AVAX Ecosystem Space

How to Spend Your AVAX Using a Debit Card

Steven Gates

GoGoPool, Landslide + Savvy Defi talked to Blockpay about how they're enabling debit card transactions using AVAX + their new partnership with GoGoPool. 

Social Links:
GoGoPool Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoGoPool_
Savvy DeFi Twitter: https://twitter.com/SavvyDeFi
Landslide Twitter: https://twitter.com/CosmosAVAX

Yo, I'm assuming that is Emma on the BlockPay profile. Hey guys, how are you? My name's Peter. Hey! I'm glad you decided to come up. Yeah. Yeah, a little bit late, but always there, always there. Hey, no worries, my friend. You actually came at the perfect time. We were just about to go over. Uh, Alex, I guess you can re ask your question now. We got Emma up here. Oh, let me introduce Emma. Everyone. Introduce, introduce. Introducing Emma. He is the CMO of BlockPay. Uh, BlockPay is a, uh, does payment infrastructure. So it makes it so that you can take your AVAX and you can spend it. But I won't say too much. I'm gonna let, uh, I'm gonna let Alex ask his question. Then we can go on from there. Yeah, so I, I was, I guess at the... The highest level, I want to get a sense of kind of like, how does BlockPay work? Um, how, how does it go from taking AVAX to getting me a coffee? Okay. Um, this is, this is a really easy process, actually. Um, by the moment we have two options. The first option is to go directly into the block pay up once you already got your card, you need to apply for your card directly on our website and the shipment is internationally. So, whenever, wherever the where you are, you can apply for your card. Once you get it, you need to activate via live chat assistance. The numbers are specified in different parts of our website, the telegram group, et cetera. So once you get your card activated, you can make a deposit into your card. You can go with the first method that is directly inside of the application where you are going to generate a payment invoice. Right. So you decide what's the amount you wish to deposit into your card in fiat or in crypto. Then you select the coin that you want to send. It could be at this moment can be AVAX or Bitcoin. Once you decide the coin, you are going to generate. Uh, payment invoice with the amount of of crypto that you need to send, then you pay this invoice payment. And once the transaction is registered on the blockchain, the crypto is going to be liquidated to Fiat currently Mexican pesos. Are available for all users and you will have your balance in Mexican pesos automatically, um, um, appeared there and that's it. You can go to the Starbucks or you can go to whatever coffee you like the most and you can spend it. Sorry. Go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, no worries. Um, real quick, cause we got, we got way ahead. Can you give folks just a quick overview about what you folks are building and then Let's go into like kind of your role as well Yeah, sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Okay, so Uh, it's it's important to mention that we are a company that uh was formed in 2019 So we already got a few years working here. We are already profitable. We got positive cash flow coming from three different um streams of income The first one are the crypto prepaid cards that are the star product of the company are the best product because of the scalability of it. The second one are point of sale terminals. We already got more than a thousand point of sale terminals distributed along the country. Mexico. And the third one is crypto OTC. We give different clients the facility to liquidate crypto into Fiat or to buy crypto with Fiat with different method, payment methods. So these three. Three income streams are the ones that helps us to, um, build more and build all the infrastructure that we are building right now. So that is the base, the core of BlockPay. And after that. We are developing different improvements into the different services that we offer to the people, to our users. The first one would be into the crypto prepaid cards. What we are generating for this is called block payments. Block payments is a platform where you can implement. This, this, uh, system to your own business to accept a crypto, this is going to be implemented for the crypto prepaid cards. Right now we are using a third party system called no payments or BTC, BTC pay or something like that. We use those methods to accept crypto into the app, but we are already developing our own system, our own platform that is going to be called block payments. And with this platform, we are going to accept different. Multiple cryptos, not, not only AVAX and Bitcoin, we are going to accept, uh, AVAX, Bitcoin. We are going to add different networks like Tron, Solana, Cosmos, Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. We are going to integrate a lot of new cryptos so you can make your deposits into your crypto prepaid cards with a different kind of, so we are, uh, we are opening the doors