AVAX Ecosystem Space

MOVE and Avalanche Unite?

Steven Gates

GoGoPool, Landslide + Savvy Defi talked to Movement Labs about their M1 Subnet and how that will effect the MOVE and Avalanche ecosystem.

Social Links:
GoGoPool Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoGoPool_
Savvy DeFi Twitter: https://twitter.com/SavvyDeFi
Landslide Twitter: https://twitter.com/CosmosAVAX

I would like to welcome everyone to The avax ecosystem space. I am one of your lovely hosts. My name is brevi I do growth things for gogopool. And if you don't know what gogopool is We're a permissionless liquid staking protocol with the specific vision of expanding the subnet economy I'm joined here by my lovely co hosts. We got Nathan Windsor at the helm of landslide bringing the cosmos all the way to avalanche. Say, what's up, my friend? Wow, push ups. I'm in a cup of coffee. Let's go! Push ups, baby! I'm also joined here by my other lovely co host. We have Alex Lumley at the helm of Savvy DeFi bringing non liquidated lines of credit. Say, what's up, my friend? What's up, my friend? How are you? And shout out to Nathan, who always makes me laugh. Push ups, baby. We got chickens today, baby. Chickens. Push ups, baby. Oh, my goodness. I am joined here by a Lovely panel of speakers here. We got Will of Movement Labs ready to get you to move, baby. Say what's up, my friend. What's going on, everyone? Loving the energy in his face right now. This is awesome. The music you played was incredible. The vibe is there. Let's go. Yes, sir. Yes, sir, man. You already know I'm gonna be coming with the vibes. all day. And we also got Sparrow of Movement Labs. Everybody move your body baby and say what's up my friend. Yo, what's goody? I like to move it, move it. We all love to move it, move it. And last but of course not least we have Steven Gates here, founder slash CEO of GoGoPool. Say what's up my friend. What's up? What's up? What's up? Now, real quick, guys, I'm just going to go over the agenda. So first things first, we're going to talk a little bit about this GGP and move collaboration with Steven and the rest of the move team, of course. Then after that, we're going to go deep dive into move, we're going to talk about the modular move VM. Fractal and the Omni call stack and then we'll close everything down for closing remarks if anybody needs to show anything at the end, but Drops the mic baby now real real quick. Just want to ask the panel here Why did this partnership come to be my friends? I guess I'll pick on I'll pick on will man Oh, man, I mean to be honest, I think Cooper will be a great person to answer this But I think you know, we're trying to create a more accessible, incredible environment for everybody that's participating in this amazing space. It just felt appropriate, but I think Cooper can give a better answer than I can, you know? Yeah. Like just want to quickly shout out landslide and go, go pool, both incredible teams pushing incredible technology just makes the novel tech stacks that are coming to market much more accessible. So for example, landslide making IBC accessible on the avalanche network is absolutely huge. You get to partake and share, you know, those benefits and what's going on there. And then from the go go pool side, we've got making it really easy to spin up and launch a subnet to be able to customize it and have less barriers, for example, like having to bootstrap so much of ox in one place. To be able to launch a network, like working with GoGoPool, makes that so much easier. And so it's really exciting and it reduces a lot of the friction in creating these novel applications. And I think just to jump in here, I think there's kind of two reasons. One, it's kind of the logical, you know, kind of the more logical reason, but I think, which you guys both stated, but I think, especially on the emotional side, I mean, you guys have been fucking crushing it, right? Like, saw the come up happening, kind of summit and pre summit. Um, and I'm, you know, anyone who's doing amazing things, like, I will always move mountains to try and help out as much as I can, and you guys are definitely in that top tier. Man, thank y'all so much. You got it, bro. Uh, yeah, um, um, Brevi, you were, you were trying to get to, though, like, the history. You know what? Yeah. Let's start a little bit at the history. Like how did, how did move in GGP kind of first start talking? That's a good question. Coop. Do you remember when was our first time? There's definitely a video call well before the summit. I think it was when you guys were first forming, but I don't know. Do you remember when our first call was? Yeah, it must've been like February of this year. I remember talking a lot about subnet infrastructure. This was still, I mean, before a lot of things were coming to market, leveraging the subnet stack and I think a lot of the conversation was just figuring out what the puzzle pieces are that we were working with and I think we were working pretty in parallel with each other. Building our own different stacks, leveraging this technology. And it's really exciting to see them converge. Now let's, let's talk a little bit about, you know, the specifics, you know, what can we expect from this partnership? So one thing from our side, it's, it's really exciting to be able to support EVM with the move language. And so, I mean, we can see faster transacting, we can see better security. That is occurring as well as, you know, in the future, if we were to launch a token, there would be some really exciting possibilities and that would, that would be able to be created leveraging the go, go pool stack. Yeah, I think the way it starts is basically bringing