Vegetarians & Meat-Lovers: Split Table Recipes

Pastry Chef Brianna Shaver Garden Box Baking Interview

May 27, 2023 Julie Hoag / Brianna Shaver Garden Box Baking Season 1 Episode 19
Pastry Chef Brianna Shaver Garden Box Baking Interview
Vegetarians & Meat-Lovers: Split Table Recipes
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Vegetarians & Meat-Lovers: Split Table Recipes
Pastry Chef Brianna Shaver Garden Box Baking Interview
May 27, 2023 Season 1 Episode 19
Julie Hoag / Brianna Shaver Garden Box Baking

Episode 19: Pastry Chef Brianna Shaver Garden Box Baking Interview. Brianna is a Pastry Chef turned SAHM who is now focusing on her craft of masterful dessert creation as a digital creator, social media influencer, and food photographer. She also does custom orders in Seattle. Brianna and I had a really fun chat about baking! She shared her experiences and some fabulous tips about making yummy desserts! She is a content creator and her recipes can be found on Instagram at and on YouTube where you can find her full recipes along with images/videos.

Thank you for coming on my show Brianna! You can watch our chat as a video on YouTube at

Enjoy Brianna's Favorite Chocolate Chip Banana Bread recipe! I made it and it's delish!!!

4-5 (454g) bananas

½ cup (99g) olive oil

1 cup (213g) brown sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup (120g) all purpose flour

1 cup (113g) whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon baking powder

¾ teaspoon salt 

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ cup (57g) toasted walnuts, chopped

½ cup (85g) chocolate chips

Simple syrup 

Mix together the mashed banana, oil, sugar, eggs & vanilla. Add in the flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt & cinnamon. Fold in the walnuts & most of the chocolate chips. Pour into a greased and parchment lined loaf pan, top with remaining chocolate chips. Bake @ 350° 60-75 min (check to see if it’s done by inserting a toothpick in the center, it should come out clean or slightly tacky). Brush with simply syrup while warm. Let cool & enjoy!

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Check out my new cookbook American Midwest Cooking: Quiches
One Dish Two Diets cookbook
Hungry Hearts edgy YA romance with sweet love too:

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Music by Young Presidents, "So Excited".
Copyright Julie A. Hoag Julie Hoag Writer LLC 2022-2024

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Show Notes Transcript

Episode 19: Pastry Chef Brianna Shaver Garden Box Baking Interview. Brianna is a Pastry Chef turned SAHM who is now focusing on her craft of masterful dessert creation as a digital creator, social media influencer, and food photographer. She also does custom orders in Seattle. Brianna and I had a really fun chat about baking! She shared her experiences and some fabulous tips about making yummy desserts! She is a content creator and her recipes can be found on Instagram at and on YouTube where you can find her full recipes along with images/videos.

Thank you for coming on my show Brianna! You can watch our chat as a video on YouTube at

Enjoy Brianna's Favorite Chocolate Chip Banana Bread recipe! I made it and it's delish!!!

4-5 (454g) bananas

½ cup (99g) olive oil

1 cup (213g) brown sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup (120g) all purpose flour

1 cup (113g) whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon baking powder

¾ teaspoon salt 

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ cup (57g) toasted walnuts, chopped

½ cup (85g) chocolate chips

Simple syrup 

Mix together the mashed banana, oil, sugar, eggs & vanilla. Add in the flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt & cinnamon. Fold in the walnuts & most of the chocolate chips. Pour into a greased and parchment lined loaf pan, top with remaining chocolate chips. Bake @ 350° 60-75 min (check to see if it’s done by inserting a toothpick in the center, it should come out clean or slightly tacky). Brush with simply syrup while warm. Let cool & enjoy!

Visit my website:
Check out my new cookbook American Midwest Cooking: Quiches
One Dish Two Diets cookbook
Hungry Hearts edgy YA romance with sweet love too:

Instacart - Groceries delivered in as little as 1 hour.
Free delivery on your first order over $35.

Thanks for listening and enjoy your food today!

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Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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Music by Young Presidents, "So Excited".
Copyright Julie A. Hoag Julie Hoag Writer LLC 2022-2024

Season 1, Episode 19 Pastry Chef Brianna Shaver of Garden Box Baking on the Vegetarians and Meat-Lovers: Split Table Recipes Podcast with Julie Hoag.
This transcript may not be 100% accurate because it was transcribed by YouTube. If you have questions, please email