to a whole crypto ecosystem, not only to one network. And this together comes with the with the topic of the point of sale terminals because this same platform called block payments is going to be implemented into the point of sale terminals so that any business that is currently using or point of sale terminals are going to be able to accept crypto payments too. And this is going to be, uh, a huge, huge, huge implementation into the, into the point of sale terminals, because right now the service is closed to only the local market because of the regulations of the financial system that the terminals got to be connected. To the national, uh, bank system, and that's why we cannot take them out of the country to offer them to the, to different, uh, to other countries. But with this implementation of block payments, we are going to be able to offer the point of sale terminals to different countries. Which can, uh, which want to accept crypto payments into their businesses. So that give us a lot more of a scalability on this second service that we offer into the company. And the other development that we are making is the subnet that we are proudly. Uh, developing together with the Google pool team, awesome team, a lot of support, a lot of intelligent people working here together to, um, Um, back up all the financial data of BlockPay, all the financial data coming from the crypto prepaid cards from the point of sale terminals. All of that is going to be backed by our subnet, a subnet that is built over the avalanche network. So, so this is, Oh, sorry, go, go, go ahead. Yeah, yeah, tell me, tell me, ask. So, so, uh, this is, this is super interesting. And I, and I guess, um, you guys are building like a lot of, a lot of, a lot of super interesting things, but it's a huge network, right? So what is like the vision of, of what This of what block pay can become is the vision to have like, uh, uh, uh, kind of system where people can like pay and get money and do all these things all together or, or, or, or like, is it something else? Like, why do you have to have the POS, the, the, the debit card as well as the validators? Yeah, well, um, the plan is the vision is to offer a whole, a whole, how is it called in English? Let me think. Uh, integral, like a, like an integrated system. Yeah, exactly. Integrated system, integrated system where you can go, you can accept payments. You can do payments. You can, you can charge into crypto, you can charge into fiat, you can do multiple things all in one platform. That's the vision of block. So right now we get like the, the, the systems separately, because it's a way that you need to build them, but in the near future, it's all going to be together. So, uh, what we are also planning is that you can also. Accept crypto payments directly into the block pay up so that you can, um, have the whole, the whole, the whole services, whole services all into one. So it's almost trying to be like a stripe plus like a holy hell debit card plus like, like plus something else. Right. Yeah, exactly. The difference is that we already got the products, you know, it's not just a dream that we are offering to people or that we, that we are, um, trying to show or, or to develop. It's something that, that already exists. What we are doing here is improving them, improving the systems and getting all together. Is this something that has to, sorry, sorry, I'm totally interrupting you. Oh no, no, it's okay. And so and so is this, is this something that has to, uh, it has to have other, um, like if, if I, if I have my block paid debit card. Yeah. Um, can I use it at other point of sale services or does it, does it only work within this like integrated ecosystem? No, for sure. The, the crypto prepaid cards works are accepted wherever that MasterCard is accepted because we are using a MasterCard license. issue these cards. Okay. And then, so then why do you have to have the point of sales systems? No, no, you don't have to, you don't, you don't have to, you can, if you want, because we get different, uh, benefits. With the point of sale terminals, for example, um, the, the, the cost, the fee of the point of sale terminals are a lot more lower than the, than the competitors here in Mexico. For example, we got two big competitors called clip and Mercado Pago. Yeah. They, they, uh, charge a lot of fee for all the transaction that the merchants do into the, in, in their point of sale terminals. And we offer the same service, but with a lower fee also that they, for example, they charge for the, for the gadget, for the terminal, for the physical terminal, they, they, they sell them to you or they rent it. And with us that, that, uh, That cost is already included into the into the fee that we charge. Yeah, so, so it makes a lot more sense now, like you guys are creating an integrated system that doesn't have to be integrated to work because you guys have a use case. Exactly. That stands on its own for the point of sale service for the, for the individual with