AVAX Ecosystem Space

The Web3 Mobile MMORTS That Focused on Fun

Steven Gates

GoGoPool, Landslide + Savvy Defi talked to Solert Games about the MMORTS they're building on an Avalanche Subnet called Legends at War

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GoGoPool Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoGoPool_
Savvy DeFi Twitter: https://twitter.com/SavvyDeFi
Landslide Twitter: https://twitter.com/CosmosAVAX

I would like to welcome everyone to the AVEX ecosystem space. I am one of your lovely hosts. My name is Brevi. I do growth things for GoGoPool. And if you know what GoGoPool is, we're a permissionless liquid staking protocol with a specific. Vision of expanding the subnet economy. I am joined here by one of my lovely co hosts. We've got Nathan Windsor at the helm of landslide, bringing the cosmos on over to AVAX. Hey, what's up, my friend? Good day. Good day. Good day. Good day. And I am also joined here by two absolute stars here. We have Jason with legends at war, as well as Woyzeck, uh, with legends at war. Say, what's up my friends. Glad to be here. I'm loving the vibe. I feel like I'm on a radio show. I want to get in my car and just, just drive around with the car. I don't have a convertible, so that'll definitely. Ruin the resale value, but yeah excited to be here. Excellent. Excellent. That's the kind of vibe we like to create here in the Amex ecosystem space Yes, nice top down cruising vibes It is the best vibe if you're coming back home from work my friends or just in general, but anyway Let me go over the agenda today my friends shout out invisible Shout out uger. I know I probably messed up your name my friend, but I wanted to give you some sort of shout out But it's all love over here But thank you everyone for coming on today Uh, so what we're gonna do today is starting off. We're gonna go ahead with a with an intro of a legend at war slash solar games We'll go over the history and then we'll get a brief overview of what they're building, which is legends at war. Uh, then we'll go over gameplay mechanics as well, because we've got to get deep down in the dirty. Talking about an MMO RTS does come into a subnet. Uh, definitely want to learn a lot more. And then of course, we're going to dive into the web three features that they plan on in, uh, employing in their game. Uh, so I guess just to kick everything off my friends, uh, We'll, we'll start off with, uh, with Wojciech, uh, can you just give us a brief history of you and how you got to this point and what you do for, uh, Solar Games slash Legends at War? With a pleasure. Thank you. Thanks a lot. First of all, thank you for inviting me here. So... I'm quite a dinosaur in the space. I started my career in 1996. Um, I was so lucky that I was invited by some people to build mpick. com, which is a Polish Amazon. It's the oldest and the biggest e commerce in the country. Um, and that's how my career with media in general started. Then, uh, the group of companies that we sold, uh, uh, mpick2. Were having one of the oldest and largest distributor of games those times as you remember, maybe games were sold as cartridges on the shelves in the In the stores not like today through some Uh, iTunes or, uh, or Google, uh, uh, stores or whatsoever. So that's how it started. Um, in the meantime, I invested in a few gaming projects, um, which, uh, finally, uh, two of them went IPO quite successfully. Um, and well, right, recently we are building Sollard Games, so Sollard Games, uh, is a company which was brought to the life by the fact that, uh, more than, uh, seven years ago, uh, I invested in one of the largest and oldest Latvian, uh, gaming company, which were doing, uh, convenient games for more than 10 years. Great team, working together. And they had an idea to develop a game, which would be a combination of real time strategy with RPG. And that's what's called Legends at War, and we decided to bootstrap it, so we created another company. We brought, we took the project, the IP, from the previous company, which I bought, to this company, and that's called Soulheart Games today. And we are building one of the, in my opinion, most, uh... The best and, you know, uh, most fun game in terms of real time strategy, if real time strategy can be fun, of course. So, so, so that's it. That's how it started. So we are together, if you would combine, uh, the experience in gaming of the, of the team. I mean, we are like 450 years experienced in doing games. Uh, my team developed more than 160 games together for different publishers. Some of them were published by ourselves as well. And now we feel that, uh, uh, thanks to the blockchain, thanks to the, the web free, I mean, it's like a new age for gaming, uh, new ways of exploring possibilities which gaming provides to the people. And because I'm in gaming for years, I know that games have to be for players, so we don't call our game web free game. We call our game a game for gamers, and once, uh, people are ready, uh, to, uh, you know, get a part of the web free part of the game. The game is uh is for them, but first of all the game has to be fun and they they have to love it So yeah, that's a few cents about myself. I'm happy to answer any questions. You may come with I love how much experience has you found? You said you invested in you know a few games prior back and then um ipo'd some as well Um, so it sounds like you yourself. You got a lot of experience specifically in like the gaming industry um, and then how how many people are on the team I gotta ask and Uh, yeah. How many people were on the team before we get over to, uh, Jason? He gives out his background. So we are 30 plus, uh, have in mind that such a game where we own all of the IPs, because basically you have to divide games per games where. You develop everything from scratch, or from the games where you develop the idea and you buy assets to put into the game. So in our game, everything what you see was developed by us. So those are programmers, those are artists, game designers. But also, you know, I mean, we have to have people for business development, or Jason, who is the best player, and he's, uh... Let's say, uh, uh, the heart of our community. So we are 30 plus and we are growing. Hey, I was actually going to, uh, that's perfect. I'll pitch it on over to you, Jason. Uh, just, can you give me your background? How you got to this point and which, what do you do for a solar games? Absolutely. First, I want to call out the propaganda. I am not the best player. I just make it look easy. I just, I have, I have a nice outfit. Oh my God. If you look at my track record, which you can see, you can, I can show you my loss list. I have the longest streak of losing in the arena every day. I get just wobbled. In fact, today I had an AMA, I was going to show off the arena, and while I was loading and getting into the AMA, I came back and I was already dead. So I don't think I can call myself the best player, but I'm enthusiastic about it. Um, I can't say that I started my career in 1996. I can say I was still an avid gamer in 1996. I was eagerly anticipating, uh, the first Pokémon game, which I've played basically every installment since. I'm a lifelong gamer. Of course, I have stories of every single console that came out from Super Nintendo, fighting to get it, even, you know, sleeping outside with the original Xbox. I slept outside for 17 hours in November. to get the original xbox launch. Um, I sent that sign. I stopped doing the black friday, like waiting online to get one of the first systems because one, if you bought the 360, you know, the red rings of death, there's always troubles with the first thing that go out there. Second, it really sucks when you are in line, you're getting the system and the guy behind you is trying to get his grandson a gift and you have to tell him he's not getting one. So it's I'm an avid gamer in my professional life. I started out e commerce, social media marketing, of course, with Instagram. I worked with, um, very large companies in the fitness space and celebrity space where we use, uh, name brands and big names to help push a lot of products and create, uh, some brand recognition. And I come from a sister industry to gaming, actually comic books. I wrote a six issue graphic novel with a celebrity author, um, where I learned really how to connect with fans. How to connect with people when people are passionate about what they do. And when, you know, people are looking at fun or escapism, like in gaming or comics is very easy when you make a good product to build a community around that. And about two years ago, I had the opportunity to see the game in an alpha stage that boy to show me. And I was like, well, this looks amazing. I see, you know, a lot of classic elements of the game. I'm really forward with how you can use blockchain, not as kind of like a cheap lore. But as a floor for the game to be built on so you can give real ownerships to people in game Because I don't know about you, but I used to play Uh mmo rpg is like world of