exceptional in so many ways. They've brought it, the team has brought together so many great things that we've needed, um, and then we continue to see more and more added onto it as different pieces come, become available. Uh, I would, I'd love to see that. Me and you both, my friend, and you know, just from what I'm seeing with what's being developed, man, it's... You know, like, you know, I don't want to make a prediction, but I mean, it does seem like the multi chain future can be held on avalanche. Like you said, it's an L zero. We're already seeing the move subnet. We're already seeing landslide bringing the cosmos. And then we're also seeing, I don't know if you're privy to node kit, who is. Basically going to be a subnet for ethereum l2s Um, that's going to be huge because that's going to actually bridge uh avalanche over to ethereum as well So very very very exciting future, um ahead of us and um, so I gotta ask you now What should we be on the lookout for in the future coming from Vector Finance, or what are you excited, you know, specifically, uh, coming into the future? Yeah, um, uh, we're full bore right now on that new protocol and aggregation. We're building it as we speak. Um, the team's getting things ready. It's a, it's a pretty new thing to us, uh, new space, but we're excited for that. Um, it'll be great to have a new token that we can aggregate. Um, this particular token has just not had any use, yield especially that you can get on it, but um, uh, has a very limited yield. It's, now we're seeing increased usage of it coming as, as, as, Uh, the protocol develops and we're excited to, to aggregate it. Um, I think the second thing I'll say is, like I said, with move, I think there's some really unique things happening with movement and, and what they're building. So we're excited to, to see what we can do over there. Um, and, uh, you know, perhaps you'll see a vector, some, some, some of something over there from. from us in the future. But, uh, yeah, more to come. We're going to continue in the DeFi space, building whatever we can that will bring, uh, the best yields to our users, the best yield to our VTX lockers. And I'm just super excited to talk to you all and bring up what we've done with Balance or bring up what we're doing with Zjoe and Platypus and continue that down the road. That's love, man. And it's been great talking to you as well. I've got one more question for you. Um, and then we're going to open this thing up for closing remarks. Um, you know, how can Avalanche users get involved with you folks? Yeah, we've got a thriving, uh, Discord. We've got, um, our Twitter. But I think the best way to get connected is just check out vectorfinance. io. vectorfinance. io And, uh, get over there, check out everything. The links are in the, the footer. Um, all of our pools are available, like you mentioned at the beginning. Thank you for saying this. Our UI is super slick, super clean, very easy to use. Um, and then you can branch out from there and get onto our Discord, um, meet with me, talk with all of the folks from the team, um, we're there daily, you'll, you'll, I, I think one thing that's unique about us is, um, the team is in the chat, and I think that's so vital to seeing what, uh, what DeFi users want and need, and that's why we've had a lot of success doing, um, doing what we've been doing, so, uh, get over to vectorfinance. io, and then from there you can follow us on Twitter, Discord, et cetera, et cetera. Hey, appreciate you for all that, Rev. And again, man, thank you so much for popping on today. I'm gonna open this up for closing remarks. Um, you know, usually you can just really kind of say anything, or if you feel like chilling, something, chill away. But, you know, first we're gonna start off with Savvy Defy with Alex Lumley. You got anything for, you got any closing remarks for the people out there, my friend? No, I just wanna say, uh, Rev, I know we chatted a lot. I was just, I was just sitting here listening patiently and, uh... Yeah, it's, it's, it's really cool kind of what you guys are continuing to build. I know it's, I imagine it's been kind of a tough go with a bunch of, um, kind of like the bear market and also stuff changing with Trader Joe and everything with Platypus, but you guys are obviously continuing to push through and, and, uh, continuing to do innovative and cool things. So, so I appreciate you, man. And, uh. Well, yeah, let us know if you ever end up coming to Arbitrum. I love it. Cool, I just wanted to say thank you, you guys. Thank you, Savvy. Thank you, Landslide. Thank you, Google Pools. Thank you to the audience and everybody that's been involved. I just really appreciate you guys showing up and chatting. Been a great conversation. Hey, it's no problem at all, man. We really, really appreciate you for popping on on the Google pool front. Um, nothing, nothing really to show. I can, you know, do my usual thing where I tease you folks and that, and don't really even give you any real information or I can just say, I ain't got nothing to show, man, I ain't got nothing to show. Uh, please, uh, check out the vector finance, uh, auto compounder for GGA backs to Avax. I guess I'll show that. Um, and you know, really, really simple and easy way. It's a very, very clean UI. Um, we will be coming up with a tutorial video very, very soon, just in case, you know, you feel like it's a little bit too complicated or you can always reach out to the team via DM. Um, but, you know, pretty simple process had to go, go pool, stake your AVAX, get your GG AVAX, then head over to balancer, deposit it on there. You'll get your token, you'll get your LP tokens and then go deposit those over on Vector Finance. Real, real simple and easy and clean process. And I just really want to thank Rev again, man. Thank you so much for popping on today, my friend. Thank you all. Hey, no problem at all. And this is the point where I usually say, all right guys So we do this weekly every Wednesday at 3 p. m EST usually but we had to do a special one for the friends out there for vector finance for sure But tomorrow we will be hosting gaming on avax. We'll be talking apart about about different web through games that have been coming out and I'm definitely gonna have to talk about off the grid. I don't know if folks saw that video with Dr. Uh, Dr. Disrespect, but man, does that game look super crazy. So make sure you guys, uh, come to the space tomorrow. And, uh, yeah, again, we're going to do it weekly, every Wednesday, 3 PM EST. So we're also going to do it again next week and the week after that. And the week after that, and the week after that until infinitum. So perfect. Um, I'm gonna go ahead and say my usual saying y'all, uh, love everybody. Follow our follow everybody that's up here. It's follow vector finance, follow savvy, defy, follow go, go pool. So make sure you guys can stay up to date when everything is happening with these protocols. Um, and then I'm going to say, uh, what am I going to say here? I think you guys already know you don't have to go home, but you gotta get a phone out of here, y'all. Peace.