the credit card. Um, for, I guess what's, what's the third leg of the stool? The what, sorry? The, like the third leg or like the third part of the system.'cause because you have like the, uh, the O otc, what's that? O, tc, OTC. Exactly how does that play into this? For example, you can, uh, buy crypto directly into the, into the, um, uh, bank, uh, national bank system. You can ask for, uh, some Bitcoin. For example, I want to buy, uh, hundred hundred K or a thousand thousand dollars in BTC. In this example would be Mexican pesos. I got this Mexican pesos. I got them on my bank account and I want them to become Bitcoin, but I don't want them to pass through BITSO or through another exchange, et cetera. So, so we match orders, we match claims that wants to buy, we match them with the ones that wants to buy, uh, to sell, sorry. And they make this transaction similar to appear to peer. So, so hold up. So you're, you're, you're almost creating like. Stripe plus, holy hell, debit card, plus like a Kraken. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And it's all working, you know, it's not something that it's, it's on the, on a plan. It's, it's all working. We are offering all these systems already. We got a base. Of clients that are already, um, consuming or services. So it's not a promise that, uh, that we are making a, we are, we want to offer this, we want to offer this. No, this is very important because all the time people get confused with, with the promise and with, with what already works. So one of the, so I was, I was talking with somebody the other day and I realized that there's this whole world of like web three people who are. In crypto, uh, who, who have crypto but are not in crypto, right? Like, they're not in DeFi. And as, and as the woman explained to me, she's like, Oh yeah, I use, I use ETH for everything. I pay my tattoo artist in ETH. And for some reason, that blew my mind. Like, oh yeah, they're, she, like, she doesn't go into DeFi. She's like, Alex, DeFi is where I lose money. So, how can she use BlockPay to like pay her tattoo artist in ETH? Or in ETH or Pivax or whatever. Because I assume, I assume you guys don't accept ETH yet, right? Yeah, we don't accept it. It's right now, but we are about to implement all of these new networks. We are going to support, uh, implement the support for all of this. So you can go directly into your block pay up once you get your card. And then you, you only generate a payment invoice. You send the date. If, and that's it, the, you will see your balance in Mexican pesos in your, in your block pay card. And that's how you can go and you can pay whenever, wherever, wherever that mastercard is accepted, wherever, not only into the block pay point of sale terminals. That's, that's wild. And, and, and like, um, so Nathan was asking this question, um, and Nathan, I'll, I'll let you ask it, but like, did you guys raise a round or are you guys self funded? Because, uh, truthfully it's kind of nuts what you guys are building and that you guys are able to, to, to do this yourselves, period. Yeah. Well, 80 percent of it comes from own investment. Actually, we, we raised a lot of money with the, with the AVAX, with the AVAX, uh, pre sale rounds. So 80 percent of it, uh, is, is invested by us, by the founders. And we also raised a small round of, uh, of seed, of seed, uh, investors. We raised. Uh, approximately seven, yeah, like 700, 700, 000 U. S. dollars. That's, that's amazing. And so, so I guess give us the pitch, like, uh, Brevi and I have been talking about meeting up in Mexico, um, sometime soon. Nice. Give us a pitch of like, of like, uh, how, like, why should we get the, the BlockPay card specifically? And I guess like, how can we get it? Yeah, well, the main reason is that it's going to be really the process to get to get it is going to be and to activate it to get registered and everything is going to be really easy. Actually, we are going to brand or or, um. Or prepaid card as the easiest and fastest card into the whole ecosystem, because you only need to type your email, your password, create a password, and that's it. You get your, your crypto prepaid card activated. So it's really easy. And second, well, the facility where you can be the. Custodial of your own crypto all the time, 100 percent of the time we don't custody crypto. So you get your own crypto in your own wallet. And at the moment that you decide that you want to spend it, that's the moment when you send the crypto to your block pay card. That's wild. Um, Two questions I have to ask is why, why, why, why focus so much on Mexico? Is it just because it's easier to stay within the regulation of one place and like not from there? Or is it just that's like, it's kind of like where you're starting the same way that you started with AVAX? Well, actually the, the only reason to focus in Mexico is to make a comparative of the competitive, of the competition that we got here. But the reality is that our product, uh, travels world wild, world