warcraft and you did not have ownership of your assets That did not stop the seedy underbelly of you trying to sell your characters So I love off the bat You can have ownership of your assets and really really invest in yourself and enjoy a game Like what dick said the first thing is enjoy the game. The second thing is oh you also own the assets So you said two very very important things that I want to uh that I want to outline really quick One thing would be the, the, the main thing is you guys want to do is create a fun game, which is, it's hugely important. And, and, and, and we'll say, said this earlier when he said that, um, uh, actually kind of just lost my train of thought. So I'm going to go over to the second thing was the second. And the second thing. Was the red ring of death that just brought me back so many years, dude. And I knew it, it was like, it was kind of like final destination. You know, when like someone starts dying off and you know, you're next, you're like, well, we have to look at the seating chart who got it next. Everyone, me and my three best friends, we just had our first sons all together within a month. So we're still like, we're doing like the second chapter. So we'll probably wait out for the next like Xbox 8000 with them. But we all waited out. I remember my friend Luke's went first, my friend Mike's went, and I was just waiting. I just knew it. Like you, you heard it, like the first wave, everyone's gonna die. And it sucked. It was like a month and a half before you got your new one. Oh my goodness, see I didn't even I stopped getting new ones just because it was just because I I got the ring the red ring of death probably like five six different times My buddy got it three times. I was lucky only once. Oh my god Yeah, it was it was very intense and and then I found this little this little workaround where you like Basically, like, you wrap your towel around your Xbox and then keep your Xbox on for like two hours. Oh, wow! Yeah. We're like creating our own little religion here. You just have to pray, you have to... You guys are like blowing into the cartridge. That's like straight crack, man. Dude, fuck blowing into the cartridge, man. How about just set up an extreme fire hazard? Oh, dude, I just brought me back so much. I had to point that out. All right, cool. Cool. All right. Back, back, back. We have to get back once back on track here, my friends. All right. So. Uh, thank you so much for just talking a little bit about your background and going over the team 30 plus people. That's absolutely huge. Um, you know, especially in like, uh, you know, crypto market, where a lot of times teams will be a lot more leaner. You guys are, you guys are massive, actually. Um, and, uh, That's all the boys. Wait, what'd you say? Sorry. I thought you said that to all of us. Yeah. No, just you. Oh, man. Oh, man, I love this. Alright, so, um, but now we gotta talk a little bit about the gameplay. Uh, so, so, first off, can you guys just give, for anyone out there who has not Heard of legends at war. Can you guys give them a quick overview of what you've built so far? Absolutely. Um, uh, if you if I may jason, I will just uh, Tell one sentence and they will and then I will let you to follow that because as I said You are the best gamer, even if you lose every time it doesn't matter. We are still our favorite But, you know, I just wanted to point out one thing. Um, we are a studio and Legends of the War is the first but not the last product. We are already developing other products also that will soon hit the market. They are also the games which are, which are, which have like web to experience. So they are fun, they have to be loved by the people and so on. But they are web free ready. So I just wanted to add that, of course, this is about Legends of the War. But we are not a studio of one game. And now... Jason, the floor is yours. Alright, so yes, we are Studio Solar Games and Legends at War is our flagship product here under Web 3. So at a, you know, top level here, Legends at War or LoL, it's an MMO RTS cross platform game. So it's available on Google Play, it's available on the App Store, it's also available on browser, and soon to be updated on desktop. It is a classic city builder. And MMO RTS. So essentially you build your city, you go, uh, you through diplomacy, either make friends, enemies, frenemies, a little will, they won't think. And you got, and you battle in real time battles of up to a hundred players, uh, for real prizes. So it's great, simple, enjoyable. I know I want to go in depth, but that's my like 30 second elevator. That's maybe 17 seconds. Appreciate you for saying all that, my friend. Now let's dive, uh, let's dive deep into like some of the. Yeah, let's dive deep. How does like, uh, how does a player start and progress through the game? That is a great question. So essentially when you start, you're shown a map. So this game is set in the medieval period. Everything's meant to be time honored. So it's supposed to be mid 1300 to mid 1400. It's set during the period of what's called the Hundred Years War, and that was a war between England and France, where if you look it up, it's just like dudes like stabbing each other in the back for like a hundred years. They're just non stop ruining each other, and Someone screws over someone's cousin. They're like, oh, my bad, man. I didn't mean that. Come over here, we'll make up, and then they kill the other dude. Anyway, that's not in the game, but that time period is. So you get entered into that world, and you're given a little plot of land. It's, you know, a little, little square of land randomly placed on the map. And from that, you get a castle and some, um, procedurally generated resources. You'll have a stone mill, a lumber mill, or you'll have a stone mill and some iron quarries. And from that, you'll build out a burgeoning, like, uh, city. So we'll start, you know, sticks, twigs, some hay, very, very basic civilization. And what you'll do is you'll work up and you'll build it into like a castle with stone walls, uh, watchtowers, a whole burgeoning economy, and you'll hire a legendary hero. What I mean by that is every city gets one hero. It's a guy that's gonna lead your troops, protect your army, and go out and conquer for you. You get to hire him. You can hire others if you want to win them or use some gold. And then you build up armies, and you go out and you explore. So around your city are gonna be some NPCs, some non playable characters. You'll have maybe a hunter's hut, and that's where I like to fight. So, from my background in gaming, I always loved, uh, the PvE, the player versus environment. So I, I am a boar master. I destroy the boars. Um, good story about Legends of War. In Alpha, the boars were extremely overpowered. So only recently can I actually fight the boars, but I still go out and do what I can. So you can go out there, fight boars, you can go out there, uh, explore other territories, lumber mills, stone quarries, or you can go take over other NPC territories. What that means is I can send out. My army's in troops and I can go take over another city now to do that I have to take over their castle and these battles take 13 hours to essentially take that castle over you might say Why does it take so long? Well, there's a good reason. This is a true real time strategy game Which means that this is a worldwide game MMO Massive multiplayer online. So you have players from China, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Africa, wherever you are, all over the world, always playing. So we need to make it fair and you need to be able to outmaneuver people. So, it takes 13 hours to capture a castle, and then from there, it's a large enough map that up to 100 people at once can go and fight. So you can have 50 people on one side, 50 people on another. You can have 10 teams of 10. Whatever you want, you can have really epic, real time battles for these cities. So we, uh, Oh, I lost my train of thought there too. So I'm going to go back to it. We're talking about the blockchain. So I talked about the cities. The cities are all built on the blockchain. Which means when you build up a city, you have ownership of them. Also the heroes, the heroes have a leveling system. When you hire a hero, he's level one or two through battles. And through, uh, working with other people, you get to level up your hero. You own them as well. What's cool is you can win artifacts that augment your hero. You can win them in quest, or you can build them yourself. You have ownership of those. You can use them, trade them however you want through a marketplace, uh, in games. So it's a very, very rich. Kind of ecosystem. But what's really, really cool is the diplomacy aspect. So I can go and say, when I'm starting a game and you abbreviate me boy, Jack, we're all part of a clan. So we're like, all right, we're going to go in and we're going to play the game. That's great, but you're randomly placed somewhere on the map. So, we get to choose an island, who we're