Speakers: Julie Hoag and Brianna Shaver of Garden Box Baking
hello everyone I'm really excited to share this guest with you and first of
all welcome to vegetarians and meat lovers split Table recipes and I'm really excited to talk to this person I
love to talk to other people who like to cook and I want to welcome Brianna, do you go
by Brianna or do you go buy garden box baking because I know that's what you are on Instagram.
 yeah well I mean yeah
garden box baking flick my handle for everything but I'm Brianna
Brianna Shaver and you are a digital Creator a pastry chef turned stay-at-home mom you do food photography
recipe development and custom orders out of Seattle
that's awesome so what so what does a pastry chef do like I know there's different titles of different chefs but
what exactly is a pastry shop um well I guess it depends where you work but
I mean you're just in charge of any kind of dessert um or you know if you work in a
restaurant of course all the desserts on a restaurant on their menu um I was doing corporate dining mostly
so that was a little bit different because we were in charge of um all of the desserts for breakfast lunch
and dinner throughout the day and then um just you know um having a team of pastry cooks and
coming up with different recipes um different Cuisines that sort of thing
well that's fun so when you were doing that were you the only pastry chef or were there others that you were working
with no there were a lot I was actually working at The Meta building one of the meta buildings here in Seattle and so um
every building had their own pastry chef and when I left I think there were like
eight buildings maybe more around the general area there's a lot around here so there were
a lot of us but on my team there was um I think four four or five of us pastry chefs and then we all had a smaller team
of pastry fits as well sounds really fun did you enjoy doing it I did yeah it was really fun
um I but I ended up leaving after I had my daughter I went back to work for a few
months and then I was like this is not sustainable so yeah I
totally understand because I kind of did something similar and then I went part-time my first was born then I went
part-time and then when I had after I had my second I just became a stay-at-home mom too so I was a stay-at-home mom for about six years and
then I went back to working and so it's hard to leave your child and some people that's just not okay to them and that's
how I was too I wanted to spend that time with my kids when they were young was that your thought too or what was your going through your head yeah I mean
we well I just was not okay with child like daycare I just could not fathom dropping her off at daycare so we got
Nanny it was really great but then I'm like I'm spending almost my entire paycheck to pay someone
else to raise my daughter when at least times you know that time is so precious they changed so much that it's like I
don't want to miss all these Milestones you know so it just did not make sense yeah so true and that's exactly how I
felt too and you know you don't get that time back you know mine are all mine are all teenagers now but so it's it's still
very very busy but it's different because they can do things on their own but you don't get that those young years back so I totally get where you're
coming from there so you've taken your experience and you've turned it into doing what you're doing now so tell us
about what you're doing right now yeah so now um I mostly do content creation
um for mostly Instagram but I've also started branching out into YouTube shorts and Tick Tock and I have some
other things in the works but um yeah just posting on there and then I do recipe development and food photography
for companies so um they'll usually send me some some kind of ingredient that they're looking
to promote and then I can develop a recipe based around the ingredient um do some photos for them and
um yeah and then I I also do custom orders here in Seattle for cakes and that kind of thing
um but I'm kind of trying to move away from that and just do the content because yeah I like it more it's so much
more flexible it's it's I can imagine it'd be kind of hard with a child to be like okay I
gotta make a cake right now for this timeline and it's it's a little bit harder when you're doing your own content creation you're on your own
timeline so that's a big difference yeah yeah for sure yeah so when you're doing it I actually found you it's kind of
interesting how I found you because you have worked with salafina spices right yeah and I have too and so I got an
email from them and you were featured I'm like oh hey I'm gonna hit her up and see if she wants to come on the podcast
yes that's actually how I I hooked up with you and then I messaged you on
Instagram so that was kind of fun that we both done that have you done a lot with them I've only done a little bit with them
um I started working with them in January so um just I just like I think I've done
six recipes or so yeah I think I've done about six
um so far and then I'm actually working on a spice blend with them right now to be like a custom spice blend which is
very exciting yeah yeah absolutely that's very exciting so now when you're doing your content creation Now are you
kind of sticking with the pastry stuff or are you venturing into different areas I pretty much just toothpaste like just
in there it's for the most part I mean I've posted a couple of things that are not sweet but for the most part Just
Desserts um yeah yeah I I don't eat them eat desserts 24 7. I eat lots of different
things but we'd all love to do that right that's not gonna work
exactly so what what are you working on right now other than you said you're
working in like a spice blend is that what you said yeah we're gonna spice blonde with them um I am working with a
brand called cookie chips right now as well doing they do like packaged to cookie like cookie mixes and
um so I've been developing different recipes using their cookie mixes which has been fun
um and then I'm also just really busy like in my personal life right now with some like new poem things and so it's
been hard to get a ton of content done lately but uh yeah just juggling
everything it's fun though that you can do it kind of on your own pace and that you can
still do some things and not being completely out of touch with what you did when you were working so you can
kind of like keep in that a little bit you know and it can grow into something too for you you know like that's what's really cool about it
being you know doing an online stuff is that you can do as little or as a lot as you want and you can just grow from it
which is really fantastic yes yes for sure the goal is to eventually replace my previous salary
with with this stuff so I'm working towards it absolutely now do you
maintain a website yet are you just pretty much using social media now I've been I have my domain I've uncapped my
website kind of halfway built I just need to I need to find the time to sit