wild. Yeah. And it, and, and are there any other competitors out there who are doing something similar, at least like in Latin Latin? No other, no other that is really important also, because, uh, we get only a few centralized exchanges here that we actually hate to use them. And that's where everything was born actually, because we saw that there was only one that is, um, getting the whole Mexican, Brazilian and Argentinian market. It's getting it all. It's like a, like a monopoly. And, uh, that's why we decided to create another option with, uh, some things that are better than the, than the current, uh, system, uh, services offered. So, and, and, and I think, and I think that's huge because like in, in LATAM is like a place where there's actually a bunch of major use cases for crypto, right? Um, and even like, uh, Tropicoast, who's a Colombian company who's doing like loans for you, uh, USDC and BTC and, and, and actually creating savings accounts for people because People inherently don't trust the Colombian peso, right? Like there's a lot of use cases in, like around remittances and things like that. So, um, it makes sense for you guys to start in Mexico. So, is there a time where you are able to tap into like the remittances market or tap in between the U. S. and Mexico? Or is that just like a whole cluster of regulation you don't even want to mess with? No, actually, the regulations that we use right now was one of the hardest part off the whole company because we are 100 percent regulated. So, uh, we, we have these facility to offer multiple services. Actually, the challenge here would be the code actually. The infrastructure that we need to create to offer this new service and, of course, the whole marketing campaign to get the people to know about this new service, it's already been challenging to communicate the services that we currently offer, and we need to. Grow more our core business, uh, before thinking of offering new services are to get into a new market. You know, we prefer, we prefer to, to grow, uh, solid into what we currently offer and the expertise that we got. And after that, we can think about offering these new services, but of course, that's a possibility because, uh, block pay, uh, got. These got these characteristic, um, that block pay can grow into different, into different, uh, paths, you know, Um, and by the way, I want to invite up any, or I want to invite up anybody from this, from the audience. If they have questions, you're welcome to come up and ask. And, and of course, like, um, GGP and Landslide, uh, uh, what, one more question that, that I have for you just on the network effects and then, and then either someone can jump up or, or, or Brevi can ask about GoGoPool and BlockBase, like networks effects for those of you who don't know. It's just one of the most complicated things to do in business, right? To be able to scale up a network. Um, like people like LinkedIn, Facebook have been able to do it, but in terms of the, the actual strategy of like how you do it is incredibly complex. So can you talk a little bit about how you guys are trying to scale up, um, the, the, the network, like the network of these three services and which one kind of drives the other two? Yeah, sure. Okay. The first one would be with the point of sale terminals, the crypto, the crypto to see, we will let it behind because right now we are going to offer it just locally until we, until we get more transaction volume and the company starts growing more. And we think about to expand it. Okay. But by the moment, uh, with the national market that we got here is enough for the crypto OTC. The second one, the point of sale terminals, point of sale terminals. We are going to scale, scale them. As I told you before, implementing the block payments platform into the, into the point of sale terminals. That's how you as a user, you as a merchant. And as, as a business owner, you are going to be able to, to, to, to think, okay, I want to accept crypto payments into my business. What should I do? I, I'm just going to go to block pay. I'm going to order my point of sale terminal. My point of sale terminal is going to arrive to my business. I just activate it with a manual or whatever and it's done. I'm ready to receive crypto payments into my business. So that's how point of sale terminals can scale up. Uh, and the third one, that is the crypto prepaid cards is the most important because this is the most scalable of, of, of the, of the three services that we offer right now. So what are we going to do for Q one 2024? We are going to, uh, launch the digital cards or beer 12 cards, as you want to say. Call them the beer cards. Are going to be the are going to have the same properties of the car that we currently offer, but in virtual. So what is going to be the on board for the for the users? You are. You are only going to need to download the block pay up up into your phone, then you register the user and you go and activate your car. That process. In that