randomly placed on the map. And when you download the game, you'll see these maps are gigantic. They have to be, because we can have thousands of players play at the same time. So, we can still be in a clan, but in real life, I need my neighbors to be my friends, you know? If someone's coming to break into my house, it doesn't matter that my buddy in Idaho and I'm in New York, you know, I'm not gonna call home and be like, Hey man, someone's trying to break into my house, come over. I need my next door neighbor to be my friend. So, what I can do is, I can have individual alliances. with my neighbors, excuse me, I have the black lung because I am really in character. Um, I can make individual alliances with my neighbors. I can say, I will trade you, um, a hundred stone, a hundred wood, a hundred food every day, as long as you are my friend and protect me and I'll protect you. And then my clan members, I can still keep them. They don't have to leave. Friends, but what's interesting is there's going to be some time when your alliance and your clan members are in a battle and you have to choose which one to support. So there's a lot of twisting elements. It does kind of feel like that a hundred years war period where I talked about where players kind of, you know, there's some backstabbing and there's some underhanded deals. Some really cool aspects there. And of course we have quarterly tournaments. So you can play forever as you want, do quests, make friends, really learn the mechanics of the game and how you can fight in these big battles. Every day we have what's called an arena battle. It's a two hour quicker paced battle where you can learn the battle mechanics. Unless you're me, because I can't learn, obviously, because I've lost 19 times in a row. But we have these giant tournaments for real world prizes. So previously, we held three tournaments. Our last tournament had Hafthor Bjornsson, the Mountain from Game of Thrones. He was the main hero or villain, depending on which way you stand. It's a 14 day tournament where you either want to gain experience and rank in the top 150 players, or you want to capture one of five regional capitals. So I can say granted, I'm a little biased, but it is extremely electric to see everyone, you know, making deals and fighting in these very, very large battles, especially on the last day, trying to capture these, uh, these cities. So again, it is a classic MMO RTS. You start with just a, a blank pot of land with a level one castle that's made out of, you know, sticks and twigs and a few rocks. And you go, you upgrade walls. You upgrade cities, um, you eventually take over areas on the shoreline, you build boats, and you travel out and explore this map. You go fight wars of whatever size you want. You can fight the NPCs, or you can fight other players, or join them together. And again, you can enter these 14 day tournaments for real prizes, where there's giant wars, and it's, it's really something to do. All right. So that's, and it's not, it's not a marriage. Uh, those, uh, you know, partnerships whatsoever, you can change your mind. And basically, uh, they, they're like mod. You can modify them for today. You can make like a French group friends if they, you know, do something you don't like. You can change your alliances, whatever you want. So the game is very dynamic. You can do whatever you want. Yeah. It's a very polyamorous, uh, relationship you have with your, your alliances. So I love the fact that you can make alliances in the game and it has a whole diplomacy setting. Um, that's just something that I, uh, that I've played, uh, like, I've played games like Total War, uh, where they've had that kind of setting where, and it just, like, it adds, it adds a lot of different strategies to the game where you, you're able to have that element where it's like, alright, this person doesn't have to just be my rival, they can also be some, my ally as well. Um, but I have to ask you, Uh, so about your the battle mechanics, how does the actual battles play out? Is it like a turn based kind of thing? Is it more like total war style where you're like controlling an army? How does it work? Um, so jason, I will let you discuss deeper. Let's say from the perspective of the user feelings, but In terms of the game mechanics, it's not turn based. So basically it's like this that it's real time. Um, so You can make your decisions on the fly. Of course, the game is done in a way that we try to, uh, let's say make it as, uh, uh, that you feel like you would really be there. So for example, if there is a map and you have to go from one destination to another destination and it's far away, then it takes time, but it's essentially real time. Jason. Yes, exactly. So it is a real time battle. So it's not turn based, but I do love turn based games. Uh, it is real time. So essentially what you do is you take your hero and you build your army. So we have stables, we have bags, we have archery ranges, we have mercenary camps. Each of them have unique, um, soldiers that you can hire, but you can only have four types. Of units in any given army, so you build out your army You can add as many of you want as you want to them. Of course your hero Like I said, they get skill sets. They have their own skill tree. They're going to augment your The ability of your army and you put them to war. So if I want to go Like Wojciech said, battle another castle on the map. Maybe it takes six hours to walk there. Um, or it's right nearby. Maybe it takes five minutes. I enter there and immediately I'm hit with the fog of war. That means, of course, I don't see the whole map because I don't know what's there. So I have to work in and I can set my army kind of how I want. So it's a slot based thing. So I have four slots. I'm going to put the first slot. It's going to be my tank. And then basically the first slot can take the damage, the second slot, third slot, and so on. So I strategically choose how I want to put it in there. I can work in machines. So it's not just, um, people I can work in. Um, I call it the McRib cause I can never pronounce the Riviken, Riv key. It's a, essentially a gatling gun. The McRib, I can do a battling ram, a battering ram that can break down walls. I can choose machines that are in there as well. So I'll go in. And of course. Uh, I'll move through this fog of war. Of course, my army speed is also variable. So if I have, say, a lot of really light units, I have all people on horses. I bring the whole cavalry. I'll move faster than someone that's bringing a bunch of machines that I have to drag. And from there, I can set my army to melee or distance. So I can say, okay, I want to make sure if I see someone, the second I see them from far away, I don't want to get them close. I want to engage them right away. I'll set that to, Um, you know, a range assault, but I could also say, Hey guys, I'm not looking for a fight. I want to maneuver first. I can set myself to defensive only. I want to fight back if somebody attacks me or I can set it, you know, on site. If I see something destroyed. So I choose kind of my aggression level and I go in there, I choose melee or archery, and then I just point on my army and I drag and click and I watch them maneuver around there. There's cool things like I can use the territory to my advantage. Uh, if I want to stand on a wall that can give me. additional, um, that can give me additional defensive capabilities. I can stand on rocks, that gives me additional distance capabilities. So if someone's, um, next to me trying to use melee, I might want to stay on the rocks to get a little more distance between us. And then I slowly maneuver because it does take some time. If you have large armies, you have time to maneuver around there, or maybe I'm just trying to lure them out of their castle. So that's one of the things, you know, if I stand outside the castle and someone's all melee, I might just hit them with my ranged stuff until they come out of their castle. Now they lose a defensive bonus. And my friends can flank them. So, it is a very, very interesting mechanic, you'll see it. Um, it depends on your favorite style of gameplay. Traditionally, these battles take, uh, quite some time. But, if you want a quicker battle, you can enter our arena. And our arena has up to 480 people that can enter at any given time. And four people are added every two minutes. And then you can see some quick, some quick combat. Um, Go with me. Like, for me, I died before I even got to enter. Alright, so I'm, I'm plopped down onto this very, very large map. I have, I get a, I get a plot of land. And, you know, I start to build my economy, start to build my castle. I build to a place where I have a large enough army to where I feel okay. And then I can just start kind of setting out amongst the mist and finding other cities and, and, um, I mean, well, other castles that I can then take over. Absolutely. So I want to say there's, I would recommend using your scouts first, because this is, this is a mistake I made actually with showing