GG AVAX equity over to the movement subnet. So it plays to the mission of. Uh, creating or connecting the move ecosystem to EVM liquidity. I think that's extremely powerful. That's definitely what we're focused on to start with. Uh, and then where it ends up going, I mean, probably the most important thing, like just watching the eyes of star arena and front tech, I think the most important thing every team is learning, uh, is to have a strong vision and then just keep making kind of short term experiments. And, uh, you know, I mean, we've been on calls a ton, Cooper. So I think we can both say that both of our teams are very oriented towards that. So I think where this ends up going is going to become something that neither of us... Fully grok right now, but definitely roadmaps are colliding in a good way. Yeah. It's like, we're back to that really excited primordial soup phase of there's so many different avenues and so many different things that we can build out, but all of them, incredibly exciting, not just for. our teams and pushing the barriers of what is possible within the ecosystem. But then we'll also be really exciting for everyone within our ecosystem, from the dApp builders to the people who are interacting with any future tokens and people who are already working in other aspects as well. Yeah, and I'll just add to that. Hi, everyone. I'm director of BD, um, over at movement. Uh, and my background is actually liquid staking. So I was director of BD, um, for marinating finance on Solana. So I am a liquid staking maxi. And so, um, that is also one of the reasons why you want to focus on go, go pool. Uh, obviously we want to bring liquidity from EVM chains, um, over to move. And so what's really cool is that. There's a lot of people, especially like we see stars arena. It's really getting a lot of traction, right? So this is going to bring in, there's a lot of new users to the avalanche ecosystem, and a lot of these people are going to hold AVAX and most of them probably missed out on, you know, the whole defy summer that took place in the avalanche ecosystem. And so I think there's a lot of people that don't even know what liquid staking is, like, why should I care about it? But. I think part of that is the education of, hey, you have this AVAX token, why don't you stake it and earn yield? And then on top of that, you can start, you know, participating in some DeFi shenanigans and make more money on top of it, right? And so, I think this is going to be a really cool opportunity for a lot of people who, who might have missed that whole, you know, DeFi summer that happened on Avalanche. Um, that they can participate in this. And also the ones who did participate, if they still have their AVAX, why not, right? And so, we're making sure that... Everyone is fully aligned. Everyone's happy and everyone makes money. Um, and more importantly, everyone has fun. So that's, uh, that, that was the impetus for the, the go, go pool partnership from our side. Man, thank y'all so much for that. And kind of going over the partnership and, and, and for anyone out there slightly given a little bit of alpha as well. Let's kind of talk a little bit about, because I know, you know, obviously you're building on a subnet, you know, obviously we've got Steven Gates in here, subnet maxi to the fullest. Can you folks just talk a little bit about, you know, why you decided to build specifically on a subnet? Yeah, totally. So we're kicking things off. With Avalanche leveraging the subnet stack, because when we started building this, and for reference, the backstory of what happened here, my co founder and I, we were both some of the first builders in the move ecosystem, and we fell in love with the language, but saw a lot of pain points in its adoption, and we saw it stemming particularly from the accessibility. Where right now, if you're, if you're bootstrapping a novel network, generally you're launching a layer one and the market's already so saturated with layer ones, and so you're going head to head with a lot of established incumbents. But then additionally, in a pretty poor market. Which at best is remaining stagnant and at worst is actively shrinking. If you're not having new capital coming in, then you are by necessity competing PvP with way more established players. It's like you're spawning into a game and you're going up against like level 50 folks. Get out of here. This is going to have a bad time. And so when we were shopping around looking at different opportunities for us to bring the move language to market more effectively and more democratically and in a web3 native way, we were looking at sidechain stacks. And so talk to everyone out there in this space did so much, so much research on all of these different networks and came to realize that a lot of stuff, a lot of sidechain stacks did not go very deep in that it enables you to launch a customizable chain on the network, but you weren't able to customize too many aspects of it. And you also retained a lot of similarities to that, that primary network, which. It could be cumbersome at times. And so two networks really stood out in terms of the side chain infrastructure that they, that they had. And those were avalanche and cosmos. And so really cool. I'm to have landslide here also at the intersection of those right now. What. We found in doing our deeper dive on that was that although Cosmos, I mean, ethos of decentralization and web three, you have difficulty bootstrapping similarly to if you were to launch a novel layer one. And so if you have each cosmos zone being its own distinct environment without necessarily sharing users or sharing liquidity with any base network, then