process, you didn't have to apply for a card, you didn't wait, you didn't need to wait for the shipment for the card to arrive to your home, whatever, you only activated a virtual card in a matter of two minutes. Let's say so after you activate it, you just deposit into your, into your block pay card, into your virtual block pay card. And that's it. You can go and you can spend whenever, wherever that the contactless technology it's enabled. That is. Almost whole Europe and Asia, for example. So that's, that's how the, the, the digital, the block three cards are going to scale up into a massive, massive volume because people are only going to, uh, are only need to, uh, are only going to need to download the app, activate the virtual card, and that's it. You're ready to go. People, people do in a. People who are doing revolutionary shit always like talk about it. So just like nonchalantly, but I really got to fucking highlight the fact that actually, let me ask you the question before I start highlighting it. Did you just say I'll be able to spend my AVAX using the tap on my phone? That's it. The tap on your phone, or the tap on your Apple watch, or whatever, uh, whatever digital watch, smartwatch that you got. Dude, that's so fucking huge, man. And, uh, for everyone out there, I'll just start talking about the BlockBay team, like, um, I came out to Mexico. And these guys are showing me nothing but love. They are an absolutely amazing team. Every time I pop into their office, they're just all just working like fucking, like fucking bees, dude, going crazy. Or they're always like, you know, cause they let me work in there from time to time too. So they're always like, they always got something important that they're, that they're discussing. Um, in their office and it's just, it's just great to kind of just see them buzzing around. Emma's always talking to me about crypto shit, fucking like 10, 11 o'clock at night, which is, which is great, right? That's, that's, that's what you want in a, in a partner and in a, in a person that's building right. As somebody who is really, really, really into what they're building, like, like, like what you are, Emma. Yeah, that's it. That's it. That was exactly the same reasons why we felt really comfortable with this, with this, uh, partnership between Google pool and go and block pay because, uh, we, we felt the same energy, um, circulating from both sides. You know, we felt this hunger of, of. Improving as, as a team, as human beings, um, we felt this vibe and for all, what, uh, for all that we talked with the Grievy about the team, the, the goals that they have achieved already, that are amazing goals. That's why we knew that they were the correct partners to go in. Hey, that's love brother. I want you to know we felt the same vibe on our end, my friend, you guys are. And, and the crazy thing is, is, is, and that's the main thing that I say whenever I talk about block pay is you're not talking about some faraway vision, you know, like a lot of people, they're talking about what, what they're going to build. Like, it's like, nah, dude, we already have 1100 POS terminals. We already have a card, you know, these are things we are already doing. Yeah, exactly. Well, actually talking about that, we launched our presale into directly into our website. We decided to not list the token yet until the next year, but we launched our presale and the presale was, uh, it's been going really slow, you know, because of the market conditions, et cetera. We are not, uh, paying for marketing ads, uh, all, all our marketing it's a hundred percent organic. Like, so, uh, All these, all these, um, uh, all these, uh, uh, facts conditions made that the pre sale went really slow is, is going really slow and that doesn't affect us at all, you know, because our, our core business. Generates a positive cashflow since years already. And we don't need any, any of this part to survive. And that's, that's a fear that always comes with different startups, because if you run out of fuel, you die. And that's what we know already about a lot of startups. And it's different with block pay because we don't need fuel. We just need a boost. We need a boost to run faster. To grow faster and to get all the market that we got here just waiting for us because of the few competitors that we got here. We got almost zero competition here, almost zero, because even when we got competitors as, as a big competitors here in, in, Latam, they are not even offering the same services that we offer. So they are not direct competitors. They are, they are offering completely different things that we offer. We offer the bridge between crypto and the real world. That's it. And that's a, um, a necessity that is all around the world. Not only here in Latin America, it's all around the world. All the crypto industry needs a tool to make their crypto into an Starbucks coffee. Fuck yeah, man, and I and I just saw that uh selso popped up here as well. Hey You got anything you want to say