off our game early on, especially to some investors, if people are very good at the game, they could build a maze, you can, I've seen some incredible wall features. If you enter a castle and you're just like, Oh, let me see what it is. They might be much more powerful than you, and you might just sit there and get destroyed. So what you can do is you can use scouts and scouts are, they're the only unit in the game that doesn't need a hero to command them. They're just horse ridden people, they don't have any real attack, but you can go and you can use scouts, they're very quick, and they can look at other cities, you can scout out which one you want to go to, and then choose from there, and then slowly, you can build out your city. So for example, I own five cities at one time, right now, and I'm growing and growing, I can get that up to ten if I feel like I can manage ten. The problem is there that, you know, I'm spread pretty thin. I'm always trying to trade troops and I'm actually using a marketplace and trade resources between my five different castles. I don't think I can control 10. I don't think I'm that powerful, but it's up to you. You can keep growing, growing your area. You can spread out to the middle of the map. You can maybe focus on taking over the waterways and that could be a really cool way to protect yourself. And one of the things we're working on right now, you can Uh, if you get a water adjacent plot of land, it's really cool because one, you can build out moats. So you can essentially build Venice. It's very, very annoying to try to take over someone who's properly built a waterside castle, but also you can use that to launch to other islands, which is very important in a tournament. And we are working on naval battles, so it'd be very cool because you can actually go and fight in the water. Dude, this sounds really, really dope. And Yes, and no red rings of death. That is that's actually the most important part. Excellent, I appreciate that and and this is and and how does the diplomacy feature kind of work because is it like when I'm dropped onto this map am I dropped with Also, like, other, like, real human players as well, or is it all NPCs? That's a great question. So, you are dropped with human players, too. If you download the game and zoom out, you can see, you know, hundreds, thousands of castles. If you zoom in, a castle will have a person's name, if they're a real person. Otherwise, it'll say local or neutral. Um, but there's a large mixture of both, and what you can do is, you can click on them, and you can, I mean, if you're, Just really, really salty. You can just declare war immediately, or you can send them. There's a mail system in there. You can say like, Hey man, what's going on? You know, my name is Jason. Please don't kill me. I'll get like, I want to work on this game. I really have fun. Maybe we can work together. Maybe we can play in the tournament together, send it. And then they can say, all right, man. And they can give you an offer. If you want to be in my Alliance, I'm already pretty strong. Here's what I'm going to need from you every day or every week. We can agree. Jason, I just want to say one word and we can continue. We wanted to to replicate the real world so you can lie as a traditional diplomat. That's all you can continue. Yes, but not I i'm very honest with my with my uh, But yes, you can do whatever you want i've seen i've seen in a tournament, uh A clan come to fight and then someone turn on their clan and start killing them Um, so they thought they all had it in the bag and they're like, oh my god someone what happened? Yeah, they betrayed it You know, you can choose what you want because also you could beat it for yourself. It is in that medieval war period, you know, you had to make strange bedfellows to survive. So it is up to you. You could say whatever you want, do whatever you want, but just know if you get caught or you upset these players, some of these players, you know, they put in a lot of work and if you're on their bad side, it's, oh, it's, it's trouble. You're gonna have to move. You're literally going to have to move islands. I, I'm so, so curious. So earlier you also said, um, you're currently managing like five cities right now. Um, you know, but obviously you can manage 10 if possible, but you're saying that you, you don't have like the strength to do that right now. Uh, what, what made you, you know, kind of make that decision and how, like, how do resources kind of play in the game? That's a great question. So each city, you know, you can optimize for your resources. One of the reasons why you can go out and capture cities. It's because you can capture cities in various levels of development. So I might capture a city that has a, you know, maybe a level 2 castle, but a level 17 lumber mill. So, you know, I can go out there and get like a, a boost to my resources. But essentially, you're gonna start, you're gonna want, you're gonna need to build farms. You need to build living houses. Living houses are how you attract a population. And of course you need a population to be able to grow an army. So you kind of conscript them into the army. I like to think it's consensual. It probably isn't, because I just... You know, can pay for them to join. So I, uh, build out my living houses, my farms, I build up lumber mills. I build up my stone quarries and I build up my iron ore factories. And from that, I get a certain amount per hour of each of those resources, but I can only store so much at one time. So I have to build extra things like a dungeon. I can build a storehouse and I have to upgrade my castle so I can hold more and more. So it's great. I get more and more resources. But there's always kind of a limiting one depending on what you want to do. So if I want to say make a lot of machines, I run out of, uh, like ore really quickly. So I need another place that's always giving me ore so this one area can build a lot of machines. Or if I'm trying to Um, build giant armies. I'm gonna run out of food quickly. So I need another bunch of other places building me food all the time and sending it to my main castle. And one of the reasons why I can't really don't think I can control 10 separate cities is that I am always jumping in that arena. I lost 19, 500 units today, 19, 500 units. That took me two weeks to make, uh, to, to build up that size of that army. I've been building that one for a while. So for me, I'm always focused on the next day's battle. And that leaves and again, this is I probably shouldn't say this on a recorded space, but that leaves the wide open for attacks while I'm in the arena or while I'm recovering because it takes time, even if I get after losing the arena. I get my population back. So it's not a total loss. So I don't feel bad about it. But I still need to train those troops again. And while I'm training it, I am left vulnerable. So I believe like a skeleton crew behind to protect me. And if there's a savvy player watching me, all they need to know is wait after 10 a. m. at the arena, know the name of my city, and they can easily catch me. They wouldn't do that. Oh my God, this is so fucking fire I wanna play this. I have a few strategic missteps that I make routinely. Wait, so what's the difference in the arena versus like the, like the regular, traditional game? That's a great question. And actually I wanna talk about another feature we have coming up too. Yeah. So first I'll talk about the arena. So the arena was, it's a very recent addition to the game. So what we do is we have quarterly tournaments. And they're 14 days, and all we ask is that players tell us what they liked, what they didn't like, and what they wish is in the game. We give them a soulbound token, um, that shows, you know, of course, you were here, you were part of this building process. But it's really, really important that we hear their feedback. And one of the things they wanted was, they love the battle mechanics of the tournament, but some of them, you know, they want to be able to experience more battles quicker so they can learn. I know this specifically. Once I started the arena, I realized how bad I was at battling. Just because you're, I was spending so much time building my city. Building my alliances. I wasn't focusing on the battle mechanics, but that's a whole art form. So you need more experience. So we added this arena. So in a traditional battle, it takes me 13 hours to capture a city. I have to take, um, basically 12 hours getting into place, building my trebuchet. And for the last hour, I just, I'm hurling, uh, fiery debris at a castle to get it low enough so my people can overtake it, but in the arena, it's a two hour max. It might end before if everyone dies, but to our max and what it is, is it's scaled by power and power levels determined by your, your army. So say I have a, my power of my army is 20, 000. Okay. I might go in the first wave and my goal is to capture a castle at the center and the castle capturing the castle is much quicker. It's exponentially