down and really finish it but but eventually the goal is to get it going and to start
um doing more like long-form recipes on there yeah definitely so what's your
favorite pastry to make gosh I know people ask me this all the time and I have such a hard time
answering because I don't know I I don't know I love making everything
um I mean really I love to make what I love to eat so carrot cake and
scones and that sort of thing but I don't know that I have a I don't know
that I have a favorite one to make I just I love all of it do you have any secrets to share of
things that you've learned over the years um one great secret is if you need a
recipe quick and you don't know uh you don't have one on hand and you don't know where to look because there's so
many out there King Arthur Flower has the best recipes their test recipes are
so good I always if I'm like needing some inspiration I always go over there and look at some of their stuff because
yeah everything I've tried every every recipe I've made from them is always 10 out of 10. oh nice so how do you
spell that did you say King Arthur or did you say I'm sorry yeah King Arthur it's just the flower brand but then they
have like all these recipes on their website yeah they're great very cool very cool
so and then you shared with me uh yesterday or a few days ago you shared mcpathy your chocolate chip banana bread
which did end up making it was very delicious and I had to modify it though because of course doing it last minute I
didn't have everything on hand I didn't have the whole wheat flour which for people listening to this I'll put the recipe down in the podcast notes it's
really good it's really good so I didn't have the whole wheat flour so I had to do two cups of white flour and then I
didn't have walnuts but I had pecans so I used pecans and then my other problem which actually ended up being really
yummy was I didn't have a full cup of chocolate chips I only had a quarter cup but I had butterscotch chips so I did a
quarter of chocolate chips and a quarter of butterscotch chips and it turned out really good that sounds delicious
yeah my family loves it I have three teenage boys so you know it's not going to last real long it's it's mostly done
already and I just made it and the banana and I happen to have bananas too
I'm like hey this is perfect so you know that's it's really good so did how did you develop that recipe was it something
that you saw and you modified or was it something that you've been making for years yeah it was um well actually it's
funny originally it was um a King Arthur flour recipe but then I
had adapted it to um for when I was making it at my last job
at meta I was we adapted it um and kind of like changed it a little bit and then so we could do it at Large
Scale um and then since then I've also kind of tweaked a little bit more here and there
so it's it started out as one recipe and now it's kind of become its own thing
but yeah I always add extra spices and change up the flour ratio and all that
sort of stuff yeah it's interesting how you you know I do that a lot too where I see a recipe and I'll modify it or I'll
combine two recipes somehow and it's really fun to do sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but for me I have a
certain like I like to do things a certain amount of times before I would publish it do you have a set number of
how many times you'd like to make it to have it turn out before you decide to share it no not really a set number
um I just as many times as it takes to make it how I like it I guess
um typically it's like one or only one or two times because I've made the recipe before somewhere along the way
but um if it's something completely new that I'm trying out um probably two or three times before I
before perfect it and share it with the world right exactly so what has been your
favorite cellophaneous spice to work with so far oh um they're all so good but I I love
their vanilla beans because I use vanilla and like I use them on everything and the vanilla beans
are really good and so when I have I love having the beans because then when I'm done with the I use all the seeds up
then I take that leftover bean and I cut it up and I stick it in with my uh coffee like my sugar for coffee so I
make vanilla sugar coffee in the morning that's so good yeah oh that's a great
tip I never would have thought of doing that that's great it's so easy and then it's like you do a couple beans in there
with um you know like a cup of sugar and it oh it's so fragrant it's delicious
wow that's nice now I haven't really worked much with beans do you have to like what do you have to do to them to make
them usable um you just have to nothing you just like uh slot do a slice down the middle
of it all the way down and then you can kind of peel it open um and then I use the back of a knife or
you can use a spoon and you just kind of scrape out the seeds and you just add them to whatever it is so if you're like
replacing vanilla extract with vanilla bean in a recipe you can use usually like half of a bean or the amount of
extract that usually calls for do you feel it gives a different flavor when you use that than when you use like
the liquid vanilla um I think so if like not really in if
you can bake it but if you're gonna put it in like a frosting or an ice cream or
um whipped cream something like that then like the flavor is much more pronounced with the vanilla bean and it
just tastes more natural you know it's not made out of alcohol and it's you know it's that just the bean itself and
it's super good yeah vanilla beans are so good well that's so interesting I need to try that now because I'm like I
just have never tried that before I've always just gone to the whole you know the old liquid form which yeah you're
right it's just kind of I don't know I think it'd be more exciting to use a vanilla bean even just more fun if not
even the flavor it's just like more fun to use I would imagine it is more fun and it always feels like you're
elevating your dessert whatever you're making oh yes that's like a whole vanilla bean in it exactly yeah it's just more natural and
it's just it yeah it's just I think it's just better all around yeah so what is your so when you're
cooking do you usually I know it's hard with like a child around but do you try
to do it when she's busy or do you find yourself doing it when she's around how does that work for
you being a mom it can be challenging yeah yeah I can well typically I do
everything during nap time so any of my like my recipes that I'm making or content that I'm making will be during
nap time um and I'd say half the time I get it all done in that time and the other half
she wakes up and then I'm battling her trying like no don't eat that no don't
touch this trying to pull the camera down yeah
yeah and speaking of camera so you've ventured into photography now is that something you added in after becoming a
stay-at-home mom or is it something you've always done well I actually did Photography in high school