as well, my friend? Hey there. Good day. Sorry. I was having some trouble with the connection. Um, yeah, I mean, um, Emma has already shared everything that we've got, everything that we are working on, um, our vision, and also, um, with that passion that we have, uh, at Logpay, uh, bro, you have seen How many people who are working? We're like, uh, like, uh, like a swarm of bees. Uh, and that's one of the, um, the reasons that we are able to, to offer so many quality services that, uh, we are so many people already. We are more than 50 people in the, in the company. Um, and, uh, and we, we want to keep, um, delivering, you know, everything that we are, uh, offering came because, uh, people were demanding it. We are, we are covering, um, uh, a market that, that demanded a lot of services that we are, we are offering and now what's coming soon is also, sorry, uh, real world tokenization. Uh, you know, Avalanche Network is poised to be, uh, one of the winning, uh, smart contract platforms in, in the next, uh, meta of the next bull run that I think one of the main strong points is real world asset tokenization, and we're also getting on this. But, uh, and also from demand of our clients. And we have a lot of networking with a lot of businessmen, uh, with real estate owners. And we want to, to also breach these, these assets from the real world to Web3 ecosystem on Avalanche. And like Emma says, uh, we, we are working, uh, to, to work as this breach. And now we offer to transfer value from Web3 to the real world through our cards. And now we are going backwards. Now we are going to take value from the real world towards Web3. And I think it's going to get nuts. And with that project, we are working with Google Pool. And they are very excited about what we are bringing to the, to the Avalanche subnet. Yeah, that's going to be absolutely huge, man. I I'm just, I'm really, really excited. And I didn't know if you guys actually want to talk about that. That's why I didn't want to say anything, but I'm always down to throw some alpha out there for sure. Um, Hey, no problem, man. Let's get, Hey, let's get the alpha out here, man. It's a nice ecosystem space, baby. That's what this tank is for. Um, but yeah, dude, so. For everyone out there, just kind of going, just kind of going, going over just kind of like the, just kind of like the quick points of the, of the partnership. And then let me get Comrade up here as well. Comrade, just give me uh, one second and then I'm Let's go ahead and ask whatever question you have my friend. Um, so we have our, so we have test net. We're working on a block page test net right now. That should release around November 20th. For those you out here that didn't know, and then from there, we're going to start working on, like, a permission kind of more of a guarded main net. Um, probably somewhere around like 10 validators or so. Um, and that's going to be coming out in like Q1, 2020, 2024. Now the, the super fun thing that I just love to announce is the fact that, you know, block pay is working towards becoming elastic as well. And so we'll be working on that as well. Once we finished up with the main net, kind of more permissions, but kind of sort of permission less ask kind of something that that'll be coming out. So. Very, very excited for everything that we're working on, my friends. And then we also have some tooling that we'll be giving to the BlockPay subnet to help with, uh, liquidity upfront and to help incentivize validator sets to actually, um, want to help decentralize their network as well. That tooling I can't talk too much about, unfortunately, my friends. Uh, but you'll be very, very excited towards the beginning of early December. Let's say that, you know, we're working on some things with BlockPay to get those things announced. And then some other big, big things that I can't talk about yet as well. But yes, all of that is all that's out there in the air. Uh, I got my friend comrade up here. You got the floor, my friend. Thanks man. A quick question for block pay is like, as I understand it, you, you, you can buy these prepaid debit cards with crypto. Can you explain specifically, like how does that actually work out in practice? Like, how are you able to like, like, like. In the back end, right? Like, how do you go from, like, let's say I have, like, a thousand USDC and I buy a prepaid debit card, like, how does, like, like, why is, like, Visa, uh, or, or, what, I forget, what is it, MasterCard is your partner? Like, why is it, like, how are you able to facilitate this in a way that others aren't able to? I guess that's my question is in the backend. Okay. So you want the recipe? Okay. Well, it's very easy. Um, what we do here is that we work with a big financial institution. It's actually one of the biggest financial institutions here in Latin America and they do, um, compensations. Yeah. So what we do is that we, once the transaction is registered into the blockchain, we, um, we go back with this financial institution and we ask for a credit and the credit. Is the Mexican pesos balance that you see into your prepaid card. That's how it works instantly. That's how we have an arrangement with a financial institution and they, they recognize. The ledger as valid, and then they issue like a balance on your end, right? Yeah, exactly. We amazing. Uh, sorry, sorry for interrupting, but that is pretty cool. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Well, this, this is not because of the crypto or nothing related to crypto. This is because we are a financial institution. We are registered as a financial institution offering financial products and services. So, um, We do this not only for the crypto ecosystem, for example, uh, here, um, here that they work also, the cards works also for pay, uh, payrolls for payrolls. And that's how we. Can ask for this institutional, uh, to this institutional, uh, institution, sorry, for the credit into the, into the prepaid cards. So what you are spending actually, it's a credit that me as blockchain as block pay need to pay. So once, once it is, it is reflected into your, into your balance. Me as block pay, I need to, I need to pay back that credit. That's the link between the crypto OTC and the crypto prepaid cards, because now I got some balance here in the, in the cloud. Let's say that way here in the cloud, in the crypto space, I got crypto. And how do I convert that crypto now into Fiat? Well, here on the other hand, I got some clients that are willing to buy some crypto with Fiat. So I exchange that, uh, crypto for Fiat. And that's how I go back with the financial institution. And I pay the credits that I asked for before. That's pretty amazing like like kudos to you for actually being able to do that because I know a lot of like Projects out there would love to have this kind of relationship that you're having with this with this institution Congratulations. Uh, is there no thank you. There are no concerns about like, I don't know aml terrorism anything like that like what like I know like Is it just because uh, the regulations are different there, but like how do you guys? Yeah, actually, what we are going to do is to offer, um, KYC for different countries that requires them that requires it. For example, when we all know that the regulations in in North America are being really, really strict. So, um, we are going to ask for. This KYC to people living there, for example, and for other countries, there are more liked into this part. Um, we are going to offer an optional KYC for this for these users. Thank you for answering my questions. I appreciate it. That's all. That's all on my end. Thank you for your interest. Any other questions that we got? We really love to answer questions because, uh, sometimes, um, for what you only read into the website or whatever, you get an idea of what, of what. This project could be, but just only you listen to, to the people that are making all of this possible is when you get a more real, realistic idea of what it really is. So, go ahead, make your questions. We are open to all of you. I want to say. Oh, I want, I really appreciate Conrad for all of his questioning. Um, he, he does pop up and engages a lot and it's really, really appreciated, especially your interest in the project, man. Like BlackPay, you folks came across my desk like maybe over a year ago, man. And I remember getting you guys onto another space and talking to you and just being kind of just blown out and, uh, to see how far you guys have come. To the point where now we're actually working with you, which is even fucking greater It's truly it's truly a blessing my friend and um, yeah, I don't necessarily have any uh, Any questions or anything like that and we're coming up at around the hour mark So i'm gonna go ahead and start closing things on down and you know asking folks for any closing remarks I'm gonna start off with my friend comrade here. You got any closing remarks for the people out there man anything you want to show? That's all I love it. I love it. Um, I'm going to pick on, I'm going to pick on sell. So sell. So you got anything you want to say out there for the peoples? Uh, well, I just want to thank you for for coming to listen to this space and I mean, everything has been great with, um, with working with Google pool. You guys are really amazing. You bring especially, uh, I mean, it's, it's been, it means more than just doing business. You know, it's, uh, we have built a friendship here with the guys at Google pool and we really appreciate Thanks Uh, you're going to see this space and all the people that join. I also say thank you for listening to us. Hey, man. I just want to say thank you to you, man. I think, you know, really, really appreciate y'all for taking the time and just, um, being willing to pop onto the space today so that we can kind of talk about things and kind of introduce you to the, uh, to the ecosystem a little bit more and Emma, you already knew you were going to be next. My friend, you