quicker. Now I might have to survive against 60 battles. If there's 60 players coming. And then if I have a really weak or relatively weak army, say only have 2000. I might come in after the original player has fought 59 battles and now we're pretty even, so it adds, oh, excuse me, it adds an interesting dynamic or one you have to decide, is it really worthwhile if there's a lot of players entering it to bring your strongest. You know, army, what's the weakest army you can bring that you still feel like you can be competitive with and it's every day. So it's super fun to go in there. Regardless, you get all your population back. It's fun to go in and you know, some days you'll have a handful of people. Someday you'll have 20 people, but it's fun going there and just watching, you know, you go with your friends, you make a deal in the arena and it's all for one, but you can still make basically a handshake deal. So for it. And some of my discord mods, John and I, you know, we were trying to take out our previous champion. We go to opposite sides of the Castle and we're trying to outmaneuver him so we can keep him at range to take him down. Uh, spoiler alert It didn't work. We lost horribly and John ran away, but I died like a hero Um, but it's a very fun way to do it and also you win unique prizes So when you win the arena you get uh artifacts and these artifacts are used to augment your army. So I might win a uh Special spear that I can give to my infantry that if I attach it for an hour, they have plus 10 percent of damage, so I have to use it sparingly. Maybe I'll use it at the next arena. Now, any player can use the forge because there is a whole building mechanic to make it, but that might be a problem. You know, take 10 hours of game play. So it's, it's really cool to see those winnings. And then when you have special arenas, you can actually win buildings that can only be found in the arena. We have five separate cathedrals that if you win the arena, you can take that cathedral, put it in your city and it further augments your populace. So there's a lot of cool prizes going from the arena. And again, it's just fun. It's a great way to learn how to fight. I love how in depth you guys have gone with everything, you know, you know, things like. You having to set out to take over another castle. It's not just like you click on it and then you're there within seconds. It's, you know, it's timely. It's going to be like six hours. Yeah, it sounds like a huge commitment actually. And you said traditional battles take like 12 hours. Well, so I'm curious, how does the battle work? If I'm doing player to player, is it like we have to be sitting there for 12 hours? No. So what I can do is, so for example, when I say 12 hours, it takes 12, it takes 13 hours technically to capture a castle. So for those 12 hours, that's just an army is in my city building a trebuchet. But that last hour is where you have to really step in and stop them if you haven't already. So during that hour, you should jump in and you just have to destroy them before they just take over your castle. So from then, You can, you know, go in and maneuver, but you can also, if I leave a standing army in my city, I can position them wherever I want at a rallying point, and I can put them on essentially on site, I was going to call it, but an aggressive mode where they'll protect my city naturally. It's not like they'll be sleeping on the job, and then I have to go and wake them up. So they're going to naturally protect my city, but if I want to strategically go there, or if I want my friends to come and go, hey guys, they destroyed my, Um, I went in, they're taking over my castle, they killed my armies, I'll have to ask my friends, and they'll have to click on my army, or my city, and they'll have to hope to get there in time, again, it might take six hours, and be like, alright, well, I'm gonna get there last second, and they have to try to save me. So, you can always, again, you leave your army there, that's why I'm in danger, but you normally leave your armies there, keep them to protect you, you put up watchtowers so you have greater visibility, and you'll naturally protect your city. But yeah, if you want, the last hour, you really have to destroy their trebuchets before they take you down. You got you and man, I want to dive a lot deeper into the gameplay, but you know, we. We do have to talk about Web 3, of course, as well, because, you know, you guys did make a huge decision to build on Avalanche. Can you guys talk about that? You know, why did you decide to build, like, on a subnet? Um, Jason, let me take it over if you don't mind. So, um, first of all, uh, when we started, uh, development of the game, we're always, uh, thinking about, uh, two main ideas. that, uh, that are behind. So, first of all, ownership of the asset. But that's, uh, most probably something that, uh, each web free game is claiming as well, so it's not a novelty. The second thing, which was very important for us, is having, uh, having in mind that Legends of the World and all the games that, uh, Sword Art Games is producing are Those are like game of skills. So what it means, it means that you can play freely, you can train yourself and so on, but if you want to participate in some tournament, in some game where you can earn or I would say win real prizes, I mean having like, uh, the monetary value in the real world, um, you have to have a ticket. So we have to have a skin in the game and for such a purpose, uh, you, you want to be sure that the game you play is fair. Okay. If we are talking about traditional web 2 games, I mean, honestly, the player doesn't know what's behind, right? I mean, the server is managed by the company, the source code is not available. So basically, you just have to trust that you won when you won or you lose when you lose, right? So, um, we wanted to bring the product to the market where people can go back in time and if they are thinking that they should win, but they lost, they can check it. Uh, so the blockchain is the best solution. So that was like a second, uh, Uh, like a second, uh, uh, point why we decided, uh, our game to be, uh, web free. So, um, when you win the tournament or when you lose the tournament, uh, someone else wins the prize and so on, you can ask someone or go by yourself to the blockchain and check step by step whether the person that won the game should want, should win the game. That's, uh, like a very important pillar, uh, of, uh, all of the games including Legends of the World that we are developing. And then we were looking for the potential, um, Blockchain solutions that can support our idea and as you know, there's plenty of blockchains and so on but what's very important We were always we always wanted to develop games for players I mean once they are ready to understand the game is web free and they are ready To take over the assets which are on the blockchain to connect their wallet and so on. It's okay, but What if they are not ready yet? So we were looking for a blockchain which gives us an opportunity and a free way to manage the gas fees as we want and so on. So we started with Polygon. We download the Polygon Edge, we customize it for our needs. But you know, it's always like this when you download something, it doesn't work as you want, you have to customize and so on. And then we met people from AVA and what happened is that all the customizations we did and we were planning to do Within, uh, uh, let's say Polygon Edge, which we download, they are available in AVA. So it was like, uh, like a quick decision, right guys? I mean, you maintain the solution. We know how to develop games. So it was like a perfect marriage. I mean, we took the AVA cloud offering and we took the subnet offering and we decided to go together because Avalanche subnet gives us like a possibility to define on the real blockchain solution, what costs us, what doesn't cost us, so we can optimize the the game plan and the The corresponding, uh, uh, let's say blockchain records and messages to the needs of our business model. And that was like a pillar the most important Let's say point why we decide to go with ABBA So it sounds like you're also you're gonna be using your your chain to kind of store data so people can kind of Have a immutable way for them to look at, you know, like what prizes were given out, who won, et cetera, et cetera, as opposed to kind of having to, you know, trust the way that we do nowadays. And then would you ask because not just, you know, solar solar games, you guys are a studio. Are you guys also planning on releasing other games onto this same chain as well? Yes, we do, but not only. So, uh, we have already, um, like, uh, uh, pipeline of the games. We will be releasing on that, uh, uh, let's say subnet, uh, which we created. But also we have a lot of demand from other studios that partner with us that would like to help them. They know that we have experience, that they know we are on the market for a while. We're experiencing the blockchain space as