um a couple years but that was a very long time ago now and so I had to relearn I had to like re-teach
myself um after I yeah after I quit my job it's like well I really
want to get back into photography and start doing food photography so um yeah I just bought a camera and
watched a bunch of YouTube videos and yeah so far so good
that's awesome absolutely I kind of did similar thing too in I did a little bit of video I didn't get too much into
video but are you getting much into video like the creation you know people have those videos where they're showing it being made have you done much of that
yet yeah um on my Instagram I pretty much only do videos I don't really just do the
pictures because um I think the videos are just really fun to make
um but I'll do some of them are the whole process of me whatever I'm making and some of them are like you know
slicing into a cake or taking a bite of something that sort of thing but I do
all my um videos on my camera as well and then I edit them on an app called in
shot on my phone very nice yeah it's really fun and I think people
really just like videos so they end up being more popular anyways how about Pinterest have you put stuff on
Pinterest because that's a fabulous place for food yes I know actually that's my plan is to to go into
Pinterest next I years and years ago I had a flute food blog called baking with
Brianna and this was like my first time trying uh a food blog and I was on
Pinterest with that but um I didn't like I didn't continue doing that
because at the time I was just focused on work and yeah so I can stop doing that but
um yes I will be going on to Pinterest that's my next my next plan
absolutely it's great for food and you can put videos on there too that's and you can recycle like take them from
Instagram that use your Instagram and put them on Pinterest your videos and you know you can do obviously still live
pictures on Pinterest too but videos are they they do have a limit for how long the videos can be on Pinterest but you
can put them there so and even if you do a clip you know that's that's okay too yeah yeah yeah that's I should do it I
am that's what I've been doing I started like I was saying I started doing um YouTube shorts and so I just post whatever I post on Instagram then I just
go over to YouTube and then I'll post the same thing and change like this music um but the video is the same thing and
yeah I think that's the secret sauce too for people doing content creation is taking
it and putting it in different ways and different platforms so that you can get more exposure you know it's just
it's a great way to use your content and you know you want to use the max out of your content as you can because yeah
like as we said sometimes it can be challenging to make that original content so you got to use it like crazy
yes yeah it takes so long sometimes just to do one recipe that's like well I
gotta post this as much as I can everywhere I know right and then if you do a video you can do like if you want
to chop it up you can do a piece here and then you can do the same recipe later with a piece there you know just keep reposting which is just it works
out really well yeah so when you were making food when you were working was there a certain Focus
or was it always just all kinds of different foods or do they you know tend to serve more like cheesecakes and cakes
or was it just kind of all just huge variety of things well
um okay so I met her it was um it kind of changed towards the end of her when I was working there but for a
long time um we were doing a global menus so everything every single day was a different
um it was a different menu and it was a different theme based on different locations and so sometimes we were doing
very traditional um Japanese desserts sometimes we were doing something that you would find in
the midwest sometimes um we're doing a French dessert you know so it was it was all over the place it
would just change every single day which was really cool because then we got to um try so many different recipes that I
would never normally do which was great but yeah it was It was kind of just
everywhere everything that's really great and it's almost like training in and of itself because you're
doing these different foods that you maybe wouldn't have otherwise tried or you know the nice thing about that too
is do I'm sure you probably got to taste it too right because you're doing recipe development but you know it's like
buying all those ingredients like so you're learning to work with them and learning to mix them together without having to actually pay for them like
that's yeah that's like you know taking little classes here and there in different you know desserts from different areas of the world that's
pretty cool yeah yeah it's really cool one of the recipes we would make quite often was like a Mochi cake and that's
with like my Chico flour which I had never used before and then I got I'm
gonna work with it so much there that I got really familiar with it which is really cool because I never otherwise would have everywhere else I'd worked
beforehand was pretty traditional American type desserts or French inspired desserts
right like I've never even heard of that kind of flower so yeah it's like a sticky rice flour so it's like Japanese
typically but yeah wow so what was your training that brought you to be able to do that kind
of work I went to pastry school um in 2010 and
um got my yeah my associate's degree with that and then um I got my bachelor's degree in
Hospitality afterwards and so um I spent the next
decade or so working in just different bakeries and restaurants
very cool very cool did you ever make donuts I suppose you probably did right oh yes yes I find I find making donuts
at home kind of hard because you have to have so much oil right like it's kind of that's kind of a heart so I haven't
really done much Donuts but I always think that would be kind of fun to make till my boys would probably love it but
yeah Donuts are fun I I um I for a while I because I really love donuts but I
always feel kind of guilty eating them because of all the oil and so but I love I love coconut oil so
I've started frying them in coconut oil at home which is great but coconut oil
is kind of expensive and so I can't do it very often because it uses so much right so do you have to have it be
really deep or can you use just a little bit in a pan when you do that kind of thing with coconut oil
um it just needs to be deep enough to where you put the donut in that it doesn't touch the bottom of the pan so
you can if you just if you just do one at a time and you do a small saucepan you don't need a ton but if you're
trying to fry you know 100 Donuts or something crazy you know you need a big pot and it'd be
a lot right exactly yeah oils have definitely become more expensive especially if you want to use a
different kind of oil you know other than the vegetable and Olive at least Olive is more common but some of the
oils that are more rare they're just I mean you're spending more money like walnut oil avocado oil yeah you know