you're still competing head to head. Even if you are able to launch, you know, customizable virtual machine, you have cross VM compatibility and communication via the IBC, you still face that cold start problem of bootstrapping. So avalanche was the only network that combined the. You know, having tools out of the box to combine not only this cross VM interoperability thesis that the Avalanche team has had for a while, and it's been really cool looking back at the design of the, you know, the P, the X chain and the different, um, various chains within the base Avalanche network and how this is poised themselves for a very strong cross VM interoperable and customizable bespoke solution that we're able to leverage now, you know, Um, so having that, that interoperability while also maintaining full communication and compatibility with that primary chain and being able to align the incentives. So one thing that's really exciting about, uh, this network is that from the layer one to the DAP all the way down to the end user, they don't lose anything when they launch on M1. The liquidity, it's still there's every transaction, it still counts towards that DAP and towards that base chain respectively. And then the users, they don't have to use a different wallet or any different infrastructure. The only thing that changes in this case is now their transactions are faster, right? So we're seeing really high theoretical throughput with the move language and additionally, the security of the move without having to necessarily, you know, compete. For that. And so that's what really brought us to Avalanche specifically that we Movement Labs was born from this cold start problem that novel blockchain networks and smart contract development languages were facing. We looked around at all of the tech stacks that were out there and fell in love with the subnet architecture and its ability to not only align incentives, but then also have fully bespoke customizable solutions. Maintaining compatibility and composability and collaboration with everything that already exists. I, I really love that answer. A lot of things stood out. It's the interoperability. Um, it's the composability that, that ability for you to be able to customize your specific blockchain to whatever your needs are. Um, so there's a lot of different things that you said in there that I really, really appreciate you for saying. Um, I'm also gonna, Make Steven speak as well. You know, why did, why did, well, how did subnets get on your radar? And then why did you become so bullish on them? Yeah, I think for me, it much parallels the same story of, um, Cooper. So I, you know, serial entrepreneur is kind of my third or fourth nontrivial startup and for a previous ideas exploring, we're looking to pivot into, or really not pivot, but add in a blotching component. Um, and we needed something that could start off small and then scale into powering a global scale type of ecosystem. Um, and to that, there was only one infrastructure choice, which is the subnets, subnets is right now the only infra that can scale to thousands and thousands of validator nodes. Um, and you can tweak and tune the consensus to kind of get the performance that you want out of it. Um, and so that's how subnets got onto my radar and that's why I got so deep into it. And then for movement, what I'm excited by is kind of hitting on the same vein of, I think subnets are proving to be kind of one of the, maybe the best primitive where if you have a novel blockchain idea and you need to solve this cold start problem. So bootstrap the network very quickly and make it extremely exciting. Uh, I think subnets are the best choice for that. Um, and that's kind of hitting on the previous roadmap question as well. Uh, that's where all of our roadmap is geared towards. It's all trying to answer this one question of how can we make subnets incredibly exciting to build and launch. Uh, and that's why I think, I mean, the movement guys took that in space and they're running with the idea. So the ideas that they're having, it was just incredible. Um, but we're, we're definitely happy to support, and I think. That's really how it got onto my radar and why I'm so excited about moving love that Steven Thank you. So thank you so much for that in answer, man And so like now let's kind of dive kind of deep into into movement And we're gonna let we're gonna let Alex kind of kick us on off with a little intro. So you got it my friend Hey, can you guys hear me? Yes, sir Oh, can so can you give me a little bit of like a high level intro of? Like a high level intro slash overview of move and kind of each of your roles. Yeah, absolutely. So move as a language, you mean? Yeah, absolutely. So I mean, move, it was developed by Facebook for their Libra slash DM project a few years back. So they were building a payments blockchain to be integrated with Facebook. And for something that Their big tech and big finance partners would feel comfortable putting massive amounts of sensitive data as well as very ungodly amounts of money onto the blockchain with, uh, so they developed it to stand on the shoulders of solidity and rust. So being a smart contract development language, but solving some of the inefficiencies, pain points and vulnerabilities that we see with existing smart contract development languages. So particularly move is very similar to rust and syntax being very strongly typed in object oriented with defined ownership models. And so if you think about assets such as tokens, such as NFTs, they're much more akin to physical objects with the move language. than in Solidity where they're kind of out there in the ether, if you will. And so