well. So they will also, uh, develop their own products on our subnet. So, uh, Solid Games subnet, it's not just a subnet for us. It's a subnet which will be managed by us thanks to the AvaCloud partnership, but it's, it's a subnet for our games and for games of our partners. And this is also a subnet. For the players because, uh, we want to develop it in the way that it will be like the fair for for everyone and, uh, we will keep like a minimum gas fees and so on in order for people to benefit, have fun, so they don't have to pay a lot for that. And how has, how has web three kind of been integrated into your gaming economy so far? So it has like several steps. So first of all, um, we have quite interesting, uh, uh, let's say IT structure. I would say it's because we are on the market for, for years. Our CTO, Leon Skargowski, is known as one of the founders of a very popular and successful game, 10, 000 BC as well. So we have experience not just in gaming, but also in strategy gaming. And we decided to have like a technology stack which supports our ideas in the game. So first of all, what you play on your mobile device, have in mind we are mobile first, or on web or on, let's say PCs. It's like a rich client, right? So basically, uh, the meaning of the application that you download to your iOS or Android devices to have like a beautiful graphic, uh, be very fast, uh, very good user experience, and so on. Then, whatever you do on this, uh, let's say, uh, front end, I would say, or, uh, customer, uh, facing touch point, the game itself, it connects with our server. And, uh, everything like fighting, who won, who lost, uh, all the mathematic computations and so on. uh, in terms of the game mechanics and game economy are happening on the server side. Now server side sits on the part of the solution which we call a kind of the synchronizer. So this synchronizer sits on top of the let's say blockchain and it's responsible for matching everything what is in the blockchain in the game and what's in the game to the blockchain. So what's important is that you can play the game. And you can open a portal like OpenSea or our own internal portal, and you can sell the NFT. And when you sell it, someone else is the owner. It automatically, let's say, is reflected in the game. So it's very important that this is a fully decentralized game. Um, and now you ask how it supports the economy. So, from several perspectives. First of all, as I mentioned, whatever is in the game like an asset, like a building, like a village, like a hero. Or like an artifact. It has a representation on the blockchain. So it's an NFT. So it has a value. So basically when you upgrade the village or upgrade the castle or you upgrade the skills of your hero, it means automatically upgrade some, uh, let's say props of the NFT itself. So it becomes more valuable. Secondly, we wanted to create a game which is not, uh, web free exclusive or web free only. So what's important in the game, you have a coin which is called gold coin, which is like a moneta recurrence, like a main, uh, uh, the means of payment inside the game. And because that's the asset which is not represented on the blockchain, you can use in app purchases to buy it as well. So basically you can be like a web to player. You don't know what's, uh, blockchain at all. You don't know what's Web3 at all. You just download the game. You see there is an asset. You see, for example, the castle. You want to move fast, so you want to increase the level from second to the third, for example. You can buy coin using regular in app purchases. In terms of the Web3, you will have the same possibility by using a token. So basically, you will be able to spend your USDT or whatever else and buy exactly the same coin, which is a computer. So that's very important, uh, part of this mechanics. Additionally, uh, what we plan, uh, because, um, our, uh, let's say, uh, subnet will be powered by our own token, which is called the Legend of WoW token. We will implement more and more features that WoW token will bring to the gameplay itself. We start just with the staking feature because we want to move fast and we want players, as I said, just to have fun from the game. But more and more deeper and, uh, far in the time, we will, uh, let's say, provide additional functionality, additional use cases for the token itself as well. So I'm actually curious, uh, what, what kind of, uh, if you can talk about them, what additional utilities have you guys been talking about, like, that are on the roadmap? So first of all, we don't want our token to be perceived that as a security of n sense. So we will be using that, uh, for, uh, let's say, uh, speeding up something. So, uh, instead of just being a token that you can convert into the cold coin, you will be able, for example, also buy some NFTs using the token, which, uh, will beated. So basically it will be cheaper when you use the token than when you see SDT or some other, uh, let's say, uh, features. We will be also, let's say, implementing some free coin staking mechanism where if you stake some NFTs like heroes and you stake other coins and you stake low as well, you will be able to breeding like better heroes or you will be able to breeding some artifacts which are not available in the game. So the token by itself will be used more to have More fun in the game than just to replicate the well known define mechanics because there is a plenty of products like this on the market and we just don't want to be another, let's say, such a product, we just want to produce more fun for the players because we believe that the stickiness in the game by the players will, let's say, convert into the revenue streams and That is it for The, the, the potential of the game to reach a massive audience, uh, which is, uh, our, like, uh, main goal. One of the things I love that you said is that, you know, people won't necessarily have to interact with the Web3 component if they, if they don't want to. Um, can you talk a little bit about more so the, like, in game assets that people will be able to, like, trade? Like, are they able to, like, trade their army? Or like, uh, what, what different kind of assets are they able to kind of like buy and sell between each other? Um, so basically army it's a hard topic because as you know, even in a real world I mean people can just go somewhere and so on but there are other assets like I said as artifacts like heroes or some villages or some other valuable items and basically that's something that We believe that Let's say people will be willing to trade. I mean The point is that, uh, creating a game which is like essentially for web to players with the possibility for web free players to take over the asset means that you start building a game as it would be the web free game, but it doesn't look like it. So that's why, for example, our partnership with Stardust, where any Web2 player who joins the game, the wallet is automatically created behind the scenes. He doesn't see that event. Uh, it's managed by the, by the game itself. Uh, um, the NFTs, which are not like a pure NFTs. It's a specially designed smart contracts made by our blockchain developers that allow. Not just the user key, but also for some functions, uh, the game key as well to interact with it. So all of that creates the, uh, let's say, the mechanism which allows people who have nothing to do with Web3, nothing to do with blockchain, have fun from playing the game, but also for the Web3 specialists to manage the, let's say, economic part of the game as well. Dude, like, this is, I don't know, like, this seems like really, really dope, like, really, really fun. And me and Nathan have been talking about doing, like, some livestream elements to this eventually at some point, too, so. I don't know, we may have to reach out to you folks. Cause I think this would be fun to kind of interview you and then also play the game as well. Yeah, I just wanted, I just wanted to mention one thing more, if you don't mind. So basically, we are talking a lot about NFTs and so on. There is like a special, uh, let's say, a special example of NFTs, which are called like Solban tokens. Those are like non fungible tokens, but you cannot like, uh, just sell them or move them to another player or whatsoever. So basically, that's also very interesting and a strong part of, uh, let's say, Our mission and vision in the game and the game itself because the players participating in some special events like special tournaments Or helping each other, helping other players on Discord, and so on. They receive a special token, special NFTs, which are called SoulBank tokens, which are like badges. And those badges have also the use case. So basically those badges will be used in the diplomas in the game, and several other factors. So this will make like another layer of the game, where people helping other people will have some special benefits within the game. So it's just something that we are still like building. Resident Evil 4 and other games that Solid Games is