those are just a lot more expensive at least where I am in the midwest uh probably is for you the same I would
imagine yes everything is so expensive now just groceries in general oh my gosh
anytime I go buy ingredients I'm like what I know it really has gone up since
covet hasn't it I mean I feel like that's what the ins instigator of this was because it wasn't like that before I
didn't feel like I don't think so I feel like ever since the last few years my
grocery bills have doubled easily buying the exact same things it's just
crazy it really is I know it needs to stop yeah I know it could
you can't keep going up that's what the scary part is it's like I feel like it's just out of control you know it it
really is it really is it's wild I'm I'm well we're trying to like our plan right
now is to move um kind of out of Seattle and get some land and I keep trying to I keep telling my
husband we're gonna have a hobby Farm we're gonna have chickens I'm gonna have a greenhouse we're gonna grow all our own food
we'll see that would help though I mean you know like I do a little garden but it's not
anywhere near enough to be any you know huge volume you need a lot of space to
be able to do something like that you know but to even have your own chickens and stuff to get eggs I mean that would
be huge too yes yeah yeah that would save a lot because that
I swear the eggs that I buy are like eight dollars a carton yeah
crazy you know that's kind of what it is for me too depending on which brand I buy it's like we have five to eight
dollars for 12 and you know my boys eat a lot of eggs so like when I make
scrambled eggs for the five of us I use like 20 eggs I mean that's crazy I was
telling somebody that recently and they're like what and I'm like yeah because they're all teenagers and they
eat a lot of eggs 20 eggs I make use 20 eggs which is just blows up my brain when I think about it that's a lot of
eggs it's a lot of eggs it's crazy so do you like cooking other
things too other than pastry are you just kind of more into the pastry stuff yeah I enjoy cooking I cook you know for
all of our meals for my family and I really like it um though I wouldn't say that I'm very amazing at cooking Savory
food it's I'm pretty good but I'm not I'm not a Master Chef or anything like
that you're more skilled at the pastry stuff and yeah yeah
so what's your favorite thing to make at home like if you were to make whatever you wanted it for your family to enjoy
that's a pastry food what would you pick um probably croissants I love to eat
them I love to make them and there's just something so satisfying about
having like a crunchy croissant with a cup of coffee in the morning
I agree that is delicious now when you make croissants I've never done that how are they so flaky is it the dough that
makes them flaky or the way you cook them it's the dough so it's a laminated dough so what you do is you mix a dough roll
it out and then you have this big slab of butter that you've beaten down into
like a rectangle and you put it on top of the dough and then you fold the dough over it roll it out and then you hold it
again and you keep doing that you do that multiple times so you get all these layers of dough butter dough butter dough butter and then by the time you
bake it and then you roll it up into the croissant shape too then you're getting multiple layers on top of multiple
layers so that's where all the plate comes from is all the butter layered in between the dough it sounds time
consuming too is it take a fair amount of time yeah it does if you have a sheeter which I don't most people
wouldn't have on their house so they're big these big you know Industrial Equipment
um but if you have a sheeter if you're working in the industry it can be it can be a lot quicker because you can just run the dough through the sheeter
um when you're rolling it out by hand it can take a long time and it can uh I mean it's a little bit of a workout too
it's not like yeah put your weight into it I think that that's true with Joe
especially if you're having to knead it too or anything anything with dough can be a little bit labor intensive and time intensive yeah
yeah yeah I have this recipe that my my grandma made she was from Finland my dad was
actually born in Finland and so it was this braided bread and you have to like
it's it's really like an old recipe but it's a lot of work and you have to let it rise and you have to punch it down and then you have to let it rise again
then you have to divide it all into these different strands and you braid it and you let it rise again so it's like
in a like a whole day process you know yeah but it's such a good recipe and it's an old recipe but yeah it's just
it's time intensive and labor intensive too and it's hard to get the dough
like evenly the strands even so that you want it to cook evenly right like I'm sure you that
you can imagine what that means because you've done a lot of that kind of stuff so it's a challenge but I make it at
Christmas every year so it's the thing yeah I love those braided loaf breads are so
good I love all brands I but they are they take they take a long time I always
would plan to make my own sourdough bread and I do sometimes but then I most of
the time buy it because it's such a process I really like it I know it really is a
process it's really good but there's so many good bread makers out there too it's just it's amazing I don't know if
you guys have you guys have Panera Bread out there yeah yeah yeah I love their
bread that's really good so do you do you get into like making your own frostings and is there any tips
you have and making frostings um well my favorite frosting recipe that I
use I do like a faux Swiss meringue buttercream so it has the texture of
Swiss meringue buttercream but instead of um are you familiar with with what Sesame buttercream is it's like I am
really not no so it's made with egg whites and you kind of cook them over a
double boiler just to like warm them up before you whip them and
make them meringue out of them and then you added butter but I like to instead use
um meringue powder and then mix that in with the powdered sugar make a uh like a royal icing type
of consistency and then add in butter that way and you get the same texture as like
a Swiss meringue buttercream without having to go through the whole process of making it and it's way easier it's
super quick and it's so silky smooth I love it I don't know that I've ever seen the
powder I'm gonna have to look for that in shirts in the cooking aisle well you
can buy it at like um like a Michaels they carry it you know um like in their baking section it comes
in like a little tub but I always just buy it on Amazon and um yeah they are so like Wilton
makes one but then I usually buy this smaller company um I'll have to look and see what that's
like Julie something comes in a blue bag I always use hers yeah sure oh
interesting yeah I'll have to look for that because I've never I didn't even know that was a thing yeah