with the move language, you're able to within modules define who has access to them. So you're, you authorize certain accounts and then you create. clear pipelines as to where information can flow to and from. So you have these hard coded guardrails as well. For example, like if we look back at the, at the infamous DAO attack, one, the vault wouldn't be accessible to, you know, non whitelisted wallets. But then even if someone were to gain access via a trusted account, the vault can only withdraw to predetermined Uh, smart contracts or functionalities. And so you wouldn't be able to withdraw funds to a random third party, non trusted wallet. You would just be able to move them to different places that have already been predefined. And so not only as a language, is it more intuitive to learn being incredibly blockchain native? But then additionally being much more secure and much more scalable. So it's like as you build an application, because modules can each be verifiably, um, secured via the move prover. You are, as the complexity of an application grows with solidity, you know, it's surface, the surface area of attack vectors is growing exponentially. Kind of like the area or surface area of a circle as its radius increases. But then with the move language, um, because it's components. All the way down to like the molecular level of the language. I mean, you can verifiably create security. It means that as applications and as smart contracts scale and become more complex, it scales a bit more linearly than exponentially. So it's an incredibly, incredibly exciting language. And we're just starting to see some novel use cases made with it via some, some applications. But then, of course, like crypto is just as much fin as it is tech. And we haven't seen strong financial incentives for learning the move language, building move applications and launching them. Just yet. And so at movement labs, that's the problem that we're looking to solve that all too often in the web three industry, you could have really, really exciting technology. Um, but so much is dependent on narrative. So much is dependent on the way that things get brought to market as well as broader macroeconomics and things that have held back exciting technology from taking off and gaining adoption. And so on our side, we just want to make things as accessible as possible. We want to make it easy to build with move anywhere. And everywhere that a developer wants to, we don't want developers to get siloed into any single tech stack based on what they want to build. And we really want to decouple innovation from inaccessibility. Well, thank you for that, my friend. I really gotta just ask a quick follow up question. You said there were some pain points with the move language. Can you kind of go over those? Yeah, absolutely. So, the pain points I was referring to was with regard to solidity. So, that's particularly thinking. I mean, it's pretty difficult to learn from scratch. It's not super intuitive. Um, it can be cumbersome to build certain smart contract functionalities. For example, like with gaming, you have to worry with all about all sorts of external tech stacks with regard to data storage. Um, additionally, in terms of. smart contracts scaling. It's like, where the hell is this vulnerability coming from? Um, it can be very cumbersome to keep track of objects, assets in the way that they're being tracked within the code. Um, but that's not to say that move is not without problems either. So I think one of the, the biggest pain points. With move is a lack of tooling, especially when you compare it to solidity. So even if solidity is a more like is a previous generation language, there's naturally way more infrastructure And tooling to support the development with it So I kind of think of it as like when you prestige and call of duty. It's like You you're losing all of your guns. You're starting at square zero Although move is a much more effective language and the ceiling is significantly higher, we are going back to sticks and stones. At least we were at sticks and stones like a year or so ago when we'd started building with the move language. So it's been exciting to see more tooling and more things being developed for move, but there's still a really long way to go. Um, before we're at the point we're developing with move as we have the same level of support that we see with, for example, the truffle suite of products for solidity. Yeah. The example, the example I like to give is like, so I just got a Tesla and one of the most annoying things is that. You have to charge it, right? So if you're traveling, you have to constantly think about where am I going to charge it? And so if you think about like solidity, it has all this tooling. It's like a gas car There's gas stations everywhere and it's all set up for them And so when you go electric you have to have you have to be really Cognizant and have to be very conscious all the time. And so what we're hoping to do It's to provide that tooling for the move language, so that, uh, whichever type of where we are on our journey. I really, really love that. Um, I really, really love that I really kind of put it in a really great perspective. Thank you so much for that. Uh, we're going to boot everything over to Nathan. Talk a little bit about some of the, the components of a, of a move as well. Yeah, maybe you guys can dive into the Omni call stack. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Um, so we're going to be properly diving into this in an upcoming thread, but happy to drop a little bit of alpha at the highest level. We're essentially enabling cross VM atomic swaps with our Omni call stack. And so really excited for the implications that this is going to see. For example, with the warp messaging product within the avalanche ecosystem to make it as open a lot more doors, particularly, um, within the defy sector of things by enabling, um, this, this sort of frictionless and borderless communication, um, to be upgraded to atomic calls as well here. And so, so are you thinking like move to, um, like give us an example of, of the hop. Yeah, for example, um, one of the, the thesis of movement labs is making the language more accessible. And so you can also see this in our product fractal in which EVM and solidity code can seamlessly be upgraded to the move language. Without, uh, having tried a single line of move code from the, the Solidity application perspective. And so if you imagine that you have a lot of move applications that are now launching on top of the Avalanche network. One of the key value adds of this is being plugged in to the primary chain, it's liquidity, it's user base being able to interface with existing EVM applications in the avalanche primary network. And so we want to facilitate this process even further where It's not just sending messaging and sending assets from one another, but for a lot of DeFi strategies, like particularly looking at things such as lending, if you're able to atomically swap, then for the first time, it's like a move application would be able to fully interface this. With a DEX that is on the EVM, um, without having any, any more significant barriers that, uh, we see where if you're not having atomic swaps, it makes it quite difficult to effectively. Um, do the full host of actions that you may want to do as a protocol. Real quick, can you go over what atomic swaps are? Yeah, essentially it's, it's just going to be the most frictionless method of swapping different assets from one, one thing to another. And so generally if you're looking at like the status quo that you will see in the space, if you're not able to atomically swap, then you can have issues. Of different price feeds of prices changing in the time between that kind of like issues with latency there we see. And so with the atomic swap, it's happening like that. So you can think of it as reducing all of the different variables and areas of frictions that may come with, with like traditional swaps. Gosh, we got you. Thank you so much for that. Can we, so I actually really want to point something out here because a lot of times we talk about like revolutionary as shit that's going on, right? And we really, and we say it and we just kind of say it, but I really need to highlight this. Did you say that you can go from solidity code to move? With no, like, like what, just copy paste, like my mind's kind of getting blown right now, bro. Just, just, just help me out. Did I hear that right? Yep, exactly. So this is a really exciting process on our side. We've been jamming with a lot of different teams, a lot of different groups here and making it such that, yeah, you can just plug your Solidity code in. It gets upgraded just like that. You can think of it as like an emulator. Where you're plugging in like a Game Boy game and now you're able to get more crisp sound quality, maybe even some higher graphics in terms of just like the resolution of the screen on your computer, et cetera there. So really making it as seamless as possible. I would encourage everyone to check out the Movement Labs account in which we're breaking down the Fractal product and how this works. But at the highest level, it's essentially function mapping between the Solidity functions and between the Move functions. So that we're able to make a very sufficient quick output for that. Dude, that's like absolutely insane. Um, so that means just like if I'm a developer, I can just literally just connect my code in and then boom, boom, boom, I'm ready to go. Yep. Whether you're a move application or even an EVM application, we try to make the process as seamless as possible, taking like 15 minutes to just plug in port deploy over. And the way that the fractal process works is it's through our movement SDK. And so if you're an application, you can exist within the SDK and within the movement ecosystem such that in the future, you know, if there were ever to be any network that would be supported by the move. Team by the movement team, you would be able to deploy to as a DAP, just movement dash, dash, deploy, dash, dash, wherever. And this can even exist within different subnets within the stack. And so you very quickly get this almost like fractal pun intended of. Opportunities and optionalities that you have. And I think that this is an area where our collaboration and a really close partnership with Google pool can also shine here in terms of being able to make that process as. frictionless as possible to where maybe you don't just want to deploy to a certain subnet or a certain place, but you may want to deploy your own subnet or stack within here. So incredibly exciting for what's to come. Do you want to go over how the messages are transferred between chains? Like what bridging are you guys using? So this is also something that will be revealed in the future. So we're pretty close, um, with The wormhole team, for example, um, we're honored to be one of the first investments of their cross chain fund as well. And so, yeah, we're creating an architecting so many exciting different ways in which we will be able to communicate super effectively, but those still in stealth right now, what we can share, however, is that what's really exciting is for all of our. Opportunities in all of our functionalities that we were doing on the avalanche side of things, you don't need a