producing, it's not like a just a game of a single fall. So basically what we are doing, we are doing a game that will be developed and played over the time. I like that you added that element too as well. Nathan, I saw that you had it unmuted earlier, would you have? Well, I'm curious, um, Wojciech, um, you guys, your, your, your gaming company has developed over 160 titles and has been downloaded over 20 million times. Where, where do you see, uh, your particular subnet helping out your titles, your existing titles? And so basically, we believe it's a good, like, background, like a basement, like a good starting point for the games, generally being web 2 games, but with the web free asset management or web free, let's say, ideas behind the scenes. Because game is a game. It has to be nice. It has to be good. It has to be fun. I mean, People have to love it. And honestly, if you compare today, the whole players market versus the web free market, you will realize The web free market is still very small. So when you develop a product for gamers, you cannot focus on one free. You have to have a good technology in terms of the blockchain, in terms of the accompanying technology for that, like different interfaces and so on. That, uh, it's easy, uh, to make those games and you just develop the game. It's by by fault the Web three game as well. And that's, uh, what we found, uh, Ava provides. So that's why we love the technology. That's why we love the Ratitude. Uh, they are very open. They are, let's say, uh. Helping us they are asking do you want something more? Do you want some more help and whatsoever? We have access to everyone. We have access to tools. So subnet for us. It's like One of the piece of our gaming studio, which is a part a component of every game that we're going to release In the future. Great. Thanks. Well, we're coming up at the hour mark here my friends So i'm going to open things up for closing remarks I'm gonna start off, uh, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna end, uh, with our legends and war folks, but I'm gonna start off with Nathan. You got any closing remarks, my friend? Anything you wanna share? Um, no, I, I wish I could actually ask EK more about his experience at mob and, and he, like, he's a, a great, uh, resource. I, I, I'd love to extend it if we could a little bit. Yeah. Let's extend it. Let's get it. Ask away my friend. Yeah. So what can you talk to us about your experience in the digital payment services? Yeah, of course. Um, you know, I mean, uh, I started it also a while ago. Um, so Mobilon is a company which, uh, basically, first of all, it's a profitable company, uh, which, uh, is a kind of the bridge between a traditional finance and, uh, crypto economy, I would say. So basically we have several pillars, but first of all, we are, uh, let's say, uh, licensed, uh, traditional finance entity, which opens the traditional finance tool, uh, for the crypto space or for the digital asset space. So we provide on ramp, off ramp, we provide digital wallet, we provide, uh, MasterCard branded cards that you can top up with any DeFi liquid coin. So basically whatever coin you have that is liquid on some decks like PancakeSwap or Uniswap, you can use it freely to top up the card and buy a cup of coffee or whatever else you need. And we are growing quite nicely. We have partnerships. We have in general our aim or our idea is to Let's say, be a real bridge between digital assets and traditional finance. I mean, I would love to see once that people do not differentiate traditional finance from digital finance. I mean, it's a world of money, right? I mean, it should be like a one, but unfortunately it's not. So there is a mission that we have, uh, and I believe that Mobilon is on the good path to, to, to solve a lot of issues which are currently, uh, between those two markets. Do you, do you see that, uh, Any, any gaming tokens being used in Mobilem? Of course, you can use them today. Sunbox is a good example. I mean, any DeFi coin which has liquidity on PancakeSwap or Uniswap can be used to top up. Mobile wallet or mobile card and you can buy coffee or pay for the Uber or whatever you want. Awesome. That's great. Thank you. You know, I mean, gaming is in our heart. I mean, we wouldn't be ourselves if we wouldn't make it possible to use gaming tokens as well. So I'm curious. So are you, are you saying that I'd be able to basically connect my, like, digital card, my card up to Mobium and then I'd be able to top it off with any digital asset. It works a little bit different. Of course, you can do that. But first of all, you download Mobium Pay Wallet. Just a second, please. You pass a very simple KYC, it's just like your OneID and your Selfie with the ID, and then immediately the Mastercard branded Mobulum is issued to you. You can choose between different currencies depending on where you live, and then you receive an email which comes to your mailbox with the top up wallet. And when you send a coin to that top up wallet, it immediately converts using DEXs like PancakeSwap, Uniswap. And, uh, you just seen your wallet that you have available funds that can be spent freely. Yeah, that's amazing. Thank you. That, that's it, Brevi. I, I didn't mean it to cut off your, um, if, if your suit seems like Brevi's frozen. I didn't mean to cut off his, uh, uh, momentum there, but I've been, I. I mean, I've been taking a look at all of your experience, which I think, thanks for sharing that, um, No worries, I'm, uh, you know, I think that, uh, we all from this digital space, we should have a mission to, uh, provide, uh, you know, a kind of the, uh, support and mass adoption, uh, for every, Art of the space. So gaming is something that is in our heart. We love it. Uh, we believe that entertainment is very important, uh, for humans to keep like, uh, let's say the fun in life and so on, but also, uh, providing tools which allow, uh, moving the value, the wealth between the digital asset space and traditional finance is also very important. Yeah, I totally agree. A breather. Are you back? Can you hear me? Yes, sir. Awesome. Sorry earlier, folks, everything just froze and then exploded the red ring, the red ring. No, no. Move them sounds really like that's a, what I was, what I would have said earlier if I wasn't frozen is, uh, that's a really elegant way of topping off the, uh, topping off the card. Just like. Basically, so are you sending the card in the mail, basically, when I sign up? The card appears in your wallet immediately. You can add it to Apple Wallet or to Google or wherever you want. And basically, you receive an email with a top up wallet account. And when you send this address, the token, which has liquidity on the bank export or Uniswap, it gets converted immediately using our systematic internalizer at the best price. And your card is just ready to spend. Oh, that's that's absolutely amazing I I it was completely lost on me that for some reason I did not connect to Dassa. This is a digital card Uh, so this is like a thousand times cooler because the process is like a thousand times quicker It's very quick and honestly to our wallet. You can also add The card that you have already in the wallet like your Revolut card or your bank card or whatever and then you can top up the card from the digital card so you can move assets between the cards easily. Is this live right now? Yeah, yeah, it's live. You have to go to the Apple Store, look for Mobilum Pay. It's M O B I L U M space P A Y and you can download it. Awesome, man. Awesome. It even shows the FinCEN number. Well done, sir. That's epic, man. Like we, we need more folks out there like you will shake just because, you know, like it's awful and all just, you know, being in the crypto space and just being in defy and, you know, just kind of playing around with defy, but like, You know, at some point in time, we're going to have to bridge this gap from the crypto space to like the, the real world. And you guys are doing just that. Yeah, that's our mission. So, um, you're, you're, you're, you seem to be on both sides of, um, both the payment gateway. And then, and then also the, the game itself, like what's your vision for the next couple of years? Like, especially like your experiences in, is in Warsaw, um, maybe you can talk a little bit about what you think the next coming years will bring. I believe that, uh, mass adoption will come and we will be less talking about digital assets and traditional finance. And blockchain will just become like a foundation for the whole economy. And, uh, that's the future. Uh, the question is whether it will come in one year or in five years. It doesn't matter. It's just coming and it cannot be stopped. And that's something very important because it's first of all democratizing the assets, democratizing the way how people spend money, but also it's a support and help for our value, for our wealth. Because today... I mean, the, the, the bank, like, uh, you know, I mean, uh, the national bank and just print more money and devaluate what you have