yeah it's a great little hack that's nice now is that one that you
have to keep refrigerated or does it can it sit out no it could sit out yeah it can sit out because you're using the
meringue powder and so if you were doing like the regular kind we use the egg whites you'd have perfect but
if you have to yeah there's a couple of benefits to using that then yeah
meringue is kind of I don't know I find it a bit of a challenge I haven't done it very many times but I don't know I
maybe I'm just not doing it right do you just I'm forgetting how you do it do you just whip the egg whites into the
meringue or how do I don't even remember how you do it yeah well there's a couple different methods for meringues there's
like an American meringue Swiss meringue Italian meringue um a traditional American ring you just
whip egg whites in your mixer with like some kind of tartar um that's it yeah that's right okay yeah
and sugar that's it um you just put those until you get the stiff peak but you can do the Swiss
which is where you kind of warm up the eggs first and you can do the Italian where you whip the eggs
um until they're foamy and then at the same time you're cooking your sugar so you're making a syrup out of your sugar
instead of using just regular granulated sugar and then you pour the hot sugar
into the eggs while it's whipping and then you get like a really glossy
delicious meringue of that one but it's a little bit harder
yeah I bet one thing I like to make but I find it extraordinarily challenging is is pie
crust to make that from scratch you know so often I'll just end up buying the pre-made because it's just so much
easier and so what are your experience what's your experience with making pie crust and do you find it easier just to
buy them as well because it's just hard when I've done it they're like crumbly they're just not staying together good
what are your tricks or your ideas that that help if you have any for pie crust I love pie crust I love making pie
um and I I never ever buy the pre-made pie crust because I just I have a really
good pie crust recipe that I always do but I understand I understand why people buy it it's so much easier but
um I think the the way that I make it is you just a few different ways you can
make pie crust the way I always do is I throw all the dry ingredients into my mixer and then I when I make I cut up my
butter into little honey cubes first and I spread it out in a sheet pan and I freeze the butter into little like
little cues so it's completely Frozen and then I put it in and mix it in with
the dry ingredients on low speed until you get like um the size of a pea for
the peas and then you'll go through with your hands and kind of like flatten let go like between your fingers you kind of
flatten the little pea-sized butter chunks um
and that gives you a really flaky dough is when you go on both and flatten it and get really flippy though from that
but the cold butter is like it has to be as cold as possible so that's why I freeze mine because if it starts to warm
up too much and then you go to make your pie dough then it's going to Mush into the dough too much and you're not going to get your flaky delicious pie crust
you're gonna get like a a weird crumbly sugar kinda dough texture thing and then
it's really hard to work with I think I know what you're talking about because I think that's what's happened to me it's
like not sticking together it's almost like in pieces and whatnot like you're just kind of like smoosh it together and
I recently did found a recipe too that I talked about I think it was some sort of biscuits and they also talked about you
have to freeze the butter and I'm like I had never heard of such a thing before and they said the same thing it's like
you need it has to be frozen otherwise it's not going to do what you want it to do and it's such an interesting tip
because I don't think many people are going to think about doing that unless they're told that you know that's not a yes I think anybody's gonna think of
yeah a lot of recipes will just say cold butter and it's like okay well if I'm a someone
who's never made this before I'm gonna think okay I'll pull a piece of butter out of my fridge and I'll cut it up and
I'll let it sit here on the counter while I'm doing this other stuff and then I'll put it in but then by that point it's not
really that cold and it gets you know it gets too soft and yeah
yeah exactly and yeah those people don't realize that that is a thing because unless you're told you're not
you're not going to think of that so yeah that's a huge thing so what does your daughter like to eat
does she have a favorite thing that you make I just I'm trying to get her to eat more food
oh yeah she's the yeah she doesn't I don't know if she doesn't like to eat that much she
likes cheese um yeah she eats a lot of cheese and well it says terrible she loves ice
cream she's only 18 months old so I don't really give her any but every once
in a while we get some um she'll see it because she knows what it is because of her book some of her
books have ice you know they'll be like an ice cream cone there or something so she knows what ice cream is yeah I should point to it and ask for
some and I'll give her like a little little tiny tiny taste and then but then once she gets any then she's like ice
cream ice cream ice cream I totally know yes they they definitely
like ice cream it's good though I don't blame them I like ice cream too I I do too it's delicious
have you ever made ice cream homemade ice cream yes I have um at home I just do like a notion
because I don't have an ice cream maker um I put I well in places I've worked uh
I've made I used to actually be an ice cream maker at one point for this local local ice cream shop here in Seattle oh
wow um which is like fun so I made tons and tons of ice cream there but yeah at home I'll just do the no churn one which
is like whipped cream and sweetened condensed milk and you just mix it together and put in your flavors and
like freeze it for six hours and then you got ice cream perfect that's a good thing to try too
yeah do you have any cookbooks that you love to use or that you recommend
um I have a whole countertop of these really nicely
curated looking cookbooks and I never ever open them
I understand I I wish I had a good one but I don't
I can understand I mean I sometimes use them or you know sometimes I use them even for inspiration to make something a
little bit different to alter it a little bit when I'm wanting some sort of inspiration sometimes I'll go to that
but yeah recipes are everywhere they're online like we were saying earlier online they're on all the social media
platforms they're just yeah everywhere but that's not a bad thing either because
audience all right we all get to try different things so on your Instagram do you actually have a recipe in your post
so if we can see how to make it yeah I do all yeah I put every
um anytime I post a recipe the hopeful recipe will be in the in the post itself uh eventually I'll like I'll say I'll