bridge. And so all of this communication between different virtual machines, different networks here, is being done bridgelessly. Since we plug directly into the avalanche consensus mechanism, and since the validators of the M1 network are also validating the avalanche primary chain, that means that we will be able to... trustlessly communicate with these different networks, no bridges, no latency issues. So incredibly exciting for that, but would also love to jam in and learn some more here about what is going on from the landslide area and potential like cross chain and cross VM opportunities that are made possible through that stack. Yeah, right on. We've um... Um, you know, IBC, we're, we're sort of IBC maxis, um, given that IBC has processed the most volume and, and not lost any money. Um, so yeah, like there's in, in the, in IBC land, um, composable just expanded it to, to, to ETH and to Polkadot. So from the Avalanche perspective, um, people are going to be relaying packets from those chains into Avalanche. Over IBC. So it's just a matter of time before those IBC like clients are on aptos and sweet. Um, yeah, happy. We're happy to help there. Um, but yeah, congrats on on the, I mean, I wanted to acknowledge you guys for for building and, uh, a successful raise in, uh, in a. Crazy bear market. So congratulations on that. You know, that's, um, that's really great news for folks in the avalanche ecosystem. You gotta love the AVEX ecosystem space. This is the place where deals happen, my friends. And, uh, sorry to interrupt you two. You got it, my friend. Oh, no, it's just, uh, thank you for the kind wishes. And it's, it's really exciting that we also through this had an opportunity. To give the red coin pill to a whole lot of different parties which we were speaking to as well I think that the avalanche subnet stack is I mean, it's kind of slept on for how exciting and revolutionary it is I'm glad that we're seeing a lot of hype coming to the avalanche Ecosystem through the star arena through some other means as well like it's high time And this network got the love that it deserves for all of the really crazy stuff that they just keep shipping and shipping. Do you think there are applications on Aptos or Sui that are not available on Avalanche? Like, specifically because of Move? Yeah, absolutely. In the Aptos and Sui space, we've seen a lot of hype, particularly around central and mid order books. Essentially, what is made possible via just having... A very high theoretical TPS of the move language. For example, in our sequential processing, we were running about like 3000 TPS in the network. And then in the earliest stages of us implementing the parallel execution, we were hitting over 144, 000. And so just by being able to process so many more transactions at the same time, it makes, there's some exciting implications on the high throughput DeFi case side, particularly though, move is looking to create big waves and gaming. So on one side you have dynamic NFTs. Which you're able to swap out attributes of an NFT without invoking a transaction. So you don't have to mint and burn. And the value accrual process for the NFT is no longer necessarily bound by a smart contract, but rather is native to the NFT itself. And so what this means is, you know, let's say you have like a racing game. Right now, every time that someone is swapping out their wheels or their engine or repainting their car. They're having to burn and mint an NFT and that takes a transaction. So as games scale becomes a huge pain point. And so not only are you just wiping out one of the larger sources of. transaction and gas use for these games, but then you're additionally able to process transactions that are happening in parallel and be able to do so with theoretical over 144, 000 TPS. So I think that those are some of the areas in which we're seeing the most exciting possibilities. With the move language, but as you mentioned, the current environment for raising is Incredibly difficult. It's so, it's so tough right now, especially on like the DAP level. I'm curious to ask, I'm curious to see what things will look like from the consumer application side, if that might be one of the next Narratives that that might be coming to market, um, but Yeah, so really excited To be able to kind of de risk the move language a little bit more by just making it more accessible and more plugged in to more environments here. See what will come from that. Yeah, and I'll just add one thing to what Coop was saying about the dynamic NFT. So imagine NFTs were, um, he mentioned that you could upgrade the attributes, right? So, uh, Okay, this is a confession time, but during COVID, I used to actually, I used to thought it was stupid to watch people game because I was like, dude, just go play the game yourself. And then someone told me, well, you watch sports, don't you? And I was like, oh, okay, that's a good point. Anyways, my point is that I used to watch Warzone Call of Duty matches, and I remember, That, um, like they'd have these commemorative, you know, whatever memorabilia from, like, Nick Merckx or whoever it is, or FaZe Clan, but imagine if you, as a fan of them, could literally have the gun that they used, and you can track the kills, you can track the headshots, and that actually makes it more fun for you as a community member, and it provides more value for the influencer, right? So, Imagine you're a gaming influencer, when people buy your guns, every time it gets traded or bought, you get a royalty, so now you're able to directly profit, uh, and again, one of the whole ethos of crypto is to democratize, like, money, right, so that the value flows to the actual person