in your pocket. With the blockchain technology, with the Bitcoin, with the mass adoption of the coins, it's not possible. So basically it's like, uh, it's like stopping them from ruining us. So, uh, it's very important step forward, but also it gives us an opportunity and ability to move money, to spend them how we want, to use them how we want, uh, It was quite rare. Yes, I remember like 15 years ago, I had a friend who lived in Australia. And he came to visit me in Poland and he saw on the stock exchange nice company and he wanted to buy stocks But it was not possible because he was australian So in order to do so he would have to go to the brokerage house in poland Prepare a lot of documents on board become the let's say customer of the of the brokerage house to buy something But unfortunately it took longer Then his timing in Poland, so he just came back to Australia with nothing. Today with the blockchain, uh, with the possibility to do real world asset tokenization and so on, he can do the same without even leaving Australia. So that's future. That's something that cannot be stopped. And basically there are people who try to stop it, but they will not do it. And I believe that in the future they will become convinced that this is the only way. And the mass adoption will only come so basically we will not be talking about digital assets We will just be talking about the assets and the foundation of that will be on blockchain. That's all Amazing. Thank you. I just want to chime in and say I agree No, everything you said is real just because um, I I had a recent incident that could have been solved just you know With the blockchain specifically like, you know, one of the things I love about the blockchain, especially like avalanche everything's instant finality As opposed to what we have right now where You know, I made a payment on my credit card and it took days and days and days and days and days for it to post as opposed to with blockchain where it could post instantly. Um, and because of that, I almost got stuck in Mexico, but that's a long story. Anyway, depending where in Mexico, because it could be fun, depending where would you be stuck? You know, I was stuck in Mexico city and it was, um, it was like almost near Halloween, so it could have been a pretty fun time, but it would have been a complete waste of a ticket though. But what can you do? But, you know, that's just one of the things I love about blockchain specifically, I can't wait for more. Um, a world where blockchain is more, uh, embraced, um, because we'll have that instant, you know, transaction finality to where like, I don't have to just like, I don't know, like sit around waiting for them to just say, Hey, this money has been sent, even though it's already been taken out from my wallet. Another question I have for Wojtek is what's the regulatory environment like in Poland? Like, are they interested in CBDCs? Like, are they interested in clear securities guidelines? So, as you know, I mean, Poland is a part of the European Union, so basically MECA is coming. It's a new regulation brought by the European Union, which differentiates different tokens, and it will clear some mess on the market. From the perspective of Poland, our security and exchange commission does not perceive tokens or Bitcoin or whatever based on blockchain as the security so they nicely said we will not say a word because we don't believe we should Because it's not a security So, of course our tax office found a way how to tax any transaction on the blockchain So basically there is so called registration for the companies that wants to sell Uh, digital assets that has to register and pay taxes, but from the perspective of the, of the security landscape or from the, let's say, uh, traditional finance landscape, landscape for the, uh, security exchange commission, uh, blockchain assets, they do not exist at all. So for companies who are in the space, it's good, I would say, right? If you want, want to know whether it's good or bad, it's good because if security exchange commission tries to regulate something in the digital asset space, Usually it's a mess. It's a mess. So it's good that they don't perceive it as a security. Excellent. Thank you. Um, what, um, one, um, I guess softball here. I'll, I'll, I'll ask just about in relation to Axie, what, um, how does, um, how, how are you guys going to avoid that? How is Solr Games in general going to avoid that type of scenario? So first of all, our games are not played to earn games, right? I mean, basically you don't earn tokens just by playing the game. So basically our games are games of skill. So basically you have to have some skill and you have to win something to receive something. So this is like the best way to avoid such a scenario. Great. Thank you. That was great. I don't have any other questions, I'd just love to, like, see how you guys are developing it in the future, and if we could do, like, a Twitch stream, or some sort of other broadcast where we have some of the gameplay, like, I'd love to... Uh, analyze it more. Absolutely, I think a great time to do that would be, uh, during our tournament when there's a lot of players there battling against each other. I'm crying because my entire civilization has crumbled, but I think it would be really, really good, uh, to get you guys on. Yeah, I'd love to hear the ta I'd love to talk trash, I mean, I I Yeah, can I comment? Can I commentate, please? That's what, really, it's all about. I go to war not to win. But to do devastatingly punny just assaults on my, my allies and my, uh, my enemies character. It's all about trash talk. We, the rule is don't offend anyone, but if you're going to trash talk, you have to make it funny. If it's not funny. I love that. When is the, when is the tournament? So we're planning it for December. We haven't announced our official dates, but it will be end of Q4. End of Q4. Okay. Okay. Alright, I don't know. Sounds like a date to me, Nathan. I don't know. I'm super down to run this back. I think it'd be fun. I mean, first of all, your opening to this whole Twitter space definitely gave me the, I was like, alright, we're gonna play the game together. I loved you. You had a little music playing, you were stopping, you were doing shoutouts. And again, just so I can be talked to, um, it was great. I definitely think you guys would have a good time on a little Twitch stream. Awesome. We try to have fun here at AVAX ecosystem. One final point is, what's your thought about extending your subnet out into non Avalanche chains? Where, I'm asking, like, are, like, we've built a bridge from Avalanche to other... Like IBC enabled chains, so Cosmos, Polkadot. Curious to hear, I know you guys have a permission in subnet, but I'd love to hear what your thoughts are. So, uh, those are like two independent things in my opinion. So we are also planning to do, uh, let's say bridges to our networks, but not because we want to extend subnet or whatsoever. We just believe that people should use their assets freely. So if they want to move their NFTs, wealth, or whatever else, from Avalanche subnet to some other chain like Ethereum, for example, that They should be able to do so, but so far we don't have the plans, uh, to, let's say, move with our project development to other chains than subnet, because it's not needed, you can always bridge classes and that's it. And so far AVA gives us enough potential and possibilities and tools that we can keep focusing on making games instead of developing our own blockchain solution. Great. Thank you. Awesome, man. Well, thank you guys so much for popping on today. It's been absolutely amazing. I'm excited for round two coming up in Q4. Definitely super excited about that. Yeah, we could play some games, my friend. Let's do it. Excited again. Thank you guys for having us. This has been an incredible space. We love talking about you, you know, we love the energy here and we look forward to doing this again. Thank you. It was a pleasure. Awesome. Thank you folks so much. Um, I guess we don't really got to do closing remarks, man. I guess we kind of already did closing remarks. Um, so I'll just go, go on ahead and say we do this weekly, everybody, every Wednesday. At 3 p. m. EST. So make sure you pop on next week. Uh, make sure you go ahead and tap on Google pool, landslide LAW and Walsh check, go ahead and tap on their profile, hit that follow button. Uh, so if you stay up to date on legends at war and everything, the Google pool landslide are building as well as my Apex ecosystem spaces. Just like this, that we do every three, every Wednesday at 3 p. m. EST. Yes. I said it again, my friends anyway. Anyway, thank you folks so much for attending another amazing thing that we do every Wednesday at 3 p. m. ESC And for those of you who just popped in, um, you can I'll have this up on Spotify very soon So you guys go ahead and watch them there. Uh, but yeah, man, uh, what's my usual saying? You don't got to go home, but you gotta get up on out of here y'all Peeeeeeeeaaaace!