get a website and have it on there but um yeah they're just on the post I personally if I'm looking for a recipe
on Instagram or something and I see I I much prefer to just be able to like
scroll down and look at in the post itself and then like take a screenshot of the recipe and then have it versus
having to go click here and go find it and go down sit down through the ads and then get to the post and you know it's
the whole thing I totally agree and you know and I think it's a thing too where you could if you did have a website you
could do both because in people if people want to print it too then you can print from the website whereas you can't
really print from Instagram but yeah you can do a screenshot but yeah so that'd be a good way to to have it in two
different places but it does take a while I so wish Instagram would be usable on a laptop for typing because
typing on your phone that much content gets to be really old as you know and
very time consuming and annoying because you get all these typos when you're
trying to type yeah I a lot of time I will go and type something up on a note
on my computer and then it'll be synced to my phone and then off my phone I'll copy it and paste it
that's a great way to do it because it gets so annoying doesn't it I mean yeah it just is yeah and then I feel like
every I'll try to type out all of the you know my thumbs like one word and it
keeps changing it to something else because I like misspelling it and then it's like oh my gosh I've tried to type
this one word four times interesting I know the autocorrect is not as much as
it's worth I mean sometimes it saves me but most time it's yeah it's a total pain like no I'm really trying to say
that word it's really the word I'm trying to use yeah
so do you like to make cheesecakes I do like to make cheeses I I recently
posted one actually uh last week of the week before and um I mentioned in that post that I I like
never think about making cheesecake and then every once in a while like oh I should do that and I'll make it cheesecake and I'm like oh my God this
is so good why don't I make these all the time and then another year or two will go by
yes I know I love cheesecakes too and the graham cracker crust it's pretty
it's pretty easy to make I think you know as far as it's a lot easier than making a flaky pie crust as we were just
talking about earlier it's much easier yeah and the nice thing too is you can use like any kind of cookie you want so
if you want an Oreo cheesecake use Oreos or you can use graham crackers or you
can use like cinnamon flavored Teddy Grahams or something you know you can use all these different kinds of cookies
and you know get different flavors which is nice yeah that's a good idea I had never
thought of using the the Teddy Graham flavored ones that's a great idea Oreos
I've seen those done a lot and they even sell that pre-made in the store but
so when you're doing it how do you usually Mash yours up I usually use a food processor so yeah I
just throw everything in a food processor sometimes if I like if I don't have one around me from somewhere else
I'll just throw everything in a Ziploc bag and I'll take a um rolling pin and just smack it
yeah that's generally how I do it because I still don't have a large food processor I have a little one so
it's like I don't want to keep doing these rounds over and over again yeah just put it in a bag and get the heck out of it you know yeah
yeah I know exactly exactly I know that makes
me think of that bread I was talking about earlier one of the things you have to do I don't know if I mentioned that is you have to punch it down once it
rises you need to punch it down and my son this last Christmas was so funny because my son my youngest is um 13 and
he wanted to he he want he saw me do it he's like oh can I do that I guess so he
came over and he was punching my the toe down he thought it was the best thing ever like I get to punch this doe flat
you know it was pretty funny it's fun when they get to when they want to cook with you
like maybe when your daughter gets older there's something really fun to do like I mean my boys have done it a little bit
and have really short attention spans but they will cook a little bit so it's fun when you're cooking with them and
you can teach them things and you're having fun at the same time so yeah I think it's a great thing to do yeah that
sounds so fun I'm really looking forward to the day when she wants to help me cook a little bit will be so cute oh
absolutely I'm trying to remember I recently had when I did the salafina I
had some sort of flower what was that flower that I had and I was trying to think of ways to use it I ended up using it in with different things to make like
a tea um have you used any of their flowers the butterfly peeing the blue one or was
it oh it was hibiscus it was hibiscus yeah yeah have you used that in any other ways I
mean I couldn't really think of another way to use it other than with flavoring teas like I don't really know how to use
that yeah I haven't used theirs yet but um in the past I've made cookies and
then I'll use I'll like mix the Hibiscus powder into the glaze and then you can
glaze like do a drizzle glaze and then it gets like a really vibrant pink color
oh I bet that's really cool that's fun yeah I was just struggling
with ways to use it because I'm like I really wanted to try using it and I'm like but how do I use it okay if it's
like it didn't have great ideas of how I wanted to use it so
I also tried their smoked paprika oh which was fun and I ended up using it on
um made it into like a powder like breaded chicken so I added it with a bunch of different herbs with with bread
crumbs and then so they my family really liked that flavor of the smoked paprika
and I when I looked online it said it was really good for things like meats and stuff so that's kind of where I used
it I don't know I guess it's more of a Savory flavor so you wouldn't be using that in a kind of pastry cooking yeah
yeah it would not however I do use it a lot when I make chicken at home like all
do um like a I usually use the air fryer and I'll do chicken legs and I'll like
marinate them and then rub do like a chicken rub and I do a lot of smoked paprika with that
so good and brown sugar of course it has yeah I noticed in your recipe you used
brown sugar instead of any white sugar is there do you think that it brings about a different flavor I mean I thought it was really good in the bread
that chocolate chip banana bread recipe is there a reason why you use brown sugar fully and no no white sugar in
that recipe um I prefer the brown sugar because it does alter the flavor a little bit
um but it makes it more moist with the brown sugar because brown sugar have more of um
like a water content to it from the molasses in it and so it does help like
cakes and breads be more moist than white sugar do you always pack your brown sugar or
do you sometimes leave it loose well I typically weigh my ingredients so I'm I'm mostly just putting everything