got anything, any closing remarks, anything you want to show as well? Well, just wanted to remark once again, that, um, block pay. It's a working company that we are offering real products with, uh, real utilities. We are not just a promise into the air, into thinner. We are developing and you can try, you can try them by yourself. Even when the service is not a jet jet, it's going to be, it's going to be And Starship actually, so just give a try, give it a try and whatever, if you ask for your block pay card or whatever is going to work for you later, it's not like you are buying something that is not going to work for, for later, uh, whatever you, wherever you start trying right now is going to be used in the future. So, uh, get you an NFT, get, get some tokens, um. Get your prepaid card. Just give it a try and try the service and and see see it by yourself. That is that these are real products, solving real problems in the world. And of course, I want to thank all of the people that is listening to us. Thanks a lot for your interest. We are open for any questions also in the, in the official telegram group that you can see out on our bio on X and thanks, of course, for the hosts, all the, all the team from Savvy, Savvy DeFi, and that's all thanks a lot. Really appreciate it. Hey, appreciate the love, my friend. Really, really do. And. Last, well, not last, but not least, because second to last, no, third to last, because I'm going to go to, but not least, I'm going to bring up my friend Nathan here. You've been pretty quiet today. Anything you want to say to the people? Yeah, we, we, we had an announcement last week about opening our testnet. Um, if anyone's interested, they can go on our website and sign up for it, um, for incentivized testing exercises. Incentivize test night. Let's get it Oh just in case for everyone out there man, make sure you tap on block pay And then tap that follow button my friends. You definitely want to stay up to date with what they're doing and Also for closing remarks alex with savvy defy you got anything you want to share with my friend? Uh, nothing immediate. I will say Savvy's, uh, approaching one million in TVL, so let us know if you have ideas on what we do when we hit one million. And, uh, and, and, but, uh, thank you so much to Blockbay for, for joining. Um, I'm totally gonna reach out to you guys when I go to Mexico at the end, at the end of the year. And uh, and and thank you so much for for joining us here. You got your home my friend whenever you want. You're welcome Man, I I love mexico so much. I can't wait to be back anyway Closing remarks from me. I'm just gonna shill this uh shill this partnership between us and block pay Uh for everyone out there if you if you're just kind of popping in a little bit late to the show Please make sure you listen back to it. And of course, I'll put it on Spotify for you folks, so you can check it out. It's definitely something that you want to listen to, so that you can hear about what BlockPay is building and, and what BlockPay has already built, which is something I want to continue to say, already built, already has the prepaid card. I already have the crypto tc. I already have 1100 pos terminals. Um, I got to see some in action as well And you know, it's it's it's pretty trippy seeing uh, the apex go onto the card and seeing that motherfucker get tapped And then you know, that shit says pay and you get a receipt that shit was crazy. Also, we got ot I'm gonna ot get up on up here since you requested I gotta run but thanks so much for having you guys talk to you soon Thanks, my friend What's up OT? Hey guys, I just want to jump in and say the cards work. I've been using it It's all good. Anyone should get the card, you know, I'm very happy with the product. So that's it Fire thanks. Hell yeah real life customer feedback on the show. I didn't know we were gonna get that. Thanks a lot OT really appreciate you Yeah, but everyone out there, man, please make sure you hit tap block pay and hit that follow button, man. They're building something really, really incredible, excited to see where tokenization of assets go. It's decided to see when that virtual car starts to drop. I'm very, very just excited about everything that we're building and some of the tooling that we're building for the block pay subnet as well. It's going to be pretty trippy as well. So can't, I can't wait for you guys to get your hands on that. Um, also make sure you go ahead and hit tap on the Google pool. Want to go ahead and hit tap, put a follow button. If you're not already following us, we do this weekly, every single Wednesday at 3 PM EST, we are, we are like the fucking sunrise dog. We mad consistent with him, my friends. So make sure you make sure you. Tune in weekly Oh, man, i'm a little sick. Sorry guys a little weekly wednesday at 3 p. m Est my friends and then i'm gonna go ahead and sign off on my usual saying my friends you don't Have to go home But you gotta get up on out of here y'all peace