that's using it, so in this case, if I'm an influencer, this would be amazing because you can track the kills on the gun, who it belonged to, and that's just gonna make more value and make it more fun for your community. Um, that's just one of the things that as Coop mentioned that in the gaming space, it's been really cool because right now there's not a real way to do it. If you have an NFT, there's no way to upgrade it. It's just like, uh, a static NFT. Well, that's, that's actually super huge for anyone out there just to kind of compare it. Like, imagine if, you know, uh, Jerry Rice catches his 2000th touchdown or something, and then you're able to get that game ball, that game ball is going to be worth a lot, a lot more. Um, so. Thank you for actually saying that. I'd never even thought of anything from that perspective. So I really, really appreciate you for, for kind of putting that out there in the forefront. Now, can we talk a little bit about what, what VMs are like currently compatible? So we'll be supporting the AppDOS move and the SWE move. virtual machine. Gotcha, gotcha. Thank you. And, you know, now we have to go over road map, my friend, like, you know, when can we expect everything to fully launch and all that good stuff? I think, stay tuned and press the notification bell as well on the Twitter and you'll be the first to hear about future plans regarding our testnet, regarding mainnet and other really exciting things that we'll be putting on at movement. But I will say, uh, things, be on the lookout, you know, if, press that bell, you're not gonna be let down, it's, it's coming. And short term, make sure you come through tomorrow, um, we got this really exciting partnership that we're working on, and uh, that we're really excited to talk about, it's this incredible team called Google Pool, uh, so we're gonna be talking with them tomorrow. That's a short term roadmap I think people will be interested in, so. Be sure you come through to Movement Talks tomorrow. Also, you're killing it with the questions, dude. Can we just, like, can we throw in some emojis for these questions? People learned a lot about movement today. There's been some alpha in here. Dude, that's that's why folks gotta come to the space, man. We drop alpha, we do deals in here, you know? Everyone They're talking to landslide now guys and landslide connects cosmos to avalanche. So, you know something might happen with that. Who knows? Well, we'll just end up relaying I think we'll end up relaying the the transactions from IBC and to move Or, or I, or move will have its own IBC like client that's just attached to app dose and suite just to relay packets from there. Yes. Yes. Feed me alpha Nathan feed it. Well, we're coming up at the 45 minute mark here, my friends. I'm going to start uh, closing this thing on down. What I'm going to do is ask for closing remarks from my panel up here. Feel free to talk about anything. Feel free to show anything. We're going to start off with, we haven't heard from Steven in a little bit. Uh, so Steven, you got the floor, my friend. Yeah, on my side, I guess, in terms of shilling, I don't even know, Gravy, we're, we haven't announced any of our stuff yet, but I guess, maybe smack the, uh, bell icon, I think in two weeks, two or three weeks, Uh, we'll be kind of releasing a set of tools and, and kind of rolling out some new stuff. I think that's gonna be pretty exciting. And I guess a general CTA as well. Uh, I'd really love to hear more from the Move community on what specifically are they very excited about, about what types of EVM liquidity do they want to bring onto the Move ecosystem, uh, and especially from builders as well, because I think You know again on our side, we're incredibly excited to just keep supporting these use cases and kind of be on the leading edge here And keep experimenting really thank you for your closing remarks steven And for anyone out there, you already know what to do. Make sure you hit the bell notifications All you gotta do is just tap gogopul then tap bell. It's so easy Same thing with movement tap movement movements in the crowd right now, baby Tap movement. Tap bell. Super easy, my friends. Let's go ahead and keep on going with the closing remarks. I'm actually going to pick on Alex Lumley of Savvy DeFi. Go ahead, my friend. You got anything you want to shill or anything you want to say? I mean, I feel like now I have to tell everyone to go ahead and slap that notification button. Uh, uh, uh, a lingo I'm definitely stealing from, from everyone in the space. So go ahead and slap that notification button for Savvy DeFi. And more importantly, I appreciate everyone from Move coming on and Stephen for joining us. Uh, see you guys next week. Thank you for that, my friend. And now, of course, let's pick on Nathan over here at Landslide. You got any closing remarks, my friend? Anything you want to shield? Uh, IBC's expanding to ETH via Composable. That's good news. And very, be very careful with the arena. There is no 2FA. So remove your phone number from Twitter. Save your recovery code, write it down, delete your phone number from Twitter, or get wrecked. That's a good point. I forgot about that. I've been seeing some phishing stuff pop up. Well, not for me, but like, you know, floating around on, on Twitter. Yeah. Keep your phone number off Twitter and make sure you use 2FA that's not on, I mean, if you're paranoid about stint swaps, call your, uh, provider and like install, like kick it up to management and install like the longest password you can possibly put on it. And you can also demand that if you ever have a porting request. Or a request to change your SIM card that you have