on my kitchen scale but if I am using cups I will pack it down okay yeah yeah
I generally tend to pack it too and I don't know if it's something recipes when I was young and my mom always
saying pack it so I just always pack it I never leave it loose so I didn't really have a reason or know why but
this is something that I always did I guess yeah do you prefer do you ever use white
sugar you probably do right and some of the recipes you have to yeah yeah for sure I do I use white sugar a lot um but
if I can use brown sugar I do prefer it depending on what I'm making yeah do you
ever dabble in using uh like an artificial sweetener like Splenda no I don't I've used um different types
of sugars though like coconut sugar or maple sugar um for different things and I like to do
that as well but um I don't like the alternative
sugars I know I don't really either but my oldest son is really into
weightlifting and so he's you know like right now he's cutting calories so he doesn't want as many calories so a
couple of times I've made banana bread with Splenda just for him to have it with fewer calories and it actually
turns out pretty good but yeah I know what you mean I prefer the natural but him doing that has gotten me into doing
it a little bit with the Splenda yeah yeah I get that I there was like sometimes
I'm in my past I've gone on little kicks where I'll try not to eat very much sugar at all so then instead which is
still sugar I'll eat I'll just like switch it out for honey oh yeah it's a
good ingredient I know right one other thing I like to use which one
of my actually one of the the chef I had on a few weeks ago she has a lot of recipes where she uses Maple maple syrup
and I'm like that's a great idea like I hadn't thought of using it she uses it in recipes that you wouldn't ever expect
having maple syrup in so it's kind of a fun ingredient I hadn't thought of using in different ways you use it much yeah I
do use maple syrup I I love flavor of maple syrup um in the past I've used it to make
um like a pecan pie around the holidays instead of corn syrup
and that's really good um and yeah sometimes I'll just like throw it in little things like if I'm
making pancakes all the time instead of adding a little bit of sugar to the pancakes I'll just do maple syrup
I'm gonna put maple syrup on it anyways afterwards exactly different way to make it maybe
make it taste a little bit different you know yeah yeah was there anything we haven't talked
about that you had wanted to mention or discuss or point out or anything you want to say about your Instagram account
that or mention any recipes you've made recently um let's see
I don't know um I
well right before we started this I was taking some photos of these little cakes
that I made these little chocolate cakes and because I had some like leftover um
cake batter from a from an order that I did and so I just baked some little tiny
four inch cakes and then I put some whipped cream on top and fresh berries and of course I had to eat one uh it was
delicious but um that'll be on my page this week
tomorrow Friday um nice yeah so that I'm excited for
that one um but yeah I don't know I'm just uh trying to grow so um follow me
and yeah what's your name on YouTube are you what do you go by on there YouTube is also
garden box baking so YouTube Tick Tock and Instagram are all garden box baking
okay and how did you come up with that name um I have these two large garden beds in
front of my house and I was like kind of pondering what to call my
um Instagram and I knew that I wanted it to be something that was kind of like
plural or gardeny kind of kind of a thing you know
um and I was just like kind of looking at those garden garden beds out front and I thought let me see if this one's
still like you know garden box it's taking taken um and so and it wasn't time I went with
that I try to like grow some I'd like to grow a lot of stuff and use whatever I
can in my baking depending on what I've grown for the season so that's kind of kind of the idea behind it
yeah that brings me up to a question what kind of herbs would you use with baking like I don't feel like I use many
herbs or bacon I do with you know regular cooking but not necessarily with any kind of desserts
um I love to do Rosemary in baking yeah Rosemary's really good
um you can do like mint a lot mint is really good in baking
[Music] um fresh thyme depending on the recipe like
Thyme and then if you like maybe um do some lemon thyme and lemon together really good for baking Sage is
like if you do brown butter and Sage together so good yeah I loved it I love doing herbs if I
can in in baking um but like and so some of the recipes I'll use those in would be like
scones or maybe some like shortbread cookies like some crunchy shortbread cookies
um or like people do like a quick bread and then on the glaze I can put on some
fresh herbs into the glaze kind of thing very cool I just I really haven't
thought much about doing that so that's really fun I need to get into that and my garden my sister gave me some mint
and it is like a weed like it took over the I have these boxes these garden boxes in my garden and it like took over
the entire box like a weed I had like all this mint now what am I gonna do with this like it's so much mint like
extreme apartment and we have guinea pigs too and they actually love to eat the mint but they can only eat so much
mint so yeah I had so much mint and I'm like can you do you do you ever use dried Mint or is it mostly fresh no I
just use fresh yeah okay yeah because I didn't know if it dried if it would be any good I guess I don't really know
yeah I've never tried it I don't I don't know I feel like it'd get like
um I just imagine it in my head what it would look like and I feel like it just be this like little sad Brown triplet
right and you know nobody sells dried mint I mean they sell dried other herbs but I've never seen dried mint so I'm
like well maybe it's just another thing ice cream I guess you could somehow put
them in I don't know though because you don't really want Flakes and ice cream right like yeah no if you're gonna do
like a mint chocolate chip ice cream when you make your ice cream base you kind of heat the milk up and you steep
the mint in and then let's strain it out and then make it that way gotcha yeah
that's I recently saw something that was similar to that it was something else but yeah you maybe was steeping Rosemary
is that a thing I remember what it was but yeah it was to transfer the flavor and I'm like this is weird but then when
the recipe later it said yeah remove the remove all that yeah yeah go straight it
out and then if you leave it in too long you can it can get pretty bitter so you gotta oh time it yeah
well this has been so much fun thank you so much for doing this it was really fun to talk with you and learn more about
pastry cooking and find out some secrets from you so thank you so much yeah thank
you for having me this was so fun it was fun you have a good day okay thank you
too bye-bye bye

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