to be physically there in person with an ID I mean you can get real paranoid about this stuff Thank you for saying that nathan because I would have never even thought about that unless you said or at least have the solution To the problem as well. So thank you so much, man. Yeah. Yeah, there's also e fani efa And I, I think they do, they have some SIM protection. I haven't used them, but I, I've, I've seen them come pretty, pretty well recommended. But the other, the other people to follow are WalletGuard on Twitter because they're, they're, they're pretty good. I'll happily shill Ifani, um, I know the founder Haseeb and, uh, actually a lot of celebrities and athletes and those type of people actually use the service, but, uh, yeah, the sim swapping, they absolutely protect you from it. So it's not, it's like a hundred bucks a month, so it's not that different from what people pay anyways, but it guarantees that you can get sim swap. Yeah. Appreciate you for that. I love the shilling that we're doing today. We're shilling solutions today. This is great. All right, let's, let's just, let's keep the closing remarks going. Shill problems if you want, Breivik. You showed, but the great thing is you showed a problem and you showed a solution to the problem. A lot of time people come up and they go on Twitter and they rant and rave about different things. They don't have no solutions. Just problems. So I really appreciate you for shilling the actual solution to the problem as well. Now keep on going with the closing remarks. Cool. You got any closing remarks, anything else you want to shill, my friend? And then we're gonna go ahead and pass it on to Will to round us off. You know, I think I've had plenty of time to shill out here. I really appreciate it. Inviting us to the spacing of the jam with y'all and to tell to begin with go go pool team tomorrow as well And I guess all I gotta show is like stay hydrated out there. I love that More solutions make sure you guys are staying hydrated out there. I got me a little I got some water with me right now, baby That's how I stay. That's how I stay hype all the time. My friends drink water, baby. I will Last but not least, of course, my friend, you got anything you want to show? You know what? I'll show this. One of the things I really appreciate it is, you know, you referencing the fact that this is a very solution oriented space. I think that's the angle that we're trying to come from. You know, there's been a lot of confrontation and a lot of just negativity come in into the space recently in the past few years. And we're really trying to be, you know, a collaborative solution oriented community, um, about helping other people. And a lot of that has to do with education. So if you were listening to this space today and some of the concepts seemed a little bit over your head or. We're difficult to understand, um, we see you, uh, we hear you and we're trying our best to make this as relatable and understandable as humanly possible. So I guess really just to say I'm going to show movement education in the movement media. We're going to be doing our very best. To make sure that, you know, from whatever perspective you're coming from. If you're a dev, if you're a degen, if you're, you know, all of the above. We're gonna make sure that you understand what we're building to the best of our ability. And if we're falling short of it, please let us know. Cause we're community first and we plan on staying that way. But also, shout out to GoGoPool. I'm gonna show one last thing and that's GoGoPool. If you're in this space and this is your first time interacting with them. Uh, please follow, please turn your notifications on, stay posted on what they're building. And come to our spaces tomorrow so you can learn more about them the same way they let us talk about ourselves. We're gonna do the same for them tomorrow. Um, and thank you all so much for giving us this platform. This is amazing. Hey, man, thank you all so much for coming on to the platform my friends. Um, I got to learn a lot about move i'm sure the audience got to learn a lot about move and you know What I really really love about this is, you know, you folks being able to get introduced the kind of more so to the avalanche community. Um, and, and that way people that way avalanche can learn a lot more about you folks as well, because for sure, uh, you guys can be working very, very closely with the avalanche community. So, um, really, really appreciate y'all for popping on today, my friend. Uh, I guess on the, on the, on the me shielding side, I'm going to show movement talks. Episode two, baby. 12 PM PST. Make sure you go there, you know, the best place to be, you know, it's really, really easy for you to go ahead and clap, go ahead and tap the little link at the top and say, movement talks episode. So you tap that and then you tap the Twitter space link. You can set a reminder, you can add it to your Google calendar, but you got to make sure that you are there, my friends, because. I mean, you heard all the alpha that we dropped today. You already know we're going to drop some more. So make sure you check that out to everyone out there who doesn't know. We do the ABEX ecosystem space every Wednesday at 3 PM EST. So we will have another one coming up next week and the week. And after that, and after that, and after that forever, right? So make sure you guys go ahead and tap the notification buttons on Google pool, savvy, defy, and landslides. So you can stay up to date with everything that's happening with that. And in closing i'm gonna say my usual statement y'all you don't have to go